Innovative technologies of inclusive preschool education.

Teacher - speech therapist of the highest qualification category

MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 111" Aviation District of Kazan

Karpova Lyubov Mikhailovna

Work experience: 12 years, Teaching experience: 12 years, in this position: 12 years.

Inclusive education implies collaborative learning and accessibility of education for all its participants through the creation of an educational space that meets the different needs of all children. Inclusion is a chance to give confidence in their abilities to children with disabilities, since this category of children needs not only a sensitive attitude and constant support and correctional support, but also an opportunity to develop abilities and achieve success in school, in further socialization.

There are eight principles of inclusive education:

▫ A person's value does not depend on his abilities and achievements;

▫ Everyone is able to feel and think;

▫ Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard;

▫ All people need each other;

▫ Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships;

▫ All people need the support and friendship of their peers;

▫ For all learners, progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot;

▫Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

For the effectiveness of the correctional process, it is necessary to organize early diagnostic work with children in the preschool educational institution, psychological and pedagogical support of the child for his successful socialization in the future, the use of innovative teaching technologies, taking into account individual needs and opportunities, providing children with freedom of choice, interaction of teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution with the parents of students , with the administration of the preschool educational institution, with primary school teachers and other interested authorities.

Based on the diagnosis of preschool children, an increasing number of children have various health limitations: speech disorders, bilingualism, hearing impairments, vision, musculoskeletal system, hyperactivity with attention deficit, increased fatigue, problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, underdevelopment of the motor sphere and sensory functions, etc.

The main focus of speech therapy classes is the correction of speech function based on the child's preserved capabilities in close connection with the formation of all mental and behavioral processes, using innovative technologies aimed at preserving and increasing the health of pupils, which will create the preconditions for the full development of the child's personality.

To interest preschoolers, you need to apply non-standard ideas, innovative technologies developed by creative teachers - practitioners. At the present stage, the following are used in correctional work with preschoolers. educational technologies:

Game technologies;

Personality-oriented technologies;

Technology of project activity;

Research technology;

TRIZ technology;

Problem-based learning technology;

Developmental education technology;

Information and communication technologies;

Preschooler portfolio technology;

Teacher Portfolio Technology;

Health-saving technologies, which are divided into 3 groups:

1. Technologies for the preservation and promotion of health (body-oriented technologies);

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle;

3. Correctional technologies;

Game technologies.Play as a component of learning, creativity, therapy, relationship model.

The purpose of gaming technology is to provide an opportunity to experience in a gaming situation the problems and relationships that concern him with the full attention and empathy of an adult, which is so important for children with special abilities and needs.

Personality-oriented technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the entire system of preschool education and training, ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool educational institutions, effective conditions for development, development and improvement of preserved natural potentials.

Design technology focused on the joint activities of the participants in the process: child - teacher, child - child, child - parent. Advantage of technology: the child feels his importance and the need for a team.

Research technology sees its goalthe formation of the ability of preschoolers for a research type of thinking.

Design technologies don't exist without using TRIZ - technologies (technologies for solving inventive problems). When creating a creative project, pupils are offered a problematic task that is solved by the method of research or experiment. Belinsky V.G.: "Where there is no room for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability."

Problem learning technologyinvolves the creation of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to solve them under the guidance of a teacher, as a result of which knowledge, skills, skills are acquired, the assimilation of methods of independent activity and the development of cognitive, thinking, and creative abilities.

Developmental learning technologyinvolves the interaction of the teacher and students in finding ways to solve problems through the organization of research and search activities of students in order to stimulate the reflexive abilities of the child, teaching the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Information and communication technologies.The modern world, in which a child develops, makes ever new demands on preschool education as an initial link in education. The use of modern information technologies in the learning process can significantly increase the motivation of children, contribute to the disclosure of their abilities, the activation of cognitive and intellectual activity.

Preschooler Portfolio is a piggy bank of personal achievements, successes, emotions in all types of activities, an opportunity to recreate pleasant moments of your life, a kind of child's development sheet. The portfolio allows you to implement an individual approach to each child. The portfolio includes data on birth, zodiac sign, which celebrity was born on this day, which means the name, family tree; weight, height, palm at different age periods; skills and abilities that the child has acquired over the year, photographs of family members, drawings of the child, stories about himself and his family, friends, drawings and photographs of family leisure, hand-made works of children, stories about the child through the eyes of parents, educator, friends, interesting statements , reflections, diplomas, certificates. With the help of the portfolio, parents find out the desires and interests of the child.

Teacher Portfolio allows you to see the results achieved by the teacher in a variety of activities and is an alternative form of introspection, assessment of professionalism and performance.

Health-saving technologiesprovide opportunities for maintaining the health of the child, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills for a healthy lifestyle.

Group 1 - body-oriented technologies:

Bioenergoplasty - combining the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movements of the hand;

Stretching (stretching) - alternating tension and relaxation in different parts of the body;

Relaxation exercises;

Breathing exercises;

Rhythmoplasty - expression of thoughts and emotions with movements in cases of difficulty in expressing them in words;

Dynamic pauses - outdoor games, games for the formation of posture, finger games, physical exercises, massage of the face, hands, fingers, rhythmic exercises, su - jok therapy;

Kinesiological exercises - a set of movements to activate interhemispheric interaction;

Gymnastics for the eyes;

Invigorating, corrective, orthopedic gymnastics - a system of exercises to correct the spine, for balance; to develop correct posture ;

- auriculotherapy - the direction of reflexology using massage, acupuncturei, electric, thermal effects on biologically active points of the auricles;

- lithotherapy - the energetic effect of a stone on the human body.

Group 2 - technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

Game training (motor, finger, respiratory) and game therapy (complex effects on the organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch, on vestibular receptors, etc.);

Physical Education;

Communication games, conversations from the "Health" series;

Self-massage, point self-massage;

- (BFB): teaching diaphragmatic relaxation breathing (for older preschool children with behavioral features). BFB devices make it possible to see and hear , how organs work, to develop physiologically correct functioning of the trained organ.

Group 3 - correction technologies:

Art therapy is art healing, a means of self-expression through drawing, play, fairy tale, music, through non-verbal communication, which is important for those who find it difficult to express their thoughts in words. Modern art therapy includes origami, drama therapy, fairy tale therapy, video and audio therapy, bibliotherapy, mask therapy, ethnotherapy, game therapy, sand therapy, water games, laughter therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy, mnemonics, etc.

Game technologies for behavior correction;

Imagotherapy - in a psycho-traumatic situation, the child imagines himself in the form of a beloved hero and acts as this hero would act;

Psychogymnastics - the expression of experiences, problems, emotions through movements, facial expressions and gestures;

Phonetic rhythm is a comprehensive technique for the development of speech breathing, voice strength, speech rate;

Speech therapy rhythm is a complex technique that includes speech therapy, music-rhythmic and physical education;

Vestibular plates or trainers allow the speech therapist to effectively and quickly deliver many complex sounds while working with the child.

Types of plates and trainers:

An elastic plate for children of 2 years of age with prolonged sucking on a pacifier or a finger, provoking the appearance of an open bite, for the earliest weaning of the child from these bad habits and the prevention of speech disorders;

Trainers "Infant" for children 3 - 5 years old allow you to develop the correct position of the tongue at rest and when swallowing, eliminate interdental sigmatism;

The preorthodontic model is intended for children 6-10 years old, it normalizes the type of breathing, the position of the tongue during swallowing and at rest, the excess pressure of the external prioral muscles is reduced, the tension of the chin muscle is relieved, the crowding of the dentition is eliminated.

The use of these technologies, the creation of effective conditions for the full-fledged upbringing and education of children with disabilities, corresponding to their state of health, needs and opportunities, is a condition for the successful implementation of inclusion.


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    Electronic resource: site of the journal "Preschool Education", www. logoburg. com, Wikipedia.

Modern educational technologies at preschool educational institutions

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at the implementation of state standards for preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult in communication with children adheres to the position: "Not next to, not above him, but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

TechnologyIs a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology- is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, methods of teaching, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:






Conceptuality - reliance on a certain scientific concept, including a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Consistency - the technology must have all the features of the system:

Process logic,

The interconnection of its parts


Manageability -the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, design of the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, variation of means and methods in order to correct the results.

Efficiency - modern pedagogical technologies that exist in specific conditions must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, to ensure that a certain standard of teaching is achieved.

Reproducibility -the possibility of application (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher who uses it, regardless of his experience, length of service, age and personality traits.

The structure of educational technology

The structure of educational technology consists of three parts:

· The conceptual part is the scientific basis of the technology, i.e. psychological and pedagogical ideas that are laid in its foundation.

· Procedural part - a set of forms and methods of educational activity of children, methods and forms of work of a teacher, activities of a teacher in managing the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

So it's obvious:if a certain system claims to be technologies, it must meet all the requirements listed above.

The interaction of all subjects of the open educational space (children, employees, parents) of a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of modern educational technologies.

Modern educational technologies include:

· Health-saving technologies;

Technologies of project activities

Research technology

· Information and communication technologies;

· Personality-oriented technologies;

Preschooler and educator portfolio technology

Game technology

· Technology "TRIZ", etc.

Health-saving technologies

The purposehealth-preserving technologies is to provide the child with the possibility of maintaining health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher's influence on the child's health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for the formation of his health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on:

From the type of preschool institution,

From the length of stay of children in it,

From the program according to which teachers work,

Specific conditions of the preschool educational institution,

Professional competence of a teacher,

· Indicators of children's health.

Allocate (in relation to preschool educational institutions) the following classification of health-saving technologies:

1. medico-prophylactic (ensuring the preservation and augmentation of the health of children under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and norms, using medical equipment - technologies for organizing monitoring of the health of preschoolers, monitoring children's nutrition, preventive measures, a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions);

2. health and fitness (aimed at the physical development and health improvement of the child - technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises, etc.);

3. ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child (ensuring the child's mental and social health and aimed at ensuring emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family; technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions);

4. health preservation and health enrichment of teachers (aimed at developing a health culture of teachers, including a culture of professional health, at developing the need for a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and stimulating health (technology of using outdoor and sports games, gymnastics (for the eyes, breathing, etc.), rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses , relaxation);

5. educational (education of a culture of health of preschoolers, personality-oriented education and training);

6. healthy lifestyle education (technologies of using physical education, communication games, a system of classes from the series "Football Lessons", problem-playing (game trainings, game therapy), self-massage); correctional (art therapy, technology of musical influence, fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.)

7. The number of health-saving educational technologies should include pedagogical technology of an active sensory-developing environment, which means si withthe dark set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals.

2. Technology of project activities

Purpose: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use the project technology in the upbringing and teaching of preschoolers unanimously note that the life activity organized according to it in kindergarten allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate into the inner world of the child.

Classification of educational projects:

· "Play" - children's activities, participation in group activities (games, folk dances, dramatization, various kinds of entertainment);

· "Excursion", aimed at studying the problems associated with the surrounding nature and social life;

· "Narrative", in the development of which, children learn to convey their impressions and feelings in oral, written, vocal art (painting), musical (playing the piano) forms;

· "Constructive" aimed at creating a specific useful product: putting together a birdhouse, arranging flower beds.

Project types:

1. by the dominant method:




5. game,


7. practice-oriented.

1. by the nature of the content:

8.include the child and his family,

9.child and nature,

10.the child and the man-made world,

11. child, society and its cultural values.

1. by the nature of the child's participation in the project:



15. participant from the conception of the idea to the result.

1. by the nature of contacts:

16. carried out within the same age group,

17. in contact with another age group,

18. inside the preschool educational institution, contact with family,

20. cultural institutions,

21. public organizations (open project).

1. by the number of participants:



25. frontal.

1. by duration:

26. short-term,

27.medium duration,

28. long-term.

3. Technology of research activities

The purpose of research activities in kindergarten- to form in preschoolers the main key competencies, the ability for a research type of thinking.

It should be noted that the use of design technologies cannot exist without the use of TRIZ technology (technology for solving inventive problems). Therefore, when organizing work on a creative project, the pupils are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques of organizing experimental research


Heuristic conversations;

Formulation and solution of problematic issues;


Modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);

Fixation of results: observations, experiments, experiments, labor activity;

- "immersion" in colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;

Use of artistic word;

Didactic games, game educational and creative development


Labor orders, actions.

1. Experiments (experimentation)

o State and transformation of matter.

o Movement of air, water.

o Properties of soil and minerals.

o Plant living conditions.

2. Collecting (classification work)

3. Types of plants.

4. Types of animals.

5. Types of building structures.

6. Modes of transport.

7. Types of professions.

1. Travel on the map

Cardinal points.

Terrain reliefs.

Natural landscapes and their inhabitants.

Parts of the world, their natural and cultural "marks" are symbols.

0. Travel along the "river of time"

The past and present of mankind (historical time) in the "marks" of the material civilization (for example, Egypt - the pyramids).

The history of housing and improvement.

4. Information and communication technologies

The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This makes qualitatively new requirements for preschool education as the first link in lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).

The informatization of society poses for preschool teachers tasks:

· to keep up with the times,

To become a guide for the child into the world of new technologies,

A mentor in the choice of computer programs,

To form the foundations of the information culture of his personality,

· Improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.

The solution of these tasks is not possible without updating and revising all areas of the kindergarten's work in the context of informatization.

Requirements for preschool educational programs:

Research nature

Ease for self-study children

Development of a wide range of skills and beliefs

Age matching

· Amusement.

Classification of programs:

Development of imagination, thinking, memory

· Speaking dictionaries of foreign languages

The simplest graphic editors

Travel games

· Teaching reading, mathematics

Using multimedia presentations

Computer advantages:

· Presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children;

· Carries a figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers;

· Movements, sound, animation attract the child's attention for a long time;

· Has a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

· Provides an opportunity for individualization of training;

· In the course of his activity at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence;

· Allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

Errors when using information and communication technologies:

Insufficient methodological preparedness of the teacher

Wrong definition of the didactic role and place of ICT in the classroom

Free, random use of ICT

· Overloaded classes with demonstration.

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for decorating stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional cognitive material for classes, acquaintance with scenarios of holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.

4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creation of presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting meetings.

1. Personality-oriented technology

Personality-oriented technologies place the personality of the child at the center of the entire system of preschool education, ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool institution, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, and the realization of existing natural potentials.

Personality-oriented technology is implemented in a developing environment that meets the requirements of the content of new educational programs.

Attempts to create conditions for personality-oriented interactions with children in a developing space that allow a child to show their own activity, to fully realize themselves are noted.

However, the current situation in preschool institutions does not always allow us to say that teachers have fully begun to implement the ideas of personality-oriented technologies, namely, providing children with opportunities for self-realization in the game, the mode of life is overloaded with various activities, there is little time left for the game.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, independent directions are distinguished:

· humane personal technologies, characterized by their humanistic essence, psycho-therapeutic focus on helping a child with weakened health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

It is good to implement this technology in new preschool institutions, where there are psychological relief rooms - upholstered furniture, many plants decorating the room, toys that promote individual games, equipment for individual lessons. Music and gymnasiums, aftercare rooms (after illness), a room for the environmental development of a preschooler and productive activities, where children can choose an activity of their interest. All this contributes to full respect and love for the child, faith in creative powers, there is no compulsion. As a rule, in such preschool institutions, children are calm, compliant, not conflicted.

· Collaboration technologyimplements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in relations between a teacher and a child, partnership in the system of relationships "Adult - child". The teacher and children create conditions for a developing environment, make manuals, toys, gifts for the holidays. Together they define a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).

Pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relations, an individual approach, democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. This approach is possessed by the new educational programs "Rainbow", "From childhood to adolescence", "Childhood", "From birth to school".

The essence of the technological upbringing and educational process is constructed on the basis of the given initial attitudes: social order (parents, society), educational guidelines, goals and content of education. These initial attitudes should concretize modern approaches to assessing the achievements of preschoolers, as well as create conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

Revealing the pace of development allows the educator to support each child at his level of development.

Thus, the specificity of the technological approach is that the educational process must guarantee the achievement of the set goals. In accordance with this, in the technological approach to training, the following are distinguished:

· Setting goals and their maximum clarification (education and training with a focus on achieving results;

· Preparation of teaching aids (demonstration and handout) in accordance with educational goals and objectives;

· Assessment of the current development of the preschooler, correction of deviations aimed at achieving goals;

· The final assessment of the result - the level of development of the preschooler.

Personality-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional technology - an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, create conditions for the creativity of the individual.

6 preschooler portfolio technology

A portfolio is a piggy bank of a child's personal achievements in a variety of activities, his successes, positive emotions, the opportunity to once again relive the pleasant moments of his life, this is a kind of path for the child's development.

There are a number of portfolio features:

Diagnostic (fixes changes and growth over a certain period of time),

The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. There are a lot of portfolio options. The content of the sections is filled in gradually, in accordance with the capabilities and achievements of the preschooler. I. Rudenko

Section 1 "Let's get to know". The section contains a photograph of the child, his surname and first name, group number are indicated; you can enter the heading "I love ..." ("I like ...", "I love when ..."), in which the child's answers will be recorded.

Section 2 "I am growing!". The section contains anthropometric data (in artistic and graphic performance): "This is what I am!", "How I am growing," "I grew up," "I am big."

Section 3 "Portrait of my child". The section contains essays by parents about their baby.

Section 4 "I dream ...". The section records the statements of the child himself on the proposal to continue the phrases: "I dream about ...", "I would like to be ...", "I am waiting when ...", "I see myself ...", " I want to see myself ... "," My favorite things ... "; answers to questions: "Who and what will I be when I grow up?", "What do I like to think about?"

Section 5 "Here's What I Can Do". The section contains samples of the child's creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books).

Section 6 "My achievements". In the section, letters and diplomas are recorded (from various organizations: kindergarten, media holding competitions).

Section 7 "Advise me ...". In the section, recommendations are given to parents by the educator and all specialists working with the child.

Section 8 "Ask, parents!". In the section, parents formulate their questions to the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

L. Orlova offers such a portfolio option, the content of which will primarily be of interest to parents, the portfolio can be filled in both in kindergarten and at home, and can be presented as a mini-presentation at a child's birthday. The author suggests the following portfolio structure. The title page, which contains information about the child (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), the start and end date of portfolio management, the image of the child's palm at the time the portfolio starts and the image of the palm at the end of the portfolio.

Section 1 "Meet Me"contains inserts "Admire me", where portraits of the child taken in different years on his birthdays are sequentially pasted, and "About me", which contains information about the time and place of birth of the child, the meaning of the name of the child, the date of his birthday, a short story by the parents, why this name was chosen, where the surname came from, information about famous namesakes and famous namesakes, personal information of the child (zodiac sign, horoscopes, talismans, etc.).

Section 2 "I am growing"includes inserts "Growth dynamics", which provides information about the growth of the child from the first year of life, and "My achievements in the year", which indicates how many centimeters the child has grown, what he learned over the past year, for example, to count to five, somersault, etc.

Section 3 "My family".The content of this section includes short stories about family members (in addition to personal data, you can mention the profession, character traits, favorite activities, features of spending time with family members).

Section 4 "What I can - I will help"contains photographs of the child in which he is depicted doing homework.

Section 5 "The World Around Us".This section includes small creative works of the child on excursions, cognitive walks.

Section 6 "Inspiration of winter (spring, summer, autumn)".The section contains children's works (drawings, fairy tales, poems, photographs from matinees, recordings of poems that the child recited at the matinee, etc.)

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a certain portfolio structure:

Section 1 "Parents' Information",in which there is a heading "Let's get to know", which includes information about the child, his achievements, which were noted by the parents themselves.

Section 2 "Information of teachers"contains information about teachers' observations of a child during his stay in kindergarten in four key areas: social contacts, communication activities, independent use of various sources of information and activities as such.

Section 3 "Child's information about himself"contains information received from the child himself (drawings, games that the child invented himself, stories about himself, about friends, awards, diplomas, letters).

L. I. Adamenko offers the following portfolio structure:

block "What a good child",which contains information about the personal qualities of the child and includes: an essay by the parents about the child; reflections of educators about the child; the child's answers to questions during the informal conversation "Tell about yourself"; responses of friends, other children to the request to tell about the child; self-assessment of the child (results of the "Ladder" test); psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; A "basket of wishes", the content of which includes gratitude to the child - for kindness, generosity, good deed; letters of thanks to parents - for raising a child;

block "What a skillful child"contains information about what the child can do, what he knows, and includes: the parents' answers to the questionnaires; reviews of educators about the child; children's stories about the child; stories of teachers, to whom the child goes to circles and sections; assessment of the child's participation in promotions; characteristics of the psychologist of the cognitive interests of the child; diplomas in nominations - for curiosity, skills, initiative, independence;

block "Which child is successful"contains information about the creative abilities of the child and includes: parental feedback about the child; the child's story about their successes; creative works (drawings, poems, projects); diplomas; illustrations of success, etc.

Thus, the portfolio (a folder of the child's personal achievements) allows for an individual approach to each child and is awarded upon graduation from kindergarten as a gift to the child himself and his family

7. Technology "Teacher's Portfolio"

Modern education needs a new type of teacher:

Thinking creatively,

Possessing modern education technologies,

Methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics,

Methods of independent design of the pedagogical process in the context of specific practical activities,

· The ability to predict your final result.

Each teacher should have a dossier of success, which reflects everything that is joyful, interesting and worthy of what happens in the life of a teacher. Such a dossier can be a portfolio of a teacher.

The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the teacher in a variety of activities (educational, educational, creative, social, communicative), and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of the teacher.

To create a comprehensive portfolio, it is advisable to introduce the following sections:

Section 1 "General information about the teacher"

· This section allows you to judge the process of individual personal development of the teacher (surname, name, patronymic, year of birth);

· Education (what and when he graduated, the received specialty and qualifications according to the diploma);

· Work and teaching experience, work experience in this educational institution;

· Advanced training (name of the structure where the courses were attended, year, month, course topics);

· Copies of documents confirming the availability of scientists and honorary titles and degrees;

· The most significant government awards, certificates, letters of thanks;

· Diplomas of various competitions;

· Other documents at the discretion of the teacher.

Section 2 "Results of pedagogical activity" .

The content of this section forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics of the results of the teacher's activity over a certain period. This section may include:

· Materials with the results of the development of the implemented program by children;

· Materials characterizing the level of development of ideas and skills of children, the level of development of personal qualities;

· Comparative analysis of the teacher's activities over three years based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the results of pupils' participation in various competitions and olympiads;

Analysis of the learning outcomes of pupils in the first grade, etc.

Section 3 "Scientific and methodological activity"

· Materials describing the technologies used by the teacher in activities with children, justifying their choice;

· Materials characterizing work in a methodological association, a creative group;

· Materials confirming participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions;

· In weeks of teaching;

· In conducting seminars, "round tables", master classes;

· Creative reports, abstracts, reports, articles and other documents.

Section 4 "Subject-developing environment"

Contains information about the organization of the subject-development environment in groups and classrooms:

· Plans for the organization of a subject-development environment;

Sketches, photographs, etc.

Section 5 "Working with parents"

Contains information about working with parents of pupils (work plans; event scenarios, etc.).

Thus, the portfolio will allow the teacher himself to analyze and present significant professional results, achievements, and will provide monitoring of his professional growth.

8. Game technology

It is built as a holistic education that covers a certain part of the educational process and is united by a common content, plot, character. It includes sequentially:

· Games and exercises that form the ability to highlight the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them;

· Groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain criteria;

· Groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal;

· Groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, quick reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.

Compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of each educator.

Learning in the form of a game can and should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. To implement this approach, it is necessary that educational technologies developed for teaching preschoolers contain a clearly marked and step-by-step described system of game tasks and various games so that, using this system, the teacher can be sure that as a result he will receive a guaranteed level of assimilation. child of one or another subject content. Of course, this level of the child's achievements should be diagnosed, and the technology used by the teacher should provide this diagnosis with appropriate materials.

In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.

Game technologies are closely related to all aspects of the upbringing and educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. Some modern educational programs suggest using folk games as a means of pedagogical correction of children's behavior.

9. Technology "TRIZ"

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), which was created by the scientist-inventor T.S. Altshuller.

The teacher uses non-traditional forms of work that put the child in the position of a thinking person. TRIZ-technology adapted to preschool age will allow to educate and educate a child under the motto "Creativity in everything!" Preschool age is unique, because the way a child is formed, such will be his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period in order to reveal the creative potential of each child.

The purpose of using this technology in kindergarten is to develop, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialecticism; on the other, search activity, striving for novelty; speech and creative imagination.

The main task of using TRIZ - technology in preschool age - is to instill in a child the joy of creative discoveries.

The main criterion in working with children is clarity and simplicity in the presentation of the material and in the formulation of a seemingly complex situation. You should not force the introduction of TRIZ without understanding the main provisions by children using the simplest examples. Fairy tales, play, everyday situations - this is the environment through which the child learns to apply the Triz solutions to the problems he is facing. As he finds contradictions, he himself will strive for the ideal result, using numerous resources.

Only TRIZ elements (tools) can be used in the work if the teacher has not mastered TRIZ technology enough.

A scheme was developed using the method of identifying contradictions:

· The first stage is to determine the positive and negative properties of the quality of an object or phenomenon that do not cause persistent associations in children.

· The second stage is to determine the positive and negative properties of an object or phenomenon as a whole.

· Only after the child understands what adults want from him, should one move on to considering objects and phenomena that cause persistent associations.

Often, the teacher already conducts TRIZ classes, without even knowing about it. Indeed, it is precisely the emancipation of thinking and the ability to go to the end in solving a given problem - the essence of creative pedagogy.

Conclusion: The technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantee the achievements of the preschooler and further guarantee their successful learning in school.

Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. Creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the cognitive process in its developing state will always be the main reference point. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

The use of modern educational technologies in the correctional and educational work of a preschool educational institution Teacher - speech therapist MKDOU Zdvinsk kindergarten "Firefly" Tropina O.N g Interdistrict seminar - practical training "Methodological and regulatory support of FSES DO"

Health-preserving technologies The goal of health-preserving educational technologies is to provide preschoolers with the opportunity to maintain health; - to form in him the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills for a healthy lifestyle; - to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various activities and are presented as: 1. technologies for maintaining and promoting health; 2. technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles; 3. correction technologies.

Logorhythm is a system of motor exercises in which different movements are accompanied by the pronunciation of special language material with musical accompaniment. Logorhythm Relaxation - helps to restore breathing, relieve tension, reduce fatigue, prepare for further perception of the material

Thanks to exercises for the development of bioenergoplasty, the child's blood supply improves, the muscles of the face are strengthened, fine motor skills of the hands and speech develop. Bioenergoplasty Purpose: prevention of visual impairment. Removal of stress, load. The load on the eyes of a modern child is enormous, and they rest only during sleep. Visual gymnastics

Self-massage Articular massage Auricle massage is indicated for children from an early age. It helps to develop all body systems, improves intellectual abilities. By actively influencing acupuncture points, today it is possible to activate the work of all organs and body systems without exception. Self-massage of the face is aimed at developing and improving memory, abstract thinking, intelligence, speech development. Regular use of this massage helps to increase the intelligence of the child by 75%.

Hydro-gymnastics Nitkography Improvement of visual perception, development of visual-motor coordination, formation of smoothness and accuracy of movements, preparation of the hand for writing, consolidation of drawing skills, development of fine motor skills and imagination, as well as coherent speech of the child. Rolling, rolling, shifting various objects in the water - hydro-gymnastics - will be of great help in the work on the development of fine motor skills

Fairytale therapy: the goal is to increase the attention and interest of children in the classroom, the formation of positive behavior in preschoolers based on the example of positive fairy-tale characters, the development of creative abilities, cognitive interest - artistic fairy tales (author's, folk); - didactic fairy tales; -psychotherapeutic; -psychocorrectional; -meditative.

Educational project "ABC of Health!" year Project hypothesis: Application of health-saving technologies. The purpose of the project: Formation of skills in children to lead a healthy lifestyle, to engage in physical education. Reducing the incidence of children. The introduction of a health-preserving model for the preservation and strengthening of psycho-physical health and, as a consequence, a reduction in the time of speech therapy correction.

The fountain has revived and decorated the hall of the kindergarten. The water gushing out of it humidifies the air, causes the natural process of air ionization, making it healthier and fresher. A winter garden in a kindergarten has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche and on the development and formation of personality. The winter garden will never get bored or bored, this place is always appropriate, when conducting a frank, confidential conversation with a child, if necessary, it helps to relax and unwind, relieve tension and irritability.

Results: Decrease in the incidence rate of children (10.3%) Children received a primary idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health. Improving the quality of speech, communication skills. The ability of children to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Improving the quality of preparedness of children for school education.

An effective means of integrating family and kindergarten, in our opinion, is the joint project activities of educators, parents and children. Taking into account the current trends in education, we are actively involved in innovative activities. The design, built into the practice of the life of our speech group, has changed its appearance, made our work brighter, more noticeable, and most importantly, effective and interesting for children and parents. Over the past few years, the group has successfully implemented several short-term and long-term projects. One of the early projects "Let's make a book with our own hands." Such work helped the children to love the book, motivated them to read, the desire to compose stories and make books themselves.

Fostering interest and love for the origins of their homeland, a sense of pride for the Russian people, their country and their ancestors. Raising children's love and affection for home, family, kindergarten, street, village. Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts, customs, rituals, everyday life, for folk and Orthodox holidays. Later, we developed and implemented an educational project "Where does the Motherland begin?"

Project goal: To form a positive attitude towards the upcoming schooling in senior preschool children. Project objectives: 1. To create conditions for the primary adaptation of children to school conditions. 2. To promote the development of interest in school, educational skills, enrichment of ideas about the school world, to develop cognitive interests, thinking, communication skills. 3. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. 4. Involvement of parents in the life of the group. In the academic year, the speech therapy project "We will go to school soon!"
The experience of our educational institution shows that complex, meaningful, structured correctional and health improvement work with the use of modern educational technologies is effective and contributes to: - improving communication skills; - increased speech activity; -development of the melodic-intonation and prosodic aspects of speech; -development of mental processes; -increasing efficiency and endurance; - improving general and fine motor skills, motor skills and abilities; -activation of cognitive processes.

Application of modern correction technologies

The main task of the teacher of the social rehabilitation center- choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the development of the child's personality, his successful adaptation and socialization in society.

The activities of the educator of a social rehabilitation center have their own specifics, since the entire educational process is aimed not at teaching, but at the development and upbringing of children, but, often, also correction. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about pedagogical technologies not as learning technologies, which aim at the formation of knowledge, abilities, and skills in children, but as technologies that help this knowledge, skills, and abilities become a means of developing the child's personal qualities.

The priority direction in my activity is the development of the social and cultural competence of children, therefore in my practical professional activity I use the following pedagogical technologies and methods:

Personally oriented

Rationale for the choice

    Priority of personal relationships.

    Individual approach to pupils.

    Providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of the child's personality.


For example, in the classroom for productive activities, children choose material for themselves (pencils, paints, gouache, cereals, beads, etc.) according to their interest.

When planning a lesson, I take into account what knowledge, abilities, skills on this material have already been accumulated by the pupils and think over various problematic, creative tasks that allow the child to choose the type and form of work himself.

At the end of the lesson, I give an assessment (encouragement) to each child, I note that he was especially successful, etc.

I create a positive emotional attitude in class. This contributes to a more successful mastery of the material. In order for a child to have a desire to acquire knowledge, for this the child needs to have experience of positive emotions from the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities or from the result of their acquisition. I take into account the personal characteristics of children, remembering that in different people the same emotion can not always be evoked in the same way.

Didactic games

I use didactic material that differs in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for completing assignments.

Figurative - role-playing games


Intonation word games

The number of conflict situations, aggressive manifestations in the group has decreased. The level of self-esteem, self-confidence of the pupils has increased, they have become more open, liberated, they communicate more freely with teachers and peers.

Game technology

Rationale for the choice

The complex use of game technologies of different target orientations helps to form motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for successful socialization in society, each game situation of a pupil's communication with adults, with other children is a "school of cooperation" for the child, in which he learns and rejoices in the success of his peer, calmly endure their failures; regulate their behavior in accordance with social requirements, equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Educational games.



Round dance.


Games with rules.

Plot - role-playing.

Intonation word games.

Trainings and brainstorming (brainstorming)

The result of using technology

As a result of the application of this technology, children display organizational skills, initiative, and communication skills. They master the skills and abilities necessary for full-fledged mental and personal development. There is a formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the personality, the development of the play experience of children, the use of play skills and abilities in everyday life, the development of the creative potential of pupils.

Children distinguish the emotional manifestations of others and react to them correctly.

Development of interaction "child - child", "child - adult".

The pupil is able to evaluate himself by his own efforts.

The barrier between the teacher and the child is being destroyed.

Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not obedient performers of the teacher's instructions.

Children are independent and proactive, they set the rules of the game themselves, negotiate, communicate, help each other, and also control each other. It gives uncertain children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

Art therapy technologies

Rationale for the choice

Solving a variety of problems with art and creativity.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities


Music therapy.

Drama therapy. For example, subgroups of children stage, play out an episode of a fairy tale, situations.

Fairytale therapy.

The result of using technology

A positive result is achieved in the field of communication, the emotional-volitional sphere, intellectual abilities are developing more intensively. As a result of using these technologies, children develop curiosity, cognitive needs are realized, shyness is overcome, imagination, speech and general initiative develop, the level of cognitive and creative abilities, and the ability to interact in a team increase. The use of art therapy technology contributes to the realization of children's needs for creativity, movement, preservation of their psychological health, self-organization.

Collaboration technology

Rationale for the choice

Implementation of the principle of democratization of upbringing, equality in relations between a teacher and a child, partnership in the system of "adult - child" relationships.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Joint creative activity of the educator and the child.

Joint production of manuals, gifts for the holidays, greeting newspapers, products of artistic creativity for participation in competitions of various levels, exhibitions.

Individual and differentiated lessons.

The result of using technology

A humane attitude towards children, which includes: the teacher's interest in their fate; cooperation, communication, lack of coercion, punishment, evaluation, prohibitions, oppressive personality; treating a child as a unique person (“there is a miracle in every child”); tolerance for children's shortcomings, faith in the child and in his strength ("all children are talented").

Research technology

Rationale for the choice

The main advantage of experimental research activity is that it is close to children, and gives real ideas about the various aspects of the studied object,about its relationship with other objects of the environment. During the experiment, in addition to the development of cognitive activity, mental processes are developing -enrichment of memory, speech, activation of thinking, mental skills, since there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization, the need to report on what he saw, to formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions. There is not only an acquaintance of the child with new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations. In addition, it should be noted the positive influence of experimental research activities on the emotional sphere of the child, on the development of creative abilities, the formation of work skills, the ability to bring what has been started to the victorious end.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Experiments, experimentation (development of cause-and-effect relationships and relationships). (State and transformation of matter, movement of air, water, properties of soil and minerals, living conditions of plants).

Labor orders, actions.


Didactic games.

The result of using technology

Develops the ability for a research type of thinking, expands and refines knowledge about the world around.

I consider my work successful: the children have an increased interest in directly corrective activities, attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities are developing; there is an education of moral qualities, communication skills; conditions have been created for a positive psycho-emotional state of children, which has a beneficial effect on the health of each child.

Master Class

on the topic "Correctional technologies in working with children with visual impairments"

Senior educatorChernova Ekaterina Yurievna

Mozhga, 2015

purpose: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of modern correction technologies.


1. To systematize correctional work, to establish the interaction of teachers and specialists.

2. To expand the knowledge of teachers on the issues of correctional technologies, taking into account modern requirements.

3. Search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of correctional work with children with visual impairments.

4. To develop the creative potential of teachers.

Good afternoon, dear teachers! Today we gathered at the Council of Teachers on the topic: "Correctional technologies in working with children with visual impairments."

At the previous Council of Teachers, we decided:

1. To approve the experience of the teacher of the preparatory group in the formation of the cognitive activity of older preschoolers through experimentation.

2. Replenish the corners of experimentation with encyclopedic and fiction literature. The analysis showed that in the middle group there is literature of an encyclopedic character "The first encyclopedia for boys", "I know the world." Educators of the senior group presented a rich didactic material: "Stones", "Sorceress Water", "Games and Experiments". In the preparatory group, material was selected for experimentation "How does an animal grow?", "Opposites".

3. Conduct a competition "The best mini-vegetable garden on the window." Regulations have been developed for this decision. You are familiar with it.

Thank you for your initiative in implementing these decisions.

Now I will ask you questions, if you agree with the statement - raise the green signal card, if not - the red one.

1. Are you sure that the quality of correctional and educational work cannot be improved without the use of innovative technologies?

2. Do you think that mastering innovative technologies is impossible without increasing professional competence?

3. Do you agree that it is enough to use only traditional methods and not include non-traditional teaching methods in your work?

4. Are you interested in learning how various non-traditional methods are used to improve the effectiveness of the correctional educational process?

Judging by your answers, you are interested in learning about new forms of work. It is about them that we will talk today.

Today's agenda is as follows:

    Report "Correctional technologies as part of a complex of health-saving technologies" / Chernova E.Yu. /

    From work experience "Non-standard sports equipment as part of health-preserving technologies in the daily routine" / Grigorieva V.V., Stekolshchikova T.A. /

    Report "Correctional technologies as part of a complex of health-saving technologies"

Popular wisdom says: "Health is an invaluable gift, if you lose it in your youth you will not find it until old age." Many of us say the same. They talk about health, argue about health, they want health. From early childhood, each of us realizes the importance of a reasonable attitude to our health. What is your attitude to your health, dear colleagues?

We clarified that the path to health is also proper nutrition, physical activity, the absence of stressful situations and much more. But the most important thing is what depends, first of all, on ourselves.

Unfortunately, in our fast-paced age of the latest technologies, research and development, the problem of maintaining health is very acute. Statistics are sounding the alarm. Analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the past decade, the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15%. Approximately 20-27% of children are often and long-term ill. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - poor posture, flat feet. The vast majority of children suffer from movement deficit and reduced immunity.

According to generally accepted concepts, the structure of human health is provided by health care only by 10-12%, heredity belongs to 18%, environmental conditions - 20%, and the largest contribution - 50-52% - is the way of life. As we can see, the "controlling block of shares" - these very 50-52% - are in our hands.

Many reasons are beyond our control and we cannot change anything. But there is one, in my opinion, very important - this is the formation in preschool children of the need to maintain and strengthen their health. If we, teachers, cannot influence the first 50% of health, then we can and should give the other 50% to our pupils. Today we will talk about how to correctly dispose of this "controlling stake" in a preschool institution.

The efforts of kindergarten workers today are more than ever aimed at improving the health of a preschooler, cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these tasks are the priority in the program for the modernization of Russian education. And they are regulated in legislative documents. Remember in which documents.

    Convention on the rights of the child

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 237-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 05/15/13 No. 26 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations "

    Federal Law of 21.11.11 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation"

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/17/13 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"

    Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 6523-16 dated 14.03.2000. "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education"

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Approximate provision on the center for promoting the health of students, pupils of an educational institution" dated May 15, 2000 No. 1418

    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Instructions for the implementation of health technologies in the activities of educational institutions" dated April 4, 2003. No. 139

FSES DO for the first time highlighted the section "Correctional work", which provides for the use of special educational programs and methods, special teaching aids and didactic materials, group and individual correction classes and the implementation of qualified correction of developmental disorders.

One of the means for solving the indicated tasks is health-preserving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a kindergarten of a compensating type is unthinkable. But what are health-preserving technologies in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution? Let's try to understand the concepts.

Health-preserving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child, teacher and parents.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

There are many technologies that can be classified into groups:

    technologies for maintaining and promoting health (orthopedic gymnastics, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises , corrective gymnastics);

    those nology of teaching healthy lifestyles (morning exercises, physical education, self-massage, active rest);

    correction technologies (articulatory gymnastics, technology of musical influence, fairy tale therapy, art therapy, logo rhythmics, Su-Jok therapy).

Dear colleagues, what technologies do you most often use in your work? Today we will get acquainted with new non-traditional technologies, specialists will introduce us to them.

    "Bioenergoplasty in correctional work with children" / Uvarova V.I. /

    "Su-Jok therapy as one of the effective means of developing fine motor skills in children with visual impairment" / Skrugina N.N. /

Thanks to our specialists for the prepared material.

As part of the search for new effective approaches to health improvement, upbringing and development of children, educators of the older group were interested in the topic "Using non-standard sports equipment as an effective means of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle." They will share their developments with us today.

2. Speech of educators from the work experience "Non-standard sports equipment as part of health-saving technologies in the daily routine" / Grigorieva V.V., Stekolshchikova T.A. /

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and the health-preserving activity used in the complex ultimately forms the child's habit of a healthy lifestyle.

The use of correctional technologies in the work increases the effectiveness of the correctional and educational process, forms in teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, and in the child - a persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

3. Business game "Experts in health-saving technologies" / Chernova E.Yu. /

I invite you to play

And solve the problems.

Remember something, repeat,

What we don’t know, learn more.

Today in our hall there are real experts in health-preserving technologies.

1 task "Troubles from a barrel"

Game participants take out barrels with numbers and answer questions:

1. The daily duration of the children's walk is? (3-4 hours)

2. What needs to be done in the middle of educational activities? (physical education, gymnastics for the eyes)

3. How many times a week are physical education classes held with children 3-7 years old? (2-3 times a week)

4. How much time is allotted for independent activities of children 3-7 years old (games, preparation for ML, personal hygiene?) (At least 3-4 hours)

5. What is the duration of OD in the older group? (no more than 25 minutes)

6. How many minutes are there between ODs? (at least 10 minutes)

7. Name the main types of movement (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing)

8. What are the main types of hardening procedures? (airing the premises, physical exercises in light clothing, gymnastics after sleep, washing with cool water)

Well done! You have completed the task. Move on.

2 task "Magic bag"

I have a magic bag in my hands. Your task is to get the item out of the bag and answer: "What kind of healing does it reflect?"

1) beans - dry pool for the development of fine motor skills

2) a pad with grass - herbal medicine

3) disk - music therapy

4) orange - aromatherapy

5) a bottle with a straw - breathing games

6) brush - finger gymnastics

7) color pencils - color therapy

Now I will ask you to split into 2 teams.

3 task "Warm-up station"

Find the continuation of the proverb about health:

Team # 1

1) In a healthy body…. (healthy mind)

2) Health to everything…. (head)

3) Who is involved in sports…. (he is gaining strength)

4) Caring for health is the best (medicine)

5) Move more, you will live…. (longer)

Team # 2

1) Health is fine ... (thanks charging)

2) Health is more expensive (money, wealth)

3) Take care of the dress again…. (and health from a young age)

4) You are ill, but you are healthy…. (beware)

5) You will ruin your health, a new one…. (you can't buy)

4 task "Healthy child model "

The most important task of preschool education is the preservation and strengthening of the child's health. Ideally, this is raising a healthy child. Design and present your healthy baby model as a collage.

I propose a draft decision of the Council of Teachers:

1. to conduct an open review of educational activities using correction technologies.

Responsible person: Skrugina N.N., deadline: until 03/18/15.

2. Conduct a competition "The best non-standard equipment" in order to replenish the sports corners.

Responsible person: educators, senior educator; term: until 03/18/15

3. To organize an exhibition of wall newspapers for parents "Correctional technologies - we are testing at home" in order to increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the use of correctional technologies at home.

Responsible person: educators, deadline: until 03/11/15.

List of references

    Voloshina L. Organization of health-preserving space // Preschool education. -2004.-N1.-S. 114-117.

    "Health-preserving system of preschool educational institution". Authors - compilers M. A. Pavlova, M. V. Lysogorskaya. Volgograd. Publishing House "Uchitel" 2008

    Ternovskaya S.A., Teplyakova L.A. Creation of a health-saving educational environment in a preschool educational institution // Methodist. -2005.-N4.-S. 61-65.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 17.10.13. No. 1155 "On the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."