October field is a unique place, you will see. We stopped at Chocolate. Now let's cross the street People's Militia. There are beautiful buildings here - like a museum. In fact, this is military unit 22177.

Previously, the Oktyabrskoye field was called a military field, it was part of Khodynka. And still the military orientation of this place is very strong.

Military unit 22177 is the Military Diplomatic Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. And of course, there are no signs and signs here) This is the best military educational institution in the country.The Academy was formed on the basis of the Higher Diplomatic School (where my grandfather entered (not native, I will not burden you with tangled family ties), the Higher Intelligence School, the Institute of Oriental Cultures(where my grandmother studied Japanese)and a number of other military and civilian higher educational institutions.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Oriental Faculty of the Academy, in addition to Japanese and Chinese, also had Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hindu and Afghan departments. Western Faculty, in addition to English, German and French, also Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Dutch, Italian departments. There was also a naval faculty, which had branches of almost all the powers washed by the seas and oceans.

Until now, the military-diplomatic academy is accepted only for a second education, and before that, information about a person is collected for a year or two ... The faculties at this university are very relative, the programs are largely individual, for example, a graduate of the faculty of "Strategic undercover intelligence" is easy to In practice, he moves on to "Undercover-operational intelligence", and if necessary, then he understands something in "operational-tactical intelligence" - and these, however, are three different faculties. The building has three different buildings here - the central one, and, as it were, two outbuildings.

After work, when he and his grandmother were already lit up everywhere where possible and where not (mostly they worked in the east, Tehrans and all sorts of India), grandfather taught at this university, and they were given an apartment, respectively - on the Oktyabrsky field. Grandmother could not get enough of it, she said that she kept remembering how in the training camp they secretly passed her through the fence to feed her baby daughter ..

Here is the central building, interestingly, it has such a monument - a globe ... How overgrown everything is. Are there flowers by May 9th?)

Still, a soap dish is better than nothing. You see, there are bouquets in cellophane. Well, thank God ... I really wanted to congratulate you on the Victory - the invisible front is sometimes more important than the real one. Lord, rest their souls!

Let's walk a little - and now, in a 2-minute walk from the metro - in the rotunda - the Primavera restaurant, that is, spring. It used to be a store, always half empty - "Meat - Fish". Here begins the most beautiful, in my opinion, residential area in Moscow. It is located between the streets of marshals Biryuzov, Sokolovsky, Konev and Meretskov and was built on the site of potato fields by German prisoners of war for Soviet officers who returned from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. This is what people call it - "German settlement", although it was built according to the project of Dmitry Chechulin, he was the chief architect of Moscow from 45 to 49. His signature is on the projects of all these houses, although they were mainly developed by his friend Mikhail Kupovsky ..

The quarter consists of three courtyards, each with its own fountain in the center. And they are working today

The place immediately captivates with humanity and freedom. And from the fountains - do not take your eyes off.

In the sun, this one seems to scatter diamonds ...

The houses are connected by arches, which have all been restored and the quarter has acquired completeness. It's like in a manor, in a classic Russian manor of the 18th century!

All the details were chosen authentically, the balconies are very stylish.

I remember what it was all drips, potholes and ruins 10 years ago...

What a blessing that they kept it all.

And quite recently, Donstroy was going to demolish everything here and build elite housing, and a lot ... There he is, behind bars, a monster - he is still chattering his teeth.

True, the main entrances are still, according to Bulgakov, closed)

And everyone is just used to walking through the back door)

Strict and graceful houses conquer the proportionality of proportions. But not without a hitch. Inside, here in these curves are stairs.

In every house, unlike modern typical buildings, in addition to the main entrance, there is also a black one.

It has its own world, clear and comfortable for everyone.

The railings are a little rusty, and some details are missing - but they are native, they are diligently patched.

But the second fountain - and the second courtyard. All the time at the fountain there are residents, most often - mothers with strollers.

Or older kids. It's generally good to sit here. The ever-nervous Moscow is bustling about two steps away, but here it is quiet and calm...

And the sound of the water is soothing. And you can dip your hand and check - was the water wetter before?

And beautiful.

And here is the third courtyard - it is similar to the previous ones, only the fountain is different, striving for the sun.

A rainbow lives here) And it seems that this clear water is from the past.

And the sun is very favorable to him - you can see how it strokes with rays)

How cozy it is here. Yes, and in the houses - seventy-centimeter walls protect the inhabitants of the apartments from the noise of neighbors, and three-meter ceilings create a feeling of spaciousness)

And the braziers are hidden here like this, military-diplomatically))).

It's hard to leave here, but we still have something to see. We go out onto Biryuzova Street, of course, Marshal).

Here, the neat houses of the 50s are modestly decorated with stucco under the roof and a frieze above the third floor.

The yellow-red coloring is no longer there, and the streets look simple and noble.

Well, sometimes, of course, it happens ... This is a school)

Here the panel is already visible. Didn't go there)

Here's another house - it's from the early 50s.

By the time the well-known law "On architectural excesses" was adopted in 1955, it had already been built, it was lucky - it had a completely assembled belt

and it is provided with an insane amount of balconies thatsupports stucco. A lot of ready-made concrete decorative elements were then stamped, they were spent even after the decree of 1955 - they had to be put somewhere. A large front entrance in such houses was provided for various public and domestic services. They are still in place - nothing has changed since then.

I did not know that a square was organized here, and a board was placed for Biryuzov.

And then - fountains, nice ...

And you can’t pass by this giant, you can’t get around it, but it seems that festive music is heard from there.

The music was lively and very soulful.

Surprisingly, they played this! On pipes it's even more piercing...

Listen or download "Heart, be silent" song from k/f "Na" for free on Player
And much more..

And here is the field kitchen,

and soldier's porridge is popular.

The people at the store are in order, and I am glad that the majority are listening, and not eating free porridge and ice cream ...

The musicians tried with might and main, although they played almost from the sheet)))

Some under such combat music urgently needed to load their weapons)

And here is this grandmother, on the left, who kept asking to play "a little blue modest handkerchief."

And when they played, she cried.

In fact, the concert turned out to be very touching, albeit at the shopping center...

And you don’t have to look into the shopping center itself - it’s not at all festive there, and black crosses are everywhere.

And here is the institute, and the monument to Kurchatov.

According to family tradition, the grandfather promised to dig up Kurchatov at least up to his shoulders, if everything did not work out.

For work on the creation of a nuclear bomb, Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was founded in 1943, headed by the famous Soviet physicist Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov. One of the stages of the work of the Laboratory was the construction and launch of the first F-1 nuclear reactor in the USSR and Europe: a special site was equipped for it in Moscow, on the basis of which the huge Kurchatov Institute later grew.

Beautiful houses overlooking the square were built for the scientists of the Laboratory. This is where Sakharov lived for some time. Well, the research was quite successfully completed: the reactor was launched on December 25, 1946, and the first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 was tested on August 29, 1949.

Later, a whole region arose here. Here is another school based on the same old project, and the same 4 classics on the facade.

Here the building is also Stalinist. Beautiful and unusual house.

amazingly decorated,

and stretches for an entire block.

And this is a masterpiece. "Academgorodok of Laboratory No. 2 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR". At first, there were three houses in this academic town. But what!

Here is the first one. House 3 on Marshal Novikov Street - the marshals are still going on, and such science is nowhere without them ..

They obviously overdid it with decor, but that's why they are academicians, maybe the marshals helped. You can’t think of such bells and whistles quickly, here you need time and helpers)))

And in the yard - a real forest. No, you didn’t understand - not a square, not a park, not a copse or a grove, but a real forest ..

The one that never fell apart. This is how you leave the entrance to Moscow in the morning - and you are already in the forest. Doesn't fit in my head! And here andthe resinous smell of pine needles, and the hubbub of birds, and kebabs ... But we will not communicate with them, although they are invited)

Let's talk better with an academic squirrel ... a beauty, she poses and seduces with a bump)

Let's go out of the forest again to these unusual academic houses - we almost didn't see them. These "bells and whistles on the gates" are especially striking. What the author wanted to say by this is clearly an academic problem.

And the entrances are restrainedly simple, and the frames are made of a noble baguette. And everywhere - flowers.

For some reason, the fountain does not work, but it is already so beautiful.

And there is also a museum. It's a pity, only by appointment... But who knew)

In the windows of the museum - posters of local themes.

And the spring forest draws you in... Just like in Protvino.

But it's time to go home. Let's return to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. It's nice to have another look at the Chechulin fountain.

To threaten the impending over everything and the whole Donstroy.

And catch a farewell ray at the subway.

Goodbye, October field)))

IN last years The main thing intelligence agency(GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian Federation * is failing after failure. Lists of undercover workers are circulating on the Internet, employees are expelled after spy scandals, high-ranking intelligence officers die under strange circumstances, and the entire leadership of the intelligence service is sitting under US sanctions. Grushniks attribute this not only to the success of foreign counterintelligence, but also to the subversive activities of their native FSB. Their response to the Chekists, as the Investigation Management Center (TsUR) found out, was the exposure of the Shaltai-Boltai hacker group and its curator, FSB Colonel Sergei Mikhailov.

TsUR transmits from the special front line and counts the losses of both sides.

« There has never been such a setup in the history of the GRU»

A mass leak of undercover military intelligence officers (in the slang of Grushnikov - "jackets") occurred on July 15, 2014 on the Russian website "Military Materials" (Warfiles.ru), where the material of a certain Vladimir Kolpakov "War in Putin's spy triad" appeared. The article was quickly removed. It talked about what happened between Russian special services there is a fierce behind-the-scenes war for financial flows, and Vladimir Putin, from the very arrival in the Kremlin, has been consistently destroying the best cadres of the GRU. Quote: “Despite the fact that a very significant part of the GRU dissolved into the FSB a few years ago, Lubyanka believes that this is not enough. The FSB is haunted by the foreign assets of the GRU, which to this day are underground business empires.

As is known, since Soviet times, military-technical and political espionage, as well as sabotage activities in foreign countries the GRU and the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PGU, since 1992 renamed the Foreign Intelligence Service) were engaged. Employees of the GRU and PGU were listed in the Soviet embassies and foreign trade enterprises as advisers, representatives, drivers and technical specialists. After the collapse of the USSR, many ministries and departments were abolished, large state corporations and companies such as Rosoboronexport, Gazprom, and Aeroflot emerged from them, where the “jackets” were seconded.

Dozens of Russian and foreign websites managed to reprint Kolpakov's note from Military Materials, along with a list of Grushniks, and a discussion began on specialized forums. For example, on one of the popular Ukrainian sites, it was found out that Konstantin G., who appears on the list, previously worked on the church line in Kiev, and now is listed as an adviser at the Moldovan Embassy, ​​and Vladimir K. was a representative of Aeroflot in the Netherlands, and then he was transferred to Washington.

As the source of the TsUR in the Ministry of Defense said, “there has never been such a setup in the history of the GRU” - “all the men were in shock.”

According to the SPARK database, the owner of the Military Materials website, on which Kolpakov posted a list of GRU employees, is VO-Media LLC registered in Izhevsk, its co-founders are former policeman Andrey Ermilov, businessman Pavel Solomatin and studio photographer Vadim Smirnov.

In addition to Military Materials, VO-Media owns the information resources Military Review, Political Review and the domains yarusskii.ru, rospolitics.ru, politobozrenie.ru and politmos.ru. The co-founders call themselves patriots and anti-liberals, publish relevant materials about the threats to Russia from the US and NATO and about the events in Ukraine.

TsUR got through to the photographer Smirnov:

— We have hundreds of authors and I don't remember such a thing. Most likely, the article is not ours and was posted in the "Opinions" section - anything can get there. We had some kind of showdown with the FSB, but since we are not their enemies, we simply deleted it.

The Department joined the search for the author of the high-profile leak military counterintelligence(DVKR) FSB and Information Security Center (TSB) FSB. The notorious curator of the Russian Internet, Colonel Sergei Mikhailov, who was arrested in early 2017 for treason in the “Shaltai-Boltai case”, was involved in operational activities through the FSB CIB.

So, with reference to the criminal art. 283 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (disclosure of state secrets), Colonel Mikhailov sent threatening letters to domain registrars in the "RU" and "RF" zones with a demand to suspend the delegation of domain names to various sites - until they remove Kolpakov's reprinted article. For example, in September 2015, at the request of the Central Information Bureau of the FSB, the site registrar OOO Regtime (Webnames) blocked the information resource Open City (Opentown.org), which reprinted Kolpakov’s article, for three days. At the same time, the FSB did not write directly to the owner of the site, Alexei Kovalenko, and he learned about the demand to remove the article from a copy of the letter from Lubyanka to the registrar after the blocking. After deleting the article, he spoke about what had happened, posting a copy of the letter.

« Drinking to hell, fighting, arguing among themselves over parking spaces»

Cursing at the clumsy work of the FSB, the Grushniks followed the trail of the author of the leak, several companies specializing in IT technologies were connected to the search, which in fact are secret offices of the GRU, or design bureaus sitting on state orders from the Ministry of Defense.

There are more than a dozen such offices in the capital region. For example, the autonomous non-profit organization Professional Association of Informatics System Designers (PO KSI), located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region, was hit by US sanctions in 2016 for hacker attacks on the servers of the US Democratic Party. In an inconspicuous two-story mansion, work is in full swing around the clock, and on the official website of "PO KSI" you can find out that "the organization employs 100 employees and the team is represented by graduates of the Moscow state institution electronic engineering - highly qualified specialists in the field of circuitry, programming and design of microelectronic systems with many years of experience. In 2015, the revenue of an autonomous non-profit organization amounted to 1.5 billion rubles, and in 2016 PO KSI won government contracts for 658 million rubles, including 531 million rubles from Tupolev PJSC for the development of an optical-electronic surveillance system for equipping aircraft Tu-214ON observations.

PO KSI office in Andreevka | Photo: SDG

During the investigation, it turned out that the writer Kolpakov does not exist in nature, and the article came from an email address registered in Moldova. Moreover, according to our source, the Moldovan "FSB" refused to cooperate with the GRU.

As for the names of some "jackets", they may have been taken from the annual reports of state-owned companies, which, according to the law, are subject to mandatory publication.

The setting data of other Grushniks could fall into the wrong hands, for example, at the place of registration from housing and communal services management companies or precinct election commissions. There are examples of this: in March of this year, in Shchukino, police woke up a drug-addicted seller of men's perfumes who was “hanging” at a bus stop. During the search, they found lists and cell phone numbers of residents of departmental houses of the Ministry of Defense on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, where GRU officers and teachers of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (formerly called the Military Diplomatic Academy) live. After recovering his senses, the perfume seller said that during the election campaigns, he allegedly worked part-time as an agitator from United Russia, and the papers with the addresses of voters were simply lying around in his bag.

As it turned out, until 2014, military intelligence officers voted at polling station No. 3789, located on the territory of the Military Academy. But due to numerous falsifications and complaints from candidates, it was abolished, and now military intelligence goes to vote in one of the schools in Shchukino.

Previously, the houses of Moscow Grushnikov were serviced by the infamous management company JSC Slavyanka, which is part of Oboronservis, later declared bankrupt (in 2016, the company’s general director Alexander Elkin was sentenced to 11 years of strict regime. — SDGs). Now Splav T LLC, registered in St. Petersburg, is in charge of the household, by phone we were told that they do not give information about residents to just anyone and advised us to contact United Russia.

Head of the Shchukin Executive Committee of the United Russia Zlata Chepurnaya | Photo: Facebook

The United Russia party cell in Shchukino is headed by Zlata Chepurnaya, the founder of the Starship Troopers Team project. In the correspondence, she said that she knew nothing about the detention of her fellow party member or agitator.

The Shchukino police department refused to comment and redirected us to the press service of the metropolitan police. By the way, we asked local operatives about the criminal situation in the houses of Grushniks:

“Yes, like all “boots” they drink themselves to hell, fight, quarrel among themselves because of parking spaces,” one of the operas told a secret. “One general, who used to work as an adviser to Gaddafi, became obsessed with religion and brought home a thief who called herself an Orthodox journalist from Lvov. In short, the interview lasted three days, and then she stole his orders and gold coins. Another drunk "illegal" (illegal intelligence agent) -  working under the guise of a citizen of the country in which he is. — SDGs) used a prostitute all night, and in the morning documents, a hunting rifle and two pairs of boots disappeared. We mistook another polkan for an attempted rape of a fifth grader. Nearly broke this bastard's neck. One joy - these Khrushchevs will soon be demolished.

The TsUR found out another curious detail: a year before the “jackets” were leaked on the Military Materials website, a whole series of burglaries and personal belongings from cars of senior GRU officers took place in the capital. Thus, in June and December 2013, briefcases were stolen from colonels L. and B. They reported to the police that they “forgot them in the car.” Among the stolen items, would-be scouts indicated a naval officer's dagger, a Montblanc fountain pen and official documents. The police never found the perpetrators.

Academy of the GRU on People's Militia Street | Photo: Google Street View

“In itself, the fact of such a death, even for a professional intelligence officer, is not something exceptional”

Staff members of the GRU graduate from the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (former name - Military Diplomatic Academy) in Moscow on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street (military unit 22177, in the language of Grushnikov - "conservatory"). At the academy, "musicians" receive a second military education, preliminary candidates for three years undergo a comprehensive check for reliability and moral qualities. At the "conservatory" there is a faculty foreign languages, adjuncture and higher academic courses, but three faculties are considered the main ones. 1st faculty(strategic undercover intelligence) prepares residents under the roof of embassies. As a rule, they are listed as advisers, secretaries of ambassadors, or trade representatives of Russian and foreign organizations. Their tasks include communication with "illegals", collecting information and recruiting agents. So, in 2014, 30-year-old GRU colonel Viktor Ilyushin was expelled from France. According to the French weekly Le Nouvel Observateur, the colonel was recruiting officials from the inner circle of former French President Francois Hollande.

Graduates 2nd faculty(undercover-operational intelligence) after graduation they work as military attachés abroad. For example, in December 2016, GRU officer Eduard Shishmakov, who graduated from the 2nd faculty of the “conservatory”, was put on the international wanted list for an attempted coup d'etat in Montenegro (he used documents in the name of Shirokov). Prior to Montenegro, Shishmakov served as a naval attache at the Russian embassy in Warsaw and was expelled from the country in 2014 for recruiting a Polish soldier, the Montenegrin prosecutor's office said.

graduates 3rd faculty(operational-tactical intelligence), are distributed to the headquarters of military districts or command separate units abroad. Perhaps the most famous graduate of this faculty was the deputy head of the GRU, Major General Yuri Ivanov, whose body was found off the coast of Turkey in August 2010. A few days earlier, he disappeared while swimming on vacation in the Syrian city of Latakia, where a Russian military base is located.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" two days after Ivanov's funeral published an article "Death of the General". Quote: “Although what to guess? Last summer, people, even very good swimmers, drowned a huge number. And in itself, the fact of such a death, even for a professional intelligence officer, is not something exceptional. Ivanov's death was overgrown with multiple rumors, some military experts suggested that he drowned not without the help of Syrian brothers. So, they said that the general somehow helped the Israelis to send the founding father of the Syrian special services to the former SS Hauptsturmführer, 98-year-old Alois Brunner, to the next world. During World War II, Brunner was the right hand of Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for the mass extermination of Jews in concentration camps. Brunner, who fled from justice, was sheltered by the father of the current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Hafez. After two assassination attempts by Israeli "cleaners", the former SS Hauptsturmführer lost an eye and three fingers. Brunner died in March 2010, and General Ivanov drowned six months later.

In an interview with Sobesednik, a historian of the special services, retired FSB Major General Valery Malevanny, said that the training and education of career intelligence officers is an expensive pleasure: in total, “jackets” are trained for at least five years, and an illegal intelligence officer - ten. The cost of training one military attaché is $5 million, and that of an “illegal immigrant” is $10 million. Thus, the publication of Kolpakov cost the country several hundred million dollars.

« Shoot yourself or retire»

A year after the GRU residency was leaked to the network, a new high-profile scandal erupted in the Ministry of Defense: email Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu received a letter from the hacker group "Anonymous International" (aka "Humpty Dumpty") with a proposal to shoot himself or resign. The hackers justified their “request” by the fact that they managed to break into the mailbox of the assistant of the former head of the Department of Military Construction, General Roman Filimonov, 30-year-old Ksenia Bolshakova, and at their disposal were documents classified as “Top Secret”: passwords and access to the official mail servers of the Ministry of Defense , plans and estimates for the construction of a base for Iskander-M missiles near Kaliningrad and personal correspondence of some "lampas" from the General Staff.

General Filimonov previously served as vice-governor of St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, then moved to the Ministry of Defense. Shortly before it became known about the hacking of the mail, he moved to the chair of the head of the Central Directorate for the Repair of the Railway Railways. Now Filimonov holds the post of First Deputy Chairman of PJSC FGC UES.

While still working in St. Petersburg, the official more than once became the hero of publications in local media, and in 2010, during a boat trip with a company Gulf of Finland fell overboard and suffered open fractures of both legs and a closed fracture of the femur. Filimonov brought his assistant Bolshakova from St. Petersburg, and before that the girl worked as a journalist in small publications and Gosstroynadzor.

In early July 2015, a lot with Bolshakova’s mail correspondence was put up for sale on the Information Exchange, and later Shaltai-Boltai posted screenshots of several letters. While the leadership of the Ministry of Defense was deciding how to respond to what was happening, on August 7, 2015, the hackers published an open letter to the head of the FSB FSB, Colonel General Alexander Bezverkhny. Quote: “We were sadly convinced of the complete incompetence of employees of a number of units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of information security, and more specifically, in criminal negligence. Through free mail services such as yandex.ru, mail.ru and the American gmail.com, unencrypted official documents were transmitted, often representing classified information related to the defense capability of the Russian Federation. We note with sadness that if this information became available to us, then with a greater degree of probability it could also be available to the special services of a number of interested countries.

At the end of its message, Shaltai-Boltai offered the head of the military counterintelligence of the FSB, Bezverkhny, to buy out the archive of Bolshakova’s assistant, valued at 350 bitcoins (at the exchange rate as of the date of the letter, 6.2 million rubles), at a 50% discount.

“You can imagine how Shoigu felt when the director of the FSB Bortnikov laid out papers in front of the president and began to report on a mocking letter to counterintelligence, a leak of our residency on the Internet and a chronic mess in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense,” said the same source in the military department. — Returning to his office, Shoigu demanded to urgently find those behind the hackers (Fontanka reported in February that the development of Shaltai-Boltai had been initiated by Shoigu).

“As soon as Lewis began working under the roof of the FSB, he lost his sense of danger”

The task force on the Shaltai-Boltai case was led by the Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, General Sergei Gizunov (previously headed the 85th Main Center of the GRU Special Service specializing in cryptography (military unit 26165), in 2009 he became a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology. At the end of 2016, Gizunov, along with the head of the GRU and his two other deputies).

The reports went directly to the head of the GRU, Colonel General Igor Sergun, and after his sudden death in January 2016, to General Igor Korobov, who headed the special service.

Military intelligence has established that Vladimir Anikeev (Lewis), one of the founders of Shaltai Dumpty, was the author of the letter to Defense Minister Shoigu and the FSB FSB. In addition to hacking into the servers of the Ministry of Defense, hackers are credited with opening the Twitter account of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, publishing personal correspondence of his press secretary Natalya Timakova, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, deputy head of the department domestic policy the administration of President Timur Prokopenko, "Putin's chef" Yevgeny Prigozhin and TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev.

The Grushniks were surprised when they discovered that Anikeev-Lewis was recruited by the FSB, and his immediate curator is the head of one of the departments of the FSB CIB, Colonel Sergei Mikhailov, who fought with the sites that spread the list of GRU residency. In addition, military intelligence established that Mikhailov had secret contacts with American intelligence services. How exactly the Grushniks managed to figure out the hackers and their curator Chekist Mikhailov, our source in the Ministry of Defense refused to say. He only said that Shoigu reported everything to Putin, and he called FSB director Alexander Bortnikov to the carpet.

FSB Colonel Sergei Mikhailov | Photo: Kompromat.Ru / Ruformator

After the debriefing from Putin, the FSB took Colonel Mikhailov and his hacker agents into operational development. Soon, as part of a criminal case on illegal access to computer information, members of Shaltai-Boltai Vladimir Anikeev (Lewis), Alexander Filinov and Konstantin Teplyakov (March Hare) were arrested.

Following the treason, Mikhailov himself, his deputy Dmitry Dokuchaev (a former hacker) and the head of the computer incident investigation department at Kaspersky Lab, Ruslan Stoyanov, were arrested. According to investigators, taking advantage of their official position, they regularly supplied information to representatives of the US intelligence services. An example of a media leak was the data transmitted by the CIA to the owner of the Russian hosting company King Servers, Vladimir Fomenko, from whose servers a cyber attack was carried out in August 2016 on voter registration systems in the states of Illinois and Arizona.

At the same time, Mikhailov's immediate supervisor, General Andrey Gerasimov, who was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Safe Internet League, lost his position. The organization was created by the main sponsor of the Crimea and Donbass and the owner of Tsargrad TV, the founder of the Marshall Capital Partners investment fund, Konstantin Malofeev (Tsargrad TV was the first to report that Mikhailov was the curator and patron of Shaltai-Boltai, and his arrest is connected with the hacker case). Sergey Zamkov, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab, is also a member of the League's Board of Trustees. Tsargrad TV often invites members of the League of Military Diplomats as experts, created by retired Grushniks stuck in time cold war and continue to preach Soviet ideology those years.

On May 21, it became known that the FSB had identified the creator of the Information Exchange, closely associated with Shaltai-Boltai—it turned out to be the former Chief Editor newspaper "Izhevsk Observer" Andrey Nekrasov, who several years ago received political asylum in Lithuania. In 2013, Nekrasov was put on the wanted list for extorting 2.5 million rubles from the management of the Kalashnikov concern for stopping negative publications. In 2015, at the request of the Russian Federation, he was detained in Cyprus, but then deported to Lithuania. The FSB names Alexander Glazastikov (Boltai) as another accomplice of Nekrasov, who directly traded in compromising materials (he was put on the wanted list).

The TsUR correspondent met in London with an authoritative hacker nicknamed Aurora. He did not deny that he was involved in many mailbox hacks of high-ranking officials and security officials from Russia. Aurora left St. Petersburg for the Czech Republic eight years ago and has no plans to return:

“I know almost everyone at Humpty Dumpty, and Lewis too. As soon as he began to work under the roof of the FSB, he lost his sense of danger. I warned him about this several times, and he said that everything was fine and there was nothing to fear. But Nekrasov generally appeared before the arrests and was not in business. He is only on the part of selling information and is not aware of the whole technology. Now, in order for the FSB to report to Putin, they will hang everything on them (read the full interview with Aurora in the near future. — SDGs).

"IN instead of successfully solving combat missions, we fight off the FSB »

A Defense Ministry spokesman declined to comment. But the TsUR correspondent met with an employee of the GRU, who told how "the FSB is a nightmare for military intelligence." Nikolai Zh. got into the GRU directly from the fleet, graduating from the Black Sea VVMU named after. Nakhimov:

- The country's leadership is constantly whispered in the ear: "The GRU is preparing a military coup." At the same time, all responsibility for Syria and the fight against terrorism lies with us,” the sailor sips coffee. “It turns out that instead of successfully solving combat missions, we are fighting off the FSB.

- So you have always been in conflict with state security ...

- There were no such setups before, but now it comes to betrayal. Take the situation with our guys who were leaked to the Internet. Where is it seen that their own betrayed their own? And who advised these hackers from Shaltai Dumpty to send letters to Shoigu and counterintelligence?

- Are you sure that the FSB officers leaked the GRU residency?

- And who else benefits from it? We had to answer for their trickery and set-ups and light up Humpty Dumpty.

- And they also write about the underground financial empires of the GRU.

- Yes, what kind of empires are there, all the Lubyanka guys or majors from the FSO have long crushed them. They only know how to properly report to the top.

According to military experts, out of 7,000 officers who served in the GRU in Soviet time, now there are less than 2 thousand left in the structure. 10 combat brigades were disbanded, the GRU special forces were reassigned to the command of the Ground Forces, almost all parts of electronic intelligence were liquidated. An interview with a veteran military intelligence officer, General Igor Parinov, is circulating on the Internet, openly calling President Putin a "gravedigger of the GRU" and "the most successful project of the Western intelligence services."

Of particular concern to the Kremlin are the reduced GRU special forces soldiers, who for many years have been intensively trained to stage military coups, liquidate objectionable political figures and sabotage.

Perhaps the most illustrative example is the serial epic of the former GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, who is serving a prison term in a colony. At first, the colonel was accused of attempting to assassinate Anatoly Chubais, but the jury acquitted him. Then Kvachkov was nevertheless convicted of preparing an armed rebellion. According to FSB investigators, the former GRU commando, together with his associates, planned to seize weapons in several military units in Kovrov and arrange a campaign against Moscow.

One more crime story, which featured a retired Grushnik, happened on August 5, 2015 in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod: FSB operatives opened a private garage and found Kalashnikov assault rifles, assault rifles with optical sights, two machine guns, underbarrel grenade launchers, ammunition, and even a portable Igla anti-aircraft system.

Soon the owner of the garage was detained, former colonel GRU Gennady Korotenko, who holds the post of centurion in the Volzhsky Cossack army. During a search, a PM pistol was found at the centurion, from which in 2014 in Iksha near Moscow they shot the co-founder of the Cypriot company Clinolina Holdings Limited (owns several enterprises for the production of chemical products and tissue paper), 56-year-old Nikolai Martynov. According to investigators, the businessman was ordered by his business partner Anton Erokhin and paid the ex-pear 1 million rubles for the murder. During interrogation, Korotenko stated that the arms depot did not belong to him, but to some random acquaintance who rented a garage.

The acquaintance, of course, was not found, and the question of the purpose for which the arsenal was kept remained open.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Military Academy(former Military Diplomatic Academy) Ministry of Defense Russian Federation - a military educational institution specializing in the training of military diplomats (employees of military attaches) and military intelligence officers. Military unit 22177. Slang name - "conservatory".


In the Russian Federation, until September 27, 2011, the state military educational institution of higher education was called vocational education"Military Diplomatic Academy". After September 27, 2011 - the federal state state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

From May 2010 to February 5, 2014, the academy, as a separate subdivision, included a branch in Cherepovets (now the Cherepovets Higher military school radio electronics).



The head of the Academy in the military rank of colonel-general (admiral), formally holding the position of deputy head of the GRU, has four deputies in the rank of lieutenant generals: first deputy and deputies for work with personnel, logistical and educational and scientific work.


  • 1st faculty - trains officers to work abroad, as intelligence officers under diplomatic cover ("jackets", in the slang of intelligence officers) and illegal intelligence officers.
  • 2nd faculty - "undercover and operational intelligence". Trains employees of military attaches.
  • 3rd faculty - "operational-tactical intelligence". Trains operational-tactical intelligence officers who are assigned to the headquarters of military districts.
  • Special faculty - for military personnel of the "armies of friendly countries". It has three directions corresponding to the first three faculties.
  • The Academy also has the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Postgraduate Studies and Higher Academic Courses.


About 200 students graduate from the Academy every year.


  • Shalin M. A. (1946-1949), lieutenant general,
  • Slavin N. V. (1949-1953), lieutenant general,
  • Kochetkov M. A. (1953-1957), lieutenant general,
  • Petrushevsky A. V. (1957-1959), Colonel General,
  • Dratvin M. I. (1959), lieutenant general, acting,
  • Khlopov V. E. (March 1959 - June 1967), lieutenant general of tank troops,
  • Bekrenev L. K (1967-1973), vice admiral, since 1967 admiral,
  • Tolokonnikov L. S. (1973-1975), Colonel General of the Engineering and Technical Service,
  • Pavlov A. G. (1975-1978), lieutenant general, since 02/14/1978 colonel general
  • Meshcheryakov V. I. (1978-1988), lieutenant general, from 11/01/1980 colonel general
  • Kuzmin L. T. (1988-1992), vice admiral, since 06/30/1990 admiral,
  • Ivanov V. A. (1992-1999), Colonel General,
  • Tkachev V. S. (1999-2000), admiral,
  • Kolesnik N.Kh., Colonel General,
  • Kuzmichev V.D., Colonel General.

Famous graduates


  • Address: Moscow, st. People's Militia, 50.

Postal address: 103160, Moscow, K-160, military unit 22177.

Curious facts

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  • www.agentura.ru
  • at shieldandsword.mozohin.ru

see also

  • Special Faculty of the Military Academy of the Red Army named after M. V. Frunze

An excerpt characterizing the Military Diplomatic Academy

- Yes Yes. This is the true truth,” Pierre hastily interrupted.
- From what? Natasha asked, looking attentively into Pierre's eyes.
- How why? - said Princess Mary. One thought of what awaits there...
Natasha, without listening to Princess Marya, looked inquiringly at Pierre again.
“And because,” Pierre continued, “that only the person who believes that there is a god who controls us can endure such a loss as hers and ... yours,” said Pierre.
Natasha opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but suddenly stopped. Pierre hastened to turn away from her and turned again to Princess Mary with a question about the last days of his friend's life. Pierre's embarrassment is now almost gone; but at the same time he felt that all his former freedom had disappeared. He felt that there was now a judge over his every word, action, a court that was dearer to him than the court of all people in the world. He was speaking now, and together with his words, he understood the impression that his words made on Natasha. He didn't say anything on purpose that might please her; but whatever he said, he judged himself from her point of view.
Princess Mary reluctantly, as always happens, began to talk about the situation in which she found Prince Andrei. But Pierre's questions, his animatedly restless look, his face trembling with excitement, gradually forced her to go into details, which she was afraid for herself to renew in her imagination.
“Yes, yes, so, so ...” said Pierre, bending forward with his whole body over Princess Mary and eagerly listening to her story. - Yes Yes; so did he calm down? relented? He was always looking for one thing with all the strength of his soul; be quite good that he could not be afraid of death. The faults that were in him, if there were any, did not come from him. So he softened up? Pierre said. “What a blessing that he saw you,” he said to Natasha, suddenly turning to her and looking at her with eyes full of tears.
Natasha's face twitched. She frowned and lowered her eyes for a moment. She hesitated for a minute: to speak or not to speak?
“Yes, it was happiness,” she said in a quiet chesty voice, “for me, it must have been happiness. She paused. - And he ... he ... he said that he wanted this, the minute I came to him ... - Natasha's voice broke off. She blushed, clasped her hands in her lap, and suddenly, evidently making an effort on herself, raised her head and quickly began to say:
– We didn’t know anything when we were driving from Moscow. I didn't dare ask about him. And suddenly Sonya told me that he was with us. I didn’t think anything, I couldn’t imagine what position he was in; I only needed to see him, to be with him,” she said, trembling and panting. And, not allowing herself to be interrupted, she told what she had never told anyone before: everything that she experienced during those three weeks of their journey and life in Yaroslavl.
Pierre listened to her with his mouth open and never taking his eyes off her, full of tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she was talking about. He listened to her and only felt sorry for her for the suffering she now experienced as she spoke.
The princess, grimacing with a desire to hold back her tears, sat beside Natasha and listened for the first time to the story of these last days love of his brother with Natasha.
This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha.
She spoke, mixing the most insignificant details with the most intimate secrets, and it seemed that she could never finish. She repeated the same thing several times.
Desalle's voice was heard outside the door, asking if Nikolushka could come in and say goodbye.
“Yes, that’s all, that’s all ...” said Natasha. She quickly got up, while Nikolushka entered, and almost ran to the door, knocked her head against the door, covered with a curtain, and with a groan of pain or sadness escaped from the room.
Pierre looked at the door through which she went out and did not understand why he was suddenly left alone in the whole world.
Princess Marya called him out of absent-mindedness, drawing his attention to his nephew, who entered the room.
Nikolushka's face, resembling his father, in a moment of spiritual softening in which Pierre was now, had such an effect on him that, having kissed Nikolushka, he hastily got up and, taking out a handkerchief, went to the window. He wanted to say goodbye to Princess Mary, but she restrained him.
- No, Natasha and I sometimes do not sleep until three o'clock; please sit down. I'll have supper. Go down; we will come now.
Before Pierre left, the princess said to him:
It was the first time she had spoken of him like that.

Pierre was led into a lighted large dining room; a few minutes later steps were heard, and the princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although a stern expression, without a smile, was now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha, and Pierre equally experienced that feeling of awkwardness that usually follows the end of a serious and heartfelt conversation. It is impossible to continue the previous conversation; it is shameful to talk about trifles, but it is unpleasant to be silent, because you want to talk, but it is as if you are pretending to be silent. They silently approached the table. The waiters pushed back and pulled up the chairs. Pierre unfolded the cold napkin and, deciding to break the silence, looked at Natasha and Princess Mary. Both, obviously, at the same time decided on the same thing: in both eyes, contentment with life shone and the recognition that, in addition to grief, there are also joys.
- Do you drink vodka, Count? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past.
“Tell me about yourself,” said Princess Mary. “Such incredible miracles are being told about you.
“Yes,” Pierre answered with his now familiar smile of meek mockery. - They even tell me about such miracles, which I have never seen in a dream. Marya Abramovna invited me to her place and kept telling me what had happened to me, or was about to happen. Stepan Stepanitch also taught me how I should tell. In general, I noticed that being an interesting person is very calm (I now interesting person); They call me and they tell me.
Natasha smiled and wanted to say something.

Rz: Many current WSI officers[Polish military intelligence - approx. trans.] were trained by the GRU, an organization even more mysterious than the KGB. . .

Viktor Suvorov: The GRU was created in 1918 to conduct intelligence operations abroad. Under its current name, the Main Intelligence Directorate has existed since 1942. At present, it includes 18 specialized departments. It was military intelligence, and the KGB can be called the secret police, engaged in protecting the regime from internal enemies. Even if the KGB conducted operations abroad, its main opponents were still internal enemies. The simplest comparison looks like this: the KGB is the Soviet analogue of the Gestapo, and the GRU is the Abwehr.

- The GRU also trained officers from other socialist countries. Have you met them, and how many were there?

GRU officers were trained by the Academy of the Soviet Army. In fact, it was the Military Diplomatic Academy. Neither the first nor the second name reflected its essence. It was normal camouflage.

In fact, it was an intelligence school. In my time, it had four departments. Three - for Soviet officers. The first one, which I completed, trained intelligence officers who were supposed to work under the guise of civilian organizations - in diplomacy, Aeroflot, and trade missions. The second department trained military attaches, and the third - Soviet officers who conducted operations within the USSR, as well as within the framework of the communist bloc - in Poland, the GDR, etc. Finally, the fourth department trained officers from other Warsaw Pact countries. We were isolated from them. However, not only from them. Studying at the first department, I could not communicate with students of the second and third, not to mention the fourth.

- The GRU and the intelligence services of other socialist countries carried out joint actions. . .

Certainly. All Soviet military plans were closely linked to the Warsaw Pact. The Commander-in-Chief of the ATS troops was at the same time the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. The structure resembled the organization of the Comintern. Theoretically, it consisted of independent parties, but in fact, Comrade Stalin led everything.

In the police department it was similar, and even worse, because no one was pretending there. All general staffs were directly subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, as well as the General Staff of the Soviet Army. It was the same with their military intelligence. She was under the complete control of the GRU.

- From this it follows that the Polish officers also obeyed him.

Certainly. Take Polish military intelligence. She was officially part of general staff Polish army, but at the same time completely controlled by Moscow. The Soviet command sought only to maintain competition between the intelligence services of individual countries in order to obtain information from different sources. So, formally, each of these structures acted on its own, but all the threads still led to Moscow. Here was the real center of management of all these services.

There was no such possibility. Soviet Union even made decisions about who would be the Minister of Defense or the Chief of the General Staff, and without his approval, appointments of this kind were simply impossible.

- They say that one who has become an officer or a member of the special services will never part with them. How likely is it that those who went through the GRU school retained ties with Russian intelligence?

I will answer with the words of President Putin. Once, when he had already become the owner of the Kremlin, he was asked if it was true that he was a former Chekist. He replied that Chekists are not former. It is the same with GRU officers. Not former officers or intelligence agents. It's like joining the mafia. It's no longer possible to exit. On the other hand, I would not like to generalize that all Polish officers trained by the GRU are Russian agents. However, I think that people who worked closely with the Soviet secret services, including the GRU, should look for work outside the structures associated with state security.

Interviewed by Slawomir Popowski


Viktor Suvorov (real name Rezun) was a Soviet intelligence officer. In 1974 he graduated from the Military Diplomatic Academy and worked for four years in the GRU residency in Geneva. In 1978 he fled to the UK. He described his experience in books, incl. in "Aquarium" and "Icebreaker", which became world bestsellers. IN former USSR he was sentenced to death in absentia.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.