In the course February Revolution 1917 Nicholas II signed a renunciation of the throne. Instead of this, the temporary government promised him and his family unhindered departure abroad.

Later, the head of the Provisional Government A. F. Kerensky assured: "As for the evacuation royal family, we decided to send them through Murmansk to London. In March 1917, the British government was consent, but in July, when everything was ready for travel to Murmansk and Foreign Minister Tereshchenko sent to London Telegram with a request to send a ship to meet the royal family, the Great British Ambassador received from the premiere of Lloyd George a clear answer from Prime Minister: British government, unfortunately, can not accept tsarist seven As guests during the war. "

Instead of Murmansk, the imperial family was sent to Tobolsk, because in the capital anarchic sentiment intensified and the Bolsheviks rushed to power. As you know, after the overthrow of the Provisional Government, new leaders considered that Romanovs need to be destroyed physically.

So why did not the king accepted in England?

Assessing the situation, the historian and writer Gennady Sokolov said: "Kerensky did not smell, did not observe himself with the back. Declassified documents fully confirm his words. "

Romanovs were to actually go to England, because during World War II, both countries were considered allies, and the members of the royal and imperial families were not strangers to each other. Georg V accounted for a cousin and Nicholas II, and his wife Alexander Fedorovna.

From left to right, Prince Wales Eduard, Nikolai II, Tsearevich Alexey and the future king Georg V, 1909. | Photo: REGNUM.RU.

Georg V wrote to his cousin: "Yes, my most expensive Niki, I hope that we will always continue our friendship with you; You know, I am unchanged, and I always loved you so much ... In my thoughts, I am constantly with you. God bless you, my dear old nickname, and remember that you can always count on me as your friend. Forever your loyal friend Georgie.

On March 22, 1917, the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain decided to "grant the emperor and the Empress of the shelter in England for a while there is a war." A week later, Georg V began to behave at all as he wrote the "old nickname". He doubted the feasibility of arrival of the Romanovs in England, and the path is dangerous ...

On April 2, 1917, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of England Lord Arthur Balfour expressed his surprise that the monarch should not go to the opponent, since the ministers had already decided on the invitation of Romanov.

But Georg V showed perseverance and wrote a couple of days later: "Instruct the Ambassador Buchenna, so that he says Milyukov, that we must refuse our consent to offer russian government" In the afterlog, he stressed that he was not the king invited the imperial family, and the British government.

In May 1917, the Russian Foreign Ministry received a new order from the United Kingdom Ambassador, which indicated that "the British government cannot advise him to provide hospitality to people whose sympathies for Germany are more than well known." Played on hand and propaganda vs Nicholas II and his spouse, which, as you know, was a German by origin. The nearest relative threw on the mercy of the fate of his cousin, and the sad finale of this story is known to everyone.

Some historians explained the position of George V with respect to Romanov in that he was afraid of revolution in the UK, because workers' trade unions were very sympathetic to the Bolsheviks. An optimal imperial family could only worsen the situation. For the sake of preserving the throne "Georgie" decided to sacrifice the cousin.

But if you believe the preserved documents, the secretary of the king wrote the English ambassador of Bertier in Paris: "It was a firm conviction of the king, who never wanted it." That is, from the very beginning, Georg V did not want to move the Romanovs to England. And Russia has always been considered a geopolitical rival of Great Britain.

No wonder the poet of times Silver century Nikolai Ventcel in 1902 created a poem in which such lines sounded:

This poem was, to a certain extent politicized. Since it was finely noticed by the attitude of the thinking intelligentsia to the wife of Nikolai second, who was married to the lady who had a hereditary attitude towards the British Royal Yard.
But the expression is not a venture was invented, but they say that she is still Suvorov or someone later. This aphorism is not author. But I had in mind some kind of English person, most likely - Queen Victoria. And Ventcel processed these words well.
Since then, it popular expression They used when they wanted to say "he (a) some secret goats and finishing them slowly in life."


In 1871, in the family of the Russian Emperor Alexander 3, the second son was born, named George. Unlike his older brother Nicholas, born three years earlier, this boy grew a strong and healthy child.

Nikolai Right (sits), George in shorts

George, like younger, below

Nikolai and George in childhood

In 1894, Alexander 3 died, Nikolai 2 climbed the throne, and Georgy became Cesarevich, for the lack of his son's young emperor at the lack of his own son. George perfectly owned english language and preparing himself to the profession of a military seaman, as he was put on the younger royal son, until he fell ill with tuberculosis, completely unexpectedly and to big burn all family.

His mother, nee Danish Princess Dagmar, did not find anything better, how to send the Son, Semi-German and Semi-Dane, to be treated for Russian resort, where Cesarevich used the best Russian doctors. There he lived for many years, occasionally choosing in foreign journey. As reported, George became worse, it was worth it to leave the Caucasus. Trips abroad were thus categorically contraindicated.

Not capable military service, George spent his time in the Caucasus and almost did not appear at the court. In the same place, away from the capital, he died quietly in 1899 from tuberculosis, forgotten by everyone, except relatives. This tragic event was given to news in the government newspaper.

Several earlier, in England, in 1892, the potential heir to the throne Albert Victor, the grandson of Queen Victoria died suddenly. Of course, the untimely death of a 28-year-old Prince shook the foundations of the British throne. Above the royal house loomed the threat of termination of the dynasty. Fortunately, the relay turned out to be someone. The next in the queue of the throne for Eduard (the elderly son of the ruling queen) is the young man with the name Georg, by calling the military sailor. By the way, Nikolai's cousin 2 (their mothers were native sisters).

Georg Fifth (sits) and Nikolai second

Georg and Nikolai - Gemini, But not brothers

The relationship of mothers and explain the amazing external similarity between representatives of different monarchical dynasties - Nikolai and Georg. Similarity, which is so often observed among the native brothers, struggled contemporaries.

In 1901, Queen Victoria dies, and in 1910, Eduard 7 inherited to her. Georg 5 becomes the new king.

The first decade of the Board of George was marked by the strengthening of Anglo-Russian relations, laid his father Edward. Started in 1914 world War This union has further strengthened. England and Russia for the first time in a hundred years, side by side fought against the common deadly enemy-Militarist Germany and its allies. The big European war has almost been almost a family business of two relatives, Russian and English monarchs, very similar to each other. Victory was predetermined.

Late George and Nikolay. Both were clearly done by one

But in 1917 in Russia, the trunks of German agents occurred, the king Nikolai hurried to renounce the throne. His (cousin) Brother Georg, concerned about the course of events, sent an invitation for the royal family to settle in England, which former king rejected, intending to stay in Russia and live private life.

After the start of the red terror and the death of many members of the royal family, including the king himself, Georg launched more decisive measures. In 1919, the English battleship "Malboro" was sent to the Black Sea to save the remaining Romanovs, first of all, Mother Nicholas 2-Maria Fedorovna. Former, as we already know, Native aunt George, so similar to her deceased son George.

The shipment of the ship was a bold step, which parliamentary opposition considered an adventure. The Black Sea was thoroughly mined since 1914, besides, the Government of England opposed the shipment of the warship. Nevertheless, the ship was sent, and Romanovs were saved.

It is argued that the shipping initiative proceeds solely from the Lord of Admiralty Churchill, almost immediately submitted to resign. But is there any other reasons for this that we do not know about?

Maybe there was the will of one person-English king George 5, one of the few who turned the English-Russian politics in a different direction? What did they do in this case, if not simple decency?

In subsequent posts, I will try to consider the issue of similarities between geogium and Georg in more detail. Stay tuned! ;)

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World War I began on July 28, 1914 with the ads of the war of Austro-Hungary Serbia, exactly a month after the murder of the heir to the throne of the Austo Hungarian Empire of the Ertzgerce Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. What thoughts were the three cousins \u200b\u200bwho stood at the head of the three great empires on the eve of the worldwide slaughter who had engulfed 38 states and lasted over 4 years before November 11, 1918?

Two brothers, very similar to each other, King of Russia Nicholas II. And the king of England Georg V. Tempered against the third, Kaiser Wilhelm II..

Interesting the exchange of telegrams of the king and Kaiser, when it seemed, it was possible to "click on the brakes". Formally, with the announcement of the war of Serbia, the Process has already followed ", but from the text of the telegrams, it can be concluded that it is not still decided.

".. I urge you to help me in such a serious time. The dishonest war was declared a weak country. Outrage in Russia, fully divided by me, is huge. I foresee that very soon the pressure will break me and I will be forced to take extraordinary measures that can lead to war . To avoid such a disaster, like a pan-European war, I ask you in the name of our old friendship to do everything in your power to stop your allies before they go too far. Nicky. "

It was the first night of a four-year-old nightmare bloody slaughter, the emperor All-Russian and Kaiser do not sleep.

"I hear about the impression that I am impressed that Austria is performed against Serbia in your country. That unprincipled agitation, which was conducted in Serbia for years, resulted in a terrifying crime, whose victim fence the victim of the Ertzgercog Franz Ferdinand. Spirit that inspired Serbam to kill his own king And his wife, still dominates in the country. Undoubtedly, you will agree with me that we are both, you and I, as well as all other state trucks, share a common interest: to insist that everyone who carries moral responsibility for this injury , got a well-deserved punishment. In this case, the policy does not play any role in any way. On the other hand, I understand how difficult to you and your government to restrain your pressure. public opinion. Therefore, in view of our cardiac and tender friendship, which binds us both for a long time strong Uzami, I use all my influence to convince the Austrians to do everything to come to an agreement that would satisfy you. I sincerely hope that you will help me in smoothing the contradictions that you can still arise. Your extremely sincere and devoted friend and cousin. "

"I received your telegram and share your desire to establish the world. But, as I told you in my first telegram, I can not consider Austria's actions against Serbia" dishonest "war. Austria knows that Serbian promises on paper can not be believed to believe. . I mean so that the actions of the Austrians should be assessed as the desire to obtain a complete guarantee that Serbian promises will become real facts. This is my judgment based on the approval of the Austrian Cabinet that Austria does not want any territorial conquests at the expense of Serbian lands. Because I believe that Russia could well be the observer of the Austro-Serbian conflict and not to pull Europe into the most terrible Warshe had ever seen. I think that a complete mutual understanding between your government and Vienna is possible and desirable, and, as I have already broadcast you, my government makes efforts to contribute to it. Of course, military measures from Russia in Austria would be regarded as a disaster whom we both want to avoid, and they would also attend the risk of my position of the intermediary, which I readily accepted after ... "

"Thank you for your conciliation and friendly telegram. At the same time official messagepresented today by your ambassador to my minister, looked a completely different shade. I ask you to explain this distinction! It would be correct to entrust the decision of the Austro-Serbian problem of the Hague Conference. I believe in your wisdom and friendship. Your loving nickname "

It should be noted that the Hague International Court was founded under the Hague peace conferences At the initiative of Russian diplomacy and personally Nicholas II. This peaceful initiative of Russia, which could prevent (or for a long time to delay) the world slaughter, remained unanswered, because Germany needed war in 1914 (when she has already completed the re-equipment of his army, and the countries of the Entente are not yet).

"... Count Purtalls was instructed to attract the attention of your government to the danger and sad consequences that mobilization entails; in his telegram I told the same thing. Austria performs exclusively against Serbia and mobilized only part of his army. If, As in the present situation, according to a message with you and your government, Russia mobilizes against Austria, my role mediator, which you kindly entrusted to me and which I accepted by hurting your heart request, will be threatened, if not to say - is ripped. Now all the goods of the upcoming decision lies entirely on your shoulders, and you will have to be responsible for peace or war ... "

And here brother Willy clearly flashes. Germany by the beginning of the war was guided by a rather old military doctrine - plan of Schliffene, which envisaged the instant defeat of France, before the "volatile" Russia will be able to mobilize and put forward its army to the borders. The attack was envisaged through the territory of Belgium (in order to bypass the main French forces), to take Paris initially was supposed for 39 days. In two words, the essence of the plan was set forth Wilhelm II: "Lunch we will have in Paris, and dinner - in St. Petersburg". That is why the Kaiser adopted by the measures taken for the fastest mobilization of the Russian army. To "dinner in St. Petersburg", it is necessary that the "sweaty" Russia is "harboring" for a long time, while Germany does not overcome their enemies in the West. Moreover, Kaiser was the forerunner of Hitler - his army without warning on August 3d invaded Luxembourg.

"For your call to my friendship and your request for help, I became an intermediary between your and the Austro-Hungarian governments. At the same time, your troops are mobilized against Austro-Hungary, my allies. Therefore, as I already pointed out, my mediation has been done almost illusory. However, I'm not going to give up him. I now receive reliable news of serious military preparations at my Eastern border. Responsibility for the safety of my empire forces me to take preventive protective measures. In its desire to keep the world on Earth, I used almost everything Funds that were at my disposal. Responsibility for misfortune, which now threatens the entire civilized world, will not lie on my threshold. To this moment, still in your authority to prevent this. No one threatens the honor or strength of Russia, as well as no one is dominated. To reduce the results of my mediation. My sympathy for you and your empire, who handed me with mortally o'er my grandfather was always sacred for me, and I always honestly supported Russia, when she had serious difficulties, especially during her last war. You can still keep the world in Europe, if Russia agrees to stop his military preparations, which, undoubtedly, threaten Germany and Austria-Hungary. "

King - Kaiser (№8) This and previous telegrams crossed.

"I heartily thank you for your mediation, which now gives me hope that everything else can decide the world. It is technically impossible to stop our military preparations, which are the necessary answer to the Austrian mobilization. We are far from wishing war. As long as Negotiations with Austria in the Serbian question continue, my troops will not produce any provocative actions. In this solemnly I give you my word. I hope for my faith in God's mercy and hope for your successful mediation in Vienna and believe that they will ensure the well-being of our countries and the world in Europe.Your loyal nickname "

"I received your telegram. I understand that you have to declare mobilization, but I wish to receive the same guarantee from you, which I gave you that these measures do not mean war and that we will continue negotiations for the benefit of our countries and the universal world, so expensive our hearts. Our oldest strong friendship should, with God's help, prevent a bloody slaughter. I look forward to you and I am waiting for a response. "

"Thank you for your telegram. Yesterday I pointed out your government a single way to avoid war. Although I requested an answer to today afternoon, no telegram from my ambassador, confirming your government's answer, I have not come yet. Therefore I have forced to mobilize my army. Immediate, The exact, clear affirmative answer of your government is the only way to avoid endless adversity. Alas, while I did not receive such, and therefore, I am not able to speak on the merits of your telegram. By and large I should ask you to immediately order your troops in any way The case does not take the slightest attempts to break our borders. "

It is worth recalling that the RUS's re-equipment and french armies It was supposed to be completed by 1917, while the re-equipment of the German army began much earlier than in Russia and France, and by 1914 it was completed - which means that in 1914, Russia led by Nikolai Second and France led by President Poincare was in no way interested in unleashing the war - at least only from these military-strategic considerations. Germany persistently pushes Austro-Hungary to the announcement of the war of Serbia.

On July 25, Germany begins in a hidden mobilization: not declaring it officially, the agenda rates began to send it to the appeal items.

On July 26, Austria-Hungary announces mobilization and begins to concentrate troops on the border with Serbia and Russia. July 29: United Kingdom Foreign Minister Edward Gray appeals to Germany with a request to preserve the world. It was the last attempt to provide the Neutrality of Great Britain. On the same day, the Ambassador of Great Britain in Berlin reports that Germany is about to begin the war with France, and intends to send his army through Belgium. But no longer could be stopped in Germany. On July 31, universal mobilization in the army announced in Austria-Hungary, France and in Russian Empire. And on August 1, Germany "Besides" declares the war of Russia, although it is going to fight in the West. King only remains that answer the same.

On August 3, Germany declared war on France and August 4 - Belgium. On the same day, the United Kingdom declared war in Germany. On August 6, Austria-Hungary declared war on August 6. The Wheel of the First World War was twisted by gaining momentum. Recall that Nikolai Second sent a very important conciliatory telegram (№4) with a proposal to transfer the Austro-Serbian dispute to the Hague International Court with a proposal. Wilhelm did not answer her. Because I really wanted war. Like all Germany, which turned out to be deprived of the colonies and choking in European tightness.

George 5 rules in a complex for the UK Time: Economic crisis, the first world, problems with Ireland. With it, a British Commonwealth was created, which included all Dominions of Great Britain.

Very often the kings are clamped in the framework of rules and responsibilities. They are not free in their choice. So it was with Georg 5. His fate was so far that all important life questions were accepted for him. So, after the death of the elder brother, he had the possibility of prestrolling in a set with a bride, with which a deceased brother was engaged. Even his death, the monarch could not accept himself.

early years

The future King George 5 appeared on 03.06.1865 in London. He was the grandson of Queen Victoria, the son of Eduard 7 and Alexandra Danish. The boy was the second son, so the naval training was held.

From a twelve-year-old age, he served for two years in a servant on a service ship. After that, for three years he served Micheman on Corway. In a military business, he served before the Admiral Fleet. He had a lot of other military ranks and awards.

In 1892 he fell ill with influenza and the elder brother of George died. In the same year he was assigned the title of Duke York. A year later, he concluded a marriage with the bride of the late older brother Victoria Maria Teksk.

In 1901, Queen Victoria died. Eduard 7 became the king, and Georg received the title of Prince Welsh. Father ruled by the state before his death in 1910.

As a king and emperor

Georg 5 became the king in 1911. On the day of his coronation, the famous British tower clock was launched. They work to this day.

A new king had to immediately solve two political problems. The first was that the House of Lords refused to take the budget. In response to this, the House of Communities put forward Bill, according to which the power of Lords was limited. The king promoted the adoption of Bill.

The second problem was the situation in Ireland. In 1914, there was a real threat to the uprising. Solve it tried to convene representatives of all parties. However, the contract was able to sign only in 1921.

During the First World England acted as an opponent in Germany, despite the close relationship between the rulers. The emperor of Germany Wilhelm 2 was the cousin of the king of England. Georg 5 refused all his German titles.

In the twenties of the last century, the United Kingdom experienced a serious economic crisis. Because of this, each other was replaced by each other ministers. So, in 1924, none of the three ruling parties had the majority. To correct the situation, the king intervened in the affairs of the parliament, replacing the Bolllin Prime Minister (conservative) on McDonald (Laborist). The king was used in the 1926 miners strike, the economic crisis of 1932, with the adoption of the Westminster Statute.

A family

Georg 5 (family photo is presented above) lived with his wife all his life. She was a barred Baden-Württemberg princess. During the coronation of the spouses, she was assigned the name of the queen Maria, although her first name was Victoria. She did not leave the first name because of Queen Victoria. After the death of the latter, it was decided that with this name in England there was no longer a single queen.

The spouses had six children's six children:

  • Eduard 8 is the eldest son who refused his right to the throne, because he concluded a morganatic marriage.
  • Georg 6 - rules by the state from 1936 to 1952.
  • Maria.
  • Henry.
  • George.
  • John died at fourteen years from epilepsy.

Nikolay 2.

Who was George 5 (photo above) on the maternal line? Georg's mother was from the Danish royal family. Her parents Christian 9 and Louise had six children. Alexandra married Eduard 7, becoming Mother Georgu 5. Dagmara became his wife Alexander 3 under the name Maria Fedorovna, Nikolai gave birth to.

Christian and Louise became grandfather and grandmother not only for George 5 and Nicholas 2, but also for Constantine 1 (Greece), Hokon 7 (Norway).

Russian autocrats and the British monarch were cousins. They supported friendly relations, in the correspondence called each other "Cousin Niki", "Cousin Georgie". All those who have seen the cousins \u200b\u200btogether, amazed their resemblance. This is confirmed by numerous photos of monarchs.

last years of life

In 1932, the inhabitants of Great Britain were able to hear the voice of their king on the radio. On December 25, the ruler congratulated all Merry Christmas. His New Year's appeal was written by Reddiard Kipling, the author of the famous "Jungle book."

IN last years The king often suffered from pulmonary diseases. Several times he was in serious condition. In 1936, he suffered heavy bronchitis, as a result of which he fell into someone. He died 01/20/1936.

Fifty years after this date, it became known that the king was not a natural death. Euthanasia was performed on him. Baron Bertrand Dawson introduced the Morphine and Cocaine ruler. Made this Lab Medic on his own initiative.

After the death of King, the German composer wrote "mourning music." Paul Hindemit wrote her in memory of the monarch.

Here is what picture my brain painted after studying a heap of documentary materials, the bibliography of which will be attached to the textbook when finished.

Here is how it was.

Smears to fit into the format of the post.

There were two cousins \u200b\u200bKing English George 5 and the king Russian Nikolai 2.

Purebred Germans.


Members of the Masonic Lodge.

They were similar as the twin brothers.

Loved each other since childhood without memory.

Mother Nicholas, the so-called Maria Fedorovna, their confused.

(This is the question that our contemporaries are trying to distinguish them in the pictures - the native mother could not distinguish!).

They loved to breed very much and many times in his youth and maturity gave themselves at each other and were very fun when it all rolled.

And it always rolled it.

When they reigned - one in England with the colonies, and the other in Russia - it turned out that they rule almost the world.

Moreover, considering that their favorite cousin Wilhelm 2 reign over Germany and her colonies.

In 1914 (on the wrong pressure), Georg 6 is in Belgium, fell from a horse and broke the hip bone.

Injuries were so serious that he could no longer walk and after a while it became clear that the king was not a tenant.

Then in the heads of cousins \u200b\u200b(Wilhelm and Nikolai), a simple, but unprecedented plan on the scale of the deception of all mankind was ripe.

About the death of George, not talking to anyone.

In the same place, we begin the war with each other.

We rent Russia to concession for a hundred years to the Jews Rothschildam.

I simulate the death of "Nicholas", and the real Nikolay itself continues to rule as George 5, we need the whole world from London.

All the treasures of Russia, new tenant-Jews undertake to pay under the conditions of the concession, and then create a powerful industrial base for the production and processing of underground fossils for the whole of the world - it has already been a dilapidated demand of unfolding scientific progress.

And it was already clear on the experiences of Stolypin, what kind of bloody and black work it will be - not for royal white handles.

As shaved, they did.

Started in the exact location of the war.

Type as in the Donbass is only stripped.

The front line was in one place all three years.

An exception is one Brusilov breakthrough and then probably more for truth.

The war has prepared public discontent and gave an explanation of all sorts of foremuts and the growth of the Jewish revolutionary movement in Russia and Germany.

Then the king of the type is tired and renounced the throne.

None of his relatives of the throne picked up and began to rule the temporary government from the citizens prepared in advance.

Real Nikolay immediately after the renunciation was serving in London, where the family was already waiting for him.

The team of Double Family from March to August held a quarantine and addictive to his roles in the royal village, and then in the train of the Red Cross (English intelligence) accounted for the Urals and there disappeared.

Meanwhile, the whole gang of Jewish granki from Rothschild and Rockefeller arrived from America and Europe to create a permanent government new Russia - Soviet government of Soviet Russia.

Then they officially reported that the king was killed.

Apparently they solved as better.

Twin also evacuated.

It is clear why and the murder of twins was also unacceptable.

Dubler's corpses could be identified or then or dozens of years later.

Therefore, there are no corpses.

Documented how to exported by the twin Alexei.

The remaining twins fate is unknown.

But the fate of this Nicholas, real Alice and their daughters and Son is well known.

Nikolai was King England Georg 5 and died in London at the age of 79 from euthanasia, that is, committed suicide.

Alexey, from my point of view, on which I do not really insist, it is George 6.

The indirect evidence of this is not only the external similarity and the logical sequence of the inheritance of the throne, but also the fact that there is not a single children's photo of George 6.

With thousands of all other princes of all European countries.

Alice Darmstadskaya perfectly lived with one of the daughters in the luxury castle of England Laut Ho near London.

About the adventures of shavyman Anastasia, whole books are written and the High Court of London is 40 years old !!!

Considered the question of "Romanova, or not" and the final verdict of the UK's highest judicial destination - "I cannot say anything unequivocally."

The grace of ideas is that no one hides in anyone.

The TV was then not.

Nicholas's similarity with Georg gave him the opportunity to perfectly rule instead.

In order not to do not lie and feel comfortable, Nikolai-Georg even changed the name of Saxen-Coburg-Gothic dynasty to which he belonged to the late George 6 to the "Vorriban Dynasty".

Vintar is no dynasty - this is the name of the castle where Georg and Nikolai and Alice spent a lot of time in childhood.

Do you say, really nobody understood what is Nikolai?

Well, firstly, close people understood.

As for the crowd, look at yourself - what's the difference, which of us understands. The official point of view is important.

Who does not agree - that crazy.


Now, if you understand what is happening so, and not otherwise, then everything becomes in its place - and with a similar two water drops with the renunciation of Wilhelm, and with Brest world, and with the export of gold from Russia, and with Soros exporting rarities by trucks and cars, and with the English curators of the Soviet government, and with the Gulags, collectivization and industrializations of Russia-America, and with Hitler-fighting, and with a strange beginning 2- World War I, and with even more strange behavior of Stalin, and with cold War Khrushchev and Brezhnev, and with Andropov with his stalenikov Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and with a stubfond in America, and Putin and with a Trump, who dared to rebel against the world authority of the Gollyshtein-Gottorpsky just on the outcome of the hundredth year of a century concession for the largest colony in the world - Russia.