Game - quiz: with answers for older and preparatory children on the topic: “Do we know winter?”


Efimova Alla Ivanovna
Place of work: GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg.

Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators, methodologists, and teachers. primary classes, after-school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The quiz game can be used in working with children of preschool and primary school age.
In my case, 22 children played.

Target: organization of children's leisure.
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination
Materials and equipment: top, hourglass, envelopes with questions. Prizes for teams: treat - 22 tangerines.
Preliminary work: reading literature on a given topic, solving riddles...

Quiz progress

Leading: Good afternoon, dear players. We are glad to welcome you to our game. You are ready? Begin. Good luck.
1.What is the shortest winter month? (February)
2.Who knows which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (squirrel)
3.What are the signs of winter weather? (it’s cold, the water turns to ice, the days are short, the nights are long)
4.What winter fun do you like? (sledding, skating, skiing, playing snowballs, making a snow woman, going down the hill...)
5.What are the winter holidays? ( New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)
6.What do you think winter smells like? (New Year, Christmas tree, tangerines)
7.What weather does the snow crunch underfoot? (in frosty weather)
8.Name a bird that breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
9.On what winter holiday do people swim in the ice hole? (baptism)
10.Do you know which tree is a symbol of the New Year? (spruce)
11.What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)
12.Name winter months? (December January February)
13.What is snow? (frozen water)
14.When is Santa Claus's birthday? (November 18th)
15 Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)
16.What are the names of the berries that bullfinches eat in winter? (Rowan).
17.Think and answer: white, but not sugar, no legs, but walking? (snow)
18. Who meanders in the forest and confuses his tracks? (hare)
19.What is the name of the holiday when a lot of pancakes are prepared and eaten? (Maslenitsa)
20. Santa Claus comes to the holiday, and in his hands is what...? (staff)
21.Who do you think came up with, or rather who introduced, the New Year holiday in our country? (Peter 1)
22.What does Santa Claus wear on his feet? (felt boots)
23. Is the New Year's tree decoration round in shape? (ball)
24 New Year's winter ball, we call it... (carnival)
25.What is the very first month of the year? (January)
26.What color is a hare’s winter coat? (white)
27.The most famous New Year's round dance song? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…)
28. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, blizzards, when does this happen? (winter)
29.What are the bravest birds that are not afraid of frost? (sparrows, pigeons, crows)
30.What happened to the weather in winter? (it became cold, the trees fell asleep under the snow, frosty)
31.Where do you and I go ice skating in winter? (on the rink)
32. Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)
33.Without whom the New Year holiday cannot take place? (without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)
34.Decorates the New Year's table, orange color, round shape? (mandarin)
35.What date is New Year celebrated in our country? (1st of January)
36.What are the names of birds that fly to warmer regions for the whole winter? (migratory)
37. We made three lumps, and we got it, the kids are happy, it turned out with a bang! (snowman)
38.Tell me if I can see identical snowflakes? (no, they are all different)
39. Homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
40.What is the name of Grandfather Frost’s granddaughter? (Snow Maiden).
Leading: Well done boys. Well, you completed the task, answered the questions correctly, and Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden left these gifts for you as a reward. Give treats to the children. Thank you very much to all of you, you are all great fellows and smart people

Kanushina Natalia
Scenario of the quiz game “Winter-Winter” for middle school children

Target: education children working together in a team under competitive conditions.


Determining the level of knowledge children on the topic: "Winter";

Ability to solve riddles; select words signs;

Develop mindfulness;

Develop the ability to play together as a team;

Self-control training (ability to listen to an opponent, work according to verbal instructions).

Required material: emblems, flannelgraph -2, felt-tip pens, team emblems cut into 4-6 parts, 2 pairs of skis, 2 braids, 2 cubes, 2 hoops, pictures with wintering and migratory birds, letters.

Progress of the game.

Leading. Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to our game - quiz: « Zimushka-Winter» .

Two teams will play today, team "Snowflakes", team "Snowmen". Welcome participants games.

Guys, a quiz is not just a game, but a competition game, so we need a strict and fair jury (selected by a jury of representatives of the administration and parents).

Listen to the rules games:

The score for the correct answer will be points that the jury members will award to the teams. Whose team scores more points will be considered the winner;

I ask the question to each team in turn. The second team is silent;

Team members may consult before responding;

The answer must be clear and precise.

Leading: Guys, do you agree with the rules?

We have chosen the jury, read the rules, let's start the game!

And so we have 2 teams. Team "Snowmen" And "Snowflakes". For each correctly completed task you receive 1 point.

To find out the topic of our quiz, you need to guess a riddle, a riddle for both teams:

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers

Blizzard walks when it happens (Winter)

Well done boys! We guessed the riddle.

1. And now the first task is drawing teams, the captains perform the task. Come out captains to flannelograph: In front of you on the table are markers and a sheet of paper. You must draw your team's symbol. Your task is to draw not so much quickly as beautifully and efficiently, using felt-tip pens. Let's start.

Now show me your drawings. The jury will evaluate your work.

2. Second task "Guess a riddle!": you need to solve riddles about winter.

Leading: a riddle for the team "Snowmen".

She is fluffy, silvery,

But don't touch her with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you understand in the palm of your hand (snowflake).

Leading: A riddle for the team "Snowmen".

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared (snow).

Leading: A riddle for the team "Snowflake"

It froze yesterday

A midge flew in.

And from this midge

The yards have become white (snow)

Leading: A riddle for the team "Snowflake"

So that autumn doesn't get wet,

Not soggy from water

He turned puddles into glass

Made the gardens snowy (freezing).

Leading "Snowmen".

I'm transparent like glass

I hang from the roof in winter.

I'm just very, very sorry

That in the warmth I quickly melt (icicle)

Leading: a riddle for the team "Snowflake"

They didn’t raise me, they made me out of snow.

Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

Eyes are corners, hands are knots.

Cold, big, who am I? (snow woman)

Leading: next riddle for the team "Snowmen".

I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by the rope (sled)

Leading: a riddle for the team "Snowflake"

Two wooden horses

They carry me down the mountain.

I hold two sticks in my hands,

But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.

And to speed up the run

I touch the snow with sticks (skis).

Leading: Well done guys, you know how to solve riddles. The jury gives the floor.

3. And so, the third task is the game "Collect the emblem"

In front of each team, at a distance of 5-6 meters, there are emblems on the tables, the 1st child puts on skis, runs up, takes one part, comes back, passes the baton, the next one runs, etc., whose team collects its emblem faster, wins the game.

Leading: we move on to the next one task:

4. "Choose a word"

Each team selects attribute words for the given words.

Command word specified "Snowflake". "WINTER"– cold, harsh, frosty, blizzard, long, etc.

Specified command word "Snowmen". "SNOW"– white, fluffy, soft, falling, silver, clear, sparkling, etc.

Leading: we move on to the next one task:

5. "Winter warm-up".

Leading: What I talk about is what you show. Warm-up for the team "Snowflake".

“We are not afraid of powder-

Catching snow, clapping your hands

Hands to the side. At the seams

There will be enough snow for us and for you.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth

Let's breathe deeply, and then

March in place, slowly

How nice the weather is"

Leading. Warm-up for the team "Snowmen".

"We are dreamers now:

We hit the enemy

Swing your arm, throw

A snowball is flying straight towards the target

We are walking through the snowdrifts

Through steep snowdrifts

Raise your leg higher

Make way for others"

Leading: we move on to the next one task:

6. Task “Name and show the birds”.

Leading: question to the team "Snowflake". In autumn the birds flew south, what are they called? What migratory birds do you know?

migratory, (swallow, starlings, rooks, wild geese, wild ducks, cranes).

Leading: question to the team "Snowmen". And the birds that remain with us, what are they called? Which you know wintering birds?

-- Wintering, (magpie, crow, woodpecker, tit, sparrow, pigeons, bullfinches).

Leading: We'll all play together.

7. Co-op play “Let’s clap, stomp!”

Come on kids, give me the answer, does this happen in winter or not? (if it happens, we clap our hands, if not, we stomp our feet).

Leaf fall, snowfall, drops, blizzard, frost, heat, blizzard, cold, grass, ice, cold, rainbow, frost.

Leading: Now let's play a game

8. Task for teams: "Call me kindly". Words to the team "Snowflake".

A) Winter - winter.

B) Snow - snowball.

B) Ice - ice

D) Snowflake - snowflake.

D) Hill - hill.

Words to the team "Snowmen".

A) Wind - breeze.

B) Lump - lump.

B) Blizzard - blizzard

D) Sleigh - sleigh.

D) Snowman - snowman.

9. Presenter: Team captains will take part in the next task. I will read the questions one by one. If the team captain cannot answer, then the rest of the participants help.

Questions for the team "Snowflake".

1. Name the winter months in order.

2. What falls from the sky in winter?

3. What can you play only in winter?

4. What holiday occurs only in winter?

Questions for the team "Snowmen".

1. What is the first month of winter?

2. What are ice and snow made of?

3. What happens to reservoirs?

4. What time of year comes after winter?

The jury gives the floor to sum up the results.

Awards for all participants medal games.

"Zimushka - winter"

Quiz for 2nd – 3rd grade students

Presenter: Hello guys. Our meeting today will be dedicated to a very beautiful time of year - winter.

Think and tell me what people call winter? (mother - winter, winter, fierce winter, winter is a mischief...) Indeed, winter can be different. And today, answering the quiz questions, together we will draw a general portrait of winter. We have a journey through the stations ahead.

Station 1. Poetic.

First, listen to N. Knushevitskaya’s poem “Winter.”


In soft white boots

Winter has come to the window,

She knocked: “Here I am!”

Did you miss me?

I was in a hurry to get here

Covered the whole earth with down,

Put the animals to bed:

And the bear and the frogs.

I sewed white coats

An entire army bunnies.

Red fox fur coat -

Here she is in all her glory.

Glazed the pond and river,

The stoves flooded everywhere.

That's how much there was to do,

It's your turn now.

Early tomorrow morning

Get your skis and sleds

And shiny skates

To run the race,

And you need carrots too

Find one for the snow woman.

Prepare your cheeks -

Tomorrow I will paint them for you.

Save the squealing and laughter -

I'll be waiting for everyone on the hill!

(N. Knushevitskaya)

    What deeds does the poet list in the poem?

Covered the ground with fluffy snow. Why does nature need this? So that the ground does not freeze, plants and animals do not die from frost.

2. What animals went into hibernation? (bears, frogs)

3. Which animals in the poem changed their coats? (bunnies and fox)

4. Why do animals need to change their coats? (the winter coat is fluffier and warmer. The white fur coat of a hare is less noticeable on white snow)

5. What winter activities for children are mentioned in the poem?

(skiing, skating, sledding).

Station 2. Mysterious.

    Name it, guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass;

We are celebrating the New Year! (December)

    The field became black and white:

Now it rains, now it snows,

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is it - tell me.

    Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house,

Now blizzards, now blizzards,

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

So what month is this?


    It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall,

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this? (January)

    I will paint the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard. (winter)

    Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh -

White-haired, white-faced. (winter months, winter)

    A big sieve, a blue sieve,

Sows - white fluff blows

To the forests, houses, meadows. (sky and snow)

    First you fly down the mountain towards them,

And then you pull them up the hill. (sled)

    Fishes live warmly in winter -

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

    It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (ice)

    He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (snow)

    I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream. (snowman)

    Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

    I live under the very roof,

It's even scary to look down

I could live higher

If only there were roofs there. (icicles)

    Walking in the field, but not a horse.

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (snowstorm)

    And not snow, and not ice,

    And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (frost)

    He entered - no one saw

He said - no one heard.

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows. (freezing)

    Village in white velvet -

And fences and trees,

And when the wind attacks,

This velvet will fall off. (frost)

    Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist,

He patterns on the window. (freezing)

    It blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else. (snowdrop)

    Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north - here. (bullfinch)

    My new friends are both brilliant and light.

And they frolic with me on the ice and are not afraid of the frost. (skates)

    Two snub-nosed girlfriends

will not leave each other behind.

Both are running through the snow,

both songs are sung. (skis)

    Miracle - the janitor is in front of us,

With raking hands

In one minute I raked

A huge snowdrift. (snow blower)

    It's not a tie, it's not a collar,

And I’m used to hugging necks.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold. (scarf)

    They gave the brothers a warm home,

So that five of us could live.

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately. (mittens)

    Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs.

You and I won't freeze.

We run in them in winter. (felt boots)

    I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy.

I am above every house in winter.

But nowhere, nowhere am I without fire. (smoke)

    Grandma is gray-haired and white,

In winter everyone is dear,

And when summer comes,

Everyone forgets about grandma. (bake)

Station 3. “Winter Literature”

Guys, now I will read excerpts from various literary works. Your task is to identify this work.

1. “What day is it today? The old year is over, the new year is the beginning. I also heard from my grandfather that his grandfather said that on this day anything in the world can happen, you just know how to lie in wait and spy. Is it any wonder that squirrels and hares play with burners! This doesn’t happen on New Year’s Eve. And my grandfather said that on New Year’s Eve he had the opportunity to meet with....” Who did you happen to meet?

(the soldier told his stepdaughter about meeting 12 months at once. S. Marshak. “Twelve months”).

2. “She ran back and forth and did not find her owner, and meanwhile it was getting dark. Lanterns came on on both sides of the street, and lights appeared in the windows of the houses. Large, fluffy snow was falling and turning the pavement, horse backs, and cab drivers' hats white. And the darker the air became, the whiter the objects became.”

Who found himself alone on the street winter evening ? (Kashtanka. A.P. Chekhov.)

3. “Winter has come cold - very cold. The duckling had to swim without rest. It was so freezing that even the ice crackled. The duckling worked tirelessly with its paws, but in the end it was completely exhausted, froze and was completely frozen. (" Ugly duck" H.K. Andersen)

4. “The old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put it in a pot, covered it with a rag and put it on the window. The sun rose, warmed the pot, and the snow began to melt. And suddenly someone squeaked there...” (“Girl Snow Maiden.” Russian folk tale)

5. “She looks out the icy window and chuckles: “Look, the black-footed man, what a shack he made!” It’s my business: it’s both pure and bright – neither give nor take the crystal palace.”

Who is saying this and about whom?(The Fox about the Hare in Russian folk tale"Hare's Hut")

6. “On the first day she worked hard and obeyed her mistress, the next day she began to be lazy, on the third she didn’t get up on time. And she made the bed like that, without fluffing it up as it should, so that the fluff would fly like snow flakes.”

Who is this girl and mistress?(Sloth and Blizzard. Brothers Grimm. “Grandma Blizzard”)

7. “She was shivering from the cold, her dress was all torn, and she was so small and tender. It began to snow, and each snowflake was like a whole shovel of snow to her. She wrapped herself in a dry leaf, but it did not provide any warmth, and she trembled like an autumn leaf.”

Who is that girl?(Thumbelina. H.K. Andersen)

Station 4. “Word-forming”

Make a new word from the given words by rearranging the letters. Other letters cannot be added.

Stew, garlic - Snow Maiden

Frame, garden - masquerade

Lava, crane - carnival

Oda, boron - beard

Karl, leaf - crystal

C, foam, year - snowfall.

Station 5. “Winter assortment.”

You will have to answer various questions on the topic “Winter”

1. table or book with a list of all days of the year. (calendar)

2. a small, tightly rolled lump of snow. (snowball)

3. fluff, snow crystal (snowflake)

4. low temperature air (cold)

5. tanned skin of a fur-bearing animal (fur)

6. frozen sweet food made from cream, juice, berries and other additives (ice cream)

7. a cabinet for storing something in the cold (refrigerator)

8. fairy-tale snow girl (Snow Maiden)

9. a ball where people come in masks and characteristic costumes (masquerade)

10. strong wind with snow, blizzard. (blizzard)

11. Which trees remain green in winter? (fur tree, pine tree)

12. Are there many birds in the forest in winter? (no, they move closer to the houses where people live. Here you can find food)

13.What happens to snow during a thaw? (snow becomes wet, sticky)

14. How can you determine how many times there were thaws during the winter?

(if you make a vertical section of a snowdrift, you can count the stripes that appeared after the thaw. The top of the snowdrift after the thaw is covered with an ice crust. New snow forms the next layer, etc.)

15. Name the snowiest month (February)

Station 6. “Choose an answer”

1. What do birds suffer from in winter?

A). From the cold B). From the wind

B). From hunger G). From the snow

2.Which of these birds is migratory7

A). Woodpecker IN). Robin

B). Sparrow G). Pigeon

3. Runs in summer, stands in winter. What is this?

A). Smoke B). Sea

B). River G). Ship

4. What color is a brown hare in winter?

A). White IN). Black

B). Gray G). Red

5. At what temperature does water freeze?

A). -5 degrees B). - 10 degrees

B). – 1 degree G). 0 degrees

6. What date is the shortest day of the year?

Station 7. "Composite"

Your task: make up as many noun words as possible from the word “Snowfall” nominative case. Letters cannot be repeated.

SNOWFALL: snow, foam, year, year, pass, san. Gena, bastard, dog, rut, leg, hell, sleep, bliss, gene, ace, hay...

Station 8. The ABC of folk wisdom.

Now we have to remember folk signs. Your task, guys, is to continue the proposal.

    Winter is frosty - ..... summer is hot

    Snowy winter -…. rainy summer

    In winter the blizzard is…. bad weather in summer

    Pillar of smoke -…. to the frost

    If there was frost at night. Then during the day -…. snow won't fall

    January – frosts, February –…. blizzards.

    Frost on the trees means frost, fog means ...... a thaw.

    A lot of fir cones - ... for the grain harvest.

    A lot of snow - …. a lot of bread.

    Long icicles at the end of February - ... for a long spring.


    Zapartovich, B.B. With love for nature: didactic material in natural history for primary school[text] / B.B. Zapartovich, E.N. Krivoruchko, L.I. Solovyova. – M.: “Pedagogy”, 1976. – P.53 -96.

    Uzorova, O.V. All elementary school subjects in quizzes / O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002. – 128 p.

    Tsvetkova, N. Winter quiz[text] / N. Tsvetkova // books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2003. - No. 12. – P.62 – 64.

Compiled by: Belousova, O.I., teacher

Riddles instill in children a love of native language, Russian poetry folk art. However, their main purpose is knowledge of the surrounding world, nature and its phenomena. The group of riddles on the winter theme is very extensive, because every person has many associations with this time of year. Riddles about winter with answers are puzzle questions about typical winter sports, snowball fights and other fun, fun holidays, long-awaited gifts.


Winter is extraordinary beautiful time of the year. Everything around: trees, houses, earth - is covered with fluffy white snow, sparkling in the sun during the day, sparkling from the light of the moon and stars at night. From time immemorial, people called winter a sorceress, enchantress, and beauty. This love can be seen in Russian creativity, poetry and riddles. Here, for example, are riddles about winter with answers:

1. Guess who the hostess in the white dress is?

I shook my feather beds - snowflakes are spinning in the sky... (Winter)

2. The white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Winter)

3. She swept the paths and decorated the windows,

She gave the children joy: she took everyone on a sled ride. (Winter)

4. It came like a cold blizzard,

Dressed the trees in white,

The weather is cold.

What time of year is this? (Winter)

Snowy secrets

A walk in the forest or park during snowfall becomes not only exciting, but also healthy and educational for children. Snow clears the atmosphere harmful impurities, breathing such fresh and clean air is very beneficial, especially for residents of large cities and industrial areas. While walking with your children, you can study the shape of snowflakes and ask riddles about winter with answers. How and from what snow is formed, where ice is born or why icicles hang on the roof - these and other questions touch on Russian mysteries:

1. White, but not sugar,

Legless, but he walks. (Snow)

2. There is a mountain in the yard, water in the house. (Snow)

3. He lay there all winter, and in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow)

4. A white flock of midges

It's been circling since the morning.

Doesn't buzz or bite

Flies quietly in the air. (Snowflakes, snow)

5. Falls from the sky in winter,

Quietly circling above the ground,

Light fluff

White... (Snowflake)

6. She hangs upside down,

Not in summer, but in snowy winter.

As soon as spring comes to the world,

He will cry and fall into the snow. (Icicle)

7. Like simple glass, it is transparent,

But it is not intended for windows. (Ice)

Winter time - blizzard and blizzard

Winter brings with it many different surprises. Frost not only dresses trees and bushes in white lace clothes, he also decorates the windows of houses with mysterious patterns, and these patterns look fabulous. A blizzard, when it starts suddenly, can cover all roads so that you can get lost even in a familiar area. These phenomena seem dangerous to some, but to others, on the contrary, they inspire so much that they are drawn to write poems and fairy tales about winter magic. Riddles about weather phenomena will help your child get a complete understanding of the nature of the winter season and its features in Russia:

1. Our cat decided to lie down on the heated stove,

He covered his nose with his tail - soon in the yard... (Frost)

2. Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing)

3. Village in white lace -

Roofs, windows and trees,

If the wind attacks

This lace will fall off. (Frost)

4. Having worked until the morning,

A blizzard covered the hill.

What kind of hill is this? What's the name?

You will have to give an answer. (Snowdrift)

5. I fly in a field with the wind free.

I’ll spin it, wrap it up and rush as I want,

And I fly past the houses,

I sweep up a lot of snowdrifts. (Blizzard)

December, January and February

Riddles about winter for children, which mention the months of this frosty season, will help little “whys” quickly remember their names. Knowledge of the seasons of the year and their component months should be given to a child from the age of four.

1. The year has ended, winter has come,

Covered the houses with fluffy snow,

Blizzard, frost and snowdrift in the yard,

Winter will come to us again in... (December)

2. Opens the calendar

The month named... (January)

3. We rested for the whole month,

We walked during the holidays,

Coming to the ABC book again soon,

This is how it ends... (January)

4. After Brother January

It was my turn.

And with me are two snowy friends:

Winter snowstorm and blizzard. (February)

Warm clothes

When cold weather sets in and the thermometer outside the window shows negative values, people take out fur coats, hats and gloves from their closets. All this warm clothing is an inconspicuous attribute of the season, which is the subject of many winter riddles for children:

1. Put them on the legs,

No galoshes, no boots.

Run to school and home

They will be warm in winter. (Felt boots)

2. In the cold and frost of winter

I always carry them with me,

My sisters warm my hands,

Small ones... (Mittens)

3. What can I wear around my neck and not get sick?

Wrapping myself in it up to my nose, I am no longer afraid of the frost. (Scarf)

4. To avoid freezing in the cold winter,

We will buy warm clothes for you.

What do factories sew from warm fur?

Why is the frost in January not a problem for us? (Fur coat)

Fun things to do

Our people love winter! In good weather, you can have a lot of fun: go sledding and skiing, build a snowman, or have snowball fights with friends. And on long winter evenings, under the howling of a blizzard, it is so interesting to tell fairy tales, read poetry or ask riddles to friends. Russian riddles about winter say that the population of our country is not afraid of frost, does not hide from it, sitting in warm apartments, but, on the contrary, has a lot of fun throughout the long snowy period:

1. We rested in the summer: we waited for the snowy season,

And they waited until winter and drove down the mountain. (Sled)

2. They didn’t feed, didn’t raise,

They sculpted from cold snow.

Instead of a nose, a carrot

The kids squeezed deftly.

Coals instead of eyes,

And at the top is a copper basin.

White and very big

Tell me, who is she? (Snow woman)

3. It’s always difficult and long

Go up there

But then it's so nice

Take a ride back. (Snow Hill)

New Year holidays

With the first days of December, people begin to prepare for the main New Year, they look forward to it, and then adults and children celebrate it widely and joyfully. Long or short riddles about winter and the New Year's carnival, charades about Christmas tree decorations and long-awaited gifts will help diversify holiday quizzes. And of course, the most popular characters these days are Father Frost and Snow Maiden:

1. A middle-aged man

In a hat, fur coat, with a beard

Leads with him by the hand

Smiling granddaughter.

Who will answer the question?

Then he appeared... (Santa Claus)

2. He comes on a winter evening

Light candles on the Christmas tree.

And in the bag of gifts there is a sea,

He will give them all away soon,

Beard and red nose -

Who is this?.. (Santa Claus)

3. What do you dress up once a year? (Christmas tree)

4. Santa Claus! At our Christmas tree

I'll tell you a poem.

Don't languish for too long,

Open it quickly... (Bag)

5. Dressy toy

Shoots like a cannon. (Clapperboard)

Children's riddles about winter and sports

Is your child friends with a spatula? If he likes to build snow castles in the snowdrifts, happily plops down on the ice, trying to keep his balance on the skating rink, and with interest reaches out to skis and other sports equipment in the store, then the baby will definitely be interested in riddles about winter with answers:

1. On my shoes

Wooden friends

Sticks in hand and arrow

I ride them in winter. (Skis)

2. Wooden horses race along snowy paths without getting stuck in the snow. (Skis)

3. In our yard in the morning,

The kids were playing around.

You can hear: “Puck! Puck!”, “Hit!”,

And they play there... (Hockey)

4. Kids skating

Practicing jumping

And they dance like artists.

Those athletes are... (Skaters)

5. The river is flowing - let’s lie down,

Ice on the river - let's run. (Skates)

Whether you make riddles about winter that are complex or not, it is best for your child to choose those whose rhyming lines can be easily and quickly learned by heart. Riddles-verses and quatrains should not require a long time to memorize. Older children can offer it themselves. Whether they get rhymed quatrains or not does not matter, the main thing is that they will have to show intelligence and imagination. Children are naturally very creative and will most likely surprise their parents with their sense of humor and talent for coming up with unexpected riddles.

Winter quiz for primary school, grades 3-4

Part 1

1. Why are second frames installed in the winter? (Sample answer: Second frames are inserted to prevent the room from cooling quickly. Still air trapped between two frames is a poor conductor of heat.)

2. Why does loose snow protect the soil from freezing better than compacted snow? (Sample answer: Snow is porous: there is a lot of air between the snowflakes and even inside them, which, we repeat, is a poor conductor of heat. The air contained in the snow traps the heat radiated by the earth into the atmosphere. Compacted snow contains less air and therefore retains heat less well. )

3. Why doesn’t the water in rivers and lakes freeze to the bottom? (Approximate answer. Reservoirs do not freeze to the bottom because ice is lighter than water. Cooled layers of water freeze on the surface with a crust of ice, and then the ice and snow on it protect the water from freezing. If the ice were heavier than water, it would sink to the bottom and the water would freeze into a solid block.)

4. Why do frosty patterns appear on the inside of window glass in winter? (Approximate answer. In winter, the air near the window panes cools greatly, and some of the water vapor from it settles on the cold glass in the form of ice crystals. At the corners of these crystals, “horns” are formed, which begin to branch and grow. Then the crystals connect with each other and form glass with the most bizarre patterns.)

5. Why does a pedestrian, walking through deep snow, fall through, but a skier does not? [Sample answer. The area of ​​the pedestrian's soles over which the weight of the body is distributed is small, which is why they push through the snow. And the skier’s weight is distributed along the entire length of the skis, the pressure at each point is much less.)

6. Why do skates glide on ice? (Approximate answer: While standing on skates, a skater presses the weight of his body onto a very small area of ​​​​ice. Under high pressure, the ice melts, a thin layer of water forms between the runners of the skates and the ice, along which the skates glide.)

7. If in cold weather you open the door from the street into a hotly heated room, then steam begins to swirl at the threshold. How is it formed? (Approximate answer: Burging in from outside open door cold air, coming into contact with the warm air of the room, cools it. In this case, part of the water vapor contained in the warm air condenses into water mist - steam.)

8. Why does the air temperature tend to rise during snowfall? (Sample answer: Air temperature rises during snowfall because heat is released from water droplets or water vapor when snow forms.)

9. Why sprinkle sidewalks with sand in winter? (Approximate answer: Sidewalks are sprinkled with sand so that the friction force is greater and pedestrians do not fall.)

10. Why does it still blow a little in winter, even from a carefully smeared and sealed window? (Approximate answer. Of course, it’s not blowing from the street. Everything is explained by air circulation. Cooled air at the window “flows” down, displacing warm air, then it heats up itself and is displaced by colder air...)

11. How does wet laundry dry in the cold? (Approximate answer: The water in wet laundry turns into tiny crystals in the cold, which gradually erode.)

12. Is it true that frosts are stronger when the sky is cloudless? (Sample answer. Correct. Clouds are like a blanket for the Earth; they keep it from cooling down.)

13. Why do they try to make winter clothes from fur or wool? (Approximate answer: Fur and wool are poor conductors of heat, so they best protect the body from cold (from heat loss).) Snowballs are a favorite pastime for children. Playing snowballs, children learn accuracy; here you need strength, dexterity, and courage. You can build a fortress, make a slide, a snowman. All in all, the winter vacation can be made so interesting that you will look forward to the next ones.

Part 2

Running along the path

Boards and legs. (Skis.)

One man

He rides two horses at once. (Skier.)

They stood all summer

Winter was expected.

The time has come -

We rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

What is carrying me? (Skates.)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

She ran and made noise,

She fell asleep and began to sparkle.

What is this? (River in summer and winter.)

The forest has grown

All white

You can't enter it on foot,

You can't ride a horse. ( Frosty pattern on the window.)

Flies - is silent,

Lies silently

When he dies

Then it will roar. (Snow.)

In the new wall

In the round window

During the day the glass was broken.

Installed overnight. (Ice hole.)

Warms in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in the summer

Comes to life in autumn. (Ice.)

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits in the sleigh -

White-haired, white-faced,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver. (Winter months.)

A white star fell from the sky.

It fell on my palm and disappeared. (Snowflake.)

Grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

I painted all the windows without asking.

But who is it? Here's the question!

All this does... (frost).

There was barely a breath of winter,

They are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up,

Their name is... (mittens).

On one side there is a forest,

On the other - a field. (Fur coat.)