Konrad Duden und sein Wörterbuch

Jeder, der Deutsch lernt, kennt den Namen des Philologen Konrad Duden. Er hat sich um die Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache außerordentlich verdient gemacht. Sein 1871 veröffentlichtes "Orthographisches Wörterbuch" hat die Basis gelegt für die deutsche Rechtschreibung.

Konrad Duden war 1829 in der Nähe von Wesel geboren. Nach Abitur und diversen Studien und Auslandsaufenthalten widmete sich der promovierte Philologe in seiner Eigenschaft als Gymnasiallehrer und später Gymnasialdirektor seinem Hauptanliegen. 1869 erarbeitete er in Schleiz, wo fränkische, thüringische und sächsische Dialekte zusammentrafen, die Regeln für sein späteres Wörterbuch. Es ging ihm darum, durch sein Standardwerk insbesondere bildungsfernen Schichten das Lesen und Schreiben zu erleichtern.

Die Dialektkarte Deutschlands ist sehr bunt, und lange Zeit gab es auch keine einheitliche Orthographie. In den einzelnen Regionen wurde ebenso unterschiedlich geschrieben wie gesprochen. Große Unterschiede gab es auch in der Grammatik (z.B. Zeichensetzung).

Für Konrad Dudan war es klar, dass es nur auf der Grundlage eines einheitlichen und allgemeinverbindlichen orthographischen Systems möglich sein würde, allen Schülern unabhängig von ihrer sozialen Herkunft ein vernünftiges Deutsch beizubringen. Deshalb versuchte er, die grammatikalischen Regeln möglichst logisch und nachvollziehbar zu gestalten.

Sein Wörterbuch fand großen Anklang und sein Name wurde im ganzen Land bekannt. Später hat Konrad Duden eine gründlich überarbeitete Neuauflage veröffentlicht. Dieses Regelwerk galt lange Zeit als verbindliche Norm der deutschen Sprache.

Nach Dudens Tod 1911 übernahmen seine Mitarbeiter die ständige Fortentwicklung seines Lebenswerks. Die Redaktion des DUDEN-Verlags ist bis zum heutigen Tag der “Taktgeber” für die Fortentwicklung der deutschen Sprache und “Schreibe”.

"Schlag nach im Duden!" wurde nicht ohne Grund zum geflügelten Wort bei Unsicherheiten der deutschen Rechtschreibung.

Everyone knows the name of the philologist Konrad Duden. He did an enormous amount for the development of the German language. His Spelling Dictionary, published in 1871, laid the foundation for German spelling.

Konrad Duden was born in 1829 near Wesel. After high school and studying, including abroad, the philologist devoted himself to teaching activities at the gymnasium and later became the director of this educational institution. In 1869 he worked in Schleitz, where he became closely acquainted with the Franconian, Thuringian and Saxon dialects, which later served as the basis for his dictionary. The main goal of the work was to create a standard language that would be accessible to reading and writing.

The map of German dialects is very varied, and therefore for a long time there were no uniform principles of spelling. In some regions, words were pronounced and spelled differently. There were also big differences in grammar and punctuation.

Konrad Duden understood that only by creating a unified basis for spoken and written language would it be possible to instill literacy in all students, regardless of their social background. Therefore, he tried to build grammatical rules as logically and accessiblely as possible.

His dictionary gained great fame and became popular throughout the country. Later, Konrad Duden released a new expanded and corrected edition. This collection of rules began to serve as the standard of the German language for a long time.

After Duden's death in 1911, his collaborators continued to work on the scientist's life's work. To this day, the publishing house "Duden" is an authority on issues of literate German - both spoken and written.

It is no coincidence that the saying “Look at Duden!” arose, which is used when there are doubts about the correct spelling.

> Duden

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total Duden (the name of the German language dictionary after the first compiler K. Duden) , Duden (name of a spelling dictionary of the German language, as well as a series of dictionaries of the German language)

4 Duden

spelling dictionary German language "Duden"[de]

5 Duden

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Duden ( the name of the spelling dictionary of the German language, as well as a series of dictionaries of the German language)

See also in other dictionaries:

    Duden- The Duden (German pronunciation: [ˈduːdən]) is a German dictionary, first published by Konrad Duden in 1880. Currently the Duden is in its 25th edition and published in 12 volumes, each covering different aspects like loan words, etymology,… … Wikipedia

    Duden- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Tomo 1 del diccionario Duden con su cubierta típica. Duden (pronunciado [ˈduːdən]) es un diccionario alemán, publicado por primera vez en 1880 por Konrad Duden. El Duden cuenta con veinticuatro ediciones y ha… … Wikipedia Español

    Duden- (izg. dúden), Konrad (1829 1911) DEFINICIJA njemački leksikograf, na temelju njegova Pravopisnog rječnika njemačkog jezika određena je jedinstvena norma njemačkog pravopisa … Hrvatski jezični portal

    Duden-su- Duden su, Fluß in Kleinasien, welcher in den Busen von Antalia mündet; früher Katarrhaktes … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

    Duden- Duden, Konrad, Philolog, geb. 3. Jan. 1829 auf Gut Bossigt bei Wesel, war seit 1859 Gymnasiallehrer in Soest, wurde 1869 Direktor des Gymnasiums in Schleiz und 1876 desjenigen in Hersfeld. Als Teilnehmer der in letzterm Jahr in Berl in tagenden… … Meyers Großes Conversations-Lexikon

    Duden- Duden, Konrad, Philolog, geb. 3. Jan. 1829 auf Gut Bossigt bei Wesel, seit 1876 Gymnasialdirektor in Hersfeld, seit Okt. 1905 im Ruhestand; bekannt durch sein »Orthogr. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache « (8. Aufl. 1905) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

    DUDEN- Aktuelles Duden Logo Der Duden ist ein Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, das erstmals am 7. Juli 1880 von Konrad Duden veröffentlicht wurde und ursprünglich nur ein orthographisches Wörterbuch war. Es erscheint in Buchform beim Bibliographischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Duden- Aktuelles Duden Logo Der Duden ist ein Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, das erstmals am 7. Juli 1880 von Konrad Duden veröffentlicht wurde und ursprünglich nur ein orthografisches Wörterbuch war. Der Duden erscheint als Buch und in… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Duden- Pour les articles homonymes, voir Duden (homonymie). Couverture du tome 1 du Duden, Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, dans sa vingt deuxième édition Le Duden est un dictionnaire de la … Wikipédia en Français

    Duden- I Duden, 1) Anne, Schriftstellerin, * Oldenburg (Oldenburg) 1. 1. 1942; arbeitet als Verlagslektorin in Berlin und London. Thema ihrer in kühler, distanzierter Sprache geschriebenen Prosatexte ist radikale Selbstentfremdung und Schmerzerfahrung … Universal-Lexikon

    Duden- 1. Patronymische Bildung (schwacher Genitiv) zu Dude (1.). 2. Gelegentlich Herkunftsname zu dem ostpreußischen Ortsnamen Duden. Konrad Duden (19./20.Jh.), der i.J. 1880 sein »Vollständiges Orthographisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache«… … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen

Konrad Duden- world famous German philologist, famous for that, which compiled a set of rules of German grammar and a spelling dictionary. His works were first published in 1880. Since then, the name, or rather, surname of this scientist has become a common noun for a whole series of materials related to German spelling.

It is worth noting that from 1956 to 1996, the Rechtschreibduden, that is, the same spelling dictionary, was the official standard of German spelling. It lost this meaning only in 1996, after the decision was made that the choice of the source of literary norms and rules, for example, in journalism, remains with the author.

Website duden.de

Despite the loss of its monopoly, Duden has been a very authoritative publication on issues of the German language and its norms for 130 years. The term Duden has long gone beyond names reference materials. The assortment of Duden publishing today includes a large selection reference books, methodological manuals, mobile applications and digital dictionaries and reference books. Anyone can learn more about all this by visiting the website duden.de.


Today Duden is the main publishing house producing textbooks high quality for schoolchildren and students. All Duden educational products are designed taking into account all the learning needs of the child, starting with primary education, and ending with high school. Moreover, these teaching aids will help you take your first steps in professional field more solid and aware.

Books for children

A book is a source of knowledge and richness of speech. Duden Publishing House offers children's books with illustrations, preschool dictionaries, educational games and other materials that help develop a child and instill in him a love of native language. With these books, the child will step by step in game form prepare to enter school. All educational materials are developed taking into account leading methods for kindergarten and elementary school.

Duden dictionaries

Dictionaries intended for foreign citizens, and dictionaries for native speakers have fundamental differences. There are several publishing houses in Germany that produce such dictionaries. Nevertheless, Duden is the undoubted leader.

Of great interest to those who study the language is one of several volumes of Duden’s dictionaries - “Duden - Redewendungen”. (Der Duden in 12 Bänden. Das Standardwerk zur deutschen Sprache: Duden 11. Redewendungen: Wörterbuch der deutschen Idiomatik. Mehr als 10 000 feste Wendungen, Redensarten und Sprichwörter: Band 11 click here to see). This is a dictionary that contains idiomatic expressions - traditional German expressions with complete, accurate and understandable explanations.

Another interesting dictionary is “Duden - Das Bildwörterbuch”.
This publication is a collection of images of objects grouped by topic. Each illustration is signed.

For those who are serious about learning German, Duden – Universalwörterbuch is a must-have. (Duden - Deutsches Universalwörterbuch: Das umfassende Bedeutungswörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache ). This is a universal dictionary that includes 120 thousand words. The publication is designed for native speakers with a high level of proficiency.

Mobile applications from Duden

Now you can use Duden publishing dictionaries using your mobile phone. Currently, seven Duden dictionaries are available to smartphone users on Android, iOS and Mac OS platforms:

The dictionaries that you can install on your mobile phones or tablets are fully consistent with the printed versions of these publications. In addition, the applications contain a number of additional functions:

* Intelligent search function: search by full text, search by anagrams, search for words when entered incorrectly/typo;

* Availability of links that make it easy to navigate the application;

* PenReader – handwritten word input;

* Ability to listen to the correct pronunciation of a word;

* Personal list of favorites;

* User-friendly interface: ability to change font size, background color, etc.

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More details need to be considered German dictionaries. Anyone who wants to learn this language must have 2 types of dictionaries:
  • consisting of one language (explanatory German dictionary);
  • German-Russian / Russian-German (bilingual dictionary).
First of all, dictionaries containing less than 20 thousand words can hardly be used for mastering a language - most of the words that you will find in a textbook will not be there.
It is better to have a basic dictionary that includes eighty thousand words. And for more important work with translations required big dictionary, containing 120 thousand words.

The function of dictionaries in two language directions is quite clear, but an inexperienced person may not understand why to purchase an explanatory dictionary in German language. But still, the presence of this dictionary is necessary, especially for people who want to speak the language at an intermediate level and above. This is explained by the fact that most of the words in the German language do not have similar ones in the Russian language or when translated, in one case they are suitable for one word, and in another case for another word. The same can be applied to words in the Russian language, for example, “place” in a certain case can be translated into German in various versions: Stelle, Ort or Platz. To correctly translate and use words, you need to look up their meaning in an explanatory dictionary. And we have to do this much more often than we think. With the subsequent expansion of language knowledge, the use of this dictionary will occur more and more often. There are explanatory dictionaries for foreigners and for Germans. Dictionaries for foreigners have explanations in simple words and do not have a significant vocabulary, but everything is presented comprehensively and is accessible even to beginners.

The large Langenscheidt explanatory dictionary is considered ideal. " Langenscheidts Grossworterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache”consisting of 66 thousand words is what you need. Having such a dictionary, you will not need another. There is also a condensed version of this dictionary - “ Langenscheidts Taschenworterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache", it contains 27 thousand words. However, his advantage is suspicious. Other versions explanatory dictionaries inferior in quality to the dictionary described above.

Another group of explanatory dictionaries are dictionaries for residents of Germany. There are several publishers that publish them. However, there is an undisputed leader, who is DUDEN. People who study German should pay attention to some volumes from this group of dictionaries. First of all, this is the eleventh volume entitled " Duden - Redewendungen» - a dictionary with idiomatic expressions. Contains large number traditional German expressions with the most clear explanations. It can be used even by people with average knowledge of the language. Then it is necessary to say about the third volume, which has the title “ Duden - Das Bildwörterbuch" It is a dictionary with images containing objects related to a certain field of activity or people in certain situations. All items are signed. People who thoroughly master the language should definitely buy the Duden Universalwörterbuch. This dictionary includes about 120 thousand words, and is considered famous among other dictionaries. It is aimed at an audience of native speakers, for this reason it should only be used by people with high levels language proficiency.