"Cosmonautics" - this word sounds proudly! Incredible successes of Soviet cosmonautics attracted the genuine interest of all sectors of society of different countries, and even different continents. The grand achievements of theorists and practitioners did not leave anyone indifferent. Every year more and more nations joins an active study of space, trying to compare their undertakings with the legendary feats of our compatriots. It is not surprising that the Day of Cosmonautics in Russia annually celebrates with honor and respect. Documentary programs are broadcast on central television, government authorities solemnly congratulate everyone on an anniversary of the first flight, in primary, secondary and high school, cognitive events are carried out on advanced scenarios. Class hour, sports marathons, intellectual quizzes for the holiday of Cosmonautics Day at school raise the civil position of children and adolescents, strengthen their patriotism, teach to respect the achievements of domestic cosmonautics.

How to spend the day of cosmonautics at school - class hour for elementary school

Cosmonautics Day in elementary school is better to spend without tieting a class hour to legendary personalities and specifically dated flights. Firstbirds are difficult to realize many important things that high school students not only understand, but even know by heart. Children's holiday for the smallest should consist of traditional educational and entertainment elements, corresponding to the topic of "space exploits".

So, during the event, younger schoolchildren can tell the previously intended poems about space, stars, planets, cosmic rockets, etc. Girls will delight audience with a funny alien dance, and boys are cosmic focus with elements of illusion. Both, and others will be interested in viewing a funny video in a cartoon form, telling about the first flights and launches of satellites. All without exception will want to take part in games and contests with a suitable subtext.

A teacher who knows how to spend the day of cosmonautics at school - a class hour for elementary school - prepares in advance for the event. After all, it is very important in the entertainment and playing process to tell the children about the structure of the solar system, about stars, planets-giants, natural satellites and other cosmic bodies.

Games and contests for the day of cosmonautics in elementary school

Even the most magical and fascinating stories about distant space can quickly look like students of junior classes. To avoid this, the atmosphere on the festival is discharged by funny games and contests for children. And the most beloved among them are riddles.

As soon as I got into space,

Then he completely disappeared ...

What did I lose on the road? ... (Weight)

Will not be in space problems

After all, I put a special ... (Helmet)

The first flight he headed into space.

Who is this guy? (Yuri Gagarin)

The biggest star after the end.

What is it? Of course, … (The sun)

When people light lights,

She appears in the sky

And brighter the earth lamps burns,

What is it? (Moon)

Trees live on it,

On it wide fields,

We live on it and you and me.

Our house - … (Land)

With a bright light tail

Rushing across the sky ... (Comet)

Fears all forgotten

Comes out the ship on ... (Orbit)

Cosmonaut lucky:

He saw … (UFO)

I saw a strange in Cosmos Taurus ...

I didn't meet it with ... (Aliens)!

Cosmonautics Day at School: Event Scenario for Middle Classes

Unlike the kids, high school students perceive the information, the attention is concentrated longer and the bolder express their opinion. So, for middle classes it is easier to choose the event scenario for the Day of Cosmonautics. The main thing is that the holiday is not only useful and developing, but also bright, entertaining, memorable. Too monotonous lectures with endless issues-answers it is easy to repel the desire of adolescents to know the new and unknown.

Interesting event for Cosmonautics Day in secondary classes

If you are planning to spend the day of cosmonautics at school, the event scenario for middle classes will be useful for you. Among all possible options are the most popular: the following:

  1. Lecter lecture "Hero of Space Prostas". Short open lesson for grades 5-8 with fascinating teacher stories about the first cosmonaut. The feature of the event is the maximum number of visual materials: portraits, presentations on an interactive board, costumes, layouts, audio and video and other details.
  2. Sports competition "Ready for the launch of a rocket." There are several small teams in the relay. All games are popular, but adapted to the subject of events. For example, tightening the tail of comets, jumps in spaces, shuttle jogging behind the stars, throwing asteroids to the cosmic ring.
  3. Theatrical setting for invited guests "Stars of Cosmonautics". This event is to prepare in advance and very thorough. Participants in the formulation distribute the roles of great personalities who have made a significant contribution to the domestic cosmonautics. As a plot use a simple segment from the historical chronicle.
  4. Gaming holiday "Star Warriors." The scenario of such an event fully consists of funny intellectual and mobile games by type: "Collect a rocket out of boxes," "Think of the name of the new planet from the letters that came,", "Running events on photographs in chronological order", "Guess Rebus, etc." .

Quiz for Cosmonautics Day in high school

The best way to spend the day of cosmonautics at school is to organize a cognitive quiz for senior classes. Through such a competition, you can check the level of knowledge of high school students in a given area and resume curious facts about heroic compatriots, their great discoveries and achievements in their memory.

Quiz on the day of astronautics in high school is designed to participate two or three teams. According to the results of each block of questions, the teacher must count the balls and keep the record sign on the chalkboard. So schoolchildren will be easier to track successes and even more strive for victory over the opponent's team.

An important part of the "cosmic" quiz is secondary additions. I.e:

  • presentation by teams of their name ("Space warriors", "Andromeda", "cheerful moonport", etc.);
  • testings in cosmonauts (Funny glasses-stars, foil vests, plastic helmets from open-face spacers, knee pads, elbows and other at the discretion of captains);
  • short distracting and informative performances of participants of the quizzes with interesting facts and bright illustrations;
  • practical tasks for the manufacture of UFOs, rockets, etc.;
  • audio and video pauses;
  • honorary award winners quiz.

Questions for School Quiz Cosmonautics Day

In order for the quiz to be for the day of astronautics in high school, it has become a typical thematic certification for astronomy, it is better to distribute questions on blocks and submit to students in the form of different tasks. For instance:

  1. Block A. Questions with the answers "Yes" and "No".
    1. Jupiter is the largest planet solar system? - Yes
    2. Sun is a star? - Yes
    3. First cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin? - Yes
    4. First conquered an open space American? - Not
    5. Venus is the nearest planet to earth? - Not
    6. Planet is considered a cold celestial body? - Yes
    7. Mercury is the smallest planet? - Not
    8. Cosmonauts have already flying to Mars? - Not
    9. Svetlana Savitskaya is the first cosmonaut-woman? - Not
    10. Flight Yuri Gagarin lasted a day? - Not
  2. Block B. Testing with the choice of the correct answer option.
    1. The smallest planet of the solar system - Pluto, Mars, Earth
    2. The closest star is called - Aldebaran, Sun, Sirius
    3. The first woman-astronaut is ... - Petrova, Savitskaya, Tereshkova
    4. The first suggested about the Round Form of Earth - Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Aristotle
    5. How many planets in the solar system can be seen with a naked eye - 1, 5, 10
    6. What science is heaven to heavenly bodies - anatomy, biology, astronomy
    7. Flight Yuri Gagarina lasted - 36 hours, day, 108 minutes
    8. The first was published in open space - Leonov, Gagarin, Titov
  3. Block B. Questions with deployed answers
    1. What star system does our galaxy belong to? (Milky Way)
    2. Solar system is ... (Sun and objects moving around it)
    3. What is a star? (Huge gas ball)
    4. What kind of call sign was Yuri Gagarin? (Cedar)
    5. Giant planets include (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter)
    6. What city gave "a ticket to the sky" Yuri Gagarin? (Saratov)
    7. Light year is (a path passing by the light for 1 year)
    8. How long did Flying Tereshkova continue? (2 days 22 hours 50 minutes)

So that high school students are not tired during the quiz, separate blocks with musical pauses, interesting reports of schoolchildren, broadcasting documentary frames on the launch of missiles, animals in space, etc. So, the day of cosmonautics at school is remembered not only by complex issues, but also with vivid impressions. The same principle applies to conducting events in elementary school. Class hour, quiz, concert and other holiday scenarios for the Day of Cosmonautics should be original and non-overloaded dry information.

Marina Zaplakova
Scenario of Events for the Day of Cosmonautics for Senior Preschool Children "Journey to Cosmos"

Scenario Events for Cosmonautics Day.

Subject: « Journey to space» .


1. Expand ideas cosmonautics children.

2. Rim up the feeling of patriotism and pride in the Fatherland.

3. Organize competitive activities between the teams.

4. Create an active interaction of students in the team.

Equipment: Portraits cosmonauts, image of the planets of the solar system and famous constellations, cut pictures with a picture of a rocket, two balloons, rackets, demonstration material (slides about cosmos, cosmonauts, Children's drawings).

Educator: Guys who guesses what will be dedicated to our event? (Answers children) .

The mysterious world of stars and planets from a long time attracted the attention of people. But closer and more accessible it only with the penetration of man in space.

Let's see how it happened.

Video Application

Aviation Day I. cosmonautics are a special, Triumphal holiday! No wonder him celebrates the whole world!

Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome earthly attraction and climb into space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. What just flew fabulous heroes! (Answers children) . (On volatile mice and eagles, on carpets-aircraft and beards of wizards, at the skate-hump and magic arrows.).

The first one who saw a shell in the rocket capable of ending earthlings into interplanetary spaces was the great Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. The scientist conducted calculations, made the drawings and invented such an aircraft that could fly beyond the limits of land. But, unfortunately, he had no such opportunity. And only after many years another Russian scientist, S. P. Korolev, was able to construct and make the first space satellite.

April 12, 1961 held the first in the world space Flying with man aboard the ship. This day was preparing for a very long time.

Scientists, test designers and people of many other professions were involved in the preparation of the Great Flight. It was necessary to fully consider everything to foresee, in order to fly successfully. Long chose and le tchik-cosmonaut.

And after long trials and discussions decided: first in the world cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin will become.

Finally has come a decisive day. April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin on space ship"East" performed space flight. For 108 minutes, a satellite ship with the first in the world cosmonaut She flew around the globe and returned safely to Earth. It was a powerful breakthrough in mastering cosmos!

And then there was a solemn meeting on Red Square. For several hours, Yuri Gagarin became the most famous person in the world. When a government message about great flight sounded on the radio, the streets of the whole country were filled with crowds of people. Everyone wanted to greet the first in the world cosmonaut, Son of the Earth, citizen of the Universe.

Valentina Tereshkova - the first in the world cosmonaut woman. Until now, she remains the only woman who has committed space Flight alone. She spent B. cosmos almost three days.

Initially planned to send to space At once two female crews, but subsequently from this idea it was decided to refuse.

Its own space Flight B.. Tereshkova made June 16, 1963. on the ship "East-6". It was the sixth and last spaceship from the series"East". Start ship B.. Tereshkova occurred on Baikonur not with "Gagarin site", and with duplicating.

45 years ago with baikonur cosmodrome started a carrier rocket"Union", on board which was spaceship"Sunrise-2". His crew stood from two people: The ship commander Pavel Belyaev and the second pilot Alexei Leonov. The whole flight lasted a little more than a day, but it was a historical flight. During it - March 18, 1965, when pilot-cosmonaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov The first of the earthlings went beyond space ships and made the first person in history in open space.

Educator: Word " cosmonaut"It appeared quite recently. On October 4, 1957, for the first time, our missile brought to an near-earth orbit spacecraftMade by man's hands. And he began to rotate around the Earth, just as the moon makes it. So the first artificial satellite appeared. (Shows on the satellite on the central wall.) Road B. cosmos was open.

Educator: Imagine that you are future cosmonautsand we go on kosmodrom.


We go on kosmodrom,

Together with we go.

We are like socks,

We go on the heels.

Here they checked posture.

And brought blades (walking on socks, on the heels).

We will run the guys together -

We need to warm up to all.

Educator: People always wanted to know if there is life on other planets? And if there is, who lives there? But to find out, it is necessary to fly to the planets. And on the Chum now we can fly in space?

(Answers children) .

Educator: Let's collect a rocket

Competition "Collect a missile"

Educator: We collected a rocket with you. And now we need to fly in space. But before we go to the flight, let's get out of our fingers.

Fingering gymnastics "House".

I want to build a house

(Hands fold the house, and raise above your head)

So that the window was in it,

(Following the fingers of both hands to connect in a circle)

So that the door has the door,

(Ladoshki hands connect together vertically)

Near that pine grew.

(One hand raise up and "spread" fingers)

So that around the fence stood

Dog Gate guarded,

(We connect hands to the lock and make a circle in front of you)

The sun was, the rain went,

(First, raise your hands up, the fingers are "spread". Then the fingers are lowered down, we make "shaking" movements)

And the tulip in the garden flourished!

(Connect together ladoshki And slowly reveal your fingers - "Tulip bouton")

Educator: Well, we go to journey? The crew take your places, fasten the belts! We start counting seconds to start.

Educator and children together: Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start!

Educator: Guys we flew to "Planet clever".

1. Guys, and on what planet do we live with you? (Land).

2. Surname of the first cosmonaut flees to space? (Gagarin)

3. What was the name of dogs that were first returned from cosmos? (Belka and Strelka).

4. What said Yuri Gagarin at the moment start? (Go)

5. Name spaceshipwhere Gagarin went to space? ("East")

6. What is the name of a protective suit cosmonaut? (Suiter)

8. What is the name of the aircraft in which you fly in space? (Spaceship) .

9. The fastest type of transport created on Earth? (Rocket).

10. How many minutes Yuri Gagarin was in cosmos? (108 minutes)

11. What is the name of the animal and the constellation? (Bear).

12. Name the first name space Cosmap. (A. Leonov).

Educator: Well done boys! Answered all questions. And we leave this planet and go to another. And it is called "Sports". Residents of this planet prepared the relay for us.

IN cosmos Any item does not weigh anything. This condition is called uncertainty. All items B. space The ship is attached to its place. If this is not done, they will soar freely. In such conditions, any person becomes strong. In weightlessness, not only a person, but the subject loses its weight. We will now try with you to carry an air ball on an elongated hand on the racket.

Competition "Weightlessness".

Educator: And now we will make a short journey For all planets of the solar system. Let's call all the planets. (Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter). (Children call planets)


Armor lived on the moon - ( "Watch" in a telescope)

He was registered by the planets: (Show in the sky with hand)

Mercury - times (Describe the circle of hand)

Venus-two, (Cotton)

Three - Earth, four - Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, (Slope to the right and left)

Seven - uranium, eight - Neptune, (Tilt forward, get back)

Who does not see - go out! (Divide your hands to the sides)

Educator: Guys While we have done a workout, our ship landed on the planet "Mysteries".

1. Among the blue field -

Bright glitter of a large fire.

Do not rush the fire here goes,

Earth-Mother bypasses

Shines fun in the window.

Well, of course, it is. (the sun).

2. Clear nights

Mom walks with daughters.

She does not evoke her daughters:

Sleep go to bed late! -

Because Mother - Moon,

And daughters. (stars).

3. dissolved scarlet tail,

Flew into a hundred stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

4. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He does not lead the plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children who, tell me, is it? (cosmonaut)

5.In the evening look in the window:

The yard is already dark

In the sky, the light is visible,

Called. (moon).

E. Uspensky

6.Everyone has their own homes:

Stories have Toma,

Clothes - shops,

Cabbage, pears - baskets,

In animals - zoo,

The cars have their own car park.

All that is on white light,

The house has on the planet.

And the planet, I know,

Called. (Land).

7. What is this ceiling?

Then it is low, then high

Then he is gray, then whitish.

That is a little - a little bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue - blue! (Sky)

8. What bucket

Do not drink, do not eat

But just look at him? (Big Dipper)

Educator: Cosmonauts Must be very attentive. Let's check your game-occurrence and sleep energy and space attentive!If I'm crying: "Jump"- then you, bouncing, loudly and friendly: "Skok!".And if I cry: "Skok!", -then you all jump and answer: "Jump". Remember? Begin!

The game "Confusion : Jump and Skok »

Educator: Well, that the guys go back to our planet Earth. Let's fly back. We fly with you by constellations. What are you knowing the constellation? (Answers children) . And now let's connect every line of the line and see what the picture will look like.

Competition "Guess the constellation".

Educator: Our flight is over! Thanks to all! Open hatch! Get out of the rocket! Congratulations on your successful return to Earth. At the end of the flight each cosmonaut must eat. In memory of the flight I give you sweet prizes.

Leading. Our today's holiday is dedicated to one of the most interesting areas of human activity - astronautics. You know why we celebrate this holiday on this day? It was 12 April that everyone heard in their radio receivers: "Says Moscow! All the radio stations of the Soviet Union work! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We convey the TASS message about the world's first flight in the world to outer space. On April 12, 1961, in the Soviet Union, the first Spacecut-satellite Space Satellite in the world was brought into orbit with a man on board. The Space Satellite Space Satellite Space Cosmonaut is a citizen of the Soviet Union flyer Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich. "

Lead. Yes, it is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin we owe this holiday. He was the first person who went out into space. Since a long time, the starry sky has been manlike people, and humanity has passed a long way of development from their theoretical reflections to real practical discoveries. Let's remember together how it all starts.

Student 1.. The study of space attracted people in antiquity, when philosophers thought about the problems of the universe and the flow system of the planets. Only a few celestial bodies can be seen with the naked eye. This is the sun, the moon, five planets and the most bright stars. But for the first time the study of the space was engaged in Galilee. He was the first to produce a pylon pipe.

Student 2.. Galiley chose the lenses several times, and finally his attempts have gained success. The first pipe consisted of two lenses - concave and curved. And after several attempts, Galilean managed to make a pipe with a thirty-grade increase. It had a length of 1245 mm; The lens of it was a convex point lens with a diameter of 53 mm, and the planed-shaped eyepiece had an optical force - 25 diopters. This pipe is still kept in the museum in Florence.

Student 3.. Galiley first realized that the main scientific appointment of the visual tube is the observation of heavenly bodies. Galilei was engaged in learning the moon. He first saw numerous craters and mountain peaks on it. And studying the Milky Way, Galileo Galilee determined that this is a huge accumulation of stars.

Student 4.. Yes, Galileo Galilee made a huge contribution to the study of space. For its first visual pipe, numerous telescopes followed, which were improved from year to year. So, at first an optical telescope appeared. It creates an image with the help of light that collects on lenses or mirrors.

Student 5.. But he had a lot of minuses. The image was in the form of a blurred spot of irregular shape. Astronomers began to look for a way to eliminate this problem. They began to use lenses with a very large focal length. Telescopes were huge in size and uncomfortable in use. A little later, telescopes appeared on tripods, which existed until the XVIII century. But they also had their drawbacks. Because of the wind, astronomers received a bad image.

Student 6.. The optical was followed by a radio telescope, which collects pulses outgoing from space objects and signals on its plates. The origins of his invention stood Ronald Breiswell. Initially, the radio telescope was named spectrogeliograph and was intended to study the microwave background of the sun.

Student 7.. Another achievement of humanity is space telescopes that are installed in open space. They give a multiple increase and the ability to distinguish the smallest objects at distant distances. The largest telescope is constructed in Mexico. It is located on the top of the Sierra Negra Volcano, which is located at an altitude of 4580 meters. The diameter of the antenna of the largest telescope is a record 50 meters.

Student 8.. The further the study of the space was left, the more the desire of a person grew to personally master this space. With the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, humanity has reached a new level. It happened on October 4, 1957. "Satellite-1" is the first artificial satellite of the Earth. Its code designation is PS-1 (the simplest satellite-1). The launch was carried out from the 5th Scientific Research Truck of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR Tyura-there, subsequently renamed Baikonur renamed to the spacecraft, with the help of a satellite launch.

Pupil 9.. Since then, thousands of satellites have been planted on the near-earth orbit, which track all earth and space processes. But the most important event is still the first flight into a human space. And for us, the main thing is that this is the flight of our compatriot, the Russian man Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Leading. Yuri Alekseevich had to do a huge path. Let's follow his way from a little boy to the great cosmos conqueror.

Student 10.. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino. He was a leaving from the peasant family. His father - Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin was a carpenter, and Mother - Anna Timofeevna Matveyeva - Pierce. Gagarin studied at first in the village school, then when his family moved to Gzhatsk, at a local school. Then he entered the Lyubertsy craft school. In August 1951, Gagarin entered the Saratov industrial technician, and on October 25, 1954 for the first time came to the Saratov Aeroclub. In 1955, Yuri Gagarin made the first independent flight on the Yak-18 plane.

Student 11. On December 9, 1959, Gagarin wrote a statement with a request to enroll him into a group of candidates for astronauts. After a week, he was summoned to Moscow, where he passed a comprehensive medical examination at the Central Research Aviation Hospital. Initially, 1960 followed another special medical examination, which recognized the senior lieutenant Gagarin-affordable for space flights. On March 3, 1960, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin, he was enrolled in a group of candidates for astronauts, and from March 11 he began training.

Student 12.In addition to Gagarin, another twenty pilots officers claimed to the first of the cosmonaut. Then from twenty chose only six. The person who flies into space was determined only at the last moment. At the meeting of the Civil Code, Gagarin was chosen, Herman Titov became his dubler. Three TASS messages were prepared about Gagarin flight to space. The first was about successful flight, the second is to appeal to the government of other countries, if suddenly the satellite ship falls into the territory of other countries or to the ocean, and the third is a tragic message.

Pupil 13.. Start was given at 9:07 Moscow time from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Gagarin went around the globe in 1 hour and 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth. He landed in the Saratov region, not far from Engels. The first people who met the cosmonaut were the wife of Lesnik Anna Akimovna Takhtarov and her six-year granddaughter of Rita.

Student 14.. After the flight, Gagarin became a truly hero, which glorified our country. Immediately after landing, he received the title of Major. Yury Alekseevich in Moscow was organized a grand reception. From the aircraft on which Gagarin flew, a red carpet path was settled before the government building. In the Red Square Nikita Khrushchev awarded Yuri Gagarin Golden Star "Hero of the Soviet Union" and the new title "Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR".

Pupil 15. Yuri Gagarin died in an aviation catastrophe near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region during the training flight on March 27, 1968 at 10:30 am. Together with Gagarin, his instructor was located in the cockpit, the hero of the Soviet Union Colonel Vladimir Seregin.

Student 16.. Today, the name of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin knows everything. In many cities, there are streets, avenues, alleys, Gagarin schools. His name is worn: the city of Gagarin (former Gzhatsk) and the area (former Gzhatsky), the crater on the reverse side of the moon, asteroid number 1772, the Golden FAI Medal, which is awarded since 1968, the area in Moscow, where the monument is a cosmonaut.

Leading. Today we learned a lot about a person who first conquered the universal space. Infinitely kind, strong, talented and stubborn, he did a huge path. Huge courage was required by Gagarina to overcome not only physical, but also psychological loads. He really was a man with a capital letter, which brought his country to a new level.

Leading. And now let's see how carefully you listened to our speakers. We will ask you a few questions.

Questions for quiz:

1. Who was the first visual tube invented? (Galileo Galileem)

2. What lenses used Galileo Galilee? (Concave and deployed)

3. What other types of telescopes exist? (Optical, radio telescope, cosmic)

4. What is the lack of optical telescopes? (Fuzzy image)

5. Where is the largest telescope built? (In Mexico)

7. What code designation had the first artificial satellite of the Earth? (PS-1)

9. The name of the first person who has conquered space? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

10. How much did the first flight of a person in space last? (108 minutes)

11. Who was chosen by Dubler Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin? (German Titov)

12. What was the satellite ship, on which Gagarin made a flight? ("East")

13. Where did Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin landed? (In the Saratov region)

14. What the title got Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin immediately after landing? (Major)

15. What city is the name of Gagarin now? (Gzhatsk)

Scenario of the competitive program for the day of cosmonautics in 5-6-7 classes

Objectives: develop the erudition of students, explore the new material, consolidate the passed; Develop dexterity and smell.

Preliminary preparation. To this event, the teacher can offer students to memorize the following poems.


Clear stars, stars high!

What do you keep in yourself, what are hiding?

Stars, melting thoughts deep,

How do you captivate?

Frequent asterisks, crabs close!

What is the wonderful thing in you that in you the mighty?

What are you getting, the stars of heaven,

Power of the great knowledge of Zhugugi?

And why so when you shine,

Matt into the sky, in a wide arms?

See gently so the heart caress

Heavenly stars, star distant!



After all, if the stars light up -

So - someone wants them to be?

So - someone calls these flores


And, darling

in fellow pulse dust,

breaks to God

afraid that late

kisses him a housing hand

so that there was a star!

Swear -

does not postpone this faceless flour!

there is anxious,

but calm externally.

Says to someone:

"After all, now you have nothing?

Not scary?


After all, if the stars

ignite -

so it is necessary to someone?

So it is necessary

to every evening

above the roofs

skazed at least one star?!

Event flow


Sons and daughters of the Blue Planet

Take up the swell, disturbing the stars.

The path to interstellar spaces

For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

Steps Era Space Forward!

Rockets continue their flight

Starting with Baikonur every year.

Accustomed to such phenomena people.

Keeps in the shower he first love

Let thousands take off to the stars again,

But the first was Gagarin, he was his own

Native, with a smile of nursery, mischievous.

When Cosmonautics Day is coping,

My favorite remembers everything.

But on this day we congratulate those

Who is the glory creates the country, success:

Everyone who leaves the ground over the remote control

How astronauts feat do

And those who send ships

Starting with Mother Earth, -

All who are connected with space science in life.

The people are owned by their love.

Cosmonautics is proud of the country:

She was and we need!

Hello, respected disciples! Today, our quiz is devoted to the Day of Cosmonautics. This day will forever remain in the history and hearts of millions of people. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our famous scientists, today is available at first glance an inacked and immense space!

And now we invite you, dear participants, at the improvised airfield.

For the beginning, quiz needs to be divided into two commands.

On the table of the teacher lie cards, the number of which corresponds to the number of guys. On the reverse side of the cards, numbers 1 and 2. Each participant is suitable and pulls out the card, looks at its team number.

Each commands are offered a specific task. The team that the first called the correct answer, earns one point. The winner of the event is the team who scores the most points. The resourcefulness, intelligence and agility of commands is also taken into account.

Questions Quiz:

1. What is our solar system? (From the sun and all bodies that rotate around it under the action of attraction forces.)

2. What is the Universe? (Space and all bodies filling it.)

3. What is a galaxy? (Gigantic clusters of stars scattered through the universe.)

4. In what galaxy do we live? (Galaxy Milky Way.)

5. What planets of the solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

6. What planet is called morning star? (Venus.)

7. What planet is the biggest in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

8. What is the smallest planet? (Pluto.)

9. What time of year the earth is closer to the sun? (Winter.)

10. What planet from the most visible from the ground is the brightest? (Venus).

11. On what planet the highest mountains? (On Mars.)

12. Why is Mars planet call the "red" planet? (Because of the color of her desert.)

13. What is the place of the Solar System, where did the leg of a person go? (Moon.)

14. What is astronomy? (Science of Heavenly Bodies.)

15. What are meteorites? (Comet fragments, fallen on Earth.)

16. What is the Observatory? (Building equipped for astronomical observations.)

17. What is a telescope? (Astronomical device for observation of celestial bodies.)

18. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian Galileo Galilee.)

19. What is a comet? (Heavenly body having a view of a foggy glowing spots and a luminous strip in the shape of a tail.)

20. What scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nikolai Copernicus.)

21. Which scientists of our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

22. Name the outstanding constructor of rocket and space systems, with the name of which the first victories of our country are connected in the development of space. (Academician S.P. Korolev.)

23. Name the cosmonaut who has committed the first space flight. (K). Gagarin.)

24. What event is timed to the celebration of the Day of Cosmonautics? (April 12, 1961 Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

25. Name the first woman-astronaut of our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova.)

26. What is the name of the aircraft? (Rocket.)

Additional information:

Mercury- The closest to the sun planet is located at a distance of 58 million km from the sun. Full turnover commits around 88 days.

Venus- The second away from the sun and the planet nearest to the ground. Venus is the hottest planet. The period of rotation around the Sun is 225 days. Moving in orbit, it is closest to the ground.

Land. Most of the surface of the earth is the world ocean (71%), sushi - 29%. The daily rotation of the globe occurs in 23 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds. The light from the sun comes to us in 8 minutes.

Mars - Fourth to the distance from the sun planet, cold and anhydrous. On Mars are the highest mountains - about 27 km high. Day on Mars last 24 hours 39 minutes. The year on Mars lasts 689 days. In the afternoon, the temperature reaches 0 degrees, and at night up to 100 degrees Celsius.

Jupiter- Fifth to the distance from the sun. The biggest planet, spends on one turn around the Sun for almost 12 years. The period of rotation of the Jupiter around its axis is 9 hours 50 minutes; The temperature reaches 140 degrees.

Saturn - Sixth planet. It differs from all the other what has about 7 rings. They all rotate around the planet. Rings consist of a plurality of individual particles having a structure of meteorites and dust. Saturn makes turnover in 10 hours 15 minutes. The temperature of this planet is 170 degrees.

Uranus - This is the first planet, which was opened with a telescope. This is the seventh planet from the sun. In diameter it is almost a quarter more land. She rotates around the Sun for 84 years, the temperature is 215 degrees.

Neptune - Makes full turn in 164 years.

Pluto - Last planet. It is 40 times further from the Sun than the Earth. This is the smallest and cold planet.

Skirt! It turns out that you know so much about space, planets and stars, that I have no doubt your knowledge about the birth of life on our planet.

And whether you knew that the age of our old lands, which is the native home of all mankind, is very large. It is even difficult to imagine: the earth arose in star space about five billion years ago! Try to imagine, feel this time. Five billion - it means to take a billion years old! Here's as far from our time the day of her birth!

For the convenience of studying the stages of the formation of our planet, scientists have divided the history of its development and the evolution of life into separate era, using some natural, characteristic features for this. In turn, the era are divided into periods. The duration of the era and each period is their age - determined in millions of years.

The era of the star's existence of the Earth is then hot and lifeless - removed from our time for billions of years. The atmosphere was saturated with hot gases and water vapors. The clouds of volcanic ashes with a solid veil enveloped the planet and did not let the sun rays. Water couples as the land cooling gradually thickened, and finally hugged hot pouring rains, which continued to go with thousands of years ... Water - the basis of the appearance and existence of living matter - appeared on the planet in the first half of the Archean era. It was the time of formation of the first ancient seas and oceans. And as you know, the ocean is the cradle of life. After all, the first living cells arose in the ocean. So life appeared on Earth. This event occurred about two billion seven hundred million years ago. And the named figure is substantiated. It is determined by scientists based on the age of the petrified remains of the first invertebrate animals, the first algae and the first bacteria that appeared on Earth.

Over the next four ER: Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic - Our Planet has gained modern outlines. And today, in the age of technical progress, we have the opportunity to explore space, star bodies and other planets.

So, we are on the cosmodrome, where the astronauts team are waiting for us, who dream of visiting space, but only the one that will become the strongest will be flying. Therefore, to become an excellent astronaut, not enough to be healthy and have special knowledge. You need to be still hardy, dexterous, resourceful, easy to cope with problems arising during the space flight.

Task 1. "Ring"

Two teams are parallel to each other. Opposite each team lies the hoop. The participants of each team should take turn through the hoop and take their own former place. Wins the command that previously performs the task.

Task 2. "Flawing boom"

A boom (or low long bench) a few meters long set at an altitude of 30-40 cm from the floor or land. Two teams are built on the ends of the boom. At the signal, the first participants begin to move towards each other, encounter a rival. Walked out of the game. And the next pair is entering the game. The team that will be able to go to the opposite end will be defeated.

Tired? Let's rest a little. Before you - crossword which we now solve together.

1. This planet has seven rings. (Saturn.)

2. Red planet. (Mars.)

6. Name the planet, most of which occupies the world ocean. (Land.)

8. Planet opened with a telescope. (Uranus.)

Task 3. "Cosmonaut's chair"

Selects one representative from the team. The participant sits in the chair and, without leaving him, trying to assemble the ten objects located around it (the distance to them should be at least half a meter).

Task 4. "Arrows of the Universe"

Before each command, a plywood shield is displayed with the starry sky. Near each star - number. The smaller the star, the more her number. From a distance of 4-5 m, the team participant should get darts into one of the stars. Who will gain the largest points, the winner.

All the most difficult tasks behind, one, but no less important. Snack and dexterity you do not occupy, so you need to take care of what to take with himself into space.

On the table two sets of drawings with the image of the following items are laid out: book, notepad, fountain pen, apple, cat, skateback, alarm clock, sneaker, camera, tube with semolina, spoon, tube with cake, etc. Each participant must choose one of The most you liked items and explain why.

That ended our competition. The word is provided to our durable jury, which will determine the winner today. You today showed deep knowledge of astronomy, proved that you can cope with any problem.

And the guys have prepared you poems that they now read.

Pupils read poems. Summing up the quiz.

And we still have to say goodbye and wish each other good luck, happiness, success and to a meeting in intergalactic space.

Extracurricular event for the day of cosmonautics for schoolchildren. Scenario

The common event "People are drawn to the stars." Scenario

Zhidikina Oksana Mikhailovna, Educator, GBOU - Cadet
School - boarding school "Dyatkovskaya Cadet School - Aviation Name of the Hero Soviet Union Kashina I.A."
Description of the material: School-wide event dedicated to the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. The author's development will help in the preparation of the event to caregivers, class leaders, deputy director for educational work.
Purpose: Familiarization of students with cosmos conquerors.
- contribute to the deepening of knowledge in the assimilation of space, in the field of achievement of science;
- develop memory, creativity;
- to bring up pride for our country.
Event flow
Sounds music

1. This world is created to you with you,
How do we not be left:
Rally wink stars,
Almost the limit is not the limit.

2. Youth - rapid time
Let always seem to be up over it
And to the flight, be ready all the time,
Even if you wait for it all my life.
Under the space music there are readers
1. From a long time, the mysterious world of the planets and stars attracted the attention of people, manifes them with his mystery and beauty. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the land, they represented her inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, the huge turtle standing on the shell. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world covers the crystal dome of the sky with a multitude of sparkling stars. The mysterious brilliance of stars and the bottomless depth of the sky always manifested people. They have long tried to conquer the sky. And then there were legends about people who can fly, myths appeared, beautiful legends.

2. Icaru with his father lived on the island, which belonged to a very cruel king, could not be escape from him, neither by the sea, the only way of salvation - the sky. But how?
Dedal came up with a very interesting and comfortable device - wings. He collected the feathers of birds and brought them with wax. Father and son attached wings to back and flew into the sky. Before the flight, Dedal warned his son about what could not be high into the sky, since the sun would melt wax that the wings are fastened. Feathers will scatter, and he will perish. But Icar was so confined by the spectacle that I forgot about the instructions of the father and soared too high. The sun melt wax, the feathers scattered, and Icaru from a huge height fell into the sea. Such a sad story.

3. Since then, several thousand years have passed, many generations of good and smart people have grown on our land. They built ships and, having done around the world, found out that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the land flies in space, rotating around the sun, making one turn around its axis over the year.
The next step was the manufacture of a ball with a basket for passengers. In the basket, they put a tiny with hot coals. The ball was constantly filled with hot smoke. But such a ball flew shortly and low. The ball began to fill in gas, he could fly for a long time, but was big and clumsy. Flew in the other side, in which the wind blew.

Then the airship was created, and then the plane.

And began to fly in the air shell of the Earth. But people did not stop on the achieved, they were maniling space.
Now it seems to be usual for us that space ships start with the Earth, astronauts live in space stations, and astronauts fly to other planets automatic stations. And once the cosmic flights were from the area of \u200b\u200bfantasy.

Song "Flight"

1. When we grow up, we will fly into space.
Well, for now we want to tell
About people those skillful and brave,
What we conquered space.

2. Very important
Do not forget their names -
All cosmonauts and scientists
Which the laws need discovered
And we put the road to space.

3. In Kaluga near Moscow
The teacher lived one simple.
All my life about space I dreamed,
The necessary sciences studied
Held a huge job
And started creating theory
Space flights.
He was a genius, and nowadays
We must remember the Tsiolkovsky.

4. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935) - Russian scientist, founder of cosmonautics, well-known physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanics. It is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocket technology, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary messages using rockets, a developer of a missile motion principle. Many of the contemporaries considered him a madman. The scientist was able to outline the way for which humanity went into space.
5. But who built the first rocket?
Do you know about it?
Designer, Academician Korolev.
To the flight, the first satellite was ready
Last century, fifty-seventh year.
He flew through the work
Designers, rackets, workers,
And he was the first in the world, by the way.

6. With the development of space, inextricably name Sergei Pavlovich Queen (1906 -1966) is connected - the main designer of spacecraft. The chief designer, as he called astronauts, will remain the main forever. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical missiles were created, the first artificial satellites of the Earth, the first space ships, on which, for the first time in the history, the Space Flight of the person and the human yield into space was made.

7. "He was definitely and simple
Sapper is simple -
Life has lived in full growth.
Presented to people Most.
From the ground to the most stars. "

8. "It was a time when every minute was equal to the years ... These were the people who have made years equal to centuries."
"We were prisoners on a smoke ball
And how many times, in the countless change of years,
Strong eyes of the Earth in the Spacious Dark,
Watching the fortress for the movement of the planets. "

9. And now the twentieth century has come. Airplanes have already been flying in the sky, and the first rockets rose into space. People believed, the day is not far away when a person will fly into space.
And here ... Start! A huge flash blinds. The avalanche of fire escapes from under the rocket and, reflected from the concrete, clouds her clubs. Furious hum. Rocket rises upwards, leaving the cosmic harbor of the universe.

10. After 4 years, the new was success -
The first person rose into space.
Gagarin Yuri fulfilled the flight.
There was a pilot around the Earth.
Completely completed the coil
Spaceship "East".

These seconds were the result of all opponents' disputes, the outcome of the insights and quarrels, the result of the studied drawings, the result of short reports in the strict cabinets of the Kremlin and sleepless nights in a small house in the place that people came up with a beautiful non-Russian name - Baikonur.

11. That morning it became scary to quail,
That in the steppe flew, out of the nesting
When under the sky as if from silk
Located in the sky
jet explosion.
And there was such a message in the light,
As if punched
World Star Hour!
Dynama we all save the newspaper
With a portrait of Yura.
With TASS messages.
The fate of his immortality of sheep.
His occasion is our character.
He smiled with Lenin's Mausoleum
And the world, as a day of victory, was shy.

12. 26 years before the exit to the orbit, the land of the Soviet spacecraft "Vostok" with a man on board Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky said: "I don't want to die on the verge of human penetration into space. I freely introduce the first person who overcomed the earthly attraction and flew into the interplanetary space ... He is Russian ... He is a citizen of the Soviet Union. By profession, most likely, pilot. He has a smart courage, devoid of cheap recklessness. I present his open "Russian face, Sokol's eyes."

13. These words were pronounced by the Grand Scientist in 1938. Yura Gagarin was at that time about a year. Who could predeter then that this particular boy born in the family of Smolensk Kolkhozniki will be the first of those inhabitants of the planet, whose share falls out, breaking the earth attraction, to penetrate the interplanetary space? And yet the portrait of the cosmonaut, drawn by Tsiolkovsky, is surprisingly accurately anticipate and the appearance of Yuri Gagarin, and the content of its inner world.

Video recording "You know how he was a guy ..."

14. Say: - Gagarin - and suddenly before us
Swell rushing, swirl inhabited,
In the sky, shooting promsteevo flame,
Steppe, stunning enthusiastic thunder.
Can't see how he is inspired
Ball, covered and strings of the universe
Torn in a shy flight with hands
Strings of those invisible sickle
Rushing between them in immortal wide
In the heart poured singing -
The voice of the harmony of eternity in the world.
He rushes, boldly flying
Star universe resting eating.
Listen to sensitive star ears
Hearts Bay and a sigh of a man.
I see: the calm eye under the eyebrow,
In a clear smile glow of life.
Hears: from the sky - in order of health.
Glory to our mother-in-law!
Our contemporary, he lived between us
The new was waiting for the execution of the set.
Devotee, forever ready with friends
To new exploration secrets Mirozdanya.
He and now between us, alive,
In our aspirations and our concerns,
Always will be in the hearts of his name
The call and the symbol of the bold take-off.

15. We are proud of those people who have tied their lives with dangerous, heavy, but noble business - Cosmos flights. We are proud that our country is first opened the road to space!
Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
How he swept through the Human Hearts!
It seemed that the world was unwittingly became kinder,
His victory shocked himself.
What he thundered with the music of the universal,
That holiday, in motley flame banners,
When the obsessive son of the earth Smolensk
The earth-planet was adopted.
Land of land, heroic this small
In the cosmic question of his
In circular, forever with an unprecedented,
In the sacrons of the sky wrapped over her ...
That day the earth seemed less,
But it became people, maybe relatives.
Ah, this day involuntarily or free
Gave birth to the thought that such a feature -
On a small earth - for whom the war,
Why is everything that tolerates people?
Did you know himself, from that deaf universe
Earthly reached by the shores
What kind of message, what pledge is invalid
Did you give us from future centuries?
Yes, - in a number of decades every year
We are methim new
Space milestones.
But remember:
To the stars began a hike
With Gagarinsky
Russian "Let's go"

16. This flight is unique, a person can live and work in space.
A new profession appeared on Earth - astronaut. Of the more than 40000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is a real feat. The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, but above all - purely human. Cosmonautics a thousand times younger than the history of mankind, his conscious experience. Cosmos conquest only begins.

17. For years, decades, centuries will be held, people will forget the dates of wars and revolutions, but this day will always remember. Day April 12. After all, it is from this day - April 12, 1961 - a man began to master the cosmos. By decision of the International Aviation Federation, this day was the worldwide aviation day and astronautics.

"Song" Space "

18. Cosmonaut No. 2 - Herman Titov on the East-2 spacecraft for the first time in the world, made 17 round-the-world turns, having spent in flight more than a day. If flying
Y. Gagarin proved that a person can fly into space, the flight of Titov showed that a person can live in space, work and relax. He was the first one who spent the land of the Earth from Cosmos. People saw their planet what no one had ever seen her.

19. Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky
After Gagarin, flew into space.
More and more cosmonauts new.
And Valentina Tereshkova
There was an average of the first cosmonauts.

Not afraid, boldly stepped onto the space way. She fulfilled his work with honor and proved that women are capable of much, and even on the flight into space. The feat of V. Tereshkova continued the second woman - cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya.

She not only made a flight into space, but also worked for many days on the orbital station.
In 1994, Elena Kondakova replenished the list of Russian women-cosmonauts.

And this list of the names of astronauts can continue and continue. And all of them are citizens of our country - Russia.

20. Exit to open space - it was another victory, approaching people to conquering space. The first exit to space was committed in March 1965. Preparation for him was considerable - three years. There were two cosmonauts on the spacecraft - Pavel Belyaev and Leonid Leonov.

Flight duration 1 day 2 hours 2 minutes 17 seconds. During this flight, Leonov first stepped into open space and was there 12 minutes 9 seconds.

Video "I am Earth ..."

21. But on March 27, 1968, the world learned about the terrible tragedy - the death of the first cosmonaut of the planet. It happened in the sky of the Vladimir region near the village of Novoselovo. Shortly before the death of Gagarin turned 34 years old. He performed a training flight with an instructor, the hero of the Soviet Union by Vladimir Sergin.

22. But there were sometimes failures,
And astronauts died ...
So, the brave mosquitoes burned down during the descent.
In the other times from overload
The valve opened ...
Cosmonauts Dobrovolsky,
Panya, wolves died in a bowl all the heroes.
Minute silence
Song "Tenderness"

23. The twentieth century, to the Galaxy Top,
Bashes us all the solemn news:
There is a cosmonaut - the profession is such
There is already such a position in the world.
Familiar badly with celestial celestial,
And I did not avoid mistakes on that day -
See everything: - Already portrait over the abyss
Not a dead star, but a man!
Such a position and such a right:
He first seeks the path to the worlds other.
He works!
Not honors and glory
And the debt and loyalty control them.
Satellite songs that in a quiet
Star Zone
Rattling, and magnicity and simple
He will take into solid palms tomorrow,
He will clarify unclear places
About what saw the report to the people
He, a soft gaze, raised to heaven,
Where light stars are flickering dances,
Where he shouted the star recently.
On March 9, our country will celebrate the 81th anniversary of the birth of Yu. Gagarin. And in our memory he will remain young, with a radiant smile.

24. Yes, "... The Great does not die, it remains to people. In the achievements of today's cosmonautics, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe first major constructor of Sosmos Academician Sergey Pavlovich Queen has lived. And it is to today that his words include his words: "What seemed unsinkable for centuries that yesterday was only a dazened dream, today - becomes a real task, and tomorrow - accomplishment." (S.P. Korolev).

25. During this time, the cosmonautics passed the way from simple artificial satellites of the Earth to complex lunar and interplanetary automatic, from single spacecraft to orbital stations with interchangeable crews, from the simplest experiments in space to fundamental studies.

26. Flights are becoming more and longer. Cosmonauts are already in space not hours, not days, but for several months. The cosmic ships themselves have changed. Now these huge facilities in which there is everything necessary for a long-term life in orbit, these are international space stations - the ISS. From the ISS is observing the sun, planets, stars.

27. Why do people stretch to the stars?
Why in our songs
Hero is falcon?
Why is everything beautiful,
What he created
Man who has been parsing
Calls high?
It is not easy to pave the way
Before yesterday's foggy stars,
But it is difficult to find on earth
That in his heart carried
That the robe carried on the ground,
That forever tied the city,
That ray raged in the MGL
Illuminated your year.
Not easy,
But you have to find
What's in the heart to the stars
Earth's path - continue
To today's bright stars ...

28. Listen!
After all, if the stars light up -

So - someone wants them to be?
So - someone calls these flores
And, darling
in fellow pulse dust,
breaks to God
afraid that late
kisses him a housing hand
asks -
So that there was a star!
- swear -
Does not postpone this faceless flour!
And then
There is anxious,
But calm externally.
Says to someone:
"After all, now you have nothing?
Not scary?
After all, if the stars
ignite -
So it is necessary to someone?
So it is necessary
To every evening
above the roofs
Skazed at least one star?!

29. Now the diverse automatic devices are furious space and solve the secrets of the universe. Now the cosmonautics is one of the newest areas of human activities, and how it will develop in the future depends on all of us. I would like to be proud and bold people, the cosmic abyss would have overwhelmed the invisible border of the Pluto orbit, opening the era of interstellar flights ...

30. If you ask our astronauts, why do they start the road to space, then we definitely hear the answer: "With dreams! The dream becomes free if a person is hardworking, inquisitive and persistent. "

Poem Boris Pubona "Dream"
Windowsill palms gris
You stand, throwing the head,
And the callsign thoughts fly
To the distant stars - white pigeons.
Somewhere there in the boundless pattern
Beyond the boundaries of the Star Arctic,
In inaccessible space and time
Sleep other galaxies.
I am confident: in some constellation
There are planets like our, green,
And your peers live there -
Cosmonauts, poets, scientists.
And in the same midnight lunar
Throwing a dreamily head,
Litched by the young people
On the planet in the constellation pigeon.

Song "Dream Fly"

31. Sons and daughters of the Blue Planet
Take up the swell, disturbing the stars.
The path to interstellar spaces is established,
For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.
Steps Era Space Forward!
Rockets continue their flight
Starting with Baikonur every year.
Accustomed to such phenomena people.
Keeps in the shower he first love
Let thousands take off to the stars again,
But the first was Gagarin, he was his
Native, with a smile of nursery, mischievous.

32. When Cosmonautics Day is coping,
My favorite remembers everything.
But on this day we congratulate those
Who is the glory creates the country, success:
Everyone who leaves the ground over the remote control
How astronauts feat do
And those who send ships.
Starting from Mother - Earth, -
All who are connected with space science in life.
The people are owned by their love.
Cosmonautics is proud of the country:
She was and we need!

33. Cosmonauts, thank you.
Our contemporaries, - Thank you!
I in the catch of excited feelings
Thank you again and again:
You opened earthlings
Pages of Heavenly Beauty,
Showed us land
With unprecedented heights
Showed it in a blue halo.
Humanity knows now:
Cosmos people will serve
They will be obedient.
You from the heart thanks, the heroes,
Mighty Star Brothers!
Thank you, astronauts!

Song "Military Air Force Power"

34. "It is today. And tomorrow? ... settlements on the moon, traveling to Mars. Scientific stations on asteroids, connection with other civilizations ... All this is the future. Let not be so close, but real. After all, it relies on the already achieved. And we will not be upset that we are not me with the participants of the distant interplanetary expeditions. We will not envy the people of the future. They, of course, are great lucky, for them will become the usual what we can only dream of. But we also fell great happiness. Happiness of the first steps into space. And let the descendants envy our happiness. "These words said Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, March 20, 1967

35. We run more to school
In our favorite class.
A lot of things big and new
Waiting for us.
Will be a day, dear light
Fly and we -
To secret, fabulous planets
In long worlds.
Years will be held. Maybe one of us will become a cosmonaut. And its flight into space, as well as Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, glorify our land.

36. To become a cosmonamp
Hello hard to possess health.
And lifestyle is right to lead
And the preparation must pass.
And only after many tests
You will become an astronaut.

37. Of course, everyone may want
From space to land.
But is there enough patience and strength?
Only one who bravely tolerate everything,
Let's go to Space Flight.
Forward, guys, cosmos are calling us!

"Nothing ended, everything just begins ..."
(K. Tsiolkovsky)