It is no secret that economic specialties have always been in demand in the labor market, and at the moment there is no reason to assume that this demand will decrease. On the contrary, in modern world The ability to properly own and, most importantly, manage financial resources is gaining increasing importance. This applies to a greater extent to large companies that have a multimillion-dollar turnover and, naturally, are always in search of competent specialists in the field of economics.

Features of the economy

If we talk about economics as a science in general, we must not forget that it is a very multifaceted system that simply cannot be studied completely, no matter how much time a person spends on it. However, in order to be a sought-after specialist, it is necessary not to memorize tons of information, but to be able to manage it correctly. This is the main reason that higher education in our time is a very important step in life and professional development any person.

Why is higher education needed?

By receiving a higher education, a person not only learns a lot of new things about the field in which he will work. First of all, he learns to independently get out of difficult situations and find solutions to problems that are directly related to practical activities. This is the main difference higher education from school.

If we talk about economics, it should be understood that the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice is the main criterion for success in this matter. State (economic) ones can teach this. When choosing a university, you need to very carefully analyze all the options in order to choose the most suitable one and get exactly the education that will be useful in the process professional activity. This article describes in detail the best economic universities in Moscow.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

This financial institution is one of the leading universities in the country. It is rightfully included in the economic rankings, has a long history and over the entire period of its existence has produced a huge number of highly qualified specialists in various sectors of the economy.

The university was founded back in 1919, earlier than all other economic ones, and is still successfully operating. It is rightfully considered one of the oldest Russian universities.

In 2015-2016, the university was included in the list of the 200 most best universities BRICS countries. In addition, there is a rating that determines how much graduates of a particular university are in demand among employers, and in this rating the financial institution takes 5th place.

This university is often called a financial academy, which is also true. Speaking about the areas of training, it is worth noting that there is a very wide selection of different faculties that are in one way or another connected with economic specialties. Among them:

  • Risk analysis and economic security.
  • Public administration and financial control.
  • Management.
  • International economic relations.
  • Accounting and audit.

And other faculties.

The Financial Academy is legally located in Moscow, but there are a huge number of branches of this university throughout the country. The list of branches includes 18 cities, including Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, Vladimir and others.

Notable alumni

Among the famous graduates of this university there are such people. How:

  • Mikhail Prokhorov - Russian politician, entrepreneur and billionaire, founder of the Civic Platform party.
  • Anton Siluanov - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • Lev Kuznetsov is the Minister of the Russian Federation for North Caucasus Affairs.
  • Bella Zlatkis is the current Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

As well as other famous politicians and entrepreneurs.

The university has the opportunity to obtain the most high level economic education MBA in 10 different programs. Not all economic universities in Moscow provide this opportunity.

The Financial Academy is one of the best economic universities not only in Moscow, but also in Russia as a whole.

National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics”

HSE National Research University has been one of the most prestigious institutions for many years and surpasses many economic universities in Moscow in terms of education. This university provides training in completely different specializations in almost all areas that are in one way or another related to business, be it organizational management or web design.

The institute is located in Moscow, but in addition to the main building there are also branches in St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.

HSE is a fairly young university, while other Moscow economic universities have much more experience behind them. The university was founded in 1992, and in such a short period of time it managed to become one of the leading ones in the country. This was largely facilitated by the fact that in 1996 the institute became state-owned; accordingly, the Ministry was directly involved in its development and financing economic development Russia.

The position of rector is occupied by Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, who, by the way, stood at the origins of the university. It is largely thanks to him that HSE has reached the level of development at which it is now.


A distinctive feature is her youth. According to the Times Higher Education rating, compiled by a fairly reputable rating agency, HSE is among the world's top 50 universities under 30 years old.

Among the partners of the National Research University Higher School of Economics there are more than a hundred universities around the world, which means that students have wide opportunities to study abroad in a variety of areas.

Naturally, the main direction is economics, and all faculties are connected with it in one way or another. That is why HSE is included in the list of “Best economic institutions Moscow." However, there are also faculties of law, design, fashion, physics and many other interesting areas.

graduate School Economics is rightfully considered one of the leading economic universities in the country, so it will be an excellent choice for those who plan to build their career in this area.

Moscow named after M.V. Lomonosov

When listing the best economic universities in Moscow, we must not forget about Moscow State University.

Probably every applicant knows this university, and almost everyone dreams of studying there. This is truly the best university in the country, which has a huge number of faculties and areas of training. Each year many specialists graduate in each field, and, naturally, MSU offers several faculties related to economics for applicants to choose from.

MSU occupies a leading position in the vast majority of Russian rankings. It is included in the rating of economic universities in Moscow, however, foreign agencies also appreciate the institute. Moscow State University appears in almost all world tops in a wide variety of specialties.

The requirements for applicants are quite high, but the result is worth it. The level of education at Moscow State University is very decent, and after graduation it will be easy for a student to find a job.

In conclusion

State universities in Moscow - economic, legal or technical - are always a guarantor of the quality of education. These were the 3 main universities in economic areas in Moscow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the final choice should always be conscious and depend on the needs of a particular person. However, it is necessary to understand that these particular economic universities in Moscow are among the best in their field.

Probably every second school graduate dreams of the education that can be obtained at the prestigious Russian National Economic University. This direction is currently very popular. Economists in the modern way of life are needed both in state-owned enterprises and in private ones. According to statistics, 99% of university graduates get jobs high paying job. for economic specialties is high. The competition is also quite big. Of course, in order to enter an economics university on a budget, you need to pass exams very well and have high score certificate To everyone who for some reason did not pass the free training, it is proposed to enroll on a contract basis. To do this, you will need to pay a fixed amount for the year.

Throughout the Russian Federation there are many universities that train highly qualified economists. Let's look at the most prestigious universities.

Moscow State University

In 1755, the Lomonosov University opened its doors to applicants for the first time. At the very beginning of its activity there were only three faculties: law, medicine and philosophy. The economic direction was added only in 1941. Training is based on a non-standard approach, creative and analytical thinking. State University has many foreign partners. Thanks to this, students go on internships in European countries. To do this, you must have success in your studies and know perfectly English language. This educational institution is leading not only in Russia, but is also highly rated throughout the world.


There is another large university in Moscow that specializes in training international specialists. The teaching staff is highly qualified. Students are trained by doctors of science, associate professors, and candidates of science. The university has 68 departments and 7 faculties. Graduates economic specialties can work not only in Russia, but also abroad. In parallel with the main directions, the study is carried out additional languages. The university currently provides training using a multi-level system. Students study for a bachelor's degree for 4 years; upon completion, they can receive a master's degree.

National Research University Higher School of Economics

The Higher School of Economics is a young educational institution. It was founded 24 years ago, in 1992. The University of Economics prepares students at the bachelor's and master's levels. Training is possible both full-time and part-time. Applicants are encouraged to take preparatory courses before admission. There are both budget places, and paid. Students are paid a scholarship for good results in their studies. Nonresidents are provided with a hostel, its cost per year is about $22. It has 10 partner universities located in the Netherlands, Great Britain, France and Germany. The Higher School of Economics received a state license and the 4th level of accreditation.


St. Petersburg University of Economics is a state higher education institution educational institution. It was created in 2012 by merging three universities. Currently, it is one of the largest institutions in Russia specializing in more than 20,000 students studying here every year. All teachers have academic degrees. This state economic university has branches located in cities such as Pskov, Kirovsk, Veliky Novgorod and Murmansk. Nonresidents are provided with a hostel. In total, the university provides training in 25 specialties.


The University of Management and Economics, located in St. Petersburg, is one of the leading private educational institutions. It was founded in 1990. All training programs comply with European standards. The Russian University of Economics graduates specialists who can work in all industries national economy RF. Students undergo internships abroad. All those who come from other countries and cities live in the educational and hotel complex during their studies. There is daytime and correspondence department. At the university you can get additional qualifications- after completing a bachelor’s degree, it is proposed to continue studying in a master’s degree, then postgraduate and doctoral studies.


The State University of Economics is the largest educational and scientific institution in Russia. It was formed in 2012 by merging three universities. Used for training innovation programs, advanced technologies. In 2015, more than 22,000 students studied here, about 2,000 of whom were citizens of other countries. The University of Economics has more than 10 branches. The teaching staff consists of highly qualified specialists. They are trying to prepare professionals in the economic sphere who will be competitive not only at the federal level, but also at the international level. There are programs for advanced training and retraining here. All students who have high academic achievements are offered an internship in Europe.

REU im. Plekhanov

Located in the capital of Russia. Among all, he ranks 21st. Located in the city center. Has a state license. Nonresidents are provided with a hostel. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1907. The University of Economics received its current name in 1991. Teaching is conducted by doctors of sciences and professors. In total, the university has about 15,000 students. He has an award - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Branches are located not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring cities: Minsk, Riga, Yerevan, Tashkent and others. Training is carried out at 15 main faculties: finance, general economics, trade economics and commodity science, law and others. Graduated from this university famous people: Babanov O. T - Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Franchuk I. A - Ukrainian politician, Yavlinsky G. A. - leader of the Yabloko party. Also many deputies State Duma Russian Federation are graduates of Plekhanov University. Many students from different countries peace. He actively cooperates with foreign universities in the field of student exchange. The university occupies only 12 buildings. Of these, 6 are academic buildings, administrative - 3, there are also canteens, a dormitory, and a congress center. Most of the area (almost 75%) is occupied by buildings intended for education.


The State Trade and Economic University of St. Petersburg is very popular among applicants from different countries. It was founded in 1919. You can study full-time or by correspondence. All students upon graduation receive a state diploma. During its activity, this university has graduated more than 75,000 highly qualified specialists. Training is conducted in 5 buildings, which are located in the historical center of St. Petersburg. Students who come from other cities or countries are offered a large dormitory with more than 2,000 beds. The university supports the initiative for creative and sports development. There are many different sections organized here. Teaching staff focuses on training highly qualified specialists whose basic knowledge corresponds to international requirements. A full-time bachelor's degree takes 4 years, and a master's degree takes 2 years. You can get a bachelor's degree by correspondence in 5 years.

The ideas of economists are much more important than is commonly thought. In reality, they are the only ones who rule the world.

John Maynard Keynes

It has always been universal and popular. Economic knowledge has become especially necessary in Russia in recent decades - during the period of development and emergence of a market economy. Create successful business impossible without special economic knowledge. Not only yesterday's schoolchildren enter economic universities, but also professionals from other fields of activity, entrepreneurs and businessmen, and senior managers. They go to study not to receive a prestigious diploma, but for specific knowledge in economics and finance. Therefore, competition for admission to economics faculties is always high.

At the Faculty of Economics, in addition to specialized disciplines, students study law, philosophy, statistics, sociology, business communication, marketing, management, and information technology.

  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosova M.V., Faculty of Economics which was founded in 1941. A recognized leader in all areas of education. It has more than 10 foreign partner universities.
  • MGIMO, which trains specialists for the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, which is considered an innovative university.
  • REU im. G. V. Plekhanov is the oldest (since 1907) economic university, with a high practical orientation education and a strong connection with the real economic situation.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, one of the leading universities in the country, which at one time graduated from famous financiers: the chairmen of the State Bank and the Central Bank of Russia N.K. Sokolov, N.V. Garetovsky, V.V. Gerashchenko; Chairman of the USSR Government V.S. Pavlov; Ministers of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR and the Russian Federation A.G. Zverev, I.I. Fadeev, I.N. Lazarev, V.E. Orlov; Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprombank A.I. Akimov, businessman M.D. Prokhorov, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation A.G. Khloponin and many others.

Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) - a leader in training senior management personnel for government organizations Russia.

Graduates of these universities easily find employment in large and successful companies.

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.

Lawrence J. Peter

Non-state economic universities are not inferior to state ones in terms of the quality of education. Most of them were created in the early 90s and over more than 20 years of existence, universities have formed a solid technical base and high-quality teaching staff. Many teachers from state universities work in private.

The education system in non-state universities is more mobile: they respond faster to market needs and change training programs, more quickly use innovative foreign and Russian developments. Students are trained in the format of role-playing games and master classes of professionals in conditions close to working conditions. This is valuable for those people who came to university with the goal of obtaining an education for practical purposes, and not to acquire a degree from a prestigious university. In most cases, non-state universities have more modern technical equipment for practice. And most importantly, it is easier to enter a good non-state university; the class schedule is more flexible, which will allow you to combine study with work.

The best non-state universities are those in Moscow. This is evidenced by the fact that many Moscow universities received budget places under the new funding distribution strategy.