Changes in the USE occur every year, but most of them do not have a fundamental importance. The order of tasks is changing, some of them are complicated, some simplify ... But here are the new criteria for assessing the task number 27 in the Russian language (an essay in the text) nominate and fundamentally new requirements for graduates. And the essay is, by the way, 24 out of 58 primary points, or 41 out of 100 test!

How did the comprehensive requirements change? Can you write it yourself taking into account the new criteria? We understand!

Arguments are no longer obligatory

Any mom, whose child graduated from school in the past few years, knows what is important in the composition of the "literary argument". If you are still not interested in this topic, retell the essence of the problem in short: an essay is the most difficult and "expensive" task of the EGE for 11-graders in the Russian language. It is written along a small excerpt of the text, which is shown right there in the text of the task.

An essay was evaluated for a number of criteria, among which one of the mains was the ability to confirm or refute the point of view of the author to the problem, using the so-called "literary argument" - an example from artistic, journalistic or even popular science literature.

Although the texts that will be used in the USE remained a secret until the very last moment, the main topics are known in advance and do not change for several years. Therefore, tutors and training courses for the exam (and school, what happened there) offered schoolchildren to serve examples from the "Bank of Arguments": Love - Evgeny Onegin, Man and Nature - "Farewell to Mattera", the role of art in life - "Letters About the good and beautiful "Dmitry Likhacheva ... as a result of the composition of graduates, written in the most honest way, sometimes resembled each other as two drops of water. Not delighting in the subtleties of the problems of the text under discussion, they tied to him the memorable "arguments from the bank" as the owl on the globe. It turned out, to put it mildly, not very.

We decided to get acquainted with the interests of the arguments in the Internet and, to be honest, their rectilinear primitiveness was horrified.

Problem: Search for the meaning of life in the modern world. In the story I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" The American millionaire served as Golden Tales. The main character believed that the meaning of life lies in the accumulation of wealth. When Mr died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by him.

Problem: Internal human beauty. Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince". The wise thoughts of a small prince can a lot of learning even adult. Our hero said: "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes. " And you can no doubt say that he is right. True beauty inside a man, in his soul, in his correct deeds.

Problem: careful attitude towards nature. Hero of the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Grandflower Mazay and Hares" during the spring flood saves sinking hares, collects them into the boat, two sick cures. The forest for him is a house, and about those who live in him, Grandfather Mazay cares, protects. Such an attitude is a lesson of love for nature, love careful and reasonable.

In 2019, the position in terms of an essay is fundamentally changing. The emphasis shifts to the understanding of the text under discussion. In 2018, it was necessary in the presented text to find a problem; Comment on it, give, at least two examples from the text. Now you need to clarify why these fragments are chosen, and show the relationship between them.

If earlier for this action, three primary scores were assumed, now - as many as five.

In 2018, his attitude to the problem was necessary to reinforce at least two arguments, and one of them was supposed to be taken from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature. Now it does not matter exactly how the graduate will confirm its point of view, the main thing is conviction.

Previously, three points could be obtained for the argument of his opinion, now - only 1.

This does not mean that a graduate cannot appeal to the authority of literary classics, just now it is not necessary.

No arguments - good or bad?

Strictly speaking, Russian language and literature are different items. The literary argument, of course, demonstrated such an important dignity of the student as well-thought. But the Russian exam should identify completely different qualities: the ability to understand the text, to identify its essence, formulate the problem and support the dialogue.

If we reasonably - it is these skills that it is not necessary for any citizen, whatever a professional laughter he has chosen (after all, the results of the Russian exam, unlike mathematics, are taken into account when entering any university, to any specialty). And I read the future dentist or heat engineer Likhacheva, or did not read, it, by and large, the question is not fundamental.

If the exam in Russian had, as an exam in mathematics, two levels - the basic and profile, many "techinari" would certainly prefer to take the base. But, since this option was not suggested, and each score for Russian when entering the account, there were "banks of arguments" and writings catalogs.

And now the situation has unfolded not 180 degrees, but, let's say, by 90. The basis of the composition is not erudition, but the accuracy of understanding the text and persuasive reasoning. Will the exam be from this easier? Although! It is enough to explore the methodological recommendations of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), prepared on the basis of the analysis of typical errors of the participants of the 2018 participants of 2018, to understand: It is a comment on the main problem of text has become a stumbling block for many graduates:

Statistics performing work in general and individual tasks allows you to identify the main problems in the preparation of the examined in the Russian language. As in previous years, there are not enough instruments of the course related to the formation of communicative competence. Insufficiently developed analytical skills with word and text, the absence of the necessary practice of analyzing language phenomena affects and on the quality of writing the writing-reasoning. The task with the detailed answer (26) has demonstrated the most common errors associated with the information processing of the text and the presentation of their own thoughts about the read.

According to the K2 criterion (commenting on the designated problem of source text), 3 points received only 47.5% of graduates; 2 points 32%; 1 score of 13.8%. The level of formation among graduates of the ability to conduct text analysis is still not high enough.

On the one hand, in writings, graduates justify the relevance of the problem, disclose its significance for the author of the text, sharpen attention on text details illustrating the problem. On the other hand, the examiners are often deepening in their own reflections without support for source text or simply use it to retells. Many graduates do not consider it necessary to include two mandatory examples in writings, important for understanding the problem of source text.

What we cost ... write an essay!

Probably, many of our readers are now somewhat confused. Is it difficult to see the problem in the text? It seems that it is quite simple, right? And find two confirmation examples? And the relationship between them? Well, try your hand at the examinations of the exam in the Russian language - 2019. As a text for discussion, there will be a passage of the story "Scarecrow" writer Nikolai Leskov. We put the text under the spoiler.

Text from the demo version of the EGE-2019

My father and fixer were amazed by the fact that we had to spend the night in the house of Selivan, who was considered to be a sorcerer and a robber in the district and who, as we thought, wanted to kill us and take advantage of our things and money ...

By the way, about money. When mentioning them, the aunt now exclaimed:

Oh my god! Yes where is my box?

In fact, where is this casket and lying in it thousands? Her, imagine that it was not! Yes, yes, her alone was alone and there was not in the rooms between the things made, nor in the wagon - in a word, nowhere ... The box, obviously, remained there, at the end of the courtyard, and now - in the hands of Selivanny ...

I'll jump now, jumping there ... He, right, already disappeared somewhere, but he will not leave me! - spoke by the fixer. "Our happiness that everyone knows that he is a thief, and everyone does not like him: no one will hide him ...

But only the fixer squeezed his saber, as suddenly in the front heard the extraordinary movement between the former people there, and through the threshold in the hall, where we all were, breathing heavily, entered homework with a tetushkaya box in his hands.

Everyone jumped up from the places and stopped as inserted.

Forgot, take, - Ducho said Selon.

She could not say anything, because he was completely littered from an exorbitant soon walking and, must be from strong inner excitement.

He put the box on the table, and himself, not the last, sat down on the chair and lowered his head and his arms.

The box was complete. The aunt took off the key from the neck, revealed it and exclaimed:

All, everything was as it was!

Preserved ... - Selican quietly. "I'm all fright ... I wanted to catch up ... I'm sorry that I sit in front of you ... suffocated."

Father first approached him, hugged him and kissed himself.

Seliban did not touch.

The aunt took out two hundred paces from the box and began to give them into his hands.

Selivan continued to sit and looked, as if nothing understood.

Take what they give you, "Corp. said.

For what? Do not!

For the fact that you honestly saved and brought your forgotten money.

And how about? Is it not good?

Well, you ... a good person ... You did not think to conceal someone else's.

And he got out of place to go back to his ruined courtyard, but his father did not let him down: he took him to his office and locked him on the key there, and then in an hour he ordered to damage Sani and take him home.

A day later, they knew about this incident in the city and in the district, and two days later the father with the aunt went to chrome and, stopping at Selivan, drank tea in his hut and left him a warm fur coat. On the way back, they again drove to him and brought him gifts: tea, sugar and flour.

He took everything politely, but reluctantly and said:

For what? To me now, now for three days, everyone has become people to travel ... I went to the income ... Sing Cook ... We are not afraid of how afraid they were afraid.

When I was lucky after the holidays in the guesthouse, I again had a parcel to Selivano, and I drank tea and everything looked in my face and thought: "What is his beautiful, kind face! Why did he and others seem to me for so long? "

This thought persecuted me and did not leave me alone ... After all, this is the same person who seemed to be so terrible, whom everyone considered the sorcerer and villain. Why did he suddenly become so good and pleasant?

In the future years of my life, I got close to Selivan and had happiness to see how he became a man beloved and revered.

If you could not formulate the problem, here are your tips, or rather, the correct answers from FII. So, the following problems are set in the text (under the spoiler).

Text problems from the demo ege-2019

  1. The problem of human reservation by society.
  2. The problem of creating a reputation, formation of opinion about a person.
  3. The problem of manifestation of the inner beauty of a person.
  4. The problem of trusting attitude towards a person.
  5. The problem of manifestation of honesty.
  6. The problem of gratitude.

Well, how did you determine the problem? Now you need to find two examples to it from the text, explain the importance of each example and indicate the relationship between them. Now that you have demonstrated an understanding of the problem, you need to formulate the position of the author (narrator) towards it. And now you can express your position in relation to the position of the author (this is so intricate). So, you did all this. How many primary points do you get?

  • Definition and wording of the problem (one of those in the text of FIPI specialists) - 1 point.

A little, but without it nowhere. If you are wrong here, then all the subsequent will also be wrong.

    They led two examples from the text illustrating the problem, and showed the relationship between them - the most expensive part of the answer, 5 points.

That's all, another 16 scores for the writing can be obtained for stylistics, punctuation and spelling.

Successful exam delivery to all graduates and ... their mothers!

Prepared Irina Ilina

Ege is one of the most burning topics in Russia. At the beginning of the appearance of such a form of knowledge verification, there were a lot of disputes: to enter or not enter? Now such a form of knowledge check no longer scares students, but discussions around it still do not subside. The main issue of the upcoming school year: will the oral part of the exam in the Russian language?

As is known, the Ministry of Education annually modests the examinations of unified state exams. Since in the 11th grade, only Russian and mathematics are mandatory for delivery, then it is particularly particular interest around these items. So, let's see changes in the exam in the Russian language in 2018.

The Russian language ege consists of two parts: a part with brief responses and an essay. According to most teachers, as well as university teachers, graduates of schools often do not know how to competently formulate their thoughts, it is difficult in free reasoning and do not know how to argue their own position. This problem revealed the weaknesses of school education. Despite the fact that several years ago, the test tasks were removed and the December writing was already introduced, which records the tolerance or not to admission to students for the delivery of the state examination, this was not enough. Therefore, it was decided to enter an oral answer.

So, according to experts, the oral part of the exam will allow students to learn:

  • Formulate thoughts literary language.
  • Develop the ability of reasoning.
  • To form an argued communication skills.
  • Expand among school graduates in the field of oratory.
  • Be competitive in the professional sphere.

In fact, this is not an innovation. For a long time, the disciples have mastered the oral part of the OGE in English. It allows you to identify the ability of students to understand the text, allocate the main idea and formulate competent answers.

How will the oral exam be held?

In some areas, training exams in Russian, where students donated the oral part of the computer. Schoolchildren tested new tasks and noted one important disadvantage: the answers of other examinations interfere with focus. Officials promised that in the future they would fix it, and children will be able to hand over a conversational exam in Russian in individual cabinets. As it is implemented in practice - is still unknown.

How will it be in 2018?

In the Russian language, in 2018 there will be no oral partUnlike, where students in many regions of Russia in 2018 still have to talk on the exam.

On the official website of the FII, all innovations were published in the 2018 EGE. In the Russian language, the main change in the tasks of the first part is No. 20. Now this task is aimed at checking the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian language. Pupils need to be correlated with errors that are allowed there. Same maximum primary score for fulfilling all the work increased from 57 to 58.

Experienced teachers are already advised to prepare the students of the 10th grades to the oral part of the exam in the Russian language, since She probably will appear in 2019. What should I do?

  • Read with an expression loud texts of various styles.
  • Learn to formulate the main thought of the text.
  • Argments to voice your position on the text read.
  • Competently express your own thoughts.

Exam demo

  • Download demo: EGE-2018-RUS-Demo.pdf
  • Download archive with specification and codifier:

What do officials want?

The Minister of Education does not approve of sharp changes. Perhaps this is good. After all, the Unified State Exam is still stressing for graduates. According to statistics, many students do not seek to get into universities only because of the frightening procedure of the USE. At the highest level, the introduction of an additional third compulsory subject to passing in grade 11 is discussed. Presumably, it will be a story. Officials believe that if you increase the number of mandatory items for delivery, then the children will consider it "ordinary affair" and stop being afraid.

Does this benefit schoolchildren? Everyone will answer this question itself. Pupils can only wish good luck in the exams.

The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has published a draft of the EGE 2018 Changes - will affect this seven school subjects. A single state examination is changing from year to year, and there are two main directions of change: the complication of tasks and clarification of the criteria.

Russian language: 1 new task before the text was added: Task number 20 on knowledge of lexical standards, which checks the ability to find a speech error and correct it. The task is estimated at 1 point, the basic level of complexity. The demonstration version shows an example with a playroom / lexical redundancy, the essence of the task is to find and write down an excess word. Thus, now there will be 26 tasks in the Russian language. We have undergone point meaningful changes. Some classic tasks. In task number 23 (former 22) the wording is clarified with the meaning of the word: its stylistic belonging is indicated ("write down the book word"). In task number 24 (former 23) can now check the knowledge of the digitative discharges. In task number 25 (former 24 - review) expanded a list of terms: the knowledge of the classification of single-part offers is checked (most likely, other similar terms will appear in the tasks No. 23-25). The wording is clarified (Task No. 26). The requirement for the criterion 3 has become more specific: "Word the position of the author (narrator)."

Physics: In the exam in this year's physics, 32 tasks again. The last task of the basic level of complexity is the last task of the first part (24 position), dedicated to the return of astronomy to the school program. The task has a characteristic of the type of "selection of 2 judgments of 5". In accordance with this assignment in the codifier, the subsection "Astrophysics" section "Quantum Physics and Astrophysics" elements ", which includes the following items:

  • Solar system: planets of the earth group and planet-giants, small bodies of the solar system.
  • Stars: a variety of star characteristics and their patterns. Sources of stars.
  • Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun and Stars. Our galaxy. Other galaxies. Spatial scales of the observed universe.
  • Modern views on the structure and evolution of the universe.
Separate attention deserve several tasks of the first part, having a modified format. There was a prototype of the 13th task on electrostatics with the choice of the direction of the acceleration (strength) acting on the charge. That is, now a particle or conductor with a current in a magnetic field is not the only tasks with a choice of direction and writing the word (words) in response. Another change received the 23rd exam position. A prototype of a task was added, in which you need to select two elements that differ only by the variable in the task condition, but to completely collect the installation to carry out experience. Now on the 30 position of the exam, you can expect a task for saturated pairs and humidity. The difference of this task is the characteristic called "Moisturizing Performance". At the 14th examination of the exam, you can meet tasks that check the knowledge of the "law of conservation of an electric charge" and "condenser". The task of the 18th position of the exam (establishing conformity between graphs and physical quantities, between physical quantities and formulas) was added the foundations of a special theory of relativity. The criteria for estimating the first and second part, as well as the maximum number of primary scores and their distribution are changed.

Social science: In task number 3, a list of characteristics, not terms, as before. Probably now, the terms and characteristics can be met.
The wording of the task number 13 is clarified. In task number 26, a refinement was added to the expulsion of the examples of the examples. For task number 28, three evaluation criteria were allocated: the disclosure of the topic, the number of paragraphs of the plan, the correctness of the formulation of items and the sub-clause plan. The maximum score for this task increased to 4. Earlier, the controversial question about the abstract points of the plan is now clearly described in the first criteria; If 0 points are exhibited by criterion 1, the entire task is estimated at 0 points. The wording of task number 29 is expanded, now it fully reflects the requirements of the exam. The list of criteria for evaluation of task number 29 is changed. Now it is: the disclosure of the meaning of statements, theoretical content of mini-essay, the correctness of the use of concepts, theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions and the quality of the facts and examples. The maximum score for the task increased to 6. Thus, the maximum primary score increased to 64.

Chemistry: The format of the former task number 30 has changed, earlier it was given a chain of transformations that it was necessary to supplement, now it is necessary to independently draw up the equation from the proposed substances, a new task appeared. Tasks No. 30 and No. 31 are now estimated at 2 points, previously, the task number 30 was estimated at 3 points. Last thing
The assignment of the exam is now estimated at 3 points instead of 4. The maximum score for the exam has not changed, it is 60 points.

English: The wording of the criteria was specified, they became even more transparent and unambiguous. If earlier there were questions about what to consider violation, there will be no more such issues. Comparison: 2017 (the task is fully fulfilled: the content reflects all aspects specified in the task (given full answers to all questions, three questions are given on the specified topic); The style of speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the goal of statements and addressees; complied with the language of courtesy ) 2018 (the task is fully fulfilled: the content reflects all aspects specified in the task (the full and accurate answers to all questions are given correctly three questions on the specified topic); the style of speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the purpose of statements and addressee; complied with the language adopted in the language The norms of courtesy (1 incomplete or inaccurate aspect is allowed)) the formulation of the task 4 is specified in the "Speaker" block.

Literature: Changed mini-writings and points, respectively. Previously, the tasks No. 8, 9, 15, 16 were obtained by 4 points, now for №№ 8 and 15 - by 5, for №№ 9 and 16 - on 10. This was done in order to dilute these tasks in difficulty because №№ 9 and 16 more complicated than №№ 8 and 15. The criteria for these works were changed: it used to have 2 criteria for №№ 8 and 15 and one for №№ 9 and 16, now they are 3 (added / separated Factology), now everywhere is taken into account by speech errors, before in №№ 9 and 16 they were not taken into account. The 17th essay was added another topic, now there are now 4. The maximum score, now it is 15, and not 14, the criteria increased from 5 to 7. The new topic of the newest literature, which was not before. The maximum score for the exam from 43 to 57 increased.

Analytics was prepared by the Maximum training center.

Almost all planned changes in the exam, 2018 are not accepted. The developers of the EGE this year showed conservatism and the cardinal change should not be expected.

When comparing changes to the exam in different subjects in 2018, you can allocate:

  • making a new task;
  • improving instructions for performing tasks;
  • adjustment of the wording of tasks;
  • clarification and processing of evaluation criteria.

What changes are introduced into the exam in Russian in 2018?

After the cardinal reduction of tasks in 2015, this is the first change that we observe. A fundamentally structure, task, content and shape of the exam, this innovation does not change. The task is entered at number 20 - this means that the number of tasks becomes not 25, but 26. In this case, the total amount of primary points increases from 57 to 58.

If we pay attention to the "demo option" of the exam, 2018, then we will find a task on lexical standards there. Such a task was already in the exam in the Russian language, even when the exam was just thoughtful and introduced experimentally in 2000, so there is nothing new in it.

New task

Changes to the EGE on literature in 2018.

All last year with filing a new minister of education Olga Vasilyeva, a discussion about the exam in literature was. The proposals made this exam is extremely creative. However, experts faced many problems - how to accurately evaluate creativity. It is very difficult. Even a new model of the EEG on literature was published, 2 articles were published in the FII magazine about changes in the exam, but this year decided not to enter a new model. But what pleases, changed the criterion for evaluating written works. Now it will be much better to evaluate, subjective and controversial formulations are excluded - "Justification of the choice of works for comparison", "the depth of the topic disclosure", etc., after improving the criteria system, the primary score increased from 42 to 57.

"Rabllovka" 2017

"Rabllovka" 2018

If you compare "snacking", then it can be noted that in 2017 the ratio of basic tasks points to the tasks of increased complexity and high complexity was almost equal to 29 x 33 x 33.

But in 2018 there is a sharp breakdown in the direction of the tasks of elevated complexity - 21 x 53 X 26. This means that more than half of the points will provide 4 tasks. The value of the basic tasks has decreased and the value of the main large essay has decreased.

The All-Russian exam in the Russian language is obligatory for all graduates of eleventh grades. Many students believe that they can not be prepared for the passage of Russian, because he is a native language for most residents of the Russian Federation. We communicate daily on it, watch movies, rewrite with friends in social networks. Nevertheless, the exam in Russian 2019 is not so simple. His surrender requires certain efforts, especially if you apply for a high score.

Changes in the writing part

As such, the adjustments of the written part in the period under consideration "did not wait." At the moment, the amendments made in 2019 are relevant, namely:

  • the minimum number of points required for passing the exam is 36;
  • the absence of a block with tests where only one answer was required;
  • the division of the form into two sections: the first - questions with brief replies, the second - an essay on a given topic.

Note that after the introduction of the "speaking" block, the number of written tasks may change, for so far the persons responsible for competent preparation of the program of the EGE did not give any comments about this.

What is the essence of the oral part?

Most graduates are already asked about the feasibility of entering the section for the oral exam. But all changes in the exam, have been invented for no accident.

After long-term research in several regions of our country, experts concluded that many schoolchildren own the Russian language at a rather poor level.

The following factors could lead to such phenomena, according to, scientists.

  1. Poor-quality teaching (not every teacher seeks to hear from the student deployed, and most importantly, the argued answer to the questions asked).
  2. The dissemination of written methods for testing knowledge (colleges and lyceums reduce the number of oral polls).
  3. A caustic decline in children reading books (respectively, graduates do not own a literary speech and have a meager vocabulary).

You should not forget that excellent speech abilities, as well as the ability to competently express their thoughts, is valued in many professional spheres of man. Those who plan to enter higher education institutions are simply obliged to know the Russian high level.

So, the oral part in the exam in the Russian language will allow high school students:

  • express your thoughts literary language;
  • improve the ability to reasoning;
  • develop the skills of reasoned communication;
  • expand knowledge in the sphere of speakers;
  • becoming in the professional sphere.

Oral exam format

After approval of the planned changes, the exam in Russian will be divided for two days:

  1. The written part in which the tasks block will be included with brief and deployed responses, as well as an essay.
  2. The oral part, the format of which will largely be similar to testing in foreign languages.

Many graduates worries not so much the need for an oral bloc, how much the technical side of the question. Pupils who took part in the test exams held as part of the method of testing the technique, noted that the most inconvenient is the format of communication with the computer, since several people speak in the office simultaneously that many confuses many of the thought and does not concentrate. Taking the opinion of the examinarity examinations, the organizers promise that the oral part of the USE will be handed over in individual cabins. Will a promise be fulfilled, time will show.

Such options for kimov were discussed

Option number 1 of the oral part of the Russian language

In 15 minutes, the student will be asked:

The oral part provides for a detailed response to all the tasks.

Option number 2 oral parts of the Russian language

For each participant also take 15 minutes for which the examiner will have:

Time (min)

Expressively read the proposed text of a scientific and journalistic style
Retell text using additional information
Make up and voice monologue statement (for a given subject).
Take part in the dialogue (conditional)
Points for compliance with the norms of the literary language

All answers must also be deployed.

Preparation for the oral part of the exam

Any teacher will say that the best preparation for the exam is good to learn Russian, but since 2019 is already very close to the year, try to figure out how to quickly catch up.

Experienced teachers advise:

  1. Remember the theory. To do this, you can use any textbooks recommended for schools, or special editions to prepare for the USE.
  2. Support each block of practice. Tasks from textbooks - excellent, not bad also find websites with practices on the Internet and, of course, process all available 2019 tickets, as well as trial options 2019.
  3. This year, little just know the rule, you need to be able to explain and argue the choice.
  4. Read loud texts of different styles and train not only reading speed, but also expressiveness.
  5. Practice in retelling texts.

Sure. It is quite difficult to prepare without any assistance to the oral part, because there is no certain level of knowledge on oratory art, many just do not notice their mistakes. If the option with the tutor is not possible - prepare in a pair. So you can practice the dialogue and specify one-friend on errors that are obvious only from the side.

Exam preparation

Those students who are aimed at obtaining high points on the exams begin to prepare them even in middle classes. But even if you missed this moment - not all is lost.

For the year you can master a sufficient number of knowledge so that the exam is successful. To achieve these goals, connect qualified tutors or proceed to self-preparation.

Paying out the classes a few hours a day, you will achieve excellent results and cope with questions about the exam. As practice shows, preparation gives maximum fruits if you lead it to friends. Fight with all the necessary literature, show diligence and everything will definitely work out!

What will remain unchanged in 2019?

Despite the introduction of the oral part of the Russian language exam, representatives of Rosobrnadzor state the invariance of the existing form of the EGE on the subject.

At the moment, the exam test consists of two parts.

1 part 2 part
Tasks number 1 - №25 Task number 26.
Checked skills Checked skills
Ability to extract the main information of the text The essay will identify the skill of schoolchildren to analyze the problems of the proposed text.
Orphoepic skills Argue your own thesis
Skill to see and classify grammatical errors Attract literary and life material
Knowledge of spellographic rules Pay attention to the logic of constructing text, sequence in the presentation of the material
Ability to arrange punctuation marks All types of literacy (spelling, punctuation, grammar, speech)
Lexical skills
Knowledge of types of speech
The ability to identify the types of expressive means used in the excerpt from the review

The rules of behavior on the exam

The procedure for testing remains the same - students will have 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to cope with the tasks.

According to the Regulations, the schoolboy must free the pockets from any foreign objects before entering the examination audience.

  • crib;
  • smartphones;
  • cameras;
  • headphones;
  • tablets;
  • "Smart" watch and any other equipment.

Schoolchildren on the exam is prohibited:

  • reset;
  • talking to neighbors;
  • turn the head in the hope of highing the answer;
  • going beyond the class without permission and maintain a member of the supervisory commission.

When writing a test in Russian, it is not provided for the use of any reference and auxiliary materials.

Exam date

The final dates of the examination of the 2018-2019 school year will be known only in January 2019. But now we can say about approximate periods of time, which will be tested:

  • the early stage of the EGE will be held from mid-March to mid-April 2019;
  • the main stage of the EGE will begin at the end of May and will last until mid-June 2019;
  • an additional period (the examination of the exams, which received unsatisfactory marks or missed the main exam due to the disease and other valid reasons confirmed by documented) appointed for the first half of September 2019.

Preparation for the exam must begin in advance. There will be an invaluable assistance in this by the FIPI website, where the open assignment bank is located on all topics that were studied at school, the criteria for estimating the creative part are laid out. You can also take advantage of past years demo, samples of control and measuring materials from the early exam, laid out on the same site, and options for test tasks that offer educational sites.