The desire to know one's future is inherent in man at all times. Why is the future so interesting? What is this, the desire to prepare for the inevitable or pure curiosity? Perhaps both options are not wrong. However, most often a person turns to Higher powers in order to understand the current situation, solve a problem that has arisen, or ask for help in fulfilling what he wants.

For this reason, over thousands of years, the famous Chinese Book of Changes has not lost its relevance and continues to attract with its originality and ability to answer the most important questions. This article will discuss the meaning and interpretation of the meaning of hexagram 15.

Hexagram 15 represents two lower broken lines, one solid and then three broken lines. In other words, first two or all three coins came up heads up twice, then once most or all of the coins showed heads, and then three times two or three coins came up heads up. To begin with, let’s mentally divide the hexagram into two equal parts, that is, consider the upper and lower trigrams separately.

So the upper part is responsible for outside world, his ability to destroy and retreat. The lower part symbolizes the inner world, which is simultaneously advancing and creating. In addition, each trigram has its own name, and also has a number of characteristics inherent to it. In this particular case, the hexagram Qian consists of the lower trigram Gen, which means abiding, and the upper part Kun - fulfillment. The symbol of gen is the mountain and its inviolability. Kun are inherent in the qualities of the earth, its dedication.

In the case of hexogram 15, the Chinese Book of Changes draws an analogy with a snow-covered branch, which is forced to bend so low under the weight of white flakes that it touches the ground itself. However, soon, when the spring rays warm with gentle warmth, the snow will melt and the branch will again find its place and straighten up.

Just like the position of the branch, things in at the moment They don't add up in the best way. First of all, we are talking about the financial component of life. Rather, this situation can be called moderately favorable. Yes, there are some difficulties, but these are only temporary inconveniences, similar to the discomfort from falling snow.

In order to take the situation into your own hands in the future and fully feel like you are the master of the situation, you now need to show restraint and moderation in everything. In addition to financial troubles, there are currently other possible reasons, which together bring a lot of inconvenience and general uncertainty. But there is absolutely no reason to worry.

Very soon, circumstances will undergo a number of changes and significant changes for the better will follow. The wish will come true only on the condition that the friend’s help is not rejected, but is taken with all seriousness and gratitude. Like everything else, financial affairs will also improve.

Despite its venerable age of more than four thousand years, the I Ching Book of Changes does not lose its attractiveness today. The interpretation of hexagrams, although it can be slightly confusing and somewhat incomprehensible, still quite fully answers the question posed, and also helps to find a way out of the current situation.

Tossing coins and deciphering the resulting hexagrams is not only an exciting and unusual pastime, but also an opportunity to look into the future and find out the most likely development of events. The classic Chinese book of changes has been translated into dozens of languages ​​around the world, and is trusted by politicians, pop and movie stars, athletes and businessmen around the world.

They ask her for help in difficult times, they reveal their secrets and plans to her. The advice of the book is carefully listened to and its instructions are strictly adhered to, because during its existence it has repeatedly proven its correctness and supernatural abilities.

Fortune telling for the betrothed "My beloved"

They guess the name quite often. Any girl wants to know what her future husband’s name will be, and whether there are any people she knows with that name. There are a great many ways here. For example, everything...

Regardless of your position in society, humility is deceiving powerful force. If you are in a high position but remain humble, those around you will support you. If your social status low, humility will allow you to achieve higher status. True humility is a virtue that benefits everyone and something that everyone should strive for.

The most successful people are those who know how to bring situations into balance. Such a person seeks balanced and stable relationships, not power over others. Humility is a virtue that allows you to balance in any situation. Humble people are not victims of illusions that arise from self-importance.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Arrogant people create unnecessary obstacles for themselves when faced with an important task. First, worrying about how they will be perceived or evaluated becomes an additional barrier to task completion. On the other hand, the unassuming attitude that accompanies humility supports the ability to pay greater attention to detail. While arrogant people worry about appearances or other people's opinions, humble people focus on what needs to be done. Make no claims or set conditions, and you will not meet resistance.

Deep humility is a gift for everyone.

There is no sadder picture than a man being impressed by his own glory, beauty or brilliance. The success of such people is usually short-lived because some degree of simple humanity is required to maintain positive results. One of the noblest achievements is when a person who, despite great success, maintains his humility.

Beware of false modesty. Even humility can be exaggerated. People in modest positions sometimes use false modesty as an excuse for weakness or indecisiveness. True humility does not mean having modest goals or disinterest in the cause.

The wise do not hesitate to take desperate measures when circumstances require it. When a responsible person takes bold action, he or she does so not out of a sense of self-importance, but simply because the situation demands it. In difficult situations, ensure that objectivity and clarity of purpose are consistent with your position. And, as soon as the battle is won, like an honorable warrior, disappear back into the crowd.

Line 6 (top line)

When mistakes are made and judgment strikes as suddenly as the north wind, we usually blame everything around us. Those who lack humility immediately raise their shields, thereby hiding the truth from their own eyes. The weak are offended and shrink in doubt and self-pity. But those who are sincere and humble view the situation as a challenge that must be met - first by examining themselves internally to determine their role in creating the current situation, and then by showing the courage to act decisively but fairly to correct mistakes. Humility is a true sign of nobility and always promises good luck.

Select hexagram number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 15

Qian. Humility

Possession of great wealth, the entirety of the world, could be the ultimate goal if the possibility of stopping was allowed in the world. But the main position is the doctrine of variability, the continuous mobility of the world and how a person should be harmoniously included in this movement. Therefore, a stop in development is not a stop, but a lag that causes a conflict with world development. Therefore, if you stop even at the height of the greatest achievements, then even in such a stop there will not be a correct attitude towards the world. But it is no longer possible to move forward in a straight line, because at the previous stage everything that needed to be achieved has been achieved. Consequently, only a complete rejection of what has already been achieved can guarantee the possibility of further development, keeping pace with the development of the world. This necessary renunciation of personal achievements is called “humility” and is expressed in the image of the hexagram itself, in which the sign of the mountain (Gen) is placed under the sign of the earth (Kun). The mountain must generally rise above the ground, and if it is underground, then the image of humility is expressed with the utmost laconicism. This situation should not frighten a person, because only in it is further development possible, and this development must be fruitful: it must be brought to the end, to completion. In this sense the text says:

Development. The noble man faces completion.

1. At the first stage, humility is shown in its most intense, but also in its most general form. Therefore, it is impossible to concretize it in a specific image. It is only possible to point out that a person possessing this property will have to overcome enormous difficulties, because thanks to this property he is predisposed to such overcoming. This is understandable, because here this property is considered in its unidentified state, and therefore its practical application is not indicated; on the other hand, judging by the composition of the “Book of Changes,” it is inherent in a person who, at previous stages, has already achieved enormous results and is therefore capable of overcoming the greatest difficulties. The text expresses it this way:

At the beginning there is a weak point.
The humblest of the humble is a noble man.
[He] has to ford the great river.

2. In the second position, something like a conflict arises between the specifics of the entire hexagram (humility, i.e. non-revelation, retreat into the shadows, etc.) and the nature of the second position, the meaning of which is that internal qualities are revealed on it. The resolution of this contradiction is also influenced by the fact that this position precedes the next one, in which the content of the concept of humility is most intensely manifested. As a result, it turns out that the identification of an internal property still occurs here, but this property is humility, i.e. that which cannot express itself, but is expressed only in self-giving, in consonance with what expresses itself. The harmony of development here can easily be disrupted by the fact that the attention paid to the expression of one’s own property will be stronger than the property itself - humility: non-expression of oneself in the first place. Therefore, only persistent and unshakable humility leads to a happy outcome here, or, as the text says:

The weakest feature is in second [place].
Consonant humility. Fortitude is fortunate.

3. The moment of crisis here is expressed in the very image of the trigram. In the “mountain” image, the third line, as the most elevated, depicts the specificity of a towering mountain. But it is at this position that the contact of the “mountain” with the “earth” occurs, and it is precisely highest point mountains with the lowest region of the earth. Thus, the content of humility appears here with particular force; but it is precisely because of this and to possess such humility that the greatest effort is required. Only through intense work can humility be achieved; it can truly be expressed in the image of a mountain (its meaning is to rise), but bending below the earth, which should be lower than everything. And only a person who has such developed humility can bring his work to the end and, having accomplished everything that is required by time and situation, stand in the correct attitude towards the world’s accomplishment, i.e. achieve happiness. Such a person, even if he had already achieved complete victory over all evil in the past, here again enters into a struggle with it in order to set an example for others with his struggle. That's why the text says:

The strong point is in third [place].
A noble man, humbled by his labors, will have to complete [his deeds].

4. We have seen that the property of the previous position affects the property of the second position. But in the third position, this property is developed only through certain efforts. In the fourth position it has already been developed, and if at the previous stage humility turned out to be acting outward as a result of efforts (which is in accordance with the symbol strong trait), then here (where the position is occupied by a weak line) the influence of force and coercion is no longer possible. But in the fourth position, the very presence of a developed property can have an impact on something else. This property acts as a fascinating example. Therefore, all action here is free and does not encounter any obstacles. That's why the text says:

The weak point is in fourth [place].
Nothing untoward.
Alluring humility.

5. The properties expressed in the third position found support in their environment. From within there was a “consonant humility” that created a resonance; from the outside there was a “alluring humility” that was only a further development of the properties of the third stage. Here, in the fifth position, the circumstances are different: the fourth position operates from within, deprived own strength, and outside is the sixth, which, as a rule, symbolizes the loss of the properties of a given hexagram. Therefore, it is impossible to expect support from the environment, from the “neighbors.” Activity here is possible only as completely independent activity. But due to the entire previous process, the quality of humility has already been brought to such completeness and perfection that even for actions that are opposite to the action of humility, the latter is still the most characteristic, and therefore even such activity does not come into conflict with the general situation and does not encounter anything unfavorable to her. This is found in the text as follows:

The weak point is in fifth [place].
You won't get rich from your neighbors.
The need to make a punitive attack is favorable.
Nothing untoward.

6. In sixth position the situation and its characteristic features come to an end and lose their specificity. So here, humility remains only as an echo of the past, of those works that are mentioned in the third position. But aggressiveness, which began in the previous, fifth position, receives more greater development, especially as the need to subjugate that which has fallen out of obedience, for here neither the power of effort, as in the third position, nor the tempting example, as in the fourth, operate here. Here the basic tone of humility only sounds, but does not act, and the limitation emanating from humility recedes, for it must give way to the further situation of Liberty, which is characterized by the absence of restrictions. Therefore, the situation here is conducive to actions that are far from humility. This is expressed in the text as follows:

There's a weak line at the top.
Sounding humility. Favors the need to move troops
and go against cities and kingdoms.

Decoding hexagram No. 15 “Humility”


Possession of great wealth, the entirety of the world, could be the ultimate goal if the possibility of stopping was allowed in the world. But the main position is the doctrine of variability, the continuous mobility of the world and how a person should be harmoniously included in this movement. Therefore, a stop in development is not a stop, a lag that causes a conflict with world development. Therefore, if you stop even at the height of the greatest achievements, then even in such a stop there will not be a correct attitude towards the world. But it is no longer possible to move forward in a straight line, because at the previous stage everything that needed to be achieved has been achieved. Consequently, only a complete rejection of what has already been achieved can guarantee the possibility of further development, keeping pace with the development of the world. This necessary renunciation of personal achievements is called “humility” and is expressed in the image of the hexagram itself, in which the mountain sign is placed under the sign of the earth. The mountain should generally rise above the ground, then the image of humility is expressed with the utmost laconicism. This situation should not frighten a person, because only in it is further development possible, and this development must be fruitful: it must be brought to the end, to completion.

The fallen snow bent the tree branch down to the ground; but soon everything will change and she will straighten up again. Your circumstances are now moderately favorable. But you can become the master of the situation if you show restraint. Failures, including financial ones, give you anxiety. But there is no need to worry, everything will change for the better. And financial affairs will get better. If you do not neglect the help of others, your wish will come true.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards for Compatibility with a loved one is a fairly accurate alignment that will help determine physical, moral and financial compatibility with the person you love or with the person with whom you are in a romantic relationship. Before starting fortune telling, close your eyes and think about the face of the person with whom you are in a relationship, as well as his first and last name.

Golden book of fortune-telling Sudina Natalya

Hexagram No. 15 Humility (Modesty)

B.H. The tree branch bent all the way to the ground under the weight of the snow, but soon it would straighten out again and take its previous position. Your circumstances at the moment can only be called “moderately favorable.” If your behavior now is characterized by moderation and restraint, later you will become the master of the situation. Currently, for a number of reasons, including financial matters, you are experiencing some confusion and anxiety, but do not worry, things will soon change for the better. If you do not reject the help of others, your wish will come true. Financial affairs will improve in the future.

G.S. Be more flexible and compliant - and trouble will not overtake you! Be hardworking and modest - and you will be rewarded. You will not achieve success by following the beaten path. The time is favorable for changing the field of activity. The trumpet calls for a campaign, but do not forget about modesty.

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