The Tula Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)" is a branch of one of the largest educational institutions in the country, which has been training professionals in various branches of law for more than 40 years.

Today's Tula Institute (branch) of the All-Russian state university Justice is the legal successor of the Russian Legal Academy and a structural division of the Russian Ministry of Justice. Now we have fourteen such branches in our country.

The history of the University in Tula began in 1994 and since then the university has only expanded. Currently, the Tula Institute of VSUL trains bachelors, masters and specialists with higher legal education, and also provides advanced training for justice workers, state and municipal employees. Training of specialists and bachelors is carried out in full-time and correspondence departments, masters - in correspondence department Faculty of Law.

Deputy Director for educational work Tula Institute (branch) VGUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) Roman Valerievich Sidortsov:

Roman Sidortsov

Few universities recruit and train students in specialty programs. Meanwhile, it is these areas of training that are priority when entering the service in law enforcement agencies and getting a job in government and municipal services. The Tula branch trains specialists in the areas of training "Law Enforcement" and "Legal Support" national security" The duration of training for specialty programs is 5 years.

The Institute also recruits students for a bachelor's program in the specialty "Jurisprudence" for a period of 4 years. Bachelor's degree graduates can continue their studies in a master's program in the field of “Human Rights and Law Enforcement Activities” in our branch or enter the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Moscow. Classes at the Tula Institute are conducted by correspondence (on Saturdays, once every two weeks). The duration of training is 2.5 years.

Admission to master's programs is based on results entrance exam, which can be completed by anyone with a specialist or bachelor's degree in any specialty.

In 2015, a decision was made to open a military department on the basis of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Russian Ministry of Justice).

The Institute is annually allocated budget places on-site and correspondence forms training. Students are also accepted on a commercial basis. The university has created a flexible, differentiated tuition payment system taking into account the student’s financial situation. Prices for training at the Institute, according to the heads of the educational institution, will remain at the 2015 level.

For schoolchildren, the Institute offers preparatory courses to prepare for passing the Unified State Exam in history, social studies and Russian language.

Leading experts in the field of science, education and law teach at the Tula Institute, including a significant number of doctors and candidates of science, as well as professors and associate professors. Secrets practical work Employees of the administration of the Tula region and structural divisions of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the prosecutor's office of the Tula region, and judicial authorities share with students in the classroom.

University students can always realize themselves creatively: participate in scientific conferences, debates, clubs, sports competitions and amateur art competitions. The Tula Institute has a dance group and its own KVN team.

Based on the results of their studies at the Tula Institute (branch) of VSULU, graduates are issued a state diploma of higher legal education, which indicates the details of the Moscow university, which is often important for the employer.

Tula Institute VSUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Tula, Lenin Ave., 104, 3rd floor, room 304 (admissions committee)
(4872)333−010, 700−224.

Every third Saturday of the month the Institute holds Days open doors, the nearest of which will take place on March 19 at 14.00.

The doors are open to everyone!

Tula branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation

Tula branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
(TF RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)
Former names

Tula regional branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Year founded



Tula branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation- higher educational institution in Tula.


The creation of the Tula branch of the Russian Law Academy was a natural event in the life of the city of Tula and the region. In the mid-90s, the need for qualified legal personnel in the region increased significantly. To solve this problem, the Tula branch of the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation was created this year on the initiative of the administration of the Tula region, the Russian Law Academy and the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Tula region. Russian Law Academy, which includes the Tula branch, is the largest state educational institution country, which has been training personnel in various fields of law for more than thirty years.

The Tula branch is a certified educational institution. In March of this year, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education issued the branch license No. 255762 series A for another 5-year period. In November of the year, the branch successfully passed the examination of the compliance of the content and quality of training of students and graduates with the requirements of State educational standards and confirmed the fulfillment of accreditation requirements (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 02/07/2008).



Faculty of Law

Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining

The Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining operates on the basis of the Tula branch of the RPA. Active and effective assistance in the formation and development of the faculty was provided by employees of the administration of the Tula region, the head of the Federal Reserve Service for the Tula region - the chief state registrar of the Tula region, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Actual State Counselor of Justice II class, Candidate of Legal Sciences A.V. Sedukhin; Deputy Head of the Federal Reserve Office for the Tula Region I.F. Tambovtsev; Head of the FSSP Office for the Tula Region - Chief Bailiff of the Tula Region Sh. A. Yusupov; Head of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Tula Region, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Actual State Counselor of the 2nd Class V. P. Bespalov, Head of the Service for Organizational Support of the Activities of Magistrates' Courts A. V. Zverev.

Since this year, the faculty has been headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Kirilin.

The range of students is wide: these are various categories of state and municipal employees, employees of enterprises, and law firms.

Since the year the branch has been conducting professional retraining state and municipal employees of the region with a degree in Jurisprudence, specialization in State and Municipal Administration (over 500 hours of study). More than two hundred administration employees at various levels underwent retraining with partial separation from work.

The faculty actively implements short-term advanced training courses of 72 hours. In the year, short-term advanced training courses for municipal employees were opened for the first time under the programs “Organizational and legal support for the activities of municipalities in the transition period” and “Rule-making activities of local governments.”

Since one year, federal civil servants have been trained at the faculty. The Tula branch is the base for training bailiffs from ten regions of the Central federal district. Training is carried out in 4 areas and is designed for 98 hours. In the year alone, 1045 people improved their qualifications,

The faculty has also achieved serious success in training employees of the Federal Registration Service. Training for Federal Reserve employees is carried out in 5 areas and lasts 72 hours. The number of Federal Reserve employees who have improved their qualifications is growing from year to year (120 per year, already 511 per year). The faculty is constantly working on mastering new specialties, developing new areas of activity. Thus, in the year work was successfully carried out to organize short-term advanced training courses for employees of civil registry offices and assistant justices of the peace.

Department of Pre-University Training


Department of State Legal Disciplines

Head department – ​​associate professor, candidate historical sciences S.S. Ohendushko.

The department was founded in January of this year, since then it has been graduating, training lawyers in state legal specialization. The staff of the department is represented by leading employees of the branch, professors V.I. Skryabin, N.A. Emelyanov, associate professors S.S. Ohendushko, I.V Kochetkova, E.N Solomatin, N.N. Golovkin, G.I. Smirnova, S.L. Melnikova, I.I. Bushuev, S.V. Savenko, A.I. Semiletov, V.A Fedoseeva, art. teachers V.V. Savchenko, T.N. Kolesnikova, A.V. Yudkin. The department has formed a single scientific direction - “The evolution of Russian legislation in late XIX- early 20th century in Russia." Numerous aspects of this area are studied: legislation in the agricultural sector, legislation in the field of entrepreneurship, legal aspects of the activities of the intelligentsia, legislative technology, the theory of the rule of law, etc. The result of scientific research was four monographs and 60 articles by teachers in various scientific collections, as well as participation in international and republican conferences.

Department of Civil Law Disciplines

Head department - candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor M.V. Motekhina.

The department is the largest in the branch. Currently, it is taught by specialists with extensive practical experience. Among the teachers of the department are a member of the qualification commission of judges of the Tula region, magistrates, lawyers, notaries, arbitration assessors of the Arbitration Court of the Tula region and leading lawyers of enterprises, many of whom have academic degrees and ranks. Being a graduating department, the department of civil law disciplines offers students a wide range of courses in civil law specialization. Students who choose specialization disciplines undergo internships in the Office of the Federal Registration Service for the Tula Region, the Tula Regional Court, the Tula Bar Chamber, the Notary Chamber of the Tula Region, the Arbitration Court of the Tula Region, and courts of general jurisdiction in the city of Tula and the region. Research activities of teachers are carried out in developments scientific direction on the topic “Evolution of the civil legal status of individuals in modern society" In the future, teachers of the department are working on scientific research“Theoretical and practical aspects of human and civil rights and freedoms in international and Russian law.” Results scientific activity teachers of the department are reflected in numerous publications and reports at regional, all-Russian and international conferences and symposiums.

Department of Criminal Law Disciplines

Head Department – ​​Kuznetsova I.A.

The department is also a graduate department, training graduates in criminal law specialization. The department employs two doctors of legal sciences and eleven candidates of sciences. Over the past five years, four employees of the department have defended their Ph.D. theses.

Mastering the major disciplines of the department allows graduates to work as investigators, interrogators, criminologists, forensic experts, federal court judges, magistrates, and prosecutors. Students who choose criminal law specialization undergo internships and internships in the judiciary, the prosecutor's office, and internal affairs bodies.

The department received a grant from the Governor of the Tula region for science and technology. Employees of the department represent the Tula Regional Duma in the Regional Chamber of Lawyers and are nominees All-Russian Olympiad students.

Department of Financial and Economic Disciplines

Head department - candidate economic sciences, Professor V.I. Abramov.

The department employs two doctors of science, four candidates of science, and leading practitioners. The team actively cooperates with specialized departments of the RPA and leading universities in Tula, conducts research within the scientific direction “Legal Aspects of Regulation” economic activity" Over the past five years, five teaching aids and three manuals for conducting practical and seminar classes, over 50 scientific articles have been published. A departmental collection of articles is published, and student research is conducted.

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Head Department – ​​Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor E.O. Mezhueva.

The department teaches general education disciplines (philosophy, political science, cultural studies) and disciplines that reflect the specifics of the university (legal psychology, legal philosophy). The department employs such experienced specialists as Professor V.T. Bondarenko, associate professors G.Zh. Badzagua, S.F. Volodin, M.L. Klyuzova, E.N. Orlova, O.V. Chukaev, V.S. Sidorenko, S.V. Razzhivina, N.A. Krasovskaya., N.V. Lebedinets, M.K. Konstantinov. Teachers of the department are engaged in the development of topical issues of philosophy, political science, linguistics, psychology and others humanities, which is reflected in the annually published collections scientific works. During the year, teachers of the department researched the problems of developing the idea of ​​solidarity in Russian and Western political philosophy, which resulted in the publication of a collective monograph.

Location of buildings and faculties

The Tula branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is located in two buildings:

  • Faculty of Law and Department of Pre-University Training on the 3rd-5th floors in the building at Lenin Ave., 104 ( 54.159008 , 37.585094 (Russian Legal Academy, Tula branch) 54°09′32.43″ n. w. 37°35′06.34″ E. d. /  54.159008° s. w. 37.585094° E. d.(G) (O))
  • Faculty of Advanced Studies on st. Surikova, 25 ( 54.162706 , 37.573494 (Russian Legal Academy, Tula branch, Training faculty)

Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Tula branch ( RPA MU RF TF) began its work back in 1994 and is successfully operating to this day. IN RPA MU TF you will be able to undergo pre-university preparation in order to successfully enter the faculty that interests you more than all others..

Upon successful completion of studies at the Faculty of Law RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation you will have the opportunity to obtain a higher legal education. And also in RPA Manchester United The faculty is actively working, which allows everyone to take advanced training courses. The main goal of this educational institution is to provide high-quality training for bachelors and specialists so that they can subsequently get a job in government agencies. state power or in the law enforcement system. The form of education at this university is correspondence, with the use of distance learning elements educational technologies. Tuition costs, existing specialties, examples test tasks, used to check the quality of knowledge of applicants, and all the information you are interested in can be found by simply making the transition to RPA Manchester United official website.

About the university

The creation of the Tula branch of the Russian Law Academy was a natural event in the life of the city of Tula and the region. In the mid-90s, the need for qualified legal personnel in the region increased significantly. To solve this problem, in 1994, on the initiative of the administration of the Tula region, the Russian Law Academy and the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Tula region, the Tula branch of the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation was created. The Russian Law Academy, which includes the Tula branch, is the largest state educational institution in the country, which has been training personnel in various branches of law for more than thirty years. The Academy has fourteen branches located in St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Saratov, Kaluga and other cities of the country.

The Tula branch is a certified educational institution. In March 2007, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education issued the branch license No. 255762 series A for another 5-year period. In November 2007, the branch successfully passed the examination of the compliance of the content and quality of training of students and graduates with the requirements of State educational standards and confirmed the fulfillment of accreditation requirements (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 02/07/2008).

The structure of the Tula branch includes: the department of pre-university training (legal classes, academic legal classes, preparatory courses), the Academic Law College (trains specialists with secondary vocational education), the Faculty of Law (graduates receive higher legal education) and the Faculty of Advanced Studies. Thus, the Tula branch has developed an optimal model for training highly qualified specialists: pre-university training, secondary vocational legal education, higher legal education, retraining.

Since 2006, the branch has been headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.I. ScriabinBranch Director

Since 2006, the Faculty of Law has been headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences I.V. Kochetkova.

The teaching staff of the TF RPA includes leading experts in the field of science, education and law, including professors, doctors, associate professors and candidates of science, practitioners from:

* Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Tula region;
* Administration of the Tula region;
* Government of the city of Tula.


The educational process is organized according to curricula drawn up in accordance with the State educational standards of specialties 030503.51 “Jurisprudence” (secondary vocational legal education) and 030501.65 “Jurisprudence” ( higher education), by specialization:

Civil law,

Criminal law,



Full-time on the basis of secondary (full) general education– 5 years,

Based on secondary vocational (legal) education – 3 years;

At the correspondence department on the basis of secondary (complete) general education – 6 years;

Based on secondary vocational (legal) education – 3.5 years;

Based on higher (non-legal) education – 3.5 years;

For those with a bachelor's degree in law - 1.5 years.

TF RPA provides a system of continuous professional education: “legal classes - secondary vocational education– University – postgraduate school (RPA Moscow).”

The main goal of the training is to train specialists for the structural divisions of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Graduates of the Faculty of Law work in the Federal Registration Service (FRS), the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), courts of general jurisdiction, prosecutors, internal affairs bodies, ministries, departments, departments, legal departments of enterprises and organizations, bar associations, departments pension fund, judges, assistant judges, legal advisers. They work in the administration of the Tula region, the Tula City Council, the Tula Regional Duma, the City Duma, district administrations of the Tula region, educational authorities of the city of Tula and the Tula region.