Esoterics, as a “mystical science”, has always been shrouded in a mysterious aura, although in reality this teaching has a practical, applied basis.
The search for hidden mechanisms that drive life events, the study of consciousness and subconsciousness have always been considered a priority in the use of esotericism as a mystical teaching.
Most of these teachings have survived from ancient times. According to some reports, they were created by Atlanteans who died due to the improper use of magical powers, which caused destruction on a planetary scale.
There are also such currents in esotericism, which appeared (or appeared) not so long ago, including in the twentieth century. Of course, such serious science also presupposes serious scientists - Teachers.
Among the greatest mystics of the last century, it is worth considering the following personalities:

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The mystic Gurdjieff is considered a rather mysterious person.
It is not even known where he was born - in what year, in what city.
Among the dates mentioned are 1866, 1877, and 1872.
Either in the city of Alexandropol (then former Leninakan, now Gyumri), then in Kars, etc.
Family roots have two branches - Armenian and Greek.

Under the influence of his father and spiritual mentor(rector of the cathedral), the young man became interested in the issues of understanding the true purpose of life on Earth.
With a group of like-minded people, he traveled extensively to the countries of the East, Africa and Asia.
The result of these expeditions was a vast experience in studying various spiritual traditions and ancient knowledge, on the basis of which the society of “Seekers of Truth” was created.
In collaboration with the Russian scientist Pyotr Uspensky, the book “The Fourth Way” was written, which contained the main theses of the Gurdjieff system of consciousness development (incomplete from the point of view of P. Uspensky).
In many countries, Georgy Ivanovich created groups of his adherents, among which, in addition to Ouspensky, one can name other famous names of that time - Pamela Travers (author of the book about Mary Poppins), artist Paul Reynard, poet Rene Daumal, writer Katherine Mansfield and others.
G.I. died Gurdjieff in France in 1949.

Aleister Crowley

12.10. 1875 – 12/01/1947

Aleister Crowley is a famous English mystic, educated at Cambridge, tarot reader, follower of Kabbalah, black magician, author of the Thoth Tarot deck of cards, and was fond of poetry, chess, astrology and mountaineering.
He was a member of such organizations as the Order of the Eastern Temple, the Silver Star and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley became famous as a very powerful psychic, the author of works on yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic, the teachings of Buddhism, etc.
Having received a large inheritance, Crowley traveled to many countries, everywhere devoting his life to various “mystical” experiments, creating esoteric groups and writing numerous works based on the results of his discoveries.
He believed that any human action performed consciously is magic.
Crowley was so famous that he was the prototype of the heroes of many films and books by different authors, his photo is on one of The Beatles' albums, and many other famous musicians, one way or another, used his name and image.
It is known that he communicated with high-ranking members of the SS in Hitler's company, then was expelled as an enemy of the German nation.
The biography of this person is so full of completely different events, like no one else’s.
Now he is in favor, now in disgrace, now he is friends with someone, now he becomes worst enemy, then makes fun of someone, then vice versa.
Towards the end of his life, having squandered his entire fortune, becoming an undesirable person for several countries, he lived in a cheap boarding house, barely finding money for a piece of bread.
On December 1, 1947, Aleister Crowley died in Hastings, at the Netherwood boarding house.

Daniil Andreev

10/20/1906 – 03/30/1959

Daniil Andreev is the author of the book “Rose of the World,” which examines the theory of cosmic mind, egregors and elementals, the multidimensionality of time and space, based on personal “spiritual” experience.
His father, an outstanding writer, Leonid Andreev was married to a relative of Taras Shevchenko.
Daniel was the second son in the family and was born in Grunwald (Berlin district). After the sudden death of his mother, his grandmother, along the Shevchenko family line, took her grandson to Moscow.
The child was sick a lot, and was barely able to leave the hospital several times, although there were doctors among his closest relatives. At the age of 6, the child fell ill with diphtheria, his grandmother became infected with it, and later died.
After the death of his grandmother, the boy decided to jump off the bridge in order to quickly get to the other world to his mother and beloved grandmother - he was saved miraculously, at the last moment.
The house of his uncle Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov, an influential Moscow doctor, was often visited by such writers as M. Gorky, I. Bunin, composer A. Scriabin, singer F. Chaliapin, actors and other celebrities of that time.
This atmosphere influenced the development of the child’s literary abilities. Having matured, D. Andreev continues his literary education.
During this period, unusual insights and experiences of a mystical nature occurred to him, which subsequently determined the receipt of valuable spiritual experience for the creation of such a monumental work as “The Rose of the World.”
The development and experience of life's collisions from birth, in the pre- and post-war period, the years spent in prison, became the difficult, sometimes painful foundation from which grew the beautiful, unbearably shaking “flower” of his creative understanding of cosmic awareness, transmitted through Daniil Andreev to all humanity .
The importance of such a work as “Rose of the World” cannot be overestimated.
Not one of the numerous works was published during the lifetime of the great thinker, poet and writer - Daniil Andreev.

Pavel Florensky

22.01. 1882 – 12/8/1937

The Russian priest, thinker and philosopher, viewed religion and science as complementary components, and not as opposing, opposing structures.
The main idea of ​​his works is to define the “Radiant Eye” as the middle of the “Divine Triangle”.
In his family, in addition to Russians, there are Armenian (Karabakh) roots, which interested him very much.
After graduating from the Tiflis gymnasium and Moscow University (faculty of physics and mathematics), Florensky decides to enter the Moscow Theological Academy.
Having accepted the priesthood, in addition to his main activity, he becomes the editor of the magazine “Theological Bulletin”, on the pages of which he sets out his philosophical and religious ideas.
Taking times before and after October Revolution As a historical fact, Florensky works not only as a priest.
Being involved in mathematics, physics, materials science, and technology development, he participates in the GOELRO project in Glavenergo.
In addition, he was interested in museum work, the protection of ancient and art monuments, and art history.
Almost naturally for that time, according to numerous denunciations, Florensky was arrested, sent first into exile, and then followed by arrest and imprisonment (02/26/1933 - 11/25/1937), which became the next stage of his work as a scientist who committed during his imprisonment some scientific discoveries in sciences such as chemistry and physics.
Pavel Florensky was shot by the verdict of the “special troika of the NKVD” in the same place, in Leningrad region.
The great scientist was buried in a common grave at his place of exile.
The date of his death given to his relatives is not true.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

05/12/1895 – 02/17/1986

This Indian mystic from childhood was distinguished by a sharp mind, prone to philosophy.
Krishnamurti received his education in London, where he became a member of the Theosophical circle.
The talented young man came to the attention of theosophist C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who were considered the leaders of the Theosophical Society of that time.
These teachers took an active part in his upbringing and education, hoping that this young man was the “Hope” of world-class theosophy.
Krishnamurti founded his own philosophical system and the Order of the Eastern Star, which was subsequently closed due to loss of faith in Theosophy.
He traveled a lot, lectured everywhere, speaking as an independent speaker, both for large groups and for small ones, or even for one listener.
He published works on philosophy that reflected his worldview; his most famous work is the book “The First and Last Freedom.”
Krishnamurti's authority was so high that society proclaimed him as the “savior of the West,” but he himself did not support this opinion.
Jiddu Krishnamurti died in America, in California at the age of 90.

Rudolf Steiner (Steiner)

02/27/1861 – 03/30/1925

Rudolf Steiner was born into the family of huntsman Johann Steiner in the town of Kraljevic of the Austrian Empire. To provide the family with their daily bread, his father often changed jobs and places of residence.
Due to relocations, the boy's education took place in schools of different levels, which, in the end, only served him well.
Rudolf Steiner had his first experience of spiritual communication at the age of 9, when the spirit of his aunt asked him for help during a death that no one in his family knew about at the time.
When Steiner was already 21 years old, another historical meeting took place - a “chance” conversation on a Vienna train with Felix Kogutsky, who told him about the laws of nature, from the point of view of spirituality, not science.
This conversation was the first for the young man about the essence spiritual development, which he conducted with a person knowledgeable about this issue.
The famous and highly respected philosopher Steiner, after receiving his education, began his activities as a specialist in the study of Goethe's worldview.
Next, Steiner created his theories of spiritual knowledge of the world, such as anthroposophy and esoteric Christian philosophy.
For his scientific knowledge he was honored to become Secretary General of the Theosophical Society in Germany.
The philosopher was looking for a way to connect scientific methods with knowledge of the spirit and practical studies in this area.
The result of his searches and developments was the construction of the Goetheanum - the house of all arts (Steiner studied drama, horse movement, painting, architecture and other types of art), in which the author introduced Waldorf pedagogy, Bothmer gymnastics, anthroposophical medicine, and biodynamics of development agriculture and much more.
His work was greatly influenced by such figures as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Blavatsky, Fichte.
The teachings of Rudolf Steiner himself influenced the worldview of such personalities as Joseph Beuys, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Bely, Julian Schutsky, Albert Schweitzer.

Peter Donov

1864 – 1944

Peter Donov was born in the village of Nikolaevka, near the city of Varna in Bulgaria, into the family of a priest. His father was considered a prominent figure in the Bulgarian revival.
The spiritual name that Donov received was Beinsa Duno.
Peter Donov is the founder of the White Brotherhood society.
Among his main achievements are the religious and philosophical teaching “Esoteric Christianity”, and Paneurhythmy, as a special spiritual dance, and the teaching of the Sixth Race.
Practical classes with like-minded people and students, when everyone dances in white clothes in huge circles in nature, looks very attractive and grandiose.
Comprehension of the secrets of space, personality, awareness of internal space, as a continuation outside world, such an extraordinary “dance” gathered associates around the world around Pyotr Donov.
The sermons of Peter Donov (4000 pcs.) are still considered therapeutic.
Currently, there are numerous groups of followers of his teachings around the world.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)

12/11/1931 – 01/19/1990

Osho, a Hindu by birth, who received enlightenment at the age of 21, becomes the conductor of a unique teaching about the free choice of methods of understanding the world, including the use of group “sex meditations” for universal development.
Osho - in Russian it sounds like “dissolved in the ocean”, “oceanic”. Osho was born in the state of Bhopal (now Madhya Pradesh), Kuchwad, British India. His birth name is Chandra Mohan Jain.
The mystic is also known under the pseudonyms Acharya Rajneesh, Rajneesh and Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh.
A new religious doctrine is the “Rajneesh Movement” (neo-sannyas), founded by him on September 26, 1970 and is still active throughout the world.
Osho criticized both the traditionalism of the methods of different religions and the socialist policies of Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the puritanical restrictions on “freedom of choice” in everything.
Osho, an internationally recognized neo-Hindu mystic and guru, is the inspiration and preacher of the Rajneesh movement, which is recognized as neo-Hindu and not oriented to the 20th century.
Such radically different views on the education and development of the soul and spirit led to the fact that society fell apart into irreconcilable opponents and equally ardent admirers all over the world.
In many countries, Osho opened ashrams for his followers; in America, the international village “Rajneeshpuram” was created.
However, it is worth noting that some countries considered the activities of these ashrams to be destructive and classified them as sects and cults.
In our country, this teaching was prohibited as being contrary to the positive line of Indian culture and the protest youth movement of Western countries against the laws existing at that time.
Numerous works of Osho (more than 600) have been translated and sold all over the world, and in Russia too.
Here are just a few of brightest stars 20th century people who should be known, remembered and thanked for their great work


I'm starting a hit parade - Top 10 most schizoid esoteric teachings, the theme of the hit parade is the most famous, stupid, absurd, contradictory, funny esoteric teachings that arose in the 20th and 21st centuries. I do not set myself the task of a detailed analysis of these teachings, since this is not the format of this article; in this work, I only briefly outlined these esoteric teachings, arranging them from 1 to 10 in reverse order. I refer the interested reader to primary sources, critical articles, books, films written and filmed about these teachings.
Also, I do not pretend to be unambiguous, those readers who know other absurd esoteric teachings, I invite them to create their own top 10, I think it will be interesting for me and them to compare their top 10 with mine and vice versa.
Perhaps in the future if this article receives approval from readers I will continue this topic with more detailed analysis and maybe with other esoteric teachings.
And now...
I am starting the Top 10 most schizoid esoteric teachings!

10th place. Ufology.

Extraterrestrials, UFOs, aliens, little green men, ufologists have been puzzling over this for decades. But the questions remain open; there are about 35 hypotheses about the origin of UFOs, hundreds of photographs, videos, eyewitnesses around the world. At the moment, the problem of what a UFO is has not yet been solved. Due to its longevity and the number of hypotheses, ufology takes 10th place in my hit parade of the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

9th place. Siberia will save humanity or in search of a new “Ark” M. Rechkin.

There are many teachings in esotericism about the upcoming end of the world, one of the most schizoid was presented by the writer Mikhail Rechkin in the series of books Siberia will save humanity, he writes: “People will die either from ignorance of the true world, or from the inability to use the forces of nature,” writes Rechkin, he continues: “there is a high probability that this is where the new “land ark” of humanity is located.”
Rechkin proposes to take the path to the ark through spiritual insight and a return to the true sources of the Great Universal Knowledge - the heritage of our ancestors! Rechkin’s theory about the end of the world took 9th place in my hit parade of the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

8th place. Teachings of V. A. Shemshuk.

Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk - writer, biologist, researcher, former director of the Ural Roerich Foundation and the Perm Commission on Anomalous Phenomena. In his numerous books, he promotes the fact that creatures from folklore actually existed, including the same Baba Yagi. “The dawn and revival of Humanity,” writes Shemshuk, “will begin from the very moment when, among people, first of all, every resident of Russia realizes himself as a messenger of Paradise and protects himself from objects, food and bad habits, carrying destructive frequencies of hell. It is when people, without waiting for instructions from above, restore creative rhythms in their lives that Russia will turn into the Savior of Humanity, returning Paradise to Earth.” The theory about folklore creatures and the rebirth of humanity through Paradise took 8th place in my hit parade of the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

7th place. The Ascension of the Lords Teaching.

The teachings of the Ascended Masters have their roots in Theosophy, and the “Ascended Masters” are those whom Theosophists call “Teachers of Wisdom”, believing in their existence. The teaching originated in 1930, when Guy Ballard, according to him, unexpectedly met on Mount Shasta with a man who introduced himself to him as Count Saint-Germain, one of the Teachers who were introduced to the world by Theosophy after the departure of Helena Blavatsky. According to Ballard, Saint Germain told him that he belonged to the Brotherhood of the Ascended Masters, which also includes Jesus, Buddha, Maitreya and El Morya, among others. The teachings transmitted by Saint Germain to Ballard became the basis of the I AM religious movement. They were published by Ballard under the pseudonym Godfrey Ray King in works such as Revealed Secrets and Magical Presence.
It is believed that El Morya played an important role in other organizations associated with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters (in which El Morya is also known as the "Chohan of the First Ray"), based on the work of Ballard. Geraldine Inosent, who founded Bridge to Freedom, claimed to have received messages from El Morya (originally published under the name of Thomas Prince; Mark and Elizabeth Prophet stated that El Morya encouraged them to found the Summit Lighthouse, etc., etc. .p. This myth-making - the Teaching of the Ascension of the Lords took 7th place in my hit parade.

6th place. Teaching: Diagnosis of karma by S. Lazarev.

Sergey Lazarev is the author of a series of pseudoscientific books “Diagnostics of Karma” and “Man of the Future”.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, 12 books by S. N. Lazarev in the “Diagnostics of Karma” series, 7 books in the “Man of the Future” series, as well as 6 books “Diagnostics of Karma (second series)” have been published. Survival experience." 6 books from the series “Diagnostics of Karma”, “The First Step into the Future” and “Parenting, Part 1” from the “Man of the Future” series have been translated into German. Some books have been translated into Polish, Czech, Spanish, English and Bulgarian. At the same time, video recordings of lectures and seminars are sold. in his books, S. N. Lazarev tries to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between a person’s worldview and his mental, physical health, as well as the events that happen to him.
S. N. Lazarev claims that by accumulating love for God in oneself, one can be cured of any disease, including AIDS and cancer. The author claims that he cured his own melanoma.
Based on the developed author’s method of “seeing field structures” of a person, which, according to S. N. Lazarev, constitute 97-98% of the information and energy layers of the subconscious, using the concept of Indian philosophy and religion “karma” and the Christian dogma “God is love” , the author justifies his system by introducing the concept of “hook” - a subconscious dependence on material and moral value, as well as feelings and emotions.
Based on these three provisions, S. N. Lazarev derives the idea that all human illnesses and misfortunes are a consequence of negative karma, which is the “deep character of a person,” his “engagement” with certain benefits (both material and spiritual). Such benefits, according to the author, can be: heightened justice, ambition (“hook” for control - pride), worries about the desire to have a family, children (hook for desires - jealousy) and others. That is, when “love for God” fades into the background, calling it incorrect prioritization in life.
Lazarev's concepts are criticized by representatives of science. Thus, responding to a request from the Moscow Committee of Education, Vice-Rector of MIPCRO, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. n. V. A. Noskin notes the absolutely pseudoscientific nature of Lazarev’s theories.
As part of the consideration of the scientific status of S. Lazarev’s theory, employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences noted that concepts of healing based on the use of energy from the other world are incompatible with scientific picture world, which forms the basis of modern medicine.
Lazarev’s activities often become the object of criticism from the anti-cult movement and religious figures. The Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religion and Sects (RACIRS) lists the movement of S. N. Lazarev (“Diagnostics of Karma”) among the most famous destructive totalitarian sects and groups that have a significant number of signs of such, as well as occult centers and movements.
In the encyclopedic reference book “New religious organizations of Russia of a destructive, occult and neo-pagan nature” (2002), S. N. Lazarev is included in group 2 - Destructive religious organizations and religious groups of the class “Ecology of the spirit, occultism and occult healing”, in subgroups O-5 “Pseudo-medical groups and occult healers” and subgroup O-4 “Occult centers” (as part of the “Association of Applied Parapsychology”). The teachings of Sergei Lazarev, for their occult-medical character, took 6th place in my hit parade of the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

5th place. Teaching of the Fourth Way by G. Gudzhiev.

Man is a machine, wrote Georgy Gudzhiev, he also created the theory of the Fourth Way. Gurzhdiev also said that a person has an essence (everything real that he is born with) and a personality (everything artificial that he acquires through imitation and imitation). In essence, all people are divided into seven main psychological types, each of which has strictly defined appearance features. Explaining this idea in one of his groups, Gurdjieff said: “Each of you has probably met in your life people of the same type. Such people often even look similar to each other, and their internal reactions are exactly the same. What one likes, another will like; What one doesn't like, another won't like. You must remember such cases because only by meeting types can you learn the science of types. There is no other method. Everything else is imagination. You must understand that in the conditions in which you live it is impossible to meet more than six or seven types, although there are twelve basic types in life. The rest is their combinations.” Full description Gurdjieff did not give human types. Gudzhiev’s adventurous teaching took 5th place in my hit parade.

4th place. Transferring reality by Vadim Zeland.

Reality Transurfing is an esoteric teaching published by Vadim Zeland since 2004 in a series of books of the same name. Supporting the idea of ​​a multivariate world in which events occur in an infinite number of spaces simultaneously, the author describes the teaching as a technique for moving from one “branch” of reality to another thanks to the concentration of the energy of a person’s thoughts, consciously aimed at the implementation of one or another version of the development of events. The declared practical meaning of the teaching, as stated by the author, is that a person, having established conscious control over his intentions and his attitude towards the world, can freely choose the option for the development of reality at will. More precisely, each person in any case chooses his reality himself, based on his worldview, and it is thus, to a decisive extent, his (indirect) reflection; however, for most people it happens involuntarily. Almost nothing is known about the author V. Zeland himself, who he is and how he came to all this. Reality transference took 4th place in my hit parade of the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

3rd place. Urantia Teachings.

The Urantia Teaching (Urantia Book) is an esoteric teaching, which in the form of a religious revelation tells about the nature of God, cosmology, the origin and purpose of humanity, is presented detailed biography Jesus Christ and his teachings. The Urantia Book was first published in Chicago (USA) in October 1955 on English. Its authorship is the subject of speculation. The appearance of the book is associated with the activities of the American psychiatrist William Sadler.
The book served as the basis for the esoteric religious movement "Urantia Brotherhood", influenced by the theosophy of Helena Blavatsky and the theory of lost civilizations by James Churchward.
By 2010, it was translated into 9 other languages, including Russian. According to the Urantia Association International, readers and followers of The Urantia Book are found in 56 countries.
The identification of The Urantia Book as genuine revelation has been criticized for several reasons. Skeptics such as Martin Gardner argue that the Book was written by men and is not a revelation because it contradicts scientific evidence and adheres to many outdated and rejected positions of the time.
Christian theologians, speaking from a counter-cult position, deny the authenticity of the Urantia Book, since it contradicts many dogmas of Christianity and contains a number of stories that are absent from the Bible itself or are impossible from a Christian point of view.
Other critics have noted that The Urantia Book is over 2,000 pages long, twice as long as the King James Bible, and is long, complex, and convoluted. The Urantia Book took 3rd place in my hit parade.

2nd place. Teachings of Anastasia V. Megre.

Do young girls live in the taiga? Vladimir Megre, the author of the series of books “Ringing Cedars of Russia” or the Teachings of Anastasia, is sure of this. Anastasia’s teaching is a near-religious teaching, close in format to a sect or “new age”, which arose in Russia and a number of post-Soviet countries at the end of the twentieth century, after the collapse of the USSR.
The cornerstone of the doctrine is book series Vladimir Megre - “Ringing Cedars of Russia”. According to rough estimates, the teaching consists of from 100 to 500 thousand people.
“Teaching” exploits the ideas of greening life that were relevant at the end of the twentieth century; simultaneous removal from technocratic excesses - with the hope of the existence of “simple and cheap sources of unlimited energy” (for example, “home nuclear reactors”), the dream of having one’s own land plot with mainly subsistence farming, hopes for creating a society aimed at organizing conflict-free coexistence of man and nature.
Several levels of “teaching” can be distinguished. The first one promotes the idea of ​​building so-called “family estates.” The subsequent ones have a philosophical component, based on an eclectic mixture of disparate elements of Blavatsky’s theosophy, Christianity, Buddhism and, to a lesser extent, Islam. One of the key concepts of the doctrine, for example, is similar to “ New Chronology» Fomenko cryptohistory.
It should be noted that, among other things, this literary source is written in a completely illogical, deliberately absurd style. His success is largely dictated by effects similar to those occurring in the work of the mentally ill. That is, the plot is so absurd, the presentation is so pathologically illogical that it causes a painful attraction. In addition, “according to the precepts” of Goebbels, “the bigger the lie, the more they believe in it.” Thus, the reader’s ability for a healthy, critical perception of the text is extinguished. Such moments as the origin of UFOs from “kombucha”, or Anastasia’s life under the care of a bear, which acts in particular as Anastasia’s personal hygiene products, licking all her secretions (we apologize for the physiological details) - are simply paralyzing common sense reader. Nevertheless, even having fallen into a state of increased suggestibility and rapport in relation to Megre, a person cannot get rid of the accumulated experience and baggage of his knowledge. There is a permanent effect stress state cognitive dissonance. In the medium term, almost guaranteed to lead to the most devastating consequences for the psyche. Most often, participation in this movement ends for a person various forms schizophrenia. Here are some quotes from Maigret’s books: “Radiation emanates from a person in a state of love. In a split second, reflected from the planets standing above it, it reaches the Earth again and gives life to all living things... The sun is one of the planets that reflects the incomplete spectrum of this radiation... "" From a person in a state of evil feelings, dark emanates radiation. Dark radiation cannot rise upward and falls deep into the Earth. Having been reflected from the depths, it returns to the surface in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, wars..."
The teachings of Anastasia V. Megre took 2nd place as the most schizoid esoteric teachings.

1st place. Rose of Peace by D. Andreev.

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev is the author of the religious and philosophical book “The Rose of the World.” Some consider his work unique. However, what exactly is unique about it? To what extent did the author adequately perceive the information he received from somewhere else? When writing the Rose of Peace, Daniil Andreev was in Vladimir prison, the conditions there were by no means humane. After his release, Andreev died a year later, having finished his book.
The Rose of the World itself is very poorly written in simple language with a huge number of unknown terms invented by the author, strange ideas about the universe. At the same time, there is reason to doubt Andreev’s mental health. Life in prison could not but affect the psyche of Daniil Andreev, including his supposedly mystical experience, receiving information from somewhere outside.
What happened to Andreev can be explained by the peculiarity of his creative personality, secondly, it has long been proven that the human brain can easily produce various images, including hallucinatory ones, Richard Dawkins in his book “The God Delusion” writes:
« Human brain He builds models with amazing skill. If this happens during sleep, we call them dreams; during wakefulness - by imagination or, if it plays out too strongly, by hallucinations.”
At the same time, Andreev himself treated his received information as completely reliable without a grain of criticism: “But I do not write on my own behalf and cannot make changes until this is indicated by the only Voice that I trust completely.” This gives me another reason to doubt the objectivity of the information he receives. That is, it can be argued that there was no analysis of the information that Daniil Andreev received from an unknown source with the help of this very “voice”. Because of this, it is impossible not to avoid serious misconceptions if you completely trust Andreev, and I think the author himself was mistaken when promoting his mystical views. There is reason to assert that Andreev, who already had a predisposition to mysticism and at the same time a schizophrenic disorder, interpreted any possibility as a “transphysical experience”: “In February 1932, during my short-term service at one of the Moscow factories, I fell ill and at night, in the heat, I acquired some experience, in which, of course, most would not see anything but nonsense, but for me it was terrifying in its content and unconditional in its persuasiveness. I have designated the being concerned by this experience in my books and designate it here with the expression “the third Witzraor!”
Daniil Andreev describes many ideas that can be considered a manifestation of supervaluability and which can be attributed to a manifestation of schizophrenia:
“In this reunification of Christian confessions and in the further union of all religions of the Light for the sake of a common concentration of all forces on the improvement of humanity and spiritualization, the nature of the Rose of the world sees its supra-religiousness, interreligiousness.”
“The Rose of the World brings about a new attitude to nature, to history, to the destinies of human cultures, to their tasks, to creativity, to love, to the paths of cosmic ascent, to the consistent enlightenment of Shandanakara.”
“...The Rose of the World is not a religious teaching of the past. It is the religious and social-ethical teaching of the future.”
“And from Gotimna of India I was transferred to Gotimna of Russia: there my preparation for the fulfillment of the mission received from above by my Self was to end.”
“I don’t know the total number of inhabitants of Heavenly Russia, but I know that about half a million enlightened people are now in the Heavenly Kremlin.”
"The Church is higher worlds Shandanakara"
I could go on for a long time; Andreev has a huge amount of similar crazy phrases and sophisticated, frankly made-up words in his “frank” book, he himself admits:
“Let anyone who wants to laugh at this message. And I don’t have to get used to the reputation of a madman.”
“The Rose of the World” by Daniil Andreev took 1st place in my hit parade of the 10 most schizoid esoteric teachings.

Even the word “esotericism” itself frightens, alarms, and irritates many. Especially religious fanatics. But esotericism beckons and captivates, since this is fashionable today, but very ancient culture– simply perceiving reality from a different angle. Just going beyond the framework of “possible - impossible, good - bad,” etc. Someone is silent about their views on things, which are different from others, so as not to attract attention to themselves. And some even write about them, not seeing “anything like that” in it. And he does the right thing!

1. “The Secret [Occult] Philosophy”, Agrippa of Nettesheim

In a conversation about esoteric literature It is simply impossible to ignore the work of Agrippa of Nettesheim (real name: Heinrich Cornelius of Nettesheim). His work “The Secret [Occult] Philosophy” made an indelible impression on tarot reader Eliphas Levi, who introduced the term “occultism” into widespread use.

Living in France at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries (during the fertile era of the Renaissance, when the line between mysticism and science was barely perceptible), Agrippa changed many professions and traveled a lot, gaining unique experience. The eccentric genius made many enemies among church supporters because of his caustic remarks and theories, which the fanatics saw as heresy. Having escaped cruel persecution only thanks to the patronage of his faithful friends, Agrippa retired, having created the famous treatise “The Secret Philosophy”. In it, he examines the very essence of magic, as well as its significance in the material world as a connecting link. In particular, the author explains the influence of zodiac signs on a person’s destiny, and also introduces the reader to the properties of various poisons and ointments, explaining how to use them as magic potions that give power over others.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that occult literature often contains information that contradicts ethical standards. Making and using a love spell or poison potion is an immoral act that humiliates other people. You should also not get carried away with preparing medicinal elixirs (no matter how good your intentions may be). Regardless of your belief or non-belief in magic, plants and other ingredients in such potions can be hazardous to your health. This kind of information should be taken solely for informational purposes and not as instructions for action.

2. “The Art of Dreams”, Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda was born in Peru and gained worldwide fame for his work in the field of occult knowledge. His books quickly became bestsellers and to this day occupy pride of place in lists of required reading for those wishing to learn the secrets of esotericism.

Omar Khayyam once wrote the following lines:

“In this world there is a trap at every step.
I did not live even a day of my own free will.
In heaven they make decisions without me,
And then they call me a rebel.”

Surprisingly accurate and sad words describing our life, isn’t it? I bet that each of us at least once dreamed of being in a universe where absolutely all events depend on our will. Oh, if only science or some wand could give us the opportunity to create our own reality. Wait... Mother Nature has already given us this ability! A dream is a wonderful world in which (if you try a little) any desires can come true.

One of the most popular topics in occultism is the concept of “dreams” and the ability to control dreams, extracting from them useful information. Modern scientists have explored only the “tip of the iceberg”, without fully realizing the true meaning of human dreams. Some dreams fill us with happiness, giving us a boost of energy for the whole day, others help sort out pressing problems and find a solution to an important problem. But there are also nightmares - terrible visions from which you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, a convulsive scream gets stuck in your throat, and your heart is about to burst out of your chest.

Almost all people dream. Learning to manage them, becoming the absolute masters of your life in a dream is the dream of many. Therefore, in our selection, we decided to mention Castaneda’s ninth book from the cycle of teachings of Don Juan, an Indian shaman who shared his unique knowledge with Carlos. The content of the book is structured in the form of a fascinating dialogue between Castaneda and his shaman mentor. The Art of Dreams contains detailed instructions for achieving a special mental state bordering on sleep and wakefulness. We are talking about “lucid dreams”, in which a person is able to change the plot of his dream according to his own will.

3. “Power of Light”, Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich is one of the few extraordinarily gifted people whose name is iconic in seemingly completely different fields. Roerich was famous traveler, archaeologist, writer, artist and mystical philosopher. For many years this talented Russian scientist (persecuted Soviet authorities) spent in the East, where he became familiar with ancient teachings. It is important to note that Roerich’s paintings help many during meditation. The skies and mountains he painted (shimmering with delicate shades of lilac, cool lilac and hot fiery colors) help the contemplator to feel something sublime, pure, otherworldly.

In the esoteric collection “The Power of Light” there are no magical spells promising gold or the love of beauties. This is a highly spiritual work, cultivating in the reader the desire to cleanse his mind of evil thoughts, opening his heart to Light and Good. Wise reflections about the human soul and the meaning of culture in our lives await you. “The Power of Light” is an amazing and enchanting fusion of the traditions of the West and the East.

4. “Awareness. Keys to a life of peace of mind, Osho Rajneesh

Osho is the spiritual leader of India, inspirer, preacher, mystic, enlightened. The author's real name is Chandra Mohan Jain, but throughout the world he is better known as Osho Rajneesh.

Osho considers the main cause of absolutely all human problems (especially Western ones) to be our sleepy state, which lasts throughout our lives. Literally, we sleep even when we are awake. And this is not a contradiction. Can you remember what you were doing 5-10 minutes ago? Not to mention days and months. We live our lives sleeping, no matter what we do. Therefore, entire decades of our existence turn into moments. The Indian guru does not offer anything special in his work. He only calls for us to wake up. What does it mean? And that we do every smallest action consciously. To be aware of your every thought and word. Essentially, so that we are in a state of “here and now.” Not new, but effective. If anyone thinks it's easy, they are mistaken. The author says that if you manage to maintain concentration for at least one minute, then you can congratulate yourself. This is already a victory! The book is written in a very clear and soft language, so any reader will master it easily and quickly.

5. “Reality Transurfing”, Vadim Zeland

Transurfing is a new technique for managing events in life the way you need. The author assures that with its help you can accomplish the impossible. And it offers a different look at reality based on a special model different options. Transurfing is the path of a magician, which in principle every person is, he just doesn’t know about it. Find out with this technique that you are the magician of your life. Discover hitherto unknown possibilities within yourself. Make your reality the one you have always dreamed of!

6. “Shaman’s Laughter”, Vladimir Serkin

The highly professional but unusual psychologist V. Serkin made the Shaman the main character of his book. Although it is clearly read between the lines that the author did not take his hero out of thin air, but is himself related to shamanic practices. However, you shouldn’t look for specific techniques in the book. This is rather a fascinating story about shamanic miracles. After all, it is the Shaman, that is, man and all other living beings, who create this world. For the same reason, the Shaman believes that any person can remember his past life experiences. He created it himself!

7. “Conversation with God. New Revelations, Neale Donald Walsh

This book has some similarities with Walsh's book One with God. In "Conversations" the author gives new interpretations of ten human illusions. It also raises the question of our misconceptions about God and life in general. The information provided by the author in this work can change your worldview or even turn your worldview around.

8. “Heal your life. Heal your body. The power is within us, Louise L. Hay

The world-famous psychologist, Louise Hay, was cured of cancer not so much through medicine, but through working with her consciousness. With her experience, she motivates people to think positively and learn to love themselves and accept themselves as they are. This will not only help in the fight against any disease, but will also help solve life's problems. The author gives in the book practical recommendations, which have already helped millions of people around the world. Here you will find affirmations (positive statements) to overcome many diseases. L. Hay also reveals the causes of problems from an unusual point of view, which, in her opinion, lie in our minds. So you need to give a positive impetus to consciousness so that it solves problems on its own. But human consciousness can do this!

9. “Hackers of Dreams”, Andrey Reutov

The Dream Hackers are a group of Russian researchers who hid their research. The book is based on real events, since the author himself was a member of this group. The goal of these hackers is to create a new tradition of dreamers. The plot of the work itself is reminiscent of “showdowns in the cool 90s” between criminal gangs. Reutov gives magical techniques in this work. But check for yourself whether they work or not.

10. “Messenger. A true story about love”, Klaus J. Joel

The author assures that in his book he reveals the unexpected secret of love. You have never read anything like this before. We have always considered love as a feeling, but in fact it is a real “perpetum mobile” - a source of energy from which you can draw incredible strength. You can find your way to this endless source. However, what you give into the world is what you get in return.

11. “Smile before it’s too late! Positive psychology for everyday life”, Alexander and Yulia Sviyash

A real treasure for those who really want to change their lives! The authors not only present the material in an interesting and accessible way, but also provide step-by-step practical instructions. By devoting just 20 minutes of time a day, you can: understand the reasons for your actions and the actions of other people; change your attitude to what is happening and stop worrying; change your habits and even character traits that are undesirable for you!

12. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman

The author is an American track and field athlete, champion trampoline jumper. Nowadays he is a martial arts trainer, university professor, and philosopher. This inspiring book, translated into 30 languages, has transformed the lives of millions of people. It encourages self-improvement and positive change in literally all areas of life: sports, politics, business, health, culture, etc. The book, which became a bestseller, is based on the author's real experiences. Written in a light style and with humor, it talks about the struggle with one’s own fears and the search for oneself, one’s spirit. Find out what system of relationships with life the champion discovered for himself!

13. “Magical Transition: The Path of a Woman Warrior”, Taisha Abelar

The author's real name is Maryann Simcoe. This is an American writer, anthropologist, who considers herself a witch, stalker and an ardent follower of Carlos Castaneda. She met her idol at the age of 19, while studying at the university for a PhD. Marianne joined his group and changed her name. Surprisingly, when Castaneda died, the witch left Los Angeles and disappeared. No one knows anything about her since then, there is a possibility that she committed ritual suicide. However, given the tradition of Castaneda fans to “erasing personal history” (using pseudonyms, not wanting to be photographed, etc.), it is more logical to draw a more optimistic conclusion: Taisha simply changed her name again.

Abelard's book is a continuation of the journey into the amazing and enchanting world of Don Juan, but this time as a female warrior. The author gives magical techniques to improve health by increasing energy.

14. “Rose of the World”, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

D.L. Andreev, like many Soviet writers, was criticized by the authorities. After a denunciation of accusations of creating anti-Soviet literature, he was sentenced to 25 years. The imprisonment left an indelible mark, prompting Andreev to create an unusual novel with the mystical title “Rose of the World.” Readers and critics are still engaged in heated debate, trying to understand what exactly the novel is - an esoteric prophecy or a work of science fiction.

“Rose of the World” describes the universe from a metaphysical point of view, arguing that in our dimension there is a constant struggle between demons and demiurges. The personal tragedy of Andreev’s life is clearly felt (he saw the Antichrist in the image of Stalin). The author states that in the future a completely new interreligion will emerge, which will combine other beliefs. This faith, common to all, will become a connecting link for all humanity. The work, replete with specific terms, will seem too complicated to those who are only superficially familiar with the esotericism and history of Christianity. This book should not be recommended to teenagers, since “The Rose of the World” is much more understandable to people with a broad cultural outlook and life experience, which a young reader lacks.

15. “The experience of a fool, or the Key to insight (How to get rid of glasses)”, Mirzakarim Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an Uzbek writer and popularizer of alternative medicine, known to modern fans of esotericism. In his work “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight,” Norbekov shares with us his personal story of overcoming a serious illness. The book is a collection practical advice, which will allow you to develop an inexhaustible source of optimism. It is the right attitude, according to Norbekov, that plays an important role not only in improving health, but also in achieving success both on the personal front and at work. “The Experience of a Fool” is a biting work, full of sarcasm and offensive comparisons, with the help of which the author motivates the reader to stop whining and start living!

Let the knowledge you acquire make your life better, filling it with happiness, meaning and love.

Esoterics, as a “mystical science”, has always been shrouded in a mysterious aura, although in reality this teaching has a practical, applied basis.
The search for hidden mechanisms that drive life events, the study of consciousness and subconsciousness have always been considered a priority in the use of esotericism as a mystical teaching.
Most of these teachings have survived from ancient times. According to some reports, they were created by Atlanteans who died due to the improper use of magical powers, which caused destruction on a planetary scale.

There are also such currents in esotericism, which appeared (or appeared) not so long ago, including in the twentieth century. Of course, such serious science also presupposes serious scientists - Teachers.
Among the greatest mystics of the last century, it is worth considering the following personalities:

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The mystic Gurdjieff is considered a rather mysterious person.
It is not even known where he was born - in what year, in what city.
Among the dates mentioned are 1866, 1877, and 1872.
Either in the city of Alexandropol (then former Leninakan, now Gyumri), then in Kars, etc.
Family roots have two branches - Armenian and Greek.

Under the influence of his father and spiritual mentor (rector of the cathedral), the young man became interested in understanding the true purpose of life on Earth.
With a group of like-minded people, he traveled extensively to the countries of the East, Africa and Asia.
The result of these expeditions was a vast experience in studying various spiritual traditions and ancient knowledge, on the basis of which the society of “Seekers of Truth” was created.
In collaboration with the Russian scientist Pyotr Uspensky, the book “The Fourth Way” was written, which contained the main theses of the Gurdjieff system of consciousness development (incomplete from the point of view of P. Uspensky).
In many countries, Georgy Ivanovich created groups of his adherents, among which, in addition to Ouspensky, one can name other famous names of that time - Pamela Travers (author of the book about Mary Poppins), artist Paul Reynard, poet Rene Daumal, writer Katherine Mansfield and others.
G.I. died Gurdjieff in France in 1949.

Aleister Crowley

12.10. 1875 – 12/01/1947

Aleister Crowley is a famous English mystic, educated at Cambridge, tarot reader, follower of Kabbalah, black magician, author of the Thoth Tarot deck of cards, and was fond of poetry, chess, astrology and mountaineering.
He was a member of such organizations as the Order of the Eastern Temple, the Silver Star and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley became famous as a very powerful psychic, the author of works on yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic, the teachings of Buddhism, etc.
Having received a large inheritance, Crowley traveled to many countries, everywhere devoting his life to various “mystical” experiments, creating esoteric groups and writing numerous works based on the results of his discoveries.
He believed that any human action performed consciously is magic.
Crowley was so famous that he was the prototype of the heroes of many films and books by different authors, his photo is on one of The Beatles' albums, and many other famous musicians, one way or another, used his name and image.
It is known that he communicated with high-ranking members of the SS in Hitler's company, then was expelled as an enemy of the German nation.
The biography of this person is so full of completely different events, like no one else’s.
Either he is in favor, then he is in disgrace, then he is friends with someone, then he becomes his worst enemy, then he makes fun of someone, then vice versa.
Towards the end of his life, having squandered his entire fortune, becoming an undesirable person for several countries, he lived in a cheap boarding house, barely finding money for a piece of bread.
On December 1, 1947, Aleister Crowley died in Hastings, at the Netherwood boarding house.

Daniil Andreev

10/20/1906 – 03/30/1959

Daniil Andreev is the author of the book “Rose of the World,” which examines the theory of cosmic mind, egregors and elementals, the multidimensionality of time and space, based on personal “spiritual” experience.
His father, an outstanding writer, Leonid Andreev was married to a relative of Taras Shevchenko.
Daniel was the second son in the family and was born in Grunwald (Berlin district). After the sudden death of his mother, his grandmother, along the Shevchenko family line, took her grandson to Moscow.
The child was sick a lot, and was barely able to leave the hospital several times, although there were doctors among his closest relatives. At the age of 6, the child fell ill with diphtheria, his grandmother became infected with it, and later died.
After the death of his grandmother, the boy decided to jump off the bridge in order to quickly get to the other world to his mother and beloved grandmother - he was saved miraculously, at the last moment.
The house of his uncle Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov, an influential Moscow doctor, was often visited by such writers as M. Gorky, I. Bunin, composer A. Scriabin, singer F. Chaliapin, actors and other celebrities of that time.
This atmosphere influenced the development of the child’s literary abilities. Having matured, D. Andreev continues his literary education.
During this period, unusual insights and experiences of a mystical nature occurred to him, which subsequently determined the receipt of valuable spiritual experience for the creation of such a monumental work as “The Rose of the World.”
The development and experience of life's collisions from birth, in the pre- and post-war period, the years spent in prison, became the difficult, sometimes painful foundation from which grew the beautiful, unbearably shaking “flower” of his creative understanding of cosmic awareness, transmitted through Daniil Andreev to all humanity .
The importance of such a work as “Rose of the World” cannot be overestimated.
Not one of the numerous works was published during the lifetime of the great thinker, poet and writer - Daniil Andreev.

Pavel Florensky

22.01. 1882 – 12/8/1937

The Russian priest, thinker and philosopher, viewed religion and science as complementary components, and not as opposing, opposing structures.
The main idea of ​​his works is to define the “Radiant Eye” as the middle of the “Divine Triangle”.
In his family, in addition to Russians, there are Armenian (Karabakh) roots, which interested him very much.
After graduating from the Tiflis gymnasium and Moscow University (faculty of physics and mathematics), Florensky decides to enter the Moscow Theological Academy.
Having accepted the priesthood, in addition to his main activity, he becomes the editor of the magazine “Theological Bulletin”, on the pages of which he sets out his philosophical and religious ideas.
Taking the times before and after the October Revolution as a historical reality, Florensky works not only as a priest.
Being involved in mathematics, physics, materials science, and technology development, he participates in the GOELRO project in Glavenergo.
In addition, he was interested in museum work, the protection of ancient and art monuments, and art history.
Almost naturally for that time, according to numerous denunciations, Florensky was arrested, sent first into exile, and then followed by arrest and imprisonment (02/26/1933 - 11/25/1937), which became the next stage of his work as a scientist who committed during his imprisonment several scientific discoveries in such sciences as chemistry and physics.
Pavel Florensky was shot by the verdict of the “special troika of the NKVD” there, in the Leningrad region.
The great scientist was buried in a common grave at his place of exile.
The date of his death given to his relatives is not true.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

05/12/1895 – 02/17/1986

This Indian mystic from childhood was distinguished by a sharp mind, prone to philosophy.
Krishnamurti received his education in London, where he became a member of the Theosophical circle.
The talented young man came to the attention of theosophist C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who were considered the leaders of the Theosophical Society of that time.
These teachers took an active part in his upbringing and education, hoping that this young man was the “Hope” of world-class theosophy.
Krishnamurti founded his own philosophical system and the Order of the Eastern Star, which he later closed due to loss of faith in Theosophy.
He traveled a lot, lectured everywhere, speaking as an independent speaker, both for large groups and for small ones, or even for one listener.
He published works on philosophy that reflected his worldview; his most famous work is the book “The First and Last Freedom.”
Krishnamurti's authority was so high that society proclaimed him as the “savior of the West,” but he himself did not support this opinion.
Jiddu Krishnamurti died in America, in California at the age of 90.

Rudolf Steiner (Steiner)

02/27/1861 – 03/30/1925

Rudolf Steiner was born into the family of huntsman Johann Steiner in the town of Kraljevic of the Austrian Empire. To provide the family with their daily bread, his father often changed jobs and places of residence.
Due to relocations, the boy's education took place in schools of different levels, which, in the end, only served him well.
Rudolf Steiner had his first experience of spiritual communication at the age of 9, when the spirit of his aunt asked him for help during a death that no one in his family knew about at the time.
When Steiner was already 21 years old, another historical meeting took place - a “chance” conversation on a Vienna train with Felix Kogutsky, who told him about the laws of nature, from the point of view of spirituality, not science.
This conversation was the first for the young man about the essence of spiritual development, which he had with a person who understood this issue.
The famous and highly respected philosopher Steiner, after receiving his education, began his activities as a specialist in the study of Goethe's worldview.
Next, Steiner created his theories of spiritual knowledge of the world, such as anthroposophy and esoteric Christian philosophy.
For his scientific knowledge he was honored to become Secretary General of the Theosophical Society in Germany.
The philosopher was looking for a way to combine scientific methods with knowledge of the spirit and practical exercises in this area.
The result of his searches and developments was the construction of the Goetheanum - the house of all arts (Steiner studied drama, horse movement, painting, architecture and other forms of art), in which the author introduced Waldorf pedagogy, Bothmer gymnastics, anthroposophical medicine, biodynamics of agricultural development and much more.
His work was greatly influenced by such figures as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Blavatsky, Fichte.
The teachings of Rudolf Steiner himself influenced the worldview of such personalities as Joseph Beuys, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Bely, Julian Schutsky, Albert Schweitzer.

Peter Donov

1864 – 1944

Peter Donov was born in the village of Nikolaevka, near the city of Varna in Bulgaria, into the family of a priest. His father was considered a prominent figure in the Bulgarian revival.
The spiritual name that Donov received was Beinsa Duno.
Peter Donov is the founder of the White Brotherhood society.
Among his main achievements are the religious and philosophical teaching “Esoteric Christianity”, and Paneurhythmy, as a special spiritual dance, and the teaching of the Sixth Race.
Practical classes with like-minded people and students, when everyone dances in white clothes in huge circles in nature, looks very attractive and grandiose.
Comprehension of the secrets of the cosmos, personality, awareness of inner space as a continuation of the outer world, with such an extraordinary “dance” gathered associates around the world around Peter Donov.
The sermons of Peter Donov (4000 pcs.) are still considered therapeutic.
Currently, there are numerous groups of followers of his teachings around the world.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)

12/11/1931 – 01/19/1990

Osho, a Hindu by birth, who received enlightenment at the age of 21, becomes the conductor of a unique teaching about the free choice of methods of understanding the world, including the use of group “sex meditations” for universal development.
Osho - in Russian it sounds like “dissolved in the ocean”, “oceanic”. Osho was born in the state of Bhopal (now Madhya Pradesh), Kuchwad, British India. His birth name is Chandra Mohan Jain.
The mystic is also known under the pseudonyms Acharya Rajneesh, Rajneesh and Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh.
A new religious doctrine is the “Rajneesh Movement” (neo-sannyas), founded by him on September 26, 1970 and is still active throughout the world.
Osho criticized both the traditionalism of the methods of different religions and the socialist policies of Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the puritanical restrictions on “freedom of choice” in everything.
Osho, an internationally recognized neo-Hindu mystic and guru, is the inspiration and preacher of the Rajneesh movement, which is recognized as neo-Hindu and not oriented to the 20th century.
Such radically different views on the education and development of the soul and spirit led to the fact that society fell apart into irreconcilable opponents and equally ardent admirers all over the world.
In many countries, Osho opened ashrams for his followers; in America, the international village “Rajneeshpuram” was created.
However, it is worth noting that some countries considered the activities of these ashrams to be destructive and classified them as sects and cults.
In our country, this teaching was prohibited as being contrary to the positive line of Indian culture and the protest youth movement of Western countries against the laws existing at that time.
Numerous works of Osho (more than 600) have been translated and sold all over the world, and in Russia too.
Here are just a few of the brightest stars of the twentieth century who should be known, remembered and thanked for their great work

Esoterics, as a “mystical science”, has always been shrouded in a mysterious aura, although in reality this teaching has a practical, applied basis.
The search for hidden mechanisms that drive life events, the study of consciousness and subconsciousness have always been considered a priority in the use of esotericism as a mystical teaching.
Most of these teachings have survived from ancient times. According to some reports, they were created by Atlanteans who died due to the improper use of magical powers, which caused destruction on a planetary scale.

There are also such currents in esotericism, which appeared (or appeared) not so long ago, including in the twentieth century. Of course, such serious science also presupposes serious scientists - Teachers.
Among the greatest mystics of the last century, it is worth considering the following personalities:

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The mystic Gurdjieff is considered a rather mysterious person.
It is not even known where he was born - in what year, in what city.
Among the dates mentioned are 1866, 1877, and 1872.
Either in the city of Alexandropol (then former Leninakan, now Gyumri), then in Kars, etc.
Family roots have two branches - Armenian and Greek.

Under the influence of his father and spiritual mentor (rector of the cathedral), the young man became interested in understanding the true purpose of life on Earth.
With a group of like-minded people, he traveled extensively to the countries of the East, Africa and Asia.
The result of these expeditions was a vast experience in studying various spiritual traditions and ancient knowledge, on the basis of which the society of “Seekers of Truth” was created.
In collaboration with the Russian scientist Pyotr Uspensky, the book “The Fourth Way” was written, which contained the main theses of the Gurdjieff system of consciousness development (incomplete from the point of view of P. Uspensky).
In many countries, Georgy Ivanovich created groups of his adherents, among which, in addition to Ouspensky, one can name other famous names of that time - Pamela Travers (author of the book about Mary Poppins), artist Paul Reynard, poet Rene Daumal, writer Katherine Mansfield and others.
G.I. died Gurdjieff in France in 1949.

Aleister Crowley

12.10. 1875 - 12/01/1947

Aleister Crowley is a famous English mystic, educated at Cambridge, tarot reader, follower of Kabbalah, black magician, author of the Thoth Tarot deck of cards, and was fond of poetry, chess, astrology and mountaineering.
He was a member of such organizations as the Order of the Eastern Temple, the Silver Star and the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Crowley became famous as a very powerful psychic, the author of works on yoga, meditation, ceremonial magic, the teachings of Buddhism, etc.
Having received a large inheritance, Crowley traveled to many countries, everywhere devoting his life to various “mystical” experiments, creating esoteric groups and writing numerous works based on the results of his discoveries.
He believed that any human action performed consciously is magic.
Crowley was so famous that he was the prototype of the heroes of many films and books by different authors, his photo is on one of The Beatles' albums, and many other famous musicians, one way or another, used his name and image.
It is known that he communicated with high-ranking members of the SS in Hitler's company, then was expelled as an enemy of the German nation.
The biography of this person is so full of completely different events, like no one else’s.
Either he is in favor, then he is in disgrace, then he is friends with someone, then he becomes his worst enemy, then he makes fun of someone, then vice versa.
Towards the end of his life, having squandered his entire fortune, becoming an undesirable person for several countries, he lived in a cheap boarding house, barely finding money for a piece of bread.
On December 1, 1947, Aleister Crowley died in Hastings, at the Netherwood boarding house.

Daniil Andreev

10/20/1906 - 03/30/1959

Daniil Andreev is the author of the book “Rose of the World,” which examines the theory of cosmic mind, egregors and elementals, the multidimensionality of time and space, based on personal “spiritual” experience.
His father, an outstanding writer, Leonid Andreev was married to a relative of Taras Shevchenko.
Daniel was the second son in the family and was born in Grunwald (Berlin district). After the sudden death of his mother, his grandmother, along the Shevchenko family line, took her grandson to Moscow.
The child was sick a lot, and was barely able to leave the hospital several times, although there were doctors among his closest relatives. At the age of 6, the child fell ill with diphtheria, his grandmother became infected with it, and later died.
After the death of his grandmother, the boy decided to jump off the bridge in order to quickly get to the other world to his mother and beloved grandmother - he was saved miraculously, at the last moment.
The house of his uncle Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov, an influential Moscow doctor, was often visited by such writers as M. Gorky, I. Bunin, composer A. Scriabin, singer F. Chaliapin, actors and other celebrities of that time.
This atmosphere influenced the development of the child’s literary abilities. Having matured, D. Andreev continues his literary education.
During this period, unusual insights and experiences of a mystical nature occurred to him, which subsequently determined the receipt of valuable spiritual experience for the creation of such a monumental work as “The Rose of the World.”
The development and experience of life's collisions from birth, in the pre- and post-war period, the years spent in prison, became the difficult, sometimes painful foundation from which grew the beautiful, unbearably shaking “flower” of his creative understanding of cosmic awareness, transmitted through Daniil Andreev to all humanity .
The importance of such a work as “Rose of the World” cannot be overestimated.
Not one of the numerous works was published during the lifetime of the great thinker, poet and writer - Daniil Andreev.

Pavel Florensky

22.01. 1882 - 12/8/1937

The Russian priest, thinker and philosopher, viewed religion and science as complementary components, and not as opposing, opposing structures.
The main idea of ​​his works is to define the “Radiant Eye” as the middle of the “Divine Triangle”.
In his family, in addition to Russians, there are Armenian (Karabakh) roots, which interested him very much.
After graduating from the Tiflis gymnasium and Moscow University (faculty of physics and mathematics), Florensky decides to enter the Moscow Theological Academy.
Having accepted the priesthood, in addition to his main activity, he becomes the editor of the magazine “Theological Bulletin”, on the pages of which he sets out his philosophical and religious ideas.
Taking the times before and after the October Revolution as a historical reality, Florensky works not only as a priest.
Being involved in mathematics, physics, materials science, and technology development, he participates in the GOELRO project in Glavenergo.
In addition, he was interested in museum work, the protection of ancient and art monuments, and art history.
Almost naturally for that time, according to numerous denunciations, Florensky was arrested, sent first into exile, and then followed by arrest and imprisonment (02/26/1933 - 11/25/1937), which became the next stage of his work as a scientist who committed during his imprisonment several scientific discoveries in such sciences as chemistry and physics.
Pavel Florensky was shot by the verdict of the “special troika of the NKVD” there, in the Leningrad region.
The great scientist was buried in a common grave at his place of exile.
The date of his death given to his relatives is not true.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

05/12/1895 - 02/17/1986

This Indian mystic from childhood was distinguished by a sharp mind, prone to philosophy.
Krishnamurti received his education in London, where he became a member of the Theosophical circle.
The talented young man came to the attention of theosophist C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant, who were considered the leaders of the Theosophical Society of that time.
These teachers took an active part in his upbringing and education, hoping that this young man was the “Hope” of world-class theosophy.
Krishnamurti founded his own philosophical system and the Order of the Eastern Star, which he later closed due to loss of faith in Theosophy.
He traveled a lot, lectured everywhere, speaking as an independent speaker, both for large groups and for small ones, or even for one listener.
He published works on philosophy that reflected his worldview; his most famous work is the book “The First and Last Freedom.”
Krishnamurti's authority was so high that society proclaimed him as the “savior of the West,” but he himself did not support this opinion.
Jiddu Krishnamurti died in America, in California at the age of 90.

Rudolf Steiner (Steiner)

02/27/1861 - 03/30/1925

Rudolf Steiner was born into the family of huntsman Johann Steiner in the town of Kraljevic of the Austrian Empire. To provide the family with their daily bread, his father often changed jobs and places of residence.
Due to relocations, the boy's education took place in schools of different levels, which, in the end, only served him well.
Rudolf Steiner had his first experience of spiritual communication at the age of 9, when the spirit of his aunt asked him for help during a death that no one in his family knew about at the time.
When Steiner was already 21 years old, another historical meeting took place - a “chance” conversation on a Vienna train with Felix Kogutsky, who told him about the laws of nature, from the point of view of spirituality, not science.
This conversation was the first for the young man about the essence of spiritual development, which he had with a person who understood this issue.
The famous and highly respected philosopher Steiner, after receiving his education, began his activities as a specialist in the study of Goethe's worldview.
Next, Steiner created his theories of spiritual knowledge of the world, such as anthroposophy and esoteric Christian philosophy.
For his scientific knowledge he was honored to become Secretary General of the Theosophical Society in Germany.
The philosopher was looking for a way to combine scientific methods with knowledge of the spirit and practical exercises in this area.
The result of his searches and developments was the construction of the Goetheanum - the house of all arts (Steiner studied drama, horse movement, painting, architecture and other forms of art), in which the author introduced Waldorf pedagogy, Bothmer gymnastics, anthroposophical medicine, biodynamics of agricultural development and much more.
His work was greatly influenced by such figures as Goethe, Nietzsche, Hegel, Blavatsky, Fichte.
The teachings of Rudolf Steiner himself influenced the worldview of such personalities as Joseph Beuys, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Bely, Julian Schutsky, Albert Schweitzer.

Peter Donov

1864 - 1944

Peter Donov was born in the village of Nikolaevka, near the city of Varna in Bulgaria, into the family of a priest. His father was considered a prominent figure in the Bulgarian revival.
The spiritual name that Donov received was Beinsa Duno.
Peter Donov is the founder of the White Brotherhood society.
Among his main achievements are the religious and philosophical teaching “Esoteric Christianity”, and Paneurhythmy, as a special spiritual dance, and the teaching of the Sixth Race.
Practical classes with like-minded people and students, when everyone dances in white clothes in huge circles in nature, looks very attractive and grandiose.
Comprehension of the secrets of the cosmos, personality, awareness of inner space as a continuation of the outer world, with such an extraordinary “dance” gathered associates around the world around Peter Donov.
The sermons of Peter Donov (4000 pcs.) are still considered therapeutic.
Currently, there are numerous groups of followers of his teachings around the world.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)

12/11/1931 - 01/19/1990

Osho, a Hindu by birth, who received enlightenment at the age of 21, becomes the conductor of a unique teaching about the free choice of methods of understanding the world, including the use of group “sex meditations” for universal development.
Osho - in Russian it sounds like “dissolved in the ocean”, “oceanic”. Osho was born in the state of Bhopal (now Madhya Pradesh), Kuchwad, British India. His birth name is Chandra Mohan Jain.
The mystic is also known under the pseudonyms Acharya Rajneesh, Rajneesh and Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh.
A new religious doctrine is the “Rajneesh Movement” (neo-sannyas), founded by him on September 26, 1970 and is still active throughout the world.
Osho criticized both the traditionalism of the methods of different religions and the socialist policies of Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the puritanical restrictions on “freedom of choice” in everything.
Osho, an internationally recognized neo-Hindu mystic and guru, is the inspiration and preacher of the Rajneesh movement, which is recognized as neo-Hindu and not oriented to the 20th century.
Such radically different views on the education and development of the soul and spirit led to the fact that society fell apart into irreconcilable opponents and equally ardent admirers all over the world.
In many countries, Osho opened ashrams for his followers; in America, the international village “Rajneeshpuram” was created.
However, it is worth noting that some countries considered the activities of these ashrams to be destructive and classified them as sects and cults.
In our country, this teaching was prohibited as being contrary to the positive line of Indian culture and the protest youth movement of Western countries against the laws existing at that time.
Numerous works of Osho (more than 600) have been translated and sold all over the world, and in Russia too.
Here are just a few of the brightest stars of the twentieth century who should be known, remembered and thanked for their great work