
Passing score

The “Passing Score” column indicates the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Admission to a university is based on the results of three or four Unified State Exams (for each exam you can score a maximum of 100 points). In addition, some universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a core subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require passing a professional or creative exam. You can score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam. When enrolling, also taken into account individual achievements(portfolio), such as final school essay, excellent student certificate, GTO badge, volunteer activities. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for an applicant’s portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty at a particular university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was admitted during the last admissions campaign.

In fact, we know what scores you could get in last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you will be able to enter this or next year. This will depend on how many applicants and with what scores will apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to assess your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so you should focus on them, this is important.

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Higher vocational education in Irkutsk

List of institutes located in the city of Irkutsk

4 higher educational institutions in the city of Irkutsk have the status of institutes. 3 institutes of Irkutsk are state-owned, and 1 educational institution works privately. State institutes of the city of Irkutsk train specialists for law enforcement agencies and are departmental. One institute is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation. Another university is part of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The third departmental educational institution is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The institutes of the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General's Office are branches with the head office located in Moscow. The Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is based directly in the city of Irkutsk.

Irkutsk institutes are also part of larger professional educational institutions. Thus, Irkutsk State University includes 5 institutes:

Baikal International Business School ISU

Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Informatics

Institute of Social Sciences

International Institute of Economics and Linguistics

Law Institute

More full information information about these institutes can be found on the pages dedicated to ISU.

All institutes in Irkutsk - list of full names:

Irkutsk law school(branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation"

Irkutsk Law Institute (branch) of the federal state government educational institution of higher professional education "Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation"

Non-state educational institution higher professional education" East Siberian Institute economics and law"

Federal State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

Contacts of institutes in the city of Irkutsk

  1. 01/01/2020 Ksenia: Hello! What exams do you need to take to enter your university? Price? Direction of accounting and economics. I have technical education and graduated from school 20 years ago,
    1. : Hello, Ksenia. Specialty "Economics and accounting» is not implemented at our university.
    1. : Hello. To enroll in the direction you have indicated, you must take mathematics (major), Russian language and social studies. If you have some other education besides school, then you can take not the Unified State Exam, but entrance examinations, which the university conducts independently. In 2019, the cost of full-time education was 139,990 rubles. On by correspondence 58,000 rub. For any questions, please contact:<...>
  2. 07/14/2018 Denis: Is it possible to enroll with you on the basis of 9-10 grades? It’s very embarrassing to live and work without education, thank you in advance.
    1. : Average or higher education? telephone number of the Admissions Committee<...>
    1. : Dear Denis! Based on grades 9-10 In the Irkutsk branch of VGIK you can receive secondary vocational education in the following specialties: 1) Theatrical and audiovisual technology (by type) 2) Technique and art of photography 3) Animation (by type) The branch has secondary vocational education in specialties only PERSONAL form training. For admission conditions, see our website:<...>

We strongly recommend accepting this option and others. state universities Irkutsk, as an alternative to similar ones on our website. Irkutsk State technical university(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State Technical University") is well noted and is presented in a section on our website. Reminiscent of other state universities in Irkutsk, this university provides training for excellent specialists in the technical field.

Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MSTU GA)

Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University civil aviation(MSTU GA) (Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" (MSTU GA)) was discussed in detail by us in announcements and articles on our resource. It is possible to postpone this option for later analysis as a worthy alternative to similar ones on the topic in Russia. Like many other state universities in Irkutsk, this proposal trains good workers in the field of aviation.

Irkutsk State Linguistic University

Irkutsk State linguistic university(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State Linguistic University") was reviewed a little by us, and a section was formalized at our meeting. Unlike other state universities in Irkutsk, this university produces managers with a specialty in linguistics. We advise you to take note of this higher education institution as a worthy alternative to many others in Russia.

East Siberian State Academy of Education

Without any hesitation, set aside this university for later analysis as a replacement for similar ones in Russia. Reminiscent of other state academies of Irkutsk, this option improves the qualifications of masters of their craft in the field of “pedagogical”. East Siberian state academy Education (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "East Siberian State Academy of Education") is described a little in one of the notes on this database interface.

You can immediately inspect this higher education institution and others not state institutions Irkutsk, as an alternative to similar ones mentioned here. The same as the non-state institutions of Irkutsk, this proposal produces excellent specialists in the field " international tourism". Irkutsk Institute international tourism (Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Irkutsk Institute of International Tourism") is described in detail for you in announcements and articles on a specific database interface.

We advise you to consider this option and other state institutions in Irkutsk as an alternative to similar ones in Russia. The East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Federal State Government Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation") is very poorly described for you among other materials on this database interface. Reminiscent of other state institutions in Irkutsk, this proposal produces professionals of the "Ministry of Internal Affairs" type.

Irkutsk State Transport University

Irkutsk State University of Transport (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State University of Transport") is described a little in announcements and articles under the heading "State Universities of Irkutsk" on the resource. Reminiscent of other state universities in Irkutsk, this educational institution produces excellent specialists in the field of “communication routes”. One can quite seriously take into account this proposal as a replacement for similar ones in Irkutsk.

Branch of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOL IFK) in Irkutsk

You can quite seriously consider this option as a replacement for similar ones on the topic on our website. Branch of the Russian State University physical culture, sports, youth and tourism (GCOL IFK) in Irkutsk (Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GCOL IFK)" in Irkutsk) is perfectly described in one from notes on the current site. Reminiscent of other state universities in Irkutsk, this option accepts and prepares professionals in the specialty of “physical culture and sports.”

Irkutsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy

Like other non-state academies in Irkutsk, this university produces top-class specialists in the “humanities” profile. Without any hesitation, consider this option and other non-state academies in Irkutsk, as an alternative to similar ones, are often on the list. Irkutsk branch of Modern humanitarian academy(Irkutsk branch of the non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education of the Modern Humanitarian Academy) is perfectly described for you, and is presented in the section on this resource.

The East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law (Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law") is well described in the materials on the current database interface. You can immediately examine this university as a worthy alternative to those mentioned on our website. Probably, like non-state institutes in Irkutsk, this university trains masters of their craft with a specialty in economics and law.

Irkutsk State University

This option, unlike other state universities in Irkutsk, improves the qualifications of good workers of the "" type. You can immediately study and adopt this educational institution and other state universities in Irkutsk, as an alternative to those mentioned in Irkutsk. Irkutsk State University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State University") is given in more detail in the corresponding article at our meeting.

Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management

You can study and adopt this educational institution as a replacement for similar ones, often on this resource. Siberian Academy law, economics and management (Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management"), along with the map, is painted, and is divided into this meeting. Probably, like the non-state academies of Irkutsk, this proposal is accepted and trains excellent specialists in the field of “economics and management”.

Baikal State University of Economics and Law

It is possible to consider this option at other state universities in Irkutsk as an alternative to similar ones on our website. Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Baikal State University of Economics and Law") is given in much more detail in the announcements and articles under the heading "State Universities of Irkutsk" on the website. This option, unlike other state universities in Irkutsk, produces masters of their craft in the field of “economics and law.”