A summary of the collaboration with the parents of the Leisure "Evening Health"

Malya Galina Alekseevna, teacher GDDOU kindergarten №73 Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of the material: The material will be useful to educators and managers of physical and musical education when organizing leisure with children of senior preschool age. Leisure is held in the gym.
Purpose: Deliver joy and pleasure from collaborative activities with parents.
- Strengthening the health of children by exercises, games and relay;
- develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements in children;
- continue to form the skills of compliance with the rules of moving games and relay;
- form a picture of children that sport and healthy food make a person strong, vigorous and healthy;
- to promote the development of the emotional sphere of children, memory, attention;
- to bring up a benevolent attitude towards each other.
soft fabric ball; small flavors of the fabric; big massage balls; Foreigns of fruits and vegetables; Three trays; Fish - rubber or plastic toys; Disposable cups, tubes, juice.

Leisure course:

Parents are invited to the gym.
The children are lined with a semicircle, perform the song "Physkult-Ura" / sl. Z. Petrova, music. Y. Chichkov /.
The children are trained in line with a poem:
- To grow strongly, dexterous and brave,
Daily in the morning we charge.
To the sun hands raise,
Together, having fun
Squat and get up
And not at all.
Charging together with parents.
Parents are invited to jointly charging for music.

Educator: - Health in order?
Children: - Thank you charge!

Parents are sitting at seats. Children form a circle.
Educator: Which of you knows that hardening helps and is it always useful for us?
Children: - Sun, Air and Water - Our best friends!
- Sport love from children's years - you will be healthy! Well, a friendly defector, shouting everything ...
Children: - Fizkult-Hur!
- If you want to be skillful, quick, strong, dexterous, bold ...
- To love the rope, entrance, hoops and sticks!
-Then do not lose, you definitely fall into the target!
- We have a new ball, we play a whole hour.
- I quit - you catch! And you drop - raise!
Game "Fathers with the ball"
Children, passing each other ball, pronounce words:
- Once, two, three - the ball rather you take.
Four, five, six - here he is, here it is here.
Seven, eight, nine - throws the one who knows how!
The child who in the last word turned out to be the ball in his hands, go to the middle of the circle and shouts: "I"! Children scatter. Drinking them sails the ball. That of whom the children were allocated, dropping out of the game. Play before the winner - the most agile of children.

The teacher speaks of the health benefits of driving barefoot!
Children are invited to get together and play.
Game "Move order - collect my feet handkerchiefs"
Throughout the hall in disorder, small pieces of fabric are scattered - "handkerchiefs". Children need to capture the "handkerchief" with the fingers of one leg, on another leg to board the basket and put it there. You need to be deftly and skillfully, not facing each other.

Relay with balls.
All participants in the evening of health are divided into three teams. Each participant of the relay, sitting on the ball, jumps to the guideline, then running returns to the team, passing the ball to the next player.

- in kindergarten, where our children are very fun living,
The warm sun is nalite, fresh rain washed, fruits, vegetables go.
And what are berries, fruits and vegetables?
Children and parents: - very useful products, sources of vitamins ...... ..
Educator: - To eat right, you remember the advice:
Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and vinaigrette.
No more useful products of delicious vegetables and fruits.
And the earrings and irinics - vitamins are useful to everyone.
Game "Let's help mom" - Prepare a vitamin vegetable salad, welded and compote.
But the entire hall is laid out the uniforms of vegetables and fruits. From a large soft round designer, improvised tables are installed, they are trays. Children are distributed to three teams. One - "cooking soup", the second - "boils compote", the third - "prepares the Vinegret": on its tray bring vegetables and fruits necessary for the preparation of these specific dishes. The team wins, which was not mistaken in choosing products.

Educator: In the old city garden
Fish float in the pond.
You can catch fish
And the ear is still cooking.
Relay "Catch Fish"
All evening participants re-form three teams. At the other end of the hall from the participants - "Pond", in which "float fish". Participants of the relay run with a hoop in their hands to the "pond". The hoop is pulled out one fish out of the pond, then take her in hand and run to your team.
The task of each team to catch as much fish as possible by folding it into your basket.
The relay continues until no fish remains.

The relay of "drink juice"
At the other side of the hall from the participants of the relay on the table tray with cups (one for each participant), filled with juice. Task: Run to the table, drink the juice with a tube, will throw out empty dishes in the "urn" and return to the team, passing the relay to the next participant.

At the end of the evening, parents are invited to a group where joint tea is being conducted. Children, together with the educator, recall the receptions of tea brewing, tell parents about the benefits and dangers of tea, about the best varieties. Brew black, green and herbal grade tea and treat parents. Culinary products prepared by parents from stale bread are served to tea. Scenario of the sports holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" for children of the senior group with a parent