Currently, our country is undergoing profound economic transformations, the essence of which is the abandonment of the previous exclusively administrative means of managing the economy with the help of state structures and the transition to market mechanisms of functioning and regulation. The relevance of the chosen topic of the diploma project is confirmed by the following facts:

During the transition to a market economy, the problems and objectives of social policy in Russia have changed significantly. During the economic reforms, significant differences arose in the livelihoods of the population, the majority of whom have incomes beyond the minimum level of subsistence. Such population groups include not only traditionally disadvantaged pensioners, large families and people with disabilities, but also workers in the fields of education, culture and healthcare, unemployed people and people working in enterprises, but receiving salaries extremely irregularly.

The transition of Russian society to market relations, which aggravated the social problems of large sections of the population, required the creation and development of a new social institution - social protection of the population (SPP), making it the center of public opinion.

The experience of countries that have transitioned to market relations indicates that the market can function normally only in parallel with the creation of a reliable social protection system, which is a necessary and unique payment by society, business, and employers for social peace, the stability of the social system and the ability to conduct normal economic activities.

The social protection system should be focused on the general population, but its actual implementation in relation to various social strata and groups is differentiated: healthy, able-bodied, active members of society; it should help to obtain equal opportunities in the field of education, mastering a profession, inclusion in the system labor relations, entrepreneurship, and for disabled and socially vulnerable layers and groups of the population (disabled people, pensioners, large and single-parent families, children, etc.) - to provide a range of social services at the expense of the state, to guarantee the receipt of benefits and allowances established by law, i.e. create the necessary conditions for life.

A certain regulatory and legal framework for organizing social services for needy citizens began to take shape in our country in the early 1990s. Reorganization took place at the regional and territorial levels, and social service centers for pensioners and the disabled were created in cities.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the existing system of social protection of the population in the city of Krasnogorsk and ways to improve work to strengthen the social protection of the population.

The subject of the study is the social protection system.

Problems solved in the work:

Consider the theoretical and legislative aspects of social protection of the population in Russia;

To characterize the system of social protection of the population of the city of Krasnogorsk;

Suggest ways to improve the social protection system for the population of the city of Krasnogorsk.

1) protecting the standard of living by introducing different forms compensation for price increases and indexation;

2) providing assistance to the poorest families;

3) provision of assistance in case of unemployment;

4) ensuring social insurance policy, establishing a minimum wage for workers;

5) development of education, health protection, and the environment mainly at the expense of the state;

6) pursuing an active policy aimed at ensuring qualifications.

The problem of social protection of the population falls on the state. A modern state governed by the rule of law must guarantee the right to a standard of living that takes into account the provision of people with food, clothing, housing, medical care necessary to maintain health, and the right to social security in the event of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other means of death. existence under circumstances independent of man.

The need for social protection stems from faces social need to have a system of laws in the state, compensating social imperfection of the organization production of material goods and their distribution. Therefore, the essence of social protection is the legislative provision of economic, political, social and other rights, freedoms and interests of citizens.

The sphere of social protection of the population is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

According to Article 7 of the Constitution Russian Federation:

The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

In the Russian Federation, the labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, a system of social services is developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established.

The goals of providing state social assistance in accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004)) are:

· maintaining the standard of living of low-income families, as well as low-income citizens living alone, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

· targeted use of budget funds;

· strengthening the targeting of social support for citizens in need;

· creating the necessary conditions to ensure universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of social services;

· reducing the level of social inequality;

· increasing incomes of the population.

1.2 Modern social protection system

The following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services:

1) war invalids;

2) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

3) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” (as amended by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of January 2, 2000);

4) military personnel who served in the military military units, institutions, military educational institutions who were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;

5) persons who worked at facilities during the Great Patriotic War air defense, local air defense, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear boundaries of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) family members of deceased (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of persons killed in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased hospital workers and hospitals;

8) disabled people;

9) disabled children.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1995. N181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” defines the state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and also in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

1.3 Main directions and ways to improve social protection of the population

As before, the work of various social service structures is financed to a greater extent by the state, despite the increased participation in the process of financing municipalities. At the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the activities of social protection departments are carried out by the Social Protection Committees of the constituent entities, which have a controlling and regulatory function through the implementation of state social policy. Committees oversee various government agencies social sphere located on the territory of the constituent entities, as well as together with local governments, are developing the content and methods of work of social services. The Committees are also entrusted with the responsibility of participating in the formation public policy urban construction and public planning to create infrastructure favorable for various categories of citizens (persons with disabilities and veterans), as well as cooperation with local governments in matters of labor conditions and safety.

Regional social protection authorities not only determine policy in the field of social protection in the territory under their jurisdiction, but also participate on an equal basis in the development and financing of targeted programs in the territories.

The main goal of improving organizational work with preferential categories is to provide targeted and differentiated support to socially vulnerable segments of the population; maintaining a guaranteed level of social services, developing a social network. protection on the territory of the district, strengthening its material and technical base.

To achieve these goals, it is advisable to draw up social passports for benefit categories, which contain information about the composition of the family, the availability of documents on the right to benefits, the assistance received, and most importantly, their need for specific types of assistance.

The final decision on the issuance of social assistance, after analyzing the reliability of the information, will be made by a commission that will include representatives of the Pension Fund, deputies of local governments, and public social protection organizations.

A social passport is a document containing a set of information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. A social passport will be a plastic card that gives access to information about a person’s health, social benefits, education, profession and other socially significant personal information.

The social passport will record information about a specific person, which will allow you to receive accurate information about all the benefits and allowances entitled to him, as well as about the fact of their intended use.

A social passport includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. The creation of a social passport will make it possible to effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially vulnerable citizens.

In the future, it is necessary to develop and implement a multi-agent system for targeted interaction between the population and executive authorities in the social sphere, when the databases of the department of social protection of the population will be connected to the electronic passport system. In addition, Internet kiosks can be installed in these institutions to organize free access population to the system of targeted interaction. The use of such a system will ensure transparency of management and targeted provision of services to citizens in the social sphere, increased openness, accessibility and reliability of information on social benefits and payments, integration in a single place for citizens of information about laws in the field of the social sphere, regional and municipal levels, reduction of time and simplification of the mechanism for processing documents confirming the right to receive social benefits.

Child protection is one of the most important tasks at the level municipal government. One of the forms of family rehabilitation of a child can be the opening of a family educational group (FEG) at territorial centers for social protection of the population, whose task is to develop family life skills. To give an idea of ​​family roles, traditions, moral and cultural values, responsibilities of family members towards each other, responsibility. SVG gives the child the opportunity to experience the time in a warm family atmosphere while work is going on with his biological family, and if it is not possible to return, he gets the chance to stay in a foster family rather than an orphanage.

As of January 1, 2007, a total of 4,641 families in the Krasnogorsk region are registered as needing social support. The categories of those registered as a percentage of the total number of those registered are shown in Fig. 2.1.

rice. 2.1 Diagram of distribution of population categories registered with social protection authorities in municipalities

in 2006 (% of total)

The activities of 6 municipal institutions and departments providing social services to older people are aimed at solving the problems of older citizens.

In 2006, more than 7.9 thousand people used the services of various branches of social service centers; 11 thousand elderly and disabled people who partially or completely lost the ability to self-care were served by departments of social and socio-medical services at home; 5.2 thousand pensioners and disabled people received urgent social assistance, 2.6 thousand took advantage of household services.

Thus, more than 26.1 thousand people received various types of support, and the need for various forms of social services was satisfied by 82.0 percent.

2.3 Characteristics of the department of social protection of the population of the municipality

SSZN exercise administrative and methodological management of the bodies and institutions of social protection of the population subordinate to them, control over their activities and ensure, within their competence, the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of social protection of elderly citizens, disabled people and other disabled groups of the population in need of social support, residing in the territory of the corresponding administrative district. The activities of the USZN are carried out in close cooperation with other executive authorities, as well as with public, charitable, commercial and other organizations.

The main objectives of the USZN are:

· implementation of state policy in the field of social protection of citizens living in the district;

· participation in the development of draft social support programs, as well as carrying out organizational measures for their implementation;

· organization of work and control over the activities of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population of the district for the purpose, recalculation and payment of pensions, benefits, established compensations, additional payments and other social payments, social and material services for disabled citizens, medical and social examination and rehabilitation of the disabled;

· analysis of the state of social protection of the population and forecasting ways of its development;

· ensuring control over the correct and simultaneous application by bodies and institutions located on the territory of the administrative district of legislation on social protection of the population, providing them with legal and methodological assistance.

USZN of the Krasnogorsk region is a structural unit of the administration of the Krasnogorsk region. The department implements the Laws of the Russian Federation and regulations of local self-government on social protection of the population, manages the work to ensure a unified social policy, coordinates and interacts with social institutions, ensures the rights of citizens in the field of social protection in the Kransogorsky district of the Moscow region.

The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other executive territorial bodies of state power and local self-government.

The department is created on the basis of an order from the head of the district, and is accountable to the district administration and the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region.

In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Presidential Decrees, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Moscow Region, regulatory legal acts of the head of the Administration, Orders, instructions of higher social protection bodies.

The department is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal with its name and other seals, stamps of structural units. The department can create, acting as a founder, in agreement with the city administration, separate structural divisions both with and without the right of a legal entity, forming in conjunction with it unified system social protection of the population in the territory of their district.

Based on the Laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Council of Deputies, the administration, on issues of social protection of the population, the Department creates a social protection system capable of comprehensively solving social problems of the population of the region.

The functions of the Social Protection Department of the Krasnogorsk District Administration are as follows:

A. In the field of organizational work.

· the department organizes its activities and the activities of other structural divisions on the basis of plans (annual, quarterly, monthly) that provide for a comprehensive solution to its tasks;

· organizes certification of categories of the population and the formation of information databases “Targeted Social Assistance” in order to analyze the socio-economic state of the population, plan and forecast the activities of the Committee and subordinate institutions;

· organizes the reception of citizens, analyzes letters, appeals, complaints, statements of citizens in order to solve the problems they identify and improve work with the population;

· carries out interaction and coordination of the activities of structural units in order to effectively provide practical assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population;

· informs the head of the administration on issues of his activities, prepares statistical, accounting and other reporting;

· carries out analysis of the activities of structural divisions and subordinate institutions;

· informs the population of the district about the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population and subordinate institutions;

· conducts reference and codification work to systematize the current legislation on social protection and pensions;

· ensures the implementation of automated technologies;

· organizes personnel training, certification, studies and summarizes work experience.

B. In the field of social protection, Social Protection Administration:

· ensures the implementation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on social protection of the population;

· develops targeted comprehensive measures and proposals for city and district social protection programs;

· develops a network of institutions and services for comprehensive social services and rehabilitation of certain categories of the population;

· develops directions, forms, types and geography of social services;

· together with the Center, subordinate to the department, organizes targeted material, urgent (in the form of food and industrial goods, food coupons, etc.);

· sends disabled people for medical examination to medical institutions and medical and social examination to identify medical indications for the provision of special vehicles, draws up documents for their receipt;

· contributes to solving issues of providing prosthetic and orthopedic products and rehabilitation means;

· draws up and issues payment documents for the payment of compensation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

· promotes the creation of jobs for people with disabilities, organizations of specialized enterprises for people with disabilities, the development of home work, vocational training and retraining;

· promotes the creation of services to serve single and elderly citizens living alone and the disabled by departments of social and specialized assistance;

· assists in purchasing vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

· carries out, together with other interested departments (education, healthcare, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, internal affairs, etc.) the necessary measures to prevent the neglect of minors, normalize family relations, and accommodate street children;

· interacts with non-state structures that provide charitable and social assistance to disabled and low-income citizens;

· carries out coordination, methodological guidance and control over the activities of subordinate institutions.

The Social Security Administration has the right:

· Take part in the development of federal, regional and intermunicipal regulations, programs and measures for social protection of the population.

· Contact district, city, regional authorities, public and charitable organizations with questions about providing socially vulnerable families and management categories of citizens with benefits, allowances, compensation, credits, loans, etc.

· Develop and approve cost estimates, funds allocated for social protection of the population of the district, and monitor their implementation.

· Manage the work of subordinate social protection institutions. Monitor the status of accounting and reporting in subordinate institutions.

· Request and receive information from committees, departments, departments, district administration departments, public organizations, enterprises to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the committee.

· Enter into civil legal relations with any government or other organizations or individual citizens.

2.4 Analysis of the organizational structure of the social protection department

The district social protection department is a complex, branched system consisting of several sectors, each of which has its own functions. Structure

consists of four social work departments:

In accordance with the structure of the Department, work on social protection is carried out in several directions. Each area of ​​work is handled by several specialists.

Specialists in the implementation of benefits consider requests from citizens, organize and maintain a database of records of privileged categories of the population, ensure interaction with health authorities, prepare the necessary documents for organizing sanatorium and resort treatment of privileged categories of the population, and provide prosthetic and orthopedic care.

Fig 2.2 Structure of the Social Protection Department of the Krasnogorsk District Administration

Specialists working with disabled people keep track of preferential categories of disabled people and organize work to implement measures for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Carry out activities for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Organize explanatory work among the population on social protection measures. Carry out accounting.

Specialists on family, motherhood and childhood issues review incoming applications and letters. Complaints from citizens regarding problems of family, motherhood and childhood, measures are taken to eliminate them. Organize work on the calculation and payment of state benefits to families with children. Maintain a database and provide methodological assistance.

Specialists in the implementation of targeted assistance keep records of citizens in need of support. They identify those in need and facilitate the implementation of the necessary targeted assistance. They organize surveys and surveys of housing conditions in order to identify specific needs.

The accounting and reporting group maintains all accounting records, ensures assigned payments, and conducts cash settlements with organizations and sponsors.

The lawyer deals with all the legal work of the department and assists in the preparation of documents for privileged categories of citizens. Organizes methodological assistance to department employees.

All workplaces are computerized. All categories are recorded electronically.

2.5 Analysis of the main activities of the department of social protection of the population

According to the State Statistics Committee, the population of the region has been steadily declining for the past six years. The birth rate not only does not ensure expanded reproduction of the population, but is also insufficient even for simple replacement of generations. Over the past decade, mortality has increased significantly and is 2.5 times higher than the birth rate. The share of people over working age is almost 23 percent.

In such a situation, the work of social services aimed at supporting elderly citizens and people with disabilities is especially relevant and significant.

Social services in social service centers are more varied; the individual needs of a person are taken into account to a greater extent, and what is important is that they are less expensive and provide the opportunity for older people to live in their own home.

In accordance with the Guaranteed List of Social Services, all our institutions provide a wide range of social, social, medical, psychological, economic, legal and rehabilitation services. The Krasnogorsk Social Assistance Center provides services in occupational therapy, physical therapy, herbal medicine and others..

The most problematic area of ​​activity remains home-based services, which remain the most popular and widespread form of social and medical-social services.

The best results in this work are achieved in the city of Krasnogorsk, where the number of visits by a social worker to the citizens being served is three or more times a week, and up to ten types of services are provided per visit.

In Nakhabino and Krasnogorsk, elderly people are provided at home with hairdressing services, home repair services, shoe repairs, delivery of hot meals, and assistance in their garden plots, which allows for prompt and targeted solutions to the problems of elderly people.

A lot of work is being done to develop home-based services; the coverage rate of home-based services per 10 thousand pensioners is more than 1.5 times higher than the regional average (284 people).

But today there are still many reserves in this work.

One of the ways to increase the efficiency and quality of home-based social services is to change approaches to its organization.

It is necessary to build work to determine the list of social services taking into account the health status and level of self-care ability of a particular client. This will make it possible to optimally use the social worker’s working time, increase the efficiency of his work, and increase the volume and quality of service.

An important area of ​​activity of the centers is inpatient social services.

The main contingent at these departments are elderly citizens living in rural areas and who have partially lost the ability to self-care. In winter, the share of rural residents in such departments was up to 85 percent.

The work of inpatient departments for elderly citizens remains relevant and significant also because our region is rural. A significant part of pensioners and disabled people live in remote settlements without transport links and utilities. It is for such citizens that inpatient departments are needed.

It is necessary to continue work to improve the efficiency and quality of service in inpatient departments by expanding the list of services provided, rational use of human resources, and reducing the length of stay in the department. Everything must be done to ensure that these structures serve as basic platforms for organizing social services for older people in need of outside care.

The third important aspect of the centers' activities is the social rehabilitation of disabled people. Every year, according to the medical and social examination service, more than 15 thousand people are recognized as disabled for the first time, of which every third is of working age. Last year, about 516 disabled people underwent rehabilitation in social institutions.

The social rehabilitation of disabled people is greatly facilitated by sports Olympiads, including among young wheelchair users, exhibitions and creativity festivals held jointly with public organizations of disabled people and the Culture Committee.

2.6 Analysis of financing of social protection of the population

Funding for social protection measures is provided from regional and local budgets (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.3 Total expenditure of funds aimed at providing social and domestic assistance to the population of the Krasnogorsk region

As can be seen from the data presented, there is a positive trend in the allocation of budget funds for social protection. Over the past three years, the volume of funding for the sector has changed upward and increased by 10% over the past 5 years. The growth was 21%.

In this case, financing is carried out in equity, as follows (Fig. 2.4)

2.4 Financing of social protection from regional and local budgets in 2002-2006

The program-target approach to management is one of the methods for organizing current and future activities. The program-target approach to management is used mainly when solving large, large-scale problems, the solution of which involves a large number of participants. The use of this method allows you to coordinate the actions of numerous participants, solve assigned tasks more effectively and use available resources. In addition, solving large management problems cannot be completed in a short period of time. Therefore, the peculiarity of the program-target approach is that it involves actions to solve problems over a long period of time.

A program is a complex control tool that must have certain qualities, and its preparation requires special technology. A program in its meaning is a normative model of joint activity of a group or many groups of people, defining:

Initial system state

An image of the desired future state of this system

Composition and structure of actions for the transition from the present to the future.

If there is such a model, then it gives confidence to the manager; he knows what final result should be obtained by a certain point in time, what actions, who should take it and when, and that these actions will be enough to achieve the desired result. The important purpose of the program is that the manager not only sets a goal, but also determines the intermediate results that are necessary to achieve this goal. It will be possible to detect a threat to achieving the goal in a timely manner. Below I will consider the classification of programs, the content of program-target management, and the technology of program development.

2.7 Analysis of the implementation of programs for social support of socially vulnerable groups

An important area of ​​activity of the department of social protection of the population is the implementation of municipal target programs. The municipal programs “Family”, “Disabled Children”, “Older Generation” and “Social Support for Disabled People” are systemic and targeted. The goal of the programs is measures aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the social service center and providing targeted social assistance to needy pensioners, disabled people and families with children.

A program-targeted approach to solving issues of organizing social support for low-income categories of citizens is being implemented in the Krasnogorsk region and already has its own history. For the period 2005-20010 Five targeted programs have been developed and are being implemented in the region:

1. "Older generation"

2. “Social support for people with disabilities”,

3. "Family"

4. “Children with disabilities.”

All city comprehensive programs are approved by the decision of the deputy corps of the municipal formation "Krasnogorsk district"

In accordance with the city comprehensive programs “Older Generation”, “Social Support for Disabled People”, “Family” and “Disabled Children”, work is being carried out to provide social and domestic assistance to low-income citizens of the city.

The total amount of funding for social regional and municipal target programs for 2006 amounted to 1123.9 thousand rubles, including from the regional budget - 546.4 thousand rubles. (49%), local – 566.5 thousand rubles. (50%), other sources – 11 thousand rubles. (1 %) .

Fig.2. Volume of financing of target programs from various sources

Table 2.1

The volume of financing of measures for social protection of the population in 2005 -2006


Amount of funding

In 2006

Amount of funding in 2005

Amount of funding in 2004

Month "Family"

50 thousand rubles

50 thousand rubles

50 thousand rubles

Summer rest

RUB 3.15 million

RUB 2.9 million

Activities of the “Older Generation” program

167.5 thousand rubles

150 thousand rubles

150 thousand rubles

Activities of the program “Social support for people with disabilities”

75 thousand rubles

70 thousand rubles

68 thousand rubles

Activities to support people with disabilities

44 thousand rubles

47 thousand rubles

45 thousand rubles

Targeted assistance to those in need

1.7 million rubles

RUB 1.6 million

RUB 1.6 million

Events under the “Family” program

65.5 thousand rubles

75 thousand rubles

62 thousand rubles

Strengthening the material and technical base of social protection

32 thousand rubles

15 thousand rubles


31.2 thousand rubles

65 thousand rubles

45 thousand rubles

Material (monetary) assistance to those in need

200.0 thousand rub

320.0 thousand rubles

200 yys rub.

As can be seen from the presented data (Table 2.1), the amount of financing by cost items remains approximately at the same level and increases from year to year.

In accordance with the targeted programs, 1,749 people (78.2%) received assistance. 611 families are registered with the OSZN as having incomes below the subsistence level; 843 children live in these families, 73 of them are disabled.

Funds from the programs are aimed at solving the problems of families and children in difficult life situations. Many low-income families are also socially disadvantaged. To identify such families, the “Family” month event is held, the second stage of a complex operation for teenagers. Children from such families need social assistance and social services, rehabilitation services.

30.0 thousand rubles were spent on the implementation of the event - the “Family” month. From the local budget and from the regional fund for social support of the population, 50 families received food packages worth 20.0 thousand rubles. 24 large families enjoy a 30% discount on housing and utilities, these are only low-income families

Events such as Family Day, Mother's Day, and International Children's Day are organized annually and have become a tradition, which helps to attract public attention to the role of the family in society.

The work of the department of social protection of the population in organizing summer recreation and health improvement for children is an integral part of the whole block of organizing recreation and health care for children in the city, where each committee or department has its own goal, solves its own problems, and has its own field of activity. The department’s activities for organizing summer recreation and employment for children were carried out on the basis of the target program “Summer 2007.” and were aimed at improving the health of children in difficult life situation: disabled children, street children, children without parental care.

Every year, 25 camps are organized with day and round-the-clock stays, where up to 3,000 minors recover their health.

The organization of health camps helps reduce child homelessness and reduce the number of illegal actions; Each camp has developed programs aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills, introduction to work and cultural leisure.

A distinctive feature is the labor-oriented camp, where teenagers had the opportunity to earn money and spend their free time interestingly. Minors worked on the improvement of the city. The work of family educational groups continued, in which 9 minors underwent a rehabilitation course in family conditions over three shifts.

167.5 thousand rubles were spent on the implementation of the “Older Generation” program. , “Social support for people with disabilities” – 75.0 thousand rubles.

The problems of active life of veterans and older people are very relevant today. A total of 7,682 people are registered as pensioners. incl. preferential categories – 5900 people.

A series of events was carried out within the framework of the “Older Generation” and “Social Support for the Disabled” program. These include surveys of the social and living conditions of war invalids, veterans, and widows in order to identify low-income single citizens. More than 1500 people were examined. (inv. WWII - 69 people, UVOV - 243 people. Financial assistance was provided for minor home repairs and the purchase of firewood for low-income veterans. Meetings, charity dinners were held, trips and exhibitions of creativity of disabled people were organized.

Every year the city hosts a decade of disabled people; there are 1,671 of them in the Krangor district. 25.0 thousand rubles were spent on holding events for the ten-day period. under the program “Social support for the disabled” and 19.0 thousand rubles - “Disabled children”.

The fact that program activities are being fully implemented makes it possible to strengthen the material and technical base of the social service center and create a sustainable system of support for socially vulnerable groups of the population.

In 2006, funds were allocated for the following activities and distributed as follows:

· to provide targeted assistance to needy pensioners, disabled people and families with children 102.2 thousand rubles. (535 people);

· to strengthen the material and technical base of social services for the population 32.0 thousand rubles.

· for holding events for Victory Day, Family Day, Mother's Day, International Children's Day, Day of the Elderly, Desk of the Disabled, Golden Weddings 31.2 thousand rubles.

There are 632 families registered with the social protection department in Krasnogorsk with incomes below the subsistence level, in which 883 children live.

In 2006, about 1,200 people applied to the department for problems of family, women and children; 960 of them were covered under the “Family” program various types social assistance: financial - 129 people. (22.0 thousand rubles), natural - 239 people. (43.5 thousand rubles), assistance in the form of benefits and services - 523 people. and etc.


Despite the financial and other assistance provided to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not only in demand, but necessary. The majority needs targeted help and is waiting for it.

For a more rational distribution of budget funds, their accounting and targeting for specific purposes, it is recommended to introduce a citizen’s social passport, which should be issued for each citizen who requires social assistance and support. At first, social passports can be maintained locally in the social protection services of municipalities of the district; in the future, the system should become electronic, and all institutions related to the distribution and provision of assistance must be connected to it.

The tasks of the emergency social assistance department may be:

One-time provision of free food packages to citizens in dire need.

Providing clothing, shoes and other basic necessities.

Providing the necessary information and conducting consultations on social assistance issues.

Organization of legal, psychological and other consultations

Providing coupons for preferential household services.

Recipients of state social assistance can be low-income families and low-income single citizens who, for reasons beyond their control, have an income below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The emergency social services department can be carried out by the following specialists: the head of the department, social work specialists, social workers, and a psychologist. (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2 Structure of the Emergency Social Assistance Department

The emergency social services department must have a minimum set of medications and medical products to provide emergency first aid.

The activities of the emergency social services department should be aimed at:

· the maximum possible extension of citizens’ stay in their usual habitat and maintaining their social, psychological and physical status.

· identification and registration of citizens in dire need of natural types of assistance in order to provide them with this assistance.

· differentiated accounting of all citizens in need of social services.

· one-time provision of free hot meals to citizens in dire need, incl. by providing them with free food vouchers or food packages.

· provision of clothing, shoes and other basic necessities.

· one-time provision of financial assistance.

· provision of emergency psychological assistance, including via a “helpline”.

· provision of necessary information and consultations on social assistance issues.

· involvement of various state, municipal and non-state structures in resolving issues of providing social support to citizens and coordinating their activities in this direction.

Good interaction with business structures, small businesses, public organizations. It is these structures that can provide effective assistance in providing urgent assistance: studios in minor repairs, hairdressers in organizing haircuts at reduced (social) prices, entrepreneurs engaged in trade in providing a minimum food set.

To organize the work of the department, a room of 5 rooms is required: the manager’s office, the social worker’s office, the social work specialist’s office, the psychologist’s office and a pantry room where items intended for distribution to the needy, food during the preparation of food packages, and necessary medicines can be stored for a short time , rehabilitation means, etc.

Activities can be financed from local and regional budgets and sponsorship. The department may not have the status of a legal entity and be organized as part of the Center for Social Services.

3.3 Development of a system of social services for unprotected and weakly protected groups of the population. Family educational groups

Today, working with unprotected and vulnerable groups of the population is of great importance; these include those who, due to health, life circumstances or age, are not able to ensure their prosperous existence. This concept is very conditional, but it is generally accepted to refer to these groups of disabled people. children from disadvantaged families, people with low incomes due to lack of work or disability, pensioners with a small pension, people without a fixed place of residence.

Today, more than 20 children live in the city orphanage; annually, about 45 children enter the social shelter at the Central Children's Hospital, where they stay from 1 month to six months. These children mainly have one or both parents living in the city of Krasnogorsk and the nearest settlements, as a rule, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, forgetting that they have children. Such children do not see normal, in the universal sense of the word, life in the family. They all need not only material, but also psychological help, and most often, just kind attitude and love.

Pupils of state institutions are accustomed to the fact that the adults around them are constantly changing, that they live in the closed world of their educational institution, that they need to go to bed at a certain time and eat only when called. They see the same orphans around them. They don't know how to make decisions. They do not know how to separate the “wheat from the chaff.”

In addition to this, there are also the notorious genes and social environment who “inherited” and only a family can cope with this inheritance - mother and father, with whom you eat and drink, go shopping and watch movies, in a word - live together. When a child sees that his family needs him, both smart and not so smart, clean and dirty, healthy and sick. You can teach housekeeping as much as you like, but there are little things that are learned only when they are lived. So it turns out that the child is a pupil, leaving child care facility“has no life” He received everything ready-made: food and shelter. He doesn't know how to live alone, he doesn't know how to spend money. He does not know how to take care of his brothers and sisters, because they are often brought up even in different institutions.

Nowadays no one doubts that the problems of children left without parental care need to be solved. But how to do that. The low efficiency of large government institutions, where the majority of orphans live, has been proven by time. Currently, there are new forms of raising children.

One of the forms of family rehabilitation of a child can be the opening of a family educational group (FEG) at the territorial center for social protection of the population, whose task is to develop family life skills. To give an idea of ​​family roles, traditions, moral and cultural values, responsibilities of family members towards each other, responsibility. SVG gives the child the opportunity to experience the time in a warm family atmosphere while work is going on with his biological family, and if it is not possible to return, he gets the chance to stay in a foster family rather than an orphanage.

Children who have shown positive dynamics in the rehabilitation process can be placed in family groups; however, adaptation in the family is a process not without contradictions and problems. This affects the mental health of children, hyperactivity, hysteria, and depression, which makes it difficult to handle them and study at school.

However, even with these difficulties, it can be argued that the introduction of this new form of family rehabilitation has a diverse social effect.

The organization and activities of the SVG are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. This form of rehabilitation and education of children as a device in the SVG appeared precisely in social welfare institutions. SVG is a substitute family, which differs from other forms of fostering children in that it is temporary, contractual in nature.

As a division of a specialized institution, it does not require a change in the status of the child, leaving him as a pupil of the institution, which does not relieve itself of responsibility for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the child, and the teacher is an employee of the institution, whose task is to raise the child in the conditions of his family. SVG can be considered as a preparatory stage for creating a foster or guardian family.

IN last years There has been a positive trend in the growth of SVG for children deprived of parental care. So, for example, if in 2000 in the Moscow, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Kaluga regions no more than 1-2 SVGs were organized per region, then in 2004 in these same regions, the number of educational groups in each region increased to 8-10 groups.

Interest in this form of family rehabilitation is caused by the increase in the number of dysfunctional families and residents of boarding-type children's institutions, the ineffectiveness of the existing system for protecting family and childhood, and the need to search for new technologies, forms, and methods of stabilizing the situation.

The basis for creating a SVG can be an ordinary urban family that takes care of a pupil of a specialized institution. It contributes to the realization of the child’s right to live and be raised in a family, to be protected, to receive full development, nutrition, care, in addition, the child (if the status of an orphan is established and the family wishes) can remain in this family as a guardian or adopted child. Responsibility for the result of the rehabilitation process is divided between the SVG educators and the institution’s specialists, secured between the SVG educators and the institution’s specialists, secured by an agreement and an individual rehabilitation program.

The basis for opening a SVG are:

· written statement from the SVG teacher

· certificate of inspection of living conditions by center specialists

· conclusion of psychologists on the conformity of the personal qualities of the candidate for teacher and his psychological compatibility with the pupil;

· written consent of the child to place him in a family if he has reached the age of seven;

· an employment contract between the administration of the institution and the candidate regarding his employment with a probationary period;

· a doctor’s report on the teacher’s health status.

Pupils of family educational groups can be children:

· temporarily left without parental care;

· parents whose parental rights are limited;

· whose parents are convicted or due to health reasons cannot provide their upbringing and maintenance.

During the stay of the minor in the SVG, the child is provided with everything necessary at the expense of the specialized institution (food, clothing, shoes, medicines). One of the family members (the teacher) is paid a salary. Specialists of the “Family Support Service” provide pedagogical, psychological, and legal advice to foster families, conduct seminars and trainings on training FH teachers and resolving problems.

Stages of working with candidates for SVG teachers:

1. Informing the population

· Advertisements in local newspapers;

· Articles in the press on the topic of SVG

· Distribution of leaflets and leaflets in public places

2. Receiving calls from the public

3. Information meetings

4. Individual interviews with family

5. Family survey

6. Selection for the training group

7. Educational training

8. Final conclusion about the family

9. Planning for placing a child in a family

10. Internship of candidates in already existing SVGs

11. In-person acquaintance of the family with the child

12. Conclusion of a short-term contract

13. SVG support:

· Assignment of a center specialist to SVG

· Consultations, assistance on problematic issues from a psychologist, doctor, lawyer, social work specialist

14. Finishing work with family

· termination of the contract at the initiative of the family, child, or center administration

· return of the child to the birth family;

· the family moved to adoptive, guardianship, foster care

Section 4. Economic part

A social passport will help increase the effectiveness of targeted assistance. The social passport will be a database where information about those who should be provided with assistance will be entered.
Information about goods and services (from a refrigerator to an operation) that a pensioner needs will be obtained with the help of neighbors and acquaintances

A social passport will save citizens from the need to repeatedly visit various social organizations, will facilitate the effective exchange of social information in the region between government agencies, and will increase the availability of information about ongoing activities, events, and projects in the field of culture.

In the future, after testing the system, its functional and service capabilities can be improved, the information base of legislative documents in the field of the social sphere can be expanded, and the education department can be connected to the targeted interaction system.

The work on creating social passports can be organized on the basis of the Social Protection Administration; you will only need software for compiling and storing a database of citizens’ social passports.

This will require:

RUR 20,000 for the purchase of software.

Additional remuneration for department employees to create an up-to-date database will be:

2 employees x 2,000 rubles per month for 12 months = 48,000 rubles.

Additional financial resources will be required to create an emergency social assistance department.

Table 3.2.

Costs of creating an emergency social assistance service


Sum. Rub

Employees' salaries:

Head of department

Social work specialists

Social workers


RUR 10,000 x 12 months

120 thousand rubles

7500 x 12 months x 2 people

180 thousand rubles

6000 x 12 months x 4 people

288 thousand rubles

3000 x 12 x 1

36 thousand rubles

Organization of workplaces

Purchase of furniture (tables – 8 pieces, chairs – 16 pieces, cabinets – 5 pieces, couch)

200 thousand rubles

Computers for managers and specialists

20,000 x 3 pcs

60 thousand rubles

Funds for organizing emergency assistance

RUB 1,384 thousand

The work of family educational groups will help not only children in need of help and family warmth, but will also make it possible to more effectively use budget money, investing it in the education of the younger generation.

Individual work with the family in which the child will be placed will become part of the work of the Social Security Administration and will require practically no additional funds. Funds will be required to promote family educational groups, to explain their functions and principles of operation.

Funds for the development of family educational groups

Publications in newspapers - 12 times a year x 3 t r = 36,000 r

Conducting seminars with adoptive families: 4 times a year x 5,000 RUR = 20,000 RUR

Total for the promotion of family educational groups - 60,000 rubles per year.

Table 3.3

Total cost of proposed activities

Naming of expenditures

Cost amount

Amount per year

Creation of social passports for citizens in need of assistance

Additional payment for 2 employees: 2 thousand rubles per month for 1 year

Creation of an emergency social assistance service

Wage. Arranging the department with furniture and equipment. Costs of implementing activities

RUB 1,384 thousand

Creation of family educational groups

Publications in newspapers 12 times a year x 3 thousand rubles

100 pcs x 40 rub.

Conducting seminars with adoptive families

4 times a year x 5 t r

36 thousand rubles

The total costs will be 1452 tons of rubles per year. Expenses for the implementation of activities can be made from funds allocated for the implementation of measures for social protection of the population, as well as from attracted sources - this can be assistance in the form of furniture, equipment and funds for the implementation of both in-kind and material assistance from businesses. structures

Social protection, due to its specifics, is not a business structure and cannot make a profit, since it does not sell or produce anything, and the services it provides are charitable. It is for this reason that it is not possible to calculate the economic efficiency of the implementation of certain measures, but the state, by providing social protection of the population, implements its function of social security and support of the population.

Government institutions are non-profit organizations whose activities are controlled and directed by administrative methods. They lack the profit motive that encourages private producers to benefit from customers' imperfect information and irrational choices. All activities aimed at improving the lives of low-income, disadvantaged categories of the population help solve the state task of improving life. In this case, a social effect will be obtained, which is the most important in municipal government. Since all activities of local governments are aimed at improving the life of the local community.


The sphere of social protection of low-income citizens (pensioners, disabled people, children, single mothers, etc.) in non-stationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient funding. The situation is aggravated by a significant number of low-income citizens requiring social support, as well as by the fact that local social protection authorities are increasingly forced to take on functions unusual for them, in particular, medical, consumer and trade services to citizens.

However, despite all the difficulties, in general, in the Krasnogorsk region it was possible not only to maintain the network of institutions, but also to expand it to a certain extent.

Social policy is the activity of the state and other political and social institutions aimed at the progressive development of the social sphere of society, at improving the conditions, image and quality of life of people, at ensuring their vital needs, providing them with the necessary social support, assistance and protection using for these purposes, the financial and other social potential available to the relevant institution.

Having examined the work of the social protection authorities of the Krasnogorsk region, the following conclusions can be drawn: the main directions of work correspond to the directions of state policy. In their work, department employees rely on the legislation of the Russian Federation and documents of the Moscow Region Government. The structure of the department is functional. Each employee is assigned job responsibilities. Documents prepared by employees undergo legal review.

Specialists carry out a large amount of work not only on the social protection of citizens, but also on interaction with public organizations, sponsors, and rehabilitation institutions.

An unconditional priority in the field of social policy is investment in people. Reliance on educated society, on quality human capital will allow Russia to maintain its place among states capable of influencing global processes.

Despite the financial and other assistance provided to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not only in demand, but necessary. The majority needs targeted help and is waiting for it.

To improve the social protection of the population, the author proposes the development and implementation of a citizen’s “social passport”. A passport must be issued for every citizen who requires social assistance and support.

The “social passport” includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. The creation of a “social passport” will make it possible to effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially vulnerable citizens.

In the future, it is necessary to develop and implement a multi-agent system for targeted interaction between the population and executive authorities in the social sphere, when the databases of the department of social protection of the population will be connected to the electronic passport system. In addition, Internet kiosks can be installed in these institutions to organize free access population to the system of targeted interaction. At first, social passports can be maintained locally in the social protection services of cities and districts; in the future, the system should become electronic, and all institutions related to the distribution and provision of assistance should be connected to it.

It is obvious that no significant increase in the standard of living of citizens or a reduction in social inequality will be possible without economic growth. The state will not be able to implement the Development Program solely through its own efforts. Only the response of market participants, increasing the role of civil society, and the fulfillment by citizens of their obligations to the state will lead to a positive result.

The work proposes the opening of an emergency social assistance department, the tasks of which are: one-time provision of free food packages to citizens in dire need; provision of clothing, shoes and other basic necessities; provision of necessary information and consultations on social assistance issues; organization of legal, psychological and other consultations; provision of coupons for preferential household services. The work of such a service is very important and its most important quality is that it will arrive on time.

Today, more than 20 children live in the city orphanage; annually, about 45 children are admitted to a social shelter at the center for social services, where they stay from 1 month to six months. These children mainly have one or both parents living in the city of Krasnogorsk and the nearest settlements, as a rule, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, forgetting that they have children. Such children do not see normal, in the universal sense of the word, life in the family. They all need not only material, but also psychological help, and most often, just kind attitude and love.

One of the forms of family rehabilitation of a child can be the opening of a family educational group at the center for social protection of the population, whose task is to develop family life skills. Family groups will give the child the opportunity to experience the time in a warm family atmosphere while working with his biological family, and if it is not possible to return, he will get the chance to stay in a foster family rather than an orphanage. The basis for creating a SVG can be an ordinary family that takes care of a pupil of a specialized institution. It contributes to the realization of the child’s right to live and be raised in a family, to be protected, to receive full development, nutrition, care, in addition, the child (if the status of an orphan is established and the family wishes) can remain in this family as a guardian or adopted child. Responsibility for the result of the rehabilitation process is divided between the SVG educators and the institution’s specialists, secured between the SVG educators and the institution’s specialists, secured by an agreement and an individual rehabilitation program.

All activities aimed at improving the lives of low-income, disadvantaged categories of the population help solve the state task of improving life. In this case, a social effect will be obtained, which is the most important in municipal government. Since all activities of local governments are aimed at improving the life of the local community.

The measures proposed in the work will make it possible to cover certain categories of the population with additional social assistance:

Pensioners, whose needs will not only be taken under control by maintaining social passports, but there will be a real opportunity for the planned implementation of identified problems, which means helping a specific person with a specific deed;

The opening of an emergency department is a very important event, since among those in need, those who need urgent assistance are the most vulnerable and require special attention; these are abandoned old people, people without a fixed place of residence thrown onto the street, children and women suffering from domestic violence.

The creation of family educational groups will allow children left without parental care to find their own home, which means they will have the opportunity to grow up in normal conditions.

1 Constitution of the Russian Federation

2 Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004))

3 the federal law RF dated November 24, 1995 N181 "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation

4 Gnezdilov V. Problems of hospice service in Russia. Experience of Hospice No. 1 in Lakhta.

5 Data from the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region #"#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1" title=""> Ignatov V.G., Baturin L.A., Butov V.I., Mashchenko Yu.A. and others. Economics of the social sphere: Proc. manual, M: MarT, 2005, p.135

Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004) Art. 6.1

Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005

Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005

Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005

Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005

Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005

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No app 2

In order to improve the system of performance of government functions by executive authorities of the city of Moscow, improve work with the population, and increase the efficiency of the work of district governments of the city of Moscow, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Consider it expedient to establish the following additional powers for the district governments of the city of Moscow to the powers defined by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 157-PP dated February 24, 2010 “On the powers of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow”:

The founders of state institutions of the city of Moscow, engineering services of the districts of the city of Moscow and the right to appoint their heads;

To take measures to identify ownerless property in the districts, submit an application for registration of ownerless real estate and apply to the court with a request to recognize the ownership rights of the city of Moscow to this property;

On organizing "weekend fairs";

To hold competitions for the right to locate non-stationary, mobile and stationary points for receiving secondary material resources from the population;

To provide subsidies to public and other non-governmental non-profit organizations to reimburse the costs of providing services (supply of goods) as part of the implementation of socially significant projects and programs;

To provide subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state and municipal budgetary institutions), individual entrepreneurs, and individuals - producers of goods, works and services for reimbursement of incurred or planned costs;

For participation in the preparation of proposals from the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, vested in the established order with control and supervisory functions, for the development of annual inspection plans indicating the relevant grounds provided for by federal legislation;

To inform the executive authorities of the city of Moscow about offenses on issues within the competence of the relevant executive authorities of the city of Moscow, in order to initiate cases of administrative offenses;

Upon receipt of information on decisions of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow regarding objects in the territory of the Moscow region for use in working with the population.

To ensure, on the territory of the Moscow region, the organization of separate waste collection and temporary storage of secondary material resources generated in the city’s housing sector;

To inform the population on waste management issues, including separate waste collection and organizing the reception of secondary material resources in the Moscow region.

2. The Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow, the Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow, the Department of Finance of the City of Moscow, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Public Relations of the City of Moscow before December 1, 2010, to develop and submit to the Moscow Government draft legal acts on amendments to the legal acts of the city of Moscow in connection with the additional powers of the district administrations of the city of Moscow () in accordance with this resolution.

3. Approve the operational calendar of the main events of the Moscow district government for the year (Appendix 2).

4. District governments of the city of Moscow ensure planning of the work of district governments based on the operational calendar of the main events of the district government of the city of Moscow for the year ().

5. The Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow, before December 1, 2010, in accordance with the established procedure, shall submit proposals to the Moscow Government:

5.1. On the possibility of establishing administrative liability for failure to provide or untimely submission of information to ensure registration of the population of the city of Moscow, determined by the decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 17, 2006 N 34-UM “On measures to ensure registration of the population of the city of Moscow and the provision of information on the number of voters, referendum participants ".

5.2. On amendments to Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” regarding the possibility of preparing and submitting a response to the applicant using the same means of communication as his appeal, without preparing a written response to on paper.

6. Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow, Department of Transport and Communications of the City of Moscow, Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow, Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow, Committee of Public Relations of the City of Moscow together with the Department of Territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, before December 1, 2010, develop and submit to the Moscow Government draft legal acts approving regulations for the interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the performance of government functions in accordance with this resolution.

7. To the Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow:

7.1. Together with the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, in the fourth quarter of 2010, analyze the structures and staffing schedules of the district governments of the city of Moscow and prepare proposals for changing the standards for the number of district councils of the city of Moscow, established by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 3, 2002 N 981-PP "On the formation of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, district councils", and the approximate structure of the district council of the city of Moscow within the established limits of the maximum number, wage funds and appropriations provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow for 2010 for the maintenance of the apparatus of district councils of the city of Moscow.

7.2. Together with the Moscow City Property Department, the Moscow Public Relations Committee and the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, until December 1, 2010, monitor the use of non-residential premises transferred to the operational management of Moscow district governments to organize work with children and veterans in accordance with the government order Moscow dated April 16, 2003 N 614-RP “On the transfer of non-residential premises to the operational management of Moscow district authorities for organizing work with children and veterans”, and report on the results of monitoring to the Moscow Government.

8. Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow:

8.1. Together with the Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow and the prefectures of the administrative districts of the City of Moscow:

8.1.1. Before December 1, 2010, analyze the list of indicators of passports for the socio-economic development of Moscow districts, taking into account proposals for the list of indicators for the socio-economic passport of a Moscow district, given in this resolution, and submit proposals to the Moscow Government to change the list of indicators for social and economic passports. economic development of Moscow city districts.

8.1.2. When amending the Moscow Government Decree of February 14, 2006 N 102-PP “On the Procedure for the development and approval of programs for the socio-economic development of administrative districts of the city of Moscow and reports on their implementation”, establish a list of indicators of the socio-economic development of the administrative district of the city of Moscow, corresponding to the list of indicators of passports of socio-economic development of Moscow districts.

8.2. Together with the Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow until December 1, 2010, when amending the Moscow Government Decree of January 17, 2006 N 33-PP "On the Procedure for the development, approval, financing and monitoring of the implementation of urban target programs in the city Moscow" to provide standards that ensure the development of program activities on a territorial basis to achieve the set goals in the event of the need for direct work with the population.

9. Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow:

9.1. Organize, starting in 2011, a competition for the best organization of work with the population in the Moscow region.

9.2. Assess work with the population in the Moscow region based on the level of informing the population of the region about the activities government agencies executive power of the city of Moscow, the level of provision of public services in multifunctional centers, the state of law and order in the district, the number of justified complaints about the work of the district government and government institutions and enterprises subordinate to the district government, management companies and homeowners' associations, the level of interaction with government agencies, local governments , public and non-profit organizations, the results of sociological surveys, the level of automation of the performance of government functions by the district government, the level of use of modern telecommunication technologies when working with the population, and the organization of work to prevent conflict situations.

9.3. Before December 1, 2010, submit to the Moscow Government a draft legal act approving the regulations on holding a competition in 2011 for the best organization of work with the population in the Moscow region.

10. Committee on Telecommunications and Facilities mass media the city of Moscow, together with the Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the city of Moscow, will ensure, starting in 2011, the conduct of annual sociological surveys of residents of the city of Moscow in the territory of one of the districts in all administrative districts of the city of Moscow in order to identify their opinions on the organization of work with the population.

11. The Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow shall develop and, by December 1, 2010, send to the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow methodological recommendations for preparing and holding meetings of members of the Moscow Government with the population.

12. The prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, the administrations of the districts of the city of Moscow, before December 1, 2010, bring the provisions on structural divisions in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of February 24, 2010 N 157-PP “On the powers of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow” and by this resolution, paying special attention to the issues of working with the population, considering citizens' appeals, organizing receptions of the population, informing the population about the work of government bodies of the city of Moscow, organizing meetings with the population.

13. The Department of Territorial Executive Authorities of the City of Moscow shall send, in accordance with the established procedure, to the Information Technology Committee of the City of Moscow applications for inclusion in the action plan of the City Target Program "Electronic Moscow (2009-2011)" for 2011 of work on:

Finalization and implementation in the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow of the standard component “Management of the program of socio-economic development of the administrative district” of the software and hardware complex “Electronic District”;

Improvement of software for maintaining socio-economic passports of Moscow districts.

14. The Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, prefectures of administrative districts of the city of Moscow, before the creation in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government of November 27, 2009 N 3041-RP of the City Contact Center for processing requests received via electronic communication channels, shall provide for placement in in accordance with the established procedure for state orders for conducting sociological research and informing citizens about the activities of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the possibilities of the Social and Business Center for Disabled People call center "Tele-Kurs".

15. The Committee on Telecommunications and Media of the City of Moscow informs the Social and Business Center for Disabled People of the Tele-Kurs call center about the announcement of tenders, requests for quotations for the provision of services for the organization of sociological research and public opinion polls conducted by the Committee on Telecommunications and Media mass media of the city of Moscow, as well as include the Social and Business Center for Disabled Call Center "Tele-Kurs" in the mailing list of information and analytical collections of the "Modern Moscow Library" series and a multimedia disk with the texts of the collections for use in the work of the center.

16. To the Department of Land Resources of the city of Moscow in the fourth quarter of 2010, prepare and submit in the prescribed manner:

16.1. Draft resolution of the Moscow Government on invalidating the resolution of the Moscow Government of July 8, 2003 N 526-PP “On the procedure for obtaining permits for the installation of metal awnings and registration of short-term lease rights for land plots occupied by these objects” in connection with the adoption of the resolution of the Moscow Government dated December 16, 2008 N 1139-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the placement and installation of objects that are not capital construction projects on the territory of the city of Moscow."

16.2. A draft legal act on bringing into conformity with the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow the order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government dated August 29, 1996 N 1109-RZP “On registration and confirmation of ownership rights to non-residential premises - garages.”

17. To the Department of Road, Bridge and Engineering Construction of the City of Moscow in the IV quarter of 2010, prepare and submit in the prescribed manner a draft legal act on amending the Moscow Government Decree of July 28, 2009 N 685-PP “On the procedure for the construction of garage facilities in the city of Moscow" in order to bring it into compliance with the legal acts of the city of Moscow.

18. To the district authorities of the city of Moscow in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of July 25, 2006 N 564-PP “On the Concept for the development of interaction between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and public and other non-profit organizations for 2006-2010.” complete the creation of public councils (including carrying out expert functions) for the interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow with public and other non-profit organizations. Involve public councils at Moscow district governments in conducting public examinations.

19. The Moscow City Public Relations Committee shall provide organizational and methodological assistance in the formation and organization of the work of public councils under the Moscow district administrations.

20. Amend the Moscow Government Resolution No. 157-PP dated February 24, 2010 “On the powers of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow” (as amended by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 403-PP dated May 18, 2010):

20.1. In paragraph 3 of the resolution, the words “at least 30 percent” should be replaced with the words “at least 50 percent.”

20.2. Add Appendix 2 to the resolution with paragraph 2.8.3 in the following wording:

"2.8.3. Organizes the work of the interdepartmental regional commission for organizing recreation, recreation for children and employment of adolescents to ensure reception, registration of applications from the population for children's recreation and recreation, consideration of them as they are received, but at least once a quarter."

20.3. Clauses 2.8.3-2.8.18 of Appendix 2 to the resolution shall be considered clauses 2.8.4-2.8.19, respectively.

21. Amend the resolution of the Moscow Government dated February 9, 2010 N 119-PP “On the preliminary results of the implementation of the Moscow Government Program for 2009 and the Moscow Government Program for 2010” (as amended by the resolutions of the Moscow Government dated May 18, 2010 N 407-PP, dated May 26, 2010 N 424-PP, dated June 29, 2010 N 570-PP, dated September 14, 2010 N 800-PP), stating clause 7.3 as follows:

"7.3. Together with the Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, before November 1, 2010, amend the Moscow Government Decree of February 14, 2006 N 102-PP "On the Procedure for the development and approval of programs for the socio-economic development of administrative districts of the city of Moscow and reports on their implementation" in order to bring it into compliance with federal legislation and legal acts of the city of Moscow."

22. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the acting Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government V.Yu. Vinogradov.

Report to the Mayor of Moscow on the progress of implementation of the resolution in the first quarter of 2011.

Vr.i.o. Mayor of Moscow IN AND. Resin

executive authorities of the city of Moscow responsible for introducing amendments to legal acts of the city of Moscow in connection with the additional powers of the district governments of the city of Moscow

N p/p Powers transferred to Moscow district administrations
1 2 3
1. The Moscow district government is the founder of the Moscow district government IS, the head of the Moscow district government IS is appointed as the head of the Moscow district government
2. Taking measures to identify ownerless property in the districts of Moscow, filing claims to recognize it as property of the city of Moscow Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow
3. Organization of "weekend fairs" Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow
4. Providing subsidies to public and other non-governmental non-profit organizations to reimburse the costs of providing services (supply of goods) as part of the implementation of socially significant projects and programs Public Relations Committee of the City of Moscow, Department of Finance of the City of Moscow
5. Providing subsidies to legal entities (with the exception of state and municipal budgetary institutions), individual entrepreneurs, individuals - producers of goods, works and services for reimbursement of incurred or planned costs Department of Finance of the City of Moscow
6. Participation in the preparation of proposals from the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, vested in the established order with control and supervisory functions, for the development of annual inspection plans indicating the relevant grounds provided for by federal legislation Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow
7. Informing the executive authorities of the city of Moscow about offenses on issues within the competence of the relevant executive authorities of the city of Moscow, in order to initiate cases of administrative offenses Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow
8. Ensuring, in the Moscow region, the organization of separate waste collection and temporary storage of secondary material resources generated in the city’s housing sector
9. Obtaining information on decisions of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow regarding objects in the territory# of the Moscow region for use in working with the population Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow
10. Conducting competitions for the right to locate non-stationary, mobile and stationary points for receiving secondary material resources from the population Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow
11. Informing the population on waste management issues, including separate waste collection and organizing the reception of secondary material resources in the Moscow region Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow

regulations for interaction between executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the performance of government functions

N p/p Title of the regulation Responsible executive for the development and submission of draft legal acts to the Moscow Government
1 2 3
1. The procedure for conducting public discussions of objects of state environmental impact assessment with citizens and public organizations (associations) Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow
2. The procedure for coordinating stopping places for urban land and river transport, installing passenger waiting pavilions, marking pedestrian crossings, installing traffic light objects and artificial road humps Department of Transport and Communications of Moscow
3. The procedure for the participation of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow in events to organize paid public works, temporary employment of unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, as well as students
4. Regulations on the district commission for conducting surveys of urban and social infrastructure, the procedure for inspection, certification and assessment of the adaptability of residential buildings for the disabled Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population
5. The procedure for facilitating the employment of citizens sentenced to punishment in the form of compulsory and correctional labor Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow
6. The procedure for holding public hearings on issues of socio-economic development of the district Moscow Public Relations Committee
7. The procedure for drawing up quarterly consolidated district calendar plans for leisure, social and educational, physical education and sports work with the population at the place of residence Department of territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow
8. Regulations on the interdepartmental regional commission for organizing recreation, children's health and employment of adolescents
9. The procedure for providing citizens with state support to ensure summer holidays for children Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow

according to the list of indicators of the socio-economic passport of the Moscow region

N p/p Indicator name Unit
1 2 3
1. General information
1.1. Area of ​​the district ha
1.2. Structure of the district territory
1.2.1. Residential areas ha
1.2.2. Public areas ha
1.2.3. Natural areas ha
1.2.4. Production areas ha
1.2.5. Territories of the street road network ha
1.3. Population density people per sq. km
1.4. Number of multi-apartment residential buildings units
1.5. The share of multi-apartment residential buildings in the entire district in which the owners of the premises have chosen and are implementing a method of managing multi-apartment buildings, including: %
1.5.1. - direct management of premises owners in an apartment building; %
1.5.2. - management of a homeowners’ association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative; %
1.5.3. - management of the management organization %
1.6. Places for organized storage of personal vehicles: units/parking spaces
1.6.1. Capital structures: Underground garages units/parking spaces Above ground garages units/parking spaces
1.6.2. Flat garages units/parking spaces
1.6.3. Open parking lots units/parking spaces
1.6.4. Mechanized parking units/parking spaces
1.7. Number of registered vehicles units
1.8. Share of registered vehicles provided with parking spaces %
1.9. Number of containers for separate waste collection installed on the territory of households in the district units
2. Demographic situation
Total population registered in the district: including: thousand people
2.1. Population below working age (0-15 years), including: thousand people
2.1.1. - boys thousand people
2.1.2. - girls thousand people
2.2. Working age population including: thousand people
2.2.1. - men from 16 to 59 years old thousand people
2.2.2. - women from 16 to 54 years old thousand people
2.3. Population over working age including: thousand people
2.3.1. - men 60 years and older thousand people
2.3.2. - women 55 years and older thousand people
2.4. Natural increase (decrease) of population in 20__ %
3. Social guarantees
3.1. Providing residents with living quarters
3.1.1. The total recorded area of ​​the housing stock, in total, including those located: thousand sq.m - in state ownership of the city of Moscow; thousand sq.m - in state ownership of the Russian Federation; thousand sq.m - privately owned thousand sq.m
3.1.2. Provision of residents with living space (total area of ​​residential premises per person on average) sq.m/person
3.1.3. Number of residents recognized as needing improved housing conditions families/persons
3.1.4. The share of the population living in apartment buildings recognized in accordance with the established procedure: - unsafe; - unsuitable for habitation; - dilapidated %
3.2. Education
3.2.1. Network of educational institutions Preschool educational institutions (DOU), total/pupils, total: including those located in: units/number of pupils - city property units/number of pupils - federal property units/number of pupils - private property units/number of pupils General education institutions, total/number of students, total: units/number of students
including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Special (correctional) educational institutions, total/number of students, total: units/number of students
including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, total/number of students, total: units/number of students
including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Educational institutions of secondary vocational education, total / number of students, total: including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Educational institutions of primary vocational education, total / number of students, total: including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Institutions of additional education for children, total: including those located in: - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students Higher education institutions, total/number of students: including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students
3.2.2. Design capacity of preschool educational institution places
3.2.3. Availability of places for children in preschool educational institutions % of the number of preschool children
3.2.4. Design capacity of secondary schools places
3.2.5. Provision of places for children in secondary schools % of the number of school-age children
3.2.6. Proportion of students studying in the second shift % of total number of students
3.3. Healthcare
3.3.1. Network of healthcare institutions Inpatient institutions for the adult population (hospitals, hospices, maternity hospitals), total: including those located in: units/number of beds - city property units/number of beds - federal property units/number of beds - private property units/number of beds Inpatient institutions for the child population, total: including those located in: - city property units/number of beds - federal property units/number of beds - private property units/number of beds Number of outpatient clinics for the adult population (polyclinics, dental clinics, consultative and diagnostic centers and specialized centers, antenatal clinics), total: including those located in: - city property units/number of visits per shift - federal property units/number of visits per shift - private property units/number of visits per shift Number of outpatient clinics for the child population (polyclinics, dental clinics, consultative and diagnostic centers and specialized centers), total: including those located in: units/number of visits per shift - city property units/number of visits per shift - federal property units/number of visits per shift - private property units/number of visits per shift Specialized outpatient clinics (rehabilitation clinics, dispensaries), total: including those located in: units/number of visits per shift - city property units/number of visits per shift - federal property units/number of visits per shift - private property units/number of visits per shift
3.3.2. Capacity of outpatient clinics for adults visits per shift
3.3.3. Provision of outpatient clinics for the adult population
3.3.4. Capacity of outpatient clinics for children visits per shift
3.3.5. Provision of outpatient clinics for the child population visits per shift/ thousand people
3.4. physical Culture and sport
3.4.1. Number of sports clubs organizing physical education and sports activities with the population units/number of students
3.4.2. Number of municipal institutions organizing physical education and sports activities with the population units/number of students
3.4.3. Number of public and commercial organizations organizing physical education and sports activities with the population units/number of students
3.4.4. Number of institutions of additional sports education units/number of students
3.4.5. Number of sports facilities, total: including those located in: units/number of students - city property units/number of students - federal property units/number of students - private property units/number of students
3.4.6. Number of sports facilities equipped for activities and visits by persons with disabilities, total units
3.4.7. Number of sports grounds units
3.4.8. The number of people involved in physical education and sports and attending physical education and sports classes, total, including: people - children and teenagers people - disabled people people
3.4.9. Number of children and adolescents involved in sports schools people
3.4.10. Provision of sports facilities sq.m/per person
3.4.11. Provision of sports grounds sq.m/per person
3.5. Culture
Number of cultural institutions, total, including those located in: units
- city property unit/area
- federal property unit/area
- private property unit/area
3.6. Social protection
3.6.1. Number of pensioners registered with regional social protection authorities people
3.6.2. Number of large families units
3.6.3. Number of single-parent families (single mothers, single fathers) units
3.6.4. Number of young disabled people aged 14 to 30 years people
3.6.5. The number of disabled people who received rehabilitation services in regional institutions (departments) of social protection, total, including: people - working age people - disabled children people
3.7. Family and youth policy
3.7.1. Number of large families with three or more minor children, total, including: people with 3 children people with 4 children people with 5 children people with 6 children people with 7 children people with 8 children people with 9 children people with 10 children people
3.7.2. Number of large families raising one or two minor children, including: people with one minor people with two minors people
3.7.3. Number of families guarding children and caregivers units
3.7.4. Number of children in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care people
3.7.5. Number of orphans and children left without parental care, from 18 to 23 years old people
3.7.6. Number of registered families/children at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children units/person
3.7.7. Provision of institutions for conducting social, educational and leisure work with the population at the place of residence in accordance with the provision norm of 0.05 sq.m per resident of the district (intra-city municipality) % of standard supply
3.7.8. Number of youth aged 14 to 30 years people
3.7.9. Number of dormitories and students living in them units/person
3.8. Security and law and order
3.8.1. Number of crimes registered in the district in 20__ units
3.8.2. Share of crimes committed by minors or with their complicity in the total number of registered crimes in 20__ %
3.8.3. Level of serious and especially serious crimes in 20__ number of crimes per year/1000 people.
3.8.4. Provision of population with protective structures civil defense %
3.8.5. Readiness of civil defense protective structures to receive sheltered %
3.8.6. Providing the non-working population with personal protective equipment %
3.8.7. Share of potentially hazardous facilities with local warning systems %
3.8.8. Availability of places for training, informing and alerting the population on civil defense and emergency situations units
3.8.9. Readiness of evacuation authorities to carry out evacuation measures %
3.8.10. Information and propaganda work with the population to ensure fire safety person/year
3.8.11. Number of fires
3.8.12. Death in fires units reporting period/ similar. last year period
3.8.13. Fire injuries units reporting period/ similar. last year period
3.8.14. Damage from fires units reporting period/ similar. last year period
3.9. Employment of the working-age population
Employment structure
- industry thousand people
- transport and communications thousand people
- construction thousand people
- education thousand people
- wholesale and retail trade, repair services thousand people
- healthcare and social services thousand people
- Department of Housing and Utilities thousand people
- financial activities thousand people
3.10. Consumer market
3.10.1. Number of consumer market and service enterprises, total: including: units/sq.m Trade enterprises (total), of which unit/sq.m of retail space - shopping complexes and centers unit/sq.m of retail space - grocery stores unit/sq.m of retail space - industrial goods stores unit/sq.m of retail space - department stores unit/sq.m of retail space Enterprises Catering(total), of which: - public catering establishments (public network) units/sq.m of total area/village places - catering establishments (closed network) units/sq.m of total area/village places Consumer service enterprises area/work. places Markets (total), of which: units/sq.m of total area -agricultural markets units/sq.m of total area - food markets units/sq.m of total area - universal markets units/sq.m of total area Markets for industrial goods units/sq.m of total area Small retail trade objects units Stationary collection points for secondary material resources units Non-stationary and mobile collection points for secondary material resources units
3.10.2. Provision of the population with trade objects, total: including: - food trade objects sq.m of retail space per 1000 inhabitants - objects of non-food trade sq.m of retail space per 1000 inhabitants
3.10.3. Provision of the population with public service facilities jobs per 1000 inhabitants
3.10.4. Provision of population with public catering facilities seats per 1000 inhabitants
3.11. Ecology
3.11.1. Emission of harmful substances into the atmospheric air from stationary sources in 20__ thousand tons/year
3.11.2. Discharge of untreated surface runoff in 20__ thousand cubic meters/year
3.11.3. Total areas requiring reclamation: hectares in % of the total area of ​​the district
including landfills ha
3.11.4. Number of permanent population living in sanitary protection zones (SPZ) thousand people
3.11.5. Population living in noise-proof residential buildings as a percentage of the population living in residential buildings requiring noise protection measures
3.11.6. Location of environmental monitoring points addresses
3.11.7. Number of samples at monitoring points that do not meet hygienic standards units
3.11.8. Number of houses located within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone units
3.11.9. Length of open river channels km
3.11.10. Length of channel reservoirs enclosed in collectors km
3.11.11. Number of ponds and lakes units
3.11.12. Discharge of wastewater into surface water bodies million cubic meters
3.11.13. Indicators of implementation of environmental measures to improve the quality of water bodies, soils, atmospheric air, and reduce noise levels
3.11.14. Number of radioactive contamination sites units
3.11.15. Number of enterprises using sources in their activities ionizing radiation and radioactive substances units
3.11.16. Emissions of pollutants from mobile sources thousand tons
3.11.17. Length of the road network km
3.11.18. Area of ​​natural areas ha
3.11.19. Area of ​​green areas ha
3.11.20. Area of ​​specially protected natural areas ha
3.11.21. Area of ​​natural and green areas withdrawn during urban planning activities ha
3.12. Energy saving
3.12.1. Share of energy resources (electricity and heat, water, natural gas), calculations for consumption of which are carried out on the basis of meter readings, in the total volume of energy resources consumed in the region %
3.12.2. Specific consumption of energy resources (electricity and heat, water, natural gas) in apartment buildings (per 1 sq. m of total area and (or) per person) in the district GCall, kW/h, cubic meters/sq.m., pers.
3.13. Informing the population
3.13.1. Name of the district periodical publication
3.13.2. Founder, publisher
3.13.3. Edition parameters: Format A3, A2, etc. Volume number of lanes Periodicity number of issues per month Circulation thousand copies
3.14. Public and other non-governmental non-profit organizations
3.14.1. Number of public and other non-profit organizations in the district units
3.14.2. Non-residential premises occupied by public and other non-profit organizations, total, including: units/thousand sq.m Non-residential premises located in the property treasury of the city of Moscow and transferred on the basis of a lease agreement units/thousand sq.m Non-residential premises transferred to NPOs by municipalities under a social contract, within the framework of the delegated powers units/thousand sq.m Non-residential premises occupied by non-profit organizations on other grounds units/thousand sq.m
3.14.3. The number of people receiving services and assistance from NPOs, including: thousand people Disabled people, pensioners thousand people Children, disabled children, children in difficult life situations, children from single-parent families thousand people Large families thousand people Other citizens living in the district thousand people
3.14.4. Attendance by the population of public and other non-profit organizations thousand people

Decree of the Moscow Government of October 12, 2010 N 938-PP “On measures to improve the work of Moscow district administrations with the population”

The text of the resolution is posted on the official server of the Moscow Government on the Internet

Document overview

A number of additional functions are transferred to district administrations.

Thus, from January 1, 2011, the functions of the founders of state institutions of engineering services of districts and the right to appoint their heads are transferred. Powers related to ownerless property are transferred; on organizing "weekend fairs"; for the provision of subsidies to public and other organizations for social significant projects and so on.

From January 1, 2012, the functions of organizing separate waste collection and temporary storage of secondary material resources generated in the city’s housing sector are transferred; to inform the population on waste management issues.


1. Authorities in modern Russia…………………..…………………….5

1.1. The nature of local government…………………………………..………..5

1.2. Development of local authorities in post-perestroika Russia……………………………………………………………………………….…..6

1.3. Results of opinion polls……………………………...…………………..28

2. Existing programs and developments in the near future………..38

2.1. Prevention of drug addiction…………………………………………………….38

2.2. Prospects for improving services to the population in the near future…………………………………………………………………………………...43

2.3. Formation of electronic government……………………….50

3.1. Analysis of the situation of awareness of the local community about the actions of local authorities in the city of Moscow……………….…….55

3.2. Main goals and priority areas of transformation…….56

3.3. Steps to increase awareness of the local community about the actions of local authorities………………………………………………………...57

3.4. Mechanisms for improving local authorities using the example of other countries and regions……………………….………………….59

3.5. PR company of local governments………………….55


List of references……………………………………………………………...59



The main threat to all of us is the extremely low level of understanding by all of us of the importance of what is happening around us, what kind of world we live in, what is happening on the next street, and what our leadership is doing to solve social problems and problems of improving the standard of living of the population.

Successful work city ​​administration of all levels, the development of local authorities largely depend on the effectiveness of their information interaction with the population.

The first problem I put is to assess the interaction between the administration and the population, and increase indicators: the level of awareness of the population about the events of city and local life, the work of the administration itself to solve social problems, the intensity of the use of diverse sources of information for this purpose, and the local community’s assessment of the administration’s work in informing the population.

A separate problem is the refusal to provide information. 90% of journalists surveyed noted that they regularly face situations where they are refused information. Local executive authorities again took first place in terms of refusals. This requires separate research and development of a separate concept for solving the problem. Because the reasons for this can be very deep, and many believe the reason is: the incompetence of the leadership, and (or) their corruption of local government officials. And by and large, this problem nullifies all efforts to implement the concept I propose.

Work should be carried out in both directions and, without any doubt, it is worth starting with the latter, but in this concept the first problem will only be considered and a mechanism for solving it will be proposed. Abstracting from the problem of refusal to provide information.

The object of research in this work was the local authorities of Moscow and the region.

The purpose of this study was: to establish the main problems of the work of government bodies, to propose the main ways to solve them.

The tasks that I set in the process of writing the work:

Establish the concept of local government

Identify the main problems of local authorities

Suggest the most optimal and progressive ways to solve identified problems.

1. Authorities in modern Russia

1.4. The nature of local authority

Authorities in Russia have strong historical roots. Russian statehood, dating back more than eleven centuries, took place largely thanks to local self-government. Starting from the first state formations on the territory of modern Russia ( Kievan Rus, Novgorod State, Moscow State, etc.), authorities were a powerful system-forming factor.

The development of local government over the centuries was opposed by the process of centralization of government. Centralization of public administration, necessary in conditions of an external threat, in conditions of peaceful development weakens the state body, making it uncompetitive, since the direct consequence of centralization is the suppression of social activity, which is equivalent to the lack of demand for the intellectual potential of the nation - the main factor of development.

By their nature, government bodies are a much more complex phenomenon than its formal modern constitutional and legal status. In accordance with the Constitution of Russia, authorities are recognized as a political institution in the system of democracy. The political component is only one manifestation of the internal nature of local government.

The authorities occupy a “central position” between the State and Society. It is in this position that this socio-political institution plays a key role in preserving and strengthening statehood, essentially being a mechanism for coordinating the interests of Society and the State.

Therefore, when designing state construction, authorities cannot be considered only as a government institution or as an institution of civil society. It harmoniously combines both the state and public components, and as a mechanism for coordinating the interests of Society and the State, it is also a factor in increasing the economic efficiency and competitiveness of the state.

In relations with the state, the institution of local government expresses the interests of territorial communities. In the relations of the state with local communities, he is essentially a conductor of the interests of the state, since he defends the integrity of the socio-territorial space and its development. The weakening of one of the named components of local power (public or state) leads to an imbalance of interests of the state and society, which, as a rule, ends in a crisis of statehood.

Thus, a strong state is not a centralized state. One of the conditions necessary for the formation of a strong, competitive state is the presence of political, social and economic mechanisms that ensure real coordination and implementation of the interests of the state and local communities.

Materials for a single awareness day on the topic:

“Improving the work of local councils with the population”

Thanks to the further improvement of local self-government, the role of local Councils of Deputies in various areas of life of Belarusian society has increased. And today local councils are the foundation on which state power rests. After all, what is most important in the work of local councils? The rule remains unshakable: you must strive to help a person. Today, local councils have more opportunities to carry out their activities for the benefit of the people.

In particular, this is precisely what legislators were guided by when developing and adopting the new Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2010 “On local government and self-government in the Republic of Belarus.”

With the adoption of this Law, public relations in the field of local government and self-government were comprehensively regulated and emphasis was placed on the role of local self-government. The new document makes it possible to further develop the process of strengthening local authorities in order to increase the efficiency of its work with the population. He gave local authorities all the necessary powers to resolve emerging issues at the local level, rather than turning to higher authorities for help on every issue.

The Law supplements the competence of local government and self-government bodies with a number of corresponding powers: the establishment of the “one window” principle is legislatively established, some administrative procedures are simplified, and attention is paid to further improving work with citizens and legal entities.

Close communication with voters allows us to delve deeper into the problems and aspirations of people and look at the situation through their eyes. Many issues of concern to citizens are brought up for discussion at sessions of the Council, meetings of its bodies, as well as meetings of the presidiums of Councils at the regional and basic levels.

When carrying out this form of activity, the deputy has the decisive vote on all issues under consideration; propose issues of concern to citizens for consideration; give explanations and bring to the attention of deputies of the relevant local Council your opinion and the opinion of voters on these issues; announce citizens' appeals that have public importance etc.

At the same time, the presidiums of regional and district Councils of Deputies keep under control the implementation of critical comments and reports of deputies to voters. Thus, there is a coherent system of work of local Councils of Deputies.

Off-site sessions also have a positive effect.

As a rule, at visiting sessions the task is set to visit the region whose issues are being submitted for consideration at this session, that is, to study the state of affairs on the spot. And the topics of such sessions can be different: analyze the role of local Councils of Deputies of the primary and basic levels of the corresponding district in the implementation of Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1; get acquainted with the work to restore order and improve settlements; study the issue of using new types of electricity sources in the light of Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 3; study the progress of implementation of the State Program for Rural Revival and Development, etc.

In order to increase the responsibility of local authorities and eliminate bureaucracy, a fairly extensive system of working with the population is being created in the regions. Among its forms are village gatherings, monthly unified days of informing the population, receptions of citizens in localities and work collectives, deputy days, etc. The study of public opinion helps to more quickly and objectively solve many problems and timely adjust the activities of local authorities.

In general, the constituency accounts for a large volume of parliamentary activity. If at meetings of the local Council, as a rule, fundamental documents are adopted, then in the district there is a lot of everyday, operational, so-called routine work. But it is here that a deputy often has to act in the interests of specific people, meet with them, and receive statements from them. Therefore, the results of activities here are also often more visible - the voter received an apartment, a place in a kindergarten, a sports ground was equipped, etc. And in all this, the deputy sees the result of his own efforts.

Work in the district is part of the efforts of the deputy as a representative of the people in the local Council, exercising the functions of state power. And it should be assessed not so much by the number of voters’ appeals to the deputy, although this in itself is important, but by how, in principle, the deputy understands his mission and what he does for his voters, so that they have a better life, so that they have good service, etc. . P.

the representative of citizens is obliged The deputy takes measures for their full, objective, comprehensive and timely consideration. It is for these purposes that a local council deputy regularly, but at least once a month, personally receives citizens and representatives of legal entities. If these complaints are not within the competence of the Council, the deputy must ensure their correct and timely resolution by other organizations whose competence includes resolving the issues set out in citizens’ appeals.

It should be noted that deputies pay special attention to working with citizens’ appeals. Indeed, along with providing assistance to a specific person, the appeal gives reason to think about the presence of any problems in the region. In fact, turning to a deputy, a citizen makes a reasonable proposal to improve the activities of government bodies, and the deputies of the Soviets can only eliminate the identified shortcomings, combining the efforts of the executive and representative authorities to fulfill the main purpose - serving the people.

meetings with citizens

reports to voters. Thus, in accordance with the Law “On the status of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies,” a representative of citizens is obliged to periodically, but at least twice a year, report to voters on his activities and the progress of the election program, on the work of the Council and its bodies.

It is possible to highlight other forms of activity of a deputy of a local Council: a request from a deputy of a local Council; MP's appeal; participation of a deputy in inspections of the work of government bodies and other organizations; the deputy’s proposal to eliminate the violation of the law; participation of a deputy in the work of deputy groups and other deputy associations.

In general, the daily activities of local Councils of Deputies involve solving a wide range of issues of a political, social and economic nature. With a wide variety of activities, its total vector is aimed at achieving The main goal of local government is to improve the level and quality of life of the population. How effectively the tasks to achieve this goal will be solved largely depends on the personal composition of the deputy corps.

The composition of the elected local Councils is of no small importance: how authoritative and competent people who can see problematic issues, eliminate them, and, if necessary, “report” to the higher Council of Deputies and the Executive Committee, came to the deputy corps.

Today, the newly elected deputies of local councils of the 26th convocation are successfully carrying out their work.

So, based on official statistics provided by Central Commission of the Republic of Belarus in elections and holding republican referendums, among the newly elected deputies of the Soviets of the 26th convocation, women make up 45.5%, deputies of the current convocation elected for a new term - 52.5%, deputies under the age of 30 - 5, 2%, representatives of political parties - 1.4% of the total number of elected deputies. It should be noted that 18 citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus received deputy mandates.

By occupation, 26.6% of deputies are workers Agriculture; 13.3% – industry, trade, transport, construction; 16.9% – education; 9.4% – health and social protection; 3.8% – military personnel and law enforcement officers; 12.8% - civil servants; 15.3% are representatives of other fields of activity.

Considering that about half of the elected deputies are people who already know how to “represent the interests of citizens,” such a composition of local representative bodies of power will make it possible to effectively and fully solve many problems. life problems population, take an active position in the process of adoption management decisions, raise questions and achieve their positive resolution.

Over the years of work of the deputies of the previous convocation, the deputy corps has formed its own special style. Among the main directions were landscaping, spiritual and moral education, physical education and mass work, the revival of ritual traditions, and much more. It is obvious that everything started will be continued. At the same time, all existing forms, which are confirmed by a specific result, accepted by the population, will be improved by the current deputy corps.

1. Local government in the Republic of Belarus: current state and main areas of improvement

The presence of effective democracy at the local level, which provides for the right of citizens to directly participate in the management of public affairs, is one of the foundations of a democratic society. The successful functioning of such a society and its political stability are largely determined by the level of development of local self-government.

Local self-government is a form of organization and activity of the population living in the relevant territory for independent decision directly or through bodies elected by them on social, economic and political issues of local importance based on national interests and the interests of citizens, the peculiarities of the development of administrative-territorial units on the basis of their own material financial base and funds raised.

Local self-government is carried out through local Councils of Deputies, bodies of territorial public self-government (TPS), local meetings, local referendums, citizen initiatives in financing and (or) reimbursement of budget expenses for the purposes determined by them and other forms of citizen participation in state and public affairs.

The main link in the system of local self-government of the Republic of Belarus is the Councils of Deputies. Councils are elected by citizens and are representative government bodies on the territory of the corresponding administrative-territorial units.

In the Republic of Belarus, three territorial levels of Councils have been established: primary, basic and regional. The primary territorial level includes rural, town and city (cities of regional subordination), the basic level includes urban (cities of regional subordination) and district, and the regional level includes regional councils. The Minsk City Council of Deputies has a special status. He has the rights of both the base and regional Councils.

The peculiarity of local Councils of Deputies as state bodies is that in their activities they proceed primarily from the interests of citizens living in the relevant territory, while also taking into account national interests. That is why the Councils of Deputies in the Republic of Belarus are accountable in their activities to citizens living in the relevant territory and are responsible to them.

The importance of local government bodies is determined by the fact that in everyday life citizens are faced with the activities of these bodies, since they have a decisive influence on the creation of conditions for the livelihood of the population in the corresponding territorial unit, although the general direction of socio-economic and political activity is determined central authorities state power.

It is rightly noted that the importance of local self-government in modern conditions is determined by its capabilities as an integrating factor: it unites people living in a particular area, providing equal opportunities to solve common problems regardless of social status individuals, their nationality, political preferences and other things. Knowing well the state of affairs in their territories, local governments are able to more effectively and efficiently respond to unforeseen situations on the ground.

The daily activities of local Councils of Deputies involve solving a wide range of issues of a political, social and economic nature. With a wide variety of activities, its total vector is aimed at achieving the main goal of local government - increasing the level and quality of life of the population. How effectively the tasks to achieve this goal will be solved largely depends on the personal composition of the deputy corps.

Today, the newly elected deputies of local councils of the 26th convocation are successfully carrying out their work.

As a result of the elections, all 1,495 local Councils of Deputies of the Republic of Belarus were formed in their authorized composition. During the election campaign, 21,288 deputies of local Councils of Deputies were elected. In 14 electoral districts where one candidate ran for deputy, not a single candidate received the required number of votes: one deputy was not elected to the district Council of Deputies, one deputy was not elected to the village Council of Deputies, and 12 deputies were not elected to the rural Councils of Deputies.

The composition of elected local councils is also important. Thus, based on official statistics provided by the Central Commission of the Republic of Belarus for Elections and Republican Referendums, among the newly elected deputies of the Councils of the 26th convocation, women make up 45.5%, deputies of the current convocation elected for a new term - 52.5% , deputies under the age of 30 – 5.2%, representatives of political parties – 1.4% of the total number of elected deputies. It should be noted that 18 citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus received deputy mandates.

The new composition of the deputy corps is authoritative and competent people who know how to see problematic issues, eliminate them, and, if necessary, “convey” them to the higher Council of Deputies and the Executive Committee. By occupation, 26.6% of deputies are agricultural workers; 13.3% – industry, trade, transport, construction; 16.9% – education; 9.4% – health and social protection; 3.8% – military personnel and law enforcement officers; 12.8% - civil servants; 15.3% are representatives of other fields of activity.

Total in Grodno region 2915 deputies of Councils of various levels were elected. Among the newly elected deputies of the Councils of the 26th convocation, women make up 44.6%, deputies elected for a new term - 55.0%, deputies under the age of 30 - 4.6%, representatives of political parties - 1.0% of the total number elected deputies, 2 deputies are citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus.

By occupation, 31.4% of deputies are agricultural workers; 11.4% - industry, trade, transport, construction; 15.0% - education; 10.4% - health and social protection; 4.3% - military personnel and law enforcement officers; 13.7% - government employees; 13.9% are representatives of other fields of activity.

Such a composition of a local representative body of government will make it possible to effectively and fully solve many of the life problems of citizens, take an active position in the process of making management decisions, raise questions and achieve their positive resolution. After all, today the work on introducing social standards to ensure the livelihoods of the population is still relevant. Quality problems remain quite acute drinking water, gasification of populated areas, road conditions and street improvement. There are issues with establishing order on the land and the sanitary condition of villages and towns. Serious work remains to be done to implement Decree No. 70 of the Head of State “On measures to streamline accounting and reduce the number of empty and dilapidated houses with outbuildings in rural areas.” Until the end of this year, hard work remains to be done to fulfill the forecast indicators for the socio-economic development of the regions and sectoral programs that were approved for 2005–2010. Much remains to be done to develop and approve programs for 2010–2015, and above all, programs for the socio-economic development of the relevant territories.

Over the years of work of the deputies of the previous convocation, the deputy corps has formed its own special style. Among the main directions were landscaping, spiritual and moral education, physical education and mass work, the revival of ritual traditions, and much more. It is obvious that everything started will be continued. All existing forms, which are confirmed by a specific result, accepted by the population, will be improved by the current deputy corps.

It should be noted that the newly elected deputies will have to work within the framework of the new Law of the Republic of Belarus “On local government and self-government in the Republic of Belarus”, adopted on January 4, 2010. The new law, on the basis of which in our country the legislation in the field of local government and self-government, comes into force on July 20 of this year.

It should be noted that the issues of development of local government and self-government in Belarus are constantly in the field of view of the state. In this regard, a number of changes have already been made in our country in the field of local self-government, which are reflected in legislation.

If we recall the period when the Republic of Belarus was part of the USSR, local Councils of Deputies were created in all administrative-territorial units (regional, Minsk, district, city, district in cities, towns and villages). In October 1989, the Supreme Council of the BSSR made amendments and additions to the Constitution of the BSSR, which somewhat increased the status of local Councils of Deputies.

By the Law of October 6, 1994, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus abolished the Councils of Deputies of the primary level (more than a thousand): city (cities of district subordination), district in cities, towns and villages. This Law was subsequently repealed.

On September 19, 1995, the President of the Republic of Belarus issued a Decree “On carrying out the reform of local government and self-government bodies,” which abolished the city district Councils of Deputies and their bodies. On the territory of districts in cities, local administrations with the rights of a legal entity have been formed.

The main regulatory legal act regulating the activities of local government bodies was the Law of the Republic of Belarus of February 20, 1991 “On local government and self-government in the Republic of Belarus” (in subsequent editions). This Law defined the system and economic basis of local government and self-government in the Republic of Belarus, consolidated the foundations legal status local government and self-government bodies, certain forms of direct democracy.

All this made it possible to significantly intensify the work of territorial public self-government bodies. The efficiency of the system and structure of local Councils of Deputies has increased significantly.

Thus, in the Republic of Belarus, continuity in this industry has been preserved; local councils have been relied upon as established, mature, time-tested and proven effective instruments of self-organization and self-government of the population.

Thanks to the new Law “On Local Government and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus,” a legislative framework that is quite complete and adequate to today’s realities has been created, which allows local government bodies to function more efficiently.

With the adoption of this Law, 27 previous legislative acts and individual provisions that had been in force since 1984 were repealed. For the first time, the Law comprehensively regulates public relations in the field of local government and self-government, and separates in detail the powers and responsibilities of state authorities and local self-government bodies.

The structure of the current Law has also been changed. The emphasis is placed on the role of local self-government. The new document makes it possible to further develop the process of strengthening local authorities in order to increase the efficiency of its work with the population. He gave local authorities all the necessary powers to resolve emerging issues at the local level, rather than turning to higher authorities for help on every issue.

The Law supplements the competence of local government and self-government bodies with a number of corresponding powers: the establishment of the “one window” principle is legislatively established, some administrative procedures are simplified, and attention is paid to further improving work with citizens and legal entities.

In order to expand the opportunities of citizens in resolving issues of local importance, it is stipulated that, by decision of a local assembly or territorial public self-government body (TPS), voluntary collection of funds from citizens, or so-called self-taxation, can be introduced. These funds are included in the local budget and are spent only for purposes determined by the local assembly or territorial public self-government body.

For the first time, such a sole body of territorial public self-government as the institution of elders has been legislated. Today, in accordance with the new Law “On Local Government and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus,” the institution of elders is an effective link between the population and local government and self-government bodies.

With the adoption of the new Law, Belarus has taken a certain step towards convergence with similar legislation of European countries. Thanks to this Law local Councils received the right to unite on a voluntary basis into associations to determine and further promote regional and local initiatives. Thus, now local governments have the right to carry out international cooperation.

Today it is quite obvious that the Republic of Belarus is not following the path of blindly reforming local self-government, but is trying to find optimal ways to improve it.
2. Deputy of the local Council: his status, powers and main forms of activity

The interaction of deputies with the population and resolving their issues is main goal creation and activities of local Councils of Deputies. Effective interaction between the electorate and local representative authorities contributes to the process of democratization of the entire society. After all, the successful solution of various problems, both local and national, largely depends on this interaction.

The legislative basis regulating the activities of a deputy of the local Council is the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus of March 27, 1992 “On the status of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies” (with amendments and additions) and other acts of legislation.

In accordance with the Law “On the status of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies”, a deputy of the local Council of Deputies is a representative freely elected by citizens living in the territory included in the electoral district, authorized to participate in the exercise of state power by the local Council of Deputies, to represent their voters in government bodies and other organizations, exercise other powers. A deputy of a local council has the right to freely express his opinion and vote, guided by his convictions and taking into account the interests of citizens and the peculiarities of the development of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit.

A citizen of the Republic of Belarus who has reached the age of 18, has no criminal record, lives on the territory of the relevant administrative unit or is associated with it by virtue of his professional activity can be elected as a deputy of the local Council of Deputies.

By the way, in accordance with the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in Belarus have the right to participate in elections of deputies of local Councils - to stand for office, to vote for deputies of local Councils. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus for 2009, about 80 thousand Russians live in Belarus, most of the Russians are concentrated in the Gomel region.

The term of office of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies is four years. The exercise of powers by a deputy of a local Council begins from the day his powers are recognized by the Council and ends on the opening day of the first session of the Council of a new convocation.

Elected deputies exercise their powers without interruption from their labor (official) activities, except for the chairman of the local Council, who exercises his powers on a professional basis.

The legal status of the chairman of a village, town, city (city of district subordination) executive committee is regulated by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 12, 2007 No. 21 “On increasing the role of local government and self-government bodies in resolving issues of life support for the population,” which approved the Regulations on the chairman of the village, village, city (city of district subordination) executive committee.

The following can be distinguished Forms of activity of a deputy of a local Council in the Council and its bodies:

participation of a local Council deputy in the work of Council sessions and meetings of its bodies. As a rule, at such sessions of the Council and meetings of its bodies, on the basis of collective, equal and free discussion, issues within the competence of the relevant local Council and its bodies are considered and resolved. When carrying out this form of activity, the deputy has the right: a decisive vote on all issues under consideration; propose issues for consideration; give explanations and bring to the attention of deputies of the relevant local Council your opinion and the opinion of voters on these issues; announce citizens' appeals of public importance, etc.;

request from a local council member– a proposal made in writing by a local Council deputy at a Council session to give an official explanation or state a position on issues relating to the most important public interests of the relevant administrative-territorial unit. It should be noted that his request, like the appeal of citizens, must be responded to. And if citizens are answered within 30 days, then deputies must give a written response to the request within a maximum of 10 days or another period established by the Council.

A deputy of the local Council has the right to make a request to the chairman of the Council, the presidium of the Council, the head (his deputy) of the relevant executive committee, the heads of its structural divisions, as well as the heads of other organizations located in the territory subordinate to the local Council. Such a request is subject to announcement at a session of the relevant local Council;

MP's appeal– a written proposal to government bodies, other organizations or officials to provide information and (or) explanations on issues within their competence and related to the activities of a deputy of the local Council.

The relevant structures and officials to whom the deputy’s appeal is sent are obliged to respond to it in writing within ten days from the date of registration of the appeal, and if additional study or verification of facts is necessary, no later than within a month.

In addition, the activities of a local Council deputy in the Council and its bodies may carried out in the form of deputy participation in inspections of the work of government bodies and other organizations; implementation by a deputy of a proposal to eliminate violations of the law; participation of a deputy in the work of deputy groups and other deputy associations.

One of the most effective forms activities of the deputy corps - work in your constituency (consideration of appeals from citizens and legal entities, personal reception, meetings with voters and reports on parliamentary activities).

The constituency accounts for a large volume of parliamentary activity. If at meetings of the local Council, as a rule, fundamental documents are adopted, then in the district there is a lot of everyday, operational, so-called routine work. But it is here that a deputy often has to act in the interests of specific people, meet with them, and receive statements from them. Therefore, the results of activities here are also often more visible: the voter received an apartment, a place for a child in kindergarten, a sports ground was equipped, etc. And in all this, the deputy sees the result of his own efforts.

Work in the district is part of the efforts of the deputy as a representative of the people in the local Council, exercising the functions of state power. And it should be assessed not so much by the number of voters’ appeals to the deputy, although this is important, but by how, in principle, the deputy understands his mission and what he does for his voters, so that they live better, so that they have good service, etc.

In accordance with the Law “On the status of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies” the representative of citizens is obliged in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on citizens’ appeals consider proposals, applications and complaints from voters. The deputy takes measures for their full, objective, comprehensive and timely consideration. It is for these purposes that a local council deputy regularly, but at least once a month, personally receives citizens and representatives of legal entities. If these complaints do not fall within the competence of the Council, the deputy must ensure that they are resolved correctly and in a timely manner by other organizations whose competence includes consideration of the issues set forth in citizens’ appeals.

It should be noted that the new Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Local Governance and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus” dated January 4, 2010 establishes the general competence of local Councils of Deputies, as well as the specific competence of local Councils of Deputies of each territorial level: regional, basic and primary.

So, according to the Law, Regional level councils

ensure the balance of budgets of administrative-territorial units in the relevant territory;

regulate the procedure for carrying out administrative procedures in the relevant territory;

provide state support to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs individually;

determine measures of social support for children, youth, veterans, disabled people and the elderly;

approve approximate regulations on the body of territorial public self-government;

assign the title of honorary citizen of the region (the city of Minsk), determine the procedure for assigning such a title and the features of the status of an honorary citizen, etc.

Basic Tips within its competence:

approve territorial development plans for districts, master plans cities of regional subordination and other settlements located in the relevant territory;

approve the maximum amount of debt of local government and self-government bodies for the next financial year;

assign the title of honorary citizen of the city or district, respectively, determine the procedure for assigning such a title and the features of the status of an honorary citizen.

City Councils (cities with regional divisions), in addition to the above powers:

Primary level councils within its competence:

submit proposals on social protection of citizens to the Council and the executive committee at the basic level;

submit proposals to the Basic Level Council on the amount of deductions from local taxes and fees, the amount of subsidies to primary level budgets;

nominate candidates for members of collegial bodies of territorial public self-government;

approve the regulations on the sole body of territorial public self-government;

exercise control over the activities of territorial public self-government bodies.

It should be noted that deputies pay special attention to working with citizens’ appeals. Indeed, along with providing assistance to a specific person, the appeal gives reason to think about the presence of any problems in the region. In fact, turning to a deputy, a citizen makes a reasonable proposal to improve the activities of government bodies, and the deputies of the Soviets can only eliminate the identified shortcomings, combining the efforts of the executive and representative authorities to fulfill the main purpose - serving the people.

A local council member conducts meetings with citizens in order to inform them about their activities, as well as study public opinion on issues considered at sessions of the local Council, the needs of the population, and promote the development of various forms of local government.

It should be noted that the initiator of meetings with citizens can be the deputy of the local Council, and they can also be organized at the initiative of citizens or the relevant executive committee.

No less important is such a form of activity of a deputy as reports to voters. Thus, in accordance with the Law “On the status of a deputy of the local Council of Deputies,” a representative of citizens is obliged to periodically, but at least twice a year, report to voters on his activities and the progress of the election program, on the work of the Council and its bodies.

The report of a Council deputy may also be heard at the written request of a group of voters. Such reports from the deputy are carried out at meetings of voters or their delegates convened for this purpose, at which decisions can be made containing proposals and comments to the relevant deputy. Such decisions of meetings are brought to the attention of citizens through the media or other means.

In the Grodno region The chairmen of the Grodno city and district Councils of Deputies have determined the days for receiving citizens on personal issues.

For example, the chairman of the Slonim District Council of Deputies receives citizens on personal matters every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. In 2009, 17 people applied for consultations regarding personal issues; during the past period of 2010 – 10 people. Based on the results of the reception, specific instructions were given to the performers, and citizens’ questions were put under control until they were fully resolved.

It should be noted that the primary task of the primary level authorities is considered to be the implementation of planned forecast indicators for gross agricultural output: milk, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. Issues of this nature affect a fairly wide area of ​​activity and therefore village executive committees resolve them together with the management of agricultural enterprises located on the territory of local Councils, monthly analyzing the implementation of tasks set by the state, as well as other pressing issues. Of course, the stable operation of all structures depends on the contact of local authorities with the leadership of the SEC.

The above indicates that deputies of local Councils, and all of them live on the territory of their Councils, are doing everything in their power to ensure that the living conditions of villagers in a modern village are as close as possible to urban ones. This task was set by the President of the country and at the forefront of the State program for rural revitalization.

Thus, local self-government contributes to the development of a fair and socially oriented state, is one of the foundations of democracy, contributes to the further development of civil society, ensures the stability of material and financial conditions development of territories.
3. Improving the work of representative bodies of local government with the population (using the example of the activities of local Councils of Deputies)

Since the adoption of the Law “On Local Government and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus”, more than a dozen significant changes and additions have been made. This practice indicates, first of all, that legislation in this area is constantly developing, and also that Belarus has always paid attention to improving and really strengthening the foundations of local government and self-government, expanding the rights of local Councils of Deputies, increasing the efficiency of local representative authorities with the population.

It is quite obvious that the new convocation of deputies should place the main emphasis on restoring order on earth, thus reminding people of the culture of behavior on it.

Another main direction should be the development and support of personal subsidiary plots. Today, for a rural resident, this is both an opportunity to feel like a master and an additional source of income. That is why the desire to earn money through one’s own labor must be promoted, widely publicized and, of course, helped people in its implementation.

And the main priority is the active, systematic and constant work of deputies to resolve problematic issues in their districts. People must constantly see their representatives in constituencies, labor collectives, and educational institutions. They must know the deputy by sight and be confident that he will always be able to listen and help them.

Considerable positive work experience has been accumulated locally, indicating the constant improvement of the activities of local Councils:

for holding gatherings (meetings) of citizens- V Korelichi district, Grodno region;

to involve territorial public self-government bodies in solving life support issues rural population in Berestovitsky, Volkovysk, Grodno, Dyatlovsky, Ostrovetsky and other areas of the region;

on organizing the purchase of milk from the population- V Voronovsky district;

Institute of Village Chiefs Grodno region has 2549 people. Of these: men – 955 (37%), women – 1594 (63%), pensioners – 1431 (56%), working – 1118 (44%). 52 people have state awards, 17 - honorary titles, 3 people are honorary citizens of the district, 48 people are listed in the Book of Glory of the district or on the Board of Honor. 574 people have been headmen of their localities since the establishment of the institute of headmen.

Here are some examples of their activities.

Kurilo Faddey Dmitrievich, head of the village of Konchany of the Parkhimovsky Village Council, who was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Berestovitsky District.” Village residents turn to him for all their questions: call their children, help with transport (he has his own horse), plow the garden, mow the weeds, turn the street lights on and off. Not a single appeal is left without the participation of the headman. As a deputy of the village Council of Deputies, he actively participates in the work of sessions of the district Council of Deputies, meetings of the executive committee, and promptly informs people of the decisions taken at them.

The headman of the village of Kuveki, in the Volkovysk region, Velichko Maria Mikhailovna. She has been elected as a deputy of the village Council of Deputies for 20 years and has extensive experience working with people. Working as a milk collector, Maria Mikhailovna meets with fellow villagers every day and informs them on all issues. Often you have to solve various everyday issues: send a letter, bring medicine from the pharmacy, bring groceries from the grocery store, reconcile a husband and wife or vice versa, pay attention to raising children, or place a lonely elderly village resident in a nursing hospital. Every day the headman lives with the problems of his villagers.

There are some peculiarities in the work of the chairman of the village committee of the village of Traby, Ivyevsky district, Nina Mikhailovna Ostreyko.

In Traby, thanks to the executive committee of the village council, the village committee and the cooperative "Veras", the processing of plots has been established for low-income citizens, war and labor veterans, single and pensioners living alone. The practice of the village committee is to hold village meetings, at which issues of improvement of courtyard areas, measures to combat moonshine and blocking the channels of illegal trade in alcohol-containing liquids, and issues related to the peculiarities of the border zone are discussed. It is also practiced to hold street meetings when the interests of a particular street are affected.

In the Korelichi district, the district council of elders is headed by Petr Petrovich Matsuk, the headman of the village of Skorichi, Eremichi village council. He, like no one else, knows who the villagers are and what they need. And the issues that the headman has to solve are very different. This includes communication with authorities, attention to the concerns and needs of the elderly and lonely, and maintaining an adequate level of sanitary conditions. Much has been done in the village to restore order in the cemetery, saw up damaged trees, and create proper order at the waste dump site. Particular attention in the work of P.P. Matsuk is given to dysfunctional families. The headman is an active participant in on-site meetings of the council for coordinating the activities of government bodies and law enforcement organizations in the Korelichi district, a member of the commission for minors of the village executive committee.

According to P.P. Matsuk, “the headman should be an example for the villagers in everything. Then his authority will be high and his word weighty.” Matsuk P.P. is an example not only in his village Council, but throughout the entire region.

There are many similar examples of the activities of elders and their active life position in every district of the region.

The practice of holding Deputy Days in the constituency deserves approval. During such Days, people's representatives, as a rule, visit all settlements located in the district, medical and consumer services, culture, education, trade, and meet with the population. For a deputy, this is a good opportunity to get to know in practice the way of life of voters, study their problems, and share their joys. For residents - the opportunity to directly communicate with the people's representative. Thanks to Deputy Days, many problematic issues are removed and resolved locally, rather than taken to a higher level.

One more distinctive feature The activity of the Councils of Deputies is close cooperation with deputies of higher Councils of Deputies, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. Such interaction has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness.

Regional meetings of deputies at all territorial levels have become an effective tool for increasing the role and responsibility of deputies. Telling deputies about the state of affairs in the regions and through them conveying information to people is the main task that these meetings solve.

In general, all activities of local Councils depend on meaningful planning based on an analysis of the socio-economic situation in districts and cities. Particular attention is paid to organizing work with the population in constituencies, involving them in the development of decisions and the implementation of planned activities; search and implementation of new forms of work at the place of residence of the population; interaction with executive committees to fulfill national tasks and solve local problems.

An important role in the further development of interaction between local self-government bodies and the population is played by territorial public self-government bodies (TPS), which occupy a special place in the system of local self-government. On the one hand, they make it possible to realize the potential of civil participation in the implementation of local self-government and solving a range of issues related to the joint life of citizens; on the other hand, TPS bodies act as one of the subjects of local politics.

In Belarusian legislation, territorial public self-government is defined as “the activities of citizens on a voluntary basis at their place of residence on part of the territory of an administrative-territorial unit (territories of microdistricts, housing complexes, blocks, streets, courtyards, agricultural towns, towns, villages, etc.) in order to solve issues of local importance directly or through bodies of territorial public self-government.”

Bodies of territorial public self-government are an organizational form of implementation by citizens of territorial public self-government.

According to the Law “On Local Government and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus”, only one body of territorial public self-government can be created in the relevant part of the administrative-territorial unit.

Determining the procedure for the formation and activities of territorial public self-government structures, their relationships with local representative and executive bodies, the Law “On Local Governance and Self-Government in the Republic of Belarus” establishes:

a body of territorial public self-government is established at a meeting of citizens living in the corresponding territory of the administrative-territorial unit and is registered with the executive committee;

candidates for HSE are nominated by citizens living in the relevant territory, local representative and executive bodies at the primary level;

the procedure for electing and organizing the activities of individual HSEs (elders, elders, street committees, etc.) is regulated by provisions adopted by local Councils of Deputies;

at a meeting of citizens, the HSE charter is approved, which defines the goals and objectives of activities, forms of citizen participation, and sources of ownership;

The HSE is accountable in its activities to the meeting that formed it and to the relevant local Council of Deputies.

Of great practical importance is the analysis and generalization of the practice of developing territorial public self-government both in the republic and in individual regions in order to determine the possibilities of its implementation in order to ensure civil self-realization and activation of the population in the implementation of local self-government.

The example of the Grodno region shows that in recent years there has been a dynamic increase in the number of territorial public self-government bodies and, accordingly, the involvement of the population in their work. Since 2004, the total number of TOS bodies in the region has increased from 3898 to 4091. Moreover, the most significant increase has been observed among the elders of rural settlements. In 2004, there were 2092 elders in the region; currently their number is 2549 people (+18%).

It should be noted that local representative and executive bodies of the Grodno region are doing a lot of work to organize and ensure the development of territorial public self-government. The main directions of local government policy in this area include the following:

creation and assistance in revitalizing the activities of TPS bodies;

the formation of a regulatory framework for the functioning of territorial public self-government, the basis of which is the provisions on the creation of the organization of work of village, street and house committees, on the headmen of rural settlements, on the district coordinating Council of territorial public self-government bodies; decisions of local Councils of Deputies and executive committees;

organization of a system of relations between TPS and executive committees and Councils of Deputies, enterprises and institutions;

coordination of the work of TPS bodies through local Councils of Deputies, executive committees, district Councils for coordinating the activities of TPS bodies;

conducting training for active members of TPS bodies, disseminating best practices.

Thus, the bodies of territorial public self-government of the Grodno region have accumulated certain experience in working with citizens at their place of residence, and a system of their relationships with local authorities and enterprises is being formed.

As a rule, in their work, representatives of public self-government bodies act in unison with representatives of local Councils of Deputies. That is, this includes the improvement of populated areas, informing the population, holding physical education, sports, cultural events, working with public organizations, and much more.

The effectiveness of the work of representative local authorities with the population, and therefore the key to the success of the region, largely depends on the personnel potential of local governments and the improvement of their qualifications. It is personnel that determine success in any field.

Thus, the measures taken to improve the qualifications of local government personnel in the Grodno region are yielding certain results.

As part of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 12, 2007 No. 21 “On enhancing the role of local government and self-government bodies in resolving issues of life support for the population” in Grodno region It is practiced to conduct internships for the first elected chairmen of the Councils of Deputies at the primary territorial level.

For the first time, 2 village and 38 rural Councils of Deputies were elected in the region. For their internship, each district Council of Deputies has identified basic township and rural Councils of Deputies.

All of the above is aimed at ensuring that local Councils of Deputies participate more actively in solving the problems of the region and strengthen interaction with local executive authorities, becoming a support for the citizens of the corresponding territory. After all, the main task of local governments is to become full-fledged owners of territories, responsible for their further development.

Local Councils, especially in rural areas, should cooperate more closely with the executive branch to ensure maximum employment for residents of the region, given that recently in rural areas, for objective reasons, in particular due to the introduction of highly mechanized equipment, a large number of workers have been released. At the same time, only through the joint efforts of local governments and executive authorities can new jobs be created.

It should be noted that recently there has been significant progress in the work of local Councils. They began to take the initiative more often, point out to the authorities the current problems of the regions and jointly develop solutions to them. This was largely facilitated by the activities of the Council for Interaction of Local Self-Government Bodies under the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

Today we can say with confidence that such a situation in the field of local self-government in Belarus became possible thanks to a significant change in the material and technical base of local Councils.

If in 2004–2005. Many rural and township Councils had an indecent appearance for the authorities, but today, in accordance with the instructions of the Head of State and Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 21 “On increasing the role of local government and self-government bodies in resolving issues of life support for the population,” most of them have been brought into proper form. All chairmen of village and town councils have official cars. Village Councils are equipped with office equipment and computers. In recent years, the issue of financial strengthening of local Councils has moved forward due to the ability of rural Councils to earn money independently.

The more highly developed a society is (materially, economically, socially, politically), the more local government influences the life and activities of citizens in the region. In the Republic of Belarus, they adhere to the following direction in the development of local authorities: local self-government should be improved so that issues of the life of citizens - especially in small settlements - are resolved primarily locally. This is not an easy task, but it is doable.
(The material was prepared by the Information and Analytical Center under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Grodno Regional Council of Deputies and the Department of Ideological Work of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee)