Inna Kochergin

Important in B. development of children Early age has assimilation touch standards. In my work, I pay great attention to this particular area.

"Pick up a couple" Task on correlation

For development of objective activities I try to correctly pick up toys and benefits, various color, size, form, material. In the process of action with these objects are developing The ability to distinguish and find similarity of signs, the ability to generalize homogeneous items.

"Magnetic Fish" and "Magnetic Labyrinth" Task on Motoric and Accuracy of Movements

Subject is the basis for development of the child's thinking. Acting S. items, children begin to detect their individual properties, a variety of properties in weight. Develops ability to separate properties from subject and find similar properties in different subjects.

Subject child learning and execution subject. It has a leading value for development Child younger preschool age. In the course of mastering subject Actions in a child develop Mental processes as attention, thinking, memory. Uglying the actions of the simplest guns, the child gradually begins to assimilate and the general principle, which is, to influence things, you can not only with your hands, legs, but also things specifically created.

Development of sensory The child's actions occurs in itself, but only during the assimilation of the public sensory experience, With the help of practice and learning. The effectiveness of this process increases significantly if the child is specially trained in a survey method. objects And learn to apply it in life.

Publications on the topic:

Associated and conducted teachers of the preparatory group: Sakharov I. B; Pitysker O. And the relevance of the project: the relevance of this project.

Questionnaire for parents. "Development of creative abilities in children through theatrical activity" 1. Creating conditions for creative development.

Parent meeting on the topic "Sensory development of your child." Everything that we need to work first the educator says the goal.

Consultation for parents "Development of communicative abilities in children with means of theatrical activity" Consultation for parents "Development of communicative abilities in preschool children with means of theatrical activity."

Music is one of the bright and emotional types of art, the most efficient and effective means of raising children. It helps fully.

One of the main tasks of pre-school education is the sensory development of the child. The sensory development of the child is the development of his perception.

Project: "Sensory development of children in a group of early age in experimental activities" Project Information Map: Project Topic: "Sensory development of children in an early age group in experimentation" Project type: long-term.