On the eve of the new year, you always want to change and change something. That's why we prepared an unusual portfolio for a student in flowers Russian Federation and called him quite boldly: Patriot! This portfolio template is perfect for students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and higher grades. The composition includes thirty sheets, which is quite enough at this stage of study.

When children go to school, the most vivid memories Naturally, this time is associated with the summer holidays. After all, in the summer you can take a break from school, from lessons and have fun with friends. All students are waiting for summer and want it to come as soon as possible. But after summer holidays I'll have to go back to school and sit at my desk again. But when students graduate from school, they begin to miss it. To make being bored more pleasant. We offer a new portfolio for a girl to go to school for all 9 or 11 years of study, called – memories of summer.

Fairy tales – we start reading and watching them from childhood. Afterwards they haunt us all our lives, and we want to turn our life into a fairy tale. Disney's new film Maleficent has become a real fairy tale that is loved by many. And it was based on this fairy tale that we made a new student portfolio for boys and girls.

It’s good when a child has his own heroes, even from a cartoon. He looks up to them, imitates them and wants to be like them. If your child loves the cartoon about the Winx fairies, then this portfolio is for him. New, bright and unique - Winx portfolio for girls primary school. The portfolio included 25 pages. Each of them has its own style and design. All pages are different in coloring and decorated with new Winx characters. When you fill out all the templates, you will get a small book that will contain everything about your child’s life.

When you send your child to a sports section, you dream that he will grow into a real professional and become a star in the sport he plays. But to make your dreams come true, you need to make every effort. First, you need to train your child. Secondly, praise him for his successes and motivate him in every possible way to play sports. And thirdly, you need to help him see the progress he is making. A new beautiful student portfolio called hockey and basketball will help you with this. Such a portfolio will always be with your child, and he will be able to look through it, look at photographs of great athletes and see his achievements. With such a portfolio, your child has something to strive for and achieve.
Format: JPEG; PNG
Number of sheets: 24
Size: A4

Both boys and girls love cars. Because they are beautiful, you can drive them fast, and they influence our life more and more. daily life. The most beautiful and reliable cars are made in Japan. That is why our new student portfolio is made using Japanese machines. A beautiful portfolio for a boy and a girl consists of 18 pages. You can watch a sample of each sheet in our video, which we specially prepared for the presentation of the new portfolio.
Format: A4
Sheets: 18
Quality: 300 dpi

If for boys the portfolio usually contains cars or comic book characters, then for girls it is very simple to design. These can be dolls with princesses, or just flowers, or even plain options. But we did not do either one or the other. Not others. And we made a completely new portfolio for an elementary school student in pink color with roses. Look at a sample portfolio and show it to your girl. Perhaps she will like it, and she will want to get herself just such an option.
There are a total of 28 different pages in the portfolio. And among them there are both title pages and for filling. Watch the video below to better understand whether it is right for you or not.

Good afternoon, dear visitor to our site. If your child is an elementary school student, this article may be of interest to you. Our children attend one of the gymnasiums in Minsk. And already in the first grade we were faced with the fact that it turns out that the student needs to have a portfolio. The fact that, of course, it will be the parents and not the student who will do it, is not interesting to the school. One way or another, there were two options: the first and easiest option was to download the student’s finished portfolio on one of the many sites offering such services. However, in this case, the portfolio of your desk neighbor may turn out to be a twin of the portfolio of your beloved child, which our parents could not allow. The second option is to show your imagination and let your child help you a little, and at the same time gain new skills. There is, of course, a third option - turn to professionals, but we decided that collaboration creating a portfolio for an elementary school student will give an additional impetus to the development of relationships with children and allow them to feel independent.

What is needed to make a student’s portfolio yourself

Color printer

Skills in Photoshop, Painte

A little imagination and patience

Communication with your child

Tips for creating a portfolio for an elementary school student

Do not include baby photographs of the child in your student’s portfolio, where he is in a stroller, with a pacifier, and the like. It is clear that they are dear to you, but remember that this is a portfolio, although little schoolboy, but already an adult. Leave your very childhood photographs for your home archive.

Allow your child to do some simple operations, put stars, leaves, circles, change the background on the pages of the portfolio, everything that you can show him, and he is able to do.

When writing text for photographs, ask your child what to write. A first grader can formulate what he would like to see in his portfolio. In this case, the portfolio will still look not like the work of an adult, but the work of a child.

Be sure to add the My Goals, My Dreams section to your portfolio, or combine My Goals and Dreams for example. Ask your first-grader what he dreams of, what he wants to become, find photographs on these topics, insert them into his portfolio, and sign the text. You will have another reason to draw your child’s attention to the fact that dreams are realized through goals. Setting a goal and realizing it is a way to get closer to your dream. Tell your little student that his initial goal is, for example, to finish primary school well and pass the exams for admission to the gymnasium, because you can become, for example, a “space doctor” only after receiving a higher education medical education, and in order to obtain a higher medical education you need... and so on. Lack of understanding among schoolchildren primary classes and not only primary ones, why they go to school is one of the most important problems in raising a child.

Portfolio content

Here is the content that makes up the portfolio of our first-graders

1. Let's get acquainted

2.My family

3.Preparing for school - my kindergarten

4.My first class

5.My colleagues and college girls

6.My goals and dreams

7.My hobbies

8. Activities of our class

9.My results

10. Information about the clubs I attend

Briefly about each section of the portfolio

Let's get acquainted: in this section of the portfolio you must place a photograph of the child close up, preferably in a business suit, write his first and last name, birthday, place of residence, history of his name (optional).

Preparing for school- my kindergarten: in this section of the student’s portfolio it is worth remembering the teachers kindergarten where your child went preschool education. They certainly made a significant contribution to your children. The feeling of gratitude needs to be instilled from childhood.

My first class: all parents have photographs of first-graders on their first line, first bell. In this section of the portfolio you can place a photo of this event and definitely photos of the first teacher. Naturally, all photographs must be signed. Post some text, consult with your child. You will make a portfolio at a time when your child will know his classmates by name, and will be able to help you sign the photographs and choose the most important ones for him from all of them. It may be necessary to ask the parents of your child's classmates for permission to post photographs on the portfolio pages. We are all different, and many take personal space very seriously.

My colleagues and colleagues: This section may be called my friends or my comrades. It is clear from the title that the section should tell about your child’s classmates or his friends outside of school.

My goals and dreams: probably from the time your child began to realize himself as an individual, he has told you more than once what he wants to become. Every year, and sometimes every month, his dreams changed. But closer to school, your child no longer changes his preferences so quickly. Talk, find out what the child dreams of becoming, and at the same time remind him that his immediate goal is to finish elementary school well, which, of course, will bring your child closer to realizing his dreams. In general, this is a very interesting section. Constant attention on your part to goals and dreams will teach your child to think that we cannot let everything take its course, we make our own lives, and goals help us move in the right direction.

My hobbies: This is one of the most interesting sections of a portfolio to fill out. Here you can post and talk about circles, sports sections, your child’s hobbies, how he likes to relax. Ask him, you can learn a lot of new things. Constantly being busy and having problems prevent us from communicating with our child to the extent we would like. Therefore, do not miss the moment - your portfolio can become your common cause.

Our class activities: This section should be lined, like the next two. Here you can write down what activities in your class your child participated in, and what results he achieved together with the class: collecting waste paper, various sporting events, theatrical performances - the school is replete with such events.

My results: in this section, your teacher can mark your child’s results; various kinds of test tasks and your student’s drawings are also included in it.

Below is what we got. There were photographs in the frames, but they were cut out in order to preserve the personal space of the people around them.

We make presentations and portfolios to order. Your child will receive a personalized portfolio or presentation, rather than a template that half the class will have. The cost of the service is negotiable (from 50 Belarusian rubles) Call +375296610054, write by email This address email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Example of a portfolio for a boy:

Example of a portfolio for a girl:

When you and your child begin such a responsible and exciting activity how to make a portfolio, then first of all you are looking for where to download a free SAMPLE for an elementary school student’s portfolio. This is not surprising, because at one time you have not encountered such a requirement educational process. This article is designed to dispel your confusion and help you confidently begin making your first grader's presentation.

And in this article we will talk about what options exist for maintaining a portfolio for an elementary school student and how to competently create a portfolio that reflects the individuality of your child. After all, for a first-grader it is the first " business card”, introducing a beginning school student to his environment.
First of all, it should be said that today there are no clear requirements prescribed by the state for portfolio templates for elementary school students. It should be remembered that, unlike the portfolio of adults, when drawing up a children's presentation, the main emphasis is not on the formal achievements of the owner, but on his hobbies, creativity and personal qualities. And, of course, the children's portfolio should have a fun, colorful design!
Buy your child one of the author’s templates (available in Russian and Ukrainian).

Portfolio structure for a primary school student

When a child enters first grade, a portfolio is prepared for him, which is then supplemented throughout his studies in primary school. Therefore, logically it is divided into two parts. The first part, let's call it static, contains general information, which remains unchanged:

  • last name and first name of the student;
  • school number or name;
  • brief information about family, school and place of residence
  • what does the child’s first and last name mean?
  • his birthday;
  • what hobbies he has;
  • what sections and clubs he attends.

Besides this it is good to do short story about the first-grader’s friends and attach their photographs. If a child has a dream or aspiration to acquire a certain profession in the future, you can write about this as well.
The second part, let's call it conventionally dynamic, concerns mainly the student’s studies, creativity and social activities, and is filled out gradually during his studies at primary school. In this part you will place

  • the child's first copybook;
  • a well-executed applique or drawing;
  • successfully written test paper.

It is also advisable to place photographs and descriptions of extracurricular activities, certificates and diplomas received for participation in various competitions - both at school and outside it.
How to complete these two logical parts is up to you and your student to decide. You can make the first part complete, and supplement the second over time. Or you can add information gradually to all sections of the portfolio. In that case you do front page for each section, follow it with one or more completed sheets of initial information, and then leave a few blank files for future additions.

At the end you can highlight the section “Feedback and suggestions”, in which to place relevant notes from the child’s teachers and classmates.

Below I will give you list of possible names of sections and subsections elementary school student portfolio. Look through them with your child and invite him to choose which ones he would like to see in his presentation. This will help you better understand your child, see what areas of his life he is most interested in talking about, how he sees himself, and how he would like to see himself. Our son, for example, while filling out his portfolio, learned for the first time the origin of his first and last name, which, of course, was interesting discovery, after which he wanted to know about the meaning of the names of his relatives and friends.

Possible sections and subsections of a first-grader’s portfolio

  1. Front page
  2. Chapter "About me"

— My photo

- My name (meaning, you can tell who called him by this name and why; you can also tell who calls the child and what and how he wants to be called by his classmates and teacher)

- My last name

— My birthday

— My address

— My family (photo, family composition, family tree, traditions)

My character qualities (you can circle a first-grader’s hand and write on each finger the quality that he likes about himself)

— My dream

-Who will I be when I grow up?

My daily routine

  1. Chapter "My World"

— My city (population, basic facts, attractions)

— My school (photo, coat of arms, brief information, route to school)

— My class (general photo, list of children)

— My teachers

— My friends (names, photos, what the child likes to play with them)

— My favorite books

— My favorite cartoons (you can indicate which are your favorite characters and why)

My pets

— My hobbies

— My impressions (events and places that the child visited and liked)

- My social activities (extracurricular activities social orientation)

  1. Chapter "My studies"

Here you can put everything that will be a good memory of the first steps in school science - completed copybooks and notebooks, successfully written testing work, drawings, etc. From the second grade, you can print out a template for each subject, like a report card, into which you can absorb the student’s current grades.

  1. Chapter "My creativity"

Samples or photographs may be located here creative works child with descriptions.

  1. Chapter "My achievements"

In this section, you and your child will place certificates, awards, diplomas and other “trophies” that they won at various competitions and competitions. Also, do not forget to place newspaper clippings or a print of an Internet page here if the event in which the student took part was covered in the media.

We offer you a new portfolio template for a girl, which was developed with the participation of a 1st grade student. All the child’s wishes were taken into account and this is what happened!
Template quality:

  • A4 format (Width: 21 x Height: 29.7)
  • resolution: 2480x3508 pixels
  • 300 dpi

The portfolio consists of 38 pages, which include subject dividers and student reminders.

The template includes two title pages, which are designed for manually filling out a portfolio with a pen and for editing in a graphic editor.
You can evaluate the quality of a portfolio template for a 1st grade girl.

Portfolio structure for a girl:

Primary school student portfolio template pages.

  1. Title page (for editing in a graphic editor)
  2. Title page (for manual filling
  3. My world
  4. My name
  5. It's me
  6. My friends
  7. My family (family tree, png)
  8. My hobbies
  9. What can I do and what do I need to learn?
  10. Daily routine
  11. Route from school to home
  12. What will I be when I grow up?
  13. My city
  14. My school
  15. My achievements
  16. My projects and research activities
  17. My ratings
  18. Reviews and wishes
  19. My creativity
  20. My studies
  21. My extra classes and clubs
  22. Tips box

Item separators:

  1. Russian language
  2. mathematics
  3. Literary reading
  4. Physical training
  5. Foreign language
  6. fine arts
  7. The world around us

Student notes:

  1. How to learn a poem
  2. How to cook homework in Russian
  3. How to write an essay
  4. Law of class life
  5. Rules of behavior at school
  6. Behavior in class
  7. Problem solution

Sample of a ready-made portfolio for a girl

An example of a portfolio I completed for a primary school girl based on the “School” template. Hover over the image to take a closer look at the template.

And this is what a portfolio for a 1st grade girl looks like, already printed. The frame moves a little when printing, so it makes sense to make small margins.

Since 2011, in almost all educational institutions registration of the student's portfolio is mandatory. It must be compiled already in elementary school. It is clear that this will be a difficult task for a first-grader, so the preparation of this document mainly falls on the shoulders of the parents. And it is quite natural that many of them will have a question about how to prepare a student’s portfolio.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

A portfolio is a collection of documents, photographs, work samples that illustrate a person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in any activity. Children's portfolio for a schoolchild provides information about the child himself, his environment, performance at school, participation in various school and extracurricular activities. It demonstrates his success in creativity, sports, and hobbies. The school explains the purpose of creating a portfolio for a primary school student by saying that in the process of work the child comprehends his first achievements and capabilities, and he has an incentive to further develop his abilities. This work will help him when moving to another school. In addition, the portfolio of a gifted child gives more chances in the future when entering a higher educational institution.

There are 3 types of student portfolio:

  • portfolio of documents, containing material about the child’s achievements in the form of certified documents (certificates, certificates, prizes, awards);
  • portfolio of works, which is a collection of creative, educational or design work schoolchild;
  • portfolio of reviews, consisting of characteristics of the student’s attitude towards activities.

The most informative and widespread is a comprehensive portfolio that includes all of the listed types.

How to create a student's portfolio?

Making a portfolio for a schoolchild with your own hands is not so difficult; you will need imagination and a desire to create, as well as the cooperation of the child with his parents.

The structure of any portfolio includes a title page, sections and appendices. You can buy ready-made forms at a bookstore and fill them out by hand. Alternatively, develop the design yourself in Photoshop, CorelDraw, or Word.

Over time, the child’s portfolio needs to be replenished with new demonstrations of success and achievements.