Some forms of energy are known to us, some we can describe, but their origin and driving force still remains a mystery to scientists. One of these energies is the energy contained in figures, one of which is the pyramid.

The energy of the pyramid both inside it and around it (this distance depends on the dimensions of the pyramid itself) affects the material level, etheric-astral and mental, that is, it affects matter, affects pain, serves as medicine, causes telepathy and other phenomena in spiritual sphere.

A pyramid with a certain ratio of height and sides of the base (golden ratio) is a prism of maximum reflection of radiation unknown to science (in my opinion, microwave range) emanating from the center of the Earth; in fact, it is its amplifier, concentrating it in a local region of space. The ratio of the height and length of the sides of the base determines the angle of inclination of the faces to the Earth and to the flow of this radiation. The coefficient and angles of reflection and refraction of radiation and the ability of the pyramid to concentrate radiation in a certain area of ​​​​space (inside and above the pyramid) depend on the substance of the pyramid and the inclination of the faces.
Before you start doing experiments, you need to make the pyramid itself. It can be made from any dielectric material (the best is glass, mica, wood, etc.). The lengths of the sides are calculated as follows:
a) the lengths of the four sides of the base are calculated by multiplying its height by the number 1.57075;
b) the lengths of the isosceles sides of a triangle are calculated by multiplying the same height by 1.4945.
Now we need to make a stand for experiments, which is placed inside the pyramid. Its material is dielectric, and its height is a third of the height of the pyramid.
All experiments must be carried out away from metal objects, preferably outdoors.
For the pyramid to “work” it must be oriented strictly east-west.

Experiments with matter

Sharpening a razor blade

Place an old razor blade on and cover it with the pyramid, having previously oriented it. After a week of “ripening” the blade, you will be able to shave with it more than a hundred times (it all depends on its quality).

Experiment with meat

Place a piece of fresh meat on the appropriate stand you have made and cover it with a pyramid, having previously oriented it. After a while, you will see that the piece will dry out and darken a little, there is no stench.

Experiments with natural fruit juices

Put the natural juice of any fruit on, after a few hours its taste will improve.

Water experiment

Running water placed in a pyramid after a while tastes like spring water.

Battery experiment

Place a 1.5 volt battery in the pyramid for a while, first orienting the battery so that its negative pole points north. You will see that its charge will increase by an average of 0.015 volts.

Experiment with grass

Place green grass in the pyramid for a while and you will find that it retains its green color there.

Experiment with grain

Grains of legumes, wheat, corn, etc., after being in the pyramid, undergo significant changes, that is: the taste changes; color; germination improves.

Experiments in the ethereal domain

The ethereal region is the ethereal shell of any living and inanimate object, in which all its internal changes are manifested. In particular, for humans it is headache, insomnia, dizziness, diseases of internal organs, etc. So this shell is a kind of electromagnetic substance, the nature of which scientists are trying to unravel.
The energy of the pyramids can relieve pain and speed up the healing of wounds and bone fractures. This happens, apparently, due to the fact that the energy of the pyramids is a kind of catalyst for the “ennoblement” of matter. The nature of this energy has not been studied by anyone.

Using Charged Foil

Place a piece of ordinary foil in the pyramid for 24 hours. you will see that by applying it to a sore spot, the pain will go away and the wounds will begin to heal faster.

Much more can be written on this topic. I think that those who are interested in this problem will be able to do these and other experiments with the pyramid themselves.

The 22m and 44m high pyramids are built from prefabricated fiberglass. Their design is thin-walled, there is no internal frame. Truncation is arbitrary for specific purposes. The ratio of the height of the untruncated Pyramid to the side of the base is ~2.02: 1. Metal elements in the structure and foundation are unacceptable (without a single nail). The foundation is strip. The base is soil, the floor is optional. Orientation - edge on North Star. Location - preferably outside technogenic zones, among pure nature. The thickness of the wall at the bottom of the 22-meter Pyramid is 36 cm, and that of the 44-meter Pyramid is 70 cm. The weight of the fiberglass structures is 25 tons and 55 tons, respectively.

In recent years, dozens of experiments have been carried out with institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and other scientific organizations. I will list some of them:

  1. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS, Deputy. Director for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences E.I. Mayevsky, head

    group of experimental transplantology and neurochemistry Ph.D. A.V.Kulikov, head Laboratory of Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Death, Doctor of Biological Sciences. Yu.N. Korystov. a) Studies were conducted on the effect of solutions from the Pyramid on animals under conditions of creating a stressful environment. In the experimental batch of animals (mice), a 10% solution of table salt was used, exposed in a 22-meter Pyramid for 24 hours - experiment, group “A”. The control used a 10% solution of table salt prepared in the laboratory, group "B".. Animals

    different time

    b) Research was carried out on the influence of information matrices (4 blocks of crystalline gypsum with a total weight of 1 gram), made in the Pyramid, on animals (mice) using a social stress model. In the experimental batch of animals, information matrices located next to the cage were used.

  2. Method of selection of animals, incl.

    by age and weight, in the experimental and control groups was the same. Over the course of 5 days, the number of “fights” in the cage was counted using a microphone system. The number of “fights” in the experimental group was on average 3.5 times lower than in the control group. Indicators of thymus cellularity were similar to those given in paragraph b). To the conclusions of the previous paragraph we can add an obvious decrease in the level of aggressiveness of the experimental group of animals. NPO "Gidrometpribor", general director A.E. Golod. a) Several plastic vessels with distilled water were placed inside the Pyramid and the state of the water was observed for 3 winter months

    . The water did not freeze and retained all the properties of liquids throughout this time. The minimum air temperature inside the Pyramid was -38 o C. Measurements of the temperature of the water inside the vessel showed that it corresponded to the temperature inside the Pyramid (i.e., the water did not freeze even when its temperature was -38 o C). The normal one behaved similarly.

    mineral water

    c) Using radar equipment operating in the centimeter range and located at distances of 60 km, 32 km and 30 km from the Pyramid, space was located in the vicinity of the vertical axis of the Pyramid. During the research, the presence of a presumably ionic formation up to 2000 m high and 500 m wide along the vertical axis of the Pyramid was discovered. This presumably ionic column constantly changed its height from 800 m to 2000 m. The reflectivity of this formation is comparable to the reflectivity of an airplane.

    In addition, a circle with a diameter of more than 300 km with an increased degree of air ionization and centered in the Pyramid zone was discovered with a sufficient degree of reliability.

    It is possible to hypothesize the existence of vortex radiation in the Pyramid zone with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

    The detected ionization is a consequence of this radiation. The discovered ion column above the Pyramid outlines the neck of the funnel of this hypothetical vortex.

    Facts of the separation of fragments of the ionized column above the Pyramid and its movement with the rising air flow were also noted.

    The joint experiment with RSC Energia, code “Ozherelye”, which began on October 25, 1998, greatly contributes to this and other similar results. On this day, a cargo of quartz crystals and amethysts, processed in the Pyramid, was sent aboard the Mir orbital station. Several thousand rings laid around the planet since then have formed an energy cocoon that has changed the structure of the entire near-Earth space. All previous experiments and studies indicate that these changes are harmonious.

    d) A small Pyramid was installed on the territory of one of the oil fields. A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well production rate increased accordingly. The composition of the oil began to gradually change - the amount of resins, asphaltenes, and paraffin. The fractional composition of oil has shifted towards light fractions. Experiments with the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin confirmed these results.

    e) Seeds of agricultural crops were kept in the Pyramid for 1-5 days before sowing. Tens of thousands of hectares were sown with more than 20 crops. In all cases, the yield increase ranged from 20% to 100%, the crops did not suffer, and drought was not noticed.

    The amount of toxic substances in plants has decreased sharply.

  3. Similar results were obtained if closed contours of stones exhibited in the Pyramid were laid around the crop areas.

    Approximately 20 kg (500 small stones) per 10 hectare plot. f) Around a number of institutions of the Tver Penal Penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation there are rings of stones processed in the Pyramid. The contingent of these institutions (about 6 thousand people) consumed table salt that had been in the Pyramid for several months. As a result, over the 11th month, mortality in these institutions decreased by 3.5 times, serious crimes disappeared, and the number of violations of the regime decreased several times. The heads of these institutions noted that their wards had become “more humane.”. The size of the plates is ~25x10x1 mm 3, the distance between potential contacts is ~3 mm. Measuring current density ~1500 mA/cm 2 . Before being placed in the pyramid, the electrical resistance was ~5-7 µOhm m. After staying in the pyramid for 24 hours, the electrical resistance increased ~2 times. These changes are anomalous for pyrocarbon.

    Even neutron irradiation with a fluence of ~10 19 n/m 2 does not produce a change of more than 5%.

    At the same time, changes in electrical resistance occurred over time from +100% to -100% according to a sinusoidal law.

  4. In addition, a decrease in the electrical resistance of semiconductor purity silicon from 10 5 ohm cm to 10 4 ohm cm and a loss of high-temperature superconductivity in samples after exposure to the Pyramid were revealed.

    Research Institute of Virology named after. Ivanovsky RAMS, RAMS academician S.M. Klimenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences N.N. Nosik, MD D.N. Nosik.

    a) A study was conducted of the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastoid cells. As a source of the Pyramid field, we used water that had been in the Pyramid, on which a solution was then prepared

    b) A study was also carried out on the effect of the Pyramid field on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin.

    The object of the study was venoglobulin - human polyvalent immunoglobulin for intravenous administration (Pasteur-Merrier, France), lyophilized.

    The studies were carried out on a culture of diploid human fibroblast cells. To determine the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin, the mouse encephalomyocarditis virus (EMC) was used.

    The antiviral activity of the drug was determined by its ability to protect human cells from the cytopathic effect of the virus. Venoglobulin was dissolved according to the instructions in distilled water to a concentration of 50 μg/ml. In the study, the drug was tested at two concentrations: 50 μg/ml and 0.5 μg/ml. Aliquots of venoglobulin at both concentrations were placed in the Pyramid. Venoglobulin was added to cell cultures 24 hours before infection with the virus. In diploid cultures of human fibroblasts, the EMC virus replicates well, causing a pronounced cytopathic effect - the infectious titer of the virus reached 5.0 lg CPE 50 ..

  5. Venoglobulin at a concentration of 50 μg/ml significantly inhibited the reproduction of the virus and its titer reached only 2.0 lg TCPD 50 (degree of inhibition - 3.0 lg). When the concentration of the drug was reduced by 100 times, its protective effect was no longer detected.

    To study the effect of water exposed in the Pyramid on the blood coagulation system, a study was carried out of the influence of this substance on some coagulological parameters in vitro using donor blood, as well as standard normal and pathological lyophilized human plasma with a reduced level of coagulation factors and lyophilized human pathological plasma, Deficient in factor VIII. In addition, pyramidal water was studied ex vivo in an experiment on rabbits.

    Donor blood was obtained by puncture of the cubital vein and stabilized with 3.8% sodium citrate solution (Merck, Germany) in a ratio of 9:1. In rabbits, blood samples to assess coagulological parameters were taken from the marginal vein of the animal's ear using the free drop drop method. To obtain platelet-rich plasma, the blood was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1000 rpm, after which the top layer of plasma was transferred to another tube, and the remainder was centrifuged again for 20 minutes at 3000 rpm to obtain platelet-free plasma.

    At one stage, possible changes in the blood coagulation system of rabbits ex vivo were studied when replacing the usual drinking water on the water exhibited in the Pyramid. + The studies were carried out for 14 days. Blood was taken from the rabbits before the start of consumption of pyramid water, as well as on days 7 and 14 after the start of the experiment. The number of platelets was determined by the optical method proposed by W. Walkowiak et al. A sample of rich plasma was diluted 10 times with 0.01 M phosphate buffer containing 0.14 M NaCl (pH 7.3) and the density was measured in plastic cuvettes at A 800 against lean plasma diluted in the same way. The rabbit platelet count before the introduction of pyramid water was taken as 100%. On the 7th day after the start of the experiment, their number increased to 129 + 10%, and on the 14th day up to 167

  6. 18%. A decrease in prothrombin time and an increase in the number of platelets was reliably detected.

The effect of a 40% glucose solution intravenously and distilled water externally after their exposure to the Pyramid was studied.

Patients are newborns with severe pathologies.

  • Objectification was carried out by analyzing the instantaneous state index (ISI), which reflects the state of the patient's sympathetic-adrenal system. Data from 20 patients were analyzed. In all cases of using a 40% glucose solution in an amount of 1 ml, the IMI, even in patients with very low values ​​close to zero, increased significantly to almost normal values. The same thing happened after external use of 1 ml of water exposed in the Pyramid. The same thing happened after the Pyramid information matrix was placed next to the patient.

    7. All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute (VEI named after V.I. Lenin)

    An assessment was made of the influence of the Pyramid field on the electric field in a long air gap ROD-PLANE when exposed to a pulse voltage of positive polarity of 250/2500 μs.

    The base system was a ROD-PLANE air gap with an interelectrode distance S=5.0 m.

    As an experimental system - the same, but on the plane there were 7 pieces of granite weighing 100 grams each, exposed in the Pyramid and laid out on the PLANE along a circle O 1 with a diameter of 1 m with the center at a distance of 0.5 m from the center of the PLANE.

    For the basic and experimental systems, 100 voltage pulses were applied. The trajectories of the discharges and the points of damage to the plane were recorded. Based on the test results, fields of PLANE lesion points were constructed. The discharge voltage during the studies was ~1400 kV.

    As a result of the research, it reliably turned out that the number of lesion points inside the O 1 circle on the PLANE in the base system was 5 times higher than their number in the experimental system.

    1. The result was enhanced if, instead of the stones exhibited in the Pyramid, the information matrices of the Pyramid were used.

  • Conclusion: - a contour made of stones exposed in the Pyramid, or from information matrices of the Pyramid, has powerful protective properties against electric shock for the area of ​​the PLANE limited by this contour.

    The studies were conducted on a model of mouse infection caused by the pathogen S.typhimurium. Strain 415. White outbred mice weighing 12-14 g were exposed in the Pyramid for different times and with different multiplicities. A few days later, mice were infected intraperitoneally with 4 10-fold increasing doses of S.tiphimurium, starting from 10 1 to 10 4 microbial cells. Mice from the same batch, infected with the same doses of culture, but not exposed to the Pyramid, served as a control.

    It has been reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed to the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals.

    When infected with lower doses, 60% of the mice exposed in the Pyramid survived, compared to 7% in the control group. When infected with large doses, respectively, 30% of the mice exposed in the Pyramid survived and 3% of the control mice survived.

    Conclusion: the presence of mice in the Pyramid significantly increases their resistance to subsequent infection with S.tiphimurium. That is, we can talk about a powerful immunomodulatory effect on the nonspecific reactivity of the animal body.

    A similar picture was observed when various carcinogens were administered to mice. The mice in the experimental batch drank water exposed in the Pyramid. Control animals drank regular water. The result is that the probability of tumors appearing in control animals was several times higher than in animals that drank water exposed in the Pyramid. The field structure of any object, be it a mineral, a solution, or cellular tissue, a living being undergoes serious changes in the zone of influence of the Pyramid. These structures seem to be streamlined and become more optimal and harmonious. In this zone, an ordinary thought, a thought form, a simple wish become part of our field structure, which increases by many orders of magnitude probability of events, initiated into the field of the Pyramids by this thought, thought form or wish. The power and strength of field structures ordered in this way increases sharply if all their newly acquired components are in resonance with the form of the Pyramids (in our case with the state of Harmony). The effect is enhanced by more than

  • geometric progression

    1. The level of toxicity of any substances exposed in the Pyramid, even for a short time, is reduced, incl. and toxic substances (OS).

    2. The level of radioactivity of substances exposed in the Pyramid decreases.

    3. The level of pathogenicity of various protein formations (viruses, bacteria) exposed in the Pyramid decreases.

    4. In the zone of the Pyramid, or in the zone of objects exhibited in the Pyramid, the effectiveness of any psychotropic effects is reduced.

    5. Very encouraging data were obtained in cases of using standard solutions (glucose, isotonic solution, etc.) intravenously and externally for alcoholism and drug addiction, even in very advanced forms.

    In my opinion, the main problem in the research of the Pyramids is that many tend to see elements of mysticism and shamanism in the research results obtained. However, scientists with intuition already understand that here we are dealing with new physics, new biology, etc.

    All I can do is invite all researchers to conduct experiments in any of my Pyramids. Experience shows that the likelihood that you will get the most significant results in your life is very high.

    shape effect, pyramid, civilization, matter, ether, space, energy


    The article examines the impact of pyramids on the environment and their role in human life. Provides facts and Scientific research in this area.

    Article text:

    Over the course of many millennia, humanity has created various pyramid-shaped structures. Their existence on all continents, centuries of debate about their age, purpose, properties and effects, as well as the technologies for their construction, led to the emergence of the sciences “Egyptology” and “Pyramidology”.

    Previous civilizations on Earth not only knew about the existence of radiation created by the shape, mass and material of an object, but also knew how to widely use it for a variety of purposes. In the construction of grandiose stone structures, they used the effect of levitation; to search for underground water sources and mineral ore deposits, they used the principle of dowsing, based again on knowledge of the effect of shapes. The operation of the navigation system of stone labyrinths was also predetermined by this knowledge.

    To explain the effect of form, it is necessary to first visualize the diagram of the relationship between thought and matter. Let us imagine the two extreme points of the State on a linear scale: on the left - pure and highly mobile ether in the form of thought, on the right - absolutely solid matter without any movement inside. Everything else is in the interval between these points. And, moving from left to right, we will observe in our material structure (substance) a decrease in the amount of ether and an increase in solid matter. And - in addition to this idea: everything material in the Universe is permeated by vortex flows of the primordial ether of space.

    Therefore, the shape effect can be explained by the difference in etheric pressure.

    Any living body, any object, even any line or point on paper or a monitor screen, any symbols - a difference in etheric pressure is formed on all of them. All planets and the Universe experience this difference. Only its magnitude is different: in some cases it is more significant, in others it is completely weak.

    As an example, Table 1 shows for flat figures relative values ​​of the measured ethereal contrast according to V. Shkatov (magnitude and sign) in relation to the background (white sheet of paper). Figures 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 create etheric fields of right spin, and 1, 2, 3, 4 - left spin.

    Table 1

    For spatial figures, the field strength increases with increasing surface curvature. This is also responsible for the tip effect.

    The combined effect of the ether, freely penetrating any body, and pulsating magnetic field planets leads to the formation of vortex ethereal flows in the structures of these bodies, a difference in ethereal pressure on their surfaces.

    But etheric vortexes have a remarkable ability - they extract energy located in environment(free energy) and deliver it to the area of ​​ether pressure difference. And we already evaluate this energy through the radiation of the object’s form. Moreover, ethereal vortices with a left twist (counterclockwise, looking from the side of the “eye” of the vortex) carry positive energy, and on the right - negative.

    It must also be said that the effect of the form directly depends on the material of the object. It has been noticed that the “energy output” will be higher not only for a substance that has a pronounced crystal lattice, but if this lattice also has a tetrahedral structure, an example is quartz. The same applies to filling out forms: hollow objects will have much lower “energy output” than solid ones.

    The direction of the Earth's electromagnetic wave is from east to west, which is why the orientation of the object under study in space is so important. For example, turning the pyramid model from the classical direction - with its face towards magnetic north, we will obtain different results of its radiation at each new angular position.

    Possessing colossal concentrated power of the ethereal-vortex field due to its gigantic size and shape, this energy can be directed to any visible direction of space or the Earth.

    The pyramid has a square base, which means that the moment of its rotation on the foundation due to the shape effect is quite weak, which is what is needed. But the concentrated energy due to the triangular faces is high. The maximum energy of the pyramid is focused at 1/3 of the height, counting from the base, less - at the top. As calculations show, the energy of the pyramid at the top is emitted in a rather diffuse flow. Therefore, there is no need for the final pointed part, which is what we see in the Mesoamerican pyramids.

    Pyramids were discovered in Egypt and Mexico, the Canary Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Peru. The mounds that were built in Rus' can also be called pyramids. All of them were erected in places where powerful energy flows reached the surface of the Earth. But the quality of its impact on humans depended on the design of the pyramid.

    An example of the negative impact on human health and psyche is the pyramid mountain of Pena de Bernal in England. There appears to be an unfavorable energy vortex inside the mountain. The life of miners working to extract emeralds and gold inside the mountain ended after a year of working there. Also, the Glastonberry pyramid, which is located at the point of intersection of power lines, has a negative effect on the human psyche. And yet, it should be noted that pyramids are atypical buildings for England. The places where energy emerges on the surface of the earth are not always used for healing in this country.

    The pyramids of Mexico were far ahead in terms of their healing properties. All pyramids in Mexico are truncated. St. Petersburg researcher A. Belov claims that the energy-informational characteristics of a simple and truncated pyramid are different. A whole pyramid closes information on itself, while a truncated one throws it out. Although this conclusion is controversial, dowsing experiments with pyramids conducted by N. Glazkova and V. Landa show that the top of an entire pyramid also spews energy and the higher the pyramid, the more powerful the flow leaving its top into space. And planes caught in this flow are not detected by radar.

    Pyramids, being a resonator and generator of energy, have a corrective effect on a person with their structure. With their help, energy and information move from one space to another. Coherence between spaces was ensured by the “single language” of the golden ratio: the rods used by priests and pharaohs, the pyramids themselves, and the physical structure of man are subordinated to the golden ratio.

    People who have been in the pyramid for some time experience a surge of vigor and strength, their body seems to be filled, new energy. Meat and eggs retained their freshness for a long time. Oxidized metal jewelry, having been in the pyramid, regains its original shine.

    Geometric bodies in the shape of Egyptian pyramids, like the pyramids themselves, have the ability to perceive and accumulate cosmic energy. An example would be meditation poses: “lotus”, “half lotus”. In this provision general form The body from the front and side especially resembles a tetrahedral pyramid, tier by tier tapering upward.

    If you imagine the space around you divided into cubes for clarity, then smooth planes, clear, slender lines will symbolize complete harmony around you. Now let’s put a crooked mirror nearby and look into it. Let's see how these smooth, slender lines and planes curved and floated. Here is a model of curved Space. A person in a curved Space, the structure of which has deviated from the state of Harmony, loses his bearings, he lives as if in a fog, and becomes inadequate to his human essence. The consequence of the curvature of Space, the deviation of its structure from the state of Harmony are all earthly troubles: diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tension, economic disasters, lack of spirituality, decline in morality.

    The Pyramid in the zone of its activity directly or indirectly corrects the structure of Space, bringing it closer to the state of Harmony. Everything that is located or falls into this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony. At the same time, the likelihood of all of these troubles occurring decreases. The dynamics of mitigation and elimination of all negative manifestations significantly depends on the size of the Pyramid, its orientation in space and compliance with all geometric relationships. As the height of the Pyramid doubles, its active influence increases ~ 10 5 - 10 7 times.

    In the zone of influence of the Pyramid, phenomena appear that can truly be called phenomena. At a frost of 40°, ordinary water does not freeze inside the Pyramid. If you look at the Pyramid with a radar in the 10 cm wavelength range, an ion column several kilometers high is visible above it. When they begin to calculate how much energy is needed to create and maintain such a column, it turns out that all the power plants on our planet are far from sufficient for this. The assumption that such an ion column is a powerful recharge of the ionosphere and can solve all the problems of the ozone layer was confirmed after the completion of the construction of the 22-meter-high Pyramid on the shore of Lake Seliger in the summer of 1997. Just a few months after this, in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet ozone layer was brought back to normal, and we began to forget about the “ozone holes.” If a similar Pyramid were built in the Southern Hemisphere, or the influence of an existing Pyramid were transferred there, for example, on the territory of Australia, Brazil or Peru, then in a few months we would note the elimination of the problem of “ozone holes” on a planetary scale. A similar ion column is observed above power units nuclear power plants, nuclear waste disposal sites, and other high-energy facilities. But the radiation situation around and inside the Pyramid does not differ from background values.

    Significantly change their physical and Chemical properties many substances: semiconductors, carbon materials, etc. What is surprising is that these substances seem to come to life. Their properties change sinusoidally over time with a fairly large amplitude. Spontaneous charging of capacitors occurs, the temperature threshold of superconductivity changes, and the scale of physical time changes. Under the influence of the Pyramid field, the weight changes several times physical body. Since school, we have become accustomed to believing that there are certain Absolutes, physical constants - the speed of light in a vacuum, Planck's constant, absolute zero temperature, etc. Yes, these physical quantities are indeed constants, but only for the state of Space in which their measurements and calculations were carried out. When the structure of Space changes, for example, with the help of the Pyramids, all these quantities begin to change in a fairly wide range.

    The immunity of animals that have been in the zone of influence of the Pyramid is significantly enhanced, the viability of cellular tissue increases many times, and the malignant process in the body is blocked. The pyramid has a powerful anti-stress effect, does not give immune system fall towards the “aging organism”. Medicines repeatedly enhance their specific properties even when the concentration decreases many times, disappear side effects from their use.

    We can conclude that we are dealing with physics and biology, with which humanity is not yet familiar.

    The energy of the pyramid is directly proportional to the human consciousness: thoughts that resonate in the pyramid begin to dominate the surrounding space. The thoughts of a person located in the zone of influence of the Pyramid (inside or outside) are filled with Good, care for the world around him, then the likelihood of realizing these thoughts increases thousands of times. If the thoughts of a person located in the zone of influence of the Pyramid are filled with Pride, Evil, thirst for destruction, and deceit, then the implementation of such thoughts will be repeatedly blocked, and such a person himself receives a powerful incentive to change his life attitudes in the direction of Harmony. In all cases of communication with the Pyramid, our consciousness receives a real opportunity to influence our subconscious, which is an integral part of the subconscious of our entire environment, the subconscious of all Humanity. The key to this influence is the resonance of the thought forms we create with the Golden Ratio, with the shape of the Pyramid. Thought forms that contradict the Golden Section begin to transform according to the law of Harmony. It is also obvious that feedback in such processes. At the same time, our consciousness also strives for Harmony with the surrounding World, which means our World itself strives for Harmony. Golden Ratio is a fundamental constant in painting, architecture, science. All living things are created in accordance with the proportion of the Golden Section. These are precisely the proportions of the Pyramids we are talking about. It is intuitively clear that one should not expect negative manifestations from structures with such proportions. This is one of the ways to increase the measure of Harmony of the World around us.

    October 25, 1998 at orbital station“Mir” cargo delivered crystalline substances, processed in the Pyramid. For the first time, an impact on a truly planetary scale has been carried out. With each revolution of the Mir station around the Earth, this impact will intensify. At the same time, the measure of Harmony of the entire near-Earth Space increases. As a result of these actions, all of the listed beneficial effects of the Pyramids will be replicated over time throughout the entire planet.

    The construction of pyramids must be approached carefully: by changing the geometry of the golden section of the pyramid, we move away from harmony.

    All of the above is based on joint experiments with a number of Russian research institutes, leading clinics, as well as on hypotheses, analogies and expert assessments. The scale of the work carried out and the research results, their significance, both social and economic, have no analogues in world practice. It is obvious that both in humanitarian and commercial terms the Pyramid project has no equal in the 20th century.

    Thus, we have a constantly operating source of Information about Harmony (the Pyramid built according to the proportions of the Golden Section) and methods of its indirect initiation using various media (water, solutions, minerals, information matrices, medicines, products, etc.) in any territory in anywhere. The best tool for tracking the impacts described is Statistics.

    The Worlds around us conceal many mysteries. There are countless hypotheses and theories of the Universe. Hundreds of people with varying degrees of competence are engaged in the study of pyramids. We can definitely say that the pyramids are unique regenerators of vital force, from which the human body is “charged”.


    1. Rysyev O.A. Pyramid shape effect. St. Petersburg, 2005
    2. Pyramid studies. E-Almanac "Luxor". Access mode::
    3. Shmelev I.P. Phenomenon Ancient Egypt Minsk, Universitetskoe, 1993, 65 pp., 20,000 copies.
    4. -Pyramid effect. Magazine "House of the Sun". Access mode:
    5. Lyubimov L. Art ancient world. M. "Enlightenment", 1980
    6. The effect of the shape of the Pyramids as a factor in the Harmony of the structure of Space. - Access mode:

    Continuation. beginning see N o 33, 34, 35, 36, 37/2001

    Laboratory workshop on anatomy, physiology and human hygiene

    (9th grade chemical and biological profile)

    Laboratory work N o 25.
    Structure of skin, nails, hair

    Purpose: to identify the structural features of the skin, nails, and hair.

    Equipment: magnifying glass, ready-made microslide.


    1. Skin structure

    1. Examine first without a magnifying glass, and then through it, the skin on the back of the hand. What do you see? Make a fist with your hand. What happens to the folds of skin in the joint area?

    What is the significance of these folds of skin? Pull back the skin on the back of your hand. What properties of the skin will you discover? 2. Examine a microscopic specimen of the skin structure. Note the structural features of all structural elements


    Reporting form

    Group skin formations according to their functions and fill out the table.

    2. Nail structure

    Examine the nail and answer the following questions:


    What facts prove that there are no blood vessels or nerve endings in nails?

    Laboratory work N o 26.
    Why shouldn't you bite your nails and hangnails?

    Write down answers to questions and conclusions about the work done in your notebook.

    Determination of skin sensitivity


    Goal: to identify the physiological characteristics of the skin analyzer, to become familiar with methods for determining the frequency of location of tactile, thermal, cold and pain points in the skin.

    Equipment: a pea-sized ball, a compass, a ruler, three vessels with water (water temperature in vessel No. 1 - 10-15 °C, in vessel No. 2 - 25-30 °C, in vessel No. 3 - 40-45 °C), alcohol lamp , three colors of ink, distilled water.
    1. Aristotle's experience
    1. Place a ball on the table. Touch it with the pads of your index and middle fingers at the same time and roll it on the table.

    2. Cross your fingers and touch the ball so that it ends up between your crossed fingers and roll it again on the table. In the first case, there is a sensation of one ball, in the second - two.

    3. With crossed fingers, touch the tip of your nose. There is a sensation of two ends of the nose.

    Explain this phenomenon.
    2. Detection of temperature adaptation of skin receptors
    3. Note the difference in the perception of the same temperature by the right and left hands. Explain your results.

    3. Detection of heat, cold, pain and tactile skin points

    On average, per 1 cm 2 of skin there are 50 pain, 25 tactile, 12 cold and 1-2 heat points.

    1. On the dorsum of the hand and wrist joint, use a heated pin head to find hot spots and mark them with blue ink.
    2. On the same area of ​​skin, find cold spots using a cooled pin, marking them with red ink.
    3. Then, using the point of a pin, find and mark the pain points of the skin with black ink.
    4. Count and compare the frequency of location of heat, cold and pain points per 1 cm2.


    Describe the experiments performed in your notebook.

    Laboratory work N o 27.
    Draw a conclusion about the physiological characteristics of the skin analyzer.

    Change in skin temperature

    Purpose: to measure body temperature in different areas.


    Equipment: thermometer.


    Using a thermometer, measure body temperature in the armpit, mouth, and other parts of the body.

    Laboratory work N o 28.
    Compare the data obtained and write down the conclusions drawn in your notebook.

    Experiments illustrating the functions of the pupil, lens, and retina


    Purpose: to find out the functions of the pupil, lens, retina.

    1. Study of the reaction of the pupil to light

    1st option

    Equipment: a black strip of paper measuring 3-4 cm with a pinhole in the middle.
    The subject takes black paper and looks through a pinhole with his right eye at a window or other light source. Then he opens his left eye, and in his right he observes a narrowing of the hole.

    After this effect is achieved, the eye, not blocked by the black paper, closes again.

    The subject sees the pinhole expand again.


    2nd option (done in pairs)

    The experimenter asks the subject to look at the window. The pupils are constricted. Then he asks you to close your eyes with your hand. When the subject opens them again, the dilated pupils are seen to narrow.

    The experience is more visual if the subject has gray or blue eyes. In brown-eyed people, the change in the pupil is noticeably worse.

    Equipment: a sheet of white paper 7x7 cm with a hole in the middle. Letters or numbers are written around the perimeter of the hole.

    An inscription on a board or a table on the wall.


    Take a white piece of paper and position it so that the letters around the perimeter of the hole are clearly visible. Then close one eye, and look through the hole in the paper with the other at the text on the board or table.

    Letters written on a piece of paper seem blurry and lose their sharpness. They seem to be out of focus. Then look at the letters written on the paper. Then the inscription on the board and the image on the table become unclear.

    1. Answer the questions. What shape did the lens take when you looked into the distance? What shape did the lens take when you looked at a nearby object?

    1. Study of the reaction of the pupil to light

    2. Draw a conclusion about the function of the lens.

    Identification of retinal functions


    Equipment: pencils or pens, painted in different colors.

    The subject is seated on a chair and asked to look straight ahead (moving his head or squinting his eyes at the object that will be shown to him is not allowed). The researcher alternately demonstrates a set of objects painted in different colors. Objects are shown in motion and for a short time, so that they are projected onto the lateral surface of the retina. Each demonstration should be accompanied by questions: “What object was shown? What color was it?”

    Enter the results obtained into the table.

    Based on the data obtained, draw a conclusion about the perception of the shape and color of objects.

    2nd option

    In a darkened room, shine a thin beam of light through your closed eyelids.

    Move the flashlight slightly from side to side. Somewhere in front of you you will see the retinal vessels. Continue moving the light source over the eyelid. Tree-like branching figures of large vessels will appear. Try to trace the branching to their trunk - you will get a shadow image of the optic nerve head, from which the branches of the vessels extend.

    Laboratory work N o 29.
    Sometimes a very bright small light source is needed, oscillating and flashing at the temple. It is better to repeat the experiment not 2-3, but 10-15 times.

    Determination of hearing threshold

    Purpose: to determine hearing acuity using speech.

    Equipment: tape measure or measuring tape, cotton swabs, word list. It is recommended to make two groups of words. The first group of words includes vowels,at O and consonants,m, n,V R . For example:,crow, yard, sea number etc. The second group of words includes vowels,A,And uh and hissing, whistling consonants. For example:, hour, cabbage soup, siskin,hare wool



    Before the experiment begins, the subject's ear is plugged with a moistened cotton swab. Next, the researcher from a short distance begins to whisper words from the first and second groups, gradually moving away. The distance at which the researcher is located when the subject begins to name 50% or more of the words pronounced incorrectly is considered the threshold value.

    The distance between the researcher and the subject continues to increase (if necessary, the researcher can turn his back to the subject, which corresponds to doubling the distance). The final point of removal from the subject will be the point from which he will not be able to hear a word. This distance is measured. Covering the ears with cotton swabs, the experiment is repeated several times.
    Evaluation of results


    1. Words from the first group normally differ at a distance of 5 m (low-frequency).

    Laboratory work N o 30.
    2. Words from group 2 normally differ at a distance of about 20 m (high-frequency).

    Compare the results obtained with the normative ones and draw a conclusion why words from group 1 are perceived by a person from a shorter distance.

    Experiments illustrating the relationship between the visual and auditory analyzers


    1. Place a loud ticking clock in front of you and start reading an interesting book.
    In the first minutes you will hear sounds clearly. But as soon as you go deeper into reading, the sounds will no longer be perceived. The new focus of excitation that arose as a result of reading caused inhibition in the centers of the auditory analyzer that perceive the ticking of the clock.

    If you continue the experiment, you can be sure that after some time you will again begin to hear the clock ticking. At the same time, you will take your mind off reading. Why?

    2. Run a knife along the glass. How does the resulting sound feel? What is this connected with?

    3. When listening to a piece of music, imagine what color associations the sounding melodies evoke.

    Laboratory work N o 31.
    4. Turn the lights on and off periodically. Observe when the tuning fork sounds louder. Why, as a rule, do the lights not go out in concert halls?

    Development of conditioned reflexes in humans

    Goal: to develop a conditioned vegetative pupillary reflex in a person to a bell; become familiar with the braking process.

    Equipment: alarm clock, dark thick sheet of paper (it’s better to take a New Year’s mask with sealed eye holes for this).


    Work is carried out in good lighting.

    The experimenter sets the alarm clock, which should ring for approximately 10–12 s. At this moment, he observes the state of the subject’s pupil. If the pupil does not dilate in response to the signal, you can proceed to the development of a conditioned reflex.


    The experimenter turns on the bell again. At this time, the subject closes his eyes tightly with a dark mask. When the signal stops, he opens his eyes. At this moment, the experimenter observes the size of the subject’s pupils (they should dilate). The experiment is carried out 10 times in combination with darkening (repetitions must be done without breaks). On the 11th time, the experimenter turns on the bell, but the subject does not put on a dark mask, and the experimenter observes conditioned reflex dilation of the pupil.

    Fill the table. Answer the questions. How do conditioned reflexes differ from unconditioned reflexes? How is a conditioned reflex formed and reproduced? What is the importance of conditioned reflexes in the life of humans and animals? What facts are proof that instinct is a chain of interconnected

    Laboratory work N o 32.
    unconditioned reflexes

    Goal: to get acquainted with the processes of irradiation, concentration, mutual induction of excitation and inhibition processes.

    Equipment: drawing.


    The ability of excitation and inhibition to cause the opposite process is called mutual induction of excitation and inhibition.

    Find in the picture two black profiles facing each other and a white vase (it is located between the profiles). Why is it that when the vase is visible, the profiles disappear, and when the profiles are visible, the image of the vase disappears? The reason is that one of the competing images inhibits the appearance of the second (negative induction: excitation induces inhibition).

    If you look at the drawing for a very long time, the images will begin to replace each other: first a vase, then two profiles will be visible. This is due to the fact that, according to the law of sequential induction, after one process the opposite appears, i.e.

    Laboratory work N o 33.
    excitement gives way to inhibition.

    Switching, changing images will occur at the moment of positive induction. With positive induction, inhibition induces excitation.


    Experiments with a truncated pyramid

    Goal: to study the physiological basis of attention. Determine the magnitude of fluctuations in attention. 1. Take a close look at the picture, which shows the projection of a truncated pyramid. You will notice that the top of the pyramid either turns towards the viewer or goes deeper into the viewer. This phenomenon is explained by the law of mutual induction.

    When we look at
    small square

    , the perception of the large deteriorates and the large square seems to be beyond the plane of the drawing. The pyramid faces the viewer with its truncated end. But if we switch our gaze to the large square, it will be perceived as close and the pyramid will turn out to be turned towards the viewer with its base.


    2. Using a drawing, measure the magnitude of the fluctuation in attention. Look at the pyramid for 30 seconds. Each time you change the image, make a stroke in your notebook (without looking). You cannot take your eyes off the pyramid during the experiment. The beginning and end of the experiment are set by the experimenter monitoring the stopwatch.

    4. Repeat the experiment, but with one additional condition. Imagine that the picture is not a pyramid, but a room. Try to “surround” her. “Hang” a chandelier on the ceiling, “move” a closet to the walls, “place” a table in the center, think about where to “place” the receiver and TV. Measure the magnitude of the oscillation for 30 s.

    As a rule, attention becomes even more stable. Active actions with an object always increase the stability of attention.

    To be continued

    As far as I understand, what Andrey demonstrated is a consequence of the influence of the Personality by the power of attention on the septon field in which the measuring device was located. My consciousness began to tell me that this is a result and an indicator of the level spiritual development

    his Personality. But the subsequent information that Igor Mikhailovich spoke about prompted reflections that such an effect on matter is of a DESTRUCTIVE CHARACTER. And an obvious contradiction appeared in my head about how the SPIRITUAL IN MAN can be destructive? And why does this “SPIRITUAL” NEGATIVELY affect the material component of a person and cause significant DISTURBANCES IN THE OPERATION OF THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL ORGANISM, which can lead, among other things, to death?!

    I accidentally opened AllatRa on page 618 and read there that Bodhisattvas have such enormous spiritual power that they can, through certain instruments, impart additional SPIRITUAL POWER to a person. Thanks to this spiritual gift, a person receives an incomparable spiritual experience and a spiritual impetus in his development. Further it describes the INFLUENCE OF THIS FORCE ON THE PHYSICAL BODY. That is, it is said that the body, thanks to the influx of additional CREATIVE energy, IMPROVES the quality of its work. As a result, an energy surge occurs, which POSITIVELY affects the functioning of many vital systems, immunity increases, and so on. A person spiritually liberated from earthly reincarnations could perform a similar action (with less force). “AllatRa” emphasizes that physical effects are all secondary, the MAIN THING IS SPIRITUAL HELP FOR THE PERSON, so to speak “spiritual healing”.

    In principle, I observed this effect in myself throughout almost the entire program, when Igor Mikhailovich was talking to the audience. Behind every word of Igor Mikhailovich one could feel truthfulness, kindness, simplicity, love and care. And I felt so cozy, good and pleasant that I didn’t want the program to end.

    That is, if we return to the topic, as far as I understand, the force field of Love, which a person develops in the process of his spiritual development, is outside matter and has not a direct, but an indirect effect Positive influence on matter. And such superpowers of a person may be needed for something good in this material world, but ARE NOT AN INDICATOR OF THE DEGREE OF SPIRITUALITY OF A PERSON. Because, based on the above, I came to the conclusion that the real Spirituality of a person is manifested in CREATION, LOVE and HELPING other people!


    Let us take, in particular, the “Lotus Flower”, since IT IS ITS WORK SCHEME IN THE HUMAN BODY THAT IS THE RESULT OF ANY SPIRITUAL PATH, let’s say, leading to the same internal Gates.


    And here a very important point happens. When a person reaches the point where the lotus petals begin to surround him on all sides, he feels two flowers. One within oneself, which is located under the heart and constantly warms with a feeling of inner Love. The other, large one, is like the astral shell of this flower, which surrounds a person and, on the one hand, RADIATES THE VIBRATION OF LOVE into the world, and on the other hand, PROTECTS THE MAN HIMSELF from negative impact other people. The law of cause and effect comes into play here. In physics terms, a wave connection occurs. Simply put, a person RADIATES WAVES OF GOOD, strengthening them through the soul many times over and thereby CREATING a BLESSED wave field. This force field, which a person constantly feels and supports with the fibers of his Love, at the same time has a certain BENEFICIAL influence not only on the person himself, but also on the world around him.

    What happens through daily practice. Firstly, a person constantly controls his thoughts and learns to focus on the good. ... secondly, which is very important, a person tunes into the frequency of good. And goodness is luck, this is luck, this is health. This is all! A person’s MOOD IMPROVES, which HAS A BENEFICIAL IMPACT ON THE PSYCHE. Namely, the central nervous system is the main regulator of the body’s vital functions. Therefore, first of all, this spiritual practice affects IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR HEALTH. ... There is such a popular expression “a person shines”, “glows”. So, this is the glow of this wave field generated by the Love of the person himself. THE PEOPLE AROUND ALSO START TO FEEL THIS FIELD. They are PLEASURE that this Person is nearby, they also begin to FEEL JOY, internal excitement. MANY PEOPLE RECOVER. THEY BECOME EASIER EVEN WITH HIS PRESENCE, NO MATTER SICK THEY ARE. Everyone is drawn to this person, revealing their soul. THAT IS, PEOPLE FEEL LOVE.