Sadda as the category of the ancient Russian population

So, according to the ancient Russian periodic edition called "Russian Pravda", death in Russia was customary to call the class of peasants who were initially free landowners in contrast to the same horses. As developing in the Russian lands, the landlord system, death becomes dependent on the Lord, as a result of which they are consolidated. But the famous historian of the Greeks B. gives a slightly different interpretation with this concept of "death".

So, in his opinion, the ancient Russian death was part of the rural community, but throughout the entire time were dependent on the prince of Kiev Rus. But validity, as well as the unreasonableness of this point of view, to refute or prove it is very difficult. As the only authoritative opinion, the text of the Russian truth, according to which, is not mentioned by anywhere, is not mentioned by the fact that deaths were dependent only from the Kiev Prince.

Messa could pass into the inheritance of the land, and in the event that they had no children, then all the property was printed. It should also be noted that for the murder of a party, the perpetrator was appointed a rather meager (as for human life) a fine of five hryvnias, while for the same crime committed against any other person the amount of the fine was forty hryvnia.

At the same time, in the Novgorod Principality, Messa was always in complete submission of the state. To the concept of "death" there was usually attributed to the entire category of the lower layers of the population submitted by the prince. At the same time, they operated on their own land plots, and also paid a considerable tax to the state treasury. However, at any moment, the resettlement of death was allowed to the resettlement or to bestow their churches. In addition, in the Novgorod Republic, Messda was serving natural duties and were obliged to supply horses, as well as feed warriors in wartime. It should also be noted that, unlike conventional community peasants who lived in the weighs, death should have lived in the villages.

A curious fact is the term that appeared between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries. "Overders", that is, to actually seize the population and the village of the enemy principality during the princely strife and internecine wars. After the fifteenth century, the court category passes the peasantry, but the term itself continues to be used and means informal appeal to the lower layers of the population of the king.

One of the most confusing issues of the history of Domongolskaya Rus is the maintenance of the term "deaths", the status of this population of the population. Without going into the historiography of the question (it can be found in the works of I. Froyanov who did it in the works), you can briefly say that at the moment there are two interpretations of the concept of "death". The first is an analogue of the later "peasant", the farming, sometimes dependent on the landowner, but at the same time personally free. The second interpretation considers deaths as slave-prisoners planted on Earth, and Danikov - also Nestlavyan (in the "Temporary Tale" subordinated to Russian princes, Rurikovich, Peoples are very clearly divided into two categories - "Word" Language in Rus_ "and" The lowering of the people, and the tribute to give Rusi "- while Slovec Language has incorporated into the concept of" Russia ", the rest of Eastern Europe remained outside, perceived as Danikanniki, and only). To supporters of the last point of view belong to I.Ya. Froyanov.

The very very existence of two points of view on this question says that the data of the preserved chronicler and other documents do not give a definite answer to the question of the status of death. The chronicle data is particularly unclear, where the use of this term may be not legal, but rhetorical.

In Lђto 6604. Svyatopolk and Volodyameer sent to Olgovy, the verbit of Sita: "Podidi Kyyev, you are a row to learn about the runer of the bishops, Igumen, and the front of the father's father, and in front of the townspeople, in order to reorganize the land of Russia. Oleg Orevel, the meaning of the buoy and the words of magnicity, spectacle Sita: "Survodi and Suditi [Mena] Bishop and Chernitsa, or Smedo"

In the context, here are sideways and "men", that is, the boyars and squad of the princes, and the "citizens". It is clear that this is a rhetorical turnover, but the possibility of introducing those in the chronicle makes its data in this matter less weighty ,. why would I like.

Unfortunately, very little to solve the issue of death has been attracted by such a group of sources as bark gramists. For the consoles of their study, the number of the results found passed over a thousand, and many of them are business notes or legal documents, that is, we can count on the maximum correctness of the term.
The first mention of the scent here is a grades No. 247, the first half of the XI century. Sai deathly accused of hacking for the sum of forty risan, the author of the diploma reports that the castle and the doors are intake, the owner (apparently, the premises, in hacking the deathbed) does not want to excite the case, so a fine should be recovered from the slander, and Pay "Vladyka", Novgorod bishop (obviously, fee for legal proceedings). At the end of the diplomas, it is not said about the possible, which is not the beating of slanderous slander.
On the status of a scent here can only be said that he is clearly not like a slave. Rab - Chelyadin, Hop - Neither in the contracts of pagan Rus with Byzantium, nor in the "Russian truth" - does not act as the side of the process, his owner is responsible for him. The deathhold looks according to this certificate is legally independent.
Less successfully ended for the representative of the social group of interest to us, described in a letter of 607 dated the end of the XI century. It says about the murder of a certain Sychevichi Novgorod siende named life, they also captured the inheritance of life.
Note that, apparently, life was not very poor. Also worthy of attention is obviously the Slavic name of the character of the diploma. Finally, he was somehow especially connected with Novgorod - "Novgorod Meado."
About the extremely confusing case of theft (or theft) reports grades No. 907 from a certain tukai arm (obviously, then the landing harden the cornea). In particular, one of the defendants is accused of receiving three hryvnia for silence from the "Ivanankov". Here we can talk about dependencies, although completely unclear what nature, this scent from an unknown Ivanko. Whether he passed his money or money Ivanko, it is also incomprehensible. In Ivanko, Sejandan Ivanko Pavlovich, who took place after the Gyryaty.
The gram of 724 reflects the collision of interest when collecting Dani from the population of the clouds at the end of the XII century, and the mention in it seems to be placed in the version of Froyanov. However, here are also mentioned and "people", and the "villagers", but the deaths come "from Andrei" (Bogolyubsky?) And it is unclear whether it is about the local population or some people who came in the closer from Suzdal Lands.

The gram of 935, the turn of the XII-XIII centuries presents a list of debtors or participants in some more common. Among the listed names there is a certain "death", the share of which is as well as from Fedor, Gavrilles and some Greek, in which commentators see the famous Novgorod icon painter of those times of Olisa Greek. This, and, with the fact that the name of the scene is not indicated, suggests that this is not awareness, but about the death of a nickname or worldly name, which received the owner of a higher status (in the "Dictionary of Ancient Russian personal names" N.M. Tupikov we find personally free peasants with the names of Holly and the Khop, as well as the nobles (!!) by the name of the peasant, there is also the name of the dilney, also noble).

The most interesting dated approximately the same time as the previous, grades No. 410. Three deaths mentioned among a number of debtors in it. The name of one of them is not read due to the defect of Berestov, the rest is Doman and the Brother. Their names in the whole row of others associated with them seems to have no way correlate with their status. On the other hand, the mention itself is already the mention that they are in this row of death, makes a very vulnerable to the widespread identification of a death tree with a peasant or a rural resident at all. Finally, it draws attention to that both of the preserved names of the sulfur again Slavic, as well as the life mentioned.

This is the last mention of death in bark grades.

What turns out from the information about scenery in the birchiuses of Novgorod?

On the one hand, based on this data, the funeral cannot be called simply another name of the peasantry - otherwise they would not be distinguished in 410 literacy

On the other hand, it is not allowed to unambiguously join the Froyanov version also do not allow. First, as we have already seen in the case of the wrongly accused sidder, the siddles could act as a party in court. We see their legal legal capacity and in the fact that they (and not their masters) give money in debt and are waiting for the return (410) - chopsticks or chellowadins never act as a side as a part in litigation or as a debtor.

An even more dubious such version makes the names of death. In all three cases, as we have seen, it was the Slavic names - Life, Doman, the Brother. Of course, this in itself can not mean anything, neighboring less developed tribes often adopted Slavic anthroponymik (one of the earliest examples of such borrowing is the elder Livov Dubrel from the Chronicles of Henry Latvian, in whose behalf it is difficult not to know the Russian good), but strange that there are simply no other names! After all, and at the same Henrich Latvian, along with Dubrel, a lot of livov is mentioned with its own tribal names. A lot of reference has been preserved, directly or indirectly mentioning non-Slavic neighbors and denunieners of Novgorod. From the XII century to XIV, the names of the type of number, Owelge, Tadui, Vigar, Igalide, Munomel, Ikagal and Others, Other, are abundant. So never, none of the carriers of the Finnish name named Sidder. Equally, doddes and carriers of Balt anthroponyms such as Dutsen, Oman, Rimsha, Kulba are not named. Mysterious "Dicky People" and "Visitors", in which A.A. The zaliznyak suggests Karel or Lopards, also not assigned to death. It seems very unlikely, taking into account this that the term "deathly" referred to the slaves or danutors of non-Slavic origin.

What is the general conclusion?

Data of Berbrey Merilization of Siddah do not fit into the first, nor in the second version of the explanation of this social term. Santa cannot be considered as a generalizing name of the peasantry, otherwise the Brother, Doman and their remaining nameless companions would not be marked among other dedication characters. On the other hand, the fact that death could act as a heavy side or debtor, makes it difficult to attribute them to the category of personally dependent. It does not find the confirmation and version of the communications of death with any independent element.
Unfortunately, on the question of the basis of which people relate to the Social Group "Messa", the study of Berchinsky Deliver did not give.

Used work A.A. Zaliysnyakka Ancient Divine Dialect, M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture 2004

Sidda's siends are small landowners who have made a group of people in ancient Russia (and in some other Slavic countries) in the socio-legal status. During the XI-XII centuries. C. - First of all, the peasants-communities, lost personal freedom completely or partially. Along with them in the category S. It was also a personally free rural population. During the period of feudal fragmentation (XII-XIII century), the term "S." The entire rural residents of a certain territory were designated (peasants - subjects of the local feudal). Personal freedom of S. was limited to the prohibition of transition under the custody of another feudal. In the XIV-XV centuries. The concept of S. in Russia was replaced by a new one - the peasants.

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutsky, A.Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .

Watch what is "Sidda" in other dictionaries:

    Peasants Communities in Ancient Russia (9 14 centuries). Initially free, with the development of social economic relations gradually fell into dependence ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sadda, the peasants of the community in Ancient Russia (9 14 centuries). Initially free, with the development of social economic relations gradually fell into dependence. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    In the ancient Russian law, free rural ordinary people as opposed to the same side by the hills, with the other prince's husbands. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Category of the dependent rural population in ancient Russia. Mentioned in the Russian truth, the "Tale of Bygone Years" and others. The murder of Sidda was punished with the same fine as the murder of the Halds. Their essential property inherited the prince. The word "deathhold" ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Smurdi, SMARDONES) Social layer of glory. Societies of early Middle Ages. In sources of 11 12 centuries. C. Marked in Kievan Rus (Russian True, etc. Sources), in Poland, Poland Slavs; S., perhaps, were also in the Balkans. On the issue of ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Messo - - the name of feudal dependent peasants in ancient Russia (9-13 centuries). V. I. Lenin indicates that "the landowners were tidy droces even in the times of" Russian truth "(cit., Vol. 3, p. 170). S., attached to the ground, were operated as ... ... Soviet Law Dictionary

    The name of feudal dependent peasants in ancient Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In sources of 11 12 centuries. S. was noted in Kievan Rus (Russian True and other sources), in Poland, Polandskiy Slavs. S. in Russia Peasants, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    messo - Small landowners who were inhomogeneous on socially legal status of a population group in ancient Russia (and in some other Slavic countries). In the period of the XI XII centuries. C. This is primarily the peasants of communities, lost personal freedom ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    Messo - the agricultural population of the village. At the beginning of the historical existence of Russia, it was free, and then gradually dealt dependent on individuals, princes or markers. The first written collections of laws they are somewhat limited in ... ... Cossack Dictionary


  • Tsari and Messy: Roman. Beniuh O. P., Beniuh O.P. The action of the novel occurs in the outback of Russia and covers the second half of the XX century. This historic background shows the lives of two main characters - a rural priest and a rural teacher. ...

Arable lands in times of Russia were the main wealth, the main means of production. The most popular variation of the manufacturing organization was the victim - owned by a votchina boyars and princes, they received him from fathers and passed their sons. He worked on this earth the peasants - soughtda, chores, purchases, rankings.

In Kievan Rus, along with capital and boyars, there were a large number of community farmers, so far that there is no way dependent on the feudal. Such independent communities of the peasants paid to file the princess in favor of the country.

The first of these is the most popular categories of dependent peasants I suggest you consider death. As you know, the deaths are free farmers, who treat state land and pay a special file in favor of Power. Deaths compared to other groups of dependent peasants were in a rather favorable position - they had personal freedom, their own land, these people honestly worked and received remuneration, they had no problems with the local princely power, if they were able to file from Prince Received a protectorate and had certain civil and human rights. According to various sources, the military service of death is the direct acceptance of participation in the campaigns in the infantry, or supply for the army of horses and food. In addition, this category was the most numerous in Russia. It was the sidetis - the main component of the rural population of Kievan Rus in the 9th and 2nd centuries. The very concept of "death", according to one of the versions means - "Man", "Free Peasant". Gradually, these free commercial peasants fell dependent on the feudalists, lost personal freedom and independence, "attached" to Earth, and over time the bulk of free peasants turned into fortress peasants. The development of socio-economic relationship has led to the fact that the previous part of the population has become a powerless mass.

The following categories considered by us are chop. This social layer was not so numerous, but the slaves also constituted an impressive share among the rural population of the ancient Russian state. Directly - the chores are the dependent part of the population of Kievan Rus. This is part of the population, in its position close to slave. Colds, in the main mass - prisoners of war. Also, the hills are called fortress peasants, which existed already in 9-12 centuries in Russia. According to the most common theory, the word "Hop" means "attached to the Earth", "fixed peasant". The position of the horses was terrible - a complete trouble and slave labor. Historians claim that Kievan Rus refers to those States that in their development practically missed the period of the slave-ownership structure, however, in the conditions of the ancient Russian state, it can be announced that in it the slave-ownership system calmly existed next to the feudal, which is typical of most Slavic peoples. And there is nothing unusual about this - some part of the population in any case will be endowed with less rights than others.

Then I suggest you consider such a category of the population as purchases. Purchases - peasants who are in a serious material and social position close to the Kolaopsky. Purchases are also named NAMITs. It cannot be said that these are people selling their labor, rather, they are debtors, according to a special agreement (the text can be found in the "Russian truth") fall into a personal dependence on the so-called employer. The rights of procurement are strongly limited, but they are more protected than chopers who do not have any social rights. It is like a personal dependence on a specific agreement and distinguishes the purchase from ordinary proletarian times of capitalism, although he and the other sell their labor force. The social rights of the purchase include a very dubious right not to be convinced "not for business", but "just so." Purchase has the right to defend its rights in court and the opportunity to escape from the owner subject to certain conditions due to the signed contract. Purchases are also entitled to their own property, which they cannot be deprived of forcibly. In addition to rights, there are obligations. For example, purchases are obliged to fulfill all the terms of the contract and are responsible for the property, inventory and the owner's cattle. Only in this case they can expect to comply with all prescribed rights and freedoms.
Usually in purchases, or hiring, walked peasants who have no livelihood, and to make a dependence were their chance to survive and feed their family. Purchases made various work on the courtyard of feudal, they are divided into several subcategories on this basis. If the purchase escapes from the owner, he turns it into the cold.

The category of the dependent population of ancient Russia, which is very similar to the procurement - rowers. Until now, historians, studying written sources of the Old Russian state, have not defined who are such a number. According to one of the theories, confirmed by extracts from the "Russian truth", the rankings are part of the chelyadi, minor employees in the house of feudal. Another version says that this is a sought who concluded a special agreement with the feudal agreement ("row"), according to which they fell into some feudal dependence and served as the owner for a fee, food and shelter. This definition brings to the proclaims.

From all this we can conclude that the sought-to-the-world of Kiev, because they had personal freedom, unlike procurements and orders, who lost it to survive, and, especially since very dysfunny hills. Just the slaves - people whose position was actually slave and are the lowest social category of the Old Russian power.

Remember the famous quotes from all the favorite "Ivan Vasilyevich", which changes the profession: "Do you hurt your boyfriend, a faddle?", "Ah you, tramp, mortal pimple, death!"? We laugh at the perplexity of Yakina (Mikhail Pugovkin), admire Grozny (Yuri Yakovlev), but when I get to re-read the immortal comedy of Bulgakov, pay attention to the wonderful language, which work is written.

Meadow Singness Running

Modern reader, quickly forgetting lessons for such a school subject, like a story, probably going to come and will not say what a siddy is, more precisely, who is. But the inquisitive, of course, it will be interesting to find out what the residents of the Old Russian state are named, except for the nobility (boyars) and spiritual estate. Those. Under this concept, it was implied by commercial people, merchants and artisans, stray crumbs and townspeople, as well as peasants. So such a commoner, a man of discharge origin. However, over time, the word acquires other semantics.

Peasant question

Now some clarifications. The peasants in Russia were once free landpasses. Then, as they use, they began to share for three categories: "People", "Hollows", "Smedy". "People" were called non-bogar citizens of low origin. As the "Russian True" says (test legal paper of the XI-XVI centuries), if someone kills a free man and will be caught, he must pay a fine of 40 hryvnia. What is a siddy, if his life cost no more life slave (Hall) - 5 hryvnia? Also, it turns out, the slave. Whose? Prince, i.e. Boyarin.

The categories of death gradually began to attribute those free peasants-farmers who were fixed as social stratification and the growth of landlords. This value of the word is characteristic of the time of Kiev Rus.

Sider "in Novgorod"

The Novgorod Republic was a special territory. And the rules there operated their own. What is deaths in local laws? This is an agriculture dependent on the state, and not from the private owner. Then everyone's peasants began to attribute to this category. In Russia, the landpashings were the most numerous category of citizens. The state gave them land ones, for which death paid taxes in the treasury, and the princes - the subsidy of "in nature": food, cannon, lively, and so on. To live such peasants were obliged in villages (from the word "sat", t. e. "Sent"). Approximately by the XV century, the term "deathly" is replaced by "peasants". And since the army was absorbed from the simple people, during the time and a few later, the service was called in such a word.

In documents (orders, messages, certificates, petitions) of that time, this is a formal adopted form when dealing with the king to soldiers. In a few centuries, the concept of "death" turned into a contemptuous, almost branded designation of serfs and allocates. By the way, during the times of prince, the assums were specific, then the word "Overded" came out of consumption: to capture the prince-enemy's subjects.

And more about these etymology and color consumption

If we talk about that it refers to the Indo-European language group. We looked at lexical transformation. It remains to say more about the added meaning value obtained in the process of use. From the Word "Meadda" formed the verb "Made", i.e. "Self smell." The fact is that in the outstanding where the poorest peasants and slaves lived, she was tightened at all who did not miss the air at all. The ovens "in black", smoke barely left the premises, everything is damning through. And in the late autumn, in winter and early spring, together with people in the hut held a poultry with cattle. It is clear that the "fragrance" of Sidda could have been learning for the mile. Therefore, over time, the word "death" instead of "serfs" began to denote a dirty, untidy, stinking person. Modern synonym - "homeless".