In 2016, the Russian President signed a decree on the creation of the National Guard. Self official name was received ambiguously by society. There was a discussion in the media for quite a long time, since many experts drew parallels with similar structures created a little earlier in Ukraine, which managed to gain a very controversial reputation in a short period of time.

Ultimately, the name “Rosgvardia” became firmly established in everyday life – it is now used everywhere in the media space. This structure is designed to perform special tasks to protect law and order in the country.

What are the advantages of serving in the Russian Guard, and what do those wishing to get a contract there need to know about it - this is the topic of this article.

For what purpose was the Russian Guard created?

The purpose of the new structure is described in the previously mentioned presidential decree number 57, signed in April 2016. At present, its formation has not yet been completed. The process should end at the end of this year. In general, the Russian Guard is created on the basis of currently existing units involved in:

  • crimes related to illegal trafficking of weapons;
  • ensuring the security of various, both public and private facilities;
  • private security.

The guard will also include regional rapid response units and mobile units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An aviation unit will also be assigned to it.

As is easy to see, its backbone will be parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reorganization as a whole is intended to improve interaction between disparate structural elements, having the same goals, and also contribute to increasing their mobility.

A special feature of the Russian Guard is that it reports directly to the President of the Russian Federation.

Performed tasks

Currently, the political balance in the world has been disrupted. Centers of power are changing, and new hotbeds of tension arise almost every day. The sole dominance of the West is a thing of the past. In conditions of such increased turbulence in the external arena, which has led to profound changes in the format of communication between states and supranational structures, new solutions are required. The risk of many threats to Russia's security from various international groups, both terrorist and extremist, is increasing significantly.

In most cases, attacks on infrastructure facilities are carried out by small groups of fanatics. It is the confrontation with them that is the main task of the Russian Guard.

The list of her direct responsibilities includes:

  • various anti-terrorism activities in any region of the country;
  • protection of significant infrastructure and life support facilities (including nuclear power plants);
  • interaction with other services to maintain order, protect the integrity of the country, and protect borders.

The main factor that makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the newly created structure is a unified centralized management. At the same time, departments at the regional level are removed from this function, which makes it possible to increase the speed of response to threats and in some cases ensure proper secrecy.


Only the best will be able to serve in the Russian Guard. The selection will be carried out very carefully. First of all, it is planned to recruit young men who previously served:

  • in law enforcement agencies;
  • border security;
  • army and other law enforcement agencies.

All of them must be citizens of Russia and have excellent health. Persons over 31 years of age will not be hired.

Whether you live in Moscow, Crimea, Krasnodar or your hometown of Murmansk, Sevastopol or Togliatti - in any case, you should visit the military commissariat at your place of residence if you want to get a contract service in the newly created units. Its staff will provide you with the necessary information.

We cannot indicate exactly where the units of the Russian Guard are deployed, since this is directly prohibited by Federal Law 226.

All applicants must pass a test of physical strength and endurance before signing a contract. They will have to:

  • do pull-ups on the bar at least 30 times;
  • complete an obstacle course against the clock;
  • show yourself as a sharp shooter.

Russian Guard - popular name National Guard of the Russian Federation (VNG). The National Guard did not catch on, obviously because such a name exists in Ukraine. The word “Rosguard” came from the grassroots and became official; this name is written on the uniform of the structure’s employees.

What is the Russian Guard

The President officially decided to create the relevant structure at the beginning of April 2016. Society reacted ambiguously to this fact. Especially considering that the VNG reports directly to the President, and presidential elections were supposed to take place in 2018. However, in reality, the units of the Russian Guard do not act as an appendage to the political force, but perform other functions.

The Russian Guard included already existing units subordinate to other law enforcement agencies: internal affairs and the active army. The purpose of the existence of the VSC is to ensure law and order and the fight against terrorism, problems that are quite relevant. National Guard troops are distributed in the state across 8 districts.

The Russian Guard included:

  1. Riot police.
  2. SOBR.
  3. Rapid reaction forces and aviation.
  4. Private security.
  5. Licensing and permitting departments (weapon inspection).

Thus, units of the Russian Guard carry out a wide variety of activities: from patrolling streets and protecting residential and non-residential facilities to conducting complex anti-terrorist operations.

VNGs are vested with exclusive powers to carry out their functions: from checking documents to using special equipment and weapons.

Advantages of serving in the Russian Guard

As of 2019, the structure of the Russian Guard not fully formed. There is a gradual implementation of the organizational merger of structures and their equipment.

Military personnel are trained in special centers, where they are taught the basics of legislation, tactical special operations, forceful detention, and the use of special equipment and devices.

The advantages of serving in the Russian Guard are:

  • Current material support . The salary of junior ranks is within 45 thousand rubles. monthly, senior officers receive many times more. In addition, additional payments are made for physical training(up to 9 thousand rubles), knowledge foreign languages. Employees are paid bonuses in accordance with the allocated funding, and are given financial assistance for health improvement when going on another vacation. When completing tasks in other populated areas, Russian Guards receive travel allowances and the necessary support.
  • Pension provision. National Guard members have a retirement age: men – 50 years, women – 45 years. The length of service must be 20 years. The pension is increased, as in the internal affairs bodies. If there is length of service, a person can retire from the National Guard earlier, without serving until the age limit.
  • Housing. A military mortgage is available for National Guard members. This allows them to purchase good housing for their families at the beginning of their service, and then pay off a preferential loan. If the employee lives in rented housing, then appropriate monetary compensation is provided. So, in Moscow, the monthly payment is up to 15 thousand rubles.
  • Medical care. Employees of VNG units are served in departmental hospitals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the army. These medical institutions are well supplied with medical supplies and have comfortable conditions for free treatment. The same opportunities are provided to family members of employees.
  • Kudos. If in the troubled 90s the attitude towards the security forces was extremely negative, then over time the prestige of service in the security forces is growing. Residents of the country have already felt the benefits of having the National Guard service; the streets have become calmer and safer.
  • Opportunity to serve the Motherland, realize your potential and abilities. The units of the Russian Guard are very different from one another: both patrol officers and pilots serve here. After serving in the army, young people have the opportunity to implement the skills they have acquired. To do this, they are provided with all conditions and opportunities.
  • Logistics support while on duty. The Russian Guard is provided with everything: weapons, equipment, fuel, special equipment. In addition, employees have the opportunity to train and develop skills at special training grounds and training grounds. National Guard members are provided with protective equipment: body armor, helmets, and a special uniform (Moss color with a three-dimensional pattern).

Disadvantages of service in the Russian Guard

Service in the structures of the Russian Guard has negative aspects:

  • Danger of duty. Employees are constantly exposed to risks to life and health, despite all the safety measures taken. The number of dead, wounded and injured is decreasing every year, but each case is a tragedy. Employees suffer not only physical damage, but also psychological trauma. Constant stress during the performance of official duties has a negative impact on health, including mental health.
  • Availability of business trips. Rosguards carry out tasks where they are sent and carrying out operations in other populated areas is a common occurrence. At the same time, you have to leave your homes and families, postpone celebrations (for example, a wedding) and planned events (vacations). Fulfillment of official duties comes first.
  • Restriction of freedom of speech. VNG employees do not participate in political activity, they do not engage in negative discussions on the Internet and in the media. They are obliged to serve the Fatherland ideologically and support the legitimate government.
  • High demands on service. National Guard employees must be in good physical shape. They regularly pass standards both on the ability to wield weapons and on physical training. For many departments, sport is a way of life, training is mandatory and daily. Rosgvardeytsy learn the legislation by heart and, if necessary, can quote it. Thus, security units, before entering service, take a test on knowledge of the necessary legislation.
  • High demands on mental stability. National Guard members are required to have a strong psyche and be able to interact not only with colleagues, but also with citizens. In addition, they are prohibited from exceeding the necessary level of force.

Thus, service in the Russian Guard is an opportunity for young people to serve the Motherland.

The National Guard in Russia was created in 2016 by presidential decree. After this event, many experts in the media began to compare the new structure with a similar one in Ukraine, created two years earlier. Due to the latter's notoriety, this news was received ambiguously.

But in the end, the situation returned to normal and the name “Rosgvardia” was assigned to the guard. It is used in given time on television. The structure was created to protect law and order in the state and carry out special tasks. If you are interested in how to get into service in the Russian Guard, then below you will find out the necessary information.

Tasks of the Russian Guard

The Russian Guard has one peculiarity - it is personally subordinate to the President of Russia. Its tasks are simple: conducting special anti-terrorist operations in all regions of the country, protecting borders and critical infrastructure facilities, joint activities with other military structures to protect the integrity and ensure law and order in the country. High efficiency in completing assigned tasks is achieved through centralized coordination of actions. This means the removal of regional departments from management functions. Due to this, the speed of response to threats increases and, in most cases, the necessary secrecy is ensured.

Basic Requirements

There are many applicants and they ask the same question: “How to get into the Russian Guard under a contract?” To enter contract service, a citizen must be an adult and have Russian citizenship. Priority is given to persons who served in the border troops, army and law enforcement agencies, who have a complete family (father and mother) and positive recommendations from various places of study. If a person has not previously served, then he must have fitness category “A”. The maximum age allowed for entering the service is 31 years. Data such as gender, nationality, race, financial status, origin and position in society, and professed religion are not taken into account.

How can a girl get into the Russian Guard?

Girls can enlist in the same way as men - after passing the necessary examinations and tests.

Anyone wishing to join the ranks of the Russian Guard will have to pass a test of physical strength. It will consist of pull-ups on the horizontal bar at least 30 times, completing an obstacle course against the clock and a shooting accuracy test.

How to get into the Russian Guard by conscription?

Conscription is carried out in the same way as in the regular army. It all depends on the conscript himself. But, of course, there are differences between the guard and the army. The quality of food in the latter is better, but in the new structure there is faster career growth, and wages for employees in it will be 10 times higher compared to conscripts. So, to the question of how to get into the Russian Guard, you can answer that you should choose the desired branch of the military, go through the research and wait for an answer. Identity verification can take several months.

To get more complete information regarding how to get into the Russian Guard and the army, it is advisable to contact the military registration and enlistment office in the city in which you live.

Additional checks

Every person who wants to join the Russian Guard must undergo psychophysical examinations, which are aimed at detecting signs of drug use. narcotic substances in the past. The citizen must also undergo psychological testing. It is required in order to determine whether a person has the qualities necessary to serve in a given structure. An employee of the National Guard of the Russian Federation should not have qualities that are dangerous to society, as well as past incidents that have negative consequences.

Professional suitability for work is determined based on the results of the psychological selection process. For this purpose, psychological, psychophysical and medical research is carried out, including those in which highly targeted technical and medical devices and products are used.

Professional suitability is determined by the level of development required to perform the tasks and service obligations of a member of the National Guard. Russian Federation personal qualities, the presence of any risk factors in a citizen.

Risk factors affecting professional suitability

People who in the past were dependent on alcohol and various toxic and psychotropic drugs, drugs, or were participants in the illegal trafficking of all of the above substances, as well as weapons, will not be able to serve in the Russian Guard. People who were previously engaged in prohibited activities together with illegal public associations in the country, as well as those who are prone to abuse of power and suicide, will not be able to do this. Also, a person will not be able to get into the Russian Guard if he has previously been convicted, deliberately filled out questionnaires with false data, hid or distorted information about his financial situation.

Personal and business qualities required for service in the Russian Guard

During comprehensive research, the following qualities are revealed:

  • Level of development of intellectual abilities and logical thinking, clear and understandable expression of one’s thoughts in all forms.
  • Control over your behavior and expression of emotions, restraint and composure.
  • Ability to work, willpower, courage, determination, perseverance.
  • Level of internal organization, punctuality and diligence.
  • The importance for a person of morality, moral values, such as honesty and integrity.
  • Independence, lack of fear of responsibility, a healthy assessment of one’s strengths and level of self-criticism.
  • Self-esteem and what motivates a person to work.

Documents required to apply for a job in the Russian Guard

A citizen who wishes to join the Russian Guard must personally submit to the federal body executive branch a statement written in the form established by the federal executive authorities. In it, the applicant applies for enlistment in the National Guard. In addition to the application, you should prepare:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation.
  • A completed and signed application form in the form established by the government of the Russian Federation.
  • A personally written autobiography.
  • Education document.
  • A military registration document, both for those liable for military service and for those subject to conscription.
  • Work book. Its absence is allowed only if it was lost or employment occurs for the first time.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • Information about your financial situation and property, as well as your wife or husband, children under age.
  • A citizen’s handwritten consent to check and work with his personal data in order to resolve the issue of the possibility of his admission to the service.

If any other documents are required, you will be notified.

Reasons why you may be refused

A citizen will not be able to enter the Russian Guard in the following cases:

  • By a court decision he was declared incompetent or partially capable.
  • Having a criminal record. An exception is the case if previously committed crimes have been eliminated by criminal law.
  • Submission of not all documents, lack of consent to the use of his personal data.
  • Health condition unsuitable for work in law enforcement agencies.
  • Relatives or close people serving in the National Guard, if the citizen will obey them upon joining the service.
  • Deprivation of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Having foreign citizenship.
  • Specified false information and data in the documents presented.

What is the period for reviewing an application for admission to the service?

The authorized person, within a period of one to three months from the date of acceptance of the application, carries out a procedure for checking the data provided by the citizen, after which, if no questions arise, he gives a referral for psychophysical and medical examinations, as well as for a testing procedure for professional psychological selection.

If there is a delay in the process of verifying the authenticity of a citizen's data, he will be notified in writing. The maximum delay period is 1 month.

Based on the results of verification of the submitted information, as well as from the medical report after passing the required examinations and psychological testing the authorized leader decides whether to accept a citizen for service or not. He is notified of this in writing from the day the decision is made.

Benefits and rewards for military personnel

For those who want to join the Russian Guard, it will be interesting to know that the earnings of employees in the structure will be higher than that of ordinary military personnel, both for privates and officers. The average for a private and sergeant is from 19 to 90 thousand rubles. Officers have a slightly higher salary - from 45 to 120 thousand rubles. The amount may vary depending on the region. They will pay extra for special conditions services and various risks. Such a high salary is associated with dangerous work, because the fighters of this structure will fight all types and manifestations of the terrorist threat.

Military personnel of the Russian Guard have a number of benefits, like other military personnel, but with some additions. Each employee in the structure will be provided with housing, and children will be taken into educational institutions out of turn and on preferential terms. Also, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner during service, the family of the deceased will be included in special program assistance to the families of National Guardsmen.

Powers of the Guardsmen

Compared to other paramilitary forces, National Guard members have a number of exceptional powers. For example, the ability to use weapons without warning is permitted only in cases where delay would cost the life of a military personnel or civilians. If there is no such threat, then the fighter must first warn about the use of firearms. Armored vehicles and water cannons are only allowed to be used in emergency situations, such as repelling an attack or freeing hostages. During street protests that turn into riots, fighters have the right to use force, using rubber batons, gas grenades, handcuffs and equipment to destroy barriers. Officers can also check documents, detain citizens for no more than three hours, and draw up reports of administrative violations. When conducting counter-terrorism operations, the Russian Guard can limit traffic, use citizens' cars and detain people who violated the curfew.