Why is there more Russophobia?

You visit Russia and, unlike many, you try to understand the position of our country. In addition, don’t forget about Donbass, transport humanitarian supplies - you feel all the pain of the situation. But why don't our Western colleagues do the same? What are the reasons for the widespread Russophobia in the West, in your opinion?

You know, I myself am interested in this question. With my friends in France, we have been working on the “Stop Russophobie” website for six months now. If you have TV viewers who speak French, they can watch. Our goal is to fight Russophobia, the level of which is only growing.

Why is there more Russophobia? Because they promote it! Just as Monsieur Macron was literally fabricated, Russophobia is artificially fabricated - through manipulation in the media, through stories about “Chechen gays”, through exaggeration and inflation of individual facts.

Of course, Russia is not an ideal state, but I don’t know any that are ideal. No country in the world is perfect, because we are all human. Russia has both disadvantages and advantages. Whether we love it or not, Russia is as it is. And yet the West fuels Russophobia. For very simple reasons.

Britain began with the capture of gold

There is one very important idea that I always try to convey to my friends: you cannot consider modern history as a result of random circumstances. What happened in Libya, Syria, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine - all this is a continuation of the war that has existed for centuries. Without looking at it from a historical perspective, it is very difficult to understand what is happening today.

The British aristocracy, this small group of people, had a desire to conquer the world back in the 16th century. Then the pirate Francis Drake committed circumnavigation and returned on a ship loaded with gold and diamonds. He gave half of the loot to Queen Elizabeth I of England. Some historical sources claim that half of the loot amounted to 1.5 parts of the entire British budget.

And when at Elizabeth’s court they saw how this man brought so much wealth, the idea came to them: if you just plunder goods and make the state rich, then you can conquer the whole world!

A little later, Walter Raleigh expressed this with the following phrase: “He who rules the sea rules commerce. He who rules commerce controls the wealth of the world. He who controls the wealth of the world rules the world.”

Then, three centuries later, this formula was used by Halford John Mackinder in his concept of Rimland and Heartland. I think the decision of the British aristocracy in the 16th century can be considered the starting point, and this worldview was passed down from generation to generation of elites.

If we look at any European wars, from the 16th century to the present, we see the fall of Spain, Philip II, France (period from Louis XIV before Napoleon Bonaparte). Then the list was replenished with two other powerful powers - Germany and Russia. Moreover, Germany was used as a tool in the fight against Russia, including by financing Hitler...

Only Russia remains free - they are hitting it

Thus, the main Western states - France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany - unwittingly fell into this Western bloc.

The President of the French Republic, Macron, receives his orders from the City of London today. So does Mrs Merkel. None of the current European leaders are truly independent. There is only one free state left in Eurasia - Russia.

This is why they provoke the actions of terrorists, this is where the wars in Chechnya, Georgia, and Ukraine come from. This is a continuation of the old struggle waged by the Anglo-Saxons from century to century. That's why you are the last ones still free. It is all the more important to protect your characteristics, your history, your religion. This is the most important thing.

Can we hope that our free country will maintain friendly relations with France?

There is a fear that despite Macron’s election, relations with Russia will continue. I think Macron is still smarter than Hollande in this regard. In any case, the meeting between Macron and Putin at Versailles suggests some success.

And if the City of London tells him to move closer to Russia, he will go, for example, to ease sanctions. But I think Macron’s problem today (like Merkel’s) is to clarify who is in charge: the City or Wall Street? This is a serious question for European globalists to ask.

The war in Donbass will drag on indefinitely

Since we mentioned Frau Merkel, it is worth remembering the upcoming meeting in the format of the Normandy Four - the leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine. Should we expect positive results from the negotiations?

It's a difficult question. It is in the interests of the Anglo-Saxons today to complete what they started. That is, take Moscow. Today Donbass is in a crisis situation, and their task is to maintain this as long as possible. Because it weakens Russia.

It is obvious that any crisis at Russian borders weakens the country both economically and diplomatically. My wife and I visit Donbass, and there are no Russian military there - only militia and volunteers. And this proves that there are real men who yearn for freedom for this land, who fight for greater Russia- for Novorossiya.

But the Anglo-Saxon forces are trying to drag out this crisis indefinitely. And this will not stop until the Ukrainian regime collapses and until Mr. Poroshenko is driven out.

It is obvious that the place of the ruler of Ukraine was taken by a puppet of the West. Therefore, both the Azov battalion and the Right Sector (organizations banned in Russia - editor's note), and all these crazy radicals will continue to terrorize the residents of Donbass. I'm afraid that this cannot be stopped under the current circumstances.

I think that the meeting of the Normandy Four is marketing. Although I understand that Russia is trying to maintain a dialogue with Germany and France in these types of discussions.

I think that Russia (more precisely, Vladimir Putin) will continue to maintain diplomatic relations with both countries in order to at least give them a chance to gain independence from the thalassocratic authorities - that is, from London and Washington. Serious politicians sit down at the same table and discuss how this crisis can be resolved. Stop the situation in which civilians - men, women, children - are killed every day by bombs...

But, unfortunately, the policies pursued by both Sarkozy and Macron imply subordination to the interests of others. The fate of France and Germany is decided by NATO and the European Union.

Therefore, I do not expect anything from the meeting of the Normandy Four. I think, unfortunately, the situation in Donbass will not change because of this - as long as Poroshenko and his extremist cronies are in power.

Grigory Amnuel, whose mother's nationality is German, has recently occupied an increasingly prominent place in the media space. He is a director and politician who often makes controversial and controversial opinions. At the same time, the maximum activity in public life it manifests in Latvia.

Biography of the director

Grigory Amnuel admits that nationality has never caused him any particular problems. He is known to the general public primarily as a director. documentaries. Most of his films are shot on religious themes or examine government issues. He also owns several journalistic articles and books.

Grigory Amnuel, whose nationality was German, is a native Muscovite. He was born in the Russian capital in 1957. His maternal relatives moved from Latvia to Moscow during the first revolution, Grigory Amnuel lifts the veil of secrecy about the history of his family. At that time, few people were interested in their nationality. Therefore, in their home archives, photographs of Kaliningrad, Tallinn and Jurmala from that period were preserved in abundance. In the photographs you can still see the former German names.

The relatives of Amnuel Grigory Markovich did not fall under the millstone of repression. But over time, the Soviet Union began to experience difficulties due to its origin. For example, his mother was not accepted at one time because of her German roots.

Amnuel's personal life

Amnuel Grigory Markovich himself entered the pedagogical institute in Tobolsk. Higher education he received his studies at the Faculty of History.

Details about his childhood and youth have not been preserved. He himself is reluctant to talk about this period of his life. It is only known that it was during his student years in Tobolsk that Grigory Amnuel got married. The family, however, did not turn out strong. Soon the newlyweds separated, not getting along in character.

After some time, the hero of our article entered into a second official marriage. When he was 23 years old, he married a Latvian girl. In 1981, their daughter was born. At that time, Amnuel had already graduated from the institute in Tobolsk and lived in Tallinn.

Creative career

Director Grigory Amnuel first announced himself in the creative community in Moscow theaters. He began working as a director on the theater stage of the capital. He worked at the Comedy and Drama Theater on Taganka, at the Satire Theater on

On the stage of the Tolerance Theater he carried out a joint project with the Americans called “Crime in Laramie”. He has acted as a producer at many independent film festivals in Europe. For example, he oversaw the festival of Russian cinema and culture, which was held annually in France and Italy.

Amnuel Documentary Filmmaker

Director Grigory Amnuel has made several dozen sports and documentaries. The most striking of them were “Redlich - people from the other side.” The picture tells about tragic fate Russians who survived the emigration of 1917. The film is dedicated to the Russian philosopher Roman Nikolaevich Redlikh. His fate is somewhat similar to the fate of Gregory Amnuel. The biography begins with the fact that both were born into a family of Russified Germans.

Redlich emigrated with his family to Germany in 1933. Graduated from the University of Berlin. In 1940, he became a member of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists. They opposed Hitler and Stalin, calling to be only with the Russian people.

Throughout World War II, he promoted the ideas of this organization. He was engaged in propaganda in the camps of Soviet prisoners of war, created Union cells in the territories occupied by the Germans. As a result, in 1944, the German political police put him on the wanted list for conducting anti-German activities. Until the end of the war, he had to hide under the pseudonym “Captain Vorobyov.”

After the end of the war, he became actively involved in science. He developed a direction in Russian philosophy, which he called “solidarism.” He returned to his homeland in 1991. Continuing to develop the ideas of the people's labor union already in modern Russia. Died in Wiesbaden in 2005. He was 94 years old.

For this film, Grigory Amnuel received a diploma from the international film festival of human rights films "Stalker". His biography includes many film awards.

Amnuel's Confession

Many of Amnuel's films, both documentaries and sports, often received prestigious awards and prizes.

In 1991, for the painting “Awakening, Chronicle of Turning Days,” he received a medal from Russian President Boris Yeltsin as a defender of free Russia. Grigory Amnuel, whose filmography includes dozens of films, has also received awards for sports film masterpieces.

Sports films

In 1993, the director received a prize at the Moscow International Film Festival for the film “Almost American Russian,” as well as a prize for the best film about the Russian Hockey Federation.

For the film "Fire and Ice" he was awarded the Milan Sports Film Festival award for the best reportage film. In 1995, the Olympic Committee already noted for “A Christmas Dream, or a Portrait against the Background of Hockey” by Grigory Amnuel. The director's filmography does not end there. Moreover, he was not limited to working in films.

At that time, he actively made journalistic programs and broadcasts on domestic television, including on central channels, as well as in the Latvian media. In his analytical projects, he touched on topics between Russia and the Baltic countries, and raised controversial and ambiguous historical issues.

Work in the media and creativity

In Russian culture, Amnuel was first seriously noticed when he became the organizer of a tour in Moscow of the famous Soviet-Latvian violinist. Amnuel organized his first performances in the capital in the late 80s - early 90s. The musician's maternal relatives partly had German origin. In this they were similar to the hero of this article.

Amnuel also organized the popular festival "Music of Lokinhausen" at one time. The chamber music orchestra of the Cologne Philharmonic has brought the chamber music orchestra of the Cologne Philharmonic to Russia several times.

From his latest initiatives. In 2015, he proposed erecting a monument to the library director foreign literature Ekaterina Genieva, who has worked in this library for more than 40 years in total. In April 2016, the monument appeared in the courtyard of the cultural institution. Amnuel took upon himself all the financial costs of installing the monument.

Amnuel also proved himself as a music producer. Participated in organizing the filming of videos for Anatoly Gerasimov, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and Viktor Popov.

Social and political activities

Grigory Amnuel began to manifest himself as a politician on the pages of the socio-political magazine "Posev". In it he repeatedly published his journalistic works. This publication has a rich history. This official magazine People's Labor Union, one of whose propagandists was Redlich. It has been published continuously since 1945.

IN recent years Amnuel heads the discussion club "International Dialogue". The purpose of this organization is to conduct all kinds of events related to culture, science and social sphere. There is a school attached to the club where anyone can get acquainted with European countries and form your own opinion about their international interaction with Russia. At least that's what the club's initiators say.

Amnuel also holds the post of deputy general director Russian-American company "ASK", which was founded back in 1987 for joint partnership cooperation of then Soviet and American filmmakers. He heads the European division of this company.

In recent years, he has been actively invited to participate in various round tables and discussions devoted to the problems of the Baltic and Caucasus countries, as well as mutual cooperation between Russia and NATO countries.

“There are now comments that the state of emergency is not really very effective. In addition, Hollande announced that he would reinforce the police and army, which, admittedly, are exhausted. They have been working very hard for 6 months now - constantly and everywhere. After all, the European Championships recently took place. And don’t forget that the entire army is abroad, because they are fighting in Africa, in Iraq, and in Syria,” said Dmitry de Koshko, chairman of the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in France, who gave several interviews to Russian media today.

“The fact is that the Tunisian terrorist who crushed all these people is local. He is Tunisian, but he is local. He lived in Nice, worked in Nice, he even had a family in Nice. So the problem here is much deeper, unfortunately, than simply ensuring control over the border. This is a problem that affects the essence of French society today.”

“You can ask yourself the question: why are there so many criminals among these people? Probably, when he was in prison, he was “infected with Islamism,” because in prisons, unfortunately, many young people accept Islamism, and then some of them become terrorists.”

“I hope that they will finally deal with the real enemy, and not the fake one, and not make mistakes as enemies.” According to de Coschko, the French media have made Russia the main enemy of France, while in fact French society is infected with terror from within.
Dmitry de Koshko is a professional journalist who worked for 33 years at the France Presse agency. The biography of his family is very interesting. At the origins of the family stood Fyodor Koshka, the “commandant” of Moscow during the battle of Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field...
Those representatives of the clan who remained in Russia became Koshkins, and representatives of the branch to which Dmitry belongs fled from the oprichnina to Lithuania and became Koshkos.

Dmitry's great-grandfather - General Arkady Frantsevich Koshko led the Moscow detective police, and then later headed the entire criminal investigation Russian Empire. He is considered the founder of Russian criminology, the “Russian Sherlock Holmes.” In particular, he developed new system personal identification based on a special classification of anthropometric and fingerprint data. Subsequently, it was borrowed by Scotland Yard. It was thanks to him that in 1913 Russia took first place in the world in the number of crimes solved!
By the way, they say that it was at Koshko’s suggestion that Moscow detectives began wearing badge with the inscription “MUS” - Moscow Criminal Investigation, thanks to which the well-known nickname “garbage” was later assigned to the policemen.
After the 1917 revolution, his estate was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. When he learned that he would soon be arrested, he was forced to flee. First to Kyiv, then he moved to Crimea, then to Turkey, and in 1923 he received political asylum in France. He worked in a fur store. The British offered him a leadership position in Scotland Yard, but he refused to change his citizenship - he hoped to return to his homeland. Wrote three volumes of memoirs - “Essays on the criminal world Tsarist Russia. Memories former boss Moscow detective police and the head of all criminal investigation of the Empire", two films were created based on them: the serial film "Kings of Russian detective" with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in leading role and the film “The Adjuster” with Alla Demidova, Nina Ruslanova and Renata Litvinova.

And the Russian public association of veterans of operational services “Honor” in January 2007 established a public award - the Order named after Arkady Frantsevich Koshko. This order is awarded to both veterans of detective work and current criminal investigation officers.