Coursework is a written assignment that is assigned to all students of higher or secondary specialized educational institutions to complete within a specified time frame and in accordance with certain requirements. One of the important requirements that this scientific work must meet is relevance course work.

The relevance of the coursework is the most important part of the coursework, which helps to reveal the need to study the topic chosen by the student. It should answer the question: “Why do you need to research a topic?”

The student must determine whether the chosen topic is really relevant long before starting to write the course work. If the chosen topic is not relevant, then doing this work is practically meaningless.

The relevance of the coursework must be justified in detail. The student needs to show whether the topic he has chosen is really in demand by modern industry, science, or local production. If the topic of the course work is not valuable, then writing it will not help the student become a better professional on his chosen path.

In order for the discussion of the topic of the relevance of the coursework to be successful, it is necessary to show how this research can help improve the current situation in that area of ​​development modern society, which would be directly or indirectly related to the topic exam paper.

Instructions for writing coursework relevance

The relevance of the topic of the course work should be considered at the very beginning of the examination text, in its introduction. It must be remembered that you first need to justify the significance of the topic and only after that its main goals and objectives. Particularly valued in this part of the work is the student’s personal opinion and his vision of the importance of the issues he is researching. Because if a student manages to have a good understanding of the features of the material he is studying, then revealing the theoretical or practical aspects should also not cause any particular difficulties for him.

In order for the justification of the relevance of the course work to be successful, the author must skillfully explain what determines the goals of his research specifically in the current period of time.

First of all, it is worth paying the attention of the supervisor to the degree of study of the chosen topic for the examination work in a particular area at the moment. The student must highlight which aspects have not yet been sufficiently studied, and how this gap can be filled. Such logical reasoning will be a solid foundation for further personal growth on the chosen path.

It would also be useful to mention the relationship between the topic under consideration and the current situation in the country in this area. Then, you need to focus on how this research and its implementation can contribute to the development of both the specific object with which the topic of the work was connected, and throughout the country as a whole.

It is necessary to pay attention to the extent to which the relevance of the course topic is related to:

  • the state of scientific development;
  • the emergence of the latest teaching methods and other additional information directly related to the topic of research

Also, it should be clarified:

  • the extent to which the chosen topic relates to identified shortcomings in previously conducted research;
  • whether the topic is driven by a desire to take advantage of the latest research methods;
  • is there a need to conduct this study due to changes in economic conditions, etc.

After reviewing the rationale, the teacher checking the completed coursework must make sure that the student’s choice is actually useful and relevant. Depending on the subject being studied, the chosen topic and the wishes of the teacher, the volume can range from 7-8 sentences to 2 pages.

There are times when even the most detailed study of instructions on how to correctly write a term paper does not bring the desired result.

In such a situation, it can be useful to consider examples of the correct description of the relevance of the work, use them as a visual aid, and then determine the relevance of the topic of your work by analogy.

Examples of writing coursework relevance

As a rule, for most firms and companies, tasks that help increase the level of capital productivity and use available assets with greater efficiency are relevant. The relevance of the research conducted in this area can be described as follows:

Example 1

“The fortunes of manufacturing companies are closely linked to the results economic activity any organization. By maximizing production capacity utilization, it is quite possible to achieve a significant increase in capital productivity, productivity levels and a gradual reduction in production costs. This, in turn, will lead to increased profitability of the enterprise.

In accordance with the data presented by the Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the State of Economic Assets of the Russian Federation, at the moment, the depreciation of the most important assets is about 80%. In this regard, the search for methods to improve the efficiency of using available funds remains relevant. It is extremely necessary for the development of individual enterprises and the normalization of the economic condition of the entire country as a whole.”

Example 2

“The trend observed in Russia over the past decades towards an increase in the number of crimes and deaths police officers during the performance of their official duty they talk about the need to improve the level of both physical and psychological preparation police officers, searching for more effective methods education and training of new employees. Members of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation have repeatedly spoken about the existence of such a problem.

The reality of the prospect of increasing the level of professionalism and psychological training of police officers can be determined solely on the basis of a scientific concept. It should be emphasized that today the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have such a concept.”

Typical mistakes when writing relevance

Many students believe that the introduction to the course work and a description of its relevance is the most the hard part the entire examination paper. And teachers shrug their shoulders in bewilderment: what’s so difficult about the requirements for describing relevance?

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

Mistake #1. The volume or structure of the relevance of the course work does not meet the standard. Remember the main advice when describing the relevance of your course work: the introduction should be written according to a template. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. It is worth remembering that the relevance of the work should be discussed in the introduction to the coursework, immediately before the description of its tasks and goals. The volume of this part of the course work should not exceed 2 pages.

Mistake #2. The level of uniqueness of this part of the work does not meet the required level. As discussed above, describing relevance particularly values ​​the student's personal opinion and perspective on the importance of the issues being explored. If most of this piece of work was taken from the Internet or educational literature there can be no talk of personal understanding of this issue.

Mistake #3. The description is not sufficiently reasoned. In order for the description of the relevance of the course work to satisfy the teacher, it must be based on current reliable information in the field being studied. But it is not enough to rewrite just some facts and figures. Understanding the essence of the issue will help the student to use the information received in such a way that the teacher sees his deep interest in improving the current state of affairs in this industry.

Mistake #4. The description of relevance is not consistent with the main body of the work. It often happens that scientific adviser encourages the student to make significant changes to the main part of the coursework. For this reason, the introduction to the work, including a description of its relevance, may require complete or partial revision.

Every student knows: it is not enough to simply find and process good material for a thesis. You also need to know how to arrange everything correctly. In this article I would like to talk about what the relevance of a thesis is, and also give an example of writing a thesis.

Important points

The thesis is the most important document that entitles the student to receive a certain degree: bachelor, specialist, master. The importance of even one part of this cannot be minimized. scientific work. However, there are certain points in the thesis that need to be treated with special attention. First of all, it is worth saying that often during the defense the commission looks at this very point in order to determine how important it is this moment is the given topic and how much it is in the key of modern times.

What it is?

So, what is relevance? First of all, it is worth saying that this is one of the important components of such a section as “introduction”. Most often it is placed at the very beginning. Some universities or departments also recommend highlighting the title “relevance” in bold in order to draw special attention to this important point. Why is this subsection so important? Here you need to indicate the need to study and consider this topic. That is, it is necessary to indicate how consonant it is with the realities of our time and what exactly the development and study of this topic can bring to the development of society and science.

What if the topic is not relevant?

All students know that the department offers a list of topics for writing dissertations. However, they are not always relevant at the moment. What to do in such a situation? As you know, no. In this case, you will need to write thesis according to the following scenario:

  1. It is necessary to highlight the most problematic issues regarding the topic being addressed.
  2. Next, we need to outline the range of controversial issues on the same topic.
  3. At this stage, you need to correctly include these questions in the topic of the thesis (you need to clarify whether it is possible to vary the topic of the thesis).

It is worth remembering that the relevance of the thesis must correspond to various social, political or social processes of our time, possibly technological progress.

Small conclusions

To summarize all of the above, it is worth clarifying that relevance is what gives rise to the need to study a certain issue. It is also worth remembering that the main sign of relevance is the presence of problems and the debatability of the topic under consideration. The reason for considering a certain topic may be the fact that it has not yet been sufficiently studied and replicated in scientific works.

Design rules

How to properly document the relevance of a thesis? An example is the first assistant in this matter. So, it’s worth saying that there are several rules for competently providing relevance:

  1. Its size should not exceed one and a half pages of printed text. However, it should not be less than one page.
  2. The text must contain certain phrases that perfectly illustrate the fact that this is precisely the relevance of the thesis. Example: “the relevance of the work lies in...”, “the relevance of the work is connected with...”, “issues relating to.. are very relevant.”
  3. An important point: the relevance of the work is the reason for justifying recommendations for improving work on this topic.

We must not forget that all relevant facts must be presented briefly and concisely. The text must be logically structured.

About the example

In order to understand everything, it is best to find and view an example of a thesis. It is worth saying that the example itself must also be chosen wisely. So, as a sample, it is best to take the thesis that was defended at the same department and, moreover, was rated “excellent”. This is the only way to avoid copying errors into your work.

However, you should also not forget that you can take only the structure of the work as an example, simply by looking at the form of presentation of the material. It is imperative to remember that the most important component of each scientific work is its uniqueness (this means that copying or copying a piece of material into your own work simply will not work). Such a diploma not only does not pass the test, but also its author may often simply not be allowed to retake it.

About the structure

What should a thesis look like? It is best to take a sample of it from your department, because the design requirements often differ. However, it is still worth saying that the structure of the work will be standard. It includes the following items:

  1. (it must be issued according to the rules presented by the department).
  2. Contents (list of chapters of the thesis with indication of pages).
  3. List of abbreviations (if any).
  4. Introduction (consists of many subparagraphs, which will be discussed below).
  5. Review and theoretical chapters (most often there are two).
  6. Empirical chapter (providing research or developments regarding a given topic).
  7. Conclusions (recommendations regarding further development of this topic may also be provided here).
  8. Applications (if any).

About the introduction

It is imperative to pay attention to such a point of the thesis as the introduction. After all, the most important information about what will be considered in the work should be provided here. So, what subparagraphs should the Introduction contain?

  1. Relevance of the topic (as mentioned above, here it is necessary to clarify why a thesis should be written on the topic (indicate your topic), how much it corresponds to the realities of our time).
  2. Goal of the work.
  3. Objectives to be achieved through research.
  4. Object (phenomenon or process that gives rise to a problem situation).
  5. Subject (this is what is within the scope of the study; it is the subject that causes the emergence of a specific research topic).
  6. Hypothesis (an assumption that is made at the beginning of work. During the course it is either confirmed or refuted).
  7. (here you need to provide the methods by which the thesis research will be carried out).

It is definitely worth clarifying: this list is not final; items can be added at the request of the department.


The next important point is the analysis of the thesis. So, the supervisor should review and analyze it at the very beginning. At this stage, some changes and additions are still possible. When the work is reviewed by the commission, there is no opportunity to add or change anything. It is also worth talking about why the grade for the thesis may be reduced. This:

  1. Incorrect design (does not comply with GOST, department requirements).
  2. There are significant shortcomings in the review and theoretical chapters (incorrect presentation of the studies reviewed, lack of references to the most important sources on this topic, plagiarism, etc.).
  3. Disadvantages of the research chapter (“theft” of other people’s results, lack of correlation of the results obtained with similar studies, etc.).
  4. Ethical aspects that relate mainly to the empirical section (the author disclosed the anonymity of the participants, the conclusions formulated may cause psychological harm to the study participants, etc.).


Another important point is the review of the thesis. So, first of all, it needs to be said that this concept should not be confused with the term “review of a thesis work.” In fact, these are almost the same things (this is the opinion of a certain person regarding the student’s thesis). However, if the review is prepared by a specialist in the industry in question, then the review is written by the supervisor himself.

Review algorithm

It is also worth considering what rules should be used to compile a review of a thesis. So, when writing such a document, you must follow a special structure, which will contain the following points:

  1. Determining the relevance and problems of the thesis.
  2. Brief description of the content and structure of the work.
  3. Highlighting those moments that the student was especially successful in revealing.
  4. Determining the disadvantages and shortcomings in the thesis.
  5. A recommendation, that is, the supervisor must give an expected grade for this work.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is an important part of the introduction to the work. It begins with justification of the relevance of the topic. This is logical, if the topic is not relevant at a given time, then there is no need to write such a work. In our publication we will consider the relevance of the topic of the course work in more detail.

What is the relevance of the topic of the course work?

The relevance of the topic of the course work is structural element introduction, which sets out the importance of the aspects raised in the topic for modern times.

In other words, this is a set of arguments confirming the need to study a specific topic of course work.

It should be noted that each topic included in the subject of coursework is relevant. The student must try to highlight those points that have not yet been sufficiently studied by other authors or that currently give rise to discussions and debates.

The author should indicate why the topic or some of its aspects have not been sufficiently or not studied at all. As a rule, the following reasons are distinguished: the emergence of new previously unknown information, the emergence, development of technology, etc.

Justification of the relevance of the topic in the introduction of the course work

In the introduction of the course work, the relevance of the chosen topic should be justified. This means that the author must explain in a few sentences what is the importance of studying the topic of his chosen course work.

The importance of the topic is determined by various factors: economic, social, etc. It is advisable to indicate how the study of the topic can have a positive impact on changing the situation in better side, not only at a specific facility, but also in an industry, region or country.

How to justify the relevance of the topic of the course work

In order to justify the relevance of the chosen topic in the introduction of the course work, you can use the following algorithm:

  • You need to determine for yourself what the importance of the chosen topic is in comparison with other topics in the subject area.
  • Determine for and the country as a whole.
  • Provide arguments supporting the importance of the topic in the draft.
  • Compose a text justifying the relevance of the topic for introduction. Its volume should be approximately half a page of printed text.

In practice, two forms of presenting the relevance of the topic are used:

  1. They start with something like this: “The relevance of the topic of the course work is connected with the fact that at the moment ...”, and then they set out the arguments.
  2. First, they present the arguments, and then indicate: “the above justifies the relevance of this topic.”

Therefore, after completing the course work, when the author is already well versed in the theoretical and practical side of the topic, it makes sense to return to the stated relevance of the topic. It will be much easier for the author to correct the previously stated relevance and add personal judgments.

If you find it difficult to express the relevance of the topic in your own words, then you can choose several books that have chapters with the chosen topic. The significance and importance of a particular topic is always described at the very beginning of the chapter. Using ready-made sentences as a basis, you can write the relevance of the topic.

From this publication it follows that it is not very easy to justify the relevance of the topic of the course work. If you doubt your capabilities or are limited in time, you can contact. They will be able to write high-quality work with reasonable relevance.

Types of projects by their scale.

The assessment of the project scale is based on the following indicators:

How large is the number of people (groups, organizations) who will be able to benefit from the results of the project;

What is the project’s need for human resources, how much total time of all those employed in the project is needed for its implementation;

How much financial and material resources need to be spent in order for the project to be implemented to the planned extent;

How complex is the project in its structure, forms of organization, reporting, etc.;

For what time and for what territory is the project expected to be implemented?

Taking these indicators into account, the following are distinguished:

Microprojects are a form of representing individual initiative that receives recognition from others. A microproject may not require external financing or special equipment. Such a project is a micro-social action, but under certain conditions its scope can be expanded.

Small projects. They do not provide large number consumers, are quite simple to manage, and do not require large financing. The specificity of small projects is that: that their preparation and implementation allows for some simplifications in the design and implementation procedure (a simple schedule, the manager is one person, it is not necessary to create a project team).

Megaprojects, which are usually targeted programs consisting of interrelated projects. Their specificity lies in the need for large-scale coordination of performers; analysis of macro-indicators of the Environment (country, region of the world); highlighting the development of the project concept as an independent phase; the need for project monitoring, etc.

Development of a social project.

Step 1. Studying public opinion.

Step 2: Definition social problem and its description.

Step 3. Determining the goals and objectives of working on the selected social problem.

Step 4. Study of the capabilities of the youth club "New Civilization", characteristics of the project management system.

Step 5. Drawing up a work plan.

Step 6. Drawing up a work schedule.

Step 7. Distribution of responsibilities within the team.

Step 8. Determining the necessary resources and sources of their acquisition.

Step 9. Drawing up a project budget.

Step 10. Development of an assessment system and description of expected results.

Step 11: Clarify responsibilities and train team members.

Step 12. Preparing public opinion.

Relevance of the project.

The relevance of the project is determined by how significant the social problem, the solution of which the project is intended to contribute to, is for society (community, group of people or organizations, focusing on whose needs the project is being built).

A social problem can be called a contradiction found at any level of social life between what is and what should or is desired (i.e., what is and what should be or would like to be), which causes tension in society (community) and which it intends to overcome.

It should be noted that the significance of social problems does not always correspond to their objective parameters: society may not feel the pressure of some problems and exaggerate the role of others.

Depending on the scale of the project, it is necessary to work differently to clarify the social problem that requires resolution

1. It is necessary to give a concise formulation of the situation that requires change

2. Having decided on the initial formulation of the problem, we must establish quite accurately: a) target groups (i.e. whose problem is this, who does it concern, what kind of people or organizations are they); b) what is the scale of the problem; c) whether the problem can be solved; d) what will happen if the problem does not find a solution? The answer to this group of questions is important for understanding the tasks that remain to be solved. The most important task is to identify the problem at which the project is aimed at as one that is realistic for resolution.

IN Everyday life You often hear the words “topical”, “relevance”: we watch current news on TV, and in an abstract we write about the relevance of the topic. The definition of this word is especially important for information that quickly becomes outdated.

Basic meanings of the term in dictionaries

Dictionaries and encyclopedias give many meanings of the word “relevance,” which comes from the Latin word actualis and is translated as “active.” Let's look at some of them.

In big Soviet Encyclopedia the definition is given: “Relevance is the importance, significance of something at the moment, modernity, topicality.” That is, the very concept of temporary characterizes those moments that worry people in given time.

The philosophical encyclopedia gives the following definition of the word. Relevance is a teaching that comes from the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who is credited with the famous phrase: “Everything flows, everything changes.” The theory is based on the fact that life is constantly moving forward, becoming is taking place, and life without change does not exist.

Relevance criterion

For timely study and solution of the issue in science, a special parameter is used. The relevance criterion shows currently important research and responds to the social order of society. It is dynamic, mobile, depends on circumstances and time.

The relevance of the work is a parameter showing the degree of discrepancy between supply and demand for practical recommendations, scientific ideas at the moment.

Relevance in Gestalt therapy

In the middle of the 20th century there arose new method psychotherapeutic counseling, which was based on a person’s desire to expand the formation of consciousness, taking responsibility for what is happening to oneself and relevance. The therapy was based on the principle of “conscious consciousness”: living a specific situation “here and now” and the conscious presence of a person in such living. Gestalt therapists work with the problems that concern the patient at a given time. Awareness and concentration on the meaningful present are central concepts of the theory.

Relevance is a principle in Gestalt therapy, showing that the most important and topical things for a person always happen at the present moment in time and precisely in the given place where he is.

Relevance in scientific research

In research, relevance is the justification of the topic, that is, the work must answer the questions: “Why is it necessary to study and solve this problem?” Then put forward several theses so that the sequence of the evidence system leads the reader to the formulation of the question being studied. Justification of the relevance of the topic allows us to briefly reflect what has been done in theory and practice by scientists in the aspect of a given direction and what remains to be done in the future. It shows importance, competitiveness in solving a certain task or issue, and necessity.

To determine relevance scientific research analyze:

Is the topic determined by the state of science and the emergence of new research information and methods;

The connection between the choice of topic and the incomplete volume of material in previously conducted studies;

Is there a need to conduct this research in connection with modern economic conditions;

Draw a relationship between the importance of the topic and the social (economic, political) situation in the country.

The term “relevance” is used in different fields: art, economics, production and others. A relevant work is one that responds to the needs of society and addresses issues of concern. A topic that is in demand and meets the key needs of the target audience is called relevant. The actual problem is the one that will be solved first.