Individual people are able to telepathically pick up the thoughts of other people, which has been confirmed by scientific experiments.

During an experiment, scientists are able to transmit certain information to individuals predisposed to telepathy, and the recipient confirms by receiving the image the ability to telepathically receive certain information at a distance.
In addition, many earthlings who meet with aliens confirm the existence of telepathic communication. Beings higher in the Level of Development use telepathy among themselves and when contacting humans.
But if higher civilizations use a similar method of transmitting information, then it is more progressive than communication through speech.

An ordinary person is accustomed to understanding another only through speech, i.e. sound perception. People use words, numbers, sounds, and facial expressions to understand each other.
And only a few are able to perceive other people’s thoughts, that which remains invisible and silent. But they cannot explain how they do it.
Where do such abilities come from and can others acquire them at will? We will try to answer these questions.

Telepathy is the reception of other people's thoughts at a distance, reading their semantic content without the aid of sounds and technical devices.

Telepathy comes at different levels:
1.Telepathy between the Determinant and a person, i.e. from Higher to Lowest.
2.Telepathy between close people is one-level telepathy.
3. Telepathy of one person in relation to any others is basically multi-level, going from a person with great potential to people with less potential, but it never happens the other way around.

A person with low soul potential, i.e. underdeveloped, will never be able to read a person's thoughts anymore high level development, since the high potential of the soul will not allow the low potential to enter into itself. High potential creates protection against foreign penetration.

Let's take a closer look at these points. The Heavenly Teacher has a very high energy potential and a student will never be able to telepathically read his thoughts. But in this case, telepathy is the perception of the information that the Determinant sends to a person.

And although everything here is determined by the technical connection between Higher world and Lower, but still the understanding of information sent from Above was attributed to the concept of “telepathy”, since its reading occurs without the mediation of speech, sounds, words.
Many highly developed people are able to “hear” what the Heavenly Teacher conveys to them. Designers, inventors, scientists, writers and many others telepathically perceive knowledge and ideas from Them. And poets perfectly capture entire phrases for their works.
But now even many sensitive people are able to instantly recognize the appearance in their head of individual thoughts that do not belong to them. And all this can be attributed to the processes of telepathy.
When there is a telepathic perception of a person from the Determinant, then through the communication channel of the subtle plane the necessary information arrives to him in the form of an energy impulse built on a digital basis.
The impulse is sent through a communication channel through a computer, which ensures that the required information reaches the student’s brain accurately.

If we talk about the field structure of communication, then in human society, where there are continuous fields all around, and one will drown out the other, the accuracy of the hit is disrupted and scattered.
Therefore, Determinants use a more accurate impulse delivery through a computer: the signal is sent directly to the human brain, which deciphers the received energy block into an image that is understandable.
Decoding is done automatically, since a person is built in such a way as to be able to decipher any signal coming from his Determinant.
Letter and sound perception is excluded. There are energy concepts, i.e. encoded, requiring decryption.
A person understands what is being conveyed to him from Above, because in the brain the given information is deciphered through the concepts of human perception.
He easily grasps ideas coming from Above, the poet opens up to verse, the composer opens up to the perception of the music of the cosmos, since the Heavenly Teacher tries to send his student the maximum of what he is able to assimilate.

All this could be attributed to telepathy if it did not have a technical structure on the subtle plane. However, the person himself believes that in this case he possesses higher telepathy.
Many aliens use concepts that exist in a person’s head, and therefore their imagery, to communicate.
To contact people, they send impulse signals to the human brain that correspond in frequency to the energy of the images that the individual has (the image is also built from a certain energy).
Energy frequencies come into resonance and manifest an image as a required concept - a person understands what the aliens are “telling” him. When meeting them, people usually say that communication between them took place telepathically.

A common type of telepathy is telepathy between loved ones.
Usually in this case, the connection between close people is established on the subtle plane through the astral shells, as they help the individual feel others.
Therefore, when one sends a thought to another, it, colored by feelings of love or respect for the other, is captured by the field structures of this person.
In this case, information is exchanged through figurative and verbal forms of communication. The astral, sensory shell helps the perception of verbal images.

The third type is one-sided telepathy of one person in relation to others, when he perceives them, but they do not.
In this version, a person has in his thin structures a special apparatus capable of reading and removing information from the shells of other people.
But at the same time, he must necessarily have greater energy potential of the soul than the people from whom he reads.
Since any mental information passes from the outside through the shells to the material brain, then along the way through the shells this information can be read by another person.
To do this, it is enough to get in contact with his subtle bodies and tune in to them. In this case, ready-made figurative information is removed.
But at the same time, one person needs to intensively tune in to the other in order to hear him.

What does it mean to tune in? This manifests itself in the fact that a person must mentally increase the radius of his astral shell to the mental shell of the person he is interested in and come into contact with it.
This is an option when the person of interest is nearby. At this moment, the necessary information is read, i.e. there is her telepathic perception.

If the reader comes across a person with a large energy potential of the soul, then no reading will take place for the reason, as we have already said, that the greater potential will not allow the lesser one into itself.
If a person is at a long distance, then only someone who has the ability of impulse communication can read information from him.
And this is also connected with the special construction of the individual, i.e. with how he managed to develop and build himself in past incarnations.
In highly developed individuals, the mental shell is involved in telepathy, and the individual can read more information from another person than the one who uses the astral shell for this.
People's capabilities are not the same, which is influenced by their level of development and the use of various subtle structures for these purposes.
For example, highly developed aliens will no longer use subtle bodies for telepathy, but the matrices themselves.

But telepathy is often confused with other functions of creatures. Sometimes, for example, the telepathy of one person in relation to another, close or very dear, but located at a great distance from the first, is mistaken for an impulse sent by his Heavenly Teacher.

If, according to the plot of the program connecting these two people, it is necessary to give some kind of signal, an idea about the state of another person, then this signal is given to the student by the Determinant. And he already perceives it as some feeling of his partner, as his telepathic perception, although this is the work of the Determinator.

This helps to give a person the idea that there is something inexplicable in his prosaic life, and it makes him think about the nature of this phenomenon.

TELEPATHY(from telos - “far, far”, pathos - feeling) is the transmission and reception of information directly from the brain of a person or animal. As a result of the studies, it turned out that about 10-15% of the people who were involved in them have the ability to receive information from the brain of a person they know well, regardless of how far they are from each other. In addition, up to 70% of research participants are able to do this with a probability of about 0.5. However, the substances that are responsible for shielding such information exchange could not be detected. Very few people can transmit information to the brain of another person or animal, so this ability is most likely the result of genetic abnormalities.

Thanks to the ability of telepathy, a small group of gifted people can confuse others into believing that the telepath is really, for example, a fortune teller or fortune teller. Telepaths can intentionally or unknowingly receive information directly from a person's brain, but not from the future at all. It is believed that telepathy occurs due to the action of some fields. Namely, it has been hypothesized that the cause of telepathy lies in ultra-low-frequency radiation from the cells of the human (animal) body. According to another assumption, telepathy is a manifestation of torsion or chronal fields.

As a result of experiments, it was found that telepathic communication is possible among people who speak different languages, since understanding in this case does not consist of a general vocabulary. For example, the following incident happened to one psychic. Using telepathy, he assigned certain actions to five Englishmen, and each performed exactly his own action. Then he asked them to come up with questions, but not to say the questions, and then he himself said the answer to each question.

As evidenced by numerous stories of people who entered into face-to-face and correspondence contacts with aliens, it is known that they most often (almost 100% of all correspondence “telepathic” and about 50% of all face-to-face contacts) contact people through telepathic communication. There are many examples of such communication.

Study of telepathy

Probably many of us have observed the manifestation of one form or another of telepathic abilities. For example, this situation: you are doing something or just sitting or lying down, and suddenly something inside tells you to call this person (for example, a friend whom you have not seen for a long time). You dial a number, a friend picks up the phone and says: “And just now I was thinking about you! I wanted to call myself! Well, wow! Just like telepathy!” Or another situation: completely unexpectedly an image of a distant relative you saw appears in your head last time about twenty years ago. After some time, the doorbell rings, you open it and see her in front of you. Well, how can you not believe after this that telepathy really exists?

Not only ordinary people who do not have a higher education technical education, but many scientists believe that telepathy, in other words the transmission of thoughts at a distance, exists. However, everyone else (a larger group) firmly believes that there is no and cannot be any telepathy. Who to believe? Whose point of view should I accept?

Systematic research into telepathy began in 1882 in Great Britain. The researchers approached the matter very responsibly. The phenomenon of telepathy was studied by professor of ethics at Cambridge University G. Sidgwick, chemist W. Crookes, physicists W. Barrett and O. Lodge, biologist A. Wallace and mathematician A. Morgan. The subject of the research was the young telepath Smith and his assistant Blackburn. During 1882-1884. they successfully demonstrated their telepathic abilities. Unfortunately, they turned out to be hoaxes. After many years, Blackburn admitted that the young people simply played a cruel joke on the scientists. In 1911, he wrote a letter to a newspaper in which he admitted: “All the so-called experiments were and arose from the disinterested desire of two young people to demonstrate how easy it is to trick scientists who are eager to prove a theory.

If it took two youngsters a week of preparation to deceive such experienced and attentive observers, then how can future prospectors expect great success in exposing the "sensitives" who have been practicing for years? more years than he and Smith are weeks."

It would seem that such confessions should have forever discouraged people from conducting telepathy experiments. However, this did not happen, and scientists hastened to continue their experiments.

Telepathy organ

This area is located in the crown area and is often called the “third eye.” An unusual experiment was carried out more than once by our famous psychics Ninel Kulagina and Mikhail Kuzmenko, says Vitaly PRAVDIVTSEV, author of the discovery, cyberneticist, candidate technical sciences in the field of artificial intelligence. The experiment was as follows: when photographic film, lying in a light-proof envelope, was applied to their forehead, the ordered images could be seen on it.

It turns out that some people have the ability to emit so-called mental images from the forehead area. This is also confirmed by ancient Eastern traditions, according to which radiation comes from human energy centers - chakras, one of which is the ajna chakra. Since ancient times, esotericists have called it the “third eye.” The image of the “third eye” on the forehead of deities can often be seen in paintings and on sculptures of Buddhist temples. Some scientists believe that this is a memory of the extraterrestrial ancestors of humanity (gods).

As the legends say, thanks to the all-seeing eye they had such amazing abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis. Nowadays, some people, mostly Buddhists, are trying to regain their once-lost “divine” abilities by spending years in intense spiritual labor. But in the end, these people really reveal their paranormal abilities.

"Third eye" with lens, photoreceptors and nerve cells is laid in a two-month-old fetus, after which it resolves. But instead of it, what remains is the pineal gland - a pineal gland the size of a pea, red-brown in color, located in front of the cerebellum. Experts notice an amazing thing: the pineal gland is mobile and can rotate like an eye. Moreover, they note that there is a direct similarity pineal gland with the eyeball, since it also has a lens and receptors for perceiving colors. In addition, this gland is said to be stimulated to activity by signals coming from the eyes.

According to some biologists, due to centuries of inactivity, the pineal gland has become much smaller in size, and once it was the size of a large cherry. “Perhaps someday its size will become the same,” Pravdivtsev suggests. “And then our descendants will once again regain their once-lost psychic abilities.”

Scientists have created a device that makes it possible to transmit thoughts over a distance. But this has absolutely nothing to do with telepathy. An invention called the “mental typewriter” has attracted everyone's attention at an exhibition of new developments in the field of electronics, held not so long ago in Hannover.

Developers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software and doctors from the Charite Clinic (Berlin), under the leadership of Professor Klaus-Robert Müller and Gabriel Curio, have been developing the brain computer interface system for many years. They are convinced that a computer that can be controlled by thought will allow people who are deprived of the ability to fully move to maintain contact with outside world and take care of yourself.

Even if a person is injured or ill and cannot move at all, his brain continues to work. When perceiving information, the brain produces electromagnetic signals that can be recorded. This is the principle of operation of the new device presented at the exhibition: 128 sensors are attached to a person’s head, in front of him there is a monitor on which two groups of letters are located on the right and left. The device, which transmits thoughts over a distance, is capable of recognizing letters in three stages. He chooses one or another group of letters, and special program filters out electrical signals that appear during selection. The selected group of letters remains, the computer removes the other from the screen. Soon the groups of letters become smaller and smaller until the operator mentally moves the cursor closer to the desired letter. This letter is entered in a specially designated line.

In order to dial a short phrase, it takes 5 to 10 minutes. The system is capable of self-learning; it determines “palettes” of signals individually for a specific person. Similar work is being carried out in the USA and Russia. Developers from the Institute of Higher nervous activity and neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by the head of the laboratory of physiology of sensory systems, academician Igor Shevelev, almost at the same time with German scientists, achieved a similar result: their subjects managed to type words consisting of three or four letters using their thoughts. The work is funded by a Russian innovation firm.

Telepathy is the ability to read another person's thoughts or exchange thoughts without the use of any means of communication. Many, clairvoyants and others interesting people They claim that they are able to read other people's thoughts, and some even demonstrate corresponding tricks.

Does telepathy exist?

Why then so much fuss about her?

Because telepathy would be quite a useful thing for humanity, especially before the invention of mobile communications and the Internet. And it’s not so difficult to come up with or imagine a picture of exchanging information with another person using just thoughts. Many people would like the opportunity to read a person's thoughts that he does not want to express. Therefore, what they dream about, it appears, and if it does not exist in the world, it doesn’t matter - skilled magicians and charlatans will always come to the rescue.

Why is telepathy impossible?

At a minimum, because during the entire existence of mankind there has been no reliable evidence of the existence of anything similar to telepathy. All existing information on this matter is either fiction, coincidence, or tricks. If the ability to telepathy existed in at least one person in a million, then in large countries there would be hundreds of telepaths, but in fact only charlatans of various kinds come before the eyes of researchers.

In addition, at the moment, the human brain has already been well studied, and there are no structures in it that would be transmitters or receivers of any signals that allow the exchange of information. Moreover, according to the descriptions of science fiction writers, the easiest way is to exchange visual images, and regulars computer games They know for sure that processing and transmitting graphic information requires a lot of resources. This means that signals from the brain transmitting large amounts of information could easily be recorded by modern devices. Assuming that one in a hundred million has telepathy is unreasonable, since evolutionarily such a thing could not have appeared in just a few individuals of a huge population.

Have scientists studied telepathy?

Yes. Many countries, including the USSR, USA, and Germany, conducted experiments designed to identify the possibility of telepathy. All these attempts were unsuccessful. But, at least once, scientists from the USSR were almost deceived by a group of professional magicians who were exposed only by another magician - James Randi, which clearly confirms that in the study of any paranormal activity, scientists should be helped by professional magicians who know how to pull off one or the other. another trick.

And the same James Randi and several accomplices once played a cruel joke on paranormal investigators in the USA. In 1983, two professional magicians pretended to be psychics, were tested in a laboratory where their abilities were recognized as real, and then publicly admitted to deception. After this incident, many research funding programs of this kind were curtailed in the United States.

Moreover, in the interview Rossiyskaya newspaper in 2005 Minister of Defense Russian Federation Shoigu (then the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) said:

Indeed, at first, when our ministry was formed, after each disaster a huge number of psychics were announced, who said: “If you had contacted us, we could have warned you...” Then, together with our scientific institute at the Physics and Technology Institute, a laboratory for the study of energy was created these people are special computer programs processed their forecasts during 1996-98. We wanted to see how their predictions matched reality. It turned out that not by much. That is, the percentage is so small that it can be called random. Since then, we have not seriously considered psychics. For several years now All-Russian Center monitoring and forecasting, the Ministry of Emergency Situations prepares various kinds of forecasts.

What about the times when I just think about the phone and it's already ringing?

Nothing unusual, just from now on start counting and writing down how many times you thought about the phone and it didn’t ring, and then compare. It's all about selective memory - something surprising that happens quite rarely is much better remembered than something that you do with the same result every day. No one in their right mind would count how many times a day they looked at their watch, but if last month they looked and saw 11:11:11, then they will remember it.

There are stories that people near death are able to transmit a signal hundreds of kilometers away to their relatives

There are also many stories on the Internet about calls to relatives after a person has died (for example, in a car accident). The price of all these messages is the same - these are either fictions with the aim of evoking emotions in the reader, or self-hypnosis of people who have experienced serious stress. There is no reliable evidence for such stories.

Is it possible to exchange thoughts in the future?

Some scientists admit the possibility that with the advent of technologies that make it possible to introduce various chips into the human brain that can work with nerve signals, it will not become a problem to mentally give this chip a command that will force it to transmit certain information to another similar chip. Already in current time work is underway with chips that are “embedded” in the brain and can restore sight to the blind. But for now, the exchange of thoughts is fantastic; the brain still needs to be worked on. But if something like this becomes possible, it will be thanks to technologies that have been studied and understood, and not to anything supernatural.

How did Messing manage to read minds?

He didn't read minds. He himself explained that he interprets the involuntary movements of the muscles of a person who is thinking intensely about something:

...This is not mind reading, but, so to speak, “muscle reading”... When a person thinks intensely about something, brain cells transmit impulses to all the muscles of the body. Their movements, invisible to the naked eye, are easily perceived by me. ...I often perform mental tasks without direct contact with the inductor. Here, my indicator can be the inductor’s breathing rate, the beat of his pulse, the timbre of his voice, the nature of his gait, etc.

Professor Kositsky, having attended Messing’s performance, spoke of him like this:

As for Messing, it must be emphatically emphasized that there is nothing mysterious or incomprehensible in his experiments. They have nothing to do with telepathy...

That is, Messing was like that in the flesh.

Signs of telepathy are considered to be the ability of a person to sense the physical states of other people at a distance.

There are two types of telepathic abilities:

  • sensual telepathy is the ability to feel at a distance everything that the original source physically senses at the moment;
  • conceivable telepathy - occurs in the form of nerve impulses that allow one to draw in the imagination images or individual words denoting the thoughts of the person from whom they are trying to read information.

How to master telepathy?

The ability to read and transmit at a distance is one of the manifestations of intuition, and, as we know, it can be trained and developed. But not all people can be equally prone to abilities of this type, but only those who are able to think abstractly and not succumb to analytics and logical conclusions.

To develop telepathic abilities, try to guess which of the proposed objects belongs to a person with whom you have a good spiritual and emotional connection. The experiment requires complete silence and concentration of both participants; ask your assistant to mentally suggest the name of the object, while you yourself focus on the process and listen to sensations and thoughts. In the same way, you can use a deck of cards by choosing an arbitrary number and suit of cards, ask your assistant to remember one of them, arrange them in a row and try to guess the right one.

Signs of telepathy

It is believed that all people have telepathic abilities, but only some show them more, and others less. In general, three components can be identified that indicate a tendency towards telepathy:

  1. It is good to develop intuition, which allows you to predict many future events.
  2. A person is able to understand other people well, understanding his feelings and thoughts.
  3. The ability to absorb new information well and quickly.

Does telepathy exist?

The phenomenon of telepathy has been studied for centuries, but the nature of its occurrence and origin has not yet been scientifically substantiated. Despite the lack of explanations for the phenomenon, its existence cannot be denied, because the connection between mother and child, loving couples and psychologically close people is nothing more than a manifestation of telepathy.

Hypnosis, suggestion, telepathy... We always look at people who have telepathy with admiration. We sigh heavily, close our eyes, lean back in our chair and dream, dream, dream... The ability to read minds, telekinesis and telepathy... However, few people go further than dreams. And not at all because they lack the abilities, but simply because of their laziness and categorical reluctance to make efforts. Meanwhile, at least finding out what telepathy and the development of telepathy is is not so difficult. But the very development of this ability will be more difficult. Telepathy at a distance is not an easy task. Solving it will require time, effort, and desire.

Telepathy is...?

This word has many definitions. The term "telepathy" was first used by Frederick Myers in 1882. The scientific reality of the existence of such a phenomenon has not yet been proven.

Telepathy is the transmission of a person's thoughts at a distance without the help of any sense organs to another person. The one who transmits information is called the reducer, and the one who receives is called the recipient. The process of transmitting thoughts is carried out through a channel that connects one person to another through space.

It is believed that every person has telepathic properties. However, not everyone is able to correctly and, most importantly, consciously receive and transmit information. Telepathy, the signs of which every person has noticed at least once, manifests itself in everyday life quite often. For example, when the phrase “You read my mind!” slips into the dialogue! I wanted to say the same thing!

To most people, such cases seem like an accident, fun, a miracle - whatever. But very few people think that such things are characteristic of humans. Telepathy? How to learn it? How to use it? All this seems incredible. However, we do not pay enough attention to many things in life. And here telepathy is simply unthinkable.

Many skeptics question the fact of transmitting thoughts at a distance. They claim that telepathy is nothing more than a game of imagination, fiction and fable. However, it is unlikely that any of them realized that this “game of imagination” can be scientific research. Telepathy has been repeatedly studied abroad. Exercises for its development can be found in special books.

Basics of telepathy

We understand that you can't wait to skip all the theory on the topic “Telepathy. How to develop this ability? and immediately start practicing. However, we encourage you to stick with the theory. You must first learn the basics of such an ability as telepathy. You will soon find out how to learn it.

When communicating, people use only three types of interaction. First, sounds, namely speech. Secondly, facial expressions and gestures, as well as others physical actions. Body language. Thirdly, the subconscious factor, that is, telepathy itself.

Obviously, the first two types can still be sorted out. We are interested in the third one.

Probably everyone has had a similar incident at least once in their life. When you meet a person, no matter how much he smiles and compliments, you understand that you don’t like him. But you can't explain it. You don't accept it on an intuitive level.

In order to understand why you don’t like your interlocutor, you need to introduce such a concept as customization. The right setup can do a lot. With the help of certain actions, a person finds himself in the shoes of his interlocutor. And then, returning, he tells how he felt.

Why do you need attunement when studying and practicing telepathy? It is necessary so that you can formulate the image of the person to whom you are going to inspire something.

Scheme of actions for telepathy

First stage. Settings

You need to take a comfortable position so that your spine is straight. Imagine a straight cord connecting you to space. It sparkles and shines. The cord passes through the top of your head and runs along your spine. The same cord must be imagined in the person to whom you are sending the thought.

Second stage. Concentration

Stop your internal dialogue. Clear yourself of all thoughts. Shut off the world around you and concentrate. There is only you and your telepathic interlocutor. It is necessary to introduce the person as clearly as possible. As if he were standing next to you. You need to look not with your eyes, but with what’s inside. Observe your interlocutor with your inner eye.

Third stage. Formulation of thoughts

You need to formulate what you want to convey - a thought, an image, a feeling - in the center of your brain. One might say, in the center of consciousness. The main thing is that it does not look superficial or like a figment of the imagination. Next, take a deep breath. You need to form, conditionally, a clot or ball of information. With a soft but sharp exhalation, mentally send the bundle of information up the cord.

Fourth stage. Direct transfer

Imagine how a clot or ball of information reaches your telepathic interlocutor, what emotions he experiences and what he is doing.

Fifth stage. Gratitude

It is necessary to sincerely thank the cosmos and higher powers for delivering your message.

Basic methods of information visualization

When you imagine that connects you and your telepathic interlocutor, you need to choose the method in which you will send the message.

As already mentioned, you can imagine a bunch or ball of information and transmit only that. It is possible to use a system of short pulses that you can send, for example, every ten seconds. In addition, you can try to make your thoughts become the thoughts and feelings of your telepathic interlocutor. However, the latter option will require a lot of training from you. It is possible to transport yourself to where your interlocutor is and from there try to control the situation, but this option is no longer telepathy in its pure form. Several different processes are involved here.

Online setup

In some cases, you can make yourself known and send a message to your interlocutor in operational conditions. For example, during a trip to public transport, on a train or on the move. In this case, as with normal tuning, the ability to “go into yourself” is necessary. This means that you need to enter a state of complete concentration.

Some people repeatedly find themselves in a similar state, when there is nothing around except themselves and their thoughts. The type of such self-seclusion is purely individual. In most cases, it looks like this: a motionless posture, a gaze directed into nowhere, thoughts rushing through the center of the brain.

In such states, you may notice that the brain always thinks differently. You need to understand in which part of your brain your thoughts are racing. If you concentrate correctly, your thoughts will be closer to the occipital lobe or in the center, and not in the frontal lobe.

The main point in operational tuning is not to allow extraneous thoughts to take you out of a state of full concentration. After all, just as in the previous case - with a simple setup - you will need to visualize the person, his parameters, name and everything else. Releasing clots of information into space is similar. Next, you need to proceed directly to the transfer of thoughts.

Sudden receipt of information

It should be noted that each person has their own sensations when transmitting or receiving telepathic information, that is, they are purely individual. Here you yourself will have to determine what sensations you have when someone knocks on your head.

Often these sensations are goosebumps along the spinal column, between the shoulder blades or in the back of the head. In addition, there may be a sensation of “pins and needles” or warmth on the top of the head. In general, when you spontaneously receive a message, you will feel something like this.

In such a situation, it is extremely important to understand who is sending you the message. There is an easy way here. You need to relax and clear your mind of thoughts. And then abruptly let them back in. The one you remember first is the sender.

Targeted acquisition of information

If you have agreed with your interlocutor that you will communicate telepathically, then you will need favorable conditions for the session. One of the interlocutors must correctly send a piece of information, and the other must correctly receive it. In this case, adjustments will be necessary on both sides.

Both parties should perform the standard setup. It’s easy to guess that the receiver needs to imagine a bunch of information that goes down the channel into the head.

With a two-sided experience, one more detail is important. In most cases, people think of telepathy as telephone conversations. That is, you can get in touch with your interlocutor at any time. However, this is impossible. Why? Imagine what would happen if you sent two trains on the same rails towards each other. What will happen to them? Collision. The same principle works during a telepathic session. Two thoughts that are directed towards each other will collide and will not reach the recipient. Therefore, there is a need to agree with the interlocutor about who will send information and who will receive.

Aspects of telepathy: sensations and thoughts

By the definition of the concept of “telepathy” it is clear that this is the transmission of thoughts at a distance without the participation of any sense organs. It should be noted that a thought form or thought is a non-specific quantity. It may be sound, taste, color, in some way. In a word, everything that we perceive with our senses. However, it doesn’t make much difference what to send - an image or a thought.

However, many people protest against this. They interpret failure by saying that people are sending information incorrectly: it is necessary to send not a feeling, but a thought. Experienced people report that there is no difference and advise beginners to send information clusters of any nature.

It is possible and even wonderful to send, for example, a feeling of love to a dear person, and share this joy with him. Many experienced people claim that people can even be treated like this. If you try to send feelings of love to an angry person, the results will be immediate.

In order to correctly send a bunch of information that contains a sensation, the sender needs to perform all the same actions that were described above. There is only one amendment - you need to try to imagine your interlocutor as clearly as possible and have more faith that the message will get through.

Energy in telepathy

It should be noted that if the body is energetically depleted, then, naturally, there will be no benefit from attempting telepathy. And the point is not at all that energy has a certain influence on the course of such a process as telepathy. There is more of an emotional factor here. Most likely, you yourself will feel insecure about own strength and you will not sincerely want your experience to be a success.

The required amount of energy is directly proportional to your ability to love, feel, your mood and ability to believe in success. When you are in an “elevated” state and good mood, then the best experiments happen.

Without a doubt, every person has similar moments of enlightenment. But it’s not enough to enjoy them, they must be caught and used for training, for the benefit. In addition, you must be able to create them yourself. You need to improve your relationships with people and with the whole world. As already mentioned, energy plays a primary role in telepathy.

So, the topic is “Telepathy. How to develop the ability?” revealed. Training is the best means of developing telepathic abilities.