Every year on the day of the Great Victory in the ranks of the participants in the festive procession there are fewer people involved in the events of the seventy-year limit. Time is inexorable moving forward. But the descendants want to remember and know those who saved the world from fascism.

What is the "immortal regiment"

The main task that the creators of the movement was put to preserve the memory of the generation of people living during the Great Patriotic War. These are military personnel, and workers of the rear, and prisoners of concentration camps, and the children of war. In short, all those who directly affected the events of harsh years.

The organization combines contemporaries in its ranks that share different political views, religion. This includes representatives of many nationalities. It is not a commercial education. The demonstration of his own civil position in relation to people who stopped the war, as well as the preservation of memory towards the outgoing military generation, is what the "immortal regiment" is.

No political power of the state, enterprises, specific people do not have the right to use the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an association, its symbolism in their mercenary or some other purposes. Such actions define the memory of dead front-line and violate the ethical principles on which the organization's activities are based.

The history of the arrangement

On May 9, 2012 - the significant date, when the unusual regiment was held on the streets of Tomsk during the holiday procession. In his ranks were the descendants of the participants of the war. Each of them carried in the hands of photographs of the front-line who died during the Great Patriotic War.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a column belonged to a group of journalists. She was hotly supported by Tomichs. In the first year, participation in the "immortal regiment" took about six thousand citizens, which were held in a single building and carried two thousand portraits of war veterans on the streets of the native city.

Representative offices of the regiment in different cities of Russia

The events described above occurred more than three years ago. During this time, a lot has changed in the life of the association. What is the "immortal regiment" today? It is recorded in his chronicle 285,473 named veterans from life.

This number increases daily, since people constantly appear who wish to write someone from their relatives to the regiment.

The representative offices of the organization are in the cities of most regions of Russia. In addition, it is deployed in many CIS countries, some cities in Europe. It should be noted that the regiment's divisions were created solely on the initiative of citizens, to whom the road is the memory of the past war and people who died on its fronts.
The ultimate goal of motion coordinators is to make a significant march to the nationwide tradition. The "immortal regiment" must exist not only in every city, but also a small village.

How to record a veteran in the union

Having learned what the "immortal regiment" is, most citizens ask the same questions. For example, how to record your relative in the organization? How to make a veteran full participant in the regiment? Does you need a photo of the participant of military events?

To find out the answers to those who have arisen, it is necessary to register on the official website of the association, filling out a simple form. The next step will be a detailed story about the veteran, which must be enrolled in the regiment. Further, the coordinators of the military-patriotic movement are checked, refine information, if necessary, communicate with a person who submitted an application.

After the listed actions of the labor front, as well as anyone who is involved in the approach of victory day, can be recorded in the regiment and is attached to a specific city, where it will be listed.

Marches "Immortal Regiment"

The endless stream along the squares and streets of cities on the day of victory go along with the soldiers killed during the war during the war. The "immortal regiment" consists of photographs of these people. The descendants found a way to once again recall the dear to the heart of relatives and acquaintances, give them a tribute to the memory, to bow low for their feat.

Like any military unit, the regiment has a charter. He is primarily called upon to obey people who recorded the front-line in the personnel, and not the soldiers themselves.
The "immortal regiment" in the person of its coordinators excludes the facts of the forced participation of citizens in the festive marches, where the photos of the relatives died during the war are used. Each person has the right to make a decision on what form to honor the memory of veterans.

Voluntary civil action, according to the initiators, should not work into formality. This is another task that the Headquarters of the Immortal Regiment is trying to decide and the authors of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an association.