Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

“So why?” – I asked. Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion amazed the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys that your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own.” In fact, you don’t decide anything, and real miracles begin when you throw away these toys and trust that place inside you where there are no restrictions.”

Then I told the audience that wherever you dream of being in life, that place is beyond all these toys, beyond the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our lives: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of God. At this last stage (which I will talk about later in this book), we experience amazing miracles with virtually no effort on our part.

Today I interviewed someone applying for the position of Goal Achievement Expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The challenger has written dozens of books that have sold millions of copies. He knows how to teach people to set goals for themselves. The main idea of ​​his philosophy revolves around the burning desire to act, to achieve something. However, this is an incomplete strategy. I asked what his advice is when someone can't find the motivation to set a goal, let alone achieve it.

“If I knew the answer to this question,” he began, “I could solve most of the world’s problems.”

Then he started telling me that you just have to be passionate about achieving your goal. If you don't give it your all, you won't be able to maintain the discipline you need to focus and work.

“But what if you don’t have such a strong desire?” – I asked.

“Then you will never achieve your goal.”

“How did you make yourself want so much and be so motivated?”

He couldn't answer.

That's the problem. At a certain point, all self-improvement and goal-setting programs fail. If someone is not ready to achieve something, then these programs are not able to maintain the energy in a person to achieve the goal. This ends the program. Each of us is familiar with the situation when we make cardinal decisions on January 1st, and forget about them on January 2nd. Among these intentions there are very good ones. But something deep inside us does not agree with these conscious desires.

What to do in this deeper state of lack of strong desire?

This is where the Hawaiian method, which you will learn about in this book, comes in handy. It helps clear the subconscious, where our blocks are anchored. This method helps remove hidden programs that are preventing you from realizing your desires for health, wealth, happiness, or anything else. Everything happens in our head.

I will explain all this on the pages of the book that you are now holding in your hands. For example, consider the following phrase.

Thor Norretanders, in The User Illusion, sums up the mental roller coaster ride you are about to ride: “The universe begins when nothing sees its reflection in the mirror.”

In short, this book is about returning to the zero state, where there is nothing, but everything is possible. In the zero state there are no thoughts, words, actions, memories, programs, beliefs or anything else. Just nothing.

But one day nothingness sees itself in the mirror and you are born. From this moment you are created and begin to unconsciously accumulate and perceive beliefs, programs, memories, thoughts, words, actions, etc. Many of these programs go back to the origins of existence.

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the wonder of existence in every moment. From this moment on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. These will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.

My own experience of traveling on this spiritual ship beyond human understanding into the realm of the incredible is very difficult to describe. I have reached heights that I could never have dreamed of. I have learned new skills and my level of love for myself and the world around me cannot be expressed in words. I live in a state close to awe.

I'll try to express it differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious leaders, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages look at the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no restrictions.

Please note that this is the first ever book to describe an updated Hawaiian healing method called Self-Authenticity through Ho'oponopono. But also keep in mind that this is the experience of one person who used this method - my own experience. Although this book was written with the blessing of the healer who taught me this amazing method, everything written was refracted through the prism of my own perception, my view of the world. To fully understand the Ho'oponopono method of self-authenticity, you must do the exercises yourself and gain your own experience (classes and exercises are described on English on websites www.hooponopono.org www.zerolimits.info).

The whole point of this book can be expressed in one phrase - a phrase that you will learn to use, a phrase that reveals the basic secret of the Universe; a phrase that I want to say to you and God right now.

"I love you".

Buy tickets and take your seats. The train to the depths of your soul is ready to depart.

So, let's go!

The adventure begins

Peace be with you. My whole world.

O ka Malukhia no mi oi, Ku"u Malukhia e pau loa

In August 2004, I was working a booth at the annual meeting of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I enjoyed the interaction with the people, the meeting, the spirit of the meeting and the exchange of information. But I was not prepared for the event that changed my life, the beginning of which can be considered this very day.

My friend Mark Ryan worked with me. Mark, like me, is a hypnotherapist. It's open interesting person with active gestures. His appearance always brings excitement and an element of magic. Our conversations often last for hours. We discuss the most prominent doctors, from Milton Erickson to obscure shamans. During one of these conversations, Mark surprised me with the following question: “Have you heard of a doctor who treats people at a distance without even seeing them?”

The question puzzled me. I've heard of distance healers before, but

Mark apparently meant something completely different.

“He is a psychotherapist who has healed a lot of people. There were enough patients for an entire hospital for the mentally ill. However, he did not see any of his patients.”

“How did he do it?”

“He uses a Hawaiian healing method called Ho’oponopono.”

“Ho opo...what?” – I asked again.

I asked Mark to repeat the term ten times. I've never heard it before. Mark didn't know enough about this method or process to tell me more. I have to admit, I was intrigued, but also quite skeptical. I thought it was some kind of fiction. Heal people without seeing them? So I believed it!

Joe Vitale

No restrictions. All the secrets of finding miracles using the secret Hawaiian system




Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhanevsky

© Joe Vitale, 2014

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2014

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O infinite divine mind,
Through my higher self
Cleanse this book of all negative energy,
Which is present both outside and inside,
So that this book can become a perfect vessel
For you.


My experience with Morrna Simeon

When Joe Vitale asked me to recount my experience with Morrna Simeon, the majestic Kahuna of Lapa'au (known in Hawaiian folklore as the "Word Healer" and "Keeper of Secrets"), I immediately felt a sense of lightness and deep peace. which I always felt when I was next to her. She was a wonderful person. In some ways, she reminded me of my maternal grandmother, Amelie, who raised me in Chile and loved me immensely.

Of course, it didn't take me long to realize that Morrna was special - very special! She changed everything around her. She always offered help to those who needed it. Looking at the man, she seemed to see much more than just him physical body. She was a true healer.

In 1984, she moved into our spacious estate on La Jolla Farms Road, one of the prestigious neighborhoods of La Jolla (San Diego County, California). The estate consisted of four separate houses, including a cozy little cottage where Morrna lived for three months.

Within a few weeks of her arrival, almost everyone who came to see us asked if we had hired a new gardener or perhaps changed something in the landscape design - everything was so filled with life and beauty. Nature itself changed in her presence. For me, in my early thirties, this was an extraordinary experience. After all, then I was just studying the general spiritual principles that have reigned on Earth since ancient times.

Sometimes, upon returning from trips where I taught Money & You seminars, Morrna gave me special Ho'oponopono sessions, during which I cleared negative energy. After them, I felt as if I had just taken a shower. It was truly divine. She constantly recommended clearing your energy by performing certain actions and repeating the word Ho'oponopono.

Morrna was truly special.

She dedicated herself to adapting the Ho'oponopono method (part of the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Huna) to modern conditions and help people free themselves from the trauma and negative memories that fill their minds. These traumas and memories have a huge impact on every moment of a person's life.

Morrna's decision to reveal the age-old secrets of the Hawaiian people was not widely accepted in certain circles, so she was exiled. But Morrna loved people endlessly and sought to help them get rid of unconscious behavior and cleanse the subconscious. She was determined to teach people to free their minds from the limitations or fetters they had created over the centuries, and to show how to harmonize inner family, which is in each of us:

Aumakua: au (meaning "bathe" or "swim")

Makua: father (combined with the previous word means "to abide in the Holy Spirit")

Wuhan: mother (consciousness)

Unihipili: child (subconscious)

I became convinced that just uttering the word Ho’oponopono cleanses the surrounding space. With this simple technique I cleansed myself.

But let me tell you how I first met Morrna.

My friend Eric Smith introduced me to her through a Ho'oponopono class she taught with Dr. Stan Ihaliakala (another incredible person, known as Dr. Hew Len). This was in Los Angeles around 1983. It is noteworthy that this happened in November. But this is not only the month of my birth, but also the most beautiful time years: autumn in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern.

I will never forget that weekend.

Attended the classes wonderful people and we became very close friends during the three days of purification, during which we got rid of the chains that bound us, or the fetters that we ourselves create by becoming attached to people, places and things. During the purification process, we had to make a lot of different lists: people with whom we had ever had any relationship or who had some influence on us; places where we lived; cars; situations that negatively affected us - that is, any humiliating experience we remember. We were asked to put down on paper feelings of shame or guilt that were ingrained in our subconscious.

At times, the seminar participants felt extremely uncomfortable. It was especially awkward to list my sexual partners. That's when I realized how important it is to protect someone's energy. After all, when you enter into a sexual relationship with someone, you absorb not only his energy, but also the energy of everyone with whom he (or she) has ever had sexual contact - and this can be the energy of hundreds of people!

Morrna and Stan turned out to be excellent teachers. They taught us, told us many wonderful stories, and gave examples. I remembered a lot of interesting things. Let’s say that Morrna really liked the performance of actor Tom Selleck, the star of the television series “Private Detective Magnum,” which was filmed in Hawaii.

Morrna treated this actor in a special way. I had met him in Hawaii the year before and considered him very lucky to have someone like Morrna in his life. When he refused hectic life celebrity and moved to a quiet place with his new wife and child, I was sure that it was the Ho'oponopono mentor who influenced him. Now he is acting in films again, in the television series “Blue Bloods”.

Quotes 21

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryaokde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solva. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not think about each other separately, but all together.

When a person makes a complaint to me, you or someone else, he rarely has something personally against me or you. His actions are determined by the program. The trouble is this: if you see something bad in another person, then it is present in you too. Dr. Hew Len often said, “Have you noticed that you always find yourself in the middle of problems?” You are there because you are part of them. Although it would be more correct to say: you are part of the program. Your program attracts another person with the same program. It is like a reflection in a mirror. You see yourself in it. Everything that happens in life is a reflection of you. Everything that happens in outside world– projection of internal programs.

I act according to the ideas that come to me. Ideas arise in my mind and I act on them. Cleansing is the most important thing - as I cleanse, new ideas come to me. Ceeport® means Clean, erase, erase, while returning back to Port. Cleansing is the only way to achieve quick results. My well-being is improving. One must constantly watch the “baseball” (The baseball is God.) and concentrate on returning to the zero state - no memories,

worries you financial situation? In other words, there is a reason that forces you to focus on something. And most often it is not very pleasant and bothers you. Ho'oponopono helps relieve anxiety. When something arises external problem, then to free yourself from it you should turn to this method and begin to cleanse yourself. After such a long philosophical explanation, I will say (and I can confirm this with examples from my own life) that Ho’oponopono really works wonders regarding money and attracting it.

called the subconscious. I'm going to take you on a journey into it. So now close your eyes and relax. The relationships I will talk about are the most important creation of God. They are more important than any others in your life. Therefore, remain in a relaxed state and do not open your eyes while I talk about the most significant relationship in the world from my point of view - between the conscious and subconscious - which can be compared to the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother (consciousness) can take care of her child, or she can ignore him. Let's abstract for a moment from the terminology, according to which consciousness is the mother element of creation, and the subconscious is the daughter (child). It should be noted that it is the child who is burdened with the burden of memories from the moment of the creation of the world. So when you're depressed, it means

Current page: 3 (book has 15 pages total) [available reading passage: 3 pages]

I knew several methods of healing and relieving stress, but even they did not help improve the situation. I didn't stop purging. I did this almost every day for three years. But nothing happened, or so it seemed to me.

Dr. Hew Len visited me in Austin just before another Life Without Limits seminar. I met him at the airport near baggage claim, which was curious given the baggage of memories I carried with me. He listened to my story very carefully.

"You still keep that one business card? he asked, referring to the business card of my sports car, which I call Francine. He once called this card a means of cleansing. I answered: “Yes.”

“Take and use it to cut up images of people who are suing you,” he explained. “Cut their photos into small pieces so they can dissolve.”

He taught me an improved Ho'oponopono purification method. I did everything exactly as he said. But no visible changes occurred. On the contrary, the owners sued me for three million dollars. I was stunned. They didn't suffer any losses. The mansion remained their property, but they sued me over what they called an obvious loss of profit.

I shared the situation with close friends. No one could explain why this was happening to me. I soon remembered how in my book The Secret of Attraction I wrote that when you learn a lesson, you don't need experience.

“What lesson have I learned? – I asked myself. - What is he wearing? is

After many months of self-reflection, I came to the conclusion that the program embedded in me attracted the situation in which I found myself to teach me to be more careful about documents. I trusted my realtor, and he did not remove the item that caused all the problems. I did not read the contract, despite the desire to do so, ignoring internal warning. The result was this whole nightmare. Once I learned the lesson of obeying my inner urges and reading documents carefully, I felt free again.

After this, a miracle happened.

The owners of the house offered to go to peace. They no longer demanded three million dollars and did not want to sue. It was a quick and successful outcome of the story. The nightmare has stopped.

And although legal proceedings usually drag on for years, ours ended just at the moment when I understood the meaning of what was happening. This was another miracle for me.

Note that I had to do some cleanup before I learned my lesson and erased the program. Once this happened, the problem resolved itself. But for this to work, you must take full responsibility for what happens.

A lawyer once told me: “There is something in a person’s brain that does not allow him to take responsibility. Even if there is evidence of guilt, a person will deny it, ignore it, or find excuses for his actions.”

This is why Ho'oponopono uses the phrases "I'm really sorry" And "Please forgive me". They help to awaken under any circumstances. However, most people find them extremely difficult to pronounce. Many even mentally.

It may not be your fault that you have to resolve some issues, but you must bear responsibility for it.

If you are faced with some serious problem, just think that it has nothing to do with you or anyone else. The problem is caused by the program, which is embedded in you as a bacteria or virus. It is of a psychological nature. This is what Ho'oponopono calls memories. We don't know how this program came about, and we don't need to know. Our task is to erase it.

How to do this? Cleansing with the methods of true Ho'oponopono. But before I explain to you how to remove old programs, let me tell you the story of Ho'oponopono as we know it now.

Where did this strange healing method come to us from?

Chapter 3
Was Morrna crazy?

Main idea modern Ho'oponopono comes down to removing data within oneself.

Dr. Joe Vitale

Simeon's Morrna was very strange. At first, Dr. Hew Len had the same impression of her. He dropped out of her seminars three times. But in the end he returned and listened to all the esoteric chatter about demons, elves and spirits, although he continued to think she was crazy for another two years. However, something kept Hugh Len close to Morrna, and he remained a devoted follower of her updated version of Ho'oponopono until Morrna's death in 1992.

In 1976, Morrna Simeon adapted the traditional group healing methods of Ho'oponopono for self-healing. Morrna was considered kahuna- keeper of secrets. However, she did not keep them a secret, but conducted classes for everyone for just a few dollars. Nurses often invited her to clean hospitals, but she did not use a rag or brush to do this. She cleared the hospital of ghosts who walked along the corridors, rode escalators at night or flushed toilets. Morrna cleaned hospitals to keep the nurses at ease. Apparently, she was doing a good job, because medical staff from other clinics also began to turn to her for help.

Although Morrna studied traditional Ho'oponopono group healing methods, her primary focus was on inner healing modalities that she had developed herself. While maintaining respect for Hawaiian traditions and beliefs, she believed that if people took care of their inner world, the situation in the world around us will change. She created modern methods self-help based on Hawaiian traditions.

She argued that by breaking the threads or bonds that bind us to people and things, we become free. She often compared telephone connections to connections with other people. When you spend time with someone, are in a place or use a thing, you become attached to them and this invisible thread remains with you even when you part with that person, leave that place and leave the thing. Imagine a web connecting you to everything you touch. A huge number of tangled threads. In her teachings, Morrna went even further, saying that antiques purchased, as well as things given and received as gifts, also have similar threads. In her opinion, one should be careful and always get rid of such attachments.

I have a baseball cap signed by Dr. Hew Len that he wore during his presentation. I keep it because I want to have a piece of his energy. I also have a collection of materials that belonged to the famous bodybuilder and movie star Steve Reeves. I also wanted to have his energy. But what can I say about antiques that have been in many places over the years if I have no idea about their owners? I must consciously cut off the threads connecting me with these objects, otherwise their energy can program my home.

Morrna felt that she needed to break these so-called bonds in order to gain freedom and become an instrument in the hands of God. While visiting hospitals, with her inner, “X-ray” vision, she saw the rushing souls of the dead who could not leave the walls of the institution. When she cut off their ties to this place, the souls finally received freedom and the opportunity to find peace. She did this with the help of cleansing prayer. She compared it to the Lord's Prayer, but preferred to use it to get rid of fetters. Something forced her to do just that. This prayer is a great gift to the whole world. Dr. Hew Len and I use it all the time. Here's what it sounds like:

Omniscient Spirit, please determine the source of my feelings and thoughts regarding (_____________ in the blank, indicate your belief, feeling or subject of reflection).

Bring every last aspect of my being back to this source.

Consider the problem and find the perfect solution with the help of Divine truth.

Go through all time until eternity.

Heal every case and all consequences from the source.

I ask You to do this according to God's will until I am filled with light and truth.

Until God sends me peace and love, forgiveness for my wrong perception,

Forgiveness for every person, place, circumstance and event that relates to this issue, feelings and thoughts.

Morrna said that if we want to be free from something, we must say this prayer four times. She believed that it was better to remember it (this would make it easier to recall it in her mind), but she could also read from a book.

One day, a doctor asked Morrna if his feeling of grief would remain with the soul of his patient who had died. She responded positively, explaining that each of us creates connections (ties) with other people, and emotions strengthen them. We must free ourselves from these shackles. And the Ho’oponopono method and the above prayer will help with this.

According to Morrna, we are all like computers. We have programs embedded in us that we did not ask to be installed. The story of our lives began long before we were born. Morrna believed in reincarnation, but said that each of us is unique. We bring much more to this life than can be seen with our eyes. Our minds are pre-loaded with data, b O most of which we don't need. They prevent God from inspiring us.

As Morrna taught Dr. Hew Len and he taught me, our only goal is self-purification. Even when we have a problem with a person, it is in ourselves, not in him. For many readers of Life Without Limits, this statement has proven difficult to understand. They tried to miss it or interpreted it incorrectly. The main idea of ​​modern Ho'oponopono is to remove data within oneself.

Morrna often reminded her that to do this she needed to use her prayer, and repeat it four times. She said that a person does not need to know that you are praying for him, but it is enough for you to know his (or her) name.

This is exactly how Dr. Hew Len performed the cleanse before each Life Without Limits workshop. He asked me to give him full list its participants. Only names. Looking at them, in his mind he tore apart all the threads connecting him and these people.

Usually, at the same time, he tapped the written name with the side of the pencil on which the eraser was located, and quietly repeated: “I’m erasing.” I doubt he read Morrna's prayer in full for each name; he often simply held the entire list of participants in front of his eyes while saying it.

Don't forget that main meaning these actions - to achieve inner harmony. Nothing matters except the effect that those around us have on us. If someone calls you out negative emotions, cleanse yourself and cleanse yourself again.

During Morrna's last public appearance, someone asked her if it was possible to instill a thought in a person. I thought this question was wonderful. From the moment of my satori (sudden insight during spiritual awakening), I realized that interaction with God is like a two-way street. You purify yourself so that you can be inspired by God and you can send him requests.

Morrna answered the question like this: “Yes, you can record a thought on someone else’s computer.” This surprised me. After all, Dr. Hew Len said: “Don’t mess with other people. You will be caught up in their karma, and you will have to pay for it.” However, Morrna, Dr. Hew Len's teacher, argued that it is possible to influence another person.

Who's right?

Both. You can send a mental message to a person emotional message and imagine how it reaches him. I hope you wish this man well and health, and I'm sure that's what Morrna would want.

However, this raises the question: how to determine what is right for another? I don't know your life. You don't know mine. Sometimes the solution seems obvious - when a person is suffering, help him. But we don't know the background. Maybe this is the path to self-purification, and thanks to this suffering a person will find inner harmony.

Morrna's main focus was on healing. I'm sure she wanted her thoughts to be positive. She acknowledged the existence of sorcerers who practiced black magic and stated that they were trying to harm her. She knew that there were forces of good and evil. In reality, the ancient Hawaiian kahunas were basically evil sorcerers who “prayed for people to die.” As Julius Rodman writes in The Kahuna Sorcerers of Hawaii, black magic used to dominate Hawaii, not white magic. The ball was ruled by hatred, not love. It looked more like voodoo than a light source. It was the black art of manipulating people. Scott Cunningham, in Cunningham's Guide to Hawaiian Magic & Spirituality, wrote that some kahunas sent spirits on harmful missions.

Many of these facts are quite understandable. Christians arrived in the Hawaiian Islands only in 1820 and from that moment began to change the worldview and civilize the Hawaiians, prohibiting traditional rituals, such as the famous hula dance. Until this time, fears, prejudices, paranoia, etc., prevailed on the islands. The islanders were afraid of volcanoes, darkness and much more. If a person behaved correctly, made sacrifices or hired shamans, then the gods of the winds, earth and seas did not harm him. Hawaiians respected anyone who could protect them with magical powers. Magic was often used to weaken or completely eliminate any perceived threat. This was a hun teaching that was used as a psychic weapon.

Morrna was considered one of the last authentic representatives old school kahuns, but she directed her gift to good deeds. In all her instructions, she placed the main emphasis on self-healing. Good condition of body and soul is enough to influence others, she argued. One day she came to the hospital and turned to its chief physician, saying that if he wanted his hospital to work more efficiently, he needed to heal himself. She said a prayer while sitting next to him. Starting from the next day, the situation in the clinic began to improve.

Rendering positive influence on other people without their knowledge cannot be called something out of the ordinary. Phineas Quimby is considered the founder of the New Thinking, a religious movement that arose in the United States in the mid-19th century and eventually evolved into the New Age of Healing. Phineas Quimby wrote:

There is an indisputable fact that philosophy has never been able to explain. A person is able to influence another person, even when he knows nothing about it. You can find many examples like how I cured a cold. There is no doubt that, despite a person’s complete ignorance of the impact being exerted on him, as well as ignorance of the cause of the problem, the likelihood of a positive effect from such an impact is very high.

This quote helps explain how Dr. Hew Len channeled his peaceful vibes toward mentally ill patients and eventually healed them. They were calmed by his inexpressible calm.

Morrna believed that the imaginary world was the same as the real one. She often repeated that we do not need water for purification, that it is enough to simply imagine. And with the help of this imaginary remedy, cleansing will be no less effective. Dr. Hew Len said that blue sunny water is obtained by pouring ordinary water into a bottle and putting it in the sun for an hour. However, Morrna taught that we only need mental image blue solar water. Everything happens in consciousness.

I once attended a cleansing session with an experienced Ho'oponopono practitioner who sent me a message via email, several words in which began with capital letters. He wrote: “The meditation began with a huge Rainbow Drop. It appeared from above and filled you and everything around. When the Drop dissolved, it shattered all the memories of physical problems. Then the Drop dissolved these fragments. This process took several minutes. Upon completion, everyone received a Rainbow Cookie. This Cookie is a special weight management product. Eat it often. Imagine eating cookies to lose weight. The meditation is over. Everything was done!”

For Morrna and other experienced Ho'oponopono practitioners, what is imagined is as real as what actually exists. All attention is concentrated exclusively at you. At the first Living Without Limits seminar in 2006, two of Dr. Hew Len's students sat at the back of the room. They looked like statues made of concrete, did not say anything, did not express any emotions, they just sat and watched, remaining completely silent. If not for their clothes, they could have been mistaken for ancient monks.

When I asked one of them what they were doing, he replied: “My work.” I decided that they were helping Dr. Hew Len clean the room so that everyone could quickly connect with God. These students' focus on themselves (their health and well-being) was to remove data from all of us.

Remember: your only goal is your own health and well-being. From this moment, which Dr. Hew Len calls the zero state, you can become inspired to help other people. However, you must wait for it and not act under the guidance of the ego. While you wait, continue to cleanse.

Morrna believed that all life was sacred. And there are no exceptions to this rule. She, being an animist, animated inanimate objects. All was and remains alive. She said that the most important thing is to respect all forms of life.

So it's no surprise that Dr. Hew Len talks to tables, chairs, rugs and rooms. He checks their welfare. He considers them alive. He is also an animist. He is looking for an opportunity to break any bonds in order to achieve purity.

Previously, when Dr. Hew Len started talking to rooms and chairs, I thought he was a little crazy. However, when I started collecting guitars, it felt like every guitar spoke to me. Musicians like to say that every guitar has songs inside, you just need to get them out. One day, by chance, I purchased a Huss & Dalton guitar and, when I picked it up, I suddenly began playing a strange tune and singing an unusual song. Later, under the name Ghost Train, I included this song on my album The Healing Song. However, I want to emphasize that it did not exist until the guitar itself suggested it to me. Now I'm not surprised when Dr. Hew Len talks to furniture, since I myself talk to guitars.

Morrna went even further in this sense. One day she said, “You can clear the room, but what about the ground the house sits on?” She explained that all earth is sacred and needs healing. When construction equipment arrives and construction begins, the land is polluted and must be cleaned. As I was writing this, I received a book manuscript from Mark Anthony, a Florida lawyer with the gift of seeing the invisible world. He calls himself a clairvoyant lawyer. His book provides a lot of evidence (obtained both from his own experience and from the research of other people) of the existence invisible world living beings.

Morrna was often invited to hospitals to help the souls within their walls complete their earthly affairs so they could move on and find peace. Dr. Hew Len often warned against paying attention to ghosts as it might attract them. He believed that our only responsibility is to take care of ourselves.

However, when Morrna or Dr. Hew Len encountered restless souls, they cleared the room of them. How? Repeating the Ho'oponopono prayer. For both, it was a means of purification, breaking unnecessary bonds or threads, thanks to which everyone who was bound by them was freed. One day, Morrna was asked to cleanse Pearl Harbor, since restless souls still lived in this place. She agreed.

Morrna believed we were never cleansed on our own. “Prayer is a request for comfort, for help,” she explained. Dr. Hew Len called this a petition. Your cleansing is a request. It depends only on God whether she will be satisfied. Sometimes a person must pay a karmic debt, and no amount of Ho'oponopono practice will help until God gives a sign that the debt has been paid.

In short, clear and let go. Cleanse yourself and trust. Practice Ho'oponopono and have faith. Trust the cleansing process. Everything else is the demands of the ego, which does not control events. God controls.

Too many healers claim that if we are not healed, it is our fault. Unfortunately, such healers do more harm than good. According to modern true Ho'oponopono, no one can't be blamed. Never. Your problems, small and large, are caused by data and you are working to remove it. But whether this will work out does not depend on you. Expecting certain results is in itself additional data. In other words, the expectation of an outcome is a belief, and the belief is data. That's why Dr. Hew Len during public speaking and in personal communications he constantly emphasized that all his actions were purification. The rest is up to God.

It is not surprising that some people thought Morrna was crazy. She did not guarantee healing. She could only guarantee that she would work on cleansing, but the outcome did not depend on her.

Think about it.

Information from the publisher

Published by permission of John Wiley & Sons International Rights, Inc. and the agency of Alexander Korzhenevsky

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© HypnoticMarketing, Inc. & Dr. IhaleakalaHewLen, 2007

© V. Nalivaychenko, translation into Russian, 2012

© Edition in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2018

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represents priceless gift, which allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, and also learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds. Essentially it is a process of liberation, complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeona, supreme teacher of Ho'oponopono, creator of the method of self-authenticity through Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono The Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono, which you will learn about in this book, will clear your subconscious mind of blocking attitudes. This method helps you get rid of hidden programs that do not allow you to realize your desires for health, happiness, wealth or anything else. Everything happens in your head.

Joe Vitale

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hew Len

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale


The Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor." This article was about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire department of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. At the same time, he used an unusual healing method, born in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took two years of searching before I managed to find this healer. As a result, I became acquainted with this method and wrote an article that became widely known.

This article went viral all over the Internet. It was published in newsgroups and sent by e-mail to a huge number of people engaged in completely different fields of activity. Visitors to my site also liked it www.mrfire.com and was distributed to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article was returned from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. I estimate that about five million people read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical about her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

The release of my audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, from Nightingale-Conant came after ten years of unsuccessfully knocking on their doors.

How did I, without any plan, go from homeless to broke, then broke author, published author, and finally one of the best-selling authors and internet marketing guru?

My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new marketing idea for the Internet, which one day brought me $22,500 and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in the rolling hills of rural Texas. As a result of this desire, I created a new business, which I sold for $50,000.

I lost over 40 kg after opening new way fulfillment of your desires.

My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any any requests, exhortations, persuasion or intrigue on my part.

My participation in Larry King show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions or efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood executives are discussing the possibility of making a film of my book The Secret of Attraction, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But Why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful?

Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I acted.

Yes, I was persistent.

But don't hundreds of other people do the same thing and still not succeed?

What's the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that not one of them was the result of my direct efforts. In reality, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain this differently. In late 2006, I taught a seminar called Beyond Manifestation, which focused largely on what I had learned about a mysterious Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the use of which allows you to achieve any results in life. These included goal setting, implementation, intentions, body control exercises, feeling the end result, script development, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and many other methods. After the group heard all the ways they had come up with, I asked if all the given methods worked all the time, without exception.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

“So why?” – I asked.

Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion amazed the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys that your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own.” In fact, you don’t decide anything, and real miracles begin when you throw away these toys and trust that place inside you where there are no restrictions.”

Then I told the audience that wherever you dream of being in life, that place is beyond all these toys, beyond the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our lives: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of the Lord. In this final stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Today I interviewed someone applying for the position of Goal Achievement Expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The challenger has written dozens of books that have sold millions of copies. He knows how to teach people to set goals for themselves. The main idea of ​​his philosophy revolves around the burning desire to act, to achieve something. However, this is an incomplete strategy.

I asked what his advice is when someone can't find the motivation to set a goal, let alone achieve one.

“If I knew the answer to this question,” he began, “I could solve most of the world’s problems.”

Then he started telling me that you just have to be passionate about achieving your goal. If you don't give it your all, you won't be able to maintain the discipline you need to focus and work.

“But what if you don’t have such a strong desire?” – I asked.

“Then you will never achieve your goal.”

“How did you make yourself want so much and be so motivated?”

He couldn't answer.

That's the problem. At a certain point, all self-improvement and goal-setting programs fail. If someone is not ready to achieve something, then these programs are not able to maintain the energy in a person to achieve the goal. This ends the program. Each of us is familiar with the situation when we make cardinal decisions on January 1st and forget about them on January 2nd. Among these intentions there are very good ones. But something deep inside us does not agree with these conscious desires.

What to do in this deeper state of lack of strong desire?

This is where the Hawaiian method, which you will learn about in this book, comes in handy. It helps clear the subconscious, where our blocks are anchored. This method helps remove hidden programs that are preventing you from realizing your desires for health, wealth, happiness, or anything else. Everything happens in your head.

I will explain all this on the pages of the book that you are now holding in your hands. For example, consider the following phrase.

Thor Norretranders, in The User Illusion, sums up the mental roller coaster ride you are about to ride: “The universe begins when nothing sees its reflection in the mirror.”

In short, this book is about returning to the zero state, where there is nothing, but everything is possible. In the zero state there are no thoughts, words, actions, memories, programs, beliefs or anything else. Just nothing.

But one day nothingness sees itself in the mirror and you are born. From that moment on, you are created and begin to unconsciously accumulate and perceive beliefs, programs, memories, thoughts, words, actions, etc. Many of these programs go back to the origins of existence.

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the wonder of existence in every moment. From this moment on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. These will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.

My own experience of traveling on this spiritual ship beyond human understanding into the realm of the incredible is very difficult to describe. I have reached heights that I could never have dreamed of. I have learned new skills and my level of love for myself and the world around me cannot be expressed in words. I live in a state close to awe.

I'll try to express it differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious leaders, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages look at the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no restrictions.

Please note that this is the first ever book to describe an updated Hawaiian healing method called Self-Authenticity through Ho'oponopono. But also keep in mind that this is the experience of one person who used this method– my own experience. Although this book was written with the blessing of the healer who taught me this amazing method, everything written was refracted through the prism of my own perception, my view of the world. To fully understand the Ho'oponopono method of self-authenticity, you must do the exercises yourself and gain your own experience (classes and exercises are described on the websites www.hooponopono.org And www.zerolimits.info).

The whole point of this book can be expressed in one phrase - a phrase that you will learn to use, a phrase that reveals the basic secret of the Universe; a phrase that I want to say to you and God right now.

"I love you".

Buy tickets and take your seats. The train to the depths of your soul is ready to depart.

So, let's go!

I love you

Aloha know wow ia oi

Dr. Joe Vitale

The adventure begins

Peace be with you. My whole world.

O ka Maluhia no mi oi, Ku'u Maluhia e pau loa

In August 2004, I was manning a booth at the annual meeting of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I enjoyed the interaction with the people, the meeting, the spirit of the meeting and the exchange of information. But I was not prepared for the event that changed my life, the beginning of which can be considered this very day.

My friend Mark Ryan worked with me. Mark, like me, is a hypnotherapist. He is an open, interesting person with active gestures. His appearance always brings excitement and an element of magic. Our conversations often last for hours. We discuss the most prominent doctors, from Milton Erickson to obscure shamans. During one of these conversations, Mark surprised me with the following question: “Have you heard of a doctor who treats people at a distance without even seeing them?”

The question puzzled me. I had heard of distance healers before, but Mark seemed to have something completely different in mind.

“He is a psychotherapist who has healed a lot of people. There were enough patients for an entire hospital for the mentally ill. However, he did not see any of his patients.”

“How did he do it?”

“He uses a Hawaiian healing method called ho’oponopono.” “Ho opo... What?“- I asked again. I asked Mark to repeat the term ten times. I've never heard it before. Mark didn't know enough about this method or process to tell me more. I have to admit, I was intrigued, but also quite skeptical. I thought it was some kind of fiction. Heal people without seeing them? So I believed it!

Mark told me the following story.

“I’ve been going to Mount Shasta in California for 16 years for self-discovery,” Mark explained. “There, one of my friends gave me a small booklet, the contents of which I will never forget. The text was printed in blue letters on white paper. The booklet told about a Hawaiian doctor and his method of treatment. I have read the booklet many times. I can’t describe what exactly this doctor does, but it is said that he healed people using this method.”

“Where is this booklet now?” – I asked. I wanted to read it.

“I can’t find him,” Mark replied. “But something tells me that I need to tell you about it.” I know you won't believe me, but I'm just as intrigued as you are. And I would like to know more too.”

Until the next meeting remained whole year. During this time, I searched all sources of information, but did not find any information about a doctor who heals people without seeing them. Of course, I found stories about healing at a distance when the doctor is not with the patient, but I understood that the Hawaiian doctor was doing something completely different. As I understand it, distance did not play any role in his method. Also, I didn't know exactly how to pronounce "ho'oponopono" to use the term in conversation. So I stopped trying.

At the next meeting of hypnotherapists in 2005, Mark mentioned this healer again.

“Did you find anything about him?” – he asked.

“I don’t know his name and I don’t know how to pronounce the name of the method he uses,” I explained. “That’s why I didn’t find anything.”

Mark is a very enterprising person. We took a break from work, grabbed my laptop, found a wireless Internet connection, and started searching. We quickly found the main and only official website dedicated to the Ho’oponopono method - www.hooponopono.org. After browsing the site, I found several review articles that covered what I wanted to learn.

There I found a definition of the ho'oponopono method: "Ho'oponopono is the process of releasing negative energy within you and opening yourself to the influence of thoughts, words and deeds Deities».

I had no idea what that meant, so I decided to look some more. And I found this: “Simply put, ho’oponopono means “to do right” or “to correct a mistake.” According to ancient Hawaiian beliefs, mistakes are caused by thoughts that bring up painful memories. Ho'oponopono offers a method of releasing the energy of these painful thoughts or mistakes that lead to imbalances in the body and disease."

Yes, it's interesting. But what does this mean?

After researching the site for information about a mysterious therapist who heals people without seeing them, I discovered that there is an advanced form of Ho'oponopono called self-authenticity through Ho'oponopono(SPH).

I was even more intrigued. Mark too. We were explorers. Our laptop became the horse on which we raced across the prairie of an unknown country. We were looking for answers to questions. Eagerly we moved on.

We soon discovered another article that clarified the meaning of some concepts.

100% responsible for solving my clients' problems using the method of self-authenticity through Ho'oponopono

In traditional methods of solving problems and healing patients, the doctor is guided by the belief that the source of the problem is in the patient himself, and not in him, the doctor. The doctor believes that his responsibility includes helping the patient solve his problems. Can these beliefs lead to general depletion of the patient’s body due to the actions of the healer?

To learn how to effectively solve problems for their clients, the clinician must be willing to take 100% responsibility for creating problematic situation, that is, to believe that the source of the problem is his wrong thoughts, and not the patient’s mistakes. Doctors don't seem to notice that a problem exists at any given time, but problems exist all the time!

Taking full responsibility for the problem allows the physician to become fully responsible for solving the problem. Using the updated Ho'oponopono method, a process of repentance, forgiveness and change developed by Lapa'au Kahuna Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, the therapist is able to change the wrong thoughts within himself and within the client and transform them into perfect thoughts of LOVE.

Tears glisten in her eyes. There were deep wrinkles at the corners of her mouth. “I'm worried about my son,” Cynthia sighs deeply. “He’s taking drugs again.” While she tells her tale of woe, I begin to clear the wrong thoughts within myself, which have become her problem.

Erroneous thoughts were replaced by thoughts of love within the doctor, his family, relatives and his ancestors. These thoughts also changed in the patient, her family, relatives and ancestors. The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the practitioner to work directly with the Primary Source, which has the ability to transform wrong thoughts into LOVE. And now:

The tears in her eyes dried up. The wrinkles around the mouth smoothed out. She smiles, relief shining on her face. "I don't know why, but I feel better." I really don't know why. Really. Life is a mystery, except LOVE, which knows everything. I'm just letting it go negative thoughts and I give thanks to LOVE, from which all blessings come.

When solving problems using the updated Ho'oponopono process, the doctor first connects his personality, his Mind to the Primary Source, which many call LOVE, or GOD. After establishing this connection, the doctor calls upon LOVE to correct the erroneous, harmful thoughts in him, which embodied as a problem for him in the first place and for the patient in the second place. This call represents a process of repentance and forgiveness for the doctor himself: “I repent of those wrong thoughts of mine that caused problems for me and my patient: please forgive me.”

In response to the doctor's repentant prayer asking for forgiveness, LOVE begins the magical process of transforming sinful thoughts. During this process of spiritual interaction, LOVE first neutralizes the negative emotions that led to the problem: resentment, resentment, fear, anger, judgment or confusion. LOVE then sends out the neutralized energy of the thoughts, leaving them in a state of emptiness, vacuum, true freedom.

After thoughts are freed from negative load and become free, LOVE fills them. What is the result? The doctor or healer is renewed, restored in LOVE. The same thing happens with the patient and with everyone to whom this problem relates. Where the patient had despair, LOVE now settles. Where there was darkness in the soul, the healing light of LOVE now lives.

The method of self-authenticity through Ho'oponopono opens people's eyes to who they are and how they can solve ongoing problems, and teaches the process of renewal and restoration in LOVE. The training begins with a two-hour lecture. Listeners are given a brief overview of how their thoughts translate into mental, emotional, physical, financial, and relationship problems. These problems can arise both in your life and in the lives of your family members, relatives, parents, friends, neighbors and colleagues. During the weekend training, students learn what a problem is, where it lives, and how to solve problems various types using 25 problem solving processes. Listeners will learn how to take care of themselves. The inner meaning of this training is to become completely responsible for yourself, for what happens in your life, and for simply solving problems.

The magic of the renewed Ho'oponopono process is that you see yourself in a new light at each next moment and begin to appreciate each time you apply the renewed miracle of LOVE.

I am guided in my life and in my relationships with people by the following principles.

1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.

2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create a harmful physical reality.

3. If my thoughts are perfect, then they create a physical reality that exudes LOVE.

4. I take full (100%) responsibility for the creation of my physical universe.

5. I take full (100%) responsibility for transforming harmful thoughts that create harmful reality.

6. Nothing exists separately from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Ihalakala Hew Len, Charles Brown

Mark and I read the article and began to wonder who the doctor we were interested in was Charles Brown or Ihaliakala Hew Len? We didn't know. We couldn't say for sure. And who is Morrna mentioned in the article? And what is Ho-opo self-authenticity...

We continued our research. We were able to discover several more articles that lifted the veil of secrecy over the issues that interest us. Among the findings were explanatory statements, for example: “In the process of regaining self-authenticity through Ho'oponopono, each problem is viewed not as a test, but as an opportunity. Problems only reproduce the memories of our past, giving us more opportunities to look at ourselves through the eyes of LOVE and act on inspiration.”

I was very interested, but the meaning still eluded me. Are the problems “reproducing memories of our past”? Really? What are the authors trying to say? How will this method of Ho'opono...what's it called...help doctors heal people? And who is this doctor, after all?

I found another article, this time by journalist Darrell Sifford, who met the creator of this Ho'opono method... This creator turned out to be a woman named Morrna. She is the keeper of secrets, or kahuna (shaman of the Hawaiian Islands). When healing people, Morrna suggests “praying to the Divine Creator of the patient’s choice “with the help of that divinity that is present in every person ... the real successor of the Divine Creator.”

Maybe you get the point. I didn't succeed the first time. As does Mark. Apparently, this Morrna says some words like a prayer that help people heal. I mentally tied a knot as a memory to recognize this prayer, but at that moment I was more interested in another task - to find this healer and study her method of treatment. My desire to learn more and meet this shamanic healer grew stronger. Although Mark and I should have returned to our work duties at the meeting long ago, we did not and continued our search.

Based on the information provided in the articles and on the website, we assumed that the name of the doctor we were interested in was Ihaliakala Hew Len. Difficult name. I couldn't figure out how to pronounce it correctly. And I didn’t know how to find a doctor. There was no contact information. We tried a Google search, but to no avail. We decided that this wonderful healer was just a fiction or was no longer practicing, or maybe even dead. I slammed my laptop shut and returned to the meeting.

But the adventure has already begun.