Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev (1888-1972),

aircraft designer, academician.

Born in the village of Pustomazovo, Tver province. He received his primary education at home, graduated from the Tver Classical Gymnasium and entered the mechanical department of the Higher Moscow Technical School.
In 1909 he entered the aeronautical circle. He worked on the construction of gliders and flew them.

ANT-1 being tested.

A.N. Tupolev (in the center) at ANT-1

Student and employee of Nikolai Zhukovsky. In 1918, together with Zhukovsky, he founded the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute.
In 1918-1935 Tupolev is the deputy head of the institute, heads an experimental design bureau, whose activities are related to the design of aircraft, torpedo boats and snowmobiles.

In total, under his leadership, more than 100 types of military and civil aircraft were created, 70 of which were mass-produced, including ANT-25, Tu-104 (the first passenger jet), Tu-114, Tu-144 (supersonic passenger).

Tupolev aircraft set 78 world records, 28 unique flights were completed, including by V. Chkalov and M. Gromov on the ANT-25 across the North Pole to the USA.
Tupolev became an academician and general designer.

The Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex in Moscow, Kazansky is named after Tupolev aviation institute, an island in the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. In the city of Kimry, Tver region, a bust of Tupolev was erected.
Tupolev's son, Alexander Andreevich Tupolev, is also a famous aircraft designer and academician.

Photo gallery of TU aircraft:

TU - 134

TU - 144

TU - 154

TU - 204

In 1908 he entered the Imperial technical school(later MVTU), graduated with honors in 1918. Since 1909, member of the aeronautical circle. He participated in the construction of a glider, on which he made his first flight (1910).

In 1916-18, Tupolev participated in the work of the first aviation settlement bureau in Russia; designed the first wind tunnels at the school. Together with N. E. Zhukovsky, he was the organizer and one of the leaders of TsAGI. In 1918-36 - member of the board and deputy head of the institute for experimental all-metal aircraft construction.

Stage aircraft of Tupolev, in which they were embodied latest achievements science and technology and aviation design in the pre-war period, steel: ANT-4, ANT-6, ANT-40, ANT-42, Tu-2 bombers; passenger aircraft ANT-9, ANT-14, ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky" and the record-breaking ANT-25.

He was unreasonably repressed and in 1937-41, while in prison, he worked in the Central Committee B-29 of the NKVD. Here he created the front-line bomber "103" (Tu-2).

I bring to your attention an excerpt from the book by L.L. Kerbera "Tupolev":

“How could it happen that the Tupolevites celebrated the birth of their 58th (Tu-2) car in such unusual conditions (prison)? Who “helped” this? Let us turn to the broad famous books A.S. Yakovlev's "Purpose of Life" and "Soviet Airplanes"? From what they say about A.N. Tupolev follows that ANT:

did not prepare a replacement for the outdated, low-speed TB-3 bombers in a timely manner;

did not promptly try to increase the speed of the SB aircraft, which began to suffer significant losses from German fighters modified during the war in Spain;

Best of the day

did not create the necessary one by the beginning of the war Soviet Army bomber.

Could A.S. be so ignorant? Yakovlev, aircraft designer, and since January 1940 - Deputy People's Commissar for Experimental Aircraft Construction? Could you not have known that:

In 1936, i.e. 5 years before the war, KOSOS prepared a replacement for the TB-3, created the TB-7 bomber, which had a speed 2 times greater than the TB-3?

In 1937, Tupolev was removed from work and repressed, so during the war in Spain he could not modernize the Security Council?

What else in 1940 Tupolev developed the best front-line bomber of times Patriotic War- plane "103" (Tu-2)?

A.S. Yakovlev, not only the author of a book on aviation, but also the leader’s adviser on these issues, naturally, willingly shared his views with him. With all the well-known suspicion of Stalin and his distrust of the old intelligentsia, is this not suitable ground for the question: is Tupolev completely loyal?

1937 In Spain, Me-109 fighters quickly improved by the Germans with more powerful engines are beginning to actively shoot down Tupolev SB bombers. Stalin is extremely upset: again the machines of this “old specialist” have defects. Why didn’t he improve his SB in time, because Yakovlev proved that this is possible. The unusually fast twin-engine Yak-4 aircraft he created, with the same engines as the SB, flies 100 km faster!

Having urgently launched the BB-22 into production, the military soon became convinced that they did not need the unarmed Yak-4, and when installing only two defensive machine guns and the necessary equipment on it, the speed gain disappeared. Several hundred BB-22s are being withdrawn from service; they are not suitable in the war with the Germans.

1942 In Omsk, the production of Tu-2 aircraft was established, a maximum of about 2-2.5 aircraft per day, but very nearby there were two aircraft factories that produced the already obsolete Il-4. Having a longer range and acceptable speed (smaller than the Tu-2), the Il-4s were distinguished by one significant drawback: weak defensive weapons (only two ShKAS). The losses of these vehicles were so great that they had to be transferred to night bombing, which was ineffective.

A natural thought arose about transferring the factories that produced the Il-4 to the Tu-2. However, a telegram soon arrived signed by Stalin: stop the production of Tu-2s, and instead begin producing Yak fighters."

My note: Production of Tu-2 aircraft was restored only in 1943. For the period 1942-1945 Only 1,216 Tu-2 aircraft were built, according to some sources, 800 aircraft during the war years (80 aircraft initially). For comparison, the similar Luftwaffe Ju-88 aircraft was produced in the amount of 15,200 aircraft.

The plane was really good and our army needed it. The creation of the Tu-2 by a group of convicts is undoubtedly an outstanding victory, a victory of an unbroken spirit.

In the post-war period, under the leadership of Tupolev (he has been the general designer since 1956), a number of military and civil aircraft were created: Tu-4 (a copy of the American B-29), Tu-12, Tu-95, Tu-16, Tu-22. On the basis of the Tu-16 bomber, the first Soviet jet passenger aircraft, Tu-104, was created in 1955. It was followed by the first turboprop intercontinental aircraft Tu-114, Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-154, as well as the supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144 (together with A. A. Tupolev).

A.N. Tupolev is an honorary member of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (1970) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1971). He was awarded the N. E. Zhukovsky Prize (1958), the FAI Gold Aviation Medal (1958), the Prize named after. Leonardo da Vinci (1971), gold medal of the Society of the Founders of Aviation of France (1971). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1957), USSR State Prizes (1943, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1972). Awarded 8 orders of Lenin and Suvorov, 2nd degree.

I want to dwell on the personality of an outstanding aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev. There is no particular need to introduce this man; he is one of the greatest figures in world technological progress.

He had many titles and regalia - three times Hero of Socialist Labor, Colonel General, Academician, highest orders Soviet Union and other countries. But it is important to note one circumstance - Andrei Tupolev was never a member of the Communist Party. No matter how much the Kremlin comrades lured the great designer into their ranks, Andrei Nikolaevich was adamant in his decision to remain non-party. In his life there was a difficult test that the Soviet regime subjected him to - in 1937, Tupolev was arrested and spent five years in the dungeons of the NKVD. Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev can rightfully be called a man of Honor, completely devoted to his country and people, and at the same time never compromising his conscience to please those in power. This is how he will enter world history for centuries.

Written about Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev large number books and articles, films made. In this article, the emphasis is on the death, farewell and burial of the designer. It first contains a publication from “Kalininskaya Pravda” for the 80th anniversary of A. N. Tupolev “The Winged Countryman”, which gives an idea of ​​​​the connection between the designer and his small homeland, and then an obituary and articles from the central press about farewell and burial at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


To the 80th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Tupolev

Many years have passed since Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev, an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer, left the place where he was born and where he spent his childhood. But in the Kimry collective farm “Red Dawn” they know him well and remember him.
“We ran together as boys,” says P. T. Bazlov, who is now 78 years old. – Then we went to school. Andrey Tupolev was the best student...
“The Tupolevs’ house stood next to the Luzhmanka River,” recalls another fellow countryman of Andrei Nikolaevich, pensioner S. M. Luzin. – Andryusha Tupolev once made a large boat with a paddle wheel and took all his friends for rides on it. Yes, even then his head was not just for a hat. Everyone will come up with something, will captivate us with something...
Kimryaks are proud of their illustrious fellow countryman, academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, the founder of metal aircraft construction in the USSR, the “father” of a large family of aircraft with short but resounding names “ANT” and “TU”. They closely follow his creative work.
In the memory of his fellow countrymen live the flight through the capitals of Europe of his multi-seat aircraft “Wings of the Soviets”, the flight to America of the Tupolev aircraft “Country of the Soviets”, the unforgettable flights of the pilots M. Gromov and V. Chkalov on the “ANT-25” from Moscow to the USA via the North Pole. Many of the Kimryaks have more than once flown on the beautiful high-speed passenger airliners from the TU family, which are an outstanding achievement of aircraft design.
Today Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev turns eighty years old. The Kimry city party committee, the executive committees of the city and district Council of Workers' Deputies sent a warm congratulatory telegram to the hero of the day.
“... We are proud that you, our fellow countryman, with your creative work and ebullient energy, have made a huge contribution to the development of Soviet aviation, strengthening the defense capability and power of our Motherland,” it says.
The collective farmers of the Red Dawn agricultural cooperative also sent a warm congratulatory telegram to A.N. Tupolev.
“Dear Andrei Nikolaevich,” it says. – On the day of your 80th birthday, the workers of the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts, wishing you great creative success and long life. We will be very glad to meet you in your homeland.”

personal corr. "Kalininskaya Pravda"
Kimry district.


For services in the creation of new aircraft and in connection with the eightieth anniversary of his birth, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the general designer of aircraft, Comrade. Tupolev Andrei Nikolaevich with the Order of Lenin.


Published by:

  • Newspaper "Kalininskaya Pravda", November 1968
  • .


    Andrey Nikolaevich

    On December 23, 1972, in Moscow, at the age of 85, after a serious illness, the largest aviation designer, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Colonel General Engineer, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev, died.
    In the person of A. N. Tupolev, the country lost an outstanding designer and scientist, one of the founders of the domestic aircraft industry.
    A. N. Tupolev was born on November 10, 1888 in the village of Pustomazovo, Tver province, in the family of a notary, graduated from a gymnasium in Tver and in 1908 entered the Moscow Higher Technical School, where he actively worked in an aeronautical circle under the guidance of the greatest scientist N. E. Zhukovsky and became one of his closest students, devoting his entire life to the development of aviation.
    After graduating from the Moscow Higher Technical School in 1918, A. N. Tupolev, together with N. E. Zhukovsky, became the organizer and one of the leaders of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, which became the world's largest center of aviation science.
    A. N. Tupolev began his many years of outstanding design activity in 1922 at TsAGI, heading a group of specialists and starting work on creating his first light single-seat aircraft ANT-1, and then the country's first all-metal passenger aircraft ANT-2. Possessing an exceptional gift of scientific foresight, A. N. Tupolev correctly assessed the prospects for the development of all-metal aircraft construction and subsequently created a whole galaxy of well-known passenger and military aircraft on which outstanding flights were made and world records were set. In 1937, the single-engine ANT-25 aircraft made direct flights from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole for the first time in the world; the first expedition to the North Pole was landed on four-engine ANT-6 aircraft in 1937. The military version of this aircraft, the TB-3, played a big role in the development of heavy long-range bombers. Outstanding Achievement was the construction in 1934 of the world's largest passenger aircraft, the Maxim Gorky. Tu-2 dive bombers created by A. N. Tupolev were widely used in the Great Patriotic War.
    IN post-war years created under the leadership of Academician A. N. Tupolev a whole series outstanding aircraft for the Soviet Army and civil aviation. The whole world knows the first jet passenger aircraft Tu-104, which was followed by the Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-154 and supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144.
    A. N. Tupolev was a major scientist and designer who had exceptional quality and the ability to combine deep theoretical research with their practical implementation in the designs of new aircraft. At the same time, he was a talented organizer who knew how to attract not only his closest assistants, but also the entire team of the design bureau and plant to implement his creative ideas. Andrei Nikolaevich enjoyed enormous authority, great respect and love from everyone who worked with him.
    During his fifty years of design activity, A. N. Tupolev trained many outstanding Soviet aircraft designers, as well as numerous cadres of scientists, designers and engineers now working in many organizations in the aviation industry.
    A. N. Tupolev actively participated in the socio-political life of the country; since 1950 he was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was a member of the commission on foreign affairs Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Chairman of the Board of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship Society.
    The fruitful work of Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev in the name of our Motherland earned the gratitude of the Soviet people and was awarded high government awards.
    For outstanding services to the Motherland in the creation and development of Soviet aviation, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor three times, the title of laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, and was awarded many orders and medals of the Soviet Union.
    The memory of the outstanding aircraft designer Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev, an ardent patriot of the socialist Motherland, who devoted his entire life to the development of aviation in our country, will forever remain in the hearts of the Soviet people.

    L. Brezhnev, G. Voronov, V. Grishin, A. Kirilenko, A. Kosygin,
    F. Kulakov, D. Kunaev, K. Mazurov, A. Pelshe, N. Podgorny,
    D. Polyansky, M. Suslov, A. Shelepin, P. Shelest, V. Shcherbitsky,
    Yu. Andropov, P. Demichev, P. Masherov, B. Ponomarev,
    Sh. Rashidov, M. Solomentsev, D. Ustinov, V. Dolgikh, I. Kapitonov,
    K. Katushev, V. Kirillin, V. Novikov, L. Smirnov, M. Georgadze,
    I. Serbin, P. Dementyev, A. Grechko, B. Bugaev, S. Afanasyev,
    V. Bakhirev, B. Butoma, S. Zverev, V. Kalmykov, E. Slavsky,
    A. Shokin, V. Ryabikov, M. Keldysh, N. Savinkin, I. Yakubovsky,
    V. Kulikov, S. Sokolov, A. Epishev, P. Batitsky,
    S. Gorshkov, P. Kutakhov, V. Tolubko, I. Pavlovsky, N. Alekseev,
    V. Promyslov, M. Smirtyukov, L. Grekov, S. Kadyshev,
    V. Kazakov, M. Mikhailov, P. Sukhoi, V. Myasishchev, S. Ilyushin,
    A. Yakovlev, O. Antonov, R. Belyakov, G. Novozhilov, G. Svishchev,
    S. Tumansky, A. Lyulka, N. Kuznetsov, A. Arkhangelsky,
    N. Bazenkov.


    Central Committee The CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided:
    1. Organize a government commission for organizing the funeral of A. N. Tupolev, consisting of: L. V. Smirnov (chairman), M. V. Keldysh, P. V. Dementyev, B. P. Bugaev, V. G. Kulikov, L . I. Grekova, V. F. Promyslova, I. D. Serbina, M. S. Smirtyukova.
    2. Bury A.N. Tupolev at the Novodevichy cemetery.


    The government commission reports that the coffin with the body of A. N. Tupolev will be installed in the Red Banner Hall of the Central House of the Soviet Army.
    Access to farewell to the deceased will be open on December 25, 1972 from 12 noon to 8 pm and on December 26 from 10 am.
    The funeral will take place on December 26 at 13:00 at the Novodevichy cemetery.


    The Board of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Board of the Ministry of Civil Aviation inform with deep regret that on December 23, 1972, after a serious illness at the 85th year of his life, the outstanding scientist and aircraft designer Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, died three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Colonel General-Engineer, and express condolences to the family of the deceased.

    Published by:

  • Izvestia, December 24, 1972
  • Open obituaries with pictures in jpg format: part 1 , part 2 .

    with A. N. TUPOLEV

    The largest aviation designer, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Colonel General-Engineer, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev has passed away.
    Thousands of Muscovites came to the Red Banner Hall of the Central House of the Soviet Army on December 25 to say goodbye to the outstanding designer and scientist, one of the founders of the domestic aircraft industry.
    The Red Banner Hall is in mourning decoration. On a high pedestal is the coffin with the body of A. N. Tupolev. On the scarlet satin pillows are gold Hammer and Sickle medals, honorary badges of the laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, orders and medals of the Soviet Union, which were awarded to the glorious son of the Soviet people, as well as awards from foreign countries.
    Around the pedestal there are wreaths: from the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, from the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, other ministries and departments, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, from the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU and the executive committee of the Moscow Soviet, from the MK CPSU and the executive committee of the Moscow Regional Council, the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with foreign countries, the central board of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship Society, from enterprises, research organizations, design bureaus, the Kalinin regional committee of the CPSU and the executive committee of the regional council, from relatives and friends.
    12.00. Mourning melodies sound. At the first funeral watch, members of the government commission for organizing the funeral stand at the coffin: Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR L. V. Smirnov (chairman of the commission), President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M. V. Keldysh, Minister of Aviation Industry P. V. Dementyev, first deputy USSR Minister of Defense, Chief General Staff Armed Forces USSR Army General V. G. Kulikov, Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU L. I. Grekov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council V. F. Promyslov, Head of the Department of the CPSU Central Committee I. D. Serbin, Administrator of the Council of Ministers of the USSR M. S. Smirtyukov.
    More and more wreaths are brought into the hall. Scientists, designers, workers of Moscow enterprises and construction sites, representatives public organizations, students, soldiers of the Soviet Army. They say goodbye not only to a remarkable aircraft designer, the creator of world-famous airliners, but also to a prominent public figure. A. N. Tupolev was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and was the permanent chairman of the central board of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship Society.


    Published by:

  • Izvestia, December 26, 1972
  • .


    On December 25, the working people of the capital said goodbye to A.N. Tupolev. Every three minutes the guard of honor changes at the coffin. It is carried by USSR ministers, scientists, prominent Soviet party, state and public figures. In the honor guard are Marshals of the Soviet Union I. I. Yakubovsky, P. F. Batitsky, I. K. Bagramyan, P. K. Koshevoy, Chairman of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans, Army General P. I. Batov, and other military leaders.
    The stream of people is endless. Among those who came to say goodbye to A.N. Tupolev were his students, who are now working in many organizations in the aviation industry.
    The hall includes representatives of the fraternal Bulgarian people - member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the BKP, chairman of the National Committee of Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship Tsola Dragoicheva, Ambassador of the People's Republic of Belarus to the Soviet Union Stoyan Gyurov, and other Bulgarian comrades. Bulgarian friends highly appreciated the activities of A.N. Tupolev, aimed at strengthening fraternal relations between our peoples. The Government of People's Bulgaria awarded him two orders of Georgi Dimitrov. Wreaths from the Central Committee of the BCP, the National Council are laid at the coffin Fatherland Front and its chairman Georgiy Traikov, the National Committee of the Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship, the Embassy of the People's Republic of Belarus in the USSR, from the Bulgarian civil aviation.
    At 6 p.m., comrades G. I. Voronov, V. V. Grishin, A. P. Kirilenko, A. N. Kosygin, F. D. Kulakov, A. Ya. Pelshe, M. A. Suslov, take the honor guard. A. N. Shelepin, P. E. Shelest, B. N. Ponomarev, M. S. Solomentsev, D. F. Ustinov, V. I. Dolgikh, I. V. Kapitonov. Together with them are Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR V. E. Dymshits and L. V. Smirnov.

    * * *

    On the building of the Central House of the Soviet Army there are mourning flags, on the pediment there is a portrait of the General Designer of the USSR, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev. Thousands of Muscovites, and along with them our entire country, said goodbye here to the glorious son of the Soviet people, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
    On December 26, as the day before, an endless stream of workers from the capital and Moscow region, soldiers of the Soviet Army, went to the Red Banner Hall to pay their last respects to one of the founders of domestic civil aviation, a prominent public figure A. N. Tupolev.
    In the mourning guard of honor are the chairmen of the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A.P. Shitikov and Y.S. Nasriddinova, the secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.P. Georgadze.
    A tribute of deep respect to A.N. Tupolev was paid by member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the BCP, chairman of the National Committee of Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship Tsola Dragoicheva, Ambassador of the People's Republic of Belarus to the USSR Stoyan Gyurov, and other Bulgarian comrades.
    IN last path their senior comrade and colleague was seen off by aircraft designers O.K. Antonov, N.I. Kamov, G.V. Novozhilov, M.N. Tishchenko, A.S. Yakovlev and others, as well as USSR pilot-cosmonauts A.S. Eliseev and G.S. Shonin.
    At 11:35 a.m., candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee D. F. Ustinov, members of the funeral government commission L. V. Smirnov, M. V. Keldyshch, P. V. Dementyev, V. G. Kulikov, L. I. Grekov, V. F. Promyslov, M. S. Smirtyukov.
    Access to the hall is terminated. Relatives and friends of the deceased remain at the coffin.
    To the sounds of mourning melodies, the coffin is carried out of the Red Banner Hall. The funeral procession heads to the Novodevichy cemetery.
    On behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the funeral meeting at the cemetery was opened by Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR L. V. Smirnov.
    Today, he said, we are seeing off on his last journey an outstanding scientist, a major aircraft designer, one of the founders of the domestic aircraft industry, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Colonel General-Engineer, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev. The name of this wonderful man, a tireless worker and creator of Soviet aircraft, is known not only in our country, but throughout the world.
    The exceptional talent and design talent of Andrei Nikolaevich could be fully revealed only in the conditions of Soviet reality, thanks to the tireless concern of the party and government for the development of domestic aviation.
    Exuberant energy, hard work and focus in work, the desire for everything new and progressive created Andrei Nikolaevich enormous authority among scientists, engineers and workers.
    The design bureau organized by him, his students and followers successfully continue the development of Soviet aviation technology.
    The floor is given to the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician M.V. Keldysh. “A. N. Tupolev,” he said, “has come a long and bright path as a scientist, designer, organizer and leader of large design teams. He can rightfully be called one of the creators of modern aviation. The entire history of aircraft manufacturing is associated with the name of A. N. Tupolev. The teams headed by him created over a hundred types of aircraft that brought world fame to Soviet aviation science and technology. He was not only a brilliant designer, but also played a huge role in the development of aviation science, in the creation of its experimental base. Andrei Nikolaevich trained numerous aircraft designers. Many heads of aviation design bureaus, whose names the whole world knows, are his students. During his half-century of design activity, A. N. Tupolev constantly paved new paths in aviation technology.
    The scientific and design activities of A. N. Tupolev, which were characterized by deep and creative penetration into the fundamental problems of science, constant attention to promising scientific directions have received wide recognition throughout the world.
    The Minister of Aviation Industry, P.V. Dementyev, who then spoke, noted Andrei Nikolaevich’s especially great merits in the development of metal aircraft construction, in the creation of heavy aircraft, in the field of jet and supersonic aviation, where his exceptional talent and inexhaustible energy as an organizer were widely developed. Heavy aircraft TB-3 and Maxim Gorky, the world's first passenger jet TU-104 and supersonic passenger TU-144 - these aircraft became milestones in the development of domestic aviation, he said.
    The great merit of Andrei Nikolaevich is the creation, together with N. E. Zhukovsky, of the Central Aerodynamic Institute (TsAGI) and the organization of the largest aircraft design bureau in our country, which he continuously led from the first day of its foundation.
    Saying goodbye to Andrei Nikolaevich today, one cannot help but talk about his high human qualities, the minister said in conclusion, “He was a man with a big soul, an outstanding scientist with an amazing engineering sense, a talented leader, an organizer of a large team, and a major public figure.
    Feelings of deep sorrow and condolences from the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, on behalf of State Council NRB and comrade Todor Zhivkov, on behalf of the government of the NRB, on behalf of the entire Bulgarian people, Tsola Dragoicheva, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the BKP, chairman of the All-People's Committee of Bulgarian-Soviet Friendship, expressed her concern about the death of A.N. Tupolev. “Millions of Bulgarians,” she said, “bow their heads low, paying their last respects to the great patriot of the great Soviet country, an outstanding scientist and prominent public figure, a wonderful person who was one of the founders of the Soviet air fleet, one of those who, under the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee and Soviet government brought Soviet aircraft manufacturing to one of the first places in the world.
    A. N. Tupolev was the chairman of the Central Board of the Soviet-Bulgarian Friendship Society for fifteen years and contributed great contribution in the cause of further rapprochement of our fraternal countries, noted Ts. Dragoicheva. With his noble activities in this field, he gained wide popularity and respect of the Bulgarian people. For his services in this field, our party and the people's government twice awarded him the most high award Bulgaria - Order of Georgiy Dimitrov.
    First Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General V. G. Kulikov spoke on behalf of the Armed Forces of the USSR. “The name of A.N. Tupolev,” he emphasized, “is inextricably linked with the glorious pages of the history of the development of Soviet military aviation. He is a worthy representative of a remarkable galaxy of outstanding scientists and aircraft designers who made a huge contribution to the creation and strengthening air force Soviet countries.
    - We, military people, knew well and respected this man of great intelligence and ebullient energy, who, together with his friendly creative team, created combat aircraft for the Soviet Army.
    All wonderful life A. N. Tupolev, said, speaking at the rally, Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU L. I. Grekov, was given to the selfless service of the socialist Motherland, to the Soviet people, the great cause of communism. The working people of the capital knew him well. Andrei Nikolaevich lived and worked in Moscow for many years. Here, under his leadership, the designs of the world-famous Tu aircraft were developed.
    Muscovites knew A. N. Tupolev as a talented and caring teacher of a whole galaxy of Soviet aircraft builders, as an active public figure. He was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the Moscow City Council, was closely associated with many collectives of workers in the capital, and provided great assistance to city organizations in the work of promoting scientific and technical knowledge.
    The funeral meeting is over. To the sound of a gun salute, the coffin with the body of A. N. Tupolev is lowered into the grave. The USSR National Anthem is played.
    Inscribed on the granite slab:

    Andrey Nikolaevich

    Giving military honors, a division of soldiers passed in front of the grave of A.N. Tupolev.


    Published by:

  • Izvestia, December 27, 1972
  • .


    Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev died on December 23, 1972 in Moscow. Buried on Novodevichy Cemetery in the city Moscow. Grave on eighth station, row 46, place 1(the only grave in this row, the edge of the site). Monument at the grave: sculptor G. Taidze, architect Y. Belopolsky.
    His wife is also buried at Novodevichy Cemetery Yulia Nikolaevna Tupoleva(1894-1962) and son Alexey Andreevich Tupolev(20.V.1925-12.V.2001), just like his father, who became an aircraft designer and then his successor at the head of the Tupolev company (our site has yet to tell about him). Their grave is on first section, row 27, place 9.

    Izyaslav Tveretsky ,
    December 2010.


    Dear site users,
    You can download documentaries about a supersonic passenger airliner Tu-144, the history of its creation, testing and the beginning of flights, in which much attention is also paid to the personality of the outstanding aircraft designer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.

  • Born on November 10, 1888 on Tver land Andrey Tupolev- one of the most outstanding aircraft designers of the 20th century.

    Russia in all centuries has been rich in talents in a variety of fields. Sometimes, due to great upheavals, geniuses left their homeland, revealing themselves in foreign lands. This happened to one of the aviation pioneers Igor Sikorsky, who after the revolution created his new cars in the USA.

    Cossack from near Tver

    But in Russia there was a man whose genius was not inferior to Sikorsky - a man who largely determined the entire history of domestic aviation in the 20th century. This man was Andrey Tupolev.

    His mother was the daughter of a judicial investigator from Tiflis, his father, who came from Siberian Cossacks, worked as a notary of the district court.

    The family had many children, but the mother, who ran the household, managed to give the children good primary education. This is not surprising, because Anna Vasilievna She knew several languages, played the piano beautifully, and was a leading woman at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Andrei's passion for technology manifested itself in the Tver gymnasium; he was attracted to labor lessons. Some of the things he made were included in the exhibition. It was then that young Tupolev decided that he would receive a technical education.

    In 1908, Andrei Tupolev entered two technical Moscow universities at once - the Institute of Railway Engineers and the Imperial Moscow Technical School. The future aircraft designer entered both, but chose IMTU.

    Zhukovsky's right hand

    This decided Andrei's fate. In 1909, one of the pillars and founders of aviation began to give lectures at IMTU Nikolay Zhukovsky, who created the Aeronautical Club at the university. Andrei Tupolev quickly became not only an active member, but also Zhukovsky’s right hand.

    Students built gliders and dreamed of creating their own airplane, but in 1911 Tupolev’s studies were unexpectedly interrupted. Andrei was reported as a member of a revolutionary circle, and he was soon expelled from Moscow.

    Student Tupolev spent two years in native village under police supervision and only in 1913 was he able to return to study.

    Nevertheless, Tupolev did not lose interest in the sky and continued to work together with Zhukovsky in the aerodynamic laboratory.

    In 1916, Andrei Tupolev became one of the employees of the newly created Russian Aviation Design and Test Bureau.

    However, before the revolution, Tupolev was unable to implement a single project of his own within its framework.

    It is interesting that the activities of the Calculation and Testing Bureau continued under the Bolsheviks - the new authorities were interested in the development of aviation technology.

    ANT in flight

    In 1918, Andrei Tupolev finally received a diploma higher education, defending a project entitled “Experience in creating a hydroplane based on wind tunnel testing data.”

    A year later, he was already teaching at his native university, reading the theory of airplanes and hydroplanes.

    In December 1918, Nikolai Zhukovsky and Andrei Tupolev managed to gain support Lenin and achieve the creation of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI).

    After Zhukovsky's death, Tupolev headed the institute.

    Andrei Tupolev saw his main goal as the creation of a whole new industry - aircraft manufacturing, which would be able to produce all-metal aircraft in mass quantities.

    Technologies that would later be used in aircraft were first tested in the construction of gliders and snowmobiles.

    In October 1922, the government decided to form a commission for the construction of metal aircraft, chaired by Andrei Tupolev. The aircraft designer himself, two decades later, proposed starting the history of the legendary design bureau from this very moment.

    Exactly a year later, in October 1923, the single-seat ANT-1, a sports cantilever monoplane of mixed design, took off. ANT are the initials of the creator: “Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev.”

    Single seat aircraft ANT-1. Photo: Public Domain

    The first all-metal aircraft created in the USSR, ANT-2, took off in May 1924. From now on, new Tupolev Design Bureau vehicles will appear regularly.

    In 1925, the ANT-3 reconnaissance aircraft appeared, followed by the ANT-4 bomber, and in 1929, the first passenger airliner ANT-9, which greatly surprised international experts with its qualities.

    "Sharashka", where Victory was forged

    It is very difficult to list all the aircraft created under the leadership of Andrei Tupolev. Among them is the world's first 4-engine bomber strategic purpose ANT-6 (TB-3), the giant aircraft ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky", ANT-25, on which Valery Chkalov flew over the North Pole to America, as well as other Soviet aircraft on which Stalin's pre-war falcons set world records.

    However, in 1937, the wheel " Great Terror Andrei Tupolev also got in. Nevertheless, the top Soviet leaders were smart enough not to ruin the great talent of the aircraft designer. As a result, the NKVD of the USSR created TsKB-29, a closed design bureau, where other convicted aircraft engineers worked under the leadership of the convicted Andrei Tupolev. It was in TsKB-29, also known as the “Tupolev Sharashka”, that the future father of Soviet cosmonautics ended up Sergey Korolev.

    In July 1941, Tupolev was released - war was raging in the country, and the outstanding designer was more useful in freedom. One of the best aircraft of the Great Patriotic War was the Tu-2 bomber, which was developed by Tupolev and his team in that same “sharashka”.

    Bomber Tu-2. Photo: Brescia

    Great Legacy

    After the war, the Tupolev Design Bureau was faced with new tasks - the creation of a strategic bomber capable of delivering nuclear bomb into the territory of a potential enemy, the creation of passenger airliners.

    Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev was not only an outstanding designer, but also a brilliant teacher, under whose leadership such outstanding aircraft designers as Petlyakov. Dry, Myasishchev, Arkhangelsk, Lavochkin, miles and many others.

    In total, under the leadership of Andrei Tupolev, more than fifty original aircraft and about a hundred of their various modifications were created. In 1958, under the leadership of Tupolev, the Tu-114 turboprop intercontinental passenger aircraft was developed, which was ahead of its time.

    Turboprop intercontinental passenger aircraft Tu-114. Photo: / Foma

    Andrei Nikolaevich also saw the first flight of the Tu-144 - the world's first supersonic passenger airliner, the fate of which, alas, cannot be called happy.

    We can say that Andrei Tupolev created domestic aviation and brought it to the highest world level. At this level, Tupolev’s students, including his son Alexei, who headed the design bureau after his father’s death, will maintain it for several decades until it is destroyed along with the Soviet Union.

    The merits of Andrei Tupolev were highly appreciated by the state - he was three times Hero of the Soviet Union, a holder of many orders and a laureate of various awards. Tupolev was also appreciated abroad, being elected an Honorary Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Great Britain and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and an honorary citizen of Paris and New York.

    Andrei Tupolev worked until his last days, even in the hospital, taking an interest in the affairs of the design bureau, making plans for the future. The great aircraft designer died quietly in his sleep on the night of December 23, 1972 at the age of 84.

    Tupolev remained with us in his planes, in his students. And if Russia respects its great son, it will retain the wings that Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev gave it.


    Awards and Titles

    (November 10, 1888 - December 23, 1972) - Soviet aircraft designer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, colonel general engineer (1968), three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1957, 1972), Hero of Labor of the RSFSR (1926).

    Under the leadership of Tupolev, over a hundred types of aircraft were designed, 70 of which were built in series. His planes set 78 world records and performed about 30 outstanding flights.

    Tupolev trained a galaxy of prominent aviation designers and scientists who headed aircraft design bureaus. Among them are V. M. Petlyakov, P. O. Sukhoi, V. M. Myasishchev, A. I. Putilov, V. A. Chizhevsky, A. A. Arkhangelsky, M. L. Mil, A. P. Golubkov , I. F. Nezval, A. A. Tupolev.


    Born on November 10 (October 29, old style) 1888, in the village of Pustomazov, Kimry district, Tver province, in the family of a provincial notary.

    Even while studying at the gymnasium, he showed great interest in exact sciences and technology. In 1908 he entered the Imperial Technical School (later MVTU). At school I became seriously interested in aerodynamics. Since 1909 - member of the aeronautical circle. He participated in the construction of a glider, on which he made his first flight (1910). In 1911, successful studies and active scientific activity interrupted when, for participating in unrest and distributing illegal literature, he was arrested and administratively expelled from Moscow to his homeland under the secret supervision of the police. And only on the eve of the First World War he managed to return to school, which he graduated with honors in 1918. In 1916-1918, Tupolev participated in the work of the first aviation settlement bureau in Russia; designed the first wind tunnels at the school. Together with N. E. Zhukovsky, he was the organizer and one of the leaders of TsAGI. The vocation of the young engineer was finally determined at TsAGI. In 1918-1936, he was a member of the board and deputy head of the institute for experimental all-metal aircraft construction.

    On October 21, 1937, A. N. Tupolev was arrested on charges of sabotage and espionage. Together with him, the entire top leadership of TsAGI and the Design Bureau, the directors of most aircraft factories, were arrested. Many of them were shot. In conclusion, he worked in the closed NKVD design bureau - TsKB-29 (“Tupolev sharaga”).


    In 1925, Andrei Nikolaevich created the all-metal twin-engine aircraft TB-1, which was distinguished by high flight performance and was considered one of the best bombers in the world. In 1932, an improved TB-3 aircraft was designed, with the help of which the expedition landed at the North Pole in 1937. Also in 1932, under the leadership of Tupolev, the team of P. O. Sukhoi designed the ANT-25 aircraft. In 1934, a multi-engine aircraft of the Maxim Gorky model appeared. It had eight engines, a usable area of ​​more than 100 m² and a passenger capacity of up to 60 people.

    After World War II, the Tupolev Design Bureau developed and produced new model- Tu-16 jet bomber. It was capable of speeds of more than 1000 km/h. The first domestic jet civil aircraft, the Tu-104, also appeared.

    In 1957, the first turboprop intercontinental passenger aircraft, the Tu-114, was developed.


    In 1973, the Kazan Aviation Institute was named after Tupolev (since 1992 - Kazan State Technical University).

    In the city of Kimry on Mayskaya Square on September 7, 1979, a bust was erected (sculptor Kh. B. Gevorkyan) in memory of three times Hero of Socialist Labor A. N. Tupolev.

    One of the streets of Donetsk (Ukraine) is named after A. N. Tupolev. In Kyiv, on Academician Tupolev Street, the buildings of the ASTC named after O.K. Antonov are located.

    Awards and Titles

    • Awarded eight Orders of Lenin (1933, 1945, 1947, January 1949, December 1949, 1953, 1958, 1968), orders October Revolution(1971), Suvorov 2nd degree (1944), Patriotic War 1st degree (1943), two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1927, 1933), Orders of the Red Star (1933), "Badge of Honor" (1936), medals , Order of Georgiy Dimitrov ( People's Republic Bulgaria, 1964).
    • Winner of the Lenin Prize (1957), four Stalin Prizes of the 1st degree (1943, 1948, 1949, 1952) and the USSR State Prize (1972).
    • Honorary citizen of Paris (1964), New York and the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region (1968).
    • Honorary member of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (1970) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1971).
    • Prizes awarded to N.E. Zhukovsky Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), Golden Aviation Medal of the FAI (1958), Leonardo da Vinci Prize (1971), Gold medal Society of the Founders of Aviation in France (1971).