From time to time, each of us needs to hear cheerful words to smile. Therefore, in search of a good mood, we resort to various collections of cool expressions and phrases. When you are cheerful, the whole world smiles back at you.

Every day we hear a lot of short, cool phrases, but not all of them remain in our ears, and even fewer are remembered. The origin of a funny phrase is forgotten, but the meaning remains, especially if the phrase is funny.

It is impossible to imagine our life without laughter and smiles, without humor and fun. We offer our selection of cool expressions and phrases for free, and let no one be left without a smile! Use every minute in your life!

Usually it is funny, cool phrases that unite companies. Short, funny phrases with meaning most fully reflect good mood people in society, have a positive impact on their worldview, and help define a commonality of interests. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the new cool phrases about love are lines from a book, a chorus from a song, lines from a movie or cartoon.

Short funny expressions and funny phrases will be appreciated by cheerful people with a good sense of humor. On our website we decided to delight you with our cool phrases and expressions.

Short funny phrases will help cheer up your friends

The main meaning of funny phrases is that they describe exciting moments in the lives of many people in a humorous manner. Cool phrases about life will help cheer up your friends during a friendly feast. Cool phrases and aphorisms can cheer up during a difficult and difficult period.

There are a lot of cool phrases and aphorisms. Cool phrases and sayings are excerpts taken from works of art, modern films or cartoons.

Mostly cool expressions about life are taken not from books, but from TV and the Internet. Many cool expressions and phrases are full of meaning. The coolest expressions are various puns, or seriousness taken to the point of absurdity. Odessa humor is very multifaceted and many funny expressions become classics.

These cool expressions never get old and always remain relevant. For example, a lot of cool expressions are taken from lines of works of art. Many well-known funny expressions with meaning are taken from the classics of world cinema, which are so pleasant for the older generation to remember.

Free cool expressions and funny sayings

Funny cool expressions about love will help to amaze your companion or companion with wit. Cool words and expressions will also come in handy if you need to correct awkward situation or an oversight. Most relevant funny sayings and expressions in the company of friends.

Meet with friends, enjoy life with our cool aphorisms and expressions, and also enjoy your thoughts and the thoughts of your friends.

There are many short, cool phrases and expressions. But we have selected for you only the coolest ones, which in our opinion deserve the most attention. Our selection of the coolest phrases and expressions for people who love to have fun and make other people laugh. We invite you to read our free funny phrases and expressions to lift your mood.

Cool expressions and funny phrases to cheer you up

  • People want a good life, but they always give them a fun one.
  • Things are never as good with money as they are bad without them.
  • I found my place in life, but it’s occupied...
  • Just because you did everything right doesn't mean everything will be fine for you.
  • Real loneliness is when you talk to yourself all night and no one understands you.
  • The Minister of Finance sincerely believed that money does not buy happiness.
  • Study, study and study again, because you still won’t find a job!
  • They lived happily ever after until they learned that others lived longer and happier lives.
  • Life is divided into two stages - first there is no mind, then there is no health.
  • Smoking is harmful, drinking is disgusting, and it is a pity to die healthy.
  • Very often you learn about the best moments of life from eyewitnesses.
  • They learn from mistakes, and after mistakes they heal.
  • Army Canapes Recipe: Simply place a piece of bread on top of another piece of bread.
  • Money comes and goes and goes and goes...
  • Once you find your soulmate, other soulmates start wandering around and make you doubt.
  • Not everyone who comes out into public manages to remain human.
  • Clicked the mouse...
  • Classics are a type of literature that people prefer to praise rather than read.
  • When a person begins to consider himself wiser, he stops becoming wiser.
  • When appointing a martyr, the consent of the applicant is not required.
  • They don’t believe in rheumatism or love until the first attack.
  • This world is strange, where two people look at the same thing, but see the exact opposite.
  • We would care less about what others think of us if we knew how little they think of us at all.
  • Only after experiencing the black everyday life do you begin to appreciate the gray ones.
  • Don't force your happiness on me, I have my own!
  • What could you wish for so as not to envy you later?
  • It's good that you are accepted as one of their own. It's bad that it's in a pigsty.
  • Sometimes you don’t want to suffer foolishly, but can you really refuse her?
  • An honest person who dreams of becoming a politician must remember that reverse reincarnation is, in principle, impossible.
  • Human rights end where the rights of the stronger person begin.
  • In the life of a real programmer there is only room for two females: Asya and Klava. Well, apart from my mother.
  • I don't regret the past, I'm sad about the future that died in it.
  • Do you want sweet dreams? - Fall asleep in the cake!
  • If you are harnessed, then don’t expect any more carrots.
  • What roof doesn't like driving fast?
  • A bogatyr is someone who steals from the rich?
  • The quality of a miracle is easy to determine: even eyewitnesses do not believe in a real miracle.
  • When you begin to delve into the essence of any sale, you remember that in Russian the words “discount” and “throw” are the same root.
  • Previously, court jesters rang bells, but now they use special signals.
  • If sport were as useful as we are told, then there would be five Jews hanging on each horizontal bar.
  • If you see only the good in everything, then you won’t change anything for the better.
  • All men are the same, only their salaries are different.
  • If a woman tries to preserve her virginity before marriage, she has many chances to maintain it until retirement.
  • He knew how to do everything... True, he couldn’t do anything.
  • Everything would be fine, but this nothing is too much.
  • Became a vegetarian - switched to weed...
  • If people constantly laugh at you, it means you bring joy to people.
  • Every person has exactly as much vanity as he lacks intelligence.
  • A lot changes in Russia in five years, almost nothing changes in two hundred years.
  • Attractive women are distracting.
  • Forecasters, like sappers, make only one mistake.
  • But every day.
  • What date is May Day?
  • God, I'm a cow.
  • Smoking warns: the Ministry of Health is a sneak.
  • If you catch a mouse, eat slowly.
  • If your armpit smells, change the rug.
  • Do you fly in your dreams?
  • Sleep at home.
  • If it weren't for my legs, I wouldn't be here.
  • The height of freedom is round dances.
  • If everything is beautiful in a person, it means that this is not our person!
  • Baldness is the process of replacing combing with washing.
  • Today we drink dry wine! Pour it in!
  • An ideal marriage: she plays first fiddle, and he doesn’t care (E. Kashcheev)
  • If money doesn’t make you happy, then it’s not yours.
  • In Russia, the people have not yet said their word, but it is already written on the fence...
  • A person has either a sense of humor or schadenfreude.
  • Each pioneer must hand over 15 kg of waste paper to the state and two who do not hand over.
  • While I was not serving, I slept peacefully, I knew that they were guarding me. During the service, he slept poorly and was guarded. After the service I don’t sleep at all... I know who’s guarding
  • It is indecent to show up to an organized drinking party personally disorganizedly drunk!
  • The slower the train goes, the wider the expanses of our Motherland.
  • Never have books emitted so much light as in the fires of the Inquisition.
  • If it were not for sclerosis, I would constantly think about my people.
  • Scientists have found that the most understandable language on Earth is Chinese. 1.5 billion people understand it.
  • The small is a well-nibbled big.
  • Physics has been canceled in Estonian schools so as not to traumatize children with the concept of “speed.”
  • Be sure to write aphorisms - they will make your therapist’s work easier...
  • Our monastery asked the Holy Synod whether it is possible to pray while smoking, and they told us - it is possible! Since then, our monks have been smoking during prayer...
  • A man is a homing system.
  • Only until the end of the month! Everyone who buys a satellite dish will receive a satellite spoon and a satellite plug as a gift!

As one comedian put it, you need to be able to laugh at yourself, and why not smile at the funny statements of other people. Laughter is important for human health and morale. It prolongs life, promotes a positive perception of events, and shows that you definitely shouldn’t be discouraged in any situation. Let's dive into a whole list of funny sayings that may be useful for expanding your vocabulary.

Sometimes one short sentence can lift your mood for the whole day. People often say the funniest phrases without thinking. That's why they turn out to be incredibly funny.

Here are ten phrases that can make you smile and make you think.

  • The son of an avid poker player cannot understand whether his father loves him or not.
  • A small group of smart climbers have circumnavigated Mount Everest. – It’s not for nothing that they say that a smart person doesn’t go uphill.
  • Recently my wife said: “We are not close enough for me to weigh myself in front of you!”
  • Wisdom does not always come with age; sometimes old age comes alone.
  • When a compliment doesn’t make you happy: “Darling, there is no woman better than you! Yesterday I was convinced of this again!”
  • Modern world: There is no more tragic story in the world than the one about the lost Internet.
  • A little about education: a diploma allows you to make mistakes much more confidently.
  • An optimist is confident that he lives in the best of all worlds. The pessimist is afraid that this is true. – What does a realist do?

  • Born yourself - help another. – A very effective motto of China.
  • Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. The main thing to remember is that the ark was built by an amateur, while professionals built the Titanic.

Funny phrases from films

A great way to cheer up is to watch Good movie. Let's remember the funny moments from Soviet and other films.

  • Here I am walking beautifully along the street, and the men around me are falling and falling... And they themselves are stacked in piles! (Film “Girls”).

  • Either aristocrats or degenerates drink champagne in the morning! ("The Diamond Arm").
  • If a woman asks for something, you must give it to her. Otherwise she will take it herself. (“The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines”).

  • Make a mysterious face, fool! ("Dog's heart").
  • Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans, parasites... Who wants to work today? (“Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik”).

  • I have no time to look after. You are attractive, I am damn attractive. Why waste time? I'm waiting at midnight. (“An Ordinary Miracle”).
  • - How did you end up in the Spanish monastery?
    - I took it for a brothel. Easy to confuse. ("Pirates of the Caribbean").

  • You dream of playing as a striker, but they use you as a ball. ("Taxi")
  • - If I were your wife, I would leave too. - If you were my wife, I would hang myself! (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”).

  • - Who writes? - Anonymous. - God gave me a surname. (“Queen of the Gas Station”)

Funny phrases to cheer you up

The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude. Here are a few phrases that will come in handy at a time when the mood does not want to rise at all, people only upset, things fall, and wages do not grow.

  • A little philosophy: The attitude towards others depends greatly on why they surrounded you.
  • We describe our state correctly: I’m in such a good mood today that I can’t say it in a fairy tale or formulate it with obscenities.
  • Who said that laziness cannot be combined with a rebellious spirit: I lie on the couch all day and nothing can stop me, because I have no brakes!

  • Always go towards your dreams. Tired of walking? Then crawl. No strength to crawl? Feel free to lie down and lie in the direction of your dreams.
  • Why did you decide that I am vindictive? I have a very bad memory, I have to write everything down.
  • There is an opinion that Orange color can improve your mood. Tip: Scatter five thousand dollar bills throughout the house. Great mood guaranteed!
  • I came to work in no mood. She ruined it for everyone. I sit and smile.

  • When even a vacation in the garden is perceived with humor: And everywhere I went. I didn’t go to the Maldives, I didn’t go to Cyprus, I didn’t even go to Greece. I'm thinking about where to go this year.
  • Everyone has a hobby. Some people collect stamps, others collect ship models. My husband has been assembling a wardrobe from Ikea for three years.
  • Even if I fall face first into the mud, it will be healing.

Funny phrases for conversation

Let's replenish lexicon funny expressions.

  • I was about to leave, but then they poured it again.– There is always a reason to stay.
  • We don’t need someone else’s, but we will definitely take ours, no matter whose it is.– How to stupefy your interlocutor.
  • I would look at you forever - through an optical sight.- But sincerely and sincerely.
  • I don't know how it should be, but you're doing it wrong. – A very relevant phrase.
  • Being bitten by mosquitoes, he fell into the sin of foul language.- A witty explanation.
  • I'm not slow - I just think smoothly.- Not a bad excuse
  • Why do I need a waist? I'm married now.- Really.
  • Tell me, should I help you or not interfere?
  • If your conscience torments you at night, try sleeping during the day.

Hitting on girls funny phrases

  • Girl, help me. I bought pasta, but I have no idea what to do with it (if I answered with advice, then I add: “Can I always consult with you?”).
  • Girl, how much is your smile worth? I would love to buy one!
  • Would you like me to give you a ride on the escalator?
  • You obviously don't like men. To be honest, me too.

  • What do you think a nice man should say to a nice girl when he meets him on the street, so as not to be rejected?
  • I have amnesia - haven’t I approached you yet?
  • Can you tell me what time it is? My watch suddenly went backwards.
  • I collect signatures of the cutest girls. Could you put yours?
  • Pretends to pick up a bill from the floor. “Girl, is this yours? Not yours? It turns out I found it! Maybe we can drink it together?”
  • A man walks past the girl, then turns sharply and asks: “Didn’t you just pinch me?.. No?.. It’s a pity...”

Funny catchphrases

Phrases said precisely to the point can help you get ready and lift your spirits even in the most exciting moment. Some words describe what is happening so vividly that you want to include them in your vocabulary and delight people with the sharpness of your own expressions.

Phrases from the resilient actress Faina Ranevskaya:

  • “If a patient wants to live, then medicine is powerless”
  • “Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings”
  • “Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.”

What are V.S.’s performances worth? Chernomyrdin, who created new themes for parodists:

  • “We will live badly, but not for long.”

Chaplin on women:

  • “A woman can make any billionaire man a millionaire.”

Mikhail Zadornov about life:

  • “The most harmful thing is life. Everyone dies from it."
  • “They lived happily ever after until they met each other!”

Mark Twain on important matters:

  • “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”

From the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”

  • “Sometimes you hear such nonsense, but it turns out to be a point of view”
  • “Don’t teach me, better help me financially.”

Funny phrases of children

Children are spontaneous, open to everything new, they have a vivid imagination, which sometimes surprises adults. Small child and older children easily find a non-standard answer in any situation, and their philosophical thoughts make them not only smile, but also think.

How to ask for what you really want:

  • - Ma-a-am, I’m thirsty. Just not milk... and not tea... Compote. Or juice. Or better yet, chocolate!

Children's friendship:

  • I ask my five-year-old son:
    - Dima, do you have a friend Vova?
    - Yes.
    - Doesn’t he offend anyone in kindergarten?
    - Mom, we offend together. We're best friends!

  • - Mom, can I go for a walk?
    - With this hole in the tights?
    - No, with Svetka from the third floor.


  • - Mom, let's get a brother or sister. Dad won’t even notice, he’s always at work anyway.

Children need to be surprised:

  • My daughter got stuck to the rattles in the store.
    Mother says:
    - Let's go to another department. Maybe there is something more interesting there.
    The daughter answers:
    - Okay, surprise me.

From Unified State Exam essays in social studies:

  • If you can’t live in society, the only thing left to do is live with a girl.

When a child asks smart questions:

  • “Mom, why did you teach me to talk and walk, and now you make me sit silently?”

Excerpts from essays on Russian language and literature:

  • “He lived with the horse for twenty years...”
  • “At first the geese swam smoothly, and then they began to make movements under the lambada. This is the last dance."
  • “Today’s marriages are like the union of a tick and a dog. But the situation is worsened by the fact that there are usually two ticks and not a single dog in a marriage.”

Funny short birthday phrases

Toasts are often made on birthdays. Long toasts are not always perceived by ear, especially if they are too serious. Therefore, you can please your guests with funny short toasts and wishes.

  • Let's drink to your coffin, dear friend. A coffin that will be made from a hundred-year-old oak tree that has not yet been planted.
  • In ancient times, or not very long ago. or maybe it was a long time ago. Okay... Lived... or maybe lived... Doesn't matter! Let's drink to the birthday boy!
  • A little arithmetic: a dacha is “0”, a car and a garage are “0”, an apartment is “0”, money is “0”, health is “1”. Let's drink to the fact that the life of our birthday boy will consist of one unit and then many, many zeros.
  • Nature in each of the people rises either as grains or as weeds. This toast is for watering the first and tearing out the second. Let's drink, friends, to the birthday boy who managed to grow a beautiful garden within himself!
  • D Let's drink to the hadron collider, and to the fact that in an hour no one will be able to utter this word.
  • There is no need to run after a woman like a runaway bus. Remember that the next bus is behind you.
    Let's drink to ensuring that buses run as often as possible!
  • A streak of failure often turns out to be an upswing.
    Here's to our joyful prospects on this runway!
  • Let's drink so that you have everything and you have nothing for it!
  • Dear friend, I wish you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!

Funny phrases of wishes

  • I wish your whole life to be dirty and dark...
    Let the money be like dirt, and happiness makes your eyes darken.
  • Buddy,
    Remember, we will always come to your rescue...
    And the more revenue, the better!
  • I wish you to have everything in this life: both expected pleasures and pleasant surprises!

  • Today is your birthday,
    This means you need to have a blast!
    After all, you will have a whole year,
    To have time to recover a little!
  • You say “hello” to me!
    And I say “hello!” to you.
    It’s great that we both say hello!
  • Congratulations, my “old stick”! I wish you incredible fun, love without boundaries and health like a horse!
  • I would like to wish you a very modest life. For a car without a roof, only old wine, and blue cheese.
  • Congratulations! Live without enemies and without horns, have success and dreams without interference.
  • Friend, on your holiday I feel like a Bedouin in the desert who has not seen water... I really want to drink!
  • Let's drink to the birthday girl, in whose honor such wonderful, cheerful, worthy and modest people like us have gathered!

Funny phrases from cartoons

And now funny phrases from your favorite cartoon characters.

  • “Where it’s flabby, there’s tenderness!” (Kung Fu Panda)

  • Good advice: “Never say: “I was mistaken,” rather say, “Wow, how interesting it turned out!” (Glacial period)

  • - So where is this damn creature?
    - Inside. Waiting for us to save her.
    - No, I'm talking about the dragon (Shrek)

  • – As they say – leave your ass in the past!
    - No, leave the past behind you! (Timon and Pumbaa)

  • “If the cabin depressurizes, put on an oxygen mask so that other passengers do not see the horror on your face...” (Madagascar)

  • “You made me dress up as a modest rabbit, and chose a bright and beautiful suit for yourself. This is not comradely" (Kopatych from the cartoon "Smeshariki")

  • “Well, who leaves a child alone at the skating rink? what if I break and fall” (Masha and the Bear).

  • - Mr. Krabs, but I had a dream!
    - So what? And I had kidney stones. Time heals everything, my boy (SpongeBob).

  • “Who, for example, is the ultimate king here? No one? So I’ll be the first!” (Last year's snow fell)

  • “The right company is the kind of company where they will treat me to something and listen to my Grumpy with pleasure.” (Winnie the Pooh)

Odessa funny phrases

Learning to joke sparklingly when communicating and always find a witty answer to any question is a great art. Odessa humor is distinguished by its uniqueness and the fact that it is born precisely in the course of conversations. That's why it's so lively and diverse. Let's look at the humor in the dialogues of Odessa residents, who can incredibly quickly find original answers to any questions.

  • Self-irony:
    - Faina, describe your appearance.
    - You can get used to it...

  • - Syoma, do you love your wife?
    - Certainly! Why is she worse than others?
  • The main thing is persistence:
    - Syoma, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I go through it again?
  • A reminder in the toilet in one Jewish family: “Don’t just sit there, think about something.”
  • Marriage:
    - Do you agree to take Faina as your wife?
    - Do you have better options?
  • “God protects those who are careful,” thought the bride when he ran out of paste in his pen during the marriage registration.
  • Grandma really liked Skype.
    - No, look how useful this thing is! It’s like there are guests, but there’s no need to feed them.

  • - Darling, you and I have only been married for the first day, and we’re already about to quarrel...
    - I’ve been waiting for this day for two years!
  • - Benya, I still promise you that in six years we will live better than in this Europe!
    - Why will this happen to them?

  • A little Odessa hospitality:
    - Oh, dears, come again! It’s so good without you later!

Funny phrases in pictures

Funny phrases for a guy

To please your beloved one, you can send him a funny message. Let's see what girls write to their husbands and fiancés.

  • Dear, I don’t know how to tell you this...So, I took a test today...and it turns out we are a perfect match!
  • I want you and me to have more in common. Let's get a kitten!
  • Yesterday I accidentally caught the bride's bouquet. Is there something you want to tell me?
  • Dear, I’m late because I’ve been looking for my broom for a long time.
  • Don't be afraid of your desires, be afraid of mine!
  • You are a treacherous homewrecker, why did you break up the couple? I can't find my second sock.
  • Please help me find information! Look on the Internet how to tell your loved one that I scratched the car and still get a new phone for his birthday.
  • She parked the horse, defeated the monster and cooked it for dinner. I'm sitting and waiting for you, my prince!
  • Darling! The girls and I decided to have a drink. I will definitely call. Don't pick up the phone.
  • Darling, I am incredibly happy for you! After all, you married so well.

Funny phrases with meaning

Phrases that not only sound funny, but also contain a certain meaning and life truth.

  • Attention! On the slippery porch quantity cultured people halved!
  • The genius is sleeping soundly within me. But a fool never sleeps!
  • In order not to accidentally call his wife by the name of his mistress Anastasia, the husband took the cat and named it Nastya.
  • Wife: Let's buy a car, I'll learn to drive, at least we'll see the world! Husband: which light - this one or that one?
  • Sappers do not understand the phrase: we must learn from our mistakes.
  • Wife to husband: I'm not going to accept you for who you are. I'm not a military registration and enlistment office!
  • Why do I look great in the mirror, but the camera shows the opposite?
  • Money is not the main thing. The main thing is their quantity.
  • How to get a girl to like you: you need to be strong, handsome, rich or just a cat.
  • About the alcoholic feast: at first it was good, then even better, then so good that it’s still bad!

Funny phrases with names

Funny phrases for girls

These phrases can not only make a girl smile, but also tease her. They should be used with caution.

  • Girl, you have very beautiful legs! One is more beautiful than the other.
  • I want to invite you to dinner and breakfast at the same time.
  • You are so beautiful that it’s scary to look at!
  • Girl, do you believe in love with the first person you meet? I'm ready to be him.
  • Can you help me go left? (Dangerous phrase when dating).
  • In the bus:
    I can’t reach the handrail, I’ll hold on to you.
  • In the elevator:
    Girl, aren't you scared of being stuck in an elevator with a maniac like me?
  • You have a very predatory look, you are probably hungry.
  • You are so beautiful that you don't need makeup. Leave it a little though.
  • You believe in love at first sight. No? Perhaps I'll come by again.

Funny phrases that will make you cry

  • Relevant for online correspondence:
    Write a little louder, I can't hear you here.
  • Great people lived so little! Something is not going well with me today.
  • I'm ready to do anything for money. Even go to work.
  • My wife is very good. Others are even worse.
  • So much has been written about the dangers of smoking that I firmly decided not to read any more.
  • Optimism is just a lack of information.
  • I tried to drown my problems in cognac, but they surfaced.
  • The girl decided to take revenge on the guy and married him.
  • A first grade student came to Christmas tree dressed as a squirrel, which greatly frightened the guard Mikhail.
  • The tale of the sleeping beauty once again shows that there is always a person who will wake you up.

Funny phrases that rhyme

Funny phrases about work

Even work should be taken with humor. Here are a few phrases that can cheer up colleagues in the middle of the work week.

  • I almost live at work. And wages are only decreasing. Probably deducted for accommodation.
  • I love working in a team. It's easy to blame others.

    Funny phrases about women

    Finally, funny and wise expressions about the fair half of humanity.

    • If a girl suddenly becomes silent, it means she wants to say something.
    • You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her weight. She won't hesitate to say anything.
    • The smarter a woman is, the more stupid things she does.
    • A man chases a woman for so long until she catches him herself.
    • You can interrupt a woman with impunity only with a compliment.
    • If men knew what women were thinking, they would behave more confidently.
    • Real men always achieve what women want from them.
    • Women forgive their men, even if they are not to blame for anything.
    • Women still know how to keep secrets. However, they do it together.
    • A girl can tell her friend for several hours that she has no words.

😉 Friends, cool phrases, aphorisms and sayings of great people are collected here. Perhaps you will discover something new for yourself.

Cool quotes and aphorisms

“It’s not a shame to be poor, it’s a shame to be cheap.”

“Only three kinds of people will tell you the truth: children, drunks and angry people.”

“Who are we not to forgive each other’s offenses, even if God forgives us our sins.”

"Sometime later" - most dangerous disease, which sooner or later will bury your dreams with you..."

“If you think that the Universe sits and invents problems and illnesses for you, then you have delusions of grandeur. She simply implements your thoughts.”

“You cannot beat small children and defenseless animals! They can't do the same to you."

“Every person has virtues for which it is worth forgiving shortcomings.”

“You should not drink for the health of your parents, but pray.”

“Jealousy is the recognition that someone is better than you.”

“What is our destiny if not the manifestation of our will and reason among the inert mass of circumstances that life presents to us.”

“Today is the best day of my life, because... Yesterday has already passed, and tomorrow has not yet come!

“Life consists 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it..”

"Use the rule hot air balloon: throw away everything unnecessary to gain height.”

“You need to live in such a way that everyone who communicates with you later regrets that you are not around.”

“Man today is the product of many millions of generations since the creation of the world. Don't try to change it. Accept it as it is!”

“In addition to love and respect for loved ones, you need to have a sense of tact not to cross the line of their personal space.”

“Love who you sleep with if you can’t sleep with who you love.”

"Time is money"? No! Time is more valuable than any money!

“You need to be better than yesterday, not better than others”

“There’s no time now. There will be no strength tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow we will not be there. Don't put anything off. Live here and now! »

“Do good! Or at least don't be mean."

“Remember us, for we too lived, loved and laughed...” (about the dead)

Quotes from famous people

😉 Cool phrases!

“The body is the least that a woman can give a man.” R. Rolland

“Why should we hate each other? We are all together, carried away by the same planet, we are the crew of one ship.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them the plaything of your mood.” A.P. Chekhov

“You may be just a person in this world, but for someone you are the whole world.”

“The best remedy for resentment is forgiveness.” Seneca

“A person is a product of his own thoughts. What he thinks about is what he becomes.” Mahatma Gandhi

“Your success depends on the habits you develop over time.” Brian Tracy

“You are controlled by those who make you angry.” Lao Tzu

“The city has no time for people. There are no people, there are functions: a postman, a salesman, a neighbor who gets in the way... You value a person in the desert.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“The only things inevitable in this world are death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin

“Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself." Dale Carnegie

"The whole secret of success public speaking is about talking to people, not performing in front of them!” Radislav Gandapas

"The most important thing in women's clothing- the woman who wears it." Yves Saint Laurent

Quotes from wise women

  • “It’s easier to control drunk people!” Catherine II
  • “You need just enough money so as not to feel humiliated.” Alla Pugacheva
  • “My only mistake: for three quarters of my life I thought that everything was still ahead.” Alisa Freinlich
  • “People who don’t feel love for themselves usually don’t know how to forgive.” Louise Hay
  • “Minimum cosmetics. Invest in skin and health, not decorative paint.”
  • “I don’t recognize the word “play.” You can play cards, horse races, checkers. You need to live on stage." Faina Ranevskaya
  • “Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is mean.” Larisa Guzeeva
  • “If each of us had to kill with our own hands an animal that would be eaten, then millions would become vegetarians!” Brigitte Bardot

Friends, write in the comments what favorite and cool phrases inspire you. 🙂 Thank you!

What a pity that you are finally leaving.

A bad person is one who does not love me, the good one.

Move the tomatoes - go faster.

Eating too much is harmful, but eating too little is boring.

The one who gets up early bothers everyone.

Ugly women are always jealous of their husbands; beautiful people have no time for that, they are jealous of strangers.

A true intellectual will never say, “she’s still a fool, just as she was,” he will say, “time has no power over her.”

You need to rejoice today, otherwise tomorrow will be even better.

He buried his hatchet somewhere on Mira Avenue...

How many of us, brainless sages!

This morning they showed such horrors in the mirror.

Not being able to, not being able to, theorize - I can, I can, I practice.

The end of the world was canceled because of people like you.

She and I had a Schrödinger relationship.

Don't leave the bar, don't make a mistake.

Nothing cheers you up in the morning like an unnoticed door frame.

Left with a nose, it became completely unbearable!

Life is beautiful if you don't remember the past and don't think about the future.

The goose also thought he was swimming until the water boiled...

A miracle on a silver platter.

Hate is negatively charged love.

The face is covered in clay, there are branches in the butt, which means I came from reconnaissance!

Be simpler and microbiologists will be drawn to you.

There is never too much empty space!

May you dream of Bilan on skates!

Having broken a spear due to the stupidity of an opponent...

I'm not as stupid as you look.

If you want to lose weight, become a student.

It's all behind us: you'll have to turn around!

Life passed in imaginary way.

I get the impression that I have nothing but impressions.

Don’t interfere with someone else’s network with your own protocol!

I am not treating my schizophrenia. It doesn't hurt me.

Today I may not be able to.

A week modern youth: Slacker, Repeater (repeat of the slacker), Breda, Quarter, Pitnitsa, Clubbotta, Hangover.

Don't think anything bad, but I don't care what you think of me.

If there is tea on the table, then you must drink it.

If you don’t shut up now, you’ll smile with your gums.

If there are no beautiful and smart people at the same time, does that mean I don’t exist?

Never forget about your sclerosis.

My nerves got the better of me.

Of all the money, I love paper money the most.

Between two beautiful roses, a nasty fly agaric grew.

The meaning of life lay on the sofa.

I woke up, thereby setting off a series of terrifying events.

How can you love your neighbor if he resists?

Oh sorry. It seems the middle of my sentence interrupts the beginning of yours.

I'm sitting in the bath, fishing. sometimes the doctor comes...

Why are you standing on the threshold? Don't be shy, go fuck yourself!

Today I am fragrant.

How to distinguish a real law degree from a fake one when purchasing?

Eh, here you go earlier time was! How do you remember? Fifteen minutes past two, for example.

We are not fish - fish are dumb.

You don't sleep all day, don't eat all night - of course you get tired.

Everything happened by accident, although it was planned that way.

I was about to leave, but then they poured it again.

It’s strange, today is Monday, but I’m not happy at all.

A comrade in misfortune will not give bad advice!

A new statue will be erected in Holland - a giggling boy peeing on a peeing boy.

There are no modest people. Some people just have nothing to brag about.

The thought that someday I will have to stop doing bullshit is very scary.

If a friend is in trouble, I will circle the friend with chalk.

Throughout his life, Pushkin teaches us that a talented person must first learn to shoot.

I didn't even think about you.

Obeying primitive instinct, like a real hunter, I caught, skinned, cooked and ate celery for dinner.

I'm quite secretive person. And it’s none of your damn business why.

The computer does not obey the laws of physics. Only in it glitches appear out of nothing, files disappear into nowhere, and volume is measured in meters and is called weight.

Existence is futile, that’s why you get mad.

95% of people are idiots. We work for the remaining 15%.

If you are happy for more than one day, it means they are hiding something from you!

Angry at your neighbor? Buy his child a drum.

Never mind, put it in your mouth - it’s easier to spit it out!

Have you lost your list of people to be afraid of? Should I remind you?

Life is a continuous struggle: from morning to lunch - with hunger, and after lunch with sleep.

Your thoughts are so brilliant that the paramedics have already arrived!

Well, let's go back to our sheep... and lead the herd.

A century would look at you - through an optical sight.

Smart thoughts haunt me all the time, but I’m faster than them!

My body wants me to live healthy life, but I'm not going to listen to the advice of an alcoholic.

I've had a rough day for the past six months.

And then we went to the registry office and informed the state that we were sleeping together...

For the sake of hugs, I even agree to preliminary sex.

I will give everything, but where can I get it?

It’s better to give and be happy than not to give and regret!

It's never too late to take a bath with a hairdryer.

I like tomatoes, but not enough to eat them.

Today there is pilaf without meat. And no rice.

Three can only keep a secret if two of them are dead.

More than 230 witty, caustic, funny, cool, clever phrases, aphorisms and quotes for all occasions.

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from, adults - where does everything go?

Appetite and guests come during meals.

I want to live forever. So far it's working.

Nobody knows as much as I don't know...

Women guess everything. They are only wrong when they reason

A woman sounds proud, but also loud, capricious and stupid.

God! I ask you for death! Don’t refuse me, Lord, I’m not asking for myself...

Toast: To beautiful ladies and other mythical characters!

How quickly time flies: you don’t even have time to wake up and you’re already late for work.

A girl is like a calculator: she adds problems, takes up time, multiplies expenses, divides property!!!

The rings on the roof of the wedding car mean that the initial score is 0:0

A woman is ready to do anything for love, even make love. A man is ready to do anything to make love, even to love.

Before spending the night with a man, a woman wants to understand whether she loves him. And a man can only understand whether he loves a woman after spending the night with her.

A man changes women when he wants to experience a lot, and a woman changes men when she experiences nothing.

Even the most beautiful legs grow from the ass.

Did the virus spill coffee on the keyboard too?

White and fluffy is actually gray and hairy.

There are no unbearable people, there are narrow doors.

One head is good, but with a body it’s better.

Take people's word, certified by signature and seal.

When I get married, give birth to a son, I’ll call him Kuzya - and I’ll be Kuzya’s mother!

You should not respond to evil with violence; you cannot even imagine what raped evil is capable of.

Is it okay what I say when you interrupt?

Talk, talk, I always yawn when I'm interested.

The road to success is always closed for repairs.

If you think smoking doesn't affect a woman's voice, try flicking the ashes onto the carpet.

If you hesitate for a long time, you can sway everyone...

A woman is kind: she can forgive a man everything, even if he is not guilty of anything.

A woman driving is like a star in the sky: you see her, but she doesn’t see you.

A woman wants everything - from one thing. A man is one from all.

The source of our wisdom is our experience. The source of our experience is our stupidity.

What a pity that you are finally leaving...

I am replacing the self-assembled tablecloth with a similar sheet.

Advertisement in the newspaper: I'm renting, damaging

One fish - another: - Well, let's say there is no God... And who then changes the water in the aquarium?

One of the most striking manifestations of optimism is the phrase: “What a fool I was!”

The clothes my mother gave birth in have become worn out...

If love is in you, it is strength, if you are in love, it is weakness.

Why do you need health at your age?

I'm not stupid - I'm not in the mood

Who said that Kutuzov did not have one eye? Kutuzov had one eye!

Workers are needed to work on the job. Payment in money.

I'm not serious - I'm bored

I'm not beautiful - I'm freaking cute

Healthy sleep not only prolongs life, but also reduces working hours

The penguin is a rare bird. This means that it must fly to the middle of the Dnieper.

He who does not go forward goes back - there is no standing position.

There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful.

There is more pride in jealousy than love.

Give a person what he wants and you will deprive him of the meaning of life.

Only tomorrow can be worse than yesterday.

“Where words are few, they carry weight” - Shakespeare.

I've missed over 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was entrusted with making the decisive shot and I missed. I have failed very often in my life. That's why I succeeded.

The most difficult thing in an argument is not so much to defend your point of view as to have a clear idea of ​​it.

Born to crawl, he will crawl everywhere.

“We can speak openly about our shortcomings only with those who recognize our merits.”

“It’s not enough to have a goal in life, you need to be able to shoot accurately.”

Don’t wish for people what you wish for yourself, you may have different tastes

We have learned to fly like birds and swim like fish, but we still need to learn to simply walk the earth like brothers.

Too many people think about protection instead of thinking about opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.

In our soul there may be great fire. But no one may ever come to bask with him, because those passing by see only a wisp of smoke.

What is the end of the world for a caterpillar is a birthday for a butterfly.

Life is what happens when you are busy implementing other plans.

I want to go to hell, not heaven. There I can enjoy the company of popes, kings and dukes, while heaven is inhabited only by beggars, monks and apostles.

Hurry up to live so you can start all over again.

You shouldn't grow wings if you don't know where to fly.

My nights are better than your days.

Be careful what you wish for, otherwise your wishes may come true.

If I, yielding to requests, began to write about myself, it would be a plaintive book - “Fate is a whore” © Ranevskaya

My life philosophy: ask fewer questions and eat the ice cream before it melts

When you are not needed, but you are, this is a terrible situation that humiliates you first of all

One woman is DIFFERENT from another: no better, no worse, just different...

A screw driven in with a hammer is stronger than a nail driven in with a screwdriver.

Love is like a tree, it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.

Life is given once, but it succeeds even less often.

It happens that love will pass on its own,

Without affecting either the heart or the mind.

When a woman chooses a lover, it is not as important to her whether she likes him as whether other women like him

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb, cunning and fast, and devilishly smart...

Men value the most material thing in women - beauty, and women value the most ephemeral thing in men: reliability.

Woman may not have yet created a single great invention, but she has created all the great inventors.

A woman never notices what is done for her, but she will always notice what is not done for her.

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a large indiscretion than a small infidelity.

If you want to force a woman to change her mind, you must categorically agree with her.

Women have only one means of making us happy and thirty thousand means - of making us unhappy.

Women, like cats, often love not their owner, but their home.

Women are absolutely natural and consistent in their inconstancy...

Women are a special people: if you compliment them, they take them for the truth; if you tell them the truth, they are offended.

One is not born a woman, one becomes one.

A woman who loves boldly does not try to treat pressing problems like a man - she is just a woman, before whose femininity she respectfully bows and retreats from any everyday troubles.

I want to love you, but not hold you. I want to appreciate you without reasoning. I want to join you, but not invade you. I want to ask, but not demand. I want to help, but not blame for inability. If we both want this, then we can meet.

Don't brag that your wife is the best: women may be offended, and men will want to make sure.

If you persuade a woman for too long, she will think that you are only capable of talking.

Married life is war every day and truce every night.

Don’t worry if your wife had someone before you: it’s worse if she has someone after.

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.

There are two ways to command women. But no one knows them.

A man, even if he could understand what a woman was thinking, would still not believe it.

Friendship between a man and a woman is based on the hope of one of the parties that this is not just friendship.

In love, one always kisses, and the other only turns his cheek

Women don't like timid men. Cats don't like cautious rats.

Men are always right and women are never wrong.

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night.

The baby is a great example of a ruling minority.

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult.

Call rule. The phone you're looking at never rings.

God created woman later because he did not want to listen to advice when creating man.

The more women strive to free themselves, the more unhappy they become.

A friend is a person who knows everything about you - and yet loves you.

They forgive a loved one what they do not forgive others, and they do not forgive what they forgive others.

If a woman hates you, it means she loved you, loves you or will love you.

Nobody becomes a good man accidentally.

The most offensive thing is when your dream comes true for someone else.

Difficulties are created most easily.

Where is the beginning of the end with which the beginning ends.

A beautiful woman usually suffers from two diseases at once: delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution.

If a person is happy for more than one day, it means they are hiding something from him.

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

All girls are angels by nature, but when their wings are broken off, they have to fly on a broom.

Set big goals - they're harder to miss!

The average woman prefers to be beautiful rather than smart, because the average man sees better than thinks.

Paradox: If you put 6 socks in the washing machine, you only take 5 out.

When the toilet is closed, you want to pay to use it.

The customer doesn't know what he wants until he sees what he gets.

When there is nothing left to do, many do just that.

Everything good in life is either illegal, immoral, or leads to obesity.

May you live as poor as you are!

The day was not wasted!

If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

Short roads differ from long roads in that they charge tolls. And on dark roads they really like to announce the price at the end of the road...

Happiness is something that you don’t notice when it’s there, and you notice when it’s not...

I am made from a man's rib to protect his heart)))

Very often we choose not from what we want to have, but from what we are afraid of losing.

You don't sleep all day, don't eat all night - of course you get tired...

Conscience is a person’s wealth, and we, students, are a poor people....

A genius sleeps within each of us, and every day it grows stronger.

I didn’t even think to think what you thought!

Everyone knows that money does not buy happiness, but everyone wants to see for themselves.

A keychain is a small figurine that allows you to lose all your keys at once.

Gorilka is not Ukrainian vodka, it is a small anthropoid monkey.

By the time you find a place in the sun, it’s already evening.

Everyone has children, butterflies have children, fish, birds, even dogs. Only the pencil has no children, because it has a rubber band at the end!

Love is electricity, which goes from head to toe. And it gets to the point where a son or daughter is born.

Let us live a great life, so that we don’t want to change our lives! Falling in love is a reason for temptation, let's seduce each other!!!

Only those who feel fear in their hearts have courage,

Who looks into the abyss, but looks with pride in his eyes.

It's no wonder women don't have time for anything: just look at their tiny watches.

Only one person understood me; and, to tell the truth, he didn’t understand me either.

Life is a cross-country race in which everyone strives to get ahead in order to reach the finish line last.

Only on your birthday will you find out how many unnecessary things exist in the world.

My conscience is clear because I never use it.

Men love beautiful women more than smart people, because it’s easier for them to look rather than think.

A well-hinged tongue always itches.

It’s good to do nothing and then rest.

Never sport with a fool, he will bring you down to his level and beat you on his turf.

You may not be mine, but I am yours.

The most irresistible women's cosmetics are powder for male brains!

Never eat the last cutlet from the frying pan: you won’t be satisfied with just one cutlet, and you’ll have to wash the empty frying pan.

So many good, sweet girls... I'm the only exception to all the rules...

When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man... she starts doing dirty tricks.

It is much easier to receive forgiveness later than permission first.

“The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.”

How we live - state secret, for what - commercial!

When I was born, I was so amazed that I didn’t talk to anyone for 2 years!

A woman is like a weapon: you cannot play with her.

Life, no matter how you curse it, is still worth living.

A woman is dangerous for every paradise...

You don't have to have friends, you have to be friends with them...

Living is harmful, people die from it...

There are always at least two truths...

Doing bullshit at work develops hearing, peripheral vision, reaction and vigilance in general...

Loneliness is bad because few people can tolerate themselves for long...

A virgin is no better than a slut - both, in essence, are thinking about the same thing

The best way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it...

As long as I’ve lived, I can’t understand two things: where the dust comes from and where the money goes.

It’s better to do it and regret it than to regret not doing it.

Following the sandwich law, we can conclude that if a sandwich is spread on both sides, it will hang in the air.

I have everything except money and happiness.

Your joy from the arrival of a clear sunny morning will be incomplete if it suddenly becomes clear to you that it is Monday.

If they try to drag you into a win-win lottery, this means that you will not leave without losing.

The registry office is a place where love is rejected.

Avoiding praise is asking for repetition.

Tell me what you're thinking about and I'll tell you what.

All gods WERE immortal.

Fools die on Fridays, and who else will die when there are two weekends ahead.

If Eve did not cheat on Adam, then why did humanity come from apes?

It's good to be brave, but scary...

The later the ambulance arrives, the more accurate its diagnosis...

If you are late for work, it means you have it.

A negative result is also a result, especially if it is a result for HIV.

You have to live in such a way that you envy yourself.

What is ours Life is a game, everyone knows, but here’s how to play it...

If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same thing.

No one can bring us to our knees! We lay, and we will lie!

If a man is a goat, this does not mean that he is a beast in bed.

Everything about a woman should be perfect - don’t shove anything into her!

Life is like a piano: the key is black, the key is white, the lid....(

The terrorists' ransom demands have been met. The terrorists were ransomed and put to bed.

No one has ever died from knowledge, but I don’t want to risk it.

A wonderful phrase: good always triumphs over evil! It’s still unclear who is winning whom...

April Fools' Day is an American folk holiday.

Life is like a dog sled: if you don't go ahead, you always see the same thing.

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

Every time I leave the hairdresser, I am tormented by the same question - why did they ask me how I wanted to cut my hair?

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Love is like war: easy to start, difficult to end, impossible to forget...

A little bit of Vishnevsky:

I look good, but not often.

It's easier for men, their mothers-in-law love...

Yes, finally agree: I am not stubborn!

I love without memory... without memory... who?..

Years go by, I'm still over thirty...

The obstacles to happiness are you and excess weight.

Here is a scoundrel: he blushes - and he’s not lying!

Today there is pilaf without meat. And no rice.

What kind of money is this? This is surrender!!!

Both my mother and the Ministry of Health warned...

He is meaningfully silent, but asks unambiguously!

In bed he is like a god: he doesn’t snore!

There is a lot of childishness in him: he doesn’t like semolina porridge...

I believe that you too will be able to ruin someone’s life!

No matter what, no matter where, no matter with anyone...

Time heals, but the outcome is always fatal...

I'm covered in soap, but I can control myself...

Fate, baring its teeth, smiled...

I have nothing to hide, but I really wanted to hide...

Love is needed like money: every day.

I fell asleep without saying goodbye... I'm getting a divorce!

I demand it now, but not right away!

It's time to put up, tomorrow is payday...