
Hello. I have the following problem: I can’t understand what I want to do with my life. The fact is that at school I didn’t have any strong hobbies, my studies were somehow mediocre: I did well in mathematics (regular level, complex problems were not always easy) and in chemistry (with some persistence), but problems with physics. On the other hand, I always felt the Russian language intuitively, but somehow weakly with essays and history. Natural science subjects (biology, geography) were also successful if there were interesting topics. Thus, I (it seems to me) could do everything, but nothing interests me enough to do it regularly. As for hobbies and hobbies, I love to cook. Again, I don’t want to make this my main activity, because routine cooking will quickly get boring, and I can’t imagine. I tried cutting out postcards from paper - it was interesting, but not for long. In general, I received my education in the technical field - I am a hydraulic engineer (“I can” design pumps, etc.), but I didn’t work a day in my specialty, because I entered this specialty because I did not enter a more prestigious one ( although she wasn’t particularly interesting - she went because she didn’t know where she WANTED to go), during the learning process, interest, alas, did not appear - she finished her studies for the sake of crusts + still didn’t know where to go to study or work. After college I worked as an office manager for a year, but I got tired of it after six months. I went and studied to be an estimator (I think I liked working with numbers at that time - I helped the accountant a little then, and I liked it; you can earn extra money as an estimator at home - if you have experience, of course), I learned, found a job... But there is no work as such - stagnation; I understand that I am again not interested (constant self-study, if it is not used in practice, is useless), that this categorically does not suit me. Does it make sense to go to another place where there is work without experience (I have been working as an estimator for 3 months)? Change your field of activity again? Tell me what can be done in this situation? For half the time I’ve worked, I’ve been going to work like it’s hard labor:((+ of course, I’m not satisfied with the level of pay, but I doubt that without experience I can claim more. At the same time, work without specific skills and education is paid higher... It was worth it should I study?)

Hello! You know, life in general is not a gift if you look at it from your side. From the outside, others have sweeter sugar and better work and everything is fine in life. And please tell me why we are born at all, because we still have to die? So, studying is always necessary, nowadays you can complete courses, attach a diploma, no matter what, practically, if it is not medicine or a number of other narrow specializations, and go to work. And then, if you don’t like the work, first try to change your attitude towards it, set goals, see prospects, at least analyze the development of the careers of colleagues who have already reached certain heights. And just remember, a good career can be built systematically, patiently toward the goal, slowly, don’t expect a quick takeoff. It will take years, usually from 5 to 10 years. Go to work as if it were a holiday, start by changing something in your appearance, in your style, one thing that will make your colleagues open their mouths and ask if you accidentally fell in love or something else in the same positive vein, already it will make you happy and positive. But if, after all, nothing helps, then you need to change your profession, but first decide what is yours, what your inclinations are, I would even recommend going to get tested at a good one, or, excuse me, testing at some assessment center any recruitment agency. Good luck to you.

Our well-being directly depends on how satisfied we are with ourselves and our lives. Relentless statistics claim that there are not so many satisfied people. More than eighty percent of working people would like to change their profession and are thinking about how to find a job they like. Very often such thoughts come even to mature people, because it is in adulthood that we begin to reevaluate our lives. We often compare our achievements with the successes of our friends and acquaintances, and if it seems to us that the comparison is not in our favor, we begin to doubt the correctness of what we have done so far.

We may not be satisfied with the salary, or maybe the work itself seems boring and routine. Thoughts come to mind - how to find good job(after all, I can do more), I want to earn more money and go to work with pleasure? If you want to find a job that you will like, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to change a lot in your views, habits, and perhaps in your life in general. But in order to achieve more happy life It’s worth taking a risk and trying to break your stereotypes. You don’t need to be like the millions of people around the world who go every day with disgust, like hard labor, to a job they don’t like, but don’t want to change anything. Or rather, they dream about it, but do not go beyond reasoning about “can I” and “how could this be done.” They argue for years, leaving everything the same.

Where should you start?

Let's agree - before you think about how to find a job you like, first try to figure out what is really going on in your very soul. Ask yourself specific questions:

  • What does “work I love” mean to me?
  • How important is the material factor for me in my future work?
  • Can I make certain sacrifices for my goal?

It is very important to understand yourself, analyze your own “wants,” and understand what is of paramount importance to you: self-realization, job satisfaction, or achieving material wealth.

If you are honest with yourself, the answers to these questions will not be difficult to find. You can even conduct a small mental experiment. Try to imagine that the work you will do will be quite boring, but you will receive much more for it than you earn now. Would you agree to such a job? Ask: Can I sacrifice my interests as long as the work pays me well? If the answer you give yourself is obvious to you and does not raise any doubts, then it is this answer that should play a decisive role in the strategy for choosing and searching for a new job.

A good worker gets a good salary!

Of course, most often a person thinking about how to find a job takes a position that is focused primarily on money. And this is understandable. Any of us can say: “I leave home, give work eight hours (or even more) of my personal time, which I can spend on my family, and as a result I want to earn money that both me and my family need.” In such a situation, without a doubt, you need to look for a job that will first of all pay well. What to do to get more high paying job? There are professions in demand on the labor market, and a person who is focused on receiving a high salary tries to develop his professional and personal qualities in a certain direction. This specialist will strive to improve his professionalism and will receive additional education in order to sell your services at a higher price. A hardworking and purposeful person has a great chance of success.

But many, especially women, have professions that do not bring enough income to live on. For example, doctors and teachers working in municipal clinics and schools. These people work well even at low salaries because they love their professions and enjoy seeing the results of their work. They are in their place, and they like their work. If a person cannot change his calling, does not want to step on the throat of his own song, does this mean that he should not think about how to find a job with a higher income? Is it really possible that, while remaining devoted to his favorite business, he will never be able to provide his family with the necessary level of prosperity? It is unlikely that work, even in your favorite specialty, can be enjoyable if the pay for it is too little.

To everyone according to their merits, to everyone according to their position

Professionals have been and will always be in demand. Everyone has the opportunity to find a high-paying job. For example, the same teachers can be advised to look for a job in a gymnasium or private school. If the city is too small and there are no similar educational institutions, then it’s worth considering options of moving to a larger city. At the same time, one must be aware that such a step requires certain preparation. IN major cities competitive selections can be quite tough, although a qualified specialist always has a good chance of finding a job fairly quickly. You just need to visit job fairs in advance and study the relevant sites on the Internet.

A well-written resume will greatly help in your job search. If you have to go for an interview, try not to forget that the outcome most often depends not only on the qualifications of the applicant for the vacancy, but also on how confident the applicant is and how he will be able to present himself during the interview. And if the option of moving is not at all suitable, then you could think about a business combined with what you love - take it and open the first private gymnasium in your city!

Work from home

When family circumstances require us to be at home more, we can even try to find work on the Internet from home. Moreover, such work can be closely related to a favorite hobby - for example, you can do your favorite handicraft, photographing the process of making a craft, and then sell photos of the master class to various handicraft sites.

Or create your own blog dedicated to a topic that interests you, and it will also generate income for you. After all, today you can even work, for example, as an accountant, without leaving your home and using the Internet. Of course, to work on the Internet you need to have certain knowledge, which is not so difficult to obtain. It is important to remember that in order to earn good money, you need to study! And water doesn’t flow under a lying stone.

In any case, it makes sense to think about where else you could apply your knowledge and experience. If nothing comes to mind, then you can look for a job in any available way - call job advertisements, go to interviews, send out your resumes, consider even the most unexpected options and offers - and at the same time listen carefully to yourself. Even if you don’t end up changing jobs quickly, you will at least be able to set your priorities and understand what is most valuable to you. You will figure out what exactly you like and what you don’t, and then it will become clear how to find a job so that you like it.

If you are afraid to leave a job you don’t like, but you are used to it, then you can combine the search for a new business in which you can invest your soul and the job that you are currently holding on to. Sometimes this can be quite difficult to achieve, but for the sake of the prospect of a better future, it is worth putting up with the extra work. If you haven’t found yourself yet, haven’t been able to decide what activity you would like, the trial and error method can help you. Try your hand at several things. As the Americans say, it is impossible to know the taste of blueberry pie without trying it. If, for example, you have never sewed on a sewing machine, you will not know how interesting (or uninteresting) this activity is for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment, don’t be ashamed of your advanced age if you are no longer young. If you are confident in yourself, you will be more willing to be hired. Therefore, you still need to work on increasing your self-esteem - after all, only those who understand and love themselves know how to find a job to their liking.

Things to remember

The desire to provide a high standard of living for your family is commendable, but a sense of proportion is no less important. This especially applies to us women. We cannot allow it to turn out that all our energy and time were spent on achieving well-being, while our family, perhaps, needs our care and attention much more. Moreover, it is impossible to achieve the limit of desired well-being - the more it is, the more you want. For example, for some it is enough for their child to study at public school where they work good teachers, another wants to enroll his child in an elite gymnasium, and the third wants his offspring to study abroad without fail. You can’t keep up with everyone, so you shouldn’t set the level of someone else’s well-being as a guideline!

However, don't be afraid of change! Even if, as a result of your searches, you suddenly realize that you chose the wrong specialty at one time, you should not despair. Nowadays it’s even fashionable to have several degrees, and psychologists generally advise changing your field of activity every seven years. Take a step towards a new life! Take a deep breath, gather all your determination and take action. Give yourself the opportunity to discover how great it can be to make a living doing what you love!

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How to find an interesting job you like?

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The answers to any questions already exist in our subconscious; the main thing is to learn to bring them to the surface in a timely manner. To do this, you need to have the skills of internal dialogue with yourself.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Get into the habit of imagining yourself in the future - in a year, five, ten years. The ability to dream is the first step towards a new you and your new successful life.
  2. Record your dreams and desires in writing.
  3. Make a list of your strengths and existing skills.
  4. Try to transform dreams into goals.
  5. Make a list of 10 steps to achieve your immediate goal (and so on for each goal).

Important! Don't forget to celebrate every victory, even the smallest one, praise and reward yourself.

The first steps towards your favorite profession

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  1. There is no such thing as easy money and easy work: all those who are currently reaping generous rewards have worked long and hard in the past (whether mentally or physically).
  2. Familiarize yourself with the specifics of the chosen job, consult with specialists (if there is no possibility of “live” communication, thematic forums are also suitable).
  3. Strive to try to get an internship or practice in order to assess the situation from the inside.
  4. There is no universal recipe: what is good for one may be “punishment” for another.

Is it possible to change profession after 40?

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  6. Start from your abilities and talents and remember that life experience is actually a very significant plus.

In addition, do not be afraid to consult with your family and friends, because they are the ones who know all your strengths and will be able to not only support you in a friendly manner, but also give you the opportunity to see yourself from the outside. Thanks to this, you will be able to significantly increase your chances of choosing a job that will not only bring a high income, but also cause happiness and positive emotions.