Calmyki Environmental Problems: Political Aspects

© 2008 S.V. Gabunshchin

North Caucasian Academy public service North Caucasus ACADEMY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICE, 344002, Rostov-on-Don, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 344002, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya St., 70

The environmental situation in modern Kalmykia is described in detail. Due to active economic activity In the republic there is a degradation of land and their desertification, contamination of atmospheric air, groundwater and water bodies continues.

Environmental problems have a serious negative impact on the social environment of the inhabitants of the republic. Gradually, the question from the environmental flows into the economic and political plane, forms electoral variations of voters.

Keywords: ecology, politics, Kalmykia.

The Author Depicts Convincingly The Ecological Situation in Modern Kalmikia. BECAUSE OF HIGH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY ONE CAN OBSERVE SEVERAL NEGATIVE TENDENCIES IN REPUBLIC: Degradation of Agricultural Land, Expenditure of Deserts, Growing Pollution of Air, Water and Even Under Streams.

Ecological Problems Exert Serious Negative Influence Upon Social Environment of Local Population. Steadily Ecological Problem Sharpen The Situation In The Political Sphere: IT Forms Electorate Preference Of Voters.

Keywords: Ecology, Policy, Kalmikia.

The issues of interaction of society with the environment have never been politically neutral. An increase in anthropogenic pressure on the natural habitat of people, the appearance of global and local environmental problems, the environmentalization of all parties to the life of society in directly affecting political processes In world regions, countries and their subjects, give rise to the need for their scientific understanding.

The environmental policy of the state is advisable to consider at all interconnected levels: international, national, regional, municipal, level of an economic entity (enterprise). The greatest importance in the practical implementation of state environmental policies has a regional level.

The importance of local problems has increased immeasurably in the era of globalization, when any actions in the conditions of an unstable equilibrium of the natural system can lead to unpredictable global consequences, and vice versa.

A vivid confirmation of this is the subject of the Russian Federation in the SFO - Kalmykia, which is located in an arid zone with frequent Sukhovyi and dust storms, where even in winter, when the whole area is covered with snow, a dusty "gray cape" on the territory of the republic is visible. Extensive economic activities during the period of stagnation, uncontrolled increase in livestock livestock in favor of the implementation of state-owned statements without taking into account the existing realities, led to the degradation of land and their desertification on significant areas. These processes do not know the boundaries, and the active vacuumlessness goes with desertion

kalmykia territories are far beyond its limits and even reaches the boundaries of European states.

IN russian societyNevertheless, there is no understanding of the growing potential threat of desertification in Kalmykia. Meanwhile, this is a problem that generates a cyclic set of social and economic causal-anent relations, which today represents a real threat of not only republican, Russian, but internationally.

The problem of the state of atmospheric air continues to be relevant due to the emission of contaminants from gas imperted and transportation enterprises, which have thrown into the atmosphere in 1997, for example, more than 73 thousand pollutants, in 2000 - almost 85, in 2002 - about 81 thousand . t. From stationary sources of emissions, including substances with rather high toxicity, in 1993 amounted to 4868 tons, in 1997 increased almost twice - to 8674, in 2000 the volume of pollution was 7424 tons.

In addition to dust, suspended particles, carbon oxides, nitrogen, soot, sulfur gas, hydrocarbons, formaldehyde are added to the atmosphere. The content of harmful solid suspended particles (silicate dust, dust cement, soot, etc.) exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of 1.6-3.4 times, nitrogen oxides - at 2.8, formaldehyde - 10-14 times.

The power structures establish the standards of maximum permissible emission standards using administrative methods, without understanding the depth of environmental processes, with difficulty asking for real damage caused by the environment. Therefore, the level of pollution due to the high anthropogenic load on the atmosphere, grows the year from year.

At some enterprises of the republic, the emission of malicious components into the atmosphere is reduced by cailing equipment. But, as a rule, this capture due to obsolete technologies, equipment occurs within only 3 to 36.5%, i.e. Often, up to 97% of air pollutants still enters the atmosphere.

A high level of wear of the main production assets and at the same time lack of elementary financing of environmental protection measures do not contribute to the improvement of the environmental situation in the republic. Environmental pollutants are involved in responsibility, but the memority of economic sanctions does not stimulate the development of environmental protection activities and ensure the ecological safety of the population. Often, owners of enterprises avoid punishment for environmental crimes using an administrative resource, bribers, etc.

Administrative rubors most often do not coincide with the borders of ecosystems, and environmental problems cover several territories, i.e. We are interregional. It becomes clear that much depends on the ability of power structures to realize that the solution of environmental problems within the ecosystem is possible only on the basis of the combination of efforts to maintain the equilibrium of the entire ecosystem, and not separate parts.

Analysis of the economic development of the territory of the Republic of the Republic shows that local sources of pollution have a certain negative impact on the environment, but a significant impact is related to sources located beyond.

Harm soils and water resources applied by some enterprises of the adjacent territories of Kalmykia ecosystems, quite significant. However, the country has not yet created an appropriate legal field for presenting claims for the environmental claim of one subject of the Russian Federation to another. Moreover, the authorities prefer "not to quarrel with neighbors" and closing their eyes for many disorders. The local authorities are not felt about the impact on the republic, for example, the impact of the Astrakhan gas condensate complex, discharges of highly mineralized wastewater into our reservoirs from the territory of the Stavropol Territory, the influence of waste industrial enterprises of the Volgograd region. The concerns of the population are narrowed in nature. Speeches of environmentalists remain unnoticed. "Green" party movement, like everywhere in Russia, is not perceived by the authorities seriously.

In the structure of the economy of the territories adjacent to Kalmykia (Astrakhan, Volgograd region, Stavropol Territory), the dominant role is owned by industry, which includes three inter-sectoral complexes: fuel and energy, metallurgical and chemical.

The fuel and energy complex is represented by the gas-producing and gas processing industries based on the largest Astrakhan in Europe

gas condensate field. Among the pollutants entering the atmosphere from this source, sulfur dioxide occupies the first place, then carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and solids, as well as a variety of hydrocarbons. Of the latter, their polyaromatic varieties are particularly dangerous, in particular, benzapine.

The influence of the sediments of industrial enterprises in Volgograd on the northern regions of the republic is confirmed by the results of the surveys conducted by the GGO. A.I. Waikova, MNVEC "Ecoton", which showed the presence of complex organic substances in the atmospheric air - mercaptans, xylene, carbon chloride, mercury vapor, protein, etc. at a distance from 0.5 to 9 km from the storage ponds located actually at the republic's border where the chimglassic settlements of the enterprises of the Volgograd Code are reset, there is an excess of average daily concentration values \u200b\u200bin the air: phenol - up to 37 times, hydrogen sulfide - up to 77, hydrogen fluoride - up to 3.8 times. Exceeds extremely permissible concentrations (MPC) in methyl mercup-tana amounted to from 1444 to 38111 times.

In this case, the example of the Volgograd region testifies to the absence of the dependence of the state of the environment from making a political decision. Volgograd is included in the list of the most polluting atmospheric air of the cities of Russia (41 city). The influence of its production pollutants is associated with the most powerful impact on natural ecosystems of the region and adjacent territories, and the effects for the environment are already unpredictable. Until the political decision to stabilize the aggressive industries of the region, the destruction of the region's ecosystem will continue.

Since 1964, household and industrial wastewater enterprises of the Volgograd region are reset to the ponds-drives and evaporators, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 230 km2. They are located on the southern outskirts of the region near the border with Kalmykia. Every year about 3.2 million m3 industrial wastewater is reset in them, as part of which is fixed daily about 340 tons of inorganic and 32 tons of organic impurities.

In the fall of 1989, an accident occurred on the seasons of industrial enterprises in Volgograd and the wastewater on the irrigation canal was hit by the territory of the republic to Sarpinsky lakes, which led to the mass death of birds, amphibians and fish. High-mineralized water with irrigation systems of the Stavropol Territory flowing into the territory of the republic only aggravate the already negative environmental situation.

The ecological and toxicological assessment of the soils of the October, Maloderbethovsky and Priitenny districts allowed the area with the maximum degree of pollution within the territories studied territories. It is located in the western part of the Maloderbetovo region, on the border with the Volgograd region and in geomorphological terms is timed to the eastern

ergen's slopes and Sarpinskaya hollow. The site is characterized by a high density of localization zones of pollution, within which the content of many dangerous chemical substances exceeds MPC several times.

On the plot located in close proximity to the villagers of Volgograd Chemical Enterprises, the maximum excess of chromium PDC, vanadium, copper was recorded. The total contamination indicator here is 28, which is the highest value.

On the rest of the territory of the Maloderbetovsky district, zones were revealed with a content of hazardous substances 1.5 times higher than the norm. In the Oktyabrsky district, local extensions of the MPC copper, zinc, bromine are discovered. In the Nutrun region, the soil is poorly polluted by Vanadium.

The survey of drinking water and surface water samples within the Maloderbetovsky district showed the presence of pollutants in quantities exceeding the rate of 1.5-5 times. In most of the samples, an increased content of petroleum products (up to 28 norms) is established, the total number of toxicants detected in drinking water samples reaches 9. Analysis of the pollution of water bodies I and II categories in the regions of the republic also shows the presence of pollution on microbiological and sanitary and chemical indicators.

In the 50s. Xx in. The State Geological Enterprise "Koltsgeology" on the territory of the republic was identified by the Ergenic Urany District. Within a long period, under the secret mode, work on uranium extraction was carried out. The population residing a few kilometers from uranium developments (pos. NARTA, 3 km), died in ignorance and, of course, did not take any measures to protect their health. For a long time, uranium mines in the Steppe, "Shargandyk" deposits, Vishnevskoye and Burathen-Sky were in an open state, providing a negative impact on the environment and humans.

On the territory of the republic there is also an impact of urgen-containing deposits on the radioactivity of the water of the Ergenic aquifer used by the population for drinking water supply. Supply drinking water from. Sparobyevka, for example, is carried out from the spring of the Girls of the Ergeninsk aquifer. The overall radioactivity of the water here is 17 Bq / l, with a 0.1 Bq / l. The concentration of radon is 10 Bq / l. The radioactivity of the spring of the spring, located 2 km from the spring of Godjur, - 35 Bq / l, the concentration of radon - 19 Bq / l, which clearly indicates pollution by radon groundwater.

In the territories of the Stavropol Territory and the Astrakhan region, underground nuclear explosions were held on the territories of the Stavropol Territory with Kalmykia. As you know, in order to

creating pilot industrial underground tanks (PE) 35 km north of Astrakhan was produced 15 nuclear explosions. In 90 km north of the city of Stavropol, an underground nuclear explosion was held. On the territory of the republic in the region "Region-4" in 80 km northeast, the Elista for the purpose of the depth seismic sensing of the earth's crust for finding structures promising for intelligence minerals was also produced underground nuclear explosion. Only in the late 90s. The public has become aware of this. The influence of the effects of underground nuclear explosions on radioactive pollution of the territory of the Republic was not investigated by anyone. And the reason for this is the lack of appropriate financing and an adequate understanding of the established environmental situation in power structures. Currently, at the Astrakhan gas condensate field as a result of 15 underground nuclear explosions, global radioactive pollution applied to the northeastern territory of our republic.

Within oil fields of Chernozem-Skod NGDA OJSC Kalmneft of the Republic of Kalmykia in 1996 GGP "Koltshogology" were examined soils in places of oil strands, capacity for its storage, fields of evaporation, points of collection and pumping, pipelines, wells and their separate sections Designs. In 9 objects, an excess of the dose rate of gamma radiation dose from 2 to 8 times is determined, which is 0.20 and 0.80 μg / h, respectively.

The expedition of Kalmyk scientists along the highway of the oil-containing system of the KTK-R through the territory of the republic in 2001, significant content of radioactive substances in soil and vegetation samples were revealed. Almost in all samples there is a presence of a significant concentration of uranium-238 (s) and uranium-235 (s), which are separated from the territory with the currently conserved uranium-producing developments.

There is an acute problem of the soil contamination with radionuk-linguid cesium-137 (137SB), which is supposedly listed in the recent past with atmospheric precipitation and dust-inherence. Maximum values \u200b\u200bof 137SB exceed the average of 7-10 times.

The data provided is only a small part of the urgent environmental problems of the republic. It requires an urgent solution to the problem of soil pollution from landfills, household and industrial waste polygons against the background of an annual increase in solid household waste up to 282 thousand m3 / year and liquid household waste up to 120 thousand m3 / year. As always, local authorities lack financial resources, there are no competent management decisions capable of closing the problem. This leads to the fact that waste landfills are spread throughout the republic, as if cancer tumor, causing the nature of irreplaceable damage.

There is a real epidemiological and toxicological hazard due to the launched status of ceremonies (from 110 only 15 correspond to the windshangs). For the territory where they are located, it has become a sanitary and epidemiological mine

slow action. There is a criminal inaction of those who depends on the decision-making to ensure the environmental safety of citizens.

In the capital there is no storm sewage, raindling and flooded water. All waste and sewage are flushed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe fair and column ponds, the resting place is citizens.

At the end of the 50s. XX century, when Kalmyki returned from the link, the authorities postponed the construction of storm sewers on best times, providing paramount life needs of people. So, so far, these best times have not come, and the city is choking in their own waste. The reason for this is the illiteracy of power structures and misunderstanding by the population of an environmental problem.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the state monitoring does not take into account many negative processes flowing in the ecosystems of the republic. Therefore, the political will and efforts of legislative and executive bodies to create a working system of state environmental monitoring, the development of relevant regulatory legal acts, tougher responsibility for pollution of the habitat and the necessary measures to stabilize the situation in the republic to ensure environmental safety, which should guarantee anyone A person is a clean environment, eliminating the threat of life and health from its negative impacts, without drinking the main right of a person - the right to live in a favorable environment.

Received in the editor


1. Shilov A.S. Ecopolyology. M., 2003. P. 159.

2. Muravich A.I. State environmental policy. M., 2003. P. 49.

3. Gabunshchina E.B. How to stop the desert. Elista, 1997.

4. Reports on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia in 1993-2001. Elista, 2002.

5. Materials to the State Report on the State of the Environment in the Astrakhan Region for 2004. Astrakhan, 2005.

6. V.V. V. V. On the state of the environmental situation in the Republic of Kalmykia, on the example of the little-Derbetovsky, Oktyabrsky and Priuchensky districts: the thematic report of MNVEC "Ecoton" RGU Rostov N / D, 1996.

7. State report "On the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Kalmykia in 2005." Elista, 2006. P. 111.

8. Information materials of the Ecology Committee and Natural Resources of the Astrakhan Region. "Vega object". Astrakhan, 1994. P. 66.

9. Materials of GGP "Koltsovgeology". Essentuki, 1993.

10. Kraynev A.M., Nazarov A.G., Tsutskin E.V. The distribution of natural and artificial radionuclides on the territory of the desert zone of Kalmykia // Ecology problems. M., 2004.

11. Materials Department of Veterinary Department of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 2007.

Water condition

The territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, located in the northwestern part of the Russian Caspian region, refers to the most afflicted regions due to a very weak hydrographic network.

The main power source of small rivers are melting water, their rain nutrition is slightly. Almost all the surface runoff, formed in the republic, remains on its territory. The main share of the flow is accumulated in ponds and reservoirs, where it is lost on evaporation and filtering. Water rivers and lakes of the republic strongly mineralized.

On the territory of Kalmykia there are 325 water bodies, of which 135 - reservoirs, 121 - ponds, 15 - lakes, 43 are small rivers, 11 - anti-bottling structures. In a light-minded area, between Volga and Kuma (Caspian lowland), surface water sources are represented by a chain of Sarpinsky and Sostinsky lakes.

In the Northeast, the Republic has access to the Volga River on a plot of 10 km, and in the south-east - 200 km section of the coast of the Caspian Sea.

The water supplied from the territories of the neighboring regions is used in Kalmykia solely for irrigation, edge, agricultural, drinking and household water supply.

In areas such as Sarpinsky, Ketchener, Veloderbetovsky, as well as most of Maloderbetovsky, Iki-Burulsky, Yashaltinsky and Gorodovikovsky districts, small rivers and the underground waters are one of their main sources of dumping water supply living in these areas of the population. Their stock is used for watercraft, low irrigation, fishing and recreational purposes. On small rivers there are 144 reservoirs, 139 ponds, there are 15 lakes feeding with their waters. Total of these objects for the water targets of the republic is used annually about 50 million m3.

To ensure the need for water production, agricultural and social needs and preventing the negative impact of water in the republic, a water complex has been created in the republic, which includes:

5 irrigation-cloicing systems with a design capacity of 124.5 thousand hectares;

3 group pasture water pipes with a total length of 1200 km;

Chogian reservoir and Chograms discharge channel.

The unsatisfactory indicators of water quality of surface sources are associated with a washout of the soil from the coastline in the reservoir season in the season of precipitation and the lack of measures for cleaning and fighting flowering, ingrowing channels, hydroaccumulators and water intake places from reservoirs, against the background of water mirrors in the summer.

In the economic and social development of the Republic of Kalmykia, groundwater is played by an important role, being one of the main, and mostly the only source of economic and drinking water supply of the population. At the same time, the use of groundwater in the territory of the republic is limited, due to their low natural quality.

Groundwater monitoring is covered with groundwater with mineralization to 3.0 g / dm3 and rigidity of 3-10 mmol.

A limited amount of aquifers and fresh groundwater complexes on the territory of the republic causes certain difficulties in water supply issues.

By intended purpose, groundwater is spent on household and drinking water supply. Underground waters are not used on irrigation.

The natural pollution of groundwater in the republic is due to complex geological and hydrogeological and climatic conditions, naturally saline sediments of the breeds of aeration zone and water-based deposits, the development of salt tectonics, etc.

Air condition

The main objects of the Republic of Kalmykia, which have a negative impact on the state of atmospheric air, are the enterprises of the gas imperted, fuel and energy complex and vehicles.

According to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Kalmykia, the actual mass of pollutant emissions into atmospheric air in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia in 2012 amounted to 46,389 thousand tons, including from stationary sources - 3,856 thousand tons (8.3%), Motor transport - 42,533 thousand tons (91.7%). The main share of emissions, as in previous years, comes from motor vehicles.

Despite the lack of powerful sources of pollution, the problem of environmental pollution remains relevant to Kalmykia. The problem of environmental pollution in the area of \u200b\u200bhousehold and industrial waste has not fully solved. Creating a transport network of oil pipelines, the construction and operation of mini-enterprises for the processing of oil, the construction industry and the extractive industry, the constant growth of vehicles increases the risk of environmental pollution and negative impact on the health of the population of the republic.

In addition, the Republic has been experiencing a length of man-made sources of pollution of the territories of the Volgograd, Astrakhan regions and Stavropol Territory, on which enterprises of fuel and energy, metallurgical, chemical and agricultural complexes are located. Due to the lack of a certified laboratory for monitoring on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, the main environmental parameters cannot be reliably assessing a negative impact on the environmental environment. Inpatient posts of observation of the pollution of atmospheric air in the republic are absent. Complex state environmental monitoring is not carried out due to the lack of funds.

State state, soil

The structure of the soil cover of Kalmykia is formed with the close interaction of bioclimatic and geomorphic-lithological factors. Within the republic, three main morphostructures are allocated to the dry-air and desert zones: the Caspian lowland, the Ergeninskaya elevation and the Manic Nachabin.

On the territory of Kalmykia soil according to classification signs have several types: steppe soils (chernozem, meadow-chernozem), dry-step soils (brown, meadow-brown, meadow), semi-desert soils (brown semi-desert, meadow-brown, meadow-marsh, marsh, allyvial ), saline soils (automorphic solutions, hydromorphic sollets, salt marshes).

The structure of the soil cover is regarded as unstable to anthropogenic effects, which led to the change in the composition and the main parameters of the structure of the soil cover. With an intensive decay of the chernozem and soils of the chestnut zone, the active manifestation of water erosion on the Yergen and the Manic Wpadin there was practical destruction of natural ecosystems.

The location of the territory in the arid zone with the coefficient of 0.31-0.45, with fragile ecosystems, serves as a natural background to enhance the processes of degradation and desertification. The process of desertification in the republic is manifested in the form of the degradation of pasture land, reduce fertility and deterioration of the structure of soil cover, degradation of irrigated arable land, increase the area of \u200b\u200bbroken sands.

The deepest changes in the natural resource potential, connected to the desertification of land, are observed in the Black Earth region, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich within the borders of the republic is equal to 3.3 million. Here, the proportion of rowed pastures exceeds 80%, and the tank of feed land decreased by 40-50%. The dominant type of desertification is a grazing digression.

In general, the main negative processes in the republic are: soil erosion (washing and deflation); Drugmification, overpowering and forage of Pashny soil; salinization, cavaluation, wiping, mooring of irrigated land; Land pollution; desertification of territories; degradation of natural feeding machines; Population of agricultural land and land settlement lands.

Their most dangerous species Degradation in the Republic of Kalmykia is erosion, causing the destruction of soil and the loss of their fertility. The total area of \u200b\u200beroded lands is about 5.0 million hectares, of which there are 4.4 million hectares of deflated, water erosion is exposed to 0.5 million gg, incl. 0.1 million hectares of Pashnya. The greatest development of the wind erosion was obtained in the eastern regions of the republic, where deflations contribute to the plain territory in conditions of intensive wind activity, insufficient and irregular atmospheric moistening, weak erosion stability of soils. The aqueous erosion is manifested on the slope lands of the Stavropol and Ergenic elevation (the central and western zone), where the powder character of the drop-down precipitation causes mechanical damping of soils, washing the surface layer. Erosion processes are the main reason for reducing the power of humus horizons, deterioration of the structure of the fertile soil layer.

A wide scale in the republic adopted flooding underground lands, caused by both human activity and at-native processes. Technogenic flooding of lands is mainly due to the consequence of the development of irrigation in the republic in the conditions of a complex soil and ameliorative situation at minimal or zero drainage of the territory.

Depending on the natural resource potential, three natural-agricultural zones in the republic - Western, Central and Eastern, whose boundaries correspond to land-assessment areas.

The structure of agricultural land in zones varies greatly. So, for the western zone with the most favorable, in the boundaries of the republic, the soil-climatic conditions are characterized by a high level of deposit. In the central zone, the proportion of arable land is significantly lower than in Western, where the main arable land of the republic is located. Eastern Zone This is the territory of extensive pastures with small splashes of areas of irrigated Pashni along Chernozemel Channels.

According to state statistical observation, the land fund of the Republic of Kalmykia is 7473.1 thousand.

In the structure of the Land Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land is 6263.1 thousand, of which: pastures - 5231 thousand gg, Pashnya - 922.5 thousand ha; Wood-shrub vegetation, not included in the forest fund - 43.9 thousand ha; Under forests - 33.3 thousand hats, under surface water objects - 181.5 thousand ha; disturbed land - 4.0 thousand ha; land in the stage of ameliorative construction - 303.3 thousand ha; Under the roads and runs - 64.5 thousand ha; construction lands - 30.5 thousand yg; Other lands - 403.7 thousand g., Of these, sands are 223.3 thousand.

In the structure of the settlements, the areas of agricultural land are also dominated by the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land - 27.9 thousand hats, the construction of the development of 8.3 thousand gg, under the roads, squares, the streets are occupied by 11.5 thousand g., Other land amounted to 6.4 thousand. ha.

Square of land of cities, occupying 31.8 thousand halves, are characterized by the greatest share of agricultural land of 12.9 thousand g. And land not involved in urban planning or other activities of 5.1 thousand gg.

Square rural land settlements It occupy 30.6 thousand gangs, the share of agricultural land - 8.2 thousand g., Land of residential and social and business development 8.1 thousand hats, general land has amounted to 7.1 thousand.

In the category of lands of industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, informatics, land for providing space activities, land of defense and other special purpose make up the land of road transport - 7.9 thousand gangs and land industry 1.4 thousand.

Lands of specially protected areas and objects (OPT federal significance) amounted to 583.8 thousand.

As of January 1, 2007, stock lands amounted to 453.9 thousand. In this category, lands not taken into account in other categories. Earth stock includes land municipalities outside the trail of settlements.

The largest share of the areas of disturbed lands falls on the Earth of the Water Fund - 1.9 thousand and on the land of agricultural purposes - 1.7 thousand gg. The insignificant area of \u200b\u200bdisturbed lands is available in the category of land industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, computer science, land for providing space activities, land defense and other special purpose - 0.1 thousand m.

The main part of these lands is violated during construction, including during the construction of the Volga-Chira region, as well as in the development of mineral deposits and geological exploration.

Flora state

The Republic of Kalmykia is located at the junction of two vegetation zones - steppe and semi-desert. Desert communities relating to the subtype are common in the republic: northern semi-staple desert. Intrazonal vegetation belongs to four types: marsh, meadow, halophilic (solonchak), deserted and vegetation of the outstanding sands.

The vegetable variety of territories of the republic includes more than 900 species belonging to about 80 families. The most rich in the species of 12-13 families, such as complex, cereals, marine, legumes, lubber and others. 13 families account for 70% of the entire Flora composition. It is characteristic that for the flora of the republic completely alien actually endemic species both in the steppe and in semi-desert types of vegetation.

In environmental respect, the flora differs, first of all, the features of high xerophyticization - about 34%. A group of mesophilic plants in the number of species is in the first place - more than 40%. On sandy soils that occupy most of the Caspian lowland are developing psammofite plants: Sand Wormwood, Oats Sandy (Giant Colosnyak), Sandyanoliste Gengland, Sandy and Dr. Gigrophites and Hydrophitis are represented by species as Sitnik Gerarda, Droopers, Waterfront Dr.

The vegetation of the republic repeats the milking complexity of soil cover. At the Western Zone's Precaucasis Chernozem, Natural Pasture Vegetation is represented by xerophytic turf cereals (Kickli hair, Lessing Kicklock, Typakk, Tonkonog), Wormage White and Steppe Difficult: Carrots, Yellow Podornik, Serpuha Dyukho Colored, Stretch, Yarrow, and others. From Lucerne Yellow, clover mountain. Efemers and ephemeroids in the grassy occupy a slight percentage.

The following plant associations prevail with complex light-chestnut soils with complex light-chestnut soils: Kickle (Lessing, Kovyl Sareptsky, Tychak); Belopoline (white wormwood, tichard, lesing picking, etc.); Ticacious-ramashkovaya (Titon, Chamistrian, Tonkonog, Kickl, White Wormwood); Ticacious-prudnoyakova (Ticachak, Prucunyak, Movie, Wormwood Austrian). All this vegetation is usually found in a combined complex; White-perterous and camphoros associations in the Salonians. On the bottoms of the Baloons of the Yergen in the Solonchard Soils there are wormwoods solonly, the camel barrel, the cane, the wart swan.

In the central and eastern parts of the Manych's floodplain, in shallow beams and the bottoms of the dried lakes with salt marshes, developed solar (Sarszan, Petrosimonia, castoliste and opposition), reed and tuberwhang vegetation. The terraces and slopes of the depression on light-chestnut soils and solonges are dominated by Tipaccum, Kickle, Lena and Camphore-Halfweed Association.

In the solontsy, black-pointed, combustion-black and white-fifth-lideos associations are common; On the light-chestnut soloncent soils -typacchakovo-rammer, and on light-chestnuts - the nice associations. In dry limans with saltwatest soils, predominantly tacchal-winter vegetation grows. In the early-winter and spring periods, ephemers and ephemeraloids predominate, represented by tonkon, with a tinsel, tulip of Schrenk, and others dominated.

In the coastal strip of Sarpinsky lakes there are overgrown reeds, rubbing, algae.

In the bug-and-colored sands and plain sites, cereal-hints and lumpy-baking associations are dominated, among the plants there is a Siberian Lena, White wormwood, a twist, Tychikk, Picky, agreh.

In the semi-hardened burglar sands grows sandy oats, sand wormwood. On semi-closed sands, wormwood is growing dining, barb camel, prucunion and a winter.

In the estones and the lifted slides of the seaside band prevailing drinking, disintegration, reed.

In the south of the Caspian lowland and manic depressions, during the drying, the lakes with a weakly-free water of the peripherals bages with reed and mulberry.

The climatic conditions that have developed on the territory of the republic do not provide the restoration of plantations in a natural way. This causes a low percentage of the republic's forest system, which is 0.2%. All forest plantations are a unique example of artificial forest breeding in the conditions of desert and semi-desert.

The forests of the republic performing the protective function are represented by the frustration of artificial origin, with the exception of the p. Volga. The largest part of the Forest Foundation is related to anti-erosion forests - 45.1 thousand ha (81%), government protective forest bands occupy 8.4 thousand gg (15%), forbidden strips of forests, protecting the spawn of valuable fishing fish - 2.0 thousand .ha (4%).

The percentage of forest vegetation covered with forest vegetation is 48%, shrubs - 52%. About half of the area in a hard-line economy is represented by ripe and overround plantations. It is noted the stability of the age structure in young people, the average age and escape plantings.

In the forest fund, 28 species of forest-forming wood and shrub breeds grow. The main ones are (as a percentage of the area-covered area) elm squat - 35%, the oak puffed - 20%, the poplar and IVA tree - 3% of the currant gold - 12%, Loch - 10%. Coniferous plantings are represented by the pine ordinary and Crimean - 0.1%.

Fauna State

Animal world The Republic of Kalmykia is distinguished by a great variety. The species wealth of fauna is represented by deserted, semi-desert, steppe and forest-steppe communities.
The fauna of the invertebrate republic is of great interest, since this type is represented by a huge number of species and at the same time is the least studied. In the Insectophaun of the republic, more than 1500 types of tinstral, 150 species of butterflies, 32 species of ants, more than 200 plankton and benthic forms, and other types are noted. Insects listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, more than 20 species were revealed in the republic.

Amphibious - a few in the species of animals, which combines only 4 types.

Herpetofaun is represented by 18 species. For the majority of these species dedicated to semi-desert and deserted areas with sandy soils. Here are presented typical psammofila, inhabiting edges of sands and the sandy arrays themselves - a sandy remover, a round-head lizard and a vertical. A lizard snake occurs on semi-closed sands. Fully large polls are a patterned, four-band and yellowochihi inhabit various biotopes, but more often found in weakly-dressed sandy arrays. Ordinary and water cruise adhere to water sources. The usual inhabitants of semi-desert and steppe sites are various types of lush.

Birds make the greatest contribution to the species diversity of vertebrates. Ornithofaun is represented by birds of water-marsh, steppe, semi-desert complexes, dendrofyl. The high variety of birds and their large number is due to both the natural and climatic features and running over the territory of the republic in the main water and regional birds. One migration branch runs along the Kumo-Manic depression, the second - along the chain of Sarpinsky lakes.

Widely represented birds of water and columid complexes. Ponds, with islands and adjacent areas located on them, are places of feeding and nesting of birds of the wetland complex, as well as additives, a place of recreation for spans. Here are the species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation - Pelicans Curly and Pink, Colpicitis, Chernogol Khokhutun, Schoclumber, Chegra, Piskulka, Stiller.

Birds of semi-desert complexes are birds of open spaces - Kamenka-dance, small, gray and steppe lark, Avdotka, craving-shrinking, eagle steppe, marked larger birds of predatory birds (white-headed siep, black neck). Rarely meet the drought and streptin, mainly on the span.

Characteristic representatives of the birds of the dendrofyl complex are: Forty, Crow Gray, Kozheldhagi Cobchik, Sovic. The Eagle Steppe, Orlan-Belochpost, Avdotka nests.

On the territory of the republic, 23 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation were noted, 16 of them on the nesting. In addition, more than 30 species of birds are included in the CITES application.

The Republic of Kalmykia is located in the heart of the Black Sea-Caspian span of birds, which is one of the main in the European part of Russia. The mass span of waterfowl through the territory of the republic begins from mid-October and lasts until the ice station. In a minor and soft winter, part of the waterfowl remain on the wintering on the territory of the republic and the adjacent territories of the Republic of Dagestan, the Rostov region and the Stavropol Territory.

Mammals are represented by 60 species, the most numerous of which are rodents. Representatives of this detachment are found in almost all communities. Numerous species that populate various deserted and semi-desert biotopes are a shadow-shaped, roller coat, a large and small tushkin, a small susslik. On the edges of the sandy arrays, and actually in the sands, the midday and swing gerbils are common, the shallow-legged tube. The inhabitant of artificial water bodies with steep shores is ondatra. The Town Council is represented by a hare-russak, which prefers to ecoton communities.

Predescent mammals are quite numerous: Fox, Corsaq, a light, raccoon dog, a wolf. From the species of mammals included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, only a bandage is found in Kalmykia.

The teriophauta of hoofs is represented by two species - saiga and boar.

The main type of fauna of the republic in need of protection is Saiga (SAIGA Tatarica). Currently, this steppe antilope characterized by high migration activity inhabit basically the eastern part of the republic, the main hotel occurs on the territory of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Black Lands".

State of subsoil

The territory of Kalmykia is rich in natural resources, which are common treasure. One part of natural resources (oil, gas, etc.) is limited, their reserves are large, but are not restored, which requires special methods for regulating rational consumption.

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, 42 fields of hydrocarbon raw materials (with initial geological reserves of about 65 million tons of conditional fuel), including 19 oil, 12 gas, 6 oil and gas and 5 oil and gas condensate.

In operation there are 27 oil, oil and gas, gas and oil and gas condensate deposits.

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia in a distributed fund, there are 8 search and exploration sites at the moment, most of the republic is in the unallocated fund.

In addition to fuel and energy resources, the basis of the mineral resource base The Republic of Kalmykia also make up building materials (sand, clay, stone-shelter), fresh and mineral underground water, agrochemical raw materials (potash and stone salts, dolomites), bishophytic raw materials and others.

The Republic of Kalmykia has a very diverse mineral resource base of common-term minerals, which are the basis of construction production. The main common mineral resources of the Republic of Kalmykia are: limestone-shells for sawmills, cement production and burning lime, building sands, loams for the manufacture of ceramic bricks, clays for the production of clay gravel and agloporith, clay plaster, sandstone and other raw materials for the construction industry.

In the republic, 64 deposits of natural building materials related to common minerals, but the industrial development of these mineral resources in the republic has not yet received proper development.

Geological and structural, tectonic and hydrogeological conditions of the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia complex and are determined by the development of 2 hydrogeological structures - complex artesian basins of the groundwater I of the order: Scythian Sab (Fi) and the Eastern European Sab (FII), in which four hydrogeological structures are distinguished - Artesian basins II order: Caspian (AII-M), Ergeninsky (AI-B), East-Precaucasian (AI-B) and Azov-Kuban (AI-A), which differ in hydrodynamic features, power, transit and unloading conditions.

Inside the Artesian basins, hydrogeological conditions differ depending on the geological and structural conditions (Ergeninskaya elevation, the Caspian lowland, the valley of the rivers West and East Manch, Stavropol elevation, etc.).

The territory of the Republic of Kalmykia is located in a arid zone with the predominance of continental salinization processes in an arid climate and is characterized by a large variability of hydrochemical indicators, both in the area and in depth. The peculiarity of the territory is the sporadic development of fresh and weakwicked groundwater. The natural background is aquifer and complexes that have natural pollution and containing in most part underground waters of increased mineralization with a dry residue from 3g / dm3 to 53g / dm3 and rigidity from 5mmol to 60 mmol.

Underground waters of deeper pressure horizons of practical significance almost do not have much due to high depth and high mineralization.

State of natural landscapes and complexes

One of the forms of preservation of biodiversity and reference sections of vegetation is a network of specially protected natural territories (PAs). The existing PA system in the Republic of Kalmykia due to lack of resources is experiencing great difficulties. One of the important reasons lies in the fact that the main part of the OPT objects was formed in the 70s without design and survey work, the zoning of the territory was not produced, the security zones did not stand out. In previously created hunting reserves, hunting work was not made, nature monuments did not have passports, the validity of individual PAs expired.

Specially protected natural territories (PAs) of the Republic of Kalmykia are represented by objects of regional and federal significance.

The composition of the PAs of the federal significance (583.8 thousand yg):

State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Black Lands" (total area - 121.5 thousand yg);

State Natural Reserve "Mecletinsky" (total area - 102.5 thousand ha);

State Natural Reserve "Sarpinsky" (total area - 195.9 thousand ha);

State Natural Reserve "Harbinsky" (total area - 163.9 thousand mg).

Earth state natural reserves of federal significance are not withdrawn from economic turnover.

OPT regional significance are:

1. State Institution "Natural Park of the Republic of Kalmykia" is located in the Justinsky district of the Republic of Kalmykia. The total area is 4323 hectares, with an elevation of turnover - 258 hectares.

2. Regional reserves - 9 objects:

The State Natural Reserve "Tinguta" is located in the Chernozhelsky district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is -197.8 thousand hectares;

The state natural reserve "Marine Biryukhok" is located in the Lagansky district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is 50.0 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Caspian" is located in the Lagansky district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is -39.4 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Chograph" is located in the Iki-Burul district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is -22.6 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Zunda" is located in Iki-Burul district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is-38.4 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "South" is located in the Iki-Burul district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is 62.3 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Sostinsky" is located in the Chernozene area of \u200b\u200bthe Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is 31.7 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Hanata" is located in Maloderbetovsky and Sarpinsky regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is 52.2 thousand hectares;

The State Natural Reserve "Forest" is located in the Gorodovikovsky district of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total area is 2.2 thousand hectares

Earth state natural reserves of regional significance is not withdrawn from land turnover.

3. Monuments of the Nature of Regional Values \u200b\u200b- 9 Objects:

- "Gorodovikovskaya oak grove", located on the lands of the Gorodovikovsky city municipal Education Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Tsoros Forest Grove", located on the lands of the South Rural Municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Oak Grove", located on the lands of the Esto-Altai rural municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Lone poplar with a cascade of spring" is located on the lands of the Khal-Buluksky rural municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Sanatorium Grove" is located on the lands of Verkhneshkulsky rural municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

The group of Rodnikov "Kiitin Bulg" is located on the lands of the Ketheche Rural Municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Tulip Island" is located on the lands of the Baga-Bourulsky rural municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Bairy forest" is located on the lands of the Kirovsky rural municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia;

- "Oak Grove" is located on the lands of the Elistian city municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia.

The change in the natural and climatic conditions, an increase in anthropogenic effects had an impact on natural ecosystems, which led to a change in the range of distribution of animals and plants, a change in the requirements initially embedded in the creation of the PAs. There is a need to revise the OPT objects due to the fact that many of them do not meet the requirements of PAs. At the same time, there are valuable natural objects that are appropriate to give environmental status. To perform these works, it is necessary to conduct a survey of territories by specialists by the relevant profile (nerds, zoologists, land route) in order to determine the environmental value of the object, the definition of borders and to make them in nature.

Environmental threats or risks for the environment, as well as chemical, physical and biological effects on the state of the environment and their sources

The territory of the Republic of Kalmykia is experiencing a long afterene half-century anthropogenic load on land and plant resources expressed in desertification and loss of biodiversity. Intensive anthropogenic load on the territory has changed the habitat of the European saiga population.

One of the ecological problems of the republic is the problem of education, storage and disposal of waste.

The problem of agricultural degradation of agricultural land continues to be relevant, with the continuing tendency to reduce the productivity of pashnya and pastures.

Water resources are the basis for ensuring the sustainable development of the republic. Under the conditions of water availability, Kalmykia is attributed to the low security zone, where specific water resources do not reach 2l / s per square meter. The water supply of the population becomes a vital problem. For drinking needs in the republic, groundwater is used, as well as water from open sources, which, according to sanitary and hygienic standards, does not correspond to the GOST. The condition of water systems is currently unsatisfactory.

Due to the fact that in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the number of individual vehicles, in the near future it is possible to expect an increase in the share of emissions from mobile sources of pollution. The negative impact of transport is also associated with noise pollution of settlements.

Due to the increase in the areas of disturbed lands, the dyed of atmospheric air increases. Among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Kalmykia refers to the most deflationary and dangerous territories. The average value of the intensity of deflation in the republic is about 38.6 tons / ha / year. Stationary observations of the level of air pollution in the republic are not conducted.

The proximity of the republic to large industrial centers causes a long influence of man-made sources of pollution located on the territories of the territories of the Volgograd, Astrakhan regions and the Stavropol Territory (enterprises of fuel and energy, metallurgical, chemical and agricultural complexes).

The activities of organizations and enterprises subject to federal environmental supervision negatively affecting and can affect natural objects and measures for environmental protection, including legal, administrative and other measures.

The main objects that have a negative impact on the environmental environment are enterprises of the gas imperted, fuel and energy complex, vehicles and enterprises engaged in processing agricultural products.

Companies engaged in exploration, production of UVS have relevant permits: licenses for the right to use subsoils. These enterprises in most cases also have the corresponding environmental permits.

The fuel and energy complex is a gas station, AGZS, small refineries and enterprises carrying out the heat supply of the population.

Monitoring the observance of environmental legislation is carried out in accordance with Federal law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control."

Measures taken regarding violators of environmental legislation are established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Activities of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Republic of Kalmykia

The Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Republic of Kalmykia operates in accordance with the Regulation approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor from 27.06.2011 No. 451.

Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Republic of Kalmykia:

Conducts control and supervision:

in the field of protection, use and reproduction of objects of the animal world, located on the specially protected natural territories of federal significance, as well as their habitat;

in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural territories of federal significance;

for geological study, rational use and protection of subsoil;

for the use and protection of water bodies (federal state control and supervision of the use and protection of water bodies);

state land control within its powers;

compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, including in the field of protection of atmospheric air and waste management (with the exception of radioactive waste);

for the use, protection, protection, reproduction of forests (state forest control and supervision) on the lands of specially protected natural territories of federal significance;

ensuring the execution by the state authorities of the Republic of Kalmykia transferred to them to implement the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of water relations with the right to send prescriptions to eliminate the violations identified, as well as to bring parties to the responsibility of officials acting on the implementation of transmitted powers;

the fullness and quality of the implementation by state authorities of the Republic of Kalmykia transferred authority in the field of state environmental examination, the protection and use of animal objects, not related to water biological resources, including in the field of hunting and preserving hunting resources, with the right to send prescriptions to eliminate identified violations, as well as about bringing to the responsibility of officials acting on the implementation of transmitted powers;

for the expenditure of funds provided to the implementation by state authorities of the Republic of Kalmyki authority in the field of hunting and preserving hunting resources carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget, within their competence;

state fireman supervision in forests located on the lands of specially protected natural territories of federal significance;

The state inventory of waste, state accounting in the field of waste management, and also conducts work to certify waste (including issuing certificates of hazard class for the environment and coordination of waste passports 1 - IV hazard classes), including those formed during international obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of chemical disarmament;

Gives licenses to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, the same type of economic or other activities on the collection, use, disposal, transportation, waste of 1 - IV hazard class;

Issues in the prescribed manner permission to emissions and discharge pollutants into the environment (with the exception of radioactive substances) and for harmful physical effects on atmospheric air;

Approves the standards for the formation of waste and limits on their placement, including those on the storage and destruction of chemical weapons during the destruction or conversion of objects for the destruction, production and development of chemical weapons, as well as to eliminate the consequences of their activities;

Establishes standards for emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into atmospheric air, harmful physical influences on the atmospheric air and temporarily agreed emissions;

Organizes the reception and consideration of reporting on education, use, disposal and disposal of waste submitted by the subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, as a result of the economic and other activities of which are formed waste;

Agrees the standards of admissible discharges of substances and microorganisms (with the exception of radioactive substances) to water bodies for water users;

Coordinates the procedure for carrying out production control in the field of waste management, determined by legal entities engaged in the field of waste management, on facilities subject to federal state environmental control.

Nowadays, when every year the environmental situation is sharpened, and our republic is recognized as an environmental disaster area, special attention is paid to the upbringing of young people with a different worldview, with a different attitude towards the world around us. People still can not get rid of the division of all living organisms for useful and harmful, and only environmentally friendly are confident in the feasibility of the existence of any forms of life. Humanity should learn to live in harmony with nature, to utter, without breaking ecological equilibrium. The school is only the first steps in this direction. Teachers lead an active search for new forms of working with children, extraordinary approaches to the problem of environmental education and environmental work.

This course is an important step in the environmental education of students, since the problemability and generalizing the nature of the content predetermined the methods and organizational forms of studying this electively course: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory work, excursions and observations. Such an approach aims to develop in high school students of decision-making, evaluation judgments, education of civil position and responsible attitude towards people and their habitat.

The purpose of this course designed for students of 9 classes is not only to help them in local examples to understand the environmental problems that exist in our republic and identify their relationships, but also help in the choice of graduation profile in 10-11 classes and His future specialty after graduation.



Natural conditions Kalmykia - 2 hours

Geographical position. Ryonation of the territory of the republic. Climatic features. Soil Kalmykia.

Demonstration. Cards of Kalmykia.

Environmental state of the environment in the republic - 3 hours

1. The state of the atmosphere and its protection.

Causes of violation of gases in the atmosphere. Natural and artificial sources of air pollution. Air condition in the city. The effect of contamination and changes in the composition of air on the condition of living organisms. Air protection measures.


1. Film "Air in Nature".

2. Tables for ecology and environmental protection.

Laboratory work. Determining the degree of air pollution in the city.

2. Right resources of Kalmykia.

Sources of water supply settlements. Deficit fresh water. Characteristics of groundwater. Open reservoirs (ponds, lakes and rivers). Their characteristics. The use of inland reservoirs. Pollution natural Water.


1. Video film "Hydrosphere".

2. Schemes: a) sewage treatment plants; b) Classification of water resources.

3. Tables on ecology and environmental protection.

Laboratory work.

1. Analysis of blood samples.

2. Soil resources.

Features of the soil cover of Kalmykia. State of land resources. Soil pollution. Desertification and secondary salinization. Black lands. Ways to increase soil fertility. Protection of soils from erosion. Human economic activity and its consequences. The influence of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the soil. Preservation, improvement and restoration of pastures.


1.Video Film "Animal World Soil.

2. Tables on ecology and environmental protection.

Excursion. Observation of the development of erosion in nature (surroundings of the city).

Laboratory work. Determination of the mechanical composition of the soil.

Vegetable world Kalmykia - 2 hours

From the history of the study of the vegetation of Kalmykia. Natural complexes. Indigenous vegetation. Flora Kalmykia. Environmental groups of plants. Plants of arid and wet habitats. Plants of the Red Book of Kalmykia. Agricultural and decorative plants ..

Excursion. The study of the species composition of plants and the collection of herbarium in the vicinity of the city.

Practical work. Plant definition and design Herbarium for lessons.

Animal world of Kalmykia - 2 hours

Species composition of animals. Dynamics of populations. Anthropogenic effect on the animal world. Environmental groups of animals. Animals of soil, water and terrestrial habitat. Rare and disappearing animals. Agricultural animals.


1. The excellent habitat conditions of various animals in the vicinity of the city. Observing their behavior and lifestyle.

2. Local Lore Museum or Zoological Museum of Bioofak KSU.

Practical work.

1. Studying the composition of animals in soil samples.

2. Studying animals in water of natural reservoirs.

Environment and public health of the republic - 3 hours

The influence of environmental factors on the human body. Environmental pollution (chemical, biological, physical). Quality of the air and illness associated with its condition. Aquatic environment and disease caused by its condition. Pollution of soils and disease disease associated with this. Power and human health. Natural focal diseases. The state of morbidity of the population of Kalmykia.


1. Graphs of human biorhythms.

2. Schemes reflecting the dynamics of the average life expectancy of people in different countries.

Practical work. Studying the status of the incidence of students in its class and in school and identify the causes of disease.

The ecological state of the settlement, where we live - 2 hours

The quality of the environment is the village or city. Pollution and sources of its pollution. Ways to combat pollution. State health of children and adults.

Ecological landing in the territory of the settlement in order to identify disadvantaged places and assistance in the elimination of identified disorders.

The conference. Problems of environmental pollution of their locality. Discussion of results and meeting with specialists from different profiles.

Final lesson - 1 hour.

1. Speech by students with results (oral magazine, "Ecological Bulletin").

2. Proposals for the improvement of the state of the environment at the place of residence and the treatment of them to local authorities.

Thematic planning of the course

p / P. Topics of classes Clock Excursions, lab. and practical. Work

Introduction Natural conditions Kalmykia

1. Geographic conditions. Ryonation of the territory of the Republic 1
2. Climatic features.

Soil Kalmykia


Environmental state environment in the republic

3. The state of the air environment and its protection. Sources of pollution. 1 Laboratory work
4. Water resources of Kalmykia. Sources of water supply. The quality of natural waters. 1 Laboratory work
5. Soil resources. State of land resources. 1 Laboratory work

Vegetable world of Kalmykia

6. Flora Kalmykia. Indigenous vegetation 1 Excursion
7. Environmental groups of plants. Rare and endangered plants. 1 Practical work
Animal world Kalmykia 2
8. Animals of the Republic. Species composition of animals 1 Excursion

(Appendix 3)

9. Environmental groups of animals. Animals of red book 1 Practical work (Appendix 1,2)

Environment and public health of the republic

10. The influence of environmental factors on the human body. Inhabitability environmental pollution. Food and health. 1
11. The quality of the air and aquatic environment, and illness associated with it. 1 Practical work
12. Pollution of soil and disease associated with this factor. Natural focal diseases. The state of morbidity of the population of Kalmykia. 1 Practical work

Ecological state of settlement where we live

13. Environmental quality. Pollution and sources of pollution. 1 Ecological landing
14. The state of health of children and adults 1

Final lesson

15. Speech by students with research works at a round table meeting with the invitation of specialists from various profiles and administration workers 1

Requirements for knowledge and skills

Students should know:

Concepts: Environment, Natural Conditions, Natural Management, Aridization, Environmental groups of animals, Environmental groups of plants, desertification, secondary salinization, wind erosion;

Examples illustrating the relationship between nature, humans and society;

The effect of man on relief, soil, underground and overhead waters and the consequences of this;

The impact of changes in the natural conditions caused by the human economic activity on the health of the population of the republic;

Causes of the environmental crisis in Kalmykia.

Students should be able to:

Identify contradictions between environmentally unfounded human and the environment;

Explain the role of nature in a person's life;

Find and explain the reasons for the disappearance of certain types of plants and animals in Kalmykia;

Give examples of irrational use of natural resources in the republic;

Offer alternative types of economic activity in our region;

Evaluate the state of natural waters, soil in its locality;

To identify sources of water pollution, soil, air in the territory of the republic and their settlement.


1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Muravyova A.G., Ghushina E.V. Ecology workshop. Tutorial. M., JSC MDS, 1996

2. Ainikin V.V., Baktasheva N.M. and others. Materials for the Red Book of the Republic of Kalmykia. Ed. V.M. Muzaev. Elista, 2005.

3. Baktasheva N.M., Zhurkina L.A. Rare and endangered types of flora Kalmyk ASSR // Plant Resources North Caucasus Economic District. Rostov-N / d., 1986

4. Klenyuk A.I. Mammals of Kalmykia (annotated list of species) // Republic of Kalmykia on the way to sustainable development. - Elista, 1998.

5. Journal of Aseko, 1997, No. 1-2

6. Gabunshchina E.B. Animal world of Kalmykia: from the simplest to insects. Elista: AGP "Dzhangr", 1998

7. Gorbachev B.N, Bananova V.A., Zhurkina L.A., Serotin R.M., Vodolov T.I. Plant world of Kalmykia. Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing. 1976.

8. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1994.

9. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1995.

10. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1996.

11. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1997.

12. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1998.

13. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 1999.

14. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 2000.

15. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 2001.

16. Report on the state of the Environment of the Republic of Kalmykia. Elista, 2002.

17. Kireev V.A. About the protection of amphibians and reptiles Kalmykia // Biot and Natural Wednesday of Kalmykia. M.-Elista, 1995.

18. Korostov G.A. Butterflies. Animal world of Kalmykia. Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing house, 1986.

19. Kukish A.I. Birds. Animal world of Kalmykia. - Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing House.1982.

20. Zhurkina L.A., Baktasheva N.M. Rare and disappearing plants of Kalmykia. Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing house, 1990.

21.Mandzhiev S.B., Berezovskaya D.A. Geography. Kalmytskaya ASSR. Elista: Kalm .. KN. Publishing house, 1986.

22. Mansurov S.E., Kokueva G.N. Follow the environment of our city .. 9 - 11 classes. School workshop, M. Vlados. 2001.

23. Protection and use of Kalmyki's natural resources. Elista: Kalm .. KN. Publishing. 1985.

24. Book V.V. School workshop. Ecology. 9 cl., M., Drop. 1998.

25. Poznyak V.G. Animal world of Kalmykia. Fish. - Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing. 1987.

26. Samkov V.A. Environmental workshop. The city in which I live. Biology at school. 2001, No. 5.

27. Fomichev A.I. Animal world of Kalmykia. Invertebrates. Elista: Kalm .. KN. Publishing. 1986.

28. Erdney Ts.E. Kalmyki. - Elista: Kalm. kn. Publishing house, 1980.

Technical means

1. Ecology. Educational electronic edition. Disk 1. Moskovsky State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, 2004.

2. Ecology. Educational electronic edition. Disc 2. Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, 2004.

3. 1 s: School .. Ecology, 10-11 classes. Tutorial. Edited by A.K.ahleubinin, V.I. Syvroatzov .. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2004.

4. 1 s: School. Biology, educational electronic edition. Laboratory workshop .. 6-11 classes Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2004.

5. 1C: School. Biology, 10-11 classes. Educational electronic edition. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2004.

6. 1C: School. Geography, 6-9 classes. Educational electronic edition. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2004.

Problems of environmental safety, effective environmental management are priority areas of state policy. Given that the technological burden on environmental systems is constantly increasing, the development of the economy should be ensured by a complex of measures to preserve the natural environment, the state of which determines the environmental safety and health status of the region's population. The socio-economic development of the Republic of Kalmykia, ensuring the high quality of the life of the population and environmental protection in a broad sense provides for the approval of environmental priorities, which are implemented by environmental and supervisory federal and regional authorities, public organizations and the population.

The Republic of Kalmykia is one of the most extremes for the residence and maintenance of economic activities of the regions of Russia. This extremality is determined primarily by the geographical position of the republic in the arid and semi-samide zones of the North-Western Caspiana. It is characterized by flat form of relief, almost complete absence of a natural hydrographic network and increased mineralization of soils, surface and groundwater, due to fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea, which in a relatively recent past has repeatedly covered with its waters most of this territory republic.

The territory of Kalmykia is rich in natural resources, which are common treasure. One part of natural resources (oil, gas, etc.) is limited, their reserves are large, but are not restored, which requires special methods for regulating rational consumption.

In this regard, one of the environmental problems, which in the near future will become relevant for Kalmykia, will be associated with the exploration and development of oil and gas fields on the Caspian shelf in close proximity to the Kalmyk coast. The world experience of conducting work on finding and mastering oil and gas fields indicates that even subject to all established norms and rules, marine crafts are sources of chronic pollution of the medium in petroleum products, emulsifiers, surfactants and lubricating oils (Matishov, 2006). Therefore, compensation measures for marine and coastal fisheries should also be developed here.

In the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, 41 fields of hydrocarbon raw materials, including 19 oil, 11 gas, 6 oil and gas and 5 oil and gas condensate, are observed.

According to the degree of industrial development of the Department of the Republic of Kalmykia, they are divided into those in the development - 26 fields, in intelligence - 5 deposits, in conservation - 10 small fields.

In total, 15 subsoil users on the search for, exploration and production of UVS work on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Of these, oil production is carried out by 6 companies:

LLC "Managing Company" Kalmneft ";

ZAO NK Kalpeetrol;

CJSC Ilmenskneft;



OJSC Nizhnevolzhskneftegaz.

Gas production lead 2 companies:

OJSC Kalmgaz;

Gazprom Mining Krasnodar LLC.

Search and exploration UVS are carried out 7 companies:

OJSC "Kalmytskaya Oil and Gas Company";

ZAO NK "Kalmrost";

CJSC Kalmtatneft;

LLC "Internozhenny";

LLC "Zaab Invest";

LLC "Shell Neftegaz Development (III)";

LLC "NK-Alliance";

As a result of the control and supervisory activities of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is a tendency to reduce significant violations. Almost all companies at the moment there are permits necessary for the extraction of UVS: licenses for the right to use subsoils, a project to develop a field, approved mining acts, permits for emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air, etc.

The tendency of small (less than 5-10 m 2) of oil strands from the Kalmneft Managing Company LLC is maintained (in view of the length of the oil pipeline) and from CJSC Ilmenskneft (in view of the work on the decomposition and arrangement of the field).

In companies engaged in search and exploration fields of UVS, the main detectable violations are not the implementation of exploration in accordance with the license agreement.

The fence of groundwater is carried out by 28 subsoil users of 29 licensees. Basically, the water fence is made from the artesian single wells - 23 licenses and 6 licenses for the extraction of drinking groundwater on water intakes and fields to provide major settlements of the republic.

In operation there are 28 oil, oil and gas and oil and gas condensate fields (NE licenses).

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, in a distributed fund, there are currently 9 search and exploration sites (licenses of HP and NP), most of the republics of the republic are in the unallocated fund.

At present, 15 enterprises are operating in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia - subsoil users:

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Users subsoil






Shell Neftegaz Development (III) LLC





LLC "Managing Company Calmneft"




OJSC "Kalmgaz"






CJSC Kalmtatneft





CJSC NK "Kalpeetrol"





Branch of OJSC "Nizhnevolzhskneftegaz" "Kalmnedra"






LLC Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar












OJSC "Kalmytskaya Oil and Gas Company"






ZAO NK "Kalmrost"






LLC Ilmenskneft






LLC "ZaB Invest"












LLC "NK-Alliance"






LLC "Internoral"








Types of license:

NE - mining hydrocarbons. It is issued for 20 years or until full reserves.

NP - geological study of subsoils for the purpose of searches and evaluating hydrocarbon fields. Issued for 5 years.

HP is a geological study, exploration and mining of hydrocarbon raw materials. Issued for 25 years.
In 2007, almost all the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia issued licenses (by types of licenses of HP and NP), but unfortunately, some of them were not fulfilled by licensing conditions. In 2008-2009, the joint efforts of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Office of RCPRirodezor on the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Office for Subsoil Use on the Republic of Kazakhstan, a planned work was carried out on deliverance from such firms. As a result, today, more than 70% of the territory of the republic is in a unallocated fund and is waiting for potential subsoil users.
In 2010, the total oil production in the republic was about 215 thousand tons, which is about 40% to the level of 1995, and shows a positive trend since 2008.

The level of production in the Republic of Kalmykia is significantly less than among neighboring regions (Volgograd region - more than 3 million tons, Stavropol Territory - more than 1 million tons, the Chechen Republic - more than 2 million tons, Dagestan - about 400 thousand tons).

Currently, the condition of the oil and gas industry is characterized by:

1. Falling the level of oil production from 403 thousand tons - in 1995 to 156 thousand tons - in 2008. and its stabilization currently;

2. Natural "aging" and deterioration of the technical condition of wells;

3. High wear of technological equipment;

4. The generation of deposits developed;

5. The serious financial condition of a number of mining enterprises.
All Kalmykia deposits are located on 3-4 stages of development, i.e. 70 and more percent were developed and are at the stage of falling production. At the same time, we have a very high percentage of inactive wells, practically does not apply the intensification methods of the inflow, geological and fishing work is actually not conducted. And, unfortunately, the Republic has no levers of influence on subsoil users. According to current legislation, only federal authorities (Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, FTS) are monitored over them, the region does not have the opportunity to somehow participate in the licensing of the subsoil, draw up licensing conditions and control over their execution.

Without the discoveries of new deposits and the growth of stocks according to reports, the growth of oil production is very difficult.

At the moment, oil production in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia is carried out by 5 enterprises: LLC Management Company Kalmneft, ZAO Kalpeetrol, OJSC RITEK, Branch of OAO Nizhnevolzhskneftegaz - Kalmnedra, CJSC Ilmenskneft. Another 2 enterprises have licenses for oil production (type of NE), but today they have not yet begun to operate their deposits, this is: Promresurs LLC (double field), OOO "NK Alliance" (South Frechitenskoye deposit).

The consumption of natural gas in the Republic of Kalmykia is 300 - 310 million m 3 per year. Sources of gas receipt can be divided into internal and external. At the expense of internal sources, approximately 20% of the demand of the republic or about 60 million m 3 per year is closed. Own gas is supplied mainly by the northern part of Kalmykia, due to the gas produced by Kalmgaz OJSC at the state-owned deposit. The rest of the gas (more than 80%) enters Kalmykia from outside. Outdoor suppliers are two organizations of Interregional LLC and StavropolRegiongaz LLC, which supply 10% and 70% of gas, respectively.

The dynamics of gas consumption is relatively calm. In the consumption structure, the population and communal consumer consumers have the greatest weight.

Natural gas reserves It is listed in 19 fields, including 12 gas, 4-oil oil and gas and 3rd oil and gas condensant. Industrial natural gas production is conducted on 4 fields. More than 90% of Gaza miners Kalmgaz OJSC, the rest is produced by Gazprom Mining Krasnodar LLC (Radikovskoe Mr.) (Gas is supplied to consumers in the Stavropol Territory) and the Kalmneft Management Company LLC (gas is used for the needs of the republic). OJSC "Kalmytskaya Oil and Gas Company" to the production of gas from the open-air gas field "Honggor" did not proceed.

But, unfortunately, in connection with the passive position of OJSC Kalmgaz in the arrangement of existing gas fields, the republic is not provided with gas, although all geological capabilities are available for this.

The Republic of Kalmykia refers to regions with proven industrial oil and gas potential and is a highly prospective territory for searches for oil and gas deposits both on land and on the adjacent water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea. The initial resources of the republic are estimated at 2.81 billion tons. Oil and gas. But at the same time, only a small part of it is divorced today, only about 3% of all resources.

The territory of the Republic of Kalmykia is divided into search and exploration sites (licenses of HP and NP), in the distributed fund at the moment there are 9 sites. Most of the plots are in the unallocated fund.

At the moment, 15 organizations should be conducted on the territory of the republic, but, unfortunately, due to the high cost of geological exploration, the activity of enterprises is not high.
Socked minerals:
The Republic of Kalmykia has a very diverse mineral resource base of common-term minerals, which are the basis of construction production. The main common mineral resources of the Republic of Kalmykia are: limestone-shells for sawmills, cement production and burning lime, building sands, loams for the manufacture of ceramic bricks, clays for the production of clay gravel and agloporith, clay plaster, sandstone and other raw materials for the construction industry.

In the republic, 64 deposits of natural building materials related to common minerals, but the industrial development of these mineral resources in the republic has not yet received proper development.

The number of fields of common minerals in the Republic of Kalmykia:

Views of minerals

Number of deposits

Stocks on 01.01.2011g.


Brick-tiled raw materials, thousandm 3




Sands for construction works and silicate bricks, thousandm 3




Clay clay, thousandm 3




Limestone-shells for sawing stone, thousandm 3




Glin - Gypsum, thousand tons




Stones building and sandstones, thousandm 3




Aggorite raw materials, thousandm 3




Breed carbonate for the production of lime, thousandm 3




Limestone for the production of cement, mln.t



Brick raw materials

The Republic does not have a deficit in raw materials for the production of ceramic brick. On the basis of unlimited stocks of Suglinkov, 29 brick-tiled raw materials deposits are open.

For two fields, licenses were obtained for their development. The development of the Elistinsky-II field is in the development (subsoil user - LLC ELISTANIAN BRICK FACTORY) and a plot with the stocks of the category "A" of the Trinity deposit of bricks Suglinkov (subsoil-users of Troitsky Brick Plant).
Construction Sands

In the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia there are significant deposits of natural quartz sands, but the sands are studied and recognized only for construction needs only. In almost all parts of the republic, the sand deposits are open, 12 deposits are taken into account in reserves.

Licenses for the development of sands are issued for eight deposits and individual sites: Saln and Gashaunskoye deposits, three plots on Trinity and three sites on the Arshan deposits. The mining of sands in 2010 was carried out in five sites, the rest of the sections were not developed and are in the stage of registration of land documents, project development.

Total balance reserves as of 01.01.2011. According to the distributed and unallocated fund, they constitute the categories of A + B + from 1 to 67097 thousand m 3.

9 Peskov deposits are located in the non-distributed fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kalmykia.
Limestone-shells for pile stones

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia as of 01/01/2011. Three deposits of limestone-shells, suitable for receiving a saw stone: Cholong Hamur, Chogram and Zonda-Tolginskoye deposits. Currently, licenses for the extraction of the saw stone are issued to all deposits. Operators from Cholun-Hamur and Zunda-Tolginskoye deposits, the Chogian field is under preparation for development.

In total, in three fields of the distributed fund, the reserves of limestone-shells for the saw stone were accounted for by categories A + B + C 1 - 42391 thousand 3, according to category C 2 -1968 T.M 3.
Clay clay

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, 5 deposits of clamzite clays are open.

For two deposits, the Gashaunskoye and plot of the Arshan field on the development of ceramisite clays were issued licenses, the remaining deposits are in the unallocated fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kalmykia. The stocks of the distributed fund in two fields are according to categories A + B + with 1 - 963 thousand. 3.

Three fields: "Sunrise" (Oktyabrsky District), Maloderbetovskoe (Maloderbetovsky District), Voznesenovskoe (virgin district) and a separate area with stocks of categories in, from 1 and from 2 Arshan field (on the lands of Elista), are in the unallocated fund of the republic Kalmykia. The reserves of the ceramized clause of the unallocated Fund of the Republic of Kalmykia are in categories A + B + from 1 - 19654 thousand 3 in category with 2 -3829 thousand 3 and off-207 thousand and 207 thousand.

Glin - plaster

Five clay gypsum deposits were opened on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia. For two fields (Yashkulskoye and Lenin), the reserves of minerals were approved, three deposits (Bashlanskoe, Sukhotynsk and West-October) with unspecified reserves require addiction. Total approved gypsum gypsum reserves by category A + B + C 1 - 5456 thousand tons, non-configured balances balance - 179 thousand. Balance reserves by category A + B + C 1 - 5825Th. Tonn and off-balance - 822 thousand tons.

A license is issued to the development of the Yashkulsky field, the mining of minerals has not begun. The remaining deposits of Glin-Gypsum are in the unallocated fund of the Republic of Kalmykia:

Stone construction (sandstone)

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, 6 deposits of sandstone building stones are open. Two deposits (Arshhanskoye and Balkovskoye) with approved reserves, the total reserves of which are 254 thousand. 3. The Arshhan field was previously exploited, the residual reserves of this field are 140 thousand. 3.

Four deposits Small (AR-Kharskoye, Kamenskoye, Verine and Troitsky-II) with unspecified reserves, stocks for these fields are 131 thousand. 3. According to these fields, reconnaissance with the residence of raw materials is required.

All locals of construction stones - sandstone are in the unallocated fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Aglopeorite raw materials

Two deposits of agalloporite raw materials were identified on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia: Bowlsanskoye and Iki-Burulsky, with balance reserves by categories A + B + C 1 - 3922 T.M 3 and C 2 - 728 T.M 3. The deposit is currently not developed, the balance sheets are approved and prepared for operation. The fields are located in the unallocated fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Carbonate rocks for building lime

In the republic, the deposit of carbonate rocks for construction lime - Zunda-Tolginsky-II is explored. Balance reserves by category A + B + C 1 are calculated in volume - 1450 TM 3, reserves are not approved. The field requires the deferrance.

In addition, a plot with approved reserves as a raw material for the production of lime in the amount of 5413 thousand tons is explored at the Cholong Hamur-Khamurskoye Limestone Shelter.

Cement raw materials

On the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, the Cholun-Hamur-II deposit of cement raw materials, its reserves are calculated as a carbonate component for the production of Portland cement, the reserves are not alleged and amount to category 1 - 46.2 million tons and from 2 - 128.6 million tons . To organize cement production, it is necessary to carry out geological exploration on the study of the clay component.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy Development of the Republic of Kalmykia, which entrusted to the tasks of subsoil use and licensing sections of the subsoil, containing deposits of common minerals and sections of the departments of local importance, maintains the task of further development and use of new consumer opportunities for minerals. One of the important tasks of the ministry is also the prevention of unauthorized, non-limited subsoil development. Such developments lead not only to the rejection of minerals, the destruction of the soil and vegetable layer, cause damage to the environment - the place of development turn into a dump of garbage, a dangerous zone is created for animals, people and transport, and this entails a decrease in tax receipts to the budget of the Republic .

The ministries inspectors conduct regular raids of unauthorized development of subsoil.

Atmospheric air
The main objects that have a negative impact on the state of the atmosphere are the enterprises of the gas imperted, fuel and energy complex, vehicles, motor vehicles and the enterprises of thermal power engineering (boiler rooms).

The share of each of these sources in the total contamination of the republic's air pool is greatly varied depending on the location of the location. Pollutants enter the air as a result of fuel combustion for the needs of industry, housing heating, road transport, burning and processing of household and industrial waste.

There are no large industrial facilities in the republic, which will release more than 5 thousand tons / year of pollutants into the atmosphere.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the territory of the republic.

According to the state statistical reporting on form No. 2-TP (air), the actual mass of emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia amounted to 35,133 thousand tons in 2009, including 2,210 thousand in stationary sources . tons (6.1%), vehicles - 32,915 thousand tons (93.7%), railway transport (Magistral locomotives) - 8.291 tons (0.02%).

The main share of emissions, as in previous years, comes from motor vehicles.

Total emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere for 2007-2009

Total emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere in 2007 In general, the republic amounted to 37,3 thousand tons; in 200836,2 thousand tons; in 200935,1 thousand tons.

The distribution of the total mass of emissions in the ingredients showed that a significant part falls on gaseous substances, and, to a greater extent, for hydrocarbons and carbon oxides.