We make up fairy tales

Works of 2nd grade students


Negrey Denis 2-a

Once upon a time there was a boy. They gave him a kitten. The boy loved the kitten and played with it.

There was a large cactus on their window. Once a boy walked past a cactus and it pricked him. The boy felt pain and began to cry. In the evening, when the boy went to bed, the kitten decided to take revenge for his friend and bit off all the spines of the cactus. And the cactus turned out to be magical and turned the kitten into a hedgehog. When the boy woke up in the morning, he did not see the kitten and began to call him. But in response to his call, it was not a kitten that looked out from under the curtain, but a hedgehog. At first the boy was scared, but then he saw his sad eyes and felt sorry for the poor man. He poured milk into a saucer and placed it on the hedgehog. As soon as he started drinking, the needles began to fall off, and the kitten became the same as before.

This magical cactus took pity on the kitten for the boy’s kindness.


Sychev Dmitry 2-a

Once upon a time there lived Dima a football player. He went to training. And after training, he and his dad loved to go fishing.

And then one day Dima caught a big Bream. Leschch prayed: “Let me go, Dima, don’t destroy me. I any your wish I will fulfill it.” And why not? Dima thought, releasing the bream into a bucket of water. If he fulfills his wish, I’ll let him go, but if he doesn’t fulfill it, then his mother will fry him for dinner. “I want,” says Dima, to win a football competition at school tomorrow.” The bream says to him: “Be calm, I will fulfill your request.” And so it happened, Dima’s team won. The coach approaches Dima and says that he will play for the city team. Dima became sad, and Bream reassures him that victory is guaranteed to him. And again they took first place. Dima became self-important and became brave. I went out with friends to eat ice cream and forgot about my friend. Bream. I came home, and Bream died of boredom and loneliness.

The moral of the story is: don’t forget those who do you good.

Fairy and animals. Fairy tale.

Matveeva Yu 2-a

Once upon a time there lived a hedgehog. He was a very kind, smart and friendly hedgehog.

He had a lot of friends: a bunny, a mouse, a kitten, a little squirrel and a little bee. And he decided to take a walk with his friends because it was a sunny day. They went to swim in the river. And after that they lay down to sunbathe and looked at the clouds in the sky and found funny figures in them. But the clouds floated away, the sun disappeared, clouds appeared and it began to rain. The animals began to look for somewhere to hide from the rain, but there was nothing suitable anywhere. And then the good fairy came to their aid. With her assistants Chip and Dale, she took the animals home in her magic carriage. The animals gave the Fairy tea with lemon and honey. Fairy went to her fairyland, and Chip and Dale stayed with the animals. They became friends and lived very happily.

Faithful friend

Yanchenya Elena 2nd grade

There lived one boy and his name was Vova. One day he went for a walk. He didn't notice how he fell into the lake. And along the way a boy was walking, he saw that Vova had fallen into the lake and ran to save him. He saved Vova and Vova thanked him. Since then they began to be friends together.


Zeytunyan Arthur 2nd grade

My grandparents, who live in Maykop, had a dog named Sharik. This dog was very nimble and never sat in one place for a minute. In the garden, my grandmother planted seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers. She looked after them every day. The seedlings have grown large. One day, restless Sharik ran into the garden and trampled all the seedlings. Grandmother saw all this and cried because all her work was lost. Out of anger, she sent Sharik to the Lagonaki mountains with her friends. The dog lived in the mountains, where she grazed cows and sheep. When my grandmother’s anger passed, she realized that there was no need to do this. But it was already too late.

Lion and animals.

Dadasheva Indira 2nd grade

There lived a lion in the forest. And he hunted animals. And so it was the fox’s turn. The lion catches up with the fox and catches up. And the fox says: “Don’t eat me, lion.” “On the other side of the lake someone just like you appeared.” The lion got angry and said: “Fox, and fox, take me to the other side of the lake.” The fox took him away, and the lion said: “Fox, where is your lion?” “There, look at the lake,” the fox answers. The lion saw his reflection and rushed into the water. So the animals got rid of the lion.

Naughty frogs.

Kirillov Danil 2nd grade

Once upon a time there lived a family of frogs in a swamp. The mother frog was going to catch mosquitoes for lunch. She told the little frogs not to leave the house, otherwise the voracious heron would eat them. And she left. The little frogs played, jumped, ran and did not notice how they were far from home. The heron came up and swallowed the frogs. The mother frog was returning from hunting and saw a heron with a full belly. The heron was sleeping, and the baby frogs were jumping inside the belly. The mother frog took a spruce needle and pierced the heron's belly. The frogs jumped out. They promised mom never to go far from home again. Always obey your mother.

Glass balls.

Kovalenko Katya 2nd grade

There were many different toys and lights hanging on the holiday tree in the store. Among them were plastic and glass balls. People passed by and admired the beauty and shine of the Christmas tree with its lights and balls. The glass balls believed that people only admired them and were very proud of it. They even began to swing on the branch out of pride. Plastic balls said: “Careful, you will break!” But the glass balls did not listen to them and swayed more and more on the branch. And so they fell and were broken. And glass balls no longer hang on the tree. And people walk past the Christmas tree and continue to admire its beauty and elegant appearance.

Mice and cheese.

Zhakenova Ainur 2nd grade

Once upon a time there lived a mouse. And she had three sons: Simka, Timosha and the youngest Vanyutka. In the morning, Simka ate porridge, Timosha ate cottage cheese, and Vanyutka ate nothing, he wouldn’t even drink milk. One day their grandmother came to them and she brought six cheeses. And Vanyutka liked the cheese. At night, a star fell in Vanyutka’s window. He made a wish that he would have a mountain of cheese in his hole. And when he woke up, he had a mountain of cheese. He ate everything and became like a ball.

Little Mermaid

Bulavenko Kristina 2nd grade

We went to the beach with our girlfriends. We were sunbathing, and then we went swimming and saw a girl. Her name was the Little Mermaid. “I can grant one wish,” she said. I wished: “I want us to never quarrel.” And we were friends with the Little Mermaid.


Chabanenko Maryam 2nd grade

Once upon a time there lived a princess and she wanted to travel around the world. And one day I went. On the way, she met a cat and a dog and took them. She arrived in the kingdom where she lives. Once when the princess went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. Sits and cries. Suddenly a fairy appeared and said: “Why are you crying?” And the princess answers: “Because I got lost.” And suddenly at that moment the princess found herself at home with a basket full of mushrooms. She lived happily ever after with a cat and a dog.

Little Mermaid Star

Afonichkina Elizaveta 2nd grade

Once upon a time there was a little mermaid, Zvezdochka, and her father was Neptune. He was mighty and strong. He had a golden trident. He was the king of the sea. The star was a princess and everyone obeyed her. But one day a man fell into the sea. The little mermaid took him by the arms and put him in a shell, and waited for him to wake up. He woke up. They were having fun. But when my father found out, they got married. And they had 2 little mermaids: Heart and Star.


Shevyako Anna 2nd grade

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. And they had a cat, a dog and a goat. One day the old woman decided to bake pancakes. I baked pancakes and went to the cellar for sour cream.

A wolf was running nearby, a very hungry wolf. He mistook the old woman for the smell of pancakes and wanted to eat her. He looked through the window and said: “Old man, give me the old woman.” “No way,” answered the old man. The wolf got angry and ate everyone. The old man began to think about how to get out. And I came up with it. They rocked the wolf and got out to freedom. And the wolf realized that the old woman smelled like pancakes. And the wolf didn’t hurt the little ones anymore.

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Details Category: Write a fairy tale

short tales invented by children

Boy Zura and his brothers

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Zura, with two brothers. One day Zura went to the river to swim. He was swimming and heard the river whisper to him: “Get out of the water, otherwise a sea monster will wake up.” Zura didn't believe it.

And suddenly the river where he was swimming shook, and a monster swam out of it, dragging Zura under the water. His brothers were waiting for him at home, but they never arrived. The eldest was sent to search, but he returned with nothing. Then they sent the middle brother. The latter found Zura and brought him home. They warmed him up and dried him, and said: “Listen to us and the river.”

Magic ring

Once upon a time there lived a wizard blacksmith. He knew a girl called Faneli. The blacksmith wanted to give Fanel a ring, not an easy one, but a magical one. The blacksmith forged him from precious stones in the shape of two bells. Faneli was delighted, put the ring on her finger and became small. The blacksmith said: “When there is danger, become small, and when there is no danger, become big.”

Evening came. Fanely and Kuznets went to bed. The next morning Faneli woke up, and there was an angry dog ​​in front of her. The dog jumped on Faneli and took her away, taking her into the forest.

The blacksmith got upset and went to forge a sword. Meanwhile, Faneli sat in the chest and thought about how she could get out. Night has come. Faneli lifted the lid of the chest and ran away. She ran home and returned in the morning. The blacksmith was delighted. And they began to live happily ever after.

Lord of the Seas

Once upon a time there lived a man, his name was Len, he loved to swim in the sea. One day he was sailing on a boat that leaked and sank. Len lay for a hundred years at the bottom, fish and jellyfish saw him and raised him. He turned into a mermaid, who was named Avalon.

Avalon began to rule the sea fairly and wisely. He built a museum and an orphanage. Two years later he married the princess of the water kingdom, and a year later he had a son and daughter. They lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was an artist. His name was Izudic. One day Izudic drew a picture of a wizard, and when he picked it up, he began to tremble. A hat appeared on his head, a gold tassel with a black stripe appeared in his hands, and a beautiful suit appeared on his body. He waved his brush in fear and drew a stripe as if on paper in the air. The strip then turned into a sky with clouds.

Izudic could not resist and began to draw a picture. Having finished, Izudik sighed and sat down not on a chair, but in the air. I got scared, grabbed my hat, and painted swallows flew out of it. Izudic, having recognized his true talent, became a famous artist and wizard.

Second ballerina

Once upon a time there lived the most beautiful ballerina in the whole world. Her name was Orizella and she had a daughter, Enika. Orizella always went to concerts in the theater, so Enika studied ballet herself. To earn a little extra money for food, she danced and sang in markets and squares.

One day Orizella went to a concert with Enika. Enika asked to perform with her mother. She put on a pink tutu. And when the performance was over, they gave it to the girl gold medal with the inscription: “For the young ballerina.” And Enika became a real second ballerina, dancing next to Orizella.

golden squirrel

Once upon a time there lived a golden squirrel, so golden that when it jumped into a ray of light, it lit up. She lived in a young oak tree. She had a son with brown fur.

One day the squirrel went for berries. She walked and walked and saw that the flowers were withering, and ran to the owner of the flower meadow, to the hedgehog. Hedgehog says:

There is no rain, the clouds are not flying, but preparations are underway for the mushroom season. How's the school cook? He'll be upset...

Belka says:

The lake is no longer a lake, but a desert. There is a drop of water left in it! At least it would rain!

The squirrel ran into the neighboring forest. A stork lives there. He always knew what the weather would be like. He said:

Well, the weather will be sunny all the time. Not a cloud.

The squirrel was afraid that not a single mushroom would grow, but she ran to the wheat field and was delighted when she saw the wheat earing on it and shouted:

At least we'll have bread!

Are you living in a drought? Move over the entire forest to us.

So the golden squirrel found new home inhabitants of the forest near the waterfall.

Fairy tales I have always loved, not only listening, but also composing. Why did I decide to write specifically about how to come up with a fairy tale yourself? First of all, like I said, I've been doing this for a long time and I absolutely love it! Why do I give advice? I didn’t send many fairy tales to the world, so to speak, but at least two of them resonated in the hearts of not only readers, but also an impartial jury.

The first of them was written during a difficult period of my life, when my eldest son was very ill. It was the fairy tale “Nestle’s Magical Land”, for which the Nestle company, which organized the fairy tale competition, gave me a washing machine for taking 1st place. Thank you them to this day! At that moment it was very, very important to me!

Another fairy tale was written not so long ago and participated in literary competition on the blog seterature. I did not win a prize in that competition (most likely because I did not meet the competition task a little. After all, I had to write not a fairy tale, but an article in the epistolary genre). However, two members of the jury (the queens of words I respect) rewarded me with open links from their blogs (sometimes breaking the rules leads to victory! After all, again, at that time, these very links were very important to me), and the readers gave to me "Audience Award". Thanks to them all!!!

And today I invite you visit a fairy tale, a fairy tale invented by you!

So, what is a FAIRY TALE?

Fairy tale- a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Fairy tale is a fictional story in which anything can happen that is unthinkable in real life, and which, as a rule, ends well and safely!

And they lived happily ever after!

A fairy tale is a good assistant in raising a child and oneself! With the help of a fairy tale, you can not only believe, but also make magic and miracles come true...

A fairy tale can become a treasured magic wand in the hands, oh, excuse me, in the mouth of a caring mother. After all, she is the main tablet in fairytale therapy. What is fairy tale therapy? This is fairy tale treatment. What diseases are treated by fairy tales? Fairy tales are used to treat severe and mild forms of Aprisites, Nekhochukhits and Leninites. And besides, a fairy tale is the most pleasant medicine in all medicine, which everyone will like!

Every mother, by virtue of her nature, is capable of fairy tale therapy from birth. After all, the mother intuitively knows how and in what form to teach the baby this or that life lesson. Well why not mother's tale: when persuading the baby not to take off his hat on the street, say that he needs to hide his ears, otherwise the prankish wind will take the ears for a while... And what will we do without the ears? After all, to get them back you will have to drink bitter medicine and lie in bed all day...

Every mother in her soul (she may not even know it) is real and the best in the world storyteller.


In order for your own fairy tale to be born, you need a little imagination, desire and time! Well, what shall we try?

So, tip number 1.

Unleash your imagination.

Imagination, like talent, lies dormant in each of us. True, for some it is dormant, and for others it sleeps soundly. But this can be fixed. The main thing is to believe in your creative streak and push it a little, and then, if you wish, it will slowly move along the rails of fabulous ideas, gradually accelerating its pace.

Imagination- this is the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the creation of images and plots, the revival of the inanimate and unreal. Imagination works on certain raw materials, when processed, a fairy tale is born. The raw materials of imagination can be found everywhere. It could be life situations(failures and problems, successes and achievements). The source of inspiration can be paintings by artists, classical and modern music, images from the world of cinema and well-known fairy tales. Solitude with nature can awaken ideas even in the most “tired” of worldly worries.

Talking with your child can help stimulate your imagination. With leading questions, the child himself will answer what and how should happen in the fairy tale. Write a fairy tale with your children- fun and educational. After all, they have the most interesting and vivid imagination!

Unleash your imagination and bring the inanimate to life. Let the door speak, the bed begin to play before going to bed, or the road run away from under your feet...

Dream about yourself, depicting your dream in the form of a fairy tale. But! Attention! This method can bring a MIRACLE from unreality to reality and make your dream come true. So be positive!

And also awaken inspiration possible through meditation. Meditation- this is relaxation of the body in order to “release” and control one’s thoughts and emotions. During and after meditation, kind and gentle stories are born.

A magical mantra for inspiration will help you feel the state of flight and soaring. Fill your soul with energy, strength and inspiration.

Tip #2

Create a main character

The main character of the fairy tale- the core around which events and miracles revolve. The main character can be your child, either a boy or a girl, whose behavior is very reminiscent of your baby. The main character can be a favorite toy, a cartoon character, an animal or bird, a car, an ordinary cone, dishes, a table, a computer, a telephone. Anything!

Give the hero some ordinary and unusual qualities. For example, bringing a table to life is already unusual in itself, but at the same time you can still do homework on it, while traveling around the world.

Tip #3

Sketch a plan for a future fairy tale

That is, prepare in advance. Think about what or who your fairy tale will be about. What exactly do you want to convey to the listener? Write a plan. The plan should include:

  • The beginning of the story (where? who? when?)
  • Incident (what happened? conflict, problem)
  • Overcoming difficulties (solving riddles, finding a way out of a situation)
  • Outcome (return or other completion of the tale)

Of course, this is a very, very rough plan. Well, here is an example of a plan for the well-known fairy tale “Kolobok”:

  1. Grandparents' house. Grandfather asks grandmother to bake a bun.
  2. The baked bun comes to life and runs away.
  3. Kolobok successfully escapes from danger in the form of a hare, wolf and bear.
  4. And the old woman gets screwed, the fox outwitted the bun.

Very interesting and easy fairy tale planning can be implemented in the creation of a crumb fairy tale. Fairy tale - baby, this is a very small fairy tale, a couple of paragraphs long. A little fairy tale is invented literally on the fly. For example: little story about a balloon.

Once upon a time there was a ball. For a very long time he lay small and deflated in a large box with other similar balloons, dreaming of one day seeing a bright sunlight. And then one day, he found himself in the hands of a man. The man began to inflate him. The ball began to grow, becoming bigger and bigger. He was no longer wrinkled and ugly. Now it was a big red ball, ready to fly into the sky. But the man gave it small child. And the baby held the ball tightly in his hand.

He liked the ball so much that he really didn’t want to play with the child. And he kept trying to escape. And then a breeze blew, and the ball, taking advantage of the opportunity, twitched and escaped from the small palms. The ball soared into the sky. And he flew higher and higher. He was so happy about his freedom that he began to laugh loudly. So much so that he couldn’t stop until he burst and fell to the ground again...

If you practice using tiny fairy tales, then over time you will easily come up with voluminous and interesting fairy tales!

Tip #4

Remake an old fairy tale

Take any fairy tale as a basis and change something in it. Introduce a new character into a fairy tale or give an old one new character traits or capabilities. Let, for example, Masha, getting lost in the forest, end up not in the house of neat bears, but in the house of three little pigs. Or, the bun will not be appetizing and fragrant, but callous and evil, from which all the animals ran and hid, and only the fox came up with a way to save forest dwellers(for example, return the bun to your grandparents and make crackers out of it).

Children are always interested in what happens next? For example, what did Pinocchio become when he grew up? Or, what happened to Alyonushka and her monster husband after the wedding, and what would have happened if the scarlet flower had scattered its seeds and multiplied?

Or, take a number of associative words from a fairy tale and add some completely different word to them. For example, the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” The associative series can be like this: wolf, kids, goat, cabbage, voice and add a new word - telephone. Well, what will happen in history now?

Tip #5

Play word games

Words- cells of a fairy-tale creation. You can play with them, maybe something new will be born.

Take two different words(you can ask someone to tell you the words, or randomly point your finger at a book). And come up with a couple of stories with these words.

For example, let's take the words - castle and deer. Here are some stories you can come up with:

1. A deer came to the princess’s castle every day at the same time and tried to reach the apple tree behind the fence.

2. In the castle of one king there lived a beautiful deer who could speak.

3. Once upon a time there was an amazing deer who carried an entire castle on his antlers.

Take contradictions and make up a story. For example, fire and water, unfinished work and reworked work, a beautiful and ugly princess, a microplane and an airplane, a king and a servant, summer and winter.

Write down a few headlines from magazines, newspapers and books. Mix and take three of them at random. Find commonalities and make up a story. Sometimes, from the most seemingly abracadabra, a brilliant work is born, for example, “Alice in Wonderland” by L. Carroll.


Find a listener and tell him a story

A storyteller definitely needs those who love fairy tales. Tell a story in simple words And simple sentences. Use vivid descriptive images and as many adjectives as possible. Actively play with intonation and voice, speaking either louder or mysteriously quieter.

Tell your essay to your loved one, mother, friend, neighbor. And best of all, to the most grateful listener - child! Tell her without even asking her to evaluate her. You will see the appreciation of your fairy tale in their eyes... And most likely it will inspire you to new feats!

Check out my latest story, The Laugh Shop! Perhaps this will be your starting point to the land of Good Storytellers!

The talent of a storyteller will not be born on its own. He is like a grain in the ground; in order to grow, he needs effort and time. However, it is worth it to one day turn into a beautiful flowering tree. A tree that is unlike anyone else and beautiful in its own way!

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - Well done!

PS: Do you know that you can also give your baby a fairy tale about himself? You've probably already heard about "Tales about your child"? These are unique books in which your son or daughter can be the main character. And now, you also have a 50% discount on this book. I give it to all my readers, as I am a partner of this company. The main thing is to enter the coupon number when ordering:50FNNU 00

In textbooks on literary reading Some teaching materials for grades 2-3 include assignments to compose your own fairy tale or story. In fact, this is not difficult to do, you just need to grasp the idea. Often it is given not just to compose a fairy tale, but a fairy tale on a specific topic, for example, its meaning should be some kind of proverb. In the program there is a planet of knowledge, for example: “tackle a good deed skillfully” or others of your choice.

Made up fairy tales

First, practice on something simple, without a predetermined topic (in UMK school In Russia, for example, the task appears to be simply to compose a fairy tale). Maybe you remember some interesting and instructive incident from life, you can come up with it yourself. By analogy with famous fairy tales come up with your own. Here are examples of fairy tales written by children, let them inspire you to write your own.

Why does a hare have long ears?

Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. He was constantly bragging about something. He boasted of his white fluffy tail, his sharp teeth, his keen eyes. One day he sat on a stump and boasted to the whole forest that he was able to jump over the highest hummock in this forest. The bunny did not notice how a wolf crept up from behind and grabbed him by the ears. The bunny struggled, struggled, and forcibly escaped. Look at yourself, the wolf pulled out his ears. Now the bunny looks at his long ears and sits quietly under a bush, without sticking out.


The little acorn lost his hat and went in search of it. He jumped over the roots of the papa oak tree, ruffled the withered grass and looked under the leaves:

- This is not my hat, it’s too big and too big for me!
– And this one, double, will suit twin acorns.
– And this is last year’s, they don’t wear them like this anymore this season!

The acorn looked for a long time for its cap, got tired and fell asleep. He woke up in the spring, the sun was warm, it was warm. He looks, he is not an acorn, but a small oak tree, and he no longer needs a hat.

The tale of a traffic light arrogant.

A new traffic light was installed at the intersection. He was tall, slender and full of self-esteem.

Who said that you have to turn on the colors one by one, it’s much more beautiful to shimmer with all the colors at once, the Traffic Light decided and stared at the road with all 12 eyes.
- Hey, what are you doing! - the cars started beeping.

They huddled together in fear and nuzzled each other like blind kittens.

You look like cuttlefish! - the traffic light shouted to them from above and swayed with laughter.

A girl approached the crossing. “So pretty!” – thought the traffic light and winked at her in three colors at once. And again the indignant squeal of brakes.

“Just think,” Traffic Light was offended. “I’ll take it and pass out! Let’s see how you cope here without me!”

I thought so and went out.
And the next day, another traffic light was installed at the intersection, responsible and reliable.

Write a fairy tale or story, the name and meaning of which can be one of the proverbs:

  1. It's better to lose with a smart person than to find with a fool.
  2. The head is thick, but the head is empty.
  3. They don't beat with a spear, but with their minds.
  4. If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble.
  5. A stupid mind lets you go around the world.

The head is thick, but the head is empty

In one small town there lived a girl with beautiful blue eyes and blond curls. Like all girls, she went to school, where she was given a lot of homework. She didn’t like it very much: during class she thought about how beautiful she was, and at home she admired herself in the mirror. Every morning she had to do homework, although she was only attracted to numerous combs and hairpins. One day she couldn’t resist and decided to give herself a beautiful hairstyle instead of sitting down to study. She came to school with unlearned lessons. When she was called to the board, she was confused and did not know what to answer. The teacher looked reproachfully at the girl and her beautiful hairstyle and said: her head is thick, but her head is empty. She felt very ashamed, and her curled locks no longer pleased her.

A stupid mind lets you around the world

One day a guy decided to earn some money. Give me, he thinks, I’ll help the neighbors, and they’ll give me money for it. I came to the first neighbor and offered to walk her dog. The neighbor agreed. The boy let the dog off the leash, and she ran away. The neighbor didn’t pay him, and even demanded money from him for the dog. The boy thought that it would be easier for other neighbors to go to the grocery store. I offered it to them. And he put the money in a holey pocket, and it fell out along the way. No food, no money, we had to give ours to our neighbors again. So he sits and thinks about how he can help his third neighbors and get a bonus for it. This is how a stupid mind goes around the world!

If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble

Once upon a time there lived two brothers. Both are tall, slender, black-haired - beautiful to look at, but one is smart and the other is not very smart. One day they came across a treasure map. The brothers decided to go in search of them. It was shown on the map that treasures were hidden in the dense forest. The brothers approached a large spruce tree at the edge of the forest. From there you need to go north. The elder brother looks at which side of the tree the ants built the anthill on, where there is more moss, where there is less, and realizes where is the north. And the younger one just scratched the back of his head and followed the older one. A bear meets them. The elder climbed the tree, called the younger one to follow him, and he grabbed a stick and teased the bear. Bear on him. The boy started to run, only his heels sparkled. And the elder climbed down from the tree and dug up the treasure. If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble!

They beat you not with a spear, but with your mind

Once upon a time there lived Ivashka. He decided to go on a trip. He took the pie with him and set off to wander around the world. Ivashka found a cave. There he met two giants. They thought that Ivashka was very weak and decided to have a competition. Who is stronger? The cave is given to the one who wins. First competition: you have to squeeze the juice out of a stone. Ivashka remembered that he had taken a pie with him. He took out the pie and squeezed out the filling. “You are strong,” said the giant. Second test: you have to throw a stone high. “Your stone fell to the ground, but mine will not fall.” Ivashka caught a bird that was passing by and threw it up. The bird flew away. The giant gave Ivashka the cave. They don't beat with a spear, but with their minds.


In the city of Bimbograd, a tree grew in the central square. A tree is like a tree - the most ordinary. Trunk. Bark. Branches. Leaves. And yet it was magical, because Thoughts lived on it: Smart, Kind, Evil, Stupid, Cheerful and even Wonderful.

Every morning with the first rays of the sun, Thoughts woke up, did exercises, washed themselves and scattered around the city.

They flew to Tailors and Postmen, Doctors and Drivers, Builders and Teachers. They hurried to schoolchildren and very young children who were just learning to walk. Thoughts flew to serious bulldogs and curly lap dogs, to cats, pigeons and aquarium fish.

Therefore, from early morning, all the residents of the city: people, cats, dogs, pigeons - everyone did different things. Smart or stupid. Good or evil.

The thoughts had a lot of work to do, especially the Cheerful, Smart and Kind ones. They had to be in time everywhere and visit everyone, not forget anyone: neither big nor small. “In our city,” they often said, “there should be as much jokes, joy, smiles and fun as possible.”

And they flew over large avenues and small streets, over long squares and huge squares, ahead of their harmful relatives: Stupid, Evil and Boring Thoughts.

How upset Smart, Cheerful and Kind Thoughts once were when bad weather came to their city. She brought with her a cold wind, covered the sky with black, shaggy clouds and dumped stinging rain on the squares and streets of Bimbograd. Bad weather sent city residents home. Kind, Cheerful and Smart Thoughts were very upset. But their harmful sisters, Evil and Stupid, on the contrary, were happy. “Now that it’s cold and damp,” they thought, “no one will have fun. We will quarrel with everyone, even the kindest and most affectionate.” This is how the evil ones reasoned when they went to the residents of the city.

But they rejoiced in vain. The harmful sisters forgot that another Thought lives on the tree - their distant relative, Wonderful Thought.A wonderful thought did not often come to the residents of the city. But if she visited someone, miracles began to happen in the city. Important Engineers remembered their childhood and arranged colorful fireworks and salutes. And the Cooks and Confectioners amazed the city residents with such cakes and pastries that even Architects and Artists gasped: “That’s it,” they exclaimed, “let’s sign up to become Confectioners!”

On that rainy, cloudy day, Wonderful Thought thought for a long time about who she should come to, and decided that she had not been to the Merry Shoemaker for a long time. The Cheerful Shoemaker was indeed a cheerful man. But on this day he was sad. The bad weather spoiled his mood.

But as soon as Wonderful Thought looked into his workshop, the face of the Cheerful Shoemaker became cheerful again. The master took out a brush, and soon the shoes became lilac and red, the cornflowers and daisies he had painted bloomed on the heels, and the socks were decorated with butterflies and dragonflies.

He worked tirelessly, and only when the last black shoe turned lilac did he put down his brush and go outside.

"Hey! - he shouted. Children of Bimbograd, I need you! The city needs you! Run here and we will defeat the bad weather!”

And soon boys and girls, dressed in colorful shoes, boots, slippers and boots, walked through the streets and squares. In multi-colored - blue, red, yellow - puddles, a black cloud was reflected and turned into a blue, red, yellow cloud. And when the last cloud turned into a lilac cloud, the bad weather passed.

Vashchenko Maria. 5-V


Once upon a time there lived different vegetables in the garden. Onions also grew among these vegetables. He was very clumsy, fat and unkempt. He had a lot of clothes, and they were all unbuttoned. He was very bitter, and whoever did not approach him, everyone cried. Therefore, no one wanted to be friends with onions. And only the beautiful, slender red pepper treated it well, because it itself was also bitter.

Onion grew up in the garden and dreamed of doing something good.

Meanwhile, the owner of the garden caught a cold and could not care for the vegetables. The plants began to dry out and lose their beauty.

And then the vegetables remembered the healing properties of onions and began to ask him to cure their mistress. Onion was very happy about this: after all, he had long dreamed of a good deed.

He cured the owner of the garden and thereby saved all the vegetables, which were grateful to him for it.

The onion forgot all the insults, and the vegetables began to be friends with it.

Matroskin Igor. 5th grade


A chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And everyone who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the delight of people.

But summer has passed. Cold winds blew, birds flew away to warmer regions, trees began to shed yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still as white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the flower’s fate was decided.

But the children who lived in the neighboring house decided to save the chamomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her into a warm house and did not leave her side all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only by flowers...

Shakhveranova Leila. 5-A class


Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


Autumn is my favorite time of year. Nature sums up the past summer. And how wonderful it is to be in the park at this time!

And here is my favorite oak forest. Mighty and majestic oak trees are preparing for a cold and long winter. Their leaves still hold tightly to the branches. And only ripe acorns fall into the yellow autumn grass.

And the Moskovka River flows very close by. In its water, as in a mirror, it is reflected autumn nature. Golden leaves - like boats - float downstream. No birdsong is heard, majestic swans are nowhere to be seen. They left the park a long time ago and flew to warmer climes.

And at this time I want to say in verse:

Escaping from the northern blizzards,

In autumn, birds move south.

And we can hear the hubbub

From river reeds.

The starlings have long since flown away to the south,

And the swallows disappeared across the sea from the blizzards.

They will stay with us on rainy days

Crows, and doves, and sparrows.

They are not afraid of the harsh winter,

But everyone will wait for the return of spring.

Goodbye my park. I will look forward to seeing you after the winter blizzards and bad weather.

Klochko Victoria. 5-B class


Have you noticed that sometimes you dream and sometimes you don’t? I'll tell you why this happens.

On a very distant star there lives a good fairy, and this fairy has many, many daughters, little fairies. When night falls and the star on which tiny fairies live lights up, the fairy mother gives fairy tales to her daughters. And the fairy babies fly to Earth, flying into those houses where there are children.

But the little fairies do not show fairy tales to all children. They usually sit on the eyelashes of closed eyes, and since some children do not go to bed on time, fairies cannot sit on their eyelashes.

And when morning comes and the stars go out, the little fairies fly home to tell their mother who and what fairy tales they showed.

Now you know that you need to go to bed on time to see the fairy tales.

Good night!

Fisherman Ksyusha. 5-A class


The puppy Sharik and the duckling Fluff watched the snowflakes swirl outside the window and shivered from the frost.

Cold! – the puppy clicked his teeth.

In the summer, of course, it’s warmer... - said the duckling and hid his beak under his wing.

Do you want summer to come again? – asked Sharik.

Want. But that doesn't happen...

The grass was green on the leaf and little suns of daisies shone everywhere. And above them, in the corner of the picture, the real summer sun sparkled.

You came up with a good idea! - the duckling praised Sharik. - I have never seen daisies... in January. Now I don’t care about any frost.

Malyarenko E. 5-G class



A chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And everyone who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the delight of people.

But summer has passed. Cold winds blew, birds flew away to warmer regions, trees began to shed yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still as white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the flower’s fate was decided.

But the children who lived in the neighboring house decided to save the chamomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her into a warm house and did not leave her side all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only by flowers...

Shakhveranova Leila. 5-A class


Autumn has come. It was cold, the wind was blowing. The wind tore off the leaves from the maple tree and carried it away into an unknown distance. And so he got to the very top branch and plucked the last leaf.

The leaf said goodbye to the tree and flew over the river, past the fishermen, across the bridge. He was carried so fast that he did not have time to see where he was flying.

Having flown over the houses, the leaf ended up in the park, where it saw colorful maple leaves. He immediately met one, and they flew on. At the playground, they circled the kids, rode down the slide with them, and rode on the swings.

But suddenly the sky frowned, black clouds gathered and heavy rain began to fall. The leaves were carried onto the window of a car that was parked by the road. The driver brushed them off with his windshield wipers, and they fell onto a pile of leaves on the side of the road. What a pity that the trip was short...

Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


One morning I came to school and, as always, went into room No. 223. But I didn’t see my classmates in it. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley were there at that time. They learned magic, with one stroke magic wand turning objects into living beings. I immediately closed the door because I didn't want to be turned into some kind of animal.

I went in search of classmates and on the way I met fairy-tale heroes: Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, Winnie the Pooh. But they passed by without noticing me.

Looking into another office, I saw Snow White and the seven dwarfs cleaning the classroom and laughing merrily. I also had fun, and I good mood went on.

Famous writers sat in another office: Pushkin, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Chukovsky. They wrote poems and read them to each other. And in the drawing room, great artists discussed Roerich’s painting “Overseas Guests.” I had to carefully close the door so as not to disturb them.

Having looked into the diary, I went to the music room, where I finally met my friends. I was late for class and had to wait until the bell rang to tell me what I had seen. But after the lesson, we didn’t find anyone I met. The guys didn't believe me. What about you?

Shulga Sasha. 5-A class.


Once upon a time there lived an ordinary boy. One day he was walking down the street. It was a wonderful sunny day, but suddenly the wind came and the sky was covered with clouds. It became cold and gloomy.