Tests of the entrance exam in geography at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov

Option 1 exam 1999*

(Since 2000, a block of questions on economic geography has been included in the interdisciplinary exam “Social Studies”.)


All tests have only one possible answer.

1. With which state do three countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - have common borders?

1) Mongolia

3) Afghanistan

5) Turkmenistan

2. Select the administrative center of the autonomous region located in the Far East:

1) Anadyr

2) Birobidzhan

3) Naryan-Mar

5) Kudymkar

3. Select an area in which the share of pensioners is lower than in all others listed, and the share of the urban population is higher:

1) Magadan

2) Pskovskaya

3) Vladimirskaya

4) Amurskaya

5) Novgorodskaya

6) Orlovskaya

4. Select a border region (facing the land border of Russia) in which the birth rate is higher than the death rate:

1) Kalmykia

3) Yakutia (Sakha)

4) Mordovia

5) Krasnodar region

6) Dagestan

5. Find a city that has not changed its name in Soviet time and one of the millionaire cities in Russia:

1) Volgograd

2) Nizhny Novgorod

3) Krasnoyarsk

6) Voronezh

6. Select the people of Russia with a population of more than 1 million people who live on the banks of the Volga River:

1) Udmurts

3) Bashkirs

5) Mari

6) Kalmyks

7. Select the people of Russia, living mainly in the Kemerovo region. and speaking the language of the Turkic group of the Altaic family:

1) Kalmyks

3) Tuvans

5) Nogais

8. Select the country with the largest population and the proportion of urban residents slightly exceeding 50%:

1) Azerbaijan

2) Moldova

3) Turkmenistan

4) Armenia

6) Tajikistan

9. Determine the economic region of Russia, which has the most autonomous okrugs,
and select a type of mineral that is practically not mined in this area:

1) iron ore

2) coal

4) nickel ores

5) tin ores

10. Select the only kind fuel resources extracted in a neighboring country whose population speaks the language of the Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic family:

2) natural gas

3) coal

4) brown coal

5) phosphorites

6) oil shale

11. Select the option that lists the countries that produce the most oil in the CIS:

1) Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan

2) Turkmenistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan

3) Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan

4) Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia

5) Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia

6) Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

12. Find the region of the Russian Federation in which natural gas is produced:

1) Khabarovsk region

2) Orenburg region.

3) Astrakhan region.

4) Yamalo-Nenets a. O.

5) Komi Republic

13. Select the only oil refining center located on the Trans-Siberian railway line, which receives oil from Western Siberia via a pipeline:

1) Novosibirsk

2) Angarsk

3) Nizhnevartovsk

5) Blagoveshchensk

14. Select the power plant with the highest power:

1) Krasnoyarsk

2) Zeyskaya

3) Konakovskaya

4) Reftinskaya

5) Kola

6) Saratov

15. Which CIS country has significant hydropower resources and a large hydroelectric power station (one more has not been completed), aluminum is produced, and of all types of transport, road transport is the most developed?

1) Ukraine

2) Azerbaijan

3) Tajikistan

4) Turkmenistan

5) Kyrgyzstan

6) Kazakhstan

16. Select the city in which the full-cycle metallurgical plant is located, closest to the suppliers of iron ore from the Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye deposit and chromium from Khromtau:

2) Novosibirsk

3) Volgograd

4) Chelyabinsk

5) Novokuznetsk

6) Nizhny Tagil

17. Your task is to acquire control over the largest producers of ferrous metals. Which three metallurgical plants do you need first (select the option that shows their locations):

1) Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Cherepovets

2) Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk

3) Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Krasnoyarsk

4) Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

5) Novotroitsk, Nizhny Tagil, Volgograd

6) Tula, Novokuznetsk, Cherepovets

18. Select a subject of the Russian Federation in which both cars and trucks are produced:

2) Samara region.

3) Kurgan region.

4) Rostov region.

5) St. Petersburg

6) Primorsky Krai

19. Select a city - the capital of a federal subject located in the Ural economic region - specializing in the production of small arms:

4) Nizhny Tagil

5) Ekaterinburg

20. In the production of phosphate fertilizers the following are used:

1) nephelines and table salt

2) natural gas and bauxite

3) phosphorites and oil

4) cellulose and natural gas

5) apatites and sulfuric acid

6) iron and steel waste and sulfur

21. Select the CIS country in which raw materials for the production of potash fertilizers are mined:

1) Kazakhstan

2) Belarus

4) Estonia

5) Moldova

6) Kyrgyzstan

22. Select the option that correctly indicates the center of the pulp and paper industry and the body of water near which it is located:

1) Arkhangelsk - Pechora

2) Kotlas (Koryazhma) - Northern Dvina

3) Bratsk - Baikal

4) Segezha - Ob

5) Syktyvkar - Lake Ladoga

6) Ust-Ilimsk - Yenisei

23. Select a city in one of the republics of the Russian Federation, in which petrochemistry is developed, the largest tire production in Russia is located, and a hydroelectric power station is located not far from it:

1) Cheboksary

3) Kondopoga

4) Nizhnekamsk

6) Yaroslavl

24. the center of which region specializing in the textile industry, in the last century was not yet a city, but a textile factory village:

1) Rostov region.

2) Smolensk region.

3) Voronezh region.

4) Novosibirsk region.

5) Ivanovo region.

6) Nizhny Novgorod region.

25. Select a subject of the Russian Federation, which is characterized by dairy cattle breeding on water meadows, and the natural zone where it is mainly located is correctly indicated:

1) Komi Republic - broad-leaved forests

2) Arkhangelsk region. - taiga

3) Republic of Karelia - mixed forests

4) Pskov region. - taiga

5) Vologda region. - forest-tundra

6) Kostroma region. - forest-steppe

26. Select a region in which the share of agricultural land reaches 80% of the entire territory; the structure of agricultural land is dominated by arable land on which wheat (most often winter), corn, rice, sunflower and sugar beets are grown:

1) Kalmykia

2) Altai region

3) Orenburg region.

4) Primorsky Krai

5) Astrakhan region.

6) Krasnodar region

27. Identify the grain crop that ranks second in terms of area sown and grain harvested in Russia: this crop is used primarily as livestock feed and is grown in almost all agricultural zones - from the Arkhangelsk region to Kalmykia and the Primorsky Territory:

1) wheat

2) corn

28. What is the main cargo for ships traveling along the route Igarka-Kara Sea-Barents Sea-Norwegian Sea-North Sea-London:

1) oil and petroleum products

2) nickel and copper-nickel concentrates

3) forest and lumber

4) coal

5) cars

6) uranium ores

29. Select the largest specialized seaport to which an oil pipeline is connected for the export of Russian oil:

1) Kaliningrad

2) Nakhodka

3) Klaipeda

4) Novorossiysk

5) St. Petersburg

6) Makhachkala

30. Determine the economic region according to the following list: Kizhi, Pomors, salmon, Plesetsk cosmodrome:

1) Northwestern

2) Volgo-Vyatsky

3) West Siberian

4) Far Eastern

5) Ural

6) Northern

31. Select the island state that is most endowed with forest resources (the share of forests in its territory is very high):

1) Hawaiian Islands

3) Papua New Guinea

5) Cameroon

6) Bahrain

32. Which city arose and grew rapidly due to external immigration?

4) Budapest

5) Magadan

6) Tehran

33. Which country among the following produces the cheapest electricity and exports oil and gas?

2) Norway

4) Netherlands

5) Germany

6) Brazil

34. Select a country in which the majority of electricity is produced by hydroelectric power plants, but there are no hydroelectric power plants on the country's largest river:

1) Ukraine

4) Brazil

35. Based on the list of countries: Australia, Guinea, Jamaica - determine the type of product for which they are the world’s largest producers:

4) bauxite

6) citrus fruits

36. Which group of crops is most characteristic of southern China near the Yangtze River?

1) rice, cotton, tea

2) wheat, millet, kaoliang

3) millet, soybeans, coffee

4) sugar cane, olive (olive),

5) wheat, rice, sugar beets

6) cotton, sunflower, soybean

37. Select a country whose land structure is dominated by pastures and the main sector of the economy is extensive cattle breeding:

4) Indonesia

38. Identify the country based on the following list: Shiite Muslims, carpets, almonds, wheat, oil:

1) Saudi Arabia

2) Jordan

6) Indonesia

39. Which way must a ship take to get from the country that has the largest merchant fleet, to the largest seaport in the world:

1) Liberia - Rotterdam

2) Japan - Singapore

3) Greece - Hamburg

4) USA - Marseille

5) Panama - Nagoya

6) China - New Orleans

40. Select a city located on a fertile lowland in the oldest agricultural region and which is the capital of a country that produces and exports oil:

1) Istanbul

2) Riyadh

4) Addis Ababa

41. Choose the correct combination in which the region of Russia bordering on three states is given and the capitals of these states are indicated:

1) Novgorod region. - Vilnius, Minsk, Tallinn

2) Bryansk region. - Kyiv, Minsk, Chisinau

3) Altai Territory - Astana, Beijing, Bishkek

4) Kabardino-Balkaria - Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan

5) Pskov region. - Tallinn, Riga, Minsk

6) Republic of Tuva - Beijing, Ulaanbaatar, Seoul

42. Find in the proposed list two regions whose capitals are located on one large river, and then from these two regions select the one with a higher proportion of the working-age population:

1) Khabarovsk region

2) Khanty-Mansiysk a. O.

3) Primorsky Krai

4) Yakutia (Sakha)

5) Magadan region.

6) Omsk region.

43. Select a CIS country with a high population density, whose people profess the Christian religion; The national symbol of this country - a high mountain with a snow-capped peak - is located outside the CIS:

2) Estonia

3) Kyrgyzstan

4) Armenia

5) Azerbaijan

6) Moldova

44. Identify a coal basin that has huge coal reserves and ranks second in the Russian Federation in terms of its production. Which industrial facility uses this coal?

1) Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant

2) Norilsk Iron and Steel Works

3) Karaganda Metallurgical Plant

4) Nazarovskaya GRES

5) Kostroma State District Power Plant

6) Surgutskaya GRES

45. Identify the two largest gold-mining regions of Russia and indicate what else unites them:

1) the timber industry is developed in them

2) their capitals are connected by road

3) they have a developed oil industry

4) they are on the Trans-Siberian Railway

5) their capitals are major seaports

6) rice is grown in them

46. ​​You need to deliver cargo (one of the types of mineral resources) from the largest subject of the Russian Federation by area for processing to the easternmost city of Russia with a population of over 1 million people. What type of cargo is this?

2) coal

3) wood

4) copper-nickel ores

5) tin ores

6) uranium ores

47. Identify the economic region of Russia and its neighboring country according to the following characteristics: they are both rich in mineral resources, both have no access to the seas of the World Ocean, in the neighboring border areas of the region and the country the main agricultural crop is spring wheat:

1) Central and Belarus

2) East Siberian and Mongolia

3) Ural and Kazakhstan

4) Central Black Earth and Ukraine

5) North Caucasus and Azerbaijan

6) West Siberian and Kazakhstan

48. Identify an economic region with developed agriculture; mustard is grown in it; in one of its two republics, grain and sugar beets are grown, and in the other, only sheep farming is developed; grain crops are insignificant. Which culture is most characteristic of the most southern region this area?

3) grapes

4) cotton

5) wheat

49. Define the country according to the characteristics of all the states bordering it: in the west it is a large gas producer, in the south it is one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world, in the north it is a country with rich and varied mineral resources (oil, copper, polymetallic ores, etc. ), and two more neighbors in the east and southeast have large hydroelectric power plants:

1) Belarus

2) Kyrgyzstan

4) Uzbekistan

5) Armenia

6) Afghanistan

50. Select autonomous region part of the Russian Federation, facing the seas of different oceans and similar in natural and climatic conditions to the largest state in the United States. What type of minerals are mined in this county?

1) natural gas

2) apatites

3) tin ores

5) iron ores

6) potassium salts

51. What industrial crop is grown in a small CIS country with a population of about 4 million people, which has a border with only two states?

1) corn

4) cotton

52. Identify the smallest region of Russia, which borders two Catholic countries and specializes in the fishing industry. Select the option that correctly indicates the port of another country closest to this area, which has become a competitor in the transportation of various cargoes for Russia:

4) Ventspils

6) Klaipeda

53. Identify the continent to which the following names refer: selva, Manaus, Itaipu, Atacama. Which urban agglomeration is the largest on this continent?

2) Buenos Aires

3) Sao Paulo

5) New York

54. Remember which country is the world's largest producer of wheat and rice,
and determine what religions its population professes:

1) Buddhism and Shintoism

2) Islam and Buddhism

3) Judaism and Islam

4) Catholicism and Protestantism

5) Orthodoxy and Catholicism

6) Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

55. Identify two countries that have wide access to the ocean and common border about 4 thousand km long, a significant part of which runs along a large river; one of these countries is located in three hemispheres - northern, eastern and western. In terms of production of what type of mineral resources are these countries in the middle?
In the 90s, were they among the top three world leaders?

2) coal

4) iron ore

5) copper ores

6) bauxite

56. Remember language family, whose languages ​​are spoken by the most people in the world, then identify the largest country by population in the Western Hemisphere whose population speaks the language of that group. This country leads in world production:

1) cotton

2) aviation technology

3) bauxite

4) sea vessels

5) diamonds

57. Select the only country from the proposed list: Italy, Canada, Bangladesh, Brazil - in which the number of men is greater than women, and determine one more of its features:

1) it has the highest population density in the world (not counting dwarf countries)

2) it has significant oil and gas reserves

3) winemaking and tourism are developed in it

4) it is a leading exporter of iron ore

5) it contains active and extinct volcanoes

6) the equator line passes through its territory

58. The traveler set off from a federal state of Europe with a population of about 80 million people. to a neighboring federal state - the center of the former empire, which collapsed at the beginning of the twentieth century. How are these two countries similar?

1) the population of these countries professes Protestantism

2) the largest river in the world flows through their territory

3) subtropical agriculture is developed in them

4) the population of these countries speaks the same language

5) both countries are large producers of natural gas

6) the bulk of imported cargo arrives through their seaports

59. Identify the country by the following characteristics: it has wide access to a bay with very high salinity and water temperature; is major manufacturer and oil exporter, ranks second in the world in natural gas reserves; the people of this country speak a language different from that spoken by the people of all other countries bordering on the coast of this gulf. What is the approximate population of this country:

1) 5-10 million people.

2) 20-30 million people.

3) 50-70 million people.

4) 90-100 million people.

5) 140-150 million people.

6) 180-200 million people.

60. Identify a highly developed country that is completely dependent on the import of oil and uranium raw materials for nuclear power plants, but occupies a leading position in the world in the production of cars and ships. What is the name of the ancient people who previously inhabited it, whose numbers are now very small?

1) Manchus

5) Papuans

6) Eskimos


Additional explanations for answers

9. East Siberian.
10. Estonia.
44. Kansko-Achinsky.
45. Yakutia and Magadan region.
46. ​​From Yakutia to Novosibirsk.
47. Volga region. Tataria and Kalmykia. Astrakhan region
51. Moldova.
53. South America.
55. Russia and China.
56. Indo-European family. USA.
57. Bangladesh.
58. From Germany to Austria.
59. Iran.
60. Japan.

A test on the topic “Population of Russia” based on the Domogatsky textbook (in 3 versions) helps to test students’ knowledge on this topic, establish cause-and-effect relationships in tasks, and the ability to work with thematic maps.



Test on the topic “Population of Russia” Option No. 1

  1. What place does Russia occupy in terms of population, second only to China and other countries?

A) 7th place B) 9th place C) 20th place D) 30th place

  1. Which of the given options correctly indicates the main characteristics of the modern type of reproduction?

A) high birth rate with high mortality

B) high birth rate with low mortality

B) low birth rate with high mortality

D) low birth rate with low mortality

  1. Which of the following countries bordering Russia has the largest population?

A) Kazakhstan B) China C) Mongolia D) Finland

  1. Which of the listed natural and economic regions of Russia is currently characterized by the greatest natural increase population?

A) Central Russia B) European North-West

C) European South D) Ural

  1. Russia is one of the ten largest countries in the world by population.
  2. Currently, the entire territory of Russia is experiencing a population decline.

A) 1 is true B) 2 is true C) both are true D) both statements are false

  1. Which three of the following countries have a higher population than Russia? Write the answer as a sequence of letters in alphabetical order.

A) Indonesia B) India C) China D) Mongolia

D) USA E) Nigeria

  1. Arrange the following countries in order of decreasing population.

A) Brazil B) China C) Russia D) USA

  1. Which of the listed regions of Russia has the highest population density?

A) Moscow region B) Republic of Karelia

C) Novosibirsk region D) Vologda region

  1. Which of the following regions of Russia is characterized by the lowest population density?

A) Republic of Dagestan B) Arkhangelsk region

IN) Leningrad region D) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

  1. Which of the following areas is not located in the settlement zone of the North?

A) Arkhangelsk region B) Kamchatka region

C) Murmansk region D) Saratov region

  1. How can you find out natural population growth?

A) the difference between the number of people born and the number of deaths

B) the difference between those born and the number of migrants from the CIS countries

C) the difference between children born and citizens who went abroad

12. How many demographic crises have there been in the country since 1914?

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

13. Determine by brief description What kind of crisis was this:

“The cause of this crisis was drought in the country, a change in the structure of agricultural production, which led to a terrible famine. There were also political repressions"

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

14. Arrange the listed subjects of the Russian Federation in descending order of population density in them:

A) Republic of Karelia B) Republic of Tatarstan

C) Republic of North Ossetia D) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

15. Calculate the population density of the South federal district, if known:

S - 417 THOUSAND KM 2 - population 14 million people.

A) 56% 0 B) 33.5% 0 C) 75.5% 0

16. Which of the listed types of migration affects the country's population?

A) external temporary B) external constant

C) pendulum D) seasonal

17. Which of the following statements is typical for areas with a long period of population outflow?

A) increasing the proportion of the older population B) high birth rate

C) increase in life expectancy D) predominance of the male population

18. From which of the listed regions has the flow of labor migrants to Russia dominated recently?

A) Eastern Europe(Ukraine, Moldova) B) Western Europe(Germany, France)

IN) central Asia(China, Kazakhstan) D) Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania)

19. Which of the 3 listed subjects of the Russian Federation is characterized by an outflow of population due to internal migration?

A) Kamchatka Territory B) Komi Republic C) Moscow Region

D) St. Petersburg D) Stavropol region E) Chita region

20. Establish a correspondence between the type of migration and its characteristics

Type of migration Characteristics

  1. Pendulum a) daily commute to and from work
  2. Irregular b) moving to another region
  3. Constant c) vacation trip
  4. Seasonal d) business trip

Test on the topic “Population of Russia” Option No. 2

A) Far East B) European North-West C) European South

  1. The share of the rural population in Russia is currently?

A) less than 10% B) about 25% C) about 50% D) about 75%

  1. Which of the listed natural and economic regions of Russia has the largest share of the rural population?

A) Far East B) European North-West

C) European South D) Ural

  1. Which of the listed subjects of the Russian Federation has the largest share of the rural population?

A) Altai Republic B) Moscow region

C) Republic of Tatarstan D) Republic of Dagestan

  1. For which of the following natural areas What are the characteristics of the largest rural settlements?

A) tundra B) taiga C) steppe D) semi-desert

  1. Are the following statements true?
  1. Rural settlement is closely related to natural conditions.
  2. The zonal pattern of rural settlement is disrupted nearby major cities A) only the 1st statement is true B) only the 2nd statement is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are false

  1. Arrange the listed natural and economic regions of Russia in descending order of the share of the rural population

A) Far East B) European South

B) European North-West D) Volga region

  1. What is the current share of the urban population in Russia?

A) less than 10% B) about 25% C) about 50% D) about 75%

  1. Which of the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation has the largest share of urban population?

A) Republic of Dagestan B) Republic of Ingushetia

C) Republic of Kalmykia D) Magadan region

  1. Which of the following cities is the largest in terms of population in Russia?

A) Kazan B) Moscow C) Nizhny Novgorod D) St. Petersburg

  1. Are the following statements true?
  1. Currently, there are 27 millionaire cities in Russia.
  2. The better the conditions for agriculture in a region, the larger the population lives in rural areas.

A) only the 1st statement is true B) both statements are true

B) only the 2nd statement is true D) both statements are wrong

  1. Which 3 of the cities listed are millionaire cities?

A) Arkhangelsk B) Vladivostok C) Volgograd

D) Novosibirsk D) Ekaterinburg E) Yakutsk

  1. Which of the 3 listed subjects of the Russian Federation has the largest share of the urban population?

A) Altai Republic B) Kaliningrad region C) Primorsky Krai

D) Republic of Tatarstan D) Republic of Tyva E) Republic of Chechnya

  1. Arrange the listed natural and economic regions of Russia in descending order of the share of the urban population in them.

A) European North B) European South C) Central Russia D) Western Siberia

  1. Which of the following religions is most widespread in Russia?

A) Buddhism B) Islam C) Catholicism D) Orthodoxy

  1. Which of the listed peoples of Russia, according to the census (2002), ranks 2nd in number?

A) Bashkirs B) Lezgins C) Tatars D) Yakuts

  1. Which of the listed natural and economic regions of the Russian Federation is characterized by the most complex ethnic composition?

A) European North-West B) European South

C) Central Russia D) European North

  1. Which of the listed subjects of the Russian Federation is characterized by the largest share of the Russian population?

A) Republic of Adygea B) Lipetsk region IN) Perm region D) Tyumen region

  1. Are the following statements true?
  1. The aggravation of interethnic relations is usually associated with a deterioration in living conditions.
  2. The number of small nations ranges from several thousand to several tens of thousands of people

A) the 1st statement is true B) only the 2nd statement is true

C) both statements are true D) both statements are false

  1. Match between language group and the people included in it

Language family People

  1. Iranian a) Bashkirs
  2. Mongolian b) Kalmyks
  3. Turkic c) Ossetians
  4. Finno-Ugric d) Udmurts

Test on the topic “Population of Russia” Option No. 3

  1. Which of the given options correctly indicates the ratio of the proportion of male and female population of Russia?

A) men 27%, women 73% B) men 43%, women 57%

C) men 50%, women 50% D) men 60%, women 40%

  1. What is the share of labor resources in the total population of Russia at present?

A) 25% B) 40% C) 61% D) 90%

  1. In which of the following sectors of the economy are people employed? greatest number population?

A) science B) industrial production C) Agriculture D) financial sector

  1. Which of the given options correctly indicates the parameters of the working age in Russia at the present time?

A) men from 16 to 54; women from 16 to 59

B) men from 16 to 60; women from 16 to 55

B) men from 18 to 54; women from 18 to 65

D) men from 18 to 59; women from 18 to 54

  1. Are the following statements true:
  1. Russia has significant and highly qualified labor resources
  2. IN last years in Russia there is a decline in the number of people employed in non-material sectors

A) only 1 is correct B) only 2 are correct C) both are wrong

  1. In which 3 of the listed countries is the share of employment in non-material sectors higher than in Russia?

A) Great Britain B) Canada C) USA D) Nigeria E) Romania

  1. Which 3 areas of activity in Russia have seen an increase in the number of employees in recent years?

A) public administration B) science C) industry

D) agriculture D) trade E) finance

  1. Arrange the listed areas of activity in order of the Russian population employed in them

A) service sector B) agriculture C) construction D) industry

  1. Which city became the “capital of Siberia” at the end of the 16th century?

A) Tobolsk B) Yakutsk C) Magadan D) Irkutsk

  1. On the shore Gulf of Finland is there a city?

A) Petrozavodsk B) Volgograd C) Voronezh D) St. Petersburg

  1. Which city is located upstream of the Volga River?
  1. Which city is located at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River?

A) Petrozavodsk B) Arkhangelsk C) Samara D) Volgograd

13. On which peninsula are the Byrranga Mountains located? A) Yamal B) Chukotka C) Kamchatka D) Taimyr

14. The Lower Tunguska River is a tributary of which river?

A) Volga B) Yenisei C) Ob D) Lena

15. The Lena River flows into which sea? A) Laptev Sea B) East Siberian Sea C) White Sea

16. Where is Dikson port located?

A) Krasnoyarsk region B) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) C) Republic of Karelia

17. Find out the region by its description: “This region is part of Central Russia. High population density, low birth rate, high mortality, but positive natural growth due to migrants from other regions of the country. Large volume of pendulum migration. There are architectural monuments that are included in the World Heritage List."

A) Moscow B) Magadan C) Leningrad D) Rostov

18. In this region there are rural forms of settlement: villages, villages, hamlets.

A) Rostov region B) Republic of Dagestan C) Leningrad region

19. In which region is there a rural form of settlement such as auls? A) Rostov region B) Republic of Dagestan C) Leningrad region

  1. Determine what type of housing is encrypted: “it has a round plan, consists of 2 parts: chottangi and canopy. The peoples of the north live in these dwellings: the Chukchi, the Koryaks."

A) brick house B) hut C) yurt D) tent E) yaranga


Option #1

  1. A 2- c 3- b 4 – c 5 - a 6 - a, b, d 7 - b, d, a c 8- a 9 – d 10 – d

11 – a, 12 – c 13-a 14 – d, a, b, c 15 – b 16 – b 17 – a

18 – c 19 c, d, d 20 – 2-c, 3- d, 4 – b, 1 – a

Option No. 2

1 – c 2 – b 3 – c 4 – d 5 – c 6 – c 7- c, d, a, b 8 – d 9 – d

10 – b 11 – b 12 c, d, d 13 – a, c, d 14. C, a, d, b 15 – d

16 – c 17 – b 18 – b 19 – b 20 1-c, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d

Option No. 3

1 - b 2 – c 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a, b, c 7 – a, c, d 8 – d, b, c, a

9 – a, 10 – d 11 – b 12 – d 13 – d 14 – b 15 – a 16 – a 17 – a 18-a

19 – b 20 – d

The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has published the final results of the All-Russian population census conducted in 2010. Over the 8 years since 2002, there have been 2.3 million fewer Russians.

The number of residents of the Russian Federation amounted to 142 million 857 thousand people. It turned out that over the same period, 8.5 thousand villages in Russia died out. The Russian Federation took 8th place in the world in terms of population after China (1 billion 335 million people), India (1 billion 210 million people), USA (309 million people), Indonesia (238 million people), Brazil (191 million people), Pakistan (165 million people) and Bangladesh (147 million people).

The ratio of urban and rural residents in Russia was 74% and 26%, respectively. Russians live in 2 thousand 386 cities and towns and 134 thousand villages and hamlets. Moreover, back in 2002, rural settlements there were 8.5 thousand more, that is, the Russian village continues to die out. In addition, the country has lost 1 millionaire city: Perm recently lost this status, so there are now 12, not 13, megacities in the Russian Federation. The most populated federal districts of Russia remain Central (38.4 million people), Volga (29.9 million people) and Siberian (19.3 million people). The first of them even “gained weight”: in 8 years its population grew by 400 thousand people. The least populated are the Far Eastern Federal District (6.3 million people) and the North Caucasus Federal District (9.4 million people). At the same time, the Caucasus demonstrated a significant increase in population by 500 thousand inhabitants at once.

The permanent population of our regional region in 2010 was 497 thousand 973 people. The Sakhalin region ranks 5th in the Far Eastern region in terms of this indicator. We are ahead of the Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha and the Amur Region. Compared to the last population census, the number of people living in Sakhalin region people decreased by 48 thousand 722 people. The gender composition is expressed as follows: 239.5 thousand men and 258.5 thousand women.

79.9% of residents live in cities and urban-type settlements, 20.3% live in villages. Half of the island's total urban population is concentrated in three cities in the southern part of Sakhalin - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (181,728 people), Korsakov (33,526 people) and Kholmsk (30,937 people). Compared to the last census in 2002, the regions of the region tend to have an increasing proportion of the urban population compared to previous data.

The most numerous nationality among Sakhalin residents was predictably Russian (86.5%). In second place is the Korean diaspora (5.3%), followed by Ukrainians (2.6%) and Tatars (1%). Other nationalities are represented by less than 1%. 24 thousand (about 5%) of Sakhalin residents surveyed in 2010 exercised the right not to report their nationality during the census.

The average age of a Sakhalin resident is 37.8 years for men and 39.9 years for women. Residents of the islands receive their main income from work; the share of providing for themselves by running their own household has decreased.

The educational picture is as follows. In the 2010 census, per 1000 people aged 15 years or more, 4 people with postgraduate education were counted, 195 people with higher education, 35 with incomplete higher education, 338 with secondary vocational education, 63 with primary vocational education, 320 with secondary general education, 40 - with primary education, 5 people - do not have primary education.

Of the total number of people aged 15 years or more, 600 out of 1000 people have professional education (higher, including postgraduate, secondary and primary). For 2002 - 2010 number of specialists with higher education vocational education increased by 76 people per thousand, with secondary vocational education - by 61 people, and the number of people with primary vocational education decreased by 76 people.

This was reported by the press service of Sakhalinstat.

06/7/2016 at 00:31 · Pavlofox · 66 820

The largest regions in Russia

In the territory Russian Federation There are 83 subjects, including republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs and cities federal significance. The territory occupied by some Russian regions exceeds even such significant states as France, Spain, Great Britain, etc.

The top 10 included largest regions in Russia by occupied area.

10. Vologda region | Area 144 thousand square meters. km

Opens ten largest regions Russian Federation. It is located on an area of ​​144 thousand square meters. km, which in percentage terms is approximately 0.85% of the entire territory of the country. About 1.2 million people live here, and the population density is 8.22 people/sq. km. The subject was formed in 1937 by dividing the Northern region into Arkhangelsk and Vologda.

9. Murmansk region | Area 145 thousand square meters. km

It is located in ninth place among the largest regions of the Russian state. It occupies an area of ​​145 thousand square meters. km. - 0.85% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The date of its formation is considered to be May 28, 1938. The territory of the subject is home to 762 thousand 173 people, which is a density of 5.26 people/sq. km. About 70% of the area is occupied by the Kola Peninsula. On the territory of the region there is the Baltic crystalline shield, which is a real mineralogical treasury, unparalleled in the world in terms of the diversity of minerals and minerals. Some of them are not found anywhere else.

8. Novosibirsk region | Area 177 thousand square meters. km

It ranks eighth among the largest regions of the Russian Federation. The area it occupies is 177 thousand square meters. km, which is 1.4% of the entire territory of Russia. The region is home to about 2.7 million people, and the population density is 15.54% people/sq. km. The bulk of the population is Russian (93%), about 7% are Germans, Ukrainians and Tatars. The subject was formed in 1937, when the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region. There are more than 500 deposits of various natural resources countries.

7. Sverdlovsk region | Area 194 thousand square meters. km

It is one of the largest in Russia. Its lands are located on 194 thousand square meters. km, as a percentage of the country's area this is 1.14%. The subject is part of the Ural Federal District. Its foundation took place in 1732. The administrative center is the city of Yekaterinburg, which was previously called Sverdlovsk. More than 4 million people live here, which is 22.28 people/sq. km. This is one of the most densely populated regions of the state. On its territory there are deposits of gold, platinum, asbestos, bauxite, nickel, iron, manganese, chromium and copper. The largest chemical plant in the Russian Federation, Uralkhimplast, is located here.

6. Tomsk region | Area 314 thousand square meters. km

Among the largest regions of the Russian Federation it ranks sixth. It accounts for 314 thousand square meters. km, which is 1.84% of the entire territory of the state. About 63% of the total area is occupied by taiga forests, and 29% is swamps. In terms of territory, the Tomsk region is slightly larger than Poland (310 thousand sq. km). The subject is part of the Siberian Federal District. The date of its formation is August 13, 1944. More than 1 million people live in the Tomsk region, which is a population density of 3.42 people/sq. km. As for natural resources, the territory is replete with them: there are about 100 oil fields, the largest reserves of coal, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, peat and natural gas.

5. Amur region | Area 362 thousand square meters. km

It is located in fifth place among the largest regions of Russia. It occupies an area of ​​362 thousand square meters. km, which in percentage terms is equal to 2.12% of the entire area of ​​the Russian Federation. The date of formation of the subject is considered to be October 20, 1932. For a long time he was part Khabarovsk Territory, but in 1948 it was separated into an independent region. In total, 805 thousand 689 people live in the region, and the population density is 2.23 people/sq. km. Currently, one of the world's largest gas processing plants is being built here, which will include the largest helium production complex. In addition, this region is rich in minerals and has huge reserves of timber.

4. Magadan region | Area 462 thousand sq. km

It ranks fourth among the largest regions of Russia. Subject with with total area 462 thousand sq. km occupies 2.7% of the entire state. The founding date of the region is December 3, 1953. 146 thousand 345 people live on the territory of the subject, which is equal in density to 0.32 people/sq. km. The bulk of the population are Russians (72%) and Ukrainians (15%). The Magadan region completely belongs to the regions of the Far North, where it reigns permafrost. On its territory there are large deposits of silver, gold, tin and tungsten. At the end of 2015, 979 tons of silver and 22 tons of gold were mined here.

3. Arkhangelsk region | Area 590 thousand sq. km

Opens the top three subjects of the Russian Federation by area. The territory occupied by the subject is 590 thousand square meters. km, which is equal to 3.5% of the area of ​​the entire country. According to this indicator, the region surpasses such states as Spain (504 thousand sq. km) and France (547 thousand sq. km). The formation of the subject occurred in 1937, when the Northern region of the RSFSR of the USSR was divided. About 1.2 million people live here, which is 1.22% people/sq. km. The largest deposits of gypsum, limestone and anhydride are concentrated in the region.

2. Irkutsk region | Area 774 thousand sq. km

It ranks second among the largest regions of Russia. The total territory occupied by the subject is approximately 774 thousand square meters. km, which is almost 5% of the entire area of ​​the state. In terms of territory, it is almost equal to Turkey, whose area is 780 thousand square meters. km. The founding date of the region is considered to be September 26, 1937, when the East Siberian region of the RSFSR was divided into Irkutsk and Chita. As of 2016, about 2.5 million people live here, which in terms of density is 3.11 people/sq. km. Irkutsk region is one of the main suppliers of petroleum products, timber, coal and aluminum.

1. Tyumen region | Area 1,464 thousand sq. km

The largest region in Russia. The area of ​​the subject is 1464 thousand square meters. km, which is equal to 9% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. If we unite Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain, then the territory they occupy will be exactly equal to the Tyumen region. Its foundation took place in 1944 by separating some areas of the Kurgan and Omsk regions. The population as of 2016 is 3,615,485 people, density is 2.47 people/sq. km. Approximately 90% of the districts belong to the Far North. This is where the main deposits of such minerals and natural resources as gas and oil are concentrated.

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