It is believed that cinquain arose based on the principles of creating eastern poetic forms. Initially, great importance was attached to the number of syllables in each line and the placement of stress. But in pedagogical practice Not much attention is paid to all this. The main emphasis is on the content and principles of construction of each line.

Rules for constructing syncwine

  • First line poems are his theme. It is represented by just one word and always a noun.
  • Second line consists of two words that reveal the main topic and describe it. These must be adjectives. The use of participles is allowed.
  • IN third line, through the use of verbs or gerunds, actions related to the word that is the topic of the syncwine are described. The third line has three words.
  • Fourth line- this is no longer a set of words, but a whole phrase with the help of which the component expresses its attitude to the topic. In this case, it can be either a sentence compiled by the student independently or popular expression, proverb, saying, quote, aphorism, necessarily in the context of the topic being revealed.
  • Fifth line- just one word that represents a certain result, a summary. Most often it is simply a synonym for the theme of the poem.

When writing a syncwine in didactic practice, minor deviations from the basic rules for writing it are allowed. So, for example, the number of words in one or several lines and the replacement of given parts of speech with others can be varied.

As an example, let us give a poem composed by children about himself this method training:

Imaginative, precise
Generalizes, develops, teaches
“The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words.”

How to use syncwines in the classroom?

The topic chosen for compiling a syncwine should be close and interesting to students. Better results can be achieved if there is room for emotionality and sensuality.

Children do not always immediately get involved in work. Difficulties may be associated with the need for analysis, comprehension of the topic, insufficiency vocabulary, misunderstanding of certain terms, fear of making mistakes. To help the children, there is a need to ask leading questions, broaden their horizons, encourage any aspiration of the students, and answer the questions they have.

The main task of a teacher who uses the syncwine method in the classroom is the need to think through a clear system of logically interconnected elements, the embodiment of which in images will allow students to comprehend and remember the material of the subject.

How to teach children to write syncwine?

First of all, it is necessary to tell that syncwine is the desire to fit one’s knowledge, thoughts, feelings, emotions, associations into a short form, this is an opportunity to express one’s opinion regarding any issue, subject, event, phenomenon, which will be the main theme of the work . Then you need to explain the basic rules for writing a quintet, and give several examples for clarity. And only after this the teacher announces the topic, stipulating the time allotted for this work.

After completing the creative process, children, if desired, read out their poems. If the work took place, for example, as homework, the teacher can read out (or ask the author of the work to do so) the most interesting options. As an example, you can try to compose one general syncwine by writing it on the board. Work in pairs or groups is allowed. But individual work is considered the most effective, as it allows the teacher to understand the depth of understanding of the material by each student.

Areas of use

Sinkwine as a teaching method is universal. It can be applied to topics in any subject school curriculum. It allows students to become interested, helps them better understand and comprehend the material being studied. Composing a quintet is quite simple, so it can be used when working with children of any age.

Cinquain is a special poem that is the result of analysis and synthesis of existing or newly obtained data. It can be used at the challenge stage, when children, even before becoming familiar with a new topic, compose a poem based on the information that they know on this moment. This allows the teacher to understand what the children already know on this issue and will provide an opportunity to correct the information that needs to be conveyed to the children in order for them to correctly assimilate the material.

At the comprehension stage, writing a syncwine allows the teacher to evaluate how students understand the topic being studied, diversifies the learning process, and makes it more interesting, because a syncwine is also play activity. In this case, the technique is a change of activity that contributes to some emotional relief for schoolchildren.

And you can use it on . A thought translated into an image allows the teacher to assess the level of understanding of the studied material by students. Sinkwine is considered a fast but very powerful reflection tool.

Compiling a syncwine is creative activity and is more often used in the study of humanitarian subjects - literature, history. But in order to diversify the learning process and make it more interesting, you can use this technique in lessons, physics, for example. After familiarizing themselves with the topic “Light”, the teacher invites the children to compose a syncwine.

Answer using adjectives, what is he like? Bright, warm

Tell us, using verbs, what it does? It burns, illuminates, flickers.

Make up a sentence or phrase that expresses your attitude to the topic and is a kind of conclusion. People need it.

Summarize it in one word. Shine.

In natural history, you can invite children to write poems about the seasons.

Hot, fun
Walk, play, relax.
Look forward to.

Warm, bright

Nature is waking up.

Options for working with syncwine

In addition to the traditional compilation of syncwine, other types of work with pentaverses in the lesson are also possible.

Compose a story based on a completed poem. It is advisable, when composing it, to use the words and phrases used in the given syncwine.

Edit the finished syncwine in order to improve it.

Add syncwine. To do this, you need to analyze the given poem, determine the missing part and fill it in. For example, you might suggest a poem that doesn't have a theme. Using words that characterize and reveal it, students should understand what is being said:

Fleeting, fading
Runs, stops, heals
Amazing phenomenon

Children must determine that the theme of this syncwine is “Time.”

Advantages of the method

When compiling a syncwine in class:

  • interest in the material being studied increases;
  • develops creative thinking;
  • are developing Creative skills students;
  • communication skills and the ability to express one’s thoughts succinctly and concisely are improved;
  • thinking and imagination develops;
  • the ability to analyze is developed;
  • the time allocated for memorizing information is reduced;
  • vocabulary expands.

Compiling a syncwine in class takes relatively little time, but at the same time it is an effective way to develop figurative speech, which helps to quickly obtain results.

In the course of working using this method, students are able not only to deepen their knowledge on any topic, but also to improve their ability to work independently with additional sources of information and plan their educational activities.

Examples of syncwines

In natural history, you can invite children to make syncwines about the seasons.

Hot, fun
Walk, play, relax.
Look forward to.

Warm, bright
Blooms, turns green, makes you happy.
Nature is waking up.

During a literature lesson, the teacher, as homework, asks the children to compose a syncwine about their favorite work. The result might look like this:

Smart and brave.
Travels, makes friends, wins.
I admire her.
We are talking about the book “Girl of the Sixth Moon” by Mooney Witcher.

You can invite children to write a syncwine about the sun:

Bright, distant
Warms, shines, makes us happy.
I love sun.
Life-giving star.

Sinkwine is the analysis and synthesis of information, a play on words. This is poetry that promotes creative self-development and beautiful expression of one's thoughts. This is a way of writing original and beautiful poems. That is why syncwine, as a teaching method, is becoming increasingly popular and is increasingly used in the educational process.

Technique “Writing a syncwine”. Translated from French, the word “cinquain” means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. What's the point of this methodological technique? Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material and information, which allows him to reflect on any occasion. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules. The rules for writing syncwine are as follows. The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine. On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine. On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine. The fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. This could be a catchphrase, a quote, or a phrase composed by the student in the context of the topic. The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic and allows you to express a personal attitude towards it. It is clear that the theme of syncwine should be, if possible, emotional.

Slide 38 from the presentation “Development modern lesson» for pedagogy lessons on the topic “Modern lesson”

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Modern lesson

“Development of a modern lesson” - Criteria for an effective lesson. Human actions. Again about the situation of success. Technique “Lecture with feet”. Reception “Notes in the margins”. Specificity of the set goal and task. Principles of using a chalkboard. Internal and external motivation. Ways of thinking. Technique “Writing an Essay”. Forms of organizing an effective lesson. “Basic requirements for a modern lesson” - A good teacher. Unjustified desire for game forms

lesson. Opposition. Teaching. Presidential initiative. Lack of support. Absence of any pronounced elements of artistry. Requirements for a modern lesson. Modern lesson. Ignoring the possibilities of computer training. “Organization of a modern lesson” - Lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge. Lesson. Method. The principle of psychological comfort. Lesson stages. System of didactic principles. Combination of modern elements educational technologies in the lesson structure. Lesson in developmental control. Features of organizing a modern lesson in primary school

. Activity approach. “Modern types of lessons at school” - Stages of lesson planning. Setting the goal of the lesson. Lesson typology. Correction of knowledge. Motivation. Planning extracurricular activities . Selection of the main material. Content Analysis educational material

. Classic types. Non-traditional types. Compiling a list of students. The structure of a lesson in developing skills. “What a modern lesson should be” - Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson. What should a modern lesson be like? Teaching + learning. Using ICT in the classroom Tatar language and literature. Using the computer in educational process

. The purpose of the modern lesson. Some types of ICT that are appropriate to use in the classroom. So, what is a modern lesson?

SINQWAIN IN TECHNOLOGY cognitive ability

students at a technology lesson. We'll talk about syncwine.

After all, in any lesson, students receive information, get acquainted with new terms, learn to draw conclusions, and look for connections. The ability to express information, complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words is a very important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock and meaning.

The word "cinquain" comes from the French word for "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines."

A cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Each line specifies a set of words that must be reflected in the poem.

1st line – header, which contains keyword, concept, theme of syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun.

Line 2 – two adjectives.

Line 3 – three verbs.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 – summary, conclusion, one word, noun.

A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms.

Cinquains are a fast and powerful tool for summarizing concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.

When you introduce students to syncwines, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines). After this, invite the group to write several syncwines. For some people it will be difficult at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the syncwine. Give each participant 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and re-examine critically. this topic. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract ideas from others' writings that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to familiarize themselves with paired syncwines.

When this is done, learning and thinking become a transparent process accessible to everyone. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn content, but also learn how to learn.

Sinkwine is not a way to test a student’s knowledge; it has a different task, and a more universal one. Sinkwine is a way to check what students have at the level of associations at any stage of the lesson, studying a topic.

The teacher begins to study new topic and at the beginning of the lesson he gives a syncwine: “What do you already know about this? What do you think?" After analyzing the results obtained, you can correct the student’s ideas about this concept while studying the topic.

...The middle of the lesson. The topic is very difficult to understand. The students are tired. Offer them a syncwine on some section of the topic being studied, and you will find out how students perceive new material. Fast way change the type of activity without leaving the topic.

The topic has been studied. The quality, depth and strength of knowledge will be shown by the final survey control cut. And now, at the end of the lesson - cinquain. A worthy result of studying new material, which will demonstrate not so much knowledge as understanding, value judgments, and value orientations of students. Ultimately, with a detailed analysis of syncwines, the teacher will see how much he managed to achieve the previously predicted result.

I will give an example of using syncwine in a lesson on getting to know project activities. At the beginning of the lesson, I invite students to compose a syncwine with the topic “Project”. One of the options looks like this.


Architectural. Building

Displays, introduces, configures

The project is the basis of construction.


In the middle of the lesson I offer syncwines on the topics “Problem”, “Achievement”, “Result”

And at the end of the lesson, the syncwines on the topic “Project” are already different


Significant Resolved

We think, we choose, we act.

Helps solve problems.



Doable Creative

We design, cut, sew.

The project allows you to achieve something.


Sometimes I use syncwine to ask students to express a concept or term. Topics for syncwine in technology can be different, for example, stitching, modeling, silhouette, style, fashion, design, cooking, dish, menu and others.

To be honest, not everyone likes it right away, but over time, interest develops. To those who need it

I especially like it, I suggest more complex topics for syncwine, or I ask you to compose a syncwine riddle (without specifying the topic, but so that others can guess what it is about). Colleagues, try it, you will be pleasantly surprised. I wish you success!

Speech on the topic “Modern lesson - what is it like?”

As part of the requirements for the quality of education, a teacher must have a number of competencies. The ability to use various educational techniques and technologies is important.

I would like to start my speech with a parable:

Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; if the dead one says, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

All in your hands, Dear colleagues whether you will use modern lesson technologies and improve your competence – DEPENDS only on you. All in your hands.

We have been working according to the new standards for the fifth year. Working according to the Federal State Educational Standard is difficult, but possible, and even interesting. Our task now, in contrast to previous work, when it was simply necessary to show and tell everything in the lesson as clearly and easily as possible, is to include the student himself, even the weakest, in educational activities. The lesson matrix helps in designing a modern lesson, which you can see on the route sheet.

Why are children interested in class? Because children do not receive knowledge from the teacher, but discover it themselves, in the process research activities Therefore, knowledge for children acquires personal significance. We, as teachers, only guide the activities of students. When a child is involved in independent educational and cognitive activities, then universal educational actions are formed in him. And here we cannot do without the technologies of the system-activity approach to teaching.

When conducting organizational moment You can use such active techniques and teaching methods as “Let’s smile at each other”, “Say hello with your elbows”, “Resource circle”, “Orchard”. With their help, the children get into a working mood, receive a positive charge of energy, and share their expectations from the lesson. This serves as the beginning of the formation of communicative and regulatory UUD (forecasting)

One of the important stages in the lesson is the stage of goal setting and motivation of students for activities in the lesson. We can say that this is the most important stage of the lesson. Children should be surprised, go forward, and, faced with problematic issue, With problematic situation, want to solve a problem, explore an issue, find a solution.

Since the educational problem exists in two forms, the text of the stimulating dialogue consists of remarks: “What do you think the topic of the lesson will be?” or “What is the question?” Or you can say, “Guess what the lesson will be about? What should we learn today? What goal should we achieve?

For example, in a Russian language lesson on the topic “ Soft sign after the hissing ones" at the beginning of the lesson we write vocabulary dictation. Then we present it to the students fairy tale character(in this case, the girl Masha), who allegedly also wrote a vocabulary dictation and is asked to compare what the guys and Masha did. Children are faced with a problem: The task was the same: we wrote down the same words, but we wrote them down differently. “What is the question?” What goal should we achieve? The guys answer - We don’t know the rule that will help us NOT make a mistake. The purpose of the lesson is to learn how to correctly write nouns with a sibilant at the end.

The lesson offers situations with missing, redundant, contradictory data, with obviously made mistakes that awaken interest and desire to search for the truth (read from the slide??)

Educational problem can be installed using motivating technique “bright spot”. Beginning a speech with a parable is one of the “bright spot” techniques used in modern lessons. This technique also includes a piece of music, illustrations, excerpts from works, a message of something amazing and unusual. For example, the slide offers a picture with a situation about the relationship between geese and caterpillars.

Exist different techniques motivation. Often used, of course, are games (for example, Detective Agency) and other game situations, rhyming exercises, riddles, puzzles, crosswords, and grammatical tales.

For example, in a Russian language lesson, a comic poem about dative case, which will be discussed in the lesson.

The formation of universal general educational and regulatory actions, the ability to structure information is facilitated by such techniques as the Marking Table “I Know – I Learned New – I Want to Learn”, the “Insert” Strategy (“Conventional Icons”), drawing up algorithms, a cluster (or mind map), and etc.

A cluster is a way of graphically organizing material. This technique can be used perfectly at all stages of the lesson. I suggest you try to fill out the cluster about Universal educational activities in the route sheet

Great importance for the formation of all types of universal educational activities: (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative) has Work in pairs, in a group. The most important thing when working in a group is to develop the ability to listen to your partner and hear what he says.

Great importance must be given to students’ reflections on what was difficult for them to do, and what they did NOT experience difficulties with and why, that is, student reflection.

By the way, what is the correct way to say “reflection” or “reflection”? The question arises. To confirm that our assumptions are correct, what can we do? Look in a textbook, in a dictionary, search for information on the Internet. ( The teacher does not act as an expert, he only guides the students. The guys themselves must confirm or refute their guesses using the methods available to them).

At the reflective stage you can use various techniques“3-2-1”, “One Word Summary”, “Acrostics”, Fishbone, “Cinquain”, etc. Let’s try to compose acrostics on the topic Teacher: associations with the word teacher starting with the letter U, starting with the letter C, etc.

Children really like making syncwines. I suggest you try to compose a syncwine on the topic “Modern lesson” on the route sheet.

Thank you for your opinion and participation in compiling the syncwine. Here is one possible example of syncwine.

So let's do some reflection content of the proposed material. Please mark your rating according to the criteria provided. (on the route sheet)

If you found the information from the talk useful, you can get Additional information by following the links to webinars of the publishing house Prosveshchenie, pedagogical sites, which are indicated on the brochure. I hope this information will help you in designing a modern lesson.

Createsyncwine on the topic

“A modern lesson – what is it?”

1. Topic (noun)

2. Definition (2 adjectives)

3. Action (3 verbs)

4. Four-word phrase showing attitude to the topic

5. A one-word synonym (metaphor) that repeats the essence of the topic

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    Practicality 1 2 3 4 5

    Availability 1 2 3 4 5

    Science 1 2 3 4 5

    Relevance 1 2 3 4 5

    Activation of attention 1 2 3 4 5

Route sheet

Stage 1. We repeat what we know

Create a cluster

Self-determinationgeneral education universities

Sensemakingsign-symbolic d.

Moral and ethical orientationlogical univ.d.

problem formulation and solution

communication issues;

goal setting skill with sufficient

planning completeness and accuracy

forecasting express your thoughts;

control educational planning

correction of cooperation with

assessment by teacher and peers


Marking table ZUH

Z nayu

U knew something new

X I'd like to know

Matrix of a modern lesson

Stagetraining session

Educational objectives

UUDs being formed at this stage

1. Organizational moment

1. Organize updating of requirements for students from outside educational activities.

2. Create conditions for the emergence of internal needs and inclusion in educational activities.

1) Regulatory:

Volitional self-regulation;

2) Personal:

Sensemaking (I'll have to look...)

3) Communication:

Planning educational collaboration with the teacher and with peers.

2. Checking homework. Preparation for work at the main stage.

1. Organize the updating of the learned methods of action sufficient to build new knowledge.

2. Fix the current methods of action in signs (standards, diagrams, support according to the rules).

3. Motivate students for learning activities.

4. Organize the implementation of educational activities by students.

5. Record learning difficulties (group or individual)

1) Cognitive:

General educational skills to structure knowledge, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

2) Logical:

Analysis, comparison, synthesis.

3) Regulatory:

Control and evaluation of forecasting (in the analysis of educational activities).

3. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

Organize formation project learning new knowledge:

1. Students set the goal of the project (what is the goal - topic).

2. students identify tools (algorithms, models, reference books, Internet...)

3. Students formulate the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal.

1) Regulatory:

Goal setting as setting an educational task,



2) Cognitive:

The ability to structure knowledge, pose and formulate a problem, the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements.

3) General education:


choice the most effective ways problem solving.

4. Implementation of the constructed project and consolidation of the learned methods of action.

1. Organize the implementation of the completed project in accordance with the plan.

2. Organize the recording of a new method of action in speech and in signs.

3. Discussion of the possibility of using a new method of action to solve all tasks of this type.

4. Organize students’ assimilation of a new way of acting in external speech (in pairs or groups, frontally)


Planning educational cooperation

2) Cognitive:

Finding and highlighting the necessary information

Semantic reading

Building a logical chain of reasoning

5. Monitoring and self-assessment of knowledge and methods of action

1. Organize independent implementation by students typical tasks on new way actions.

2. Organize a comparison of the work with a standard for self-test.

3. Based on the results of completing independent activities, organize a reflection on the application of a new way of activity.

1) Regulatory:

Control and correction in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard.

2) Cognitive:

The ability to consciously and voluntarily construct statements.

6. Correction of knowledge and methods of action

1. Organize the identification of types of tasks where a new method of action is used.

2. Organize repetition of educational content

1) Regulatory:


7. Summing up the lesson, information about homework.

1. Organize recording of new content learned in the lesson.

2. Organize recording of unresolved difficulties in the lesson as directions for future educational activities.

3. Organize a discussion and recording of homework.

1) Cognitive:

Ability to structure knowledge

Performance evaluation

2) Regulatory:

Volitional self-regulation

Awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned

8. Reflection

1. Organize students’ reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation, their activities, interaction with the teacher and classmates.


Ability to express your thoughts

Assessing the quality of your own and general educational activities

as a means of forming cognitive universal educational actions.

  • One of the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard for teaching is the formation of universal learning activities (ULA) in schoolchildren in the classroom. To develop cognitive learning skills, students must learn to transform textual material into a diagram, table, or short verbal form.
  • Such a short verbal form can be syncwine, diamond, diamond. To compose a syncwine, diamond or diamond on a topic, the student needs to select adjectives, verbs and a noun from a voluminous text on any subject, which should characterize the phenomenon, object, subject or event as accurately as possible.
  • An independently compiled syncwine, diamond and diamond, is protected by the student, turning into textual information, reflecting the level of knowledge and personal attitude to the studied concept of each student.

  • Cinquain is poetic form of 5 lines characterizing the subject (topic), which is written according to a certain plan.

  • 1st line: Who? What? (topic) 1 noun.
  • 2nd line: Which one? 2 adjectives.
  • 3rd line: What does it do? 3 verbs.
  • Line 4: What does the author think about the topic? 4 word phrase.
  • 5th line: Who? What? (New sound of the theme). 1 noun.

  • Morpheme
  • Main, significant.
  • Creates meaning, expresses, defines.
  • Contains the lexical meaning of the word.
  • Root.

  • Complete, short.
  • Defines, compares, changes.
  • In a sentence it can be a definition or a predicate.
  • Adjective.

  • Diamond is a poetic form of seven lines, the first and last of which are concepts with opposite meanings.

  • line 1- theme (noun)
  • line 2 - definition (2 adjectives or participles)
  • line 3 - action (3 verbs or gerunds)
  • line 4 is four words, two of them characterize the first noun, and two are a contrasting concept that completes the diamond.
  • line 5 - action (3 verbs or gerunds)
  • line 6 - definition (2 adjectives or participles)

  • Root
  • Mandatory, main.
  • Expresses, defines, creates meaning.
  • New words, not forms of words.
  • Serves, changes, connects.
  • Form-forming, zero
  • Ending.

  • Diamond is a poetic form of seven lines, the first and last of which are concepts with opposite meanings.

  • line 4: associations (4 nouns)
  • line 7: theme (noun)

Difference between Diamond and diamonds.

  • line 1- theme (noun)
  • line 2 - definition (2 adjectives or participles)
  • line 3 - action (3 verbs or gerunds)
  • line 4 is four words, two of them characterize the first noun, and two are a contrasting concept that completes the diamond.
  • line 5 - action (3 verbs or gerunds)
  • line 6 - definition (2 adjectives or participles)
  • line 7: theme (noun)
  • line 1: theme (noun)
  • line 2: definition (2 adjectives)
  • line 3: action (3 verbs)
  • line 4: associations (4 nouns)
  • line 5: action (3 verbs)
  • line 6: definition (2 adjectives)
  • line 7: theme (noun)

Creation of diamonds (sound - letter)

Vowel, consonant.

It is pronounced, heard, sounds.

Speech, transformation, graphics, symbol.

Drawing, writing, printing.

Uppercase, uppercase

  • Letter.