Logging into a virtual school is a transition to an Internet portal that contains information related to the education system. Similar services are provided regionally, in Belgorod region. This portal provides functions, tools designed to facilitate the receipt and provision of educational services. The article provides information on what advantages the portal provides.

If you need to find information on teachers, directors, and merit, you should go to the personal section. It also provides information about the student’s personal data, curriculum and subgroups. Authorization is quite easy.

In the Belgorod region

If a student living in the Belgorod area needs to log into the portal. You can perform such an operation using the following methods:

  • Through a password and login previously obtained from the administrator and manager;
  • Through the Unified Identification and Authorization Service, that is, the Unified Identification and Authorization Service.

To gain access through the second option, you will need to obtain an officially verified account on the government service portal.

In the Oryol region

For residents of the Oryol region, permission is provided to log in through the public service portal. You must be registered and have a password and login at your disposal, as well as confirmed and verified.

Having your personal account on the website at your disposal, you can log in to the virtual school through government services through the Unified Automated Identification of Authorities. The program will automatically redirect the person to the section with the virtual educational institution.

In Bryansk region

Residents of the Bryansk region need to go to the portal to start working with the site educational institution. Authorization is carried out, which is available after the registration process. Login is carried out using a login and password.

You can perform such an operation much faster and easier. ESIA should be used. This is a standard account on the government service portal. After confirming your account, you will need to enter a code and login when logging in. The action and entry diagram looks like this:

  1. On the portal, click Login via ESIA.
  2. A table of government services will open.
  3. The program will transfer to VS.
  4. Here you enter information previously posted on the government services portal.
  5. The input tab is pressed.

If the user has entered the required information correctly, he is automatically taken to the desired site.

ESIA virtual school

This portal implies a special, well-thought-out electronic system. It provides educational services in the areas listed above.

This is a useful tool that allows you to lead educational processes. You can get information about institutions in the field of education, about teachers who work in such organizations. Everything is thought out here, which makes it easier to work with personnel.

Virtual school opportunities

The school's electronic portal has many possibilities. Among the basic options of the site, we can highlight the provision of the following options:

  • diary;
  • magazine;
  • school information;
  • information on parents, teachers and students;
  • permission to connect SMS information for guardians and parents regarding the progress of children;
  • preparation of reports on the work performed;
  • studying and writing reports on work done and progress;
  • opportunity to maintain contact with different program participants.

A well-thought-out VS has many different goals that can be achieved through a website. The most important ones include:

  1. Automation of the educational process.
  2. Simplification of obtaining information on schools and educational institutions. Ease of managing the process by parents and students.
  3. The program allows you to transfer standard magazines into electronic form.
  4. Parents' control over their child's progress.
  5. SMS messages are sent to parents, which significantly increases the attendance of the institution.

If you compare similar reporting options, you can understand that the method based on the use of the Internet is considered the most efficient. To go to the municipal general education section of the ISOU, you only need Internet access and a search engine to use.

What to do if you forgot your virtual school password?

During use educational portal may arise different problems. The most common is the loss of a password when the user has forgotten it. If this happens, you should carry out the procedure for restoring it and deciding how to access the portal. To do this, you will need to activate the corresponding button on the login form and carry out the actions proposed by the program in the field of education.

If more complex failures and errors occur, you will need to contact the ISOU operators. They are able to resolve issues such as:

  • not knowing how to create school information and how to fill out basic information;
  • accidental deletion of important data;
  • desire to leave the program.

The listed problems can be resolved through a qualified Unified Identification and Logistics operator. These employees can provide advice on navigating the information system. As soon as the user completes the required registration, he will receive an electronic textbook and diary. It will describe information and the main functions that can be performed in the system, questions, problems and possible solutions.

Summing up

The virtual program is a multifunctional multi-level portal. It is designed to make the delivery of educational services and opportunities easier. This is a convenient tool for close and beneficial interaction between school staff and parents, who are allowed to enter and do the necessary transactions with the magazine. The portal is constantly being improved, which provides benefits to all visitors to the resource.


processing of personal data in the Information System of Educational Services “Virtual School” (ISOU VS)

This “Personal Data Processing Policy at the ISOU VS (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) defines the main provisions implemented when processing personal data at Fabrika LLC information technologies».

The purpose of adopting the “Policy” is to comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of personal data protection based on the Constitution Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation and consisting of Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and other federal laws and regulations defining the cases and features of the processing of personal data.

1. Fundamental terms and definitions:

1.1. personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data);

1.2. operator - government agency, municipal body, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data;

1.3. processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;

1.4. automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data using means computer technology;

1.5. dissemination of personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite number of persons;

1.6. provision of personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;

1.7. blocking of personal data - temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data);

1.8. destruction of personal data - actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) as a result of which material media of personal data are destroyed;

1.9. depersonalization of personal data - actions as a result of which it becomes impossible without the use additional information determine the ownership of personal data to a specific subject of personal data;

1.10. personal data information system - a set of personal data contained in databases and information technologies and technical means that ensure their processing;

1.11. cross-border transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to the territory foreign country to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity.

2. Principles of processing personal data

2.1. The processing of personal data must be carried out lawfully and fairly.

2.2. The processing of personal data must be limited to the achievement of specific, pre-defined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data is not permitted.

2.3. It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.

2.4. Only personal data that meets the purposes of their processing are subject to processing.

2.6. When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, where necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of processing personal data must be ensured. The operator must take the necessary measures or ensure that they are taken to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data.

2.7. The storage of personal data must be carried out in a form that makes it possible to identify the subject of personal data, no longer than required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless the period for storing personal data is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the processing goals or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

3. Conditions for processing personal data

3.1. The processing of personal data must be carried out in compliance with the principles and rules provided for by Federal laws.

3.2. Processing of personal data is permitted in the following cases:

3.2.1. processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;

3.2.2. processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law, to implement and fulfill the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the operator;

3.2.3. processing of personal data is necessary for the administration of justice, execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official, subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings;

3.2.4. the processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the powers of federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government and the functions of organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, respectively, provided for by the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, including registration of the subject of personal data on the unified portal of state and municipal services and (or ) regional portals of state and municipal services;

3.2.5. processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for concluding an agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject of personal data will be a beneficiary or guarantor;

3.2.6. the processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;

3.2.7. the processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated;

3.2.8. processing of personal data is necessary to carry out professional activity journalist and (or) legal activities of the media or scientific, literary or other creative activity provided that the rights and legitimate interests of the subject of personal data are not violated;

3.2.9. the processing of personal data is carried out for statistical or other research purposes, with the exception of the purposes specified in Article 15 of this Federal Law, subject to the mandatory anonymization of personal data;

3.2.10. processing of personal data is carried out, access to an unlimited number of persons is provided by the subject of personal data or at his request (hereinafter referred to as personal data made publicly available by the subject of personal data);

3.2.11. processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law is carried out.

3.3. The operator has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to another person with the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law, on the basis of an agreement concluded with this person, including a state or municipal contract, or by adoption of a relevant act by a state or municipal body (hereinafter referred to as the assignment operator). The person processing personal data on behalf of the operator is obliged to comply with the principles and rules for processing personal data provided for by this Federal Law.

4. Measures taken to protect personal data

4.1. Information Technology Factory LLC takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures provided for by legislation in the field of personal data protection to protect personal data that requires confidentiality from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties with them.

4.2. When entrusting the processing of personal data to third parties, the order specifies the requirements for the protection of processed personal data in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of personal data.

4.3. Internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the legislation and regulations adopted in accordance with it is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. Limitations on this policy.

The policy does not apply to relationships arising from:

5.1. processing of personal data by individuals solely for personal and family needs, unless the rights of the subjects of personal data are violated;

5.2. organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents containing personal data from the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and others archival documents in accordance with the legislation on archival affairs in the Russian Federation;

5.3. processing of personal data classified in accordance with the established procedure as information constituting state secret;

5.4. provision by authorized bodies of information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law of December 22, 2008 N 262-FZ “On ensuring access to information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”.


Clause 2, part 1, art. 18.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Art. 4. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Art. 3. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Art. 5. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Art. 6. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Part 1 art. 18.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Part 3 art. 6 F of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Part 3 art. 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Clause 17 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”

A personal diary, like a photo album, will help you preserve the brightest pages of your life. Having a computer and access to the Internet, you can keep a diary anywhere in the world.

Do you keep a personal diary? Would you like to? If you think that diaries are only for schoolchildren or great people, then you are deeply mistaken. Personal notes have been taken by people of all walks of life since time immemorial! For example, people's diaries have reached us ancient Babylonia made on clay tablets. From them we can now judge the way of life in the distant historical past!

Today, scientists unanimously claim that keeping a diary is very useful activity not only for the story, but also for the author himself. Firstly, you can capture (and therefore forever remember) any moments of your life. Secondly, by making notes, you analyze the situation being described, thereby enriching your life experience. Thirdly, the diary acts as a kind of “interlocutor” who will always “listen” to any of your thoughts and experiences.

Ways to keep a diary

Before the advent of the computer, there was only one way to keep a diary - write it on paper. It doesn't matter whether they were individual sheets folded into a box or general notebook in a box, the essence was the same...

The computer made it possible to create an alternative electronic analogue of a personal diary. At the same time, the development of the Internet also made its contribution to this matter. Therefore, today we can say that the user has additionally two full-fledged options for maintaining a virtual diary: online (using various web services) and offline (using specialized programs).

Supporters of traditionalism still defend the idea that a diary must only be on paper. However, recently more and more adherents of its electronic analogues have appeared. I suggest you decide for yourself which type of diary appeals to you most:

As you can see, the main arguments for using a paper diary come down to the fact that you are free to design it as you please and with it you do not need any additional equipment. An electronic diary requires, at a minimum, a computer (ideally also with the Internet) and is somewhat limited in design tools. At the same time, the virtual diary is much more protected from unauthorized access and the possibility of its loss.

If you decide to start an electronic personal diary, then I offer you several interesting options for its implementation.

Personal diary online

In my opinion, for keeping a simple personal diary, the online service form is the most suitable. There are several reasons for this:

  • good security of the diary from strangers;
  • almost universal access (depending on the availability of the Internet);
  • the ability to access the diary from any device that allows access to the Internet.

The main problem with online diaries is that this concept usually refers to various blogging platforms, the entries in which are available to everyone to read. There are not so many sensible resources on which publications are actually confidential. Here are several free Russian-language services that allow you to keep a personal diary online...

One of the most interesting projects in the field of online diaries is:

Its uniqueness is that it is an organic hybrid of a diary and social network, where you can publish public notes, search for like-minded people and communicate with them. In addition to the personal diary itself, you have at your disposal:

  • general diary (active by default);
  • an audio section containing music added by resource users;
  • daily horoscope.

Immediately after registration, you will have the opportunity to write in the “General Diary”. Entries from it may be publicly available, so the first thing I recommend is to create a new one by opening the “My Diary” menu (on the left) and selecting “Change Diary”. There you can set the name of the new diary, its description, avatar and entry type. We choose a new diary to keep and now we can be sure that no one will read our personal information.

In the post editing mode, you have access to standard options for formatting text, adding images and audio files (there is a built-in player). There are no restrictions on the number of notes per day and their volume, so you can put there even all volumes of “War and Peace” :)

MyDnevnik is a fairly young project (it has existed for less than a year), so it has not yet gained much of an audience. However, it looks and works at a completely modern level. I think it will develop over the years and, perhaps, acquire some additional functions.

If real confidentiality is important to you, and communication with other people does not interest you, then the project may be suitable for you:

This is one of the oldest such services on the RuNet, existing since 2009. It is designed very ascetically, but has a number of features that will undoubtedly find their connoisseurs:

  • the ability to change the color scheme of your diary;
  • quick search of notes by keywords;
  • calendar navigation;
  • function of exporting records to HTML, XML, TXT or as an archive with all attachments;
  • absence of any restrictions.

After registering for this service, I recommend immediately visiting the “Settings” section from the right menu. Here you can enable the display of the post text formatting panel (with access to direct editing of the HTML code), change the theme of the diary and, if necessary, make some additional settings. After all this, you can go to the “All entries” section:

All the notes you have previously made are displayed here, and you also have the ability to quickly create a new one. In the editing mode, after clicking on the “Advanced” link, you can insert a number of popular emoticons into the text, upload photos (directly or as links to them), post links to media files and arbitrarily change the date of publication of the post.

As you can see, functionally the service is in perfect order. He loses somewhat only by appearance. However, if you consider that the project is supported by only one single enthusiast, then I think there is no need to be so critical.


Another interesting, and also self-made, personal diary is the DnevniX project:

Here we are also asked to keep strictly confidential records in chronological order, however, that's not all! There are three additional functional modules at your personal disposal:

  1. A diary for recording important matters and events.
  2. Notes are an analogue of sticky reminder stickers.
  3. A reader that allows you to read PDF files online.

The benefit of the reader is very doubtful, since modern browsers can open PDF documents on their own, but the other modules deserve attention.

The registration procedure for the service is a little confusing: if you try to register using a link in the main area, you will be taken to a non-existent page... Therefore, I recommend registering and authorizing using the sidebar (on the left).

In the "Diary" mode, we have a not particularly functional text entry field, under which all our entries are displayed in chronological order. Alas, there are no additional buttons for inserting sound or video into DnevniX, but it is possible to directly edit the HTML code, through which you can implement all the missing functions.

The disadvantage of the service is the lack of adaptability of its design, which can create inconvenience when using it on mobile devices, as well as some “slowness”. However, if you consider additional functions in the form of the same “Notes”, then DnevniX can be recommended as an interesting means of keeping a diary on a desktop PC or laptop.

Diary programs

Computer programs for keeping a diary have much more functionality than online services, however, the interface is often more complicated. And most of them are paid...

Most often, a diary program looks like a hybrid of a word processor and a calendar. If calendar navigation is not available, a tree organization of notes can be used as an alternative. Programs implemented using a similar principle usually have a simpler interface, but also simpler functionality - approximately at the level of a regular Notepad.

I bring to your attention several examples of software personal diaries for Windows.

Finding a full-fledged and at the same time free personal diary on a PC, it turns out, is not so easy... To do this, I had to delve into the depths of the bourgeoisie :) The result of such digging was the iDailyDiary program:

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are still dealing with a slightly reduced functionality version, but its capabilities are more than enough for comfortable work. Features that are not available include:

  • spell checking;
  • rubrication and tree style of viewing notes;
  • creating stickers;
  • creating tables;
  • support for emoticons and design styles.

There are also a number of minor limitations, but we can completely put up with them, since we have at our disposal an almost fully functional text editor with a calendar link, support for HTML and full-text search! For complete happiness, there is the ability to export records to various text formats, automatic backup, password protection and a Russian-language interface (however, it still needs to be enabled in the settings).

After installation, the program will launch in English. To switch the interface to Russian, go to “View” - “Preferences” - “Languages”, select “Russian” from the list and click the “Apply” button. Only the default page with brief instructions on working with iDailyDiary Free, which will not hurt to study if you know English.

If you don’t know the language, then I’ll explain a little. To navigate through entries in the program, use the calendar bar at the bottom of the working window. Dates that contain entries will be marked in color (set in Settings). The entries themselves in iDailyDiary are called pages. You can create an unlimited number of pages for each day using a special button or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+T. New entries will open as tabs.

Actually, this data is enough for you to get started, and then you will get your bearings as you go. Despite the somewhat outdated interface and partially limited functionality, I believe that iDailyDiary Free is an almost ideal program for keeping a personal diary on a PC.


If you are a supporter of only domestic software, then you may like the Diary program:

This program is only slightly inferior to the one discussed above in terms of functionality, but outwardly it looks much more modern. It allows you to keep an unlimited number of diaries, protected (or unprotected) with a password, supports inserting emoticons, images (including background ones) and attaching any files to notes.

In addition to its main purpose, the program has a number of functions:

  • built-in event scheduler;
  • built-in address book;
  • note editor;
  • full-text search capability;
  • import and export of backups.

When you launch the Diary, you will be asked to create a user account with a password. If you set a password for it, then the password for the diary will be optional and vice versa. Although, if you wish, you can protect both your account and your notes with a password, after which you can start taking notes.

The advantage of the Diary is that it stores all data in the folder in which it was installed. Therefore, the program can easily be transferred to a USB flash drive and used on any computer.

Fans of minimalism will appreciate the program:

This small (only a couple of hundred kilobytes!) portable program can be used, in principle, to take any notes. However, if in the tree structure in the left sidebar you create a new node with the current year number as the name, then MemPad will switch to diary mode and will independently create new subpages with the current date by pressing the F6 key or calling the "Diary Entry" command " in the "Page" menu.

The functionality of the note editor is not particularly impressive. All you can do is enter simple, unformatted text and insert links to files (“file:” construction) or websites (“http://” construction). Notes are saved in LST format with the ability to protect them with a password and autosave via specified intervals time (by default once every 4 minutes).

Additional features worth noting:

  • export individual records and entire nodes to TXT;
  • creating new notes from TXT files;
  • setting the font and background color of node notes;
  • full text search;
  • setting up anti-boss from the keys.

Advanced users will also find useful the ability to fine-tune the operation of some program templates (for example, setting the date), its behavior, and the implementation of additional context menu items by editing various files. More information about these edits can be found in the MemPad help.

Specialized diaries

Some users sometimes require more specialized recording tools than a typical personal diary. For example, many parents keep a diary of their child’s development, athletes keep a training diary, and some may find it useful to keep a nutrition diary...

In this section we will look at several programs for maintaining specialized diaries.


In almost all maternity hospitals, parents are advised to keep a diary of the child’s development, where they can record changes in any indicators of height, weight, body temperature, etc. If you don’t want to write everything by hand the old fashioned way, you can use a special program:

The program is “tailored” to keeping a diary of a child’s height and weight. Using these parameters, you can build graphs of the dynamics of changes in indicators, compare them with reference development standards, print them or simply save them to a separate text file.

In addition to physical parameters in Baby Log, you can also make any daily text notes. The size of these notes is unlimited, but only a small introductory part of the note will be displayed in the main window. If necessary, you can create several profiles and keep a child diary for several children at the same time.

If you are involved in cyclical sports, such as running, swimming, skiing, etc., then you have an excellent opportunity to keep a training diary using a program that does not require installation and can work from any media:

This application allows you to keep track of the time spent completing the distance, the duration of training, the dynamics of changes in loads and many other parameters. For any of the indicators, you can create a graph that will reflect your progress.

The program also allows you to keep track of mistakes made during training and make arbitrary notes. This allows you, as an athlete, to more deeply analyze your own results, identify weaknesses and adjust your plan for further development.

If you yourself don’t know what adjustments you need to make to your training schedule in order to achieve desired result, then using the program you can quite easily export any fragments of your diary, for example, into the format Microsoft Excel, print them out and show them to the coach. By the way, if you are a coach, then the program can help you monitor the success of your students, since it allows you to keep an unlimited number of diaries!

Those who are watching their weight and want to eat right simply need to get electronic diary power supply:

This program will allow you not only to keep track of what you eat and drink during the day, but will also automatically calculate the calories consumed, nutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in the database products. If necessary, you can independently expand the list of dishes indicating all their characteristics.

Due to visualization in the form of charts and scales, MerryMeal will allow you to quickly assess the balance of your diet and adjust it if necessary. Based on the results of each day, you can obtain detailed statistics in the form of graphs and histograms, which allows you to see the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of nutrition changes.

In addition, MerryMeal allows you to separately keep statistics of fluid consumption, calculate your body mass index and your biorhythms. Add here the ability to synchronize and backup program data using the Internet and you will get an almost perfect food diary for Windows!


Whatever you decide to keep a diary for, it will definitely benefit you! The diary teaches us to analyze our actions and delve deeper into the essence of what is happening. Accordingly, provided that you draw the right conclusions, in the future you will make fewer mistakes in certain situations in which you have already found yourself once!

Start a personal diary, keep it for at least a year, and then re-read it. You will see that over this year you have become much wiser... Therefore, I wish you all success on the path to self-improvement and may the diary help you with this!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Virtual school is a unique development that allows you to maintain standard school documentation in in electronic format. This way, parents can check their child’s progress at any time without going to school. Information system educational services vsopen.ru provides access to the Virtual School and the opportunity to apply for enrollment in a particular educational institution.

How does Virtual School work?

The structure of the vsopen.ru website is divided into two parts - Application Submission and Virtual School. In turn, the Virtual School consists of 3 sections intended for use by both teachers and parents with children.

The “Automation” section is intended for the exchange and maintenance of documentation educational institutions electronic. Through it, various monitoring studies are carried out, analytical and statistical data are collected, and management processes in the field of education are automated.

Through the tab " Electronic journal» provides the ability to issue and view grades electronically, the ability to generate reports on academic performance and attendance for the required period school year. When working with this section, the school may refuse to maintain paper journals.

To find out detailed information about curricula, educational programs, programs training courses, to view annual calendar schedules, parents and students can go to the “Electronic Services” section. Here you can also get information about the final certification of students and the results of the Unified state exam(USE).

Important! To access the Virtual School, you must log in to the site. This can be done through. However, access to the services will be open only after your data is entered personally by the teacher (if you are a parent) or the school director (if you are a teacher) into the Virtual School system.

Access to your personal account on the portal

The second part of the site, “Submitting Applications,” is intended for processing various electronic applications for enrollment in educational institutions. Here, authorization is much easier if you have a verified account on State Services. Only residents of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Oryol regions have the opportunity to submit an application. To begin, select an area and click “Login to your personal account.”

The system will automatically redirect you to the State Services portal, where you will need to enter your username and password. After logging in, access to your personal account will be open.

Here you can fill out an application for a club or section, for a country camp, for specialized education or competition. All applications you have submitted and their status will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

You can add information about your children and basic documents for later use for recording. The “Positions” tab is for teachers. Through “Subscriptions” you can subscribe to receive up-to-date information about the institution you are interested in.

Registration for kindergarten via vsopen.ru

Let's figure out how applications are submitted through the website vsopen.ru using the example of registering a child in kindergarten ik. After logging in to the website, go to the “Kindergartens” section.

From the proposed options, select the kindergarten you are interested in. You can use filters by the presence of preschool groups, direction and time of stay.

After selecting an institution, you will be taken to a page with full description kindergarten, its location and opening hours.

By scrolling down the page, you can familiarize yourself with the institution’s license, its charter, training program and see teaching staff. If you are satisfied with all the information, click the “Submit Application” button under the kindergarten’s photo.

Click on the green plus sign and add a record about the child from your personal account. Upload the child's birth certificate.

If in advance personal account If you have not entered information about your children, the system will prompt you to do so right away.

The second step is to select a couple of priority kindergartens. If it is possible to take your child to a kindergarten in another area, put a tick below.

We write the child’s residential address (you should know that children are first enrolled by registration) and indicate the year of enrollment. You can select a health group, if required, and specify available benefits. In this case, files with relevant documents must be attached to the electronic application. Click “Create application”. You will soon receive confirmation that your application has been accepted and will be able to track the queue in your personal account. In the same way, you can enroll in any other educational institution.

In conclusion, it should be said that the vsopen.ru portal greatly simplifies the life of parents and helps to systematize the work of educational institutions. And thanks to a set of information services, the site will be useful not only for teachers, but also for students.

Hi all) This is my first post on this site. I'll warn you right away - the text is long. So, let's get started.
I can proudly call myself a real hair maniac. I've been growing my hair for 5 long years. She grew it from shoulder length to the waist and created a cascade. Initially, I grew it from about this length, even shorter (there is no photo of shorter hair):

But unfortunately, in terms of hair quality, I have absolutely nothing to brag about. Let me start with the fact that I have a very specific and problematic hair structure. They are curly and naturally porous. In addition, during the growing period (that is, all 5 years), I painted them with dark paint using 3% oxide, and I painted the length, which was previously discolored and killed by highlights. Plus, I hardly trimmed the ends because I was so sorry for my length.
As a result, the maximum to which the hair grew was this:

The entire lower half of the hair is very thin and weak (apparently this is exactly the part that was killed by bleaching in the past; it cannot be restored, only cut off).

So, from the length you saw above, I cut off about 10 cm for a fresh cut. And... this is where the fanfare is now sounding! I wanted to change myself a little, because after 5 years I was tired of the dark color. I thought that my hair was quite restored and nourished (oh, what have I not tried over the years...). And you can safely paint them... Light brown!
Yes, I went to the hairdresser with waist length, and boldly lightened everything that had grown over the years... This event happened exactly a month ago. I'll tell you what they did to me. We mixed Estelle lightening powder with 6% oxide and applied it to the hair for 40 minutes.
The last time I completely bleached my hair was in high school, so what possessed me to kill my hair again when I was approaching 30 years old?.. To be honest, I thought that over the decades, technologists had already come up with new, gentle ways to lighten hair, but I was sorely mistaken. I had to realize my mistake very soon.

Firstly, the familiar yellow chicken was looking at me from the mirror. Like this:

Secondly, the hair dried out insanely after just 1 lightening procedure. So the rather thin ends were completely killed. I ran for tinting, with the help of tinting the color was smoothed out a little, the yellow roots were gone.

But it’s not even about the color, it’s about what started to happen to the hair later. I often see posts from girls about how they bleached their hair many times, like 3 times in a week (to get out of the dark). And their hair looked absolutely normal afterwards. But not mine: (Apparently, this is a question of natural structure. Some hair can withstand a lot of abuse. But my structure is so weak that it is killed more than once, perhaps from any coloring.

So, my hair started falling out like crazy. They left my head, running away like rats from a sinking ship. I pulled whole strands together while washing, and while combing, the strands were combed from my head with a comb. Running your hand through your hair, a strand remained in your hand. Hair littered the floor next to my bed, as well as my pillow after sleeping.
But I just bleached my hair by 6% with powder for 40 minutes!!! Everything is based on technology... That's how it is.

Next, I decided to act quickly. I immediately started drinking a pack of Pantovigar (fortunately I had a whole pack in my supplies). I started using one magical anti-hair loss lotion, which I will specifically write about later and create a specific post about it. On the 6th use of the lotion (that is, about a couple of weeks after the start of hair loss), the hair fell out almost completely and suddenly stopped. The lotion really helped, because if it weren’t for it, I was already thinking about getting a boy’s haircut. I will continue to use it and will also buy a couple bottles in reserve. This is the first remedy in my life that gave such a quick and obvious effect.

So let's move on. I'll show you what I have in store this moment and tell you about future hair plans.
Just the other day I took a photo of one strand of my hair. Here, in theory, there should be a wavy, lively and elastic curl. And this is what we see:

Yes, yes... This is just fluff of burnt and dead hair, which cannot be restored (except by temporary masking with silicones).
I also take photos of my hair from behind in the mirror. I get:

My hair is thick, right down to my shoulders (although initially I naturally have quite thick hair). Further below the shoulders, the density rapidly decreases, and 25 cm below I have a fluff of hair that has thinned and burned with supra, which cannot be restored in any way (except by temporary masking with silicones or Botox).

Yes girls, this happened to me. However, strangely enough, I was not upset. On the contrary, it seemed as if she had perked up!!!
I got new goal! From now on I clearly understood what I want. I want to grow a healthy canvas of all my undyed hair.
I finally want to see my native natural color (I don’t have gray hair and don’t plan to). I found a childhood photograph where my tailbone-length hair was such a beautiful light brown color. Beautiful big wave. Absolutely no frizz! (Of course, because their cuticle is closed and was not injured by anything). Now I'm more motivated and inspired than ever! No matter how much time it takes me, I will completely cut off what I killed and grow back my own!

I broke my goal into several subgoals. My action plan:
1. First of all, we nourish the roots, accelerating the growth of our hair with the help of Burdock Oil (at the moment I’m sitting with a mask of Burdock Oil, by the way, I applied it ONLY to the roots for nutrition, so as not to weigh down the already weak and dead length).
2. In the next few weeks, I’m making an appointment with a good hairdresser to have them do the following: darkening the roots in my own color (without affecting what has already grown back!!! I won’t allow a single gram of dye to get on the newly grown living hair). Plus, in addition to darkening, I want my length to be tinted with a permanent dye, feeding what is empty and killed with a pigment of a natural light brown color. To create a smooth transition from your own to a lighter brown, like a shatush.
3. Then, I will start trimming the length by 5 cm every 3 months. Gradually, what has grown will be lower and lower, and what has burned will rise higher.
4. One day I will cut off the last remnants of burnts.
5. And then it will begin new stage on growing and nourishing your natural and beautiful hair.

I plan to touch my hair with a maximum of tinted tonic to give it a warm nuance. The fact is that my native color is dark ash brown, too cold, dark gray. I know that with the help of a gentle tint tonic you can really give your natural hair a warm golden nuance, so that it sparkles in the light, so that the image softens.

My departure for now.
I'm currently finishing up all my old products. In the future, I won’t skimp on a good, high-quality, expensive professional product - even if it’s only 2-3 products - shampoo, a nourishing mask and a good leave-in wash. I would be glad if you recommend something in the comments, at least to visually thicken the fluff.
Currently using:
- I have Planeta Organica shampoo (with Andrea growth tonic from Ali Express added to it).
- Hammam nourishing mask with red pepper
- Angel Professional spray
- Avon Advance Leave-In Leave-In
- rescue lotion against hair loss, which worked in a week Weleda with rosemary (there will be a separate post about it)
- burdock oil from Mirolla to nourish the roots, 3 hours before washing, apply to the roots and under a warm cap.

This is my plan of action. Here I plan to keep a virtual diary of hair growth. Add photos (unfortunately, so far only in the mirror, well, at least something). Girls, if anyone had a similar experience as me, and you were able to restore your hair, please send me links to your posts, I’ll be happy to read it.
I'm especially interested in girls with hair types similar to mine - medium to dark brown, with fine wavy/fluffy hair of medium density. I will admire your achievements with pleasure and be motivated by the beautiful.

P/S: exactly 1 month and 5 days have passed since the hair was killed, during which time exactly 1.5 cm has grown (measured with a ruler). This means that it grows 0.04 mm per day (almost half a millimeter!) This is very pleasing, the growth rate is quite good for me.

Thank you all for your attention, your Gattina (by the way, for those who don’t know this means Cat in Italian:). To be continued…