The comprehensive summary of speech development in the preparatory group of kindergarten will help the educator to organize a lesson on the topic "Profession".


  1. Secure the knowledge of the names of professions, add new.
  2. Enlarge the active dictionary of children with new concepts on the topic "profession."
  3. Develop the skills of connected telling based on plot paintings.
  4. Improve cognitive processes and communicative skills.
  5. Training a shallow motorcy.

This abstract is suitable for open speech development in the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Methodical techniques

During the occupation, the following methodological techniques are used:

  • the use of game moments;
  • the use of visual materials, dispensing pictures and plot images;
  • consistent formation of the skills of drawing up a story with the help of unfinished proposals;
  • subject encouragement of active independent work of children (tokens).

These techniques have in the preparatory group of kindergarten not less meaning than when working with children of older age.


The following materials are used:

  1. Game "Professions"
  2. A series of scene paintings "Excursion to the ice cream factory"
  3. PIN doll (from the Smeshariki series)
  4. Distressing cards for articulation gymnastics
  5. Recording a fun melody
  6. Tokens

Structure occupation

Input part

The educator welcomes children, they are seated in places. At this time, cheerful music sounds, a toy plane turns out before the teacher. Music stops to sound. Teacher says:

"Children seem to us someone flying to visit. Let's try to guess his name. Listen to the riddle:

I don't fly a bird
And on the ice I sunbathe.
Fish for fishing and eh,
Can't be afraid at all.

Children guess the name of the bird, the adult continues:
"You spent correctly guessed that this mystery about the penguin, but how can we guess his name? Need a hint. "

At this time, a small backpack is lowered from the aircraft on the table. From it, the teacher pulls out the adjustable key, a hammer, a screwdriver. Children are invited to call everything in one word and remember other tools.

The game "Who more?"

The ball is transmitted in a circle and everyone who takes him in hand calls some tool.

Educator: "Guys, you called so many tools, well done! Tell me, and to whom do they need every day? Who is the one who all the time is chinit, comes up with new mechanisms? What are the people called such profession? " Children answer (engineer, mechanic, inventor).

Educator: "Now you guessed, what flew to us today? Merry inventor who looks outwardly resembles a ball. This is a penguin - Smesharik, and his name is PIN. " Ping greets children and asks them to call today's day of the week and remember the name of the classes that is held on this day.

Articulating gymnastics

Children answer, and the teacher reminds that on the development of speech they learn to speak beautifully and correctly, special speech exercises and articulation gymnastics helps in this very help.

Educator: "Guys! You already know a lot of different exercises for the tongue. Today I suggest you to spend the familiar gym for him even more interesting. Now I will decompose on the table of the card. Each of you can take one of them, look at the picture, but not show it to others. Drawn item or action can be depicted using the tongue, we have already done it. Everyone must remember the exercise, and then show it to others. Everyone is repeated for the lead. If someone guess that we all show, he can raise his hand. If the answer is correct, then it is a presenter get along the concern. "

Children in turn are suitable for the table, turn over one picture from standard sets for speech development in kindergarten and perform one of the elements ("needle", "shovel", "jam", "cup).

The educator praises children, prize tokens are placed in a laspuk on the development of speech collected by children on this topic.

Game "profession"

Each child (or two or three, subgroup) gets an image of a working specific specialty, all in turn call them. The adult takes on one subject picture of the stack, call it. Children should choose the right to choose those that are needed for a particular profession. The educator asks in children "why doctor syringe? Paint brush? Swine thread? "

A minute of poetry

A teacher reads children a poem J. Rodari "What crafts smelled." The educator discusses with the children of the profession, which "tasty smell" requests the examples. Children call cooks, confectioner, seller of sweets.

Drawing up a story on the story picture

The teacher asks: "How do we call the one who makes sweets? (confectioner). Let's look at the pictures and tell about those people who do this delicacy. In the factory there are many different workers. "

The teacher causes children in turn and asks to tell that they like the most in the pictures. Who would like to be in the factory every child, why? Then the pictures are dispersed in order.

Boarding Sloves (joint drawing up story)

The teacher proposes to tell Pina about how delicious cold delicacy is being done, which he also loves very much. The educator begins the story, children complement:

"Today we found themselves on (ice cream factory). This is a big rear, inside which are located (special devices that make ice cream). There are huge refrigerators that are needed (for storing the finished product). Ice cream can be different, we know (seal, eskimo, chocolate, berry). All these varieties are made from (milk and sugar). They are brought to a factory in large trucks (chaufferes). Machines help unload (movers). Behind the preparation of ice cream carefully follows (technologists). Ready briquettes and cups need to be carefully wrapped, for this, the factory work (packaging). Fresh delicious ice cream we can buy in (shop, cafe, stall). "

FOM minute

Ready ice cream travels around the city and around the country, let's ride a little too.

The educator reads the poem by I.Tokmakova "Let's play" and shows the movements corresponding to various types of transport.

They drove on the horse, reach the corner. (Skump, in the hands of "Lozhzhi)
They sat on the car, poured gasoline. (twist steering wheel, signal)
On the car we went to the river rehearse. (depict palms waves)
TRP! Stop! Turn. On the river - steamer. (Turn 360 degrees)
A steamer was driving up to the mountains. (Describe the circles with your hands, then add them above your head)
Steamer is not lucky, you need to sit on the plane (hands parallel to the floor)
The plane flies, in it the engine is buzzing: (moving in a circle, hands-wings)

All classes in the preparatory group must necessarily include a dynamic pause, but it can be a little further from the beginning of the lesson than in the older group.

The game "Name the opposite!"

The teacher pulls the toy ice cream, treats Pina and offers the guys to play. She says: "I will call the word, and you have to say it on the contrary. This game is in flip or black and white. For example: ice cream is cold, and you say - (hot), white - black, large - small. "

If everyone understood the rules, the teacher reads the word list: (bright, new, clean, smooth, cheap, warm, brave, cheerful, young, long). Full lists of other words with antonyms can be found in the abstracts of the Node in the preparatory group corresponding to this or that topic.

Game "Graphic Dictation"

The educator says: "And now we will play another interesting game - a graphic dictation. You need to be very careful, just repeat my instructions. "
Children perform dictation, it turns out an airplane image.


Guys, turns out to be Pina, it's time to fly away. He really liked to play with you, he learned a lot of new things. Everyone is forgiven and the occupation ends. If the abstract is used for open classes, then at the end it is worth inviting children to say goodbye to all guests. The plane with Pin flies from the group, children go over couples.

Use for classes a set of didactic cards "profession".