"Development tools in children of preschool age of speech creativity"


Ahmedseeva Racia Minstagirovna,

educators GBOU SOSH (OC) with. Chelna Vertys

structural division of kindergarten "Zork"

The problem of the development of creative abilities is one of the most interesting. Most researchers of this problem agree that the origins of creativity lie in childhood, and the work of the child is closely related to the development of his imagination.

The relevance of this topic is due to the need of society in creative personalities that are able to actively act, not standard to think, find the original solutions to any life problems.

The desire of children to writing is the same activity of imagination, as well as the game. The proof of this is the phenomenon of wording, observed in children aged 2-5 years, the interest of children to writing activity. Tales of small authors have a plot in which their desires, interests, experiences are clearly traced. It may be a fairy tale about magic, useful candy teeth, about a small puppy or kitten, which shelted a good fairy.

Speech creativity is a manifestation of creativity in speech activity. This is an independent activity of a child to create new original speech images. As a rule, speech creativity is typical for children of senior preschool age. By how the child builds his statement, how interesting, alive, figuratively knows how to talk and compose, one can judge the level of his speech development and at the same time about the level of his mental, aesthetic and emotional development. Therefore, the formation of communication connectivity, the development of the skill is meaningfully and logical to build statements are one of the main tasks of speech education of preschoolers. Speech in all its multi-shaped manifold is a necessary component of communication, in the process of which it is formed. An important prerequisite for improving the speech activities of preschoolers is to create an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the emergence of desire to actively participate in speech communication.

It is not inherited by inheritance, the baby adapts the experience of speech communication from the surrounding adults, that is, the mastering of speech from him is directly dependent on the surrounding child of the speech environment. Therefore, it is so important that at home and in kindergarten he heard the right competent speech.

The development of speech creativity allows the child to occupy the position of the active Creator - to invent unusual items, to compose their fairy tales, psychologically to relate, and at the same time the courage is produced in fantasy.

For the development of the speech creativity of children, it is necessary to work to improve the levels of speech sociability, connected speech, vocabulary, the grammatical system of speech, the sound side of speech, practical awareness of the elements of the language. Educational tasks are solved in the course of regime, in the joint activities of children with a teacher, in independent activities of children.

Speech creativity-tempering, writing, retelling, speech improvisation.

The wordness is the emergence of new words in the speech of the child.

Writing - independent speech activity of a child to create a holistic literary text corresponding to the features of the genre

Retelling - Creative speech activities for processing and reproducing the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work

Speech improvisation - statements, self-built as a child in a new situation with the active use of speech skills

Given the relationship between speech and cognitive development, the development of a system for the development of speech creativity of preschoolers is necessary. In this system, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the optimal ratio of the forms of work and the content corresponding to the age of children and the problem. The system provides for the close contact and the interest of all participants in educational relations (teachers-child parents). The educational activities use creative tasks aimed at:

Clarification of understanding the meaning of figurative words and expressions with a portable value;

Inventing stories with compulsory words (it is proposed to come up with a story in which there are such characters - Masha, a bike, a bear, mushrooms, hare, candy).

Compound (contamination) of plots of works of different genres:

("Salad of fairy tales" - in a fairy tale there are heroes from different fairy tales and adventures depend on the fantasy and creativity of children);

Inventing unusual endings to well familiar fairy tales:

("The old fairy tale on the new way" - invent a fairy tale, in which Lisa could not eat a kolobok;

Invent a fairy tale in which the giant peas grew instead of repka; The told the old fairy tale in a new way helps children otherwise look at the familiar plots. They get used to the fox - a tricky, wolf - evil, Cinderella - hardworking. But sometimes it is useful to break stereotypes. For example, a familiar fairy tale is taken as the basis, and children are invited to cast the main characters with opposite qualities. ("Suppose the seven goats - evil and capricious, run away into the forest, and the wolf helps them to find them");

Given the leading type of activity of preschoolers, teacher must consider the selection of games and gaming exercises to organize the activities of preschoolers aimed at developing speech creativity. These include verbal games: "Challenge Liplot", "I will start, and you are over", "The chain of words", "What does it look like?", "Confusion", "revive the subject", "what would happen if ... ? ".

Theatrical games, dramatization games on the pages of famous fairy tales, excerpts of works contribute to the development of a dialogic, emotionally rich speech, the assimilation of elements of speech communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voices modulation). Children better assimilate the content of the work, logic and sequence of events, their development and causality.

One of the means of developing the speech creativity of preschoolers are classes using works of fiction, folk genres, arts that enrich the world of the child's mental experiences, help him feel the artistic image and convey it in their writings. Special requirements are imposed on the literary material - it should be a bright, visual-shaped standard of speech culture of the people who contribute to the formation of the communicative culture of children, intensive enrichment of the speech of preschoolers by means of expressiveness.

When reading it is necessary to use musical accompaniment (excerpts from operas, ballet, symphony, etc.). Children are invited to convey the nature of the musical image through the movement, verbal description.

To increase the interest in speech creativity, the development of the patterns of speech is used by such a reception as a preparation of books-homemade fairy tales, stories:

When creating a group book based on one fairy tale, a familiar fairy tale is taken as a basis, where children independently come up with various fabulous situations (whom Kolobok could still meet);

All familiar tricky fox is endowed with new positive qualities and makes good actions;

Such work on creative development of books contributes to the acquaintance of children with various literature, increases their reading interest, as well as the desire not only to learn what the book is about, but also how it is made, how the illustrations and text of the book are combined.

The use of multimedia games "Guess the riddle", "Sochini history", "continue the fairy tale", "a fairy tale of visit to us" helps children develop speech creativity, are of interest in wordness.

They are aimed at developing skills to build independent writings in a logical sequence, using a variety of figurative words and expressions .

Algorithm of work with slides:

Note Slide

Actions and Possible Embosses of the teacher

"New Year's Adventures of Santa Claus" - the educator invites children to compose the story of "New Year's Adventures of Santa Claus"

The educator invites children to continue the fairy tale "I met on the forest path of a bunker and a mouse ..."

Tell a fairy tale using mnemotabliks

Guess the mystery using mnemotablits

"Name fabulous heroes and choose one"

"Where do you want, so that he lives"

Question of the teacher : Who will he invite to visit? What will they do what to do? And what will happen if there is anyone living there?

"Choose the location."

Question of the teacher: Tell me where he will live, be? What will do? Why did you choose this place? Why do you say that? What is interesting with him can happen?

A smiling sun appears. Well done!

Speech in all its multi-shaped manifold is a necessary component of communication, in the process of which it is formed. An important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of emotionally benefits

the education situation contributing to the emergence of the desire to actively participate in speech communication.

An analysis of the real situation shows that recently the number of children who have underdevelopment of speech have increased. Speech disorders make it difficult to communicate negatively affect mental activities, lead to changes in the emotional sphere of the child, limit the mastery of conceptual values \u200b\u200band speech samples.

We are not inherited, the baby adapts the experience of speech communication among his adults around him, i.e., he is in direct dependence on the surrounding child of the speech environment. Therefore, it is so important that at home and in kindergarten he heard the right competent speech.

Preschool age is the period of active assimction by the child of the spoken language, the formation and development of all sides of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full possession of the native language in preschool childhood is a prerequisite for solving the tasks of mental, aesthetic, moral education of children.

In the studies of domestic scientists, as well as teachers, and others emphasize that preschool age is the period of active creative development of the child's personality as a whole, when all mental processes are developing and improved (perception, thinking), becoming arbitrary attention, memory, a coherent is formed speech. The full possession of the Russian language in preschool age is beneficially reflected in the intellectual, moral - ethical, artistic - aesthetic development of children in the sensitive period. The development of speech creativity allows the child to occupy the position of the active Creator - to invent unusual items, to compose their fairy tales, psychologically to relate, and at the same time the courage is produced in fantasy.

The development of speech creativity should be the leading task of working on the development of a coherent speech. The development of speech creativity is unthinkable without the development of imagination, which is closely related to the development of feelings.

The relevance of the study of the study is determined by the unique capabilities of a preschooler in speech creativity, in particular, in the area of \u200b\u200bwriting their own fairy tales, nonfilts, however, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the formation of such creativity to create the most complete disclosure of the creative potential of the identity of the child of the preschooler.

For the development of the speech creativity of children, it is necessary to work to improve the levels of speech sociability, connected speech, vocabulary, the grammatical system of speech, the sound side of speech, practical awareness of the elements of the language. Educational tasks are solved in the course of regime, in the joint activities of children with a teacher, in independent activities of children. The developed material is used, and it is also necessary to create a large number of new play situations.

It is necessary to organize the speech activity of the child so that it wore an entertaining character, because only in this way you can develop the child from the child exactly and figuratively express your thoughts and feelings in oral words.

To achieve performance on the development of speech creativity in our work, we create certain conditions:

In the plot-role game there is a quick and complete development of children's fantasy. We are watching what the child is playing, the plots are sufficiently developed, are their own finds, fantasies. If not, we play with them, together we compose and invent.

Children really like theatrical games and games - dramatization. These games have a plot idea and role-playing. In collaboration with children, we give the comparative characteristics of the heroes, we reveal the distinctive signs of items that come to life in these games.

To stimulate the development of speech creativity, we form the search activity of children through questions: "Why?", "What will happen if ...?" Using the capabilities of dictionary work.

In our work, we use a system of exercises providing for the enrichment of the dictionary.

    Selection of definitions and epithets (what are moms?) Recognition of items on epithets (juicy, ripe, velvety - what is it?) Selection of actions to the subject (how can you play?) Selection of the subject to action (what does the dog do?) Selection of circumstances. Selection of synonyms (big, huge ...) Finding the missed words (the janitor took the broom, he ...) Dissemination and additions of proposals (children go where? Why?) Composing proposals with a certain word.

In the middle preschool age, we work out the comparison model based on color, shape, sound, taste. We form the ability of children to allocate signs of objects and compare them with signs of others, comparing comparisons on some basis.

Development of the ability to make own riddles. Composing riddles, children actively select comparisons of objects on specified signs.

We use lyrics (the shape of a short poem based on the beaten by nonsense) of verbal creativity. As a rule, this poem consists of 5 lines, the lyrics do not imply a strict rhyme and the 5th line is the result. For example: lived - there was a snowman, red, like a light. To our kindergarten flew, and the grains on the trough Kleval. That's how we care about the birds. In the process of becoming poems, children learn to draw conclusions, morality.

We also use games and creative tasks for the development of the dictionary of children and the development of ideas about the properties and signs of objects, the grammatical system of speech, observation.

The Russian folklore is equally in the wording process, it is more precisely one of the most favorite children of his genres - a fairy tale.

Modern domestic researchers, as well as methodologists engaged in teaching preschoolers creative telling, use a fairy tale as a sample by which the child could come up with a similar fairy tale (, etc.); Teaching children to analyze fairy tales - chains, develop the ability to schematically use the basis of such fairy tales in their own writings (N. Tamarchhenko and others). Familiarity with fairy tales should wear a targeted, consistent character. For the development of middle-aged children, we, first of all, create the conditions for the composition of fairy tales, create a corner in the appropriate style (fabulous subject); There is in stock a variety of theater (flat, bobbump, finger and others), elements of the costumes of the "Fairy Tale" and "Fairy Tale"; A fairy tale corner - books (books with fairy tales that pass children); Albums with children's drawings to those who are fairy tales (joint creativity with parents). All this is a favorable environment promoting verbal creativity.

Use the possibilities of visual modeling (developing potential). The use of conventional designations, drawings, schematic drawings makes it possible to foresee the possible results of its own actions.

Speech creativity belongs to: the formation and development of connected speech. With this, the skiing the ability of the preschooler modifies, convert, combine available ideas in memory and create relatively new images and situations on this basis. This skill includes not only a certain supply of speech skills and abilities of children, but also involves the development of initial forms of creative imagination.

The teaching of the wording is intuitive in the process of communicating with adults. Our task to help the child in this endeavor.

In the task "make a story together", children creatively finish a story with a support for object pictures. The use of visual models in working on a monologue speech allows us to successfully teach children to compile a connected speech statement, as well as the composition of the story on the plan.

Creating favorable socially emotional conditions. We understand and accept the child at the emotional level. We understand the problem. Child Create conditions for growth. Create a sense of security from a child when he knows that his speech creative manifestations are not evaluated negatively. Creating psychological conditions helps the child to be relaxed and free due to supporting adults of his creative undertakings. We do not limit children in choosing means of expressing themselves in creativity, as creativity is a spontaneous process to support.

To your work with children attract parents: We offer parents folder - mobile "Speech as a means of communication."

In order to familiarize the parents on this topic: I exhibit benefits, materials, literature, so that parents clearly see what we use in the regime to cause them the desire to take part in our activities.

Together with parents, we hold a master classes, where we tell parents about games, their manufacture, the rules of the game, to make parents along with children at home and play these games.

We hold consultations for parents for the development of speech creativity, where we tell parents how to consolidate the material.

Parent meetings are held with elements of the game activity of children on this topic.

We draw up information stands, to add information from parents.

Looking - contests.

We invite you to the parental collections of a psychologist, speech therapist, so that they told the knowledge of this topic from their point of view.

We carry out monitoring to assess the individual development of a child associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further
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For the development of speech creativity, painstaking everyday, systematic work is needed both with the whole group and individually. It is necessary to teach children to draw up creative stories, compose fairy tales, riddles to receive satisfaction from all work. Only systematic work will make their stories meaningful, fairy tales are amazing, riddles unusual.

Topic of the manual: "The fairy tale has come to visit us."

The age of the target group: medium pre-school.

The purpose of the manual: to promote the development of verbal creativity of children of middle preschool age, using a fairy tale composition algorithm.

Tasks benefits:

The development of monologue speech, the ability to communicate to speak. Enrichment of the dictionary of children, their upbringing of their interest in the word, love for his native language and pride for his wealth. Promoting the development of mental processes such as perception, figurative thinking, creative imagination, memory. The development of a child's sense of self-confidence, in their forces, the realization of their capabilities. Development of the creative potential of the child. Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher.


The fairy tale has ancient root in human history and culture. "The fairy tale is a narrative work of fictional faces and events with the participation of magical, fantastic persons." (,). Currently, the fairy tale, like many other values \u200b\u200bof traditional culture, has noticeably lost its purpose. But it is the fairy tale that plays an important role in the spiritual enrichment of preschoolers, it contributes to the laying of ethical and aesthetic feelings, the development of speech creativity. With a fairy tale, children are found in books, in the cinema, theater, on the television screen. They forget about everything and plunge into the life of heroes. Children draw a lot of amazing knowledge from fairy tales: the first ideas about the time and space, about communication and space, about human connection with nature, with the substantive world; The fairy tale appears brilliant samples of the native language - all this is a necessary and favorable material for writing their own fairy tales. It is known that the training of children creative telling - the process is gradual and quite complicated. It is most successful, he leaks under the guidance of teachers who help them master through the game.

Algorithm of work with slides:

Note Slide

Actions and Possible Embosses of the teacher

The name of the game: "The fairy tale has come to visit us."

"Name fabulous heroes and choose one"

On the slide, different heroes of fairy tales: Kolobok, Lisa, Masha, Bear.

Question of the educator: What fairy tales met these heroes?

The child is invited to choose one hero.

Question of the teacher: Describe, what will he be? What actions will do? What can he do?

"Where do you want, so that he lives"

Pictures - dwellings appear: castle, hut, modern home, Nora.

The child is invited to choose where his hero will live.

Question of the teacher: Who will he invite to visit? What will they do what to do? And what will happen if there is anyone living there?

"Choose the location."

Placement pictures appear: Forest, city, village, river shore.

It is proposed to choose the habitat for your fabulous hero.

Question of the teacher: Tell me where he will live, be? What will do? Why did you choose this place?

:? Why do you say that? What is interesting with him can happen?

Children with different emotions appear on the slide: joyful, sad, cheerful, angry.

Question of the teacher: Did you like to write a fairy tale? Choose what mood you have become.

A smiling sun appears. Well done! Or cheerful emoticon.