Leontyeva Aida Afanasyevna
Job title: physics teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Lekechen Secondary School named after A.I. Leontyev"
Locality: With. Lekechen Vilyuisky ulus RS (Y)
Name of material: article
Subject: Sower of the reasonable, kind, eternal - People's Teacher of the USSR Alekseev M.A.
Publication date: 25.04.2018
Chapter: secondary education

“The sower of the reasonable, the good, the eternal - People's Teacher of the USSR Alekseev

“The sower of the reasonable, the good, the eternal” was the initiator of the physical







People's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. He

with his life and true service to the people he truly confirmed

these wise words about teachers. 57 years ago at the Verkhnevilyuysk school named after

Isidora Barakhov Mikhail Andreevich and his like-minded people achieved







mathematical school. Most graduates of these classes and schools



are working




with gratitude


teachers, their lessons. I studied at the Verkhnevilyuysk Physics and Mathematics




class teacher, but also our physics teacher. We saw him

every day and constantly communicated, and I, as a niece, sometimes also

I spent the night at their house. Mikhail Andreevich was kind, but strict, always

sensitive and attentive to us. All our teachers were professionals

of your business. Everything we absorbed from them undoubtedly helped and continues to help.

to this day. When Mikhail Andreevich lived in Vilyuysk, I often visited him.

I still have all of mine school notes in physics, notebooks for

problem solving. I especially carefully preserve the letters of my dear Teacher.

He shared his deepest thoughts with me. I every day

I remember Mikhail Andreevich, I always mentally consult with him. This is him






university, I was given a referral to graduate school at the E. Paton Institute in

the city of Kyiv, but I chose the profession of a teacher and came to my home village.

Mikhail Andreevich then wrote to me that I did the right thing,

it's a sacred thing to work for native land, teach the children of their fellow villagers. WITH

Since then, for the 31st year now, I have been teaching physics at the Lekechen school, and since 2008

I have also been working as a director for a year. I am glad that at the end of 2015 our

the school was awarded a Grant from the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) E.A. Borisov (1 million rubles),




“Best rural school – 2017.” This is our fourth Grant, before this we

received a Grant from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2007), a Grant from the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) V.A. Shtyrov

(2009), Grant of the Republican Committee for Family and Childhood under the President

RS (Y) (2010). In this I see the blessing of my Teacher, his justification

bright hopes.

100 year old


Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. All my colleagues - physics teachers and

mathematics -

I urge

to celebrate the anniversary of our dear one with dignity

Teachers! Let us celebrate him with our spiritual gifts, because Mikhail Andreevich

always emphasized that the most important thing in a teacher is love for children.

Aida Leontyeva

Director, physics teacher

Lekechen secondary school named after A.I. Leontyev,

People's Teacher of the USSR, Excellence in Public Education of the USSR, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR and the YASSR In 1966, through his efforts, specialized physics and mathematics classes were opened at the Verkhnevilyuysk secondary school of the Verkhnevilyuysky district of the YASSR. In 1974, Verkhnevilyuyskaya secondary school No. 2 (now the M.A. Alekseev Gymnasium), according to the Decree of the USSR Ministry of Public Education dated September 12, 1974, received the status of a republican school with in-depth study fundamentals of physics and mathematics. BIOGRAPHY (based on materials by A. I. Petrova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the IMI YSU, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), scientific supervisor republican "Alekseevsky readings") Born on May 5, 1917 in the Bappagainsky nasleg of the Vilyuisky ulus. At the age of 6 he was left an orphan. In 1936 he graduated from the Yakut Pedagogical College. He was appointed a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Rodchev seven-year school in the Srednekolyma region of the YASSR. In 1939 he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute. In the same year he was drafted into the Red Army. He was elected secretary of the Komsomol committee of the 20th separate sapper battalion of the 99th rifle division. In June-August 1941, in the battles near Przemysl, he was captured wounded (the events are described in the Pravda newspaper of June 19, 1966 in the article “The First Counterattack”: about the feat of the soldiers of the 99th Infantry Division, who recaptured the Nazis and during held the city of Przemysl in their hands for weeks). In 1942, after escaping from captivity and returning, he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in a forced labor camp (in 1956 he was completely rehabilitated by the Military Tribunal of the North Caucasus Military District). In 1951-1955, a student at the Yakut Pedagogical Institute. After graduation and until 1958, he worked at the Dalyr secondary school in the Verkhnevilyuisky district of the YASSR. Until 1960 he worked at the Berdigestyakh secondary school in the Mountainous Region of the YASSR. In 1960 he moved to Verkhnevilyuysk and began working at the Verkhnevilyuysk secondary school named after Isidor Barakhov. Thanks to his efforts, the school acquired the status of a Republican school with in-depth study of the fundamentals of physics and mathematics, where he worked until 1985.

The entire life of the people's teacher of the USSR, excellent student of public education of the USSR, honored teacher of schools in the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the RSFSR Mikhail Alekseev passed in the twentieth century. Some of his contemporaries, well familiar with the vicissitudes of the fate of this amazing person, it seemed that Mikhail Andreevich was born to test the strength of the human spirit.

He was born in the historical year 1917, during the time of great revolutionary upheavals, as a student he was drafted into the Red Army, in 1941 he was captured wounded in the battles near Przemysl, after escaping and returning he was convicted, and was completely rehabilitated only in 1956. His entire future life is connected with school and children.
For his enormous contribution to the development of public education in the USSR, M.A. Alekseev was awarded with orders Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor.
For hundreds of students of M. Alekseev, the habit of intensive mental work acquired at school subsequently turned into an integral part of intellectual existence.
Mikhail Andreevich worked in the physics and mathematics school he created for only ten years. But the “Promethean fire” lit by the outstanding teacher did not go out in the minds and hearts of his contemporaries. In 1990, the Verkhnevilyuysk Republican Gymnasium was opened, which was subsequently named after the People's Teacher of the USSR M.A. Alekseev. Currently, this only republican gymnasium in Yakutia worthily bears high rank spiritual successor to the early and developed stages physics and mathematics education. It became the prototype of modern innovative educational institutions republics - gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums.
In total, more than two thousand students graduated from the first physics and mathematics classes, Verkhnevilyuysk physics and mathematics school No. 2 and Verkhnevilyuysk republican gymnasium. At least a hundred of them became doctors and candidates of science. Currently, they make up a significant percentage of the national intelligentsia of Yakutia. Former Fizmat students have become well-known politicians, civil servants, and leaders. large enterprises, economists, financiers, doctors, teachers, etc. Many of them, to some extent, experienced the influence of the unique and powerful personality of M.A. Alekseev.
Through the prism of reality today, implementation of the Scheme for the integrated development of productive forces, transport and energy, which required an accelerated injection into industrial production an entire army specialists, the prophecy of the outstanding son of the Sakha people, expressed by him back in the 50s and 60s of the last century, is especially clearly visible. As a continuation of M.A. Alekseev’s idea on the development of physics and mathematics education in the republic, the physics and mathematics forum “Lena Region” was created, located in the Khangalassky district.
The team of the Verkhnevilyuysk Republican Gymnasium appeals to the public of the republic with an appeal to stage in 2015, the year of the 50th anniversary of the opening in the village. Verkhnevilyuysk of the first physics and mathematics class, in the center of the capital of our republic there is a monument to the people's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev.
On behalf of the pedagogical
collective of Verkhnevilyuiskaya
republican gymnasium
them. M.A. Alekseeva Director,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

IA SakhaNews. Yakutia celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Teacher of the USSR Mikhail Alekseev, founder of the famous Verkhnevilyuysk physics and mathematics school, initiator of the physics and mathematics movement in the republic. As SakhaNews was informed by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), on May 3 at the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) there will be a presentation of the book “People's Teacher Mikhail Alekseev”, the authors of which are Mikhail Andreevich’s students. On the same day, master classes were held in the schools of the republic by the laureates of the M.A. Alekseev Prize in the field of pedagogy, physics teachers, and students of M.A. Alekseev.

May 4 at the Sakha Academic Theater named after. P.A. Oyunsky will show the play “Uchuutal” based on the drama by V.E. Vasilyev-Kharyskhal. The play tells about the difficult life of Mikhail Alekseev, his invaluable contribution to the development of education in Yakutia.

The main events will take place on May 5, the birthday of the national teacher. Unified physics lessons will be held in all schools of the republic. A seminar-round table “Problems and development of physical education” will begin in Yakutsk with the participation of representatives of leading Russian universities, President of the Asian Physics Olympiad Mr. Kweka Leon Chuan(Singapore), employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Minor Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), etc. Let us recall that these days the XVIII Asian Olympiad in Physics, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mikhail Alekseev, is being held in the capital of the republic. In GTOiB im. D.K. Sivtseva-Suorun Omolloon, those who wish can watch a film about the life and work of M.A. Alekseev. Admission is free. A solemn public meeting will also be held here with the participation of the republic’s leadership, dedicated to the memory of M.A. Alekseev. The same ceremonial meetings will be held in the cities of Vilyuysk, Srednekolymsk and in the village of Berdigestyakh.

On May 11 and 12, ceremonial meetings will be held in Mikhail Alekseev’s native Bappagainsky nasleg of the Vilyuisky ulus and in the village of Verkhnevilyuysk, where he worked.


Alekseev Mikhail Andreevich born on May 5, 1917 in the village of Bappagai, Vilyuisky district, Yakut region Russian Empire. Died September 18, 1995.

In 1936 he graduated from the Yakut Pedagogical College and worked as a teacher in the Kolyma region.

In the pre-war years, he served as a political commissar in the 99th Infantry Division of the Red Army. The war found him in Przemysl. After seven days of heroic defense of the city, the division retreated to the east in an orderly manner. Near Kiev, it was almost completely destroyed, and Mikhail Alekseev was among many captured. While in a fascist camp, he made several escapes, then, after his release, he was accused of treason. Released from the Gulag in 1951.

In 1955 he successfully graduated from the Yakut Pedagogical Institute and was appointed teacher in Dalyrskaya high school Verkhnevilyuysky district. In 1960, Mikhail Alekseev moved to the village of Verkhnevilyuysk and in 1966 opened the first physics and mathematics class.

From 1963 to 1974, his students won first and second places at the Republican Olympiads in Physics and Mathematics and were prize-winners of the All-Union Olympiads. During these years, up to 90% of its graduates entered universities.

Much was written about the school of M. Alekseev, similar to the “school of joy” of V. Sukhomlinsky, in the central press; documentaries “The Problem” and “Our Warm Home” were shot.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the State Prize of the Republic of Sakha named after A. Kulakovsky and the only one in Yakutia who was awarded the highest pedagogical title of our country - People's Teacher of the USSR.

The traditions of the physics and mathematics school of M.A. Alekseev are now continued by the Verkhnevilyuysk gymnasium, which has become republican and bears his name.

On February 7, a plenary meeting of the republican meeting of education workers of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was held under the leadership of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Vladimir Egorov. The State Councilor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the first President of Yakutia took part in the plenary session Mikhail Nikolaev, Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) Alexander Zhirkov, federal experts, etc.

In his speech, Vladimir Anatolyevich cited the words of the German teacher Friedrich Disterweg “... the most instructive subject, the most living example for a student is the teacher himself” and remembered the outstanding Yakut teacher, people’s teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev: “Mikhail Andreevich is a true teacher who raised not one generation of talented teachers. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War. And the People's Teacher of the USSR. Knight of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, orders of the Great Patriotic War. Laureate of the State Prize named after A.E. Kulakovsky. Honored teacher of schools of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the RSFSR. Excellent student in public education of the USSR. He is the first founder in the republic of a school with in-depth study of the fundamentals of physics and mathematics. The initiator and inspirer of the physics and mathematics movement in the republic. The intellectual, civil and moral feat of Mikhail Andreevich in his ideas and deeds to create new school new pedagogical science, we see now being in the XXI information age. May 5 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Andreevich. The 100th anniversary of the People's Teacher of the USSR is an event of cultural significance, significant for the entire public of the republic. In the field of education of the republic, the Ministry of Education and Science declares 2017 the Year of Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev,” the minister said.

- Mikhail Efimovich Nikolaev, State Councilor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), first President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Alexander Nikolaevich Zhirkov, Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Alexander Nikolaevich Kim-Kimen, Chairman Constitutional Court Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Yuri Mikhailovich Grigoriev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, full member Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Professor of the North-Eastern Federal University named after Maxim Kirovich Ammosov, Chairman of the Methodological Commission International Olympiad"Tuymaada" schoolchildren in physics.

- Pavel Arkadievich Sergomanov, Director of the Center for Leadership in Education, School Management, Institute of Education High school economics, candidate psychological sciences.

- Vladimir Igorevich Blinov, head of the Center vocational education and qualification systems of the Federal Institute for Educational Development, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

- Elena Leonidovna Indenbaum, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Complex Correction of Disorders child development Pedagogical Institute Irkutsk State University.

- Natalya Georgievna Amelina, chief specialist of the Institute information technology in education UNESCO.

- Ivan Ivanovich Alekseev, director of the Vilyuisky technical school of the Vilyuisky ulus.

- Alexey Nikolaevich Pavlov, mathematics teacher at the Republican boarding lyceum with in-depth study of individual subjects, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) named after Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev in the field of pedagogy.

- Raisa Vladimirovna Berezhnova, director of Abyi secondary school secondary school named after doctor technical sciences Arkady Egorovich Sleptsov, Abyisky ulus.

Press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Report of the Chairman of the organizational

committee for preparation and conduct

100th anniversary of M.A. Alekseeva,

first deputy minister

education and science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

F.V. Gabysheva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

The country's best gift to children - good teacher

(M.A. Alekseev)

Dear Mikhail Efimovich!

Dear participants of the ceremonial meeting!

A lot of work is being done to educate young researchers in our republic by the scientific and social program “Step into the Future”, which for more than a quarter of a century has been promoting the training and education of researchers of the new generation, the formation of a personnel reserve for domestic science and production, the Physics and Mathematics Forum “Lena Region”, in 2015 transformed into a state-owned autonomous institution additional education"Small Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" with branches in all municipal areas. The main mission of the MAN is to educate an intellectual generation of Yakutians capable of leading the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to achieve a world level in socio-economic, political life, economics, science, education and culture.

On November 16, 2016, the General Assembly of MILSET-East, which is an international movement in support of scientific culture among young people, scientific and technological programs, uniting 150 organizations in more than 80 countries, unanimously voted for the admission of the Minor Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to the ranks its members. It was also approved to hold the X International research school in Yakutia on the basis of MAN in the summer of 2017, the idea of ​​holding International mind games in 2018.

Next direction, which is becoming a trend in Russian educational policy - individualization!

The XIII Congress of Teachers and Pedagogical Community of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in its strategic document - Educational Initiative - 2030 “Education Open to the Future” announced a course towards individualization. This goal surprisingly turned out to be comparable to the paradigm of the activities of the national teacher M. A. Alekseev, who, in the language of the Educational Initiative 2030 “Education Open to the Future,” can rightfully be called a “system integrator” of individual educational trajectories of students.

IN methodological manual“From experience extracurricular activities in physics and technology,” published by the Yakut Republican Institute for Advanced Teacher Training in 1968, Mikhail Andreevich wrote: “... in schools where there is no individual approach, ... the level of development of capable students is far below their capabilities... As a result, they gradually lose interest in their favorite subject and become equal to the average.

He believed that the entire content of education and upbringing should be built around the child’s personality and be aimed at identifying and developing creative possibilities and the abilities, initiative and independence of each student. He created a new type of communication between teacher and student for his time, and provided an individual approach to the formation of a child’s personality.

The teacher sought to bring out the highest in his students. moral qualities and without coercion, personal life example, helped them in shaping their worldview. The schoolchildren respected and loved their teacher for his inexhaustible kindness, titanic ability to work, deep erudition, fair demands, responsibility and citizenship. He mastered teaching methods, was an interesting conversationalist, and knew several foreign languages.

Those who studied with Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev remember well how he highly valued in his students such qualities as the ability to see a problem, pose questions, the ability to examine an object from all sides, and propose non-standard solutions. He taught them not only to adopt and assimilate new, advanced things, but also to boldly create themselves, to create something new and more perfect. Encouraging students to be responsible for their future, the future of the republic, their country, he raised people with a civic sense of dignity and freedom.

Students of M.A. Alekseeva also followed in the footsteps of their great teacher, becoming teachers, among them Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the Republican Lyceum, State Assembly Deputy Il Tumen Ivan Ivanovich Shamaev, Viktor Filippovich Potapov, Ilya Gavrilyevich Kysylbaikov, Oleg Egorovich Filippov, Andrey Andreevich Semenov, Nikolai Ivanovich Vasiliev and many others. They created their own schools, the impressive successes of which the republic is proud of today - the Republican Boarding Lyceum, the Verkhnevilyuykaya Republican Gymnasium named after their teacher (later the boarding lyceum), the prototype of which was the school of their beloved teacher and where the principles and values ​​of the outstanding innovator of education are cultivated.

Today, school teachers and university professors consider receiving the prize established by the Decree of the First President of our republic M.E. to be one of their highest achievements. Nikolaev dated February 4, 1996 No. 1292 "On perpetuating the memory of the people's teacher of the USSR M. A. Alekseev."

Within the framework of one report, it is impossible to name all those who believe that they owe their deeds and successes to teachers, naming, first of all, the name that is sacred to them - Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. They, who have become iconic personalities in many spheres of the republic’s life, whose names, like the name of their great teacher, are on everyone’s lips today, united into the Association “Students of M.A. Alekseev - People's Teacher of the USSR" and do a lot to perpetuate the memory of their TEACHER. Isn’t this a confirmation of their words: “Wherever we live, no matter who we work, we always feel our belonging, we are all united by the special spirit of our school.” Today, words of gratitude to the active leader of this movement Vasily Moiseevich Efimov, deputy director of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North, honored worker national economy.

Each of us is haunted by the thought: how much one person, an ordinary rural teacher, has done for our republic. I will again refer to the words of Ella Maksimova from the article “The Best Gift”: “Mikhail Andreevich’s love for children is reckless, but not selfless. His self-interest is the future of Yakutia, its cultural, scientific and technical ascent. Alekseev’s kindness ... serves to fairly, accurately identify the child’s capabilities, multiply them to a vocation and bring them to a profession, the return of which, in his opinion, is the more significant, the more responsive to goodness and the person is educated.”

Mikhail Andreevich himself was a teacher not only of his students, but also a mentor to their parents. Great value Mikhail Andreevich attached importance to family education, believing that “... in conflict families children do not grow up caring and affectionate, and it is not yet known what their future will be like life path… Traditionally, happy children are raised in happy families" Addressing the parents of his students, Mikhail Andreevich emphasized: “Never humiliate your children if you want to raise them to be real people, brave and worthy, capable of enduring all the hardships of life and maintaining their human appearance, great spirituality and endless soulfulness.” He himself was happily married to his wife Varvara Innokentievna, raising a son and two daughters. In his words, quoted by his son Mikhail Mikhailovich: “ Nowhere have I been cared for so much, my Varvara treats me better than any doctor“, both love and immeasurable gratitude to my faithful life partner showed through.

As you know, from January 1, 2018, Russian Federation will take effect National system teacher growth, the formation of which was announced in the December order of the President of Russia in 2015. Exactly professional growth determines the development of the teacher and the quality of education in general.

To transition to this large-scale and comprehensive system, a certain groundwork is required. This was one of the reasons for declaring 2017 the Year of the People's Teacher. The Year of the People's Teacher of the USSR M.A. Alekseev in the system of education and science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is not only significant event for every Yakut citizen, recognition of the outstanding merits of the unique and powerful personality of a real TEACHER is also recognition of him as a standard for training the modern generation of teachers; close study and application in modern pedagogical activity current and popular methods of teaching and educating an outstanding teacher. He was the first in Yakutia, the only and last people's teacher of the USSR. And it is very significant that in the Year of the Centenary of the Great Teacher, on the initiative of the Head of the Republic E.A. Borisov was established in February 2017 honorary title « People's Teacher of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)».

Key idea of ​​the Year of M.A. Alekseev - the development of the teacher’s abilities to “create himself”, self-movement and self-development in accordance with the social and moral ideal of the people’s teacher, whose name is associated with selfless devotion to his people, the desire to live according to honor and conscience, the education of worthy, free, responsible people.

Reformist, selfless, multifaceted activities of the people's teacher, unique content, technologies, methods pedagogical system have not yet been fully studied and are awaiting understanding from philosophical, axiological, psychological and pedagogical positions. As life has shown, this invaluable educational and personal experience will be in demand for a long time to come pedagogical science and practice. And the Year of the 100th anniversary should become an impetus for comprehensive research national heritage - the pedagogical legacy of the great teacher.

In preparation for the anniversary of Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev, the commission to perpetuate the memory has done a lot: scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, olympiads, methodological landings, exhibitions, series of television programs, articles in the media, a book published, documentary“People's teacher Alekseev”, Days of the People's Teacher were held in the Srednekolymsky, Gorny, Vilyuysky, Verkhevilyuysky uluses, where he worked, Days of Knowledge in educational organizations, a diamond is named after him, the play “Uchuutal” was staged at the Sakha Academic Theater named after. Platon Alekseevich Oyunsky, a major overhaul of the educational building was carried out, construction of a boarding school for the Verkhnevilyuysky Republican Boarding Lyceum named after M.A. began. Alekseeva. Teachers of the city of Yakutsk came up with a proposal to create a school in the capital using the methods of M.A. Alekseeva. In the center of our capital, Teacher Boulevard with a monument to Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev will soon appear as a sign of respect and veneration for teaching. We thank Aisen Sergeevich Nikolaev, a student of Mikhail Andreevich, for the fact that the boulevard will be located in the very center of the city and we believe that this place will become a favorite meeting place for generations and a vacation spot for citizens and guests of the capital.

The truly inspired, selfless activity of Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev confirms the truth of the statement that “Teaching is a long-range profession.” What is the phenomenon of the personality of an ordinary rural teacher? There is still no comprehensive answer to this question. But, without a doubt, the main component is selfless service to one’s people.

At one of the teachers' councils M.A. Alekseev said: “The country’s best gift to children is a good teacher,” and I would like to add: V meeting such a TEACHER on your way is a gift of fate. Each of us who have dedicated ourselves to teaching has such a guideline and ideal - a true patriot, people's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. TEACHER for all times!

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

Latest news from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on the topic:
Report by Feodosia Gabysheva at the ceremonial public meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Teacher of the USSR M.A. Alekseeva

Report by Feodosia Gabysheva at the ceremonial public meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Teacher of the USSR M.A. Alekseeva- Yakutsk