You will need

  • - Tutorials in English;
  • - workbook;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - DVD player;
  • - MP3 player;
  • - video footage in English;
  • - Audiobooks in English.


Determine what you need english. In the process of independent training, you will have to constantly motivate yourself, highlighting time for classes and spending efforts, so it is important to find a significant reason that will become a versatile motivator. Depending on your situation, a tourist trip, in overseas, work in a prestigious foreign company can be a target.

Tune in to serious painstaking work. Suggested everywhere so-called modern technologies Mastering with languages \u200b\u200bthat are allegedly able for a month to force you to speak freely on, instill unnecessary illusions. Language training may take several months concentrated independent work, In order to master the language perfectly, you may need several years.

Start the study of English from the alphabet and setting the pronunciation. Without knowledge of that or another letter, it will be difficult to use the dictionary, read the abbreviation and even just dictate your name on the phone.

Mastering the alphabet, go to the memorization of words. Be sure to limit yourself to certain temporary frames. For example, put yourself a minimum task for the month to learn five hundred new words. On the day, this will be only 15-20 lexical units. Strictly stick to your plan. It is important not to just memorize any words, and try to translate into English that speech set that you used to use daily. It will relieve you from the need to learn those words that you can never need.

To quickly repeat the material covered, make yourself a separate notebook dictionary. Note in the notebook the words you have mastered and liked the expressions. It is important to keep records from hand, as it connects motor memory and contributes to a better learning of the new material. Another valuable tool for independent study English can be separate cards, on the one hand, the word in Russian is written, and on the turnover - its English equivalent.

In parallel with accumulation vocabulary Start mastering the Basics of English grammar. This will allow you to properly build phrases from learning words. Try as much of the memorial material to say out loud.

For the development of foreign speech understanding skills, view movies and video films in English, without translation. It is desirable to have a notebook and handle with you. Disconnect subtitles and try to perceive separate words and expressions on the hearing. Putting the player pause, do not be lazy to contact the dictionary for finding the meaning of the heard new word. A good help will be a periodic listening of English-speaking radio stations, primarily news channels.

Take advantage of MP3 player to in free time Listen to books in English. It will also allow you to understand the system of speech and feel its melody. It is convenient to have a textbook version for parallel reading at hand. Especially valuable skill simultaneous listening and reading will be at the initial stage of mastering the language.

Make a study of English by your priority, not afraid to sacrifice for this insignificant everyday affairs. Planning time for classes, strive to engage in 20-30 minutes, then switch to other matters, after which the language to pay attention to the language. Breaks in work will make training more efficient.

Fast and qualitative results give a methodology for learning English in foreign language schools, where they conduct a course of intensive immersion into speech, culture and traditions of the country. In essence, this is an express learning method, because For a limited period, students should penetrate the foreign environment, and will turn into true Britons or Americans.

Principal traits of techniques:

  1. Language school - communicative method learning. Communication here always dominates reading, writing and grammar. At the same time, the emphasis is raised more on conversational speech than on formal English.
  2. The use of cases is actively practiced. They are gaming situations and discussions that contribute to the involvement of each student in the lesson process.
  3. Knowledge here teaches a direct native speaker, but about such concepts as native speech and the translation of students will have to forget at all. All communication is carried out only in a foreign language.
  4. The student can choose individual training or classes in general groups.

If you do not take into account the financial side of the issue, this method has practically no shortcomings.

Spoken approach (Shechter)

Training is based on foreign speech perception as native language. That is, the author seeks to develop the ability to use English subconsciously in the student, without thinking about the correctness of the construction of grammatical structures or suitable vocabulary.

This skill is produced using cases and situational thinking: small sketches are played, in which each student should utter his replica. At the same time, the speech of the conversation of the conversation is spontaneous, no one cooks replicas in advance and does not know the topics of the cases.

Such classes are held daily, the duration of the lesson is 3 hours. The course of the course is broken by 3-4 steps, the passage of each of which occupies a month. Between the stages there is a break to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Hongnenmar's selections

This course for independent study of English is a set of techniques that facilitate the development of the foundations.

The method is based on the analysis of "speech stamps", i.e. The author proposes to learn only the most important and common rules, phrases and words. Tutorials are also called "Minigrams", Minifraz and Minilex. All material is additionally illustrated and voiced by native speakers, so the technique is considered an ideal base for starting learning English.

The duration and frequency of studies of students regulate independently.

English on films, books and songs

Separately, it is worth mentioning such interesting methods of studying English as watching movies, listening to songs and reading books in the original.

Yes, combining personal interests with learning helps to develop craving for classes and truly committed to the language. But, do not think that you turn on your favorite movie and immediately understand all the replicas of heroes. In fact, this is a very painstaking job.

Even films with subtitles are very difficult to disassemble, because Often you have to stop playing a file, search for the translation of incomprehensible words and write down new expressions in your dictionary. The same applies to songs and books in English in the original. Therefore, before being taken for such a technique, it is necessary to appreciate your strength. We would recommend to proceed to such work not earlier than the development of the average level of knowledge (Advanced).

Interactive games and mobile applications

No less useful in learning innovative technologiesbased on the game technique.

Electronic platforms are presenting material in an accessible form and carefully follow the consolidation of the information received. For example, if you dial a lexical stock and study the cards, mobile applications will definitely test the assimilation of information on several parameters: hearing perception, writing and pronunciation.

From the most popular online services, mobile applications and computer programs it is worth noting:

  • Duolingo.;
  • Rosetta. Stone;
  • LeX!;
  • Bussuu.;
  • Lingualeo.

All of them use game learning methods to modern English. For successful actions, users are encouraged by play glasses, and errors in responses lead to a decrease in the rating and constant repetition of the material. By the way, the repetition system is based on a deep analysis of user behavior: the success of memorization and the frequency of this word is taken into account.

Interactive applications Excellent help in learning a language, but cannot be betted only to use programs. We recommend combining gaming methods with solid grammar classes.

How to choose your methodology for learning English?

Summing up the analysis of English teaching methodology, you must choose the best of the presented methods. However, it can only be done individually. The choice of the correct technique depends on you, we can only recommend the criteria from which you want to repel.

So, when choosing a technique for learning English, such factors should be taken into account as:

  • level of own preparedness;
  • the amount of time you are willing to devote to classes;
  • financial opportunities;
  • own priorities and desires.

Also, we definitely advise you to analyze your own feelings of perception. It is necessary to understand how it is easier for you to perceive information: by rumor, through reading textbooks, using video tutorials, in a game form, etc. If you select a method that suits your mind, character and interests, successful studies will be very much.

Successes in learning foreign language And to new meetings on the pages of the site!

Surely you have already reread hundreds of articles on the Internet on how to learn English yourself and for free. Until now, it did not work out to achieve the desired level of knowledge? The thing is that many are offered theoretical tips, not reinforcing their practice. Therefore, we decided to make a practical manual for self-study. In this article, we will tell if it is possible to learn English without any help, we will explain what materials should be used in self-study and what resources can be used additionally so that you are obscurely learn English at home. You can save yourself a free PDF file, where all 156 resources are indicated, and at the end of the article we will give you the choice of the editorial office - the list of "best of the best" materials.

Is it possible to learn English yourself

Let's find out to get out if you really learn English yourself or you should not waste time and effort on this occupation. Let's just say, learning English yourself and free is quite real, because there are thousands of training resources on the Internet that will help you do it. Why not everyone gets to master the language at the desired level? You probably know people whose self-study has become an empty spending time. Or maybe you yourself have already tried unsuccessfully to learn English?

We can say with confidence that only three factors determine whether you can learn English yourself:

  1. Your desire to learn language.
  2. Readiness to work.
  3. Effective way to study language.

If first and the first and second factor are present, then it's only the third link - the ability to find for yourself the most effective method Independently learn English. This article is just designed to solve the problem of the third factor: we will tell you how to organize an effective educational processWhat materials do you need.

At the same time, we want to warn it right away: self-study is an interesting process, but not easy, and it is especially difficult for beginners. We study the language "from scratch" we still advise you to use the services. Under his watchful control and experienced leadership, you will shift faster than when self-study. Want to go through this way without any help? We have already written the article on this topic "", but it is focused on newcomers. In the same article, we will tell about the resources for all learning English, so it is better to start early with the study of the first article, and then return to this material.

How to learn English independently

We have compiled 6 simple recommendations for you on how best to learn English yourself. These tips are based on the experience of our teachers and students. So that self-study was effective for you, fulfill all the recommendations, then the positive results will not make you wait.

1. Put a specific goal

It is from your purpose of study that all further actions on the independent study of English are dependent. Think if you want to master the general conversational or business English, you wish to reach the middle level or want to reach the top. You can see and choose a similar goal for yourself. In addition, an excellent right goal is to achieve an average level, in which case you launch a good knowledge base. Find out another 8 reasons to get to this step from the article ".

2. Make a class schedule

It would seem that the whole charm of self-study is just that your English classes are not tied to some particular moment: you learn the language when it is convenient for you. However, in fact it turns out in a well-known joke. Your conscience is tormenting you: "When will you sit for English?" And you in response: "Well, no, today I can't, so tired. Let's never. Will you arrive? " Agree, with this approach, English is impossible. Therefore, take yourself to the Help Mittens and make a specific schedule, for example, learn from one hour or 3-4 times a week to 1.5 hours. Of course, the presence of a graph will not protect you from procrastination, but you will already know that it's not just "legally postponed the occupation, I will teach later," and missed it. The ricking conscience is a good motivator!

3. Select the necessary resources.

As we have said, there are many knowledge sources with you, and such an abundance useful resources It does not always have a positive effect on training. So, many people decide to learn English and in one day they buy all the available textbooks, add to the bookmarks 541 Site to study English, set 37 applications for learning the language. On the one hand, such a zeal commemorated. On the other hand, in each textbook and on each site its principles of presentation of the material, therefore, if every day is engaged in different resources, you risk the porridge in your head and after a week, you will realize that you do not know what to take. Below we will offer you a list of good resource-tested resources to study English in the context of English proficiency skills. Spend a couple of days to choose from them no more than 1-2 resources for each skill.

4. Look for the interlocutor

Some people think that English can be mastered "autonomously" using only books, audio and video materials. However, it is not. You can read Agatu Christie in the original and listen to news BBC, but what's the point in this if you are difficult to speak English. You can talk on learning language only with the help of the interlocutor. Read on, and you will learn how to find a partner to train spoken speech.

5. Track your achievements

This is an important point for those who decided to learn English on their own at home. Be sure to perform test tasksTo keep track of your progress. You can do various online tests, such as tests for determining the level of knowledge. It is important to check your errors. It is quite difficult with self-study, so we wrote an article-assistant for you. " From it you will learn how to control your learning process.

6. Do not make big learning breaks

Everyone has days when it seems that there is no time to learn English. In this case, we recommend finding literally 5-10 minutes and complete one of the exercises from the article ". If the break in the training still had to do, try not to tighten it, otherwise the accumulated knowledge will begin to fly out of the head and you completely abandon their studies.

How to learn English for free: 156 useful materials

And now we will present you the resources that will necessarily need you to effectively independently learn English. You will see the entire resource list in the PDF file, which can be saved to your computer for free:

  • Handbook on grammar
  • The one who teaches English independently complains that it is impossible to teach the grammar of the English language. In this case, we recommend to take an additional textbook to the main textbook, with grammar exercises. When choosing such a book, follow our article "". Come on the first lesson to the last lesson, I do not miss anything, then the material will be easier to understand.

  • Textbook to expand the vocabulary
  • A good vocabulary will allow you to accurately express your thoughts, so try to constantly study new words. New vocabulary is desirable to take not only from your main textbook, but also from specialized benefits. A reliable source of the desired words will be one of. Practical exercises in these books will teach you to properly use the words studied in your speech.

  • Allowance for spending
  • Proper pronunciation is necessary in order for the interlocutor to understand you, so this skill should also be developed. If, when learning English with a teacher, you can do without a special benefit, because the teacher will teach you to correctly pronounce the sounds, then with an independent study of English at home you will need a textbook. Can you take one of the following manuals: English PRONUNCIATION IN USE, NEW HEADWAY PRONUNCIATION COURSE, TREE OR THREEE? , SHIP OR SHEEP? , How Now, Brown Cow? , Elements of pronunciation. In them you will find many tasks for auditing and setting the right pronunciation.

  • Vocabulary
  • A good dictionary is an indispensable attribute studying English. We recommend first to use russian-English online dictionary, for example, or When you reach an average knowledge level, start using Anglo-English dictionary, such as or

    Would you like to use learning benefits? We recommend to read our article "", in which we talked about the benefits of using benefits, and also pointed out who can teach English without them.

    Additional resources

    Listed textbooks will be enough for improving English proficiency skills, but sometimes you sometimes want to break from books and diversify your training with some interesting materials. We made a large selection of better resources for you to help you learn English yourself.

    1. Speak English
    2. To learn to communicate in English, you need to try to speak on it as often as possible. Where to find a partner to communicate? On one of the Language Exchange sites, for example or Even more ideas and resources to search for the interlocutor you will find in the article "".

    3. We learn new words

      New vocabulary can be learned not only by the manual, but also more modern and fascinating methods:

      • Set applications for learning words: anki for Android and iOS, Easy Ten for and iOS or Fun Easy Learn English for Android and IOS. Studying 10 words will take no more than 5-7 minutes, we think even busy man There will be time for classes with applications.
      • Learn words using visual dictionaries, such as or Association with a picture is remembered better and faster than a separate word.
      • Perform tests on and sites. You can check how well I remembered a new vocabulary, and you will see how it is used in speech.
      • Solid crosswords:.
    4. Improve perception english speech aurally

      Improve the understanding of English for ear independently quite simple. We recommend the following methods:

      • Listen to audio materials :.
      • Watch the news: . You can first view video with subtitles, and then without them.
      • Watch exciting learning rollers and video tracks :.
      • Listen to interesting audiobooks :.
      • Listen to music: .
    5. Improving the knowledge of grammar
    6. Remember: not knowing grammar, it is impossible to speak normally in English. Therefore, let's see what methods in addition to exercises from the textbook can be used to deal with grammar times and forever.

    • Study grammar according to understandable articles in Russian:
    • Perform tests :. The daily execution of at least one test with the "pale analysis" will help you gradually eradicate your mistakes.
    • Watch learning video :. Also visit the wonderful resource Pay attention to the rollers with the teacher Ronnie: her incendiary sense of humor and fascinating lessons will even enjoy those who tolerate cannot be grammar.
    • Use grammar application applications: Johnny Grammar for and IOS or Learn English Grammar for Android and Learnenglish Grammar for iOS. These simple programs for the gadget diverse the road to work or a trip to the cottage.
  • We read in English
  • Reading - skill with which the easiest to work independently. How to do it:

    • Read adapted literature :. Such books will be able to read people with the BEGINNER level and above.
    • Read books in the original :.
    • Read exciting articles:. A small interesting article is the optimal "dose" for those who want to learn English at home on their own.
    • Read news: Install on the smartphone or tablet Yahoo News Digest or BBC NEWS, then you will be aware of events and you can improve your English daily.
    • Read magazines :.
  • Improve pronunciation
  • Improve the pronunciation in self-study is not very simple: to analyze your speech and find errors in it, you need to have experience in learning English and knowing how to sound all the sounds. But with this difficulty you can cope if you use the following techniques:

    • Learn to pronounce sounds correctly :.
    • Spear Spear Species: On the site there are patters voiced by carriers. Daily pronounce at least a couple of them, and your pronunciation will improve in a couple of months, and it will be much easier to utter the difficult sounds of English.
  • We write in English
  • You can learn English in English without the help of a teacher. The snag is that if you decide to learn English yourself, check your written works will be no one. There are services to communicate with foreigners, these sites offer something like a language exchange: you check the text in Russian, and the English carrier checks your written work in English. However, note that there may be illiterate people on such sites, so no one can guarantee the accuracy of checking. In addition, your verifier will simply correct your mistakes, but will not explain them. Therefore, if it is important for you to learn how to write well in English, it is worth thinking about the lessons with the teacher. In addition, the following will help you:

    • Learn to write correctly: ...
    • Work on pronunciation -.
    • Online dictations - DICTATIONSONLINE.COM.
    • We have introduced you a detailed practical guide on how to learn English yourself and free, and indicated the best resources that will help you achieve success on this field. Now it's just for you. At first, this path can be difficult, because to learn something new is always not easy. Remember when you first sat on the bike, then probably fell more than once before learn to ride. "Cutting English" will also be difficult, but gradually you can dial the speed and virtuoso to handle it. We wish you success in learning!

      © 2020 Site, Copying Materials is possible only when specifying direct active reference to the original source.

    IN modern world The importance of knowledge of English is indisputable, so everything seeks to master this language more of people. At the same time, many newcomers, who have never studied English before, are lost from the variety of techniques and textbooks. In this article, we will tell you which textbook of English to choose how to support the motivation and organize a learning process, to pay special attention to the knowledge to be confident, and the skills - communicated to automatism.

    Zero does not happen!

    It is not entirely legitimate about the zero knowledge of English, because in Russian there are countless borrowing and related words, understandable to everyone. For example, the words "information", "Radio", "Music", "Sister", "Bank" and others will be intuitively familiar. It means that some volume of foreign vocabulary will give you no longer effort. Is not so scary, yes?

    How to maintain motivation?

    Send a foreign language from scratch - a difficult task. After a couple of classes, you may seem that this Iceberg rules and exceptions will never succumb to you. Think about those who started the same way as you have achieved an advanced level. You can also so, believe in yourself! Interestivity is your key to success. One English is needed for work, another - for traveling, the third - for self-improvement. Everyone has their own incentives, but best, if there are several of them at once.

    Who to learn?

    Nowadays, learning English from scratch is possible in a variety of options:

    • individual classes with a teacher;
    • classes in the group;
    • skype training;
    • independent study.

    The most effective will be classes with a teacher. Individually or with a group (5-7 people) you will pass the necessary material at an optimal pace. It is important to find a qualified teacher with whom you will be interested. Believe me, the enthusiasm and love of the teacher to English will certainly inspire you to conquer the vertex called "English".

    If you choose group learning, make sure that the group is not too big. Otherwise, the teacher simply will not be able to give sufficient attention to each "student". English classes in groups have one important plus - a person is, as they say, among his own, the same beginners, as he himself. Making progress in a friendly atmosphere is much easier, especially since the experienced teacher will support a slightly playing direction of lessons.

    Independent learning English from scratch

    For those who have chosen the path of self-study for one reason or another, it will be more difficult. Constantly need to spill interest, do not give up and not lazy. And the most difficult to start ...

    How to start training?

    1. Choosing a technique:

    Nowadays, there are many methods of learning English from scratch. Choose the one that is suitable for you, and with which you will be pleased to work.

    2. Selection tutorials:

    The zero level will not allow you to immediately take for foreign textbooks, so get the publications of the proven domestic authors. Suitable, for example, Golitsinsky or Bonc. Later it is worth contacting the famous British publications: Headway, Hotline, True to Life, Language in Use, BluePrint.

    A good allowance boasts a sufficient number of theory and practical exercises, equally developing reading skills, letters and speaking. Buying a tutorial, make sure that its structure meets your requirements: vocabulary, grammar, topics. The rules must be set forth clear and informatively, and colorful illustrations, additional tables, etc. Give an important advantage over boring black and white publications.

    3. Selection of time for classes and their duration:

    English English is best at the same time: if you are larks, dedicate the workday morning hours; Owls better absorb material in the evening.

    To effectively learn a foreign language, you should do every day - you can afford no more than one day off a week! The optimal duration of one "lesson" is 60-90 minutes, while you can relax 5-10 minutes in the middle of the classes.

    4. Comfortable conditions for classes:

    Ensure maximum convenience during classes: cozy atmosphere, nice background, lack of external stimuli. All this will help you abstract from reality and fully immerse yourself in the world of language.

    5. Do not overdo it!

    Finding out the optimal pace of developing new topics, stick to it and do not try to cover several complex sections at a time. Over time, you will achieve a more intense study, but at the initial stage it is hissing undesirable.

    6. Constantly repeat the material passed:

    Regular repetition is the key to consolidate knowledge and improving skills. Even if you have yet studied quite a bit, work out the knowledge every free minute - in transport, during morning charging, on a lunch break, before bedtime, etc. Try to talk with yourself, saying out loud or about yourself words, designs, suggestions. If possible, do not hesitate to talk with those who know English. Mastering the base, find a friend by correspondence - a native speaker.

    How to learn English yourself?

    English has a clearly agreed structure, and start learning this system with Azov. The first thing you need to learn is the alphabet and pronunciation. Without knowledge of the alphabet, it will not be possible to write, nor read, and the insight pronunciation can completely change the meaning of the statement. Do not neglect the exercise of oral speech, because for free mastering conversational English you need to practice as often as possible.


    Undoubtedly, you will first read a lot: rules, examples and simple texts. Reading grammatically correctly built proposals gives an excellent result - memorization of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Visual perception is the main source of new information, and regular reading of English-language texts is needed at any stage of learning language.


    When learning English from scratch, the text understanding through audition may seem impossible. In fact, this is a great help for reading. Sound support for tasks will help you learn how to pronounce a particular sound or word. Watching the text of the text and at the same time perceiving it on a rumor, you can kill two hares. Gradually expanding the boundaries of their knowledge, try closing the tutorial and re-listen to the text. First you will be understood only some words, and then offers. Only so you can learn to the audience, which will still play a considerable role in learning.

    Listening to English-speaking songs and watching movies, including with subtitles, support a newcomer in "Tonus" and increase the motivation, unobtrusively perched by a person in an authentic atmosphere. It will be very useful to view the original Favorite Movie, which you know almost by heart in Russian. A familiar plot will facilitate you an understanding of the replica of heroes in English, besides, you can see a lively and modern, and not a purely book language.


    Any new Material It is necessary to work in writing! With all the convenience of modern computer programs that offer to insert a suitable word instead of skipping, they are not suitable for those who just started learning English from scratch. The method of recording in a conventional notebook is more efficient: the execution of written exercises allows you to test knowledge, bringing them to automatism. First you learn how to properly state thoughts on paper and only after that you can confidently use them in speech.


    Oral practice is an integral part of the study of a foreign language. The ability to read and translate does not mean to be able to speak English fluently. Beautiful and runaway speech - the dream of any newbie, but to fulfill it, you need to do everything. If you do not have a "experimental" interlocutor, train yourself! For example, talk with themselves with you in front of the mirror, try to tell you how you can tell you how your day went. Passing a new topic, make yourself a new name, profession and past - create a fictional hero. Such a game moment will provide you with the necessary variety for oral topics.

    You can achieve even great success, combining reading or listening to oral speech. After reading the text or listen to the audio record, try to retell the content out loud (as an option - writing). Such a presentation will help train memory and thinking, to teach the retell in your own words, which means that speak English fluently.


    The study of foreign vocabulary starts with the simplest and most frequently used words:

    • nouns (eg, a house, a man, an apple);
    • adjectives (eg, Big, Great, Good);
    • verbs (eg, to do, to be, to get);
    • pronouns (eg, i, he, he);
    • nutritive (eg, One, Ten, The Fifth).

    The mindless torture is not suitable for those who really want to know English. Undoubtedly, international words are remembered faster, and the rest is better to combine with already familiar lexical units. For example, "A Big Dog", "An Interesting Film". Sustainable expressions are better to memorize entirely, for example, "to make a mistake", "to do one" s best. "

    When learning lexical units you need to pay special attention not only to their value, but also pronunciation. That is why it is at the initial stage of studying English that it is important to learn how to correctly interpret the transcription of the word and firmly assimilate the rules for the pronunciation of those or other letters, for example, "th", "ng". Also select a separate lesson to explore the features of an open and closed syllable, and you will save a mass of time on a constant look into vocabulary transcription.


    Knowledge of the crime of grammatical rules of English is perhaps even a little more significantly than the wealth of the vocabulary stock. If ignorance of a certain word can be easily coming down, then the inability to use at times and structures instantly gives the profan in you.

    It is necessary to start learning English grammar from the order of words in the sentence, because it is precisely that the correctness and meaning of the statement depends on it. You can then move to the development of the SIMPLE / INDEFINITE group (PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE). The following sections will be CONTINEUS / PROGRESSIVIVE and PERFECT times. Important elements of your knowledge will be the design "to be going to" and numerous modal verbs (for example, "must", "have to", "can").

    English from scratch One is crushed faster and easier, others - a little slower and with great efforts. Nevertheless, in the presence of motivation and qualitative textbooks, everyone can master in English. At the initial stage, it is especially important to pay attention to all aspects of the language in the complex. A comprehensive approach is a guarantee of successful study and acquisition of durable knowledge and skills.

    English is interesting, but a huge number of grammatical exceptions and original words can scare even those inclined to study human languages. However, it is not necessary to despair, we will tell you how to easily and quickly learn English at home.

    How to independently learn English at home from scratch: step by step instructions

    Step 1. Motivation

    You may be surprised, but the first step is not to remember the ten English words or basic rules of grammar. To start learning, you must first decide why you want to learn English. Decide for yourself what exactly you want to achieve and how you plan to move towards the goal.

    Think why learning English is important for you. Such a mental exercise will help make sure that you have a sufficient level of motivation for the start. What he is higher, the faster and easier you will learn English.


    Step 2. Practical goal and grandilage

    If everything is fine with motivation, you can move on. Now put yourself a specific goal and the temporary framework of its achievement.

    The goal should be formulated as clear as possible. We give examples of bad and good goals.

    Bad goals

    • I want to speak English.
    • I want to study at the university in another country.
    • I want to meet a foreigner and communicate with him in English.

    Good goals

    • After 8 months I want to read and understand the book in English.
    • I want to prepare for the international exam after 6 months and pass it on perfectly.
    • For 3 months, I want to have time to communicate with the English speaker on everyday topics, such as sports, music, movies, travel or food.

    What are the difference between bad and good goals? Bad goals are not specific in content and are not limited to the temporary framework, which means they can be stretched to infinity.

    Specific targets with Deadline will help you assess your success in learning the language and understand how to properly organize training to quickly learn English.

    Step 3. Lay English resources with a level one higher than yours.

    How to quickly learn English yourself at home? Original content without adaptation - your chief assistant.

    If your English is on the base or level below the average, then do not mind immediately for books on the original or foreign newspapers and magazines. Watch video with subtitles on training channels, for example on BBC. The main thing is to begin to get used to the original English speech.

    Make sure your resources are not so easy - you should not understand everything easily and quickly. A simple material will not give you anything new, which means you will spend the time of wasted. Why repeat the words that you already know well? Go to New. How to quickly learn english words? All unfamiliar words and expressions discharge into the home dictionary, and then arrange a mini-dictation. You can put complex expressions around the house to constantly cling to them with a look.

    How to understand what exactly this resource suits you? Very simple - check how often you look into the dictionary. If through each word, then the material is too complicated, and if with a moderate frequency, then this is the best option.

    Step 4. Consider with the material that matches your goal.

    If your goal is to start communicating with English speakers about movies, then start watching movies in English with original subtitles. If you have set a goal - to pass an international exam to learn abroad, - do specialized textbooks to prepare specifically for this exam. A more landed option is to communicate with foreigners in English. To achieve this goal, start meeting with media in language clubs or simply make friends on Skype in special applications.

    It is very important to have a specific goal. It will help to determine the further strategy for learning the language.

    Step 5: Start actively learn new words.

    During the training, disassemble your mistakes. It seems that in such a situation, do not cope without a teacher, but it is not. On the Internet you can find any information, including the intricacies of the English language.