
The British Ministry of Defense has declassified UFO sightings from 1986 to 1992.

The disclosed archives contain a description of a case when, in 1991, on approach to London Heathrow Airport, pilots of an Alitalia airline noticed an object resembling a rocket in shape that flew near their liner.

Then neither the military nor the representatives civil aviation could not determine exactly what it was.

After the experts made sure that the mysterious object was not a meteorological probe, not a rocket or a spacecraft, the investigation was closed.

The military is going to tell about a few hundred more contacts with UFOs

A total of 19 computer files have been published on the website of the British National Archives, which contain documents on "encounters with UFOs" from 1986 to 1992.

Over the next four years, the British War Office intends to publish 200 files of documents on encounters with the inexplicable.

"Home from Sirius"

The declassified materials also contain a description of a case in which a military pilot was ordered to shoot down a UFO that appeared on the radar while flying over East Anglia.

In addition, you can read the regulation for pilots that forbids them to photograph the mysterious crop circles - so as not to undermine the official line that the Department of Defense is not investigating this inexplicable phenomenon.
Now everyone can look at authentic materials
David Clark
UFO expert

Caught in the archives of the military and less official documents. For example, a letter from a woman claiming to be from Sirius, and her ship, where there were two more of her fellow tribesmen, was wrecked in the UK during World War II.

True, but not all

UFO expert David Clarke, who also lectures in journalism at the University of Sheffield, says the findings will shed light on little-studied events.

However, according to him, fans of conspiracy theories are sure that the military told only what they saw fit, but not the whole truth.

Nevertheless, he believes that the release of these documents is not without meaning: "Now everyone can look at the authentic materials that the Department of Defense receives every day and draw their own conclusions."

Congress asked to talk about UFOs

A group of American scientists and former military men have launched a campaign to force the US Congress to hold hearings on the issue of UFOs and aliens.
A group calling itself the "Project to Declassify" has taken the initiative to hear congressional testimony from people it claims were witnesses to the existence of aliens. Members of the group accuse the US government of trying to classify information accumulated over the past 50 years.

One of the leaders of the Declassification Project, Dr. Stephen Greer, explained to the BBC why he believes that the US government is hiding such information:

“These topics were kept secret during the Cold War,” he says. “Our leadership did not want this information to become public Soviet Union and for the Russians to gain access to alien technology.

But even now that the Cold War has ended, our government continues to keep this information secret. Perhaps this is because, as far as I understand, there are many unconstitutional projects that have not been discussed in Congress and the White House. The authorities may just not be ready to admit it," says Steven Greer.

One of the former military personnel involved in the UFO campaign said that he personally, along with several other people, participated in the examination of a flying saucer that crashed in Pennsylvania and found aliens dying from their wounds.

Another member of the "Project to Declassify" claims that one of the astronauts who flew to the moon told her that he saw traces of a person who had previously visited the Earth's satellite alien ship. The US authorities, however, have so far not responded to the statements of the "Project to Declassify" group.

Declassified documents of the KGB

At the end of September, the object suddenly disappeared from the locked hangar, leaving no
viv and trace.

Viktor Romanchenko, 2002

In November 2001, the magazine "MUFON UFO Journal", published
authoritative ufological organization MUFON (Morrison, state
Colorado, USA), published an interesting article called "KGB" s
"Blue Folder" reveals shootings, landings in USSR" ("Blue Folder"
The KGB reveals the facts of shelling and landings of UFOs in the USSR "). The author of the article is
ufologist Vadim Ilyin from Russia. He lives in St. Petersburg, graduated in
1956 Leningrad Mechanical Institute. Worked as an engineer in
various institutions, led research groups,
laboratories, departments. He has over 30 years of experience in translation
technical and fiction from English and Polish
languages ​​into Russian, is the author of a number of articles.
The material for his article was obtained by Ilyin for use without
no restrictions from the late Vyacheslav Shtepa, member
UFO Committee at the Russian Geographical Society,
who in February 2000 became the editor of the UFO magazine,
produced by the publishing house "Kaleidoscope" in St. Petersburg. Shtepa
died suddenly last June. According to Vyacheslav
Shtepy, the materials handed over to them have not been published anywhere before. And part
of these materials was used by Vadim Ilyin for publication in
American magazine. The turn has come to get acquainted with them and the Russian-speaking
audience. An interesting paradox, but very often the most interesting
materials related to the problems of secrecy in the Soviet Union and
Russia, are published first abroad, and only then, after some
time, become available to the inhabitants of Russia themselves.

In the early 90s, it became known that the KGB was also collecting
information related to UFOs. The so-called "Blue Folder" containing
declassified documents of the KGB on this topic, was received upon request
famous Russian cosmonaut Pavel Popovich. Most of
copies of these documents are stored in the archives of the UFO Committee
Russian Geographical Society.
The fact of the existence of UFOs was repeatedly confirmed by Soviet
the military. UFOs were observed from the ground and from the air, registered
radar operators.
One of the Blue Folder documents describes an encounter with a UFO,
occurred in 1984 over Turkmenistan. Air defense system near Astrakhan
an object was seen flying along the coast of the Caspian Sea at
altitude of 2000 meters and heading to the state border. On the
he did not answer requests. The object was spherical. were in the air
two fighters were raised, but all attempts to shoot down the UFO failed.
Moreover, when they started shooting at the object, it dropped sharply to
hundred meters above the ground to a height that did not allow fighters to fly
further shooting at him. It should be noted that, despite
shelling, the speed of the UFO has not changed. During the flight, the object passed
over the deployment of several military units, which made it possible to
When the UFO approached the city of Krasnovodsk, a combat
helicopter to try and shoot down the intruder again. But the UFO abruptly left
up to a height that was inaccessible to the helicopter. After that,
as the pilots spent all their ammunition, the helicopter headed for a landing in
while the UFO abruptly changed its course and flew into the open sea.
Soon, the object disappeared from sight and was lost to radar.
In 1985, a radar station under the leadership of Capt.
Valueva in the Krasnovodsk region registered an unknown object on
altitude of 20,000 meters. Its dimensions were about 1000 meters! Object not
moved, but after a while a small disk separated from it
about five meters in diameter. This smaller disc-shaped UFO
landed on the seashore near Krasnovodsk.
Patrol boats of the Caspian flotilla headed to the place
UFO landings, but when they approached a distance of about 100
meters, the UFO took off and flew away from this place for about a kilometer.
The patrol boats approached the UFO again, and he again moved away from
them. The situation repeated itself five times! Finally, the object took off
tremendous speed. His mark on the radar screen matched the mark
mother ship and a huge UFO went into space.
Another document from the Blue Folder states that on November 25, 1986
year at 12.50 Moscow time, the control service of civil
airlines, as well as the military unit of this service at the airport
Magadan discovered an unidentified target. At this time, approaching the goal
aircraft AI-12 No. 11421 flying at an altitude of 7200 meters. aircraft captain
was alerted by ground service about the situation.
When the plane and the UFO approached within line of sight
each other, the object abruptly changed the direction of movement towards the bay
Shelikhov and increased his speed to 900-1000 kilometers per hour. An object
continued to increase speed and at 13:00 reached 3000 kilometers in
hour. Maintaining this speed, the object flew to the coast of Kamchatka and
distance of 150 kilometers from the coast disappeared from the radar screens.
In another document, a witness talks about scheduled flights,
conducted in the 227th bomber regiment on May 23, 1985 at
airfield "Khurba" in the Komsomolsk district of the Khabarovsk region. IN
At 22.35 local time, an unidentified person was spotted over the test site.
flying object. The dull orange object was oval and
moved from west to east at a height of 200-300 meters at a speed
about 500-600 kilometers per hour. This unidentified flying object
observed by senior flight control officer
Lieutenant Colonel A.A. Alifanov, captain A.U. Shevnin, and
also the head of the weather regime group, Captain V.P. Stickin.
The next day at 00.40 the same object was observed for 10-12
minutes over the Litovko training ground in the Komsomolsky district of Khabarovsk
region by senior navigator major V.V. Kudryavtsev and engineer
weather group senior lieutenant V.V. Maltsev. This time
the oval object was dull white in color and emitted beams of light upwards and
down. The beams down were much brighter than the ones up. The object moved to
high altitude and high speed.
In early August 1987, five military officers from the Leningrad
military district were sent to the north of Karelia with a special
task. They were supposed to escort an object of an unknown
origin, which was discovered shortly before in the territory
another military unit near the city of Vyborg. The length of the object was 14
meters, width - 4 meters, height - 2.5 meters. On the body of the object
there were doors or hatches.
All attempts to open it failed. Attempts have been made
break off something from the object, but it turned out only to extract some
strange rods from the tail of the mysterious apparatus. In the end
September, the object suddenly disappeared from the locked hangar, leaving no
On September 30, 1989, a large article about UFOs was published in
the city of Sochi in the local newspaper "Chernomorskaya zdravnitsa". In the article
it was reported that in July of that year, the crews of four different aircraft
independently observed two "flying saucers" high in
sky. With great speed, they performed incredible maneuvers, while
changing their colors and even shapes.
In the "Blue Folder" about that case, it was reported that on July 26, 1989
around 14.40 operator R.Kh. Stepanyan received information from the crew
aircraft flying from Simferopol, on the observation of unidentified objects
at a distance of 30-50 kilometers. The pilots reported on the radio that on the left
several strange objects are observed from them. At first there was only
one object, but soon a second appeared. One represents
almost a regular square, and the other oblong, in the shape of a rhombus. Both
object at high speed began to move away. Then started
move away from each other. After a while they disappeared from sight.
Another Blue Folder document states that on October 21, 1989
near the village of Burkhala, Yagodinsky district, Magadan region
several local residents observed an unidentified flying object.
When an object approaches high voltage lines, it will
changed course and soared up. One of the witnesses who served before
at Baikonur, estimated the speed of about 1000 kilometers per hour. At the same time he
noticed that not a single aircraft known to him was capable of
such a drastic move.
Flying over the eyewitnesses, the object noticeably reduced its speed and they
were able to see it in detail. His flight was absolutely silent.
There was an impression that the object had marker lights along the contour, from seven
up to nine such lights.
The latest Blue Folder document states that 21
March 1990 employees of the Alexander Department of Internal Affairs
received a number of telephone calls from residents of the city and surrounding villages about
the appearance of unidentified flying objects in the air.
After obtaining more accurate information, it was found that
enough big number residents of the cities of Alexandrov, Strunino,
Karabanov, the villages of Arsaki, Zhulino and some other settlements
became eyewitnesses of UFOs - in some cases two UFOs - on March 21 between
20.00 and 23.30. The flight of the UFO was accompanied by flashes of white light,
which alternated every two or three seconds and resembled
arc welding.
However, all eyewitnesses found it difficult to describe the appearance of a UFO. In the city
Karabanov, one of the UFOs, is said to have hovered over the Memorial of the Eternal
Fire to the fallen warriors and a beam of light fired from it illuminated the surface
earth. Fighter piloted by a pilot first class
Lieutenant Colonel A.A. Semenchenko, was sent to the place
UFO sightings. He flew near one of the "flying saucers" and saw
against the backdrop of the illuminated city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky
some dark body with two white flashing lights. Report on
observation of the lieutenant-colonel was published by the newspaper Krasnaya
Star". The pilot said that the target changed direction and
altitude within 1000 meters. Being an experienced pilot, he could not
identify this mysterious object.

UFO video stolen from NASA

aliens sold
Two legends. According to one, NASA, in preparation for its 50th anniversary, decided to release stunning film and video footage captured during historic flights around the Earth and to the Moon. This is the absolute truth. Like the fact that on the day of the holiday, July 29, agency employees pierced space song The Beatles "Across the Universe" - sent a digital recording towards the North Star.
But then they say that, as if looking through the archives, some cunning NASA employees copied the most out of the ordinary. And sold. Now these shots are being played on the Internet and used in documentaries. And the people see: around our planet, "flying saucers" are worn by entire squadrons.
According to another version, only one person "borrowed" the sensational video - a certain Martin Stubbs. Like, working at a space communications station in Canada, he caught and recorded live broadcasts from shuttles. And he had accumulated almost 2500 hours of film. From there, he pulled the anomalous one. Well, I sold it, of course.
Squadrons of "saucers"
Be that as it may, but now there are several commercials relating to expeditions on shuttles in the mid-90s. Accurately identified two, filmed during flights under code names STS-75 and STS-80 (February and December 1996).
The footage is really impressive - it's not without reason that millions have already watched them. On one (STS-75) I counted 4 UFOs that are moving in different sides. On others (the expedition has not been established) - as many as 8 pieces. They fly not only up and down, but also from the bottom up. They look like bright ellipses.
Video (STS-80) shows a luminous object that slowly floats over the Earth. And at the end, another one appears, which rushes swiftly.
The shooting, which was allegedly taken either in 1984 or in 1991 (STS-51A or STS-37), generally captured a giant UFO - at least it seems so. Looks like a glowing ball, maneuvers around spaceship.
Some frames are decorated with mysterious bright flashes in the Earth's atmosphere. With them, everything is just clear - these are lightning, well distinguishable from orbit. And what is flying?

Trusting Ufomans

Some hotheads, of course, have no doubt: aliens have occupied near-Earth space. And it was hidden from the public for 12 years. But there are also healthier considerations.

I fully share the opinion of James OBERG, a recognized expert on astronautics and anomalous phenomena, - says Mikhail GERSHTEIN, Chairman of the Russian UFO Commission geographical society. - He explained in detail “what flies” in a letter to the famous ufologist Mike FARREL, director of the GUFON project (global video exchange), who was puzzled by what he saw (original correspondence - .html).

According to Oberg, the observed objects are small particles that have separated from the shuttle itself. They sparkle in the sun. And they move - including in different directions - from the fact that the spacecraft turns on the engines. Turns on automatically, adjusting its position in space. Jet exhaust essentially blows these particles away. Appearing sometimes loops - an optical effect associated with excessive illumination of a digital camera. Its sensors do not have time to “move away” from the bright light of the particles.

The shots “about a luminous ball” are generally complete bullshit from the point of view of the anomalous, Mikhail has no doubts. - Only gullible ufomaniacs can believe that this is a UFO. In fact, the so-called autonomous extravehicular activity robotic camera (The Autonomous Extravehicular Activity Robotic Camera Sprint) was filmed. The contraption is interesting in itself. This is a ball with a diameter of about 40 centimeters. Looks like a soccer ball. Equipped with 12 nitrogen-powered miniature jet engines and two video cameras. The ball is not attached to anything. Can fly freely, controlled by radio. It is used for external inspection of a spacecraft or station. Obviously, the robot got into the "sensational" shots. And in order to fool the people, the "distributors" of this movie incorrectly dated the expeditions. The robot ball was first used later - in 1997.


The military is perplexed

Soviet cosmonauts spoke about "flying saucers" in Earth's orbit. Either Leonov, or Grechko was repeatedly recalled: they say, they saw. And for this they knocked on the glass of the porthole. Particles of ice were separated from it and looked from the side, well, just like “plates”. Which, in fact, coincides with Oberg's explanations.

However... There is something in the near-Earth space that defies any explanation. At least this is admitted (unofficially) by high-ranking specialists of the Russian Space Forces. Their equipment allows them to see for tens of thousands of kilometers, to recognize objects the size of a goose flying on the other side of the planet. And identify them. And there are those that are impossible to recognize. Roughly speaking, the parameters of these objects flying in near-Earth space do not fit into any reasonable framework - in terms of speed, mass, matter. Hearing this from people with big stars on shoulder straps, somehow you begin to look at the video from NASA differently - with suspicion. The solution to these frames no longer seems so simple and unambiguous.

By the way, James Oberg refused to comment on the "sensational footage" on television. But not because he backed down. He was afraid that the public would peck him. And he will accuse that he is helping NASA to hide the truth about aliens. And people now believe in them more than in God, polls show.

Watch the video here:

In January 2017, the Central intelligence agency The United States has released 775,000 documents on the Internet, containing 13 million pages, declassified by presidential decree of Bill Clinton in 1995. Among other things, the archive contains information about the agency's projects to investigate the problem of the so-called "unidentified flying objects" - UFOs.

Among the declassified documents, the most detailed are eyewitness accounts recorded from their words. Interestingly, for the most part, unidentified aircraft were seen in Europe. But UFOs were also recorded over the United States, on the territory former USSR, in Africa and Far East. In the published document stock, there are no reports of UFOs over Australia or, for example, Iceland, or they are contained in documents that cannot be deciphered because they are not clearly scanned.

Evidence dating back to the 1950s of the last century was especially common, most of all in 1952 and 1954. This may be a coincidence, but in the summer of 1952 and early 1954, as well as in the summer months of this year, there were relatively many major air crashes in the world as a whole and in the regions specifically described. There were also natural disasters.

It should not be forgotten that several films about extraterrestrial intelligence that became popular were released in the 1950s, including The War of the Worlds based on the novel by HG Wells - 1953; "Thing from Another World" - 1951, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" - 1951, "Robot Monster" - 1953, "The Quatermass Experiment" - 1955, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" - 1956, Japanese "Mysterians - 1957 and others. The iconic Day of the Triffids was released in 1963.

Similar investigations of UFO evidence in the United States were carried out by the Technical Air Intelligence Center (ATIC), which was reorganized in 1961 into the Foreign Technology Division (FTD), and in 2003 became National Center Air and Space Intelligence (NASIC). From the 1950s to the 1980s there was also a National Airborne Investigation Committee.

According to CIA documents, in 1952, the secret project "Stork" ("Stork") was founded, in which the facts of UFO sightings from 1947 to 1952 were collected and investigated. All data collected and analyzed by the project participants is stored at the National Archives and Records Administration. Only a small declassified part of the Aist reports has been made available for free access to the network. And while most classified data remains classified, the general public is now one step closer to the truth.

Part one
where they were seen

Declassified CIA documents are difficult to parse, some are almost impossible. And not all information is of any value. But everything that really deserves attention and concerns UFOs, we divided into three conditional parts: observation of "saucers" around the world, separate creepy stories and the situation with UFOs in the countries of the former USSR.

One of the cases that the CIA attributed to UFO evidence occurred in October 1955. The witness was traveling on a train and was in his compartment when he saw a rapidly growing greenish-yellow ball outside the window.

According to this man, he saw the outline of a flying saucer. The same was repeated by the passengers of the neighboring compartment. A second similar object was soon seen at an altitude of about 700-800 m. There was no light source on the ground, although the object's flight path was very low. The passenger reported that the size of the object resembled a rocket, but there was no trail of fire and the greenish-yellow ball seemed to be circling in the air.

This incident was given a possible explanation in the report. According to the expert's conclusion, the passengers of the train observed a conventional jet during a steep climb.
However, there are hundreds of reports of unidentified flying objects in different periods, and many of them could not be explained.

April 22, 1952, Spain. Four objects in the form of luminous spheres, painted in shades of red and yellow, were seen in the Almansa region. The objects remained in the sky for a minute.

July 12, 1952, Morocco. At night, the police saw two flying saucers. The objects were oblong, leaving a white trail behind them. They flew at high speed from north to south.

July 17, 1952, Algiers. In the sky over Oran, several people from different places saw a flying saucer at once. Similar phenomena were observed in the same area on July 26 and 31.

August 01, 1952, Spain. A flying saucer was seen over Andujar. According to eyewitnesses, it was red, the size of a standard dinner dish. A long green trail trailed behind an object moving at high speed.

1952 was distinguished by an almost record number of reports of UFO sightings in different parts of the globe. But at least some of them can be explained natural phenomena, the intensification of tests of military developments, combined with the incomprehensible human fantasy.

For example, in June 1952, the US Air Force bombed hydroelectric power plants in North Korea. In the same summer, the first flight across the North Atlantic from east to west began (two Sikorsky S-55s). In July 52, the GoetheLink observatory discovered the asteroid # 1788 Kiess. This year was also distinguished by the first non-stop flight through Pacific Ocean by plane. In August, Indiana University discovers asteroids #4299 and #7723.
But reports of UFOs did not decrease from that.

September 20, 1952, Norway. Three people reported that they saw a flat round object with a diameter of 15-20 m, which hovered without movement at an altitude of about 500 m. After a while, the object disappeared at high speed.

July 13, 1952 Morocco. Witnesses saw a ball with a green-blue glow, leaving a light trail behind it. Moved at high speed. The object disappeared after 3 or 4 seconds, as if it had melted into the sky.

July 12, 1952, Casablanca. Several people observed a yellow flying disk, about 30 cm in diameter, flying from east to west. The next day, two more messages - about "white fire" in the sky and an unknown flying object. On July 15, 40 people claimed to have seen a glowing flying object near Casablanca around 22:00.

Another project under which UFO research was carried out in the United States was the Blue Book project. It was conducted by the US Air Force from 1952 to 1970. The project was the second wave of such studies (the first included two similar projects - Sign and Grudge).

The objective of the project was to determine whether UFOs, if they exist, are a threat national security and scientifically analyze reports related to UFOs.

Among the project documents were photographs of unidentified flying objects.

By the way, among the CIA documents there is also an instruction for capturing a UFO on a camera. According to it, it is necessary to set the correct settings, photograph the object as many times as possible and try to capture the surface of the earth in the frame, capture UFOs from different locations, do not forget to write down the place and time of shooting, and take care of the safety of the negatives.

Despite the fact that all US Air Force UFO research projects were temporary and were curtailed relatively quickly, evidence of sightings of unidentified objects in the sky continued to arrive annually and around the world.

July 1953, Spain. Flying saucers were observed for several days in a row in the country.
Witnesses indicate that they saw a glowing round object that emitted red light and flew like a jet plane. The object flew silently in a northwesterly direction.
Residents of one of the villages also reported that they saw a luminous spherical object, which disappeared in a westerly direction after a long stay over the village.

August 11, 1953, Greece. A glowing, rocket-like object was seen in the southeastern sky above the city. The object flew at a fairly low altitude and was visible for 3-4 minutes after which it disappeared.

September 2, 1953, Morocco. Several residents heard a thunderous noise during the night. The next day, two shepherds reported seeing a flying object lit up in many colors and flying at great speed.

June 10, 1954, Austria. Residents of Salzburg saw a strange red object in the sky. According to them, it was three times the size of Venus. The object was visible for two hours.

July 14, 1954, Finland. An oblong object was seen in the sky above the city of Pulkkila.
It is also interesting to pay attention to what background events occurred during the described period of UFO observation. Perhaps, one way or another, these events influenced the perception of people. Or perhaps these events are directly related. If on the same day a UFO is seen in the same place, and a catastrophe occurs on earth, is this a coincidence? The corresponding inserts will be given below.

At the same time

June 16, 1954. A sub-committee of the British Department of Defense decided to manufacture its own hydrogen bomb. This decision was presented to the Cabinet in July and kept secret until February of the following year, when an official announcement was made.

September 7, 1954, Belgium. The ball flew low over the ground, moving in a northwesterly direction. The object is white, green along the edge, with a long train. The ball lit up the whole sky.

September 07, 1954, France. A burning disc with a luminous plume. It hovered in the sky, then flew away and disappeared over the horizon.

At the same time

September 5, 1954. Foynes, Ireland. The company's Lockheed 1049C Constellation crashes into the Shannon River after takeoff. Of the 56 people on board, 28 die.

September 10, 1954 A 12-second tremor kills 1,460 people in Orleansville, Algeria.

September 14, 1954. Military exercises are conducted at the Totsk training ground using this nuclear weapons. 40 thousand people take part in the exercises, and the power nuclear explosion is 40 kilotons.

September 14, 1954 Hurricane Edna (2nd of 1954) in New York City causes $50 million in damage.

September 26, 1954. The Japanese ferry TouaMaru is caught in a typhoon while entering the port of Hakodate and capsizes on board. Of the 1198 people, 1172 die.

September 26, 1954. Typhoon in Japan - five ferries sink, about 1,600 dead.
December 10, 1954, Algiers. The cigar-shaped object flew to the northeast, leaving a smoky tail. Several eyewitnesses in different parts of Algiers.

March 16, 1959, Norway. Eyewitnesses reported several (up to five) bright objects over Bergen. Outwardly, they resembled Soviet satellites - eyewitness testimony.

December 6, 1958, India. Through a telescope, an object of presumably artificial origin was recorded in the sky, with a brightness of 3 points. The object moved from north to south. There was no sign of destruction, smoke or noise. The eyewitness reported that the flying object he saw was identical to Sputnik 3.

The check showed that Sputnik 3 was not in the line of sight from the place indicated by the eyewitness, could not move in the indicated direction and was returned to the Earth's atmosphere on December 3, 1958.

March 6, 1960, Sweden. The team of the Swedish plane (and at the same time - astronomers at the observatory) observed an unidentified object that looked like a satellite. The object disappeared over the horizon. Unidentified objects were also observed by a photographer who intended to take pictures of the 1960 Alpha satellite. The photographer saw two strange devices, completely different from satellites.

April 2, 1988, China. In March, an unidentified object was seen over Xinyang, resembling a ball of burning plasma, the size of a basketball. Scientists attribute it to natural causes.

February 11, 1992, Korea. The Yonhap agency reported an intrusion into the airspace of an aircraft. Radars fixed the object at a distance of about 24 km south of the Chinese island of Shandong. On alarm, the command raised fighters, but they did not find any traces of an aircraft or other similar apparatus. The object moved at approximately the speed of sound until it reached a site 128 km west of Gunsan, where it disappeared from radar. The Air Force reported that the appearance of a phantom on the radar could be caused by an overlay of images (previously, radars recorded birds as aircraft).

April 16, 1992, China. Xinhua reported that Chinese scientists will hold a conference on UFOs. The UFO theme became very popular in China in the late 1970s. About 5 thousand observations on this topic have been recorded in the country.

According to a 1980 report by China's intelligence services, more than 100 reports of unidentified flying objects were received in 15 provinces in just six months. The CIA document also states that all recorded descriptions of UFOs can be divided into three categories:

The first type is a disk or ball, some are oval or egg-shaped.

The second type is huge, long UFOs.

The third type describes unidentified flying objects as spirals, sometimes huge, with a small glow or small points of light around the entire perimeter of the object.

February 20, 1999, Turkey. During the first international symposium devoted to the study of UFOs, a thematic exhibition was held, which presented an exact copy of the supposedly real discovered alien body.

December 9, 2009, Norway. A strange celestial glow was observed in the night sky in the north of the country. Witnesses said they saw a UFO. However, later a statement was received from Moscow that an unsuccessful launch of a missile from a Russian submarine had occurred in the indicated area.

June 27, 2003, Poland. Huge rings appeared on the fields of the city of Vilatovo in the east of the country. The city authorities even asked for additional funds to equip sites for numerous tourists who want to see the mysterious rings allegedly left by UFOs.

May 10, 2004, Chile. A picture of the creature walking down a path in the park was featured in the local newspaper. It was assumed that the photo depicted an alien. It is noted that Chile is the fifth country in the world in terms of the number of reported UFO sightings after the United States, Peru, Brazil and Russia.

January 24, 2011, Indonesia. On the field of the city of Yogyakarta, the same circles were found as earlier in Poland. Local authorities used a helicopter to film the phenomenon. Circles were perfect geometric shape, and the rest of the field remained completely untouched.

The site of the British Society of Earth and Air Mysteries collects messages from all over the kingdom. Since the beginning of 2015, there have been 366 such reports with unidentified objects captured in photos and videos, and the last one is dated January 29, 2017.

One of the UFO sightings took place in the county of Cumbria in the west of Britain on November 26, 2016. The photo shows what appears to be an egg-shaped metal object.

Part two

October 23, 1992. The fruitless search for Vladimir Molokanov, a military pilot who disappeared on July 24 near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, continued for three months. On that day, Captain Molokanov, a first-class pilot, was returning to the Su-27 from part of the anti-aircraft and anti-missile exercises in Chukotka. However, he did not reach the airfield of his regiment in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Molokanov first reported problems with the engine. At 12:06:58 the last message was broadcast: "Torch behind!". Communication with the pilot was suddenly lost at noon local time in the area of ​​the Shantar Islands. Various versions of what happened were put forward - an accident, loss of consciousness by the pilot, flight abroad and the abduction of a UFO. But none of the versions has been confirmed.

The head of the search team, Alexander Nosov, said that searches in the area where the accident allegedly occurred and the analysis of radio communications with the pilot did not bring any results. A common explanation was the version of the accident. During the flight, the aircraft's engines failed, but it was possible to continue the flight, which the pilot did.

Studying the version of the escape abroad, foreign intelligence and the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation conducted an investigation. No traces of the disappeared Su-27 have been found in Japan, the United States or North Korea. This was the second case of the mysterious disappearance of a military pilot of this air regiment.

July 13, 1953. The Stockholm newspaper Morgon-Tidningen published an article on the UFO problem, possible versions of its completely earthly origin and the reaction of the authorities and the military to these objects.

The author said that the Danish authorities take the problem of flying saucers seriously. Military experts believe that while most flying saucer sightings are attributed to astronomical phenomena, sighting reports remain that indicate the saucers were sent from Soviet bases in the Arctic Ocean.

According to a report handed over by the Danish Air Force to the Defense Headquarters, various objects have been repeatedly recorded in the waters and air of Denmark, the origin of which has not been established. The document also includes information on remote-controlled projectiles detected in the atmosphere above northern parts Norway and Finland. Military intelligence officials concluded that the shells could have been sent from a Soviet base on Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean.

A report dated November 12, 1952 refers to the observation by an officer and seven privates from Karup Airport in Jutland of a flying object resembling an airplane, but moving much faster than any of the types of aircraft known at that time.
Similar cases were recorded in Norway in October 1952, when the country's Navy reported a flying object of unknown design flying over the naval base in Horten.

Another case was recorded in the northern part of Norway. The crew of the anti-aircraft battery observed a mysterious object at high altitude. When a jet plane was sent for it, the object disappeared from view in a matter of seconds.

December 17, 1953. A Swedish international airline pilot and onboard mechanic reported that they saw a mysterious round metal flying object flying in the opposite direction while flying over the province of Skåne in southern Sweden. He flew at an incredible speed. The pilot estimated that the object was about 10 meters in diameter.

“I did not doubt for a moment that it was not a jet plane. What I saw was completely unusual, a metallic, symmetrical, round object that was unlike anything I had seen before. A mysterious object suddenly just appeared on our route,” he said.

The pilot and flight engineer said they were absolutely sure that the object they saw was neither a meteorite nor some other celestial phenomenon.

"We didn't see any light, but we could only see that the object had a metallic sheen," crew members said.

The object was in the field of view of the pilot and flight mechanic for about 6-7 seconds.

The report of the defense headquarters stated that the weather that day was good, but due to light cloudiness, the object seen from the aircraft was not visible from the ground. According to the military, there were no Swedish aircraft at that time and in this area.

As a result of the investigation, versions were put forward that the crew did see a meteorite, a balloon, or even decided to joke, but no object existed. But none of the versions was finally confirmed.

Another documented UFO sighting in Sweden dates from June 20, 1959. 10 people reported seeing a flying saucer near the city of Hernesand. The object approached gradually from the south above the lake at an altitude of about 300 meters. The object was round, 6-8 meters in diameter, and was surrounded by a wide ring of light. The underside of the UFO glowed red-yellow. The object was visible for about three minutes. The incident was reported to the military authorities.

Part Three
the USSR

According to CIA documents for 1967, cases of UFO sightings were also recorded in the USSR, in particular in Siberia. However, as noted, reports of observations were not distributed in the Soviet media, as they were not regarded by the authorities as scientific observation.

The most detailed evidence of eyewitness encounters with UFOs on the territory of the former USSR in the CIA database dates back to the 1990s of the last century. The first explanation that comes to mind is the fall of the Iron Curtain. Firstly, it opened access to, in fact, the stories of eyewitnesses. Secondly, for the eyewitnesses themselves, this opened up the world of semi-scientific and pseudo-scientific stories about UFOs that are popular in the West. That is, roughly speaking, unidentified objects on the territory of the Union were seen all the time, only some could not tell about it due to the lack of a conceptual apparatus, and the latter could not write down and / or read.

But among the documents, the text of the TASS news about the EKIP project was found - the production of multifunctional non-aerodrome aircraft with a disk-shaped fuselage. Outwardly, the “crews” just looked very much like the notorious flying saucers. And although the idea of ​​such devices appeared with Soviet scientists in the 1970s, they were produced in the 1990s. This means that third-party observers could see mock-ups and trial models of such devices precisely in the 1990s.

According to reports Russian Academy Sciences, in 1993 the government of the Russian Federation decided to finance the EKIP project. By this time, the construction of two full-size vehicles with a total take-off weight of 9 tons was being completed. Six years later, the development of the EKIP apparatus was included in a separate line in the budget, but funding was interrupted.

After allegedly successful negotiations between the management of the Saratov Aviation Plant on financing a project in the United States in January 2000, a Russian-American aircraft based on the EKIP was created. Its flight tests were planned for 2007 in Maryland.

References to the EKIP project were also found in the press.

1993 TASS reported on the project of Russian scientists EKIP. (MK, 24.02.05): “The idea itself was born in the late 70s. Then, by combining the fuselage and wings of the aircraft into a single whole, the designers got one solid thick wing. The ends of it are slightly "chopped off" and "twisted". Something resembling a flying saucer came out. And it turned out that she could lift more than half her own weight, and her internal volume was 8-10 times higher than the cabin of the aircraft from which she was made.

The saucer took off with the help of an air cushion. And not only from the ground, but also from the water, a swamp or a mountain meadow ... For this, she needed a small patch of a relatively flat surface. This means that not only was this device capable of transporting more people and cargo, it also did not need airfields. The saucer appeared at the Saratov Aviation Plant in April 1990. The project was approved by the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2000, the project was closed, and “the last time the budget line under the number "9.22" - EKIP financing - appeared in 1999. Later, only volunteers helped.

July 14, 1993. The newspaper Izvestia published an article "Flying saucers made in Saratov" by Viktor Litovkin, which described in detail the Soviet and Russian development- an aircraft in the form of a flying saucer. It was this aircraft that skeptics began to explain the previous and subsequent evidence of UFOs in the Russian Federation, the USSR and even other countries.

Reports from eyewitnesses of UFOs and publications in the press have increased in frequency since the 1990s.

May 21, 1990. Soviet and Chinese scientists held a joint conference in Vladivostok on UFO issues. It was reported at the conference that over the past four years in Dalnegorsk, the number of evidence of UFO visits has increased significantly (up to 10). Similar phenomena were observed in the mountainous regions of China. CIA specialists attribute this increased interest to the large reserves of minerals in this region of the USSR.

December 6, 1990. TASS published news about a joint Soviet-Japanese space mission containing the mention of an unidentified object. Gennady Strekalov reported that on September 27, 1990, the team observed the luminous ball for seven minutes. He suggested that this phenomenon is of natural origin. The story has become quite famous.

ParanormalNews: “In 1990, while on the Mir station, cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov witnessed a very mysterious sight. The atmosphere was completely clear, at that time a clearly visible Newfoundland floated under Mir. Suddenly, something like a sphere appeared in the astronaut's field of vision.

In terms of brilliance and brightness, it resembled a Christmas tree toy - an elegant colored glass ball ... The “sphere” disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. There was nothing around with which to compare its size. Strekalov reported the object he saw to the Mission Control Center, but at the same time described it as some kind of unusual phenomenon, without using the term UFO. According to him, he deliberately described only what he saw, while trying to choose his expressions carefully and avoid unreasonable definitions.

January 19, 1991. A news release in Hungary featured a story about a UFO in Kecskemét.
Anomaly edition (No. 3, 1991): “On the night of January 18-19, in Bekescsab, Kecskemet, and a number of other settlements in Eastern Hungary, many saw an incomprehensible object in the night sky. It was observed not only by civilians, but also by the military, who officially reported it through their channels to the air defense center.

Hungarian Defense Ministry spokesman György Keleti said in Budapest that according to data received at the Kecskemét military airfield, a UFO over the airfield was recorded on Friday, January 18, 1991, at 23:18. He also said that the radio equipment of the Hungarian army did not notice the appearance of UFOs.

According to Lieutenant Peter Szabo, the on-duty meteorologist at the airfield in Kecskemét, the flying object he noticed could not be identified with any known meteorological phenomenon.

Behind a hard-to-define object was visible orange color jet of flame 50-60 meters long. The object itself was moving along the runway of the airfield at an altitude of about 300 meters.

Most scientists were in favor of the fact that the UFO was just a meteorite that burned up in the dense layers of the atmosphere. The fact that it was simultaneously observed in different parts of the country, according to experts, proves that the "estimate" of the flight altitude given by eyewitnesses was erroneous. According to calculations, the height of the object above the ground was about 100 kilometers, and not several hundred meters.

Versions were also expressed that in Kecskemét they observed combustion in the atmosphere of a de-orbited space satellite or part of the Soviet space orbital station Salyut-7.

January 22, 1991. The publication Bratislava Pravda reported, referring to the data of observatories in Moravia, about an unidentified luminous object, similar to the tail of a comet. The object was moving relatively fast at a fairly high altitude from north to south. Astronomers have suggested that this is part of a destroyed satellite that exploded as it reached the upper atmosphere.

April 15, 1991. Explosion in Sasovo. Eyewitnesses, among others, speculated about the UFO invasion and reported objects they saw, such as glowing balls. The military at the scene said it was an ammonium nitrate explosion.

However, according to representatives local authorities, no changes in the radiation background were recorded in the NP.

A similar phenomenon was repeated in NP in 1992. Abnormal news: “On the morning of April 12, police officers found in the floodplain of the Tsna River, 800 meters from railway and oil depots, a funnel of the correct round shape, with a diameter of up to 30 and a depth of up to 4 meters. At the very bottom, in the center, one could see a mound with concave slopes. Its diameter was about 12, and its height was more than 1.5 meters. According to the sanitary and epidemiological station, the radiation background of the funnel did not exceed the norm. With incredible force, huge blocks of soil were torn out and scattered, they flew away at a distance of up to 200 meters.

The scatter of clods of chernozem thrown out of the funnel and, for the most part, was surprising. correct form. Four directions of their falling out were clearly fixed, creating the configuration of an irregular cross. At the same time, in the immediate vicinity of the funnel, grass and bushes did not suffer at all from either the shock wave or the high temperature. Crosswise passed through the city and the blast wave. But the tank farm, located 550 meters from the crater towards Sasov, was not damaged.

May 21, 1991. In the TV show Time, they talked about a strange object seen near space station Peace. Eyewitnesses and journalists suggested that it could be either a UFO or part of the Soyuz spacecraft. Similar unidentified objects are fixed near the current station of the ISS regularly. The same story can be found at in large numbers thematic sites.

August 05, 1991. Eyewitnesses reported a UFO landing near the village of Hatsavan near Yerevan. The object remained on the ground for about 3 minutes, then disappeared.


Thanks to declassified CIA data, the truth has become a few steps closer to the people. But, as before, there is no answer that would put an end to the question of whether we are alone in the universe.

At the beginning of 2013 there was a huge leak of information about the government plot regarding UFOs. Data and documents have surfaced that all the presidents of Russia and the former USSR, since the war, knew the whole truth about aliens on Earth. But most of all, the public was struck by the version of Kennedy's death. Is it really so dangerous to know everything about UFOs, even for presidents?

Ever since the war, Stalin and Hitler have been actively interested in UFO technology. There are versions that Hitler even managed to adopt several unexplored innovations from a fallen alien ship. And this for a while gave him a great advantage during the fighting. And as for America. It turns out that since President Truman, information about UFOs has been a secret with seven seals. But not for everyone!

After the saucer fell in Roswell, the famous video recording of the dismemberment of a crashed alien by American scientists thundered all over the world. Then everything worked out with the version of the forgery of the record. But in 2012-2013, documents were declassified that said that there had been a fall. But in order to divert attention from him, they created an implausible video. The public had to accept the whole situation in Roswell as a fake provocation.

New declassified documents speak of this juggling of facts. It also lists the names of military officials and presidents who have remained silent about encounters with UFOs for many years. President Kenedy took an active interest in aliens and their technology. He, as the first person of America, was entrusted with some of the secret information. But Kenedy wanted more. He decided to take a grand step - to tell everything about UFOs to the general population and the whole world. The military services and the Air Force, having learned about the intentions of the president, could not allow such a disclosure. There is a version in official declassified documents that shortly before Kenedy's death, he had a conversation with the highest military headquarters. Kenedy never gave up on the idea of ​​telling the public all about aliens. Soon the president was killed. Was it a coincidence, unlikely. But the Air Force and senior military leadership continues to hide everything from ordinary people.

UFO secrets were hidden by the government

And then there was information about a secret government conspiracy to hide information about UFOs. The presidents of the USSR and modern Russia knew about the UFO visits to the Earth. There is a version that the heads of government even entered into a secret interplanetary agreement with aliens. And those in return give part of the new technologies to earthlings. This is where the trends towards accelerating scientific and technological progress are observed. It's just that governments do not disclose any data about it.

UFOs are actively interested in military and strategic objects. They often appear at secret military installations. Aliens monitor our development and weapons. There is evidence that the saucers flew to the territory of Korea (PRC) in 2012-2013. They appeared in areas of potential development of nuclear weapons.

There are a number of testimonies and testimonies from military pilots of the USSR and Russia that UFOs often appeared next to them during flights. Saucers accompanied military fighters, video. But, as the military themselves admit, the higher authorities force them to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

The mysterious death of Kenedy, a government conspiracy, and UFO interest in military installations are all close to us. If the governments of countries do not want to dedicate the population to the secrets of UFOs, this does not mean that we do not have the right to know about it. Declassified materials are increasingly appearing in the press and reveal the whole truth about aliens on Earth.

The Central Intelligence Agency has declassified and released hundreds of materials and photo documents from UFOs.

The American intelligence agency, which is often accused of "protecting aliens" and "withholding evidence extraterrestrial intelligence”, posted an archive of the 1978 investigation on its website.

Unexpectedly for fans of the conspiracy theory, the CIA provided not only the facts of historical UFO sightings, but also a complete dossier with the classification of anomalies.

It is known that the secret service, along with the fulfillment of its tasks, also followed the events related to flying saucers around the world, starting in 1947.

Most of the published photographs are from the 1940s and 1950s and are taken from electronic library special services "Electronic Reading Room". These documents are gathered directly from active agents and from press reports of various states about mysterious events.

According to intelligence documents regarding the so-called flying discs, these phenomena are "real, not an illusion or fiction", "the objects are disk-shaped and correspond to the dimensions of human-made apparatus", and only "some cases are explained by natural phenomena."

According to recorded cases of UFO sightings, saucers are characterized by unusually high lifting speed and maneuverability. In addition, some reports indicated the presence of a well-observed formation, consisting of several objects. Usually objects move completely silently.

In late 1978, the District Court ruled that the CIA was forced to admit the presence of UFO documents and hand over to the plaintiffs over nine hundred pages of UFO documents. Fifty-seven items of storage, without specifying the number of pages, the intelligence agency refused to release for reasons of national security. At a closed session, the court agreed with the arguments of the CIA representatives. As a result of the analysis of declassified documents, it turned out that the CIA collects the most important UFO reports from around the world, and in 1975 alone, 8,500 such reports were collected.

Wherein open publication materials with UFOs, agency employees allowed themselves almost 40 years after the court decision.

Comments (4 )

  • Pavel Poluyan January 27, 2016, 08:37

    I think the CIA is starting a UFO decryption operation. After all, the so-called. "flying saucers" are secret reconnaissance vehicles that the Americans have long used for reconnaissance missions. They were tested back in the late 40s, there were also catastrophes during the tests (Roswell). The flight technology is not at all fantastic, there is no antigravity there, special electrokinetic engines are used: cellular panels similar to plasma TV panels, but in the engine panels of the “plates” the cells (tubes 1-2 mm) are arranged according to the principle of a railgun and fire electric discharge plasma with a frequency more than 1 kHz, these pulses create a flow of vortex rings - a kind of jet stream with a radius equal to the activation zone on the panel area. On the streams of the vortex rings, the apparatus rests, thanks to them it flies. On the shell of a UFO, portholes are often visible - these are the discharge zones, where high-frequency discharges create vortex flows. All this, of course, unofficial information, but absolutely reliable. You can read more details if you google "UFO - made in the USA". As for the most secret technology, in parts it has long been widely known, for example, on satellites for orbit correction, so-called. electropulse (ablative) motors. There, a railgun ten centimeters in size and a plastic plug in it: when a discharge is applied, the plug between the rail electrodes burns out and the gas, together with the plasma discharge, is pushed out by induction force at great speed, which creates a rocket impulse. For the next pulse, a new plug will move. And on the "plates" all the railguns are much smaller and are combined into cellular panels (the circuit is exactly the same as that of the cells of the plasma TV screen). There is no need for plugs here, since there is air (and it can even be ionized a little if radioactive materials are added to the metal of the electrodes - this technology is used even in ICE candles). The discharges occur synchronously (with a frequency of up to megahertz) and the discharge plasma jumps out of the tubes of the railguns at a very high speed. That is, a reactive pulse is created over the entire plane of the plasma panel. The air near the panel swirls into annular vortices, which serve as momentum carriers. That is - yes - there is nothing fantastic here (just as there are no aliens))) Pulsed electromagnetic technologies are widely used in civilian industries, for example, on electromagnetic sources of seismic waves "Yenisei", which are produced at the enterprise where I work - OJSC " Yeniseigeophysics". In principle, many people know about the secret technology of flying "flying saucers". For example, J. Wilson, the former editor of the American magazine Popular Mechanics, wrote about this. Yes, and the Americans themselves hint in every possible way that the "plates" are their work, only, they say, they borrowed technology from aliens, which, of course, is complete nonsense. It all started with the umbrella plane of engineer Pitts in 1927 - chronicle footage of this orthopter is known, which moves a huge umbrella up and down, trying to catch on the air. Then this umbrella was turned into a membrane, which was covered with a plate-shaped case, the membrane was vibrated with the help of impulse electromagnets. At a frequency of 1 kHz, a lifting force arose due to the formation of ring vortices. Then the vibration was created by piezoceramics (such an apparatus was even rediscovered in the USSR by the engineer Lozovsky - you can find a patent for a "vibroplane" on the net). And already at the stage of "dark triangles" electrokinetic plasma panels with railguns appeared. But the principle is the same - orthopter. By the way, in the USSR there was also such a technique. And now, apparently, the CIA decided to declassify the technology, since there was no need for saucers (everything is visible from satellites). Yes, it must also be emphasized that such technologies are not suitable for civil transport, since microwave radiation from spark gaps is harmful. (There is strong radiation that is hazardous to health, and interference in electrical equipment is created - even car engines are turned off when such a "dish" approaches.) The technology can only be used for cargo airships in deserted areas. Which, however, may be useful in the development of deposits in the Arctic.

    To answer

About declassified CIA archives concerning unidentified flying objects. During her election campaign, Hillary Clinton promised to tell the whole truth about UFOs if she won.

I believe that, as in everything else, she was very cunning: just Clinton was aware that the CIA intended to declassify some of the archives that relate to UFOs, and therefore could quite painlessly make such a promise.

Among the released documents of the CIA there are files about cases when eyewitnesses spoke about UFO sightings.

However, as expected, the whole truth about UFOs was not and could not be in the declassified archives. The most sensitive information remained behind seven seals.

But special attention to the CIA website was riveted by those who are convinced that the Earth has long and often been visited by alien creatures. Ufologists have calculated: 1783 documents were posted on the topic of interest to them (a total of 775 thousand documents were posted), in the period from the 40s to the 90s of the last century.

Photo from declassified CIA materials

The collection consists mainly of observations of unusual phenomena in different parts of the world. For example, six cases of UFO sightings in the sky in the skies over India, the Kingdoms of Bhutan and Nepal.

“The object was moving at high speed, had an elongated shape and emitted red and green rays. They were so powerful that they brightly illuminated the area of ​​observation. A few seconds after the object appears above locality Cholam heard a loud sound like thunder.

Most of the cases collected in the archive were explained by the testing of new technology, rare natural phenomena, sometimes just hallucinations.

However, according to CIA officials, not everything can be dismissed as unhealthy fantasies.

"Since 1947, we have received about 1,500 official reports of such incidents, of which about 20% are inexplicable."

And yet, despite a solid array of declassified documents, ufologists and all those who closely follow the activities of American intelligence agencies were disappointed. The US government has not admitted that it has the facts of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

From materials declassified by the CIA: “Since 1947, we have received about 1,500 official reports of such incidents, of which about 20% are inexplicable”

American ufologists scanned this information very quickly. They really didn't find anything new. And in the American press there were no reports that this array of information is something fundamentally new and unknown to anyone.

Basically, the cases described were already known to enthusiastic people. And today, and in general, it is enough to create a search query on UFOs on the Internet and you can get hundreds of amateur videos on this topic.

Here is one of the latest.

“Over the Miraflores region in the province of Lima (Peru), an unidentified disk-shaped flying object was seen. Video footage of this UFO appeared on the network.

Witnesses of the appearance of a strange object over the province of Lima were hundreds of Peruvians, as well as Congressman Renzo Reggiardo and members of his film crew, who, by the way, filmed one of the videos.

“The film crew was just about to start filming the program Alto al crimen with Renzo Reggiardo, when suddenly one of the operators noticed an elongated object hovering in the sky and everyone immediately turned their attention to it.

One and a half thousand official reports in the materials of the CIA and not a single explanation.

This is despite the fact that in the 1940s, the open Blue Book project, a collection of facts about unidentified flying objects, was already working in the United States. The project was officially closed after 15 years, as not confirming their extraterrestrial origin, but the topic continued to be studied until after the end of " cold war» The CIA has not completely cooled down to it.

And here the experts on cosmic mysteries began to think about political mysteries.

What is the reason for this informational generosity?

First idea: Obama, who signed the decree on declassification, decided to simply leak the most insignificant papers onto the Web, leaving something very important in the archive.

Some ignorant people probably decided that the president just went crazy in the end, but, in fact, this is an absolutely thoughtful and very simple, from the point of view of logic, step. Declassify documents, of course, not all, and declassify with large bills.

You can be absolutely sure that there are still some databases, somewhere deep in the vaults, deep in secret safes, which are still waiting in the wings.

Almost every presidential candidate promises to release classified data on UFOs, but, having come to power, everyone either seems to forget about it, or laughs it off, like Barack Obama on a TV show.

Leading:If I were to become president, I would immediately familiarize myself with these files. Did you do it yourself?

Barack Obama: No, aliens wouldn't let you do that.

The closeness of this topic is not unique to the United States. Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, who served for many years in the highest positions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, recalls that in the Soviet Union they carefully collected all inexplicable facts and stamped "Top Secret".

“I had to face a lot, including unidentified flying objects. And especially, you know, the sailors reported in detail, a lot about this unknown. For example, there is a nuclear submarine on alert in the Indian Ocean. The escort ships all observe that ... a bright glow of water, and then a disk jumps out of this water column, rises freely, hangs at about 70 meters and then abruptly soars, leaves, turning into a point. (Leonid Ivashov, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor historical sciences, Professor).

However, there are other opinions.

Known Soviet cosmonaut Alexey Leonov commented on the released CIA archive and called the information in the UFO documents "complete nonsense."

“It's all nonsense. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. It's all press bullshit. Which CIA is a serious organization? She does what is profitable. The CIA is an organization that fulfills any order. I am the closest person to them, I have been in contact with them for many years, I have worked in Houston, and I have not seen it. And my very tall comrade Tom Stafford, CEO base "Edwards", does not know this either. It's all press speculation. This is chatter, there was nothing of this ”(Alexey Leonov, cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union).

This is not the first time the CIA has published archival documents associated with the UFO phenomenon. In January 2016, five papers were published that related to observations of unknown objects in the area of ​​uranium mines in Africa. Then the agency timed the publication to coincide with the release of the new season of the legendary TV series The X-Files.

In addition, according to documents, in the early 1970s, the CIA showed an interest in the paranormal abilities of a person and the phenomenon of extrasensory perception. Agency specialists began the Stargate project, studying the possibility of using people with paranormal abilities for military or intelligence purposes.

This is what four computers look like, from which it was previously possible to get into the declassified archives of the CIA. Photo Mike Best

So, a lot of attention was paid to the Israeli magician Uri Geller who claimed to have real psychic abilities. Early 1970s Geller has appeared on many TV shows in the US and Western Europe, where he demonstrated how he allegedly bends a metal spoon with the power of thought. The CIA planned to use Geller to "remotely monitor" various secret objects using his powers.

According to documents, the CIA conducted several experiments involving Geller from August 4 to 11, 1973, after which they were convinced that the Israeli magician really had paranormal abilities.

However, it should be noted that just three days before the start of the experiments Geller, being an invited guest on the popular American TV show Tonight Show, was unable to demonstrate his talents on the props provided by the host Johnny Carson. The release of this program was repeatedly used in various documentaries about quackery.

Be that as it may, but the facts about UFOs (similar to what Leonid Ivashov) lay down on the table to the top leadership of the USSR. From there, they often went to research institutes to study and try to discover technologies that were useful for the country.

In some places, for example, in Moscow aviation institute was created working group, and the goal was set very clear: not just to figure out who flies, why flies, for what purpose? Most importantly, it was required to find out: due to what (that is, what physical principles, what technical innovations, what technologies were used)?

Both superpowers were also afraid that super-technologies could fall into the hands of a potential enemy, allowing the owner to take a dominant position in the world.

Previously, declassified documents could only be accessed at the National Archives in Maryland.

Today, the most reliable fact is that in 1947 a spacecraft with alien creatures crashed in the state of New Mexico and that the military managed to collect the debris and bodies.

It is obvious that the discovery to this day is the subject of careful study in order to “split” space secrets, which means that it is possible that the new American president may also be interested in the UFO phenomenon.

It is possible that the administration Trump may, under certain conditions, begin to develop these UFO technologies in order to accelerate scientific and technological progress in the United States of America and achieve the advantage that Trump spoke throughout the election campaign.

But against the background of this mystery, as ufologists say, UFO flights look much more open.

P.S. The funniest part of the documents is a collection of Soviet jokes from the 1980s. The "cap" says that they were collected for the Deputy Director of the CIA, but for what purpose - is not explained. It's possible that it's just for fun. These are 11 quite well-known jokes during the Soviet era.

For example, this: a man leaves a long queue for wine with the words “I’ll go kill Gorbachev”, and then comes back and stands back with the words “There is even longer line”.

Viktor Kolmogorov