Since 2014, all ninth grade graduates Russian schools They are required to undergo the state final certification (FCA) in the format of the main state exam - OGE, which is why it is often called GIA 9. Despite the fact that in the official name of the all-Russian test of knowledge of ninth-graders the word “exam” is used in the singular, there are four tests in total: Mathematics and Russian are compulsory for everyone and two subjects are optional.

What is the difference between OGE and GIA

GIA is an annual control of the knowledge of graduates in basic state programs of secondary (grade 11) or basic (grade 9) general education, which is carried out to check the level of mastery curricula requirements of federal standards.

The OGE is the main of the three forms of conducting the State Examination, provided for graduates of the 9th grade. In fact, this is an analogue of the Unified State Exam for eleventh graders. The abbreviation OGE stands for “main state exam,” that is, mandatory for all ninth-graders. As part of the certification, the knowledge of schoolchildren acquired during the entire study period is checked. high school starting from the fifth grade.

Additional forms GIA-9

GIA in 9th grade can also be held in the following format:

  • GVE (state final exam), which is conducted as an oral or written test using tickets, texts, and various tasks for ninth-graders who studied:
    • in closed correctional institutions;
    • outside the Russian Federation;
    • on the territory of Crimea in 2014-2018,

and for students with disabilities health.

  • special form established by regional authorities executive branch- in this form, GIA 9 is carried out for those who, as part of the general education program, studied national literature and language and chose an exam in native language and/or literature.

How is the OGE conducted?

All GIA 9 exams are held in schools according to a single schedule drawn up by the Ministry of Education and Science, and each year begin no earlier than May 25 (except for the early period, which usually starts on April 20). The interval between mandatory examinations cannot be less than two days.

The OGE starts at 10 am, but you must arrive at the PPE (exam point) by 9. Participants are given sets of CMMs (control measuring materials - forms with tasks). This is followed by instructions to explain the general procedure for conducting the exam and the rules for preparing the work.

After all examinees have filled out the registration fields and the organizers have checked the correctness of the entries, the start and end time of writing is announced - it is fixed on information stand or just on the board. Only after this does everyone start working.

Duration of the OGE

Item Exam duration
standard for participants with disabilities
Physics 3 hours (180 minutes) 4 hours 30 minutes
Social science
Literature 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) 5 hours 25 minutes
Russian language
Computer Science and ICT 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes) 4 hours
Chemistry (with laboratory work) 2 hours 20 minutes (140 minutes) 3 hours 50 minutes
Geography 2 hours (120 minutes) 3 hours 30 minutes
Chemistry (without laboratory work)
Foreign languages ​​(except for the “Speaking” section)
Foreign languages, “Speaking” 15 minutes 45 minutes

Duration of GVE

Social science 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) 5 hours
Literature 3 hours (180 minutes) 4 hours 30 minutes
Physics 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes) 4 hours
Foreign languages
Computer Science and ICT
Mathematics 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) 5 hours 25 minutes
Russian language

On the OGE in Russian you can use spelling dictionaries, during the mathematics exam - reference books with formulas (these materials are contained in the CMM), but calculators are prohibited. To complete literature assignments, you are allowed to contact full texts artistic works.

For review exam papers takes no more than 10 days. Results in primary scores then transferred to a 5-point system.

Admission to the exam

The answers are entered on a special form that looks like this:

You need to fill it out by entering the numbers or words corresponding to the correct answers - it all depends on how exactly the task is formulated.

Creative tasks like writing an essay, as in the first or third part of the OGE in Russian,

are performed on form No. 2:

In general, there is nothing supernatural or insurmountable in the OGE. The questions in the exam KIMs will be composed similarly to those offered by the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for training and preparation, so there is an opportunity to improve your skills and eliminate gaps in knowledge. There is more than enough time for this: demo versions are published in open access almost a year before the exam - in August.

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The OGE is the main state exam that schoolchildren take at the end of 9th grade.

For passing the OGE For a specific subject, you need to solve tasks from the examination form, which is issued before the exam. These forms are called control and measuring materials - CMM.

KIMs consist of many tasks: with tests, tasks with a short answer and a part where you need to give a detailed answer. The tasks are arranged from simple to complex. For simple tasks, fewer points are awarded, for complex ones with a detailed answer - more.

What subjects to take

Here are the subjects you can take electively:

  1. Literature.
  2. Physics.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Geography.
  6. Story.
  7. Social science.
  8. Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT).
  9. Foreign languages ​​- English, German, French or Spanish.
  10. Native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  11. Native literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Students indicate elective subjects in an application, which can be obtained through the educational organization where the child is studying: lyceum, school or gymnasium. The application must be completed and submitted to your educational institution by March 1 of the current year.

A student may change electives after submitting an application. But this requires a good reason, documented: for example, a student is seriously ill and there are doubts that he will recover for the chosen exam. In this case, he can submit an application with a certificate that confirms his diagnosis and choose another subject to take.

An application with a changed list of subjects and the reasons for this change must be submitted to the state examination commission - the State Examination Commission. Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams.

Who participates in the OGE

Not all students can take the exam. There are certain conditions that they must meet. First of all, the restriction concerns low-achieving students.

Schoolchildren who have a D in at least one subject in their annual grades will not be allowed to take the exam. If you can quickly correct the annual mark, you can go to the OGE in the additional period in the fall of the same year.

Who will be allowed to take the test:

  1. Ninth-graders who do not have failing grades.
  2. Graduates from previous years who failed or were not admitted to the OGE in previous years.
  3. Foreign citizens, refugees or migrants who have completed educational programs in any form.
  4. Students who studied school curriculum independently, in an organization without state accreditation or in the form of family education.

All-Russian prize-winners and participants international olympiads may not pass the subject in which they went to the Olympiad this year.

Features of the event

During the early period, the OGE is taken by those students who, for good reason, cannot take the main exam. The period begins no earlier than April 20 of the current year.

During the main period, the main stream of schoolchildren take the test: those who do not have problems with their studies and good reasons to pass the OGE ahead of schedule. This period should not begin earlier than May 25 of the current year.

Retake in an additional period takes place in the following cases:

  1. The student received a bad grade in one subject. If there are two, you will not be allowed to retake the additional deadlines. In 2017, in such a situation, it was allowed to take the OGE no earlier than September 1 of the current year.
  2. The student did not take the exam for a valid reason, which is documented.
  3. The student was unable to pass the exam for a valid reason. For example, he fainted.
  4. The student filed an appeal and it was approved.

An appeal can be filed if the rules were violated or if the student does not agree with the result. If the appeal is approved, the exam results will be canceled and a retake will be ordered.

The appeal must be filed quickly. If the student does not agree with the assessment - within two days from the date of its appearance on the official website. And if the procedure for conducting the OGE was violated, you must submit an application on the day of the exam.

An appeal can be filed if:

  1. The student does not agree with his assessment.
  2. The procedure was violated. Applications specifically about violation of the rules of the exam by the organizer are considered. For example, if he forbade the use of a simple calculator in physics, did not let schoolchildren go to the toilet, or took away students’ work ahead of time.

An appeal cannot be filed if:

  1. The student completed the work incorrectly.
  2. The complaint relates to the structure or content of the examination materials.
  3. The claim is related to the violation of the rules by the student himself. For example, if a student took and did not come to the exam.
  4. Complaint about completing short answer assignments.

Where to find the results

To do this, you need to select your region on the official website of the State Inspectorate in the upper left corner. For example, if you select the Oryol region, the system will redirect to the regional website, where you can find out the results. It is enough to enter the student’s name, series and number of his passport.

An oral exam in Russian will become mandatory, an appeal can only be filed in two cases, and minimum scores depend on class profile


Compulsory disciplines

Now there are three of them: oral Russian, written Russian and mathematics.

Oral exam in Russian language. To be admitted to the State Examination Academy, it is enough to receive a “pass” for it. The test itself lasts only 15 minutes and is tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2019.

You will take the oral exam in Russian at your school. There are four tasks to complete:

1. Read aloud text of approximately 200 words. It is important to pronounce words correctly, read at an appropriate pace and change intonation in accordance with punctuation marks. The entire text must be read in 2 minutes, and 2 minutes are also given for preparation.

2. Retell the text you just read and appropriately use the quote suggested by the examiner. You have 3 minutes to complete the task and 1 minute to prepare.

3. Monologue on one of the topics of the student’s choice: description of the image according to the plan, story based on personal experience or reasoning in response to a question posed. You are given 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to perform.

4. Support dialogue with an examiner on a chosen topic without additional preparation. You are required to answer in detail and explain your position.

Early stage. To take the OGE ahead of schedule, you need to document your eligibility. Here is a list of situations for early certification:

  • you were called to military service;
  • you participate in Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps during the main stage;
  • you are leaving for permanent residence or to continue your studies outside the Russian Federation;
  • are sent to treatment-and-prophylactic and other medical institutions during the period of the State Examination;
  • you graduated from 9th grade last year and are retaking the OGE;
  • you have completed the curriculum ahead of schedule, have no academic debts and have received permission from the teachers' council.

Additional period. The last opportunity to retake the OGE in 2019 will be from September 3 to September 21. If during this period you were unable to get at least a “C”, then it is better to stay at school for the second year or leave with a certificate of completion.

Examination. Results are verified within 10 business days. Depends on how many people took the subject. For example, checking results in Russian and mathematics usually takes the most time because everyone takes them. The results can be viewed on the website Regional center information processing (RTSOI).


An appeal is filed in two cases and within different deadlines:

1. If the procedure for conducting the OGE was violated. Your application will be accepted by a representative of the State Examination Commission (SEC) if you did not have time to leave the PES. The processing time for a complaint is two business days.

2. If you do not agree with the points given. Write an application to your school within two working days from the announcement of the exam results. This appeal may take up to four working days.

The appeal will not be accepted if you:

  • challenge the content and structure of OGE tasks;
  • dissatisfied with the results of checking short answer tasks;
  • violated the rules for conducting the OGE;
  • The exam paper was formatted incorrectly.


Those who have not scored the minimum scores in one or two subjects out of four can retake the OGE. The first opportunity to take the exam is given at reserve days the same period, the second - in the additional period. If a graduate was unable to be certified on the second attempt or did not pass 3-4 exams, he will not receive a certificate.

Since 2018 OGE result affects the annual grade even for an elective subject. If the OGE is “5” and the year is “4”, the grades will be added up, divided in half and the result rounded in your favor - you will get “5”.

GIA is a state final certification, a type of knowledge test for students who have completed 9 grades secondary school. The State Examination is carried out in the form of testing in various subjects; its implementation is compared with the Unified State Examination - a form of general examination for school graduates in Russia.

The GIA has strictly established frameworks, which are the same for all ninth-graders in the country. At the end, students take at least 4 exams to receive a certificate. In some specialized schools, it is permissible to take 5 exams, but no more than this number. Only two subjects are required to pass the GIA format – Russian language and mathematics. All other subjects can be taken both in the GIA form and in the usual form: at your school, to teachers, in the form of answers to tickets, delivery of a project, defense scientific work or control.

Features of passing the State Examination Test

The student himself must choose in what form to take the remaining subjects, except Russian language and mathematics. No one can force him to choose to take the exam in the GIA form or in the regular form. However, if a student after 9th grade leaves his school to move to another or enters a technical school or college, then he may need not only a certificate for, but also a certificate with GIA scores. This should be taken into account in advance and find out what documents a particular educational institution accepts after 9th grade. It happens that the school itself requires GIA scores for enrollment.

Among the electives for the State Academic Examination, almost all subjects that students study in: literature, physics, biology, chemistry, foreign language, geography, social studies, etc. Each subject has its own highest score; this is how the GIA differs from the Unified State Exam. This score can range from 22 to 70 points. In addition, every year the value highest score for each subject is revised.

How is the State Examination carried out?

Examinations in the form of State Examinations are carried out, as a rule, on the territory of another educational institution, and not the school the student goes to. This is done to protect against cheating, hints and help from teachers. Students are given answer forms and assignment options, of which there are several for each subject. Tasks presented different types: in test form, for recording short and extended answers. On the answer form you need to write information about the student: his name, surname and patronymic, class, option and passport number. Then carefully enter the answers to the assignments.

After writing the exam, students' answer sheets are sealed and sent for checking. Students can receive their exam results in a few days. The State Examination is a good opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam and test your own knowledge.

The education system does not stand still, which leads to certain reforms. Every year, parents of graduates grab their heads and try to understand the abbreviations OGE, Unified State Exam, GVE, GIA. And the most main question for them, what does this all mean, how is it different, who rents it out and where? And of course how all this will affect the child himself. According to observations recent years, parents are more panicked than the child himself, who needs to pass the exam. Let's talk more about these types of exams.

What is OGE

The abbreviation OGE itself appeared in 2014, it stands for “ Mandatory state exam" Previously, these exams were called GIA (State Final Certification). This exam is taken at the end of 9th grade. The OGE requires passing two mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics, and two additional ones that students can choose on their own. When issuing a certificate, the results of all four exams are taken into account; at a minimum, they must be passed satisfactorily.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

Depending on the chosen discipline, there is a passing score. Maximum number of points for the OGE in Russian language 39 . To pass the exam you must score a minimum 15 points. And for the math exam 8 points. If we convert points into grades we get:

Russian language 0-14 points is two; from 15 to 24 points equals a score of 3; from 25 to 33 this is 4 (provided that the student scored at least 4 points on questions GK1-GK4); from 34 to 39 points – score 5 (provided that the student scored at least 6 points on questions GK1-GK4).

Maximum score in mathematics 32 , accordingly, if a student scores from 0 to 7 points on the exam - score 2; from 8 to 14 points – that’s already three; from 15 to 21 – equals 4; from 22 to 32 points – is estimated at 5 points.
Who is allowed to take the OGE

Students are allowed to attend educational organizations(gymnasiums, lyceums, schools), including self-study, who have mastered general education program full-time, part-time or part-time. Foreign citizens and refugees who have completed the general education program, including compatriots abroad.

What is the Unified State Exam

The Unified State Exam was first introduced in the territory Russian Federation in 2001. He means a unified objective test of students' knowledge, control measuring materials are used to check them. Based on the results of this exam, a certificate is issued. At passing the Unified State Exam There are two mandatory exams - Russian and mathematics (basic). Additionally, students take three optional exams, depending on the university they plan to enroll in.

Who is allowed to take the Unified State Exam?

Students who have completed the general education program of eleven grades are allowed to take the exam. This exam is taken by students of schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. It is worth noting that the examinee should not have debt in other subjects (i.e. the final grade in the subjects should not be lower than 3). A student is allowed to take exams with a grade below 3 only if he passes the Unified State Examination in this subject.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

To successfully pass the exam you must score at least 36 points in Russian language, And at least 27 points in mathematics. For more successful completion The exam requires the following indicators: - Russian language for 4 from to 71, and for 5 from 72 to 100 points. In mathematics you need to score 4 from 47 to 64 points, and for 5 your result must be above 65 points.

Differences between the OGE and the Unified State Exam

The similarity of these exams is that they imply independent assessment of examinees' knowledge. These two exams differ in that the OGE is taken after the 9th grade on the territory of the general education institution in which the student studied. But the Unified State Exam is taken after 11th grade in an area that is unusual for the student, it is called PPE. For the OGE, the commission consists of school teachers, and for the Unified State Exam there is an independent commission. For execution OGE exam One hour more time is given than for the Unified State Exam.

What innovations are expected in the next 5 years?

Dmitry Livanov confirmed the information that mandatory unified exam in history, but specific dates have not been announced. The ministry is discussing such subjects as physics and geography and the possibility of adding them to the list of mandatory exams. Accordingly, there is a risk of increasing mandatory state exams from two to five.

By 2022, a unified exam will be introduced English language. It is planned to relax the Unified State Exam retake; accordingly, the number of retake attempts will be increased to three. Should I be worried about my child's exams? - No, there is no escape from him. It is worth paying more attention to your child's education.