According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for tests in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline at Unified State Exam questions in your region and find out where you are eligible to submit documents.

Phones « hotline" can be found on the official portal in the section " information support" There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign educational institution - a notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter the automated system all your data and originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. While school graduates are required to take the Russian language and mathematics, this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “pass” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to the exams, but graduates of previous years who take the Unified State Exam “of their own free will” are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact that they have a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay in admissions committee the university you have chosen: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam foreign language – decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). The oral part of the exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are applying in the last weeks before the deadline: you may have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

Single state exam carried out for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is a paid additional service offered by education authorities - and you can use it if you wish. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.

Social studies is an interesting and important subject. Many schoolchildren take this exam in the Unified State Exam format, especially those who enroll in humanitarian universities. But how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies in order to score enough points? We will examine this issue in detail in the article.

On the one hand, there is an opinion that preparing for a social studies exam is not difficult, and moreover, it can be done quite quickly. That is why, as a rule, this subject is also taken by those students who have not yet been able to decide which university they will enroll in.

It is also the choice of those who do not feel confident that they can cope with other subjects. On the other hand, passing the Unified State Examination in social studies successfully is not an easy task. There are many nuances here, which we will discuss further.

Each exam task consists of three parts and 29 questions with different types complexity. Here are the varieties you will find:

  • multiple choice questions - in each task you must choose one or more correct answers;
  • task to identify the constituent elements of various concepts using tables;
  • a proposal to establish correspondence between positions from two different sets - diagrams, graphs and tables; establishing correspondence between positions that are presented in two sets (tables, diagrams, graphs);
  • proposal to define various concepts and terms.

Part A

The first part of the exam consists of twenty questions to which you need to give short answers. In order to correctly complete this task, you need to have an idea of ​​the main phenomena, processes, and facts.

In addition, you will need the skill to draw conclusions from the information received and analyze it.

Pay attention! In the tasks of Part A, you can choose not one correct answer, but several.

Part B

The second part contains nine tasks on the subject, to which you will have to give a more detailed answer. To do this, it is necessary to know the basic aspects of various social sciences.

It is also important to correctly analyze this information. Search, compare and correctly apply information when working on assignments. It is also important to have the skill to formulate your opinion and justify it.

Part C

In the third part you will be asked to write an essay on a given topic. The tasks are formulated in the form short statements various scientists, public figures, representatives of culture and science.

Each statement can be correlated with one of the subsections of the course - there may be a question from the field of law, economics, philosophy or political science.

This task tests the student's knowledge and skills. You must accurately reveal the meaning of the proposed judgment, using the knowledge gained from studying all sections school course. It is also important to be able to formulate your own reasoning, draw conclusions from them and correctly give examples.

You can successfully pass Part C if you know by heart the assessment criteria for this task. They can be found at the end of each exam preparation book. To do this, cut out the evaluation criteria and stick them on cardboard. Keep this card handy at all times. You can also download examples of successful essays from the Internet and compare them with the evaluation criteria you found.

As a result, you can notice that those essays that are written according to the required criteria are literate and easy to read. You can analyze and edit your work with a red pen. Play the role of a teacher - this will help a lot in preparation.

Difficulties encountered during delivery

The first difficulty is that a student who takes this subject has many competitors - about ten times more than those who take it exact sciences, chemistry or physics. It is imperative to take this Unified State Exam for those who enroll in humanities universities, in particular for those who want to become an economist or lawyer.

To pass the subject successfully, you need to score at least 70 points, and this is only possible with good preparation.

Another reason why social studies is not easy to pass is large number information that needs to be learned. This item combines five humanities, namely:

  • right;
  • economy;
  • sociology;
  • political science;
  • philosophy.

In addition, the social studies course covers such aspects as religion, cultural studies, and aesthetics. They are closely examined in higher education courses educational institutions for several years. And the graduate and applicant are faced with the task of first understanding each of them and knowing at least the basic principles.

There is one more difficult moment: in part A they often give tasks with a trick. Even a teacher with extensive work experience can puzzle over them. Such questions have a double answer.

For example, the question: “Which type of society is parliament part of - pre-industrial or industrial?” The third answer option is considered correct here. It is in an industrial society that a parliament is usually formed.

But in some countries this authority appeared even when industry was not developed, for example, in England or France. And in post-industrial society Parliament, as a rule, does not disappear anywhere. In this case, everything depends on the logic of those who compiled the assignments. Fortunately, there are only two or three such questions in the test. Others suggest a more clear answer.

Important! Another difficulty that you may encounter when taking the exam is making mistakes when filling out Part B. Any blots, incorrect cases in words that you put even from inattention, from overexertion, can lead to you being counted as an error. The exam tests the computer, so you have to be very careful.

Another catch is that part C will be checked ordinary person, whose point of view may be radically different from yours. Social studies is a humanitarian subject, and this involves many possible answers.

When writing Part C, it is important to correctly indicate all definitions, terms, and concepts. If you get confused about them, you will get a low grade.

As you can see, passing the Unified State Exam in social studies is high score not so simple. This is why it is important to prepare thoroughly for the test. And for this - be attentive during lessons, read additional literature, use the services of tutors.

How to prepare for the exam

So how can you successfully prepare for the social studies exam? Experienced teachers recommend the following:

  1. Firstly, you will have to stock up on textbooks and regulatory documents. Special manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam will also be useful - they contain the necessary information as briefly and succinctly as possible.
  2. It would be wrong to leave your exam preparation for the last few days. Only careful work over a long period of time will help you get a high score. You will need at least a month.
  3. In order to pass successfully test part, you need to know all the basic concepts of the subject. Many of them can be learned by heart. When preparing for the exam, you can make cheat sheets. This will allow you to use visual and motor memory. Of course, you should not take them with you when going to the exam. The best tactic in preparation is to memorize terms and facts using logical connections.
  4. To master essay writing, you need to regularly practice completing such tasks. This will allow you to easily formulate your main idea and show all your accumulated knowledge. In order to write the Unified State Examination successfully, you must be able to analyze the material and select the right examples.

That is why it is important to spend as much time as possible reading the necessary literature and paying attention to all definitions, terms, and names. Don’t just try to memorize the material, try to figure out what the meaning is.

If you find it difficult to prepare for the exam on your own, you can seek help from a competent tutor.
Attend classes regularly and your learning will be most effective.

Don't miss TV programs that cover important aspects society and politics. You will need this in order to be able to analyze events and give suitable examples when completing tasks.

Before you start preparing, make a clear plan. For example, decide that you will prepare two hours a day. Read literature for an hour, and devote another hour specifically to memorizing definitions. There is still time - devote it to writing an essay. It is also important to devote several hours a week to this activity. If you want to score well in the exam, don't neglect your preparation.

Pay attention! If you have very little time to prepare from scratch, there is no need to try to master the entire course. Remember the most important definitions. Then you will be able to pass the Unified State Exam at least satisfactorily. If you try, the result can be more successful.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

If you were unable to pass the social studies exam with the required score the first time, you can file an appeal. This is an easy way to fix the situation. If you really prepared well, you deserve to be highly appreciated for your work. True, if you strictly follow the recommendations specified in the article, you will be able to successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam and easily pass it with excellent marks. This will allow you to enter your desired university and successfully complete your high school course.

Currently, the Unified State Examination in literature is not included in the list of mandatory tests at the end of school. However, the results of this state exam are necessary in order to enroll in various specialties at Russian higher educational institutions. This could be philology or journalism, television, as well as vocal and acting arts. Our article will tell you in detail what you need to know to pass the literature exam (Unified State Exam).

Exam Features

In 2017, there were active rumors that the structure of the final test in literature would be significantly transformed. But in September of the same year it became known that this testing suffered minimum quantity changes. Nevertheless, in one of her interviews, Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva said that next year another, more promising model of the state exam, developed by leading specialists from the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, will come into force. Thus, the KIMs were excluded test tasks. Now about literature? Let's figure it out together.

Why were the tests removed?

In the opinion of the developers, multiple-choice tasks for students do not pose any difficulty. They are just an extra element for assessment. In such tasks there is a huge probability of guessing the correct answer, and experts at the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements fundamentally disagree with this.

In addition, it became known that in the literature exam, graduates will no longer see open-ended questions and tasks where they must give an answer in the form of one word or a sequence of numbers. Thus, graduates lose the opportunity to score points for knowledge of literary terms. Therefore, C grade students will not be able to get away with “little loss” by passing one part of the exam. In 2018, graduates are expected to demonstrate the ability to express their own thoughts beautifully and clearly.

Test requirements. Essays

It is known that during the literature exam you need to write several essays. The developers of test materials have increased the minimum volume of the “main” essay. In previous years, this volume was at least 200 words, but already in 2018, the graduate will be required to compose a text 50 words more than in previous years.

Institute specialists have specified the requirements for mini-essays for next year. They must be at least 50 words long. Since 2018, this requirement applies not only to the issue of text analysis, but also to comparative tasks. A natural question arises for future graduates: “What is needed to pass the literature (Unified State Exam)?” Therefore, we will smoothly move on to recommendations.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in literature?

In order to get the most out of testing, firstly, you need to read all the literature that is required to pass the exam. Please note that reading will require a lot of time and effort. We will tell you what literature you need to read to pass the Unified State Exam a little later.

Secondly, bookstores sell a huge number of manuals that guarantee passing the Unified State Exam without much knowledge and effort. You can purchase all these collections, but you shouldn’t expect real success. However, if you solve the problems in these books, it will be much easier for you to answer the questions in the exam.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that an interested and competent teacher is able to teach his student everything necessary to pass the exam. Having asked themselves in advance how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature, students hire tutors.

Fourthly, among schoolchildren and students there are a huge number of rituals and signs that supposedly help them pass exams. In fact, nothing to do with real world These rituals do not exist. But by doing them, perhaps you will feel more confident in the exam.

Alumni Experience

We present to your attention the experience of students of the Faculty of Philology, who give recommendations and explain how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature. As a rule, on September 1, eleventh graders go to bookstore and buy a huge number of collections on this subject. Current students are advised to buy collections from previous years, since the structure of test materials does not actually change, and their price is much lower. Many perform tasks as often as some solve crossword puzzles. There are schoolchildren who lack the theoretical basis necessary to write essays. But they make plans where they write out theses. Over time, this becomes a habit that a person uses today while studying at the institute.

Note that in many universities it is often recruitment is underway for preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in various subjects. Many people recommend attending these classes. As a rule, you need to attend lectures once a week, which last about two hours. There is a lot of work before the exam: you need to constantly write and read in order to come to class already prepared. In addition, they often come to the rescue school teachers according to literature. Teachers share theoretical materials with graduates, as well as the experience of specialists who test exam papers. Thus, many students pass the exam with a hundred marks.

A few words about the list of fiction

As mentioned above, the list of literature to pass the Unified State Exam in literature is quite large. There is no point in publishing this list, since it is in every exam book. In any case, you need to know ancient Russian literature, as well as texts written in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Need to know and understand school works Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Fet, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Ostrovsky, Tyutchev, Chekhov, Bunin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gorky, Yesenin, Pasternak, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Blok, Sholokhov, Bulgakov, Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn and other writers , whose texts are included in the list fiction, studied in lessons from grades 5 to 11.


At the beginning of this article there was a question about the difficulty of passing the exam. It is not easy to answer, since the concept of complexity is relative. For some children it is difficult to write essays, for others it is difficult to analyze a literary text. In any case, an exam is a test for which you need to prepare conscientiously in order to get the desired result.

Thanks to our article, you now know how to pass the Unified State Exam in literature and what you need to do to get a good result. Remember that teachers checking essays expect graduates to have a conscious understanding of the problem and a clear vision of the author’s position. Also, the person being certified must be familiar with genres and literary terms. We wish you success!

The main stage of the Unified State Exam will be completed at the end of June. According to the law, not only yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also graduates of previous years can take it; the main thing is to have time to submit an application to Regional center processing of information until February 1. As a rule, this is how the Unified State Exam is taken by those who did not enter their desired university after school, took time out to prepare or joined the army, and a year later decided to try again. But often among the graduates of past years there are people over 20 and even 30 years old. Sometimes they already have one higher education, but according to the rules of the university where they decided to get a second degree, passing the Unified State Exam is mandatory. For example, he may be asked to surrender if new profession has nothing to do with the diploma you have.

The rules for adults are the same as for teenagers: you are allowed to bring only water, medicine and chocolate with you, you can only write with a black gel pen, and there are cameras in the offices. We learned how adults who already had one higher education, the birth of a child, and work experience took the unified state exam.

Studying after maternity leave


23 years old, left school to work, but decided to continue it after the birth of the child

I left school for college law school after ninth grade, so I only took the State Examination Test. I entered through internal exams on a budget and had no plans to quit studying at all. I studied excellently throughout the first year, received a scholarship, and after the second year I went to work. I was 17 years old, and something clicked in my head. I decided that I’d rather spend my time working and get paid for it than sit in lectures while everyone around me is making noise and I’m not really getting any information. It was easier for me to prepare at home and come only for exams, but college did not provide the opportunity distance learning, so they kept me for the second year. I went back to my second year, while working two jobs - during the day as a notary's assistant, and at night in a call center. I gave up on the lecture; during my third year of college I attended ten times, no more. So they asked me to pick up the documents, and I myself was not against it.

I lived alone since I was 18 years old. She just worked and got all the pleasures that a lonely young girl with a salary above 50 thousand rubles can afford. By that time, I had already left the notary office, and the company where I got a job in the call center promoted me. Six months after meeting the young man, I married him; I was 20 years old at the time, and a year and a half after the wedding, my son was born. It was then that I began to think about continuing my studies. Nowadays, without a crust after 25, no one really needs you, and I don’t plan to be on maternity leave all my life.

Preparation for the exam

I prepared for the exams through the Algorithm distance school. She also organizes attachment to public school, appoints curators, conducts sessions, including those from the Moscow Center for Quality Education. We had classes twice a week - in Russian and mathematics. I didn’t go to the lessons themselves, but, of course, I attended the sessions. It cost 10 thousand rubles a month, the entire training took nine months. I was lucky, my husband took care of the payment, but in our group there were people who took out loans or worked for days so that they had enough to live and study.

We took the Unified State Exam on the same day as schoolchildren throughout the country. We were told in advance the dates and addresses of the schools where we should take the tests. I was assigned to a regular Moscow school; according to the database, I was enrolled in the 11th grade of self-education. At the entrance I was almost undressed. I was wearing a wrap-around sweater with a bustier underneath, and the guard asked to show me if I really didn’t have any cheat sheets. But I didn’t give in, and then there was no special attention to me. But I know for sure that the guys carried cheat sheets in their shoes, and then took them out in the toilet. One guy hid his phone under his belt, and when the security guard’s metal detector went off, his colleague simply said, “He’s probably acting up.” Come on in."

I prepared for the math exam only for the first six months, and then rather superficially. There was nothing very difficult in the assignments, at least I had enough knowledge from the ninth grade seven years ago to write a B. At school, I consistently got a D in algebra, but our teacher was simply the best, so this D gave me more than many of their A's. It was important to know the basics, especially since the exam gives out frequently used formulas, you just need to be able to apply them.

I didn’t prepare for the Russian language at all - and I always knew it well. I passed with 73 points, which is five if translated into a five-point system. If I had prepared, I probably would have scored more points. Although the Russian really pissed me off. One of the tasks sounded like this: “Choose a phrase in which the word is agreed incorrectly. Write this word correctly." I chose the sentence “He began to act more despondent,” and in the line for the correct answer I wrote down one word: “dejectedly.” The assignment clearly states “word”, not “words”. It turned out that I had to write down the phrase “more depressing,” and I didn’t get a point. Such cases are dealt with in the Unified State Exam collections; if I had seriously prepared, I would have known about this. But, in my opinion, this is dishonest: I have not memorized all the collections, but this does not mean that I do not know the Russian language.


I wasn't worried at all before the exam. Unlike schoolchildren, I did not have teachers who would intimidate me, telling me that my future depended on the Unified State Exam. I already had my own life - family, work experience. If I had not passed, the sky would not have fallen on my head; I would have been upset only because of the money that was spent on studying.

I haven’t decided yet which university and what specialty to enroll in, but I’m leaning towards marketing. The first thing was to get a certificate and pass the mandatory Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics. I hope I’ll make up my mind and apply next year, even if I have to take some extra exams.

Sudden exam


I accidentally passed the Unified State Exam in Russian at the age of 32

I have legal education, and from the very beginning I worked as a lawyer. I decided to get my second degree for myself, and not for work. I chose the institute simply: so that it had good reviews and was convenient to get to. RUDN University fell under these criteria, and that’s where I went. When I arrived to submit documents, I asked what exams there would be, and they told me that I would have written and oral exams in English and an essay in Russian, and they set a day when I had to take all this. I was preparing for foreign language, but I didn’t even think about essay. There are always free topics, I choose them, and that’s all.

On the appointed day, I arrive for the exam, and they tell me that they looked at my documents: I had my first education a long time ago, and, naturally, I did not pass the Unified State Exam, so I need to do it now. There were about 30 other people with me, the same adults. We go in - there is only a piece of paper on the table, a black pen, phones must be turned off and put away. It’s schoolchildren who are searched and put through metal detectors; this won’t happen to us. But there was still no place to copy, and there was no need, it’s just a test.

The most difficult thing was to understand the task itself. Everything in the description is so complicated and confusing that you need to sit and think about what is required of you. It happened that the task took up seven lines, and the primitive answer took only one. Overall this is a simple exam. Those who remember at least something from school will definitely pass it. In general, I always knew Russian well, got straight A’s and won Olympiads.

Most of those who were with me then definitely passed and ended up in the same group with me. No one was worried at all either before or during the exam. It seems to me that our Faculty of Linguistics is famous for the fact that we never worried about anything and everything was always fine with us.

Competition with my son


to become a teacher, I took the Unified State Exam at the same time as my son

I studied at Moscow aviation institute at the Faculty of Robotics and intelligent systems, left him, and at almost 38 years old decided to go to pedagogy to become a mathematics teacher. You can recover at the institute within five years, but for me more time had already passed, so there was only one option - to enroll again and take the Unified State Exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies. I have five children, this was the main reason why I left the institute and did not study for a long time. The older children are quite old, and it turned out that we took the exams at the same time as our middle son. We even had a little competition to see who could get the most points. My son had other subjects, but in the end we had a draw - the overall score was the same.

To sign up for the Unified State Exam, you need to go to the Regional Information Processing Center in the Semenovskaya metro area in Moscow, write an application there, present your school certificate, and choose which dates are more convenient for you to take the exams. The center already issues a referral to a specific school. I took math and Russian early in March-April, and social studies in June, along with everyone else. All groups consisted entirely of graduates from previous years. There were no schoolchildren among us, only adults who took the Unified State Exam for different universities.

Passing the Unified State Exam

I was only a little worried, I understood that my life did not depend on the exam. For us, everything was set up the same way as for schoolchildren: metal detectors, frames, you had to warn if you wanted to go out. If it was possible to carry a cheat sheet, it would only be a paper one. When I took exams after school, it was somehow easier. Firstly, I could try to enter several universities at once, each had its own exams, but here there was only one exam - one chance. Secondly, in mathematics technical university I had five tasks, but all were difficult, designed for a high level. There are 19 tasks here, most of which can, in principle, be thrown away. If a person solves the last seven difficult ones, then he will definitely solve the 12 simple ones.

I didn’t really prepare, I decided to go with what was put aside and remained in my head after school and first education. And this is my mistake. If I had been familiar with the requirements and assessment criteria, I would have received a higher score. With mathematics it even turned out a little offensive: I solved the number, but according to the criteria, the commission could not give me a full point, but gave me one out of three. I went to appeal. I had enough points to qualify for the budget, but I wanted to defend my point of view. The appeal did not bring additional points, but it turned out to be useful as an experience, especially for the future teacher.

Which programming language to choose, which tasks to focus on and how to allocate time during the exam

Teaches computer science at Foxford

Different universities require different entrance exams in IT areas. Somewhere you need to take physics, somewhere you need to take computer science. It’s up to you to decide which exam to prepare for, but it’s worth keeping in mind that the competition for specialties where you need to take physics is usually lower than for specialties where the Unified State Exam in computer science is required, i.e. the likelihood of enrolling “through physics” is greater.

Why then take the Unified State Exam in computer science?

  • It is faster and easier to prepare for it than for physics.
  • You will be able to choose from more specialties.
  • It will be easier for you to study in your chosen specialty.

What you need to know about the Unified State Exam in computer science

The Unified State Examination in computer science consists of two parts. The first part contains 23 problems with a short answer, the second - 4 problems with a detailed answer. There are 12 tasks in the first part of the exam basic level, 10 tasks higher level and 1 task high level. In the second part there is 1 task of an advanced level and 3 tasks of a high level.

Solving the problems from the first part allows you to score 23 primary points - one point for each completed task. Solving the problems of the second part adds 12 primary points (3, 2, 3 and 4 points for each problem, respectively). Thus, the maximum primary points that can be obtained for solving all tasks is 35.

Primary scores are converted into test scores, which are Unified State Exam result. 35 raw points = 100 test points for the exam. At the same time, more money is awarded for solving problems from the second part of the exam. test scores than for answers to the problems of the first part. Each primary score received for the second part of the Unified State Exam, will give you 3 or 4 test scores, which adds up to about 40 final points for the exam.

This means that when completing the Unified State Exam in computer science, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving problems with a detailed answer: No. 24, 25, 26 and 27. Their successful completion will allow you to score more final points. But the price of a mistake during their implementation is higher - the loss of everyone primary score is fraught with the fact that you will not pass the competition, because 3-4 final points for the Unified State Exam with high competition in IT specialties can become decisive.

How to prepare to solve problems from the first part

  • Pay special attention to tasks No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23. These tasks, according to the analysis of the results of past years, are especially difficult. Difficulties in solving these problems are experienced not only by those who have a low overall score for the Unified State Exam in computer science, but also by “good” and “excellent” students.
  • Memorize the table of powers of the number 2.
  • Remember that KBytes in tasks means kibibytes, not kilobytes. 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes. This will help avoid errors in calculations.
  • Study carefully Unified State Exam options previous years. The computer science exam is one of the most stable, which means that you can safely use the Unified State Exam options from the last 3-4 years for preparation.
  • Get to know different options wording of tasks. Remember that minor changes in wording will always lead to worse exam results.
  • Read the task conditions carefully. Most errors when completing tasks are due to an incorrect understanding of the condition.
  • Learn to independently check completed assignments and find errors in answers.

What you need to know about solving long-answer problems

Task 24 - to find an error

Problem 25 requires writing a simple program

Problem 26 - game theory

Task 27 - you need to program a complex program

The main difficulty in the exam is problem 27. It can only be decided60-70% of those writing the Unified State Exam in computer science. Its peculiarity is that it is impossible to prepare for it in advance. Every year a fundamentally new task is presented for the exam. When solving problem No. 27, not a single semantic error can be made.

How to calculate time in an exam

Refer to the data given in the specification of control measuring materials for conducting the Unified State Exam in computer science. It indicates the approximate time allotted for completing the tasks of the first and second parts of the exam.

The Unified State Examination in computer science lasts 235 minutes.

Of these, 90 minutes are allocated to solving problems from the first part. On average, each task from the first part takes from 3 to 5 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to solve problem No. 23.

There are 145 minutes left to solve the tasks of the second part of the exam, while solving the last problem No. 27 will require at least 55 minutes. These calculations were carried out by specialists from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements and are based on the results of previous years' exams, so they should be taken seriously and used as a guide for the exam.

Programming languages ​​- which one to choose

  1. BASIC. This is an outdated language, and although it is still taught in schools, there is no point in wasting time on mastering it.
  2. School algorithmic programming language. It is designed specifically for early learning of programming, convenient for mastering initial algorithms, but contains virtually no depth, and there is no room for development.
  3. Pascal. It is still one of the most common programming languages ​​for teaching in schools and universities, but its capabilities are also very limited. Pascal is quite suitable as a language for writing the Unified State Exam.
  4. C++. A universal language, one of the fastest programming languages. It's difficult to learn, but practical application its possibilities are very wide.
  5. Python. It is easy to learn at a basic level, the only thing required is knowledge English language. At the same time, when in-depth study Python provides the programmer with no less possibilities than C++. Having started studying Python in school, you will continue to use it in the future; you will not have to relearn another language in order to achieve new horizons in programming. To pass the Unified State Exam, it is enough to know Python at a basic level.

Good to know

  • Computer science papers are assessed by two experts. If the experts' assessment results differ by 1 point, the higher of the two points is assigned. If the discrepancy is 2 points or more, the work is rechecked by a third expert.
  • A useful site for preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science -