On the eve of the first school graduation, many teenagers who decided not to go to 11th grade are thinking about what profession a girl or boy should choose after 9th grade. The topic is really interesting, since, firstly, not everyone at the age of 14-15 can understand what they would like to do in life, and, secondly, in technical schools and colleges the list of specialties is not nearly as large as in universities.

Where to go to study after 9th grade

First, let's figure out where you can go after finishing nine grades at school. There are two options - technical school or college. In both cases, after the ninth grade you can get a specialized secondary education. Both classes educational institutions have I-II level of accreditation. This means that graduates upon completion of training will receive secondary or primary professional education.

A technical school is a secondary vocational educational institution where you can receive education in a narrow specialty. Self-study often lasts three years. The program partially replicates the school one, however, along with general education subjects, students are taught disciplines directly related to their future profession. Thus, students receive both a complete secondary education and master professional skills.

In technical schools, they most often teach so-called working specialties, for example: auto mechanic, mechanic, builder, mechanical engineering technologist and much more.

College is also a secondary specialized educational institution, but the learning process itself lasts longer (usually 4 years) and is built on university principles. So, students in colleges have classes, not lessons, there are lectures and seminars, as well as sessions with tests and exams.

Often this or that college is a division of a university, and after graduating from a secondary vocational educational institution, a student can go to study at a university immediately in the second or third year. For example, after medical college, go to university to become a doctor, or after teacher training college, get higher education and teach in schools/universities. This option is suitable for those who do not know what profession to choose after 9th grade and are still at the stage of searching for a specialty. In addition, after graduating from college, the student receives an associate's degree and can immediately work in their specialty.

Where should a boy go to study after 9th grade?

When thinking about what profession a boy should choose after 9th grade, one must, first of all, focus on personal preferences. Of course, at the age of 14, a teenager still has little understanding of what he wants to do or what profession he dreams of in the future. Often his thoughts form one phrase: “I don’t know what profession to choose.” It's simple - focus on your preferences and skills. Let's say a person who is raving about creativity and is strong in humanities, there is no point in going to study to become a car mechanic or even a programmer.

Most often, technical schools and colleges offer working specialties for boys related to physical or mental work. Therefore, choose an activity you like, because in the future this will become your job, which you will need to go to every day. And even if learning doesn’t bring you pleasure, then what can we talk about.

Popular professions for boys after 9th grade

“I don’t know what profession to choose, what to do,” many schoolchildren think. We talk about the most popular and in-demand specialties.

What professions can a boy choose after 9th grade:

  • Physical education teacher;
  • Engineer;
  • Software engineer;
  • Electromechanic;
  • Builder;
  • Manager;
  • Fire safety technician;
  • Locksmith;
  • Plasterer;
  • Driver;
  • Commodity expert.

To understand all the advantages and disadvantages of these areas of activity, let's look at them in more detail.

Physical education teacher - this profession is taught in colleges, usually with a pedagogical focus. This specialty is suitable for people who are engaged in different types sports or already have certain sports achivments(candidate master of sports, master of sports), since upon admission they check the physical fitness of future students.

Within educational process students are taught the basics of teaching, they study anatomy, biomechanics, organization of physical education and sports work, the fundamentals physical therapy and massage and much more. After graduating from college, students can work as a coach or pursue higher education in a related field to be able to teach. In the second option, if you have a secondary specialized education, you will be able to enter the university immediately in the second or third year.


An engineer is a broad field of activity that is somehow related to the production process. All engineering specialties can be divided into the following categories:

  • Process engineer who develops production processes;
  • Design engineer - engaged in the design of new products;
  • Economic engineer - the main job is planning production processes.

As you already understand, the work of an engineer is in any case related to production. However, the areas where these specialists work can be completely different: from aviation to Food Industry. Therefore, when choosing the specialty of an engineer at an agrotechnological technical school or at an aviation technical school, you need to understand that both the learning process and the focus of the subjects will be completely different.

In addition, when choosing an educational institution, find out about the reputation of the technical school and ask if it cooperates with any companies - this will make it easier to find a job after graduation.

Software engineer is a profession aimed at training development specialists software systems. Here they teach the principles of programming and software development methods. Students also study higher mathematics, computer networks, operating systems and much more. Simply put, by choosing this specialty, students will be able to learn the basics of programming and system administration in order to further work in the IT field or study at an institute in a narrower specialty. By the way, IT specialists are one of the...

An electromechanic is a fairly in-demand profession, since electricity is very common in our lives now, but it can work intermittently. The field of activity of an electromechanic is working with electric motors, instruments, apparatus, generators and other things. He can design, implement, sell, and repair them.

This profession is quite common in technical schools of various fields, and after receiving a diploma, the graduate will be able to work in various factories and enterprises.

A construction worker is another win-win option for those who want to have a consistently in-demand job and love to work with their hands. There are more and more people in the world, they all need housing, and it is the builders who build houses. The profession is very broad and has many subspecialties, because the construction process is multi-stage and requires different skills. So, excavator operators dig pits, masons build walls of houses, and surveyors take measurements and say whether a given area is suitable for construction. There are also reinforcement workers - they install floors and load-bearing structures. And the crane operator lifts it all and moves it to the right place.

In general, having learned such a profession, you definitely won’t be left without a job. The specialty is suitable for those who are thinking about...

Manager is another very broad profession that has many subspecies. This is a person who is engaged in various organizational activities: be it recruiting personnel or organizing large tourist tours. So, in colleges in this specialty they teach the basics of working with personnel and business planning. Students also study business ethics, labor legislation, and learn how to work with basic computer programs And so on. Suitable for sociable people with organizational skills.

A fire safety technician is a person who monitors compliance with fire safety (checks fire protection systems, general safety measures) and carries out activities aimed at preventing fires at facilities. After graduating from technical school, a graduate receives a diploma with the specialty “senior technician” and can get a job at any enterprise. The graduate will also be able to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but without higher education he will not have the opportunity to occupy leadership positions. Who doesn’t know what profession to choose in the future - become a fire safety technician and protect people from fire.

A mechanic is a specialist in the processing of metals and other materials by hand or by machine. There are different types of mechanics: some assemble mechanisms and machines, others make tools, and others repair locomotives and carriages. There are plenty of options.

This specialty is common in technical schools and is available in almost all vocational colleges. Maybe this profession is not included in the profession, but you certainly won’t be left without bread.

A plasterer is a person who makes walls smooth. Many people think that there is nothing complicated about it and that there is no need to learn how to plaster walls at a technical school. In fact, plaster is the basis for all future repairs, and the entire subsequent result depends on proper work. In technical schools they teach how to properly prepare plaster solutions, apply them to walls manually and mechanically, and teach how to install suspended ceilings.

The driver is a specialist who manages various types transport. So, most often in technical schools they teach to become excavator, conveyor, train and electric train drivers. This specialty is usually found in road or railway technical schools.

After training, students gain skills in driving different types of transport, are able to check their technical condition, as well as install and dismantle working equipment if necessary.

Where should a girl go to study after 9th grade?

What profession to choose after 9th grade for a girl is no less a simple question than what profession to choose after 9th grade for a guy. Working professions are rarely suitable for girls, as they require heavy physical labor, so often graduates after 9th grade choose more creative professions or specialties related to education or communication.

Popular professions for girls after 9th grade:

  • Pharmacist;
  • Seamstress;
  • Light industry technologist;
  • Accountant;
  • Educator;
  • Architect;
  • Choreographer;
  • Lawyer.

Pharmacist is one of the most popular professions among girls who go to college after 9th grade. A pharmacist is a junior medical specialist in the field of medicines. A pharmacist diploma gives the right to work in pharmacies, pharmaceutical warehouses, pharmaceutical factories, in general, in all areas related to medicines.

In addition, while studying at college, students receive general medical education and can later go to study at a medical university. In general, there are many prospects and, if you don’t yet know what profession to choose after school, be sure to pay attention to the medical field.

A seamstress is a specialist in tailoring. This specialty can be studied at a specialized college. The job of a seamstress is to take measurements, make undercuts and sew clothes. At the educational institution, students are taught to sew clothes by hand and on a sewing machine, adjust the stitch frequency and thread tension. In addition, a professional seamstress can eliminate technical issues and other malfunctions in the operation of sewing machines, adjust the stitch length, the height of the presser foot, connect different parts of clothing, and more.

After graduating from college, you can go to work in an atelier or a garment factory, as well as continue your education at a university and study, for example, to become a designer.

A light industry technologist is a person who controls all stages of the manufacturing process of light industry products (fabrics, shoes, garments, etc.): from development to release. His job is to ensure that the product he produces meets all standards and regulatory documents. He regulates product quality and is also responsible for technical documentation.

Most often, the work of a light industry technologist is related to the fashion sector and involves close cooperation with designers, engineers, and constructors. In general, this work is suitable for those who do not know how to determine which profession to choose - during the training there will be time to think and decide.

An accountant is a person who keeps accounting records in a certain organization or enterprise. You can learn this by majoring in accounting at various colleges.

During the training, accountants receive systemic knowledge of accounting and tax accounting, experience in 1C, Microsoft Office, M.E.DOK, Client-Bank and others. In addition, after graduating from college, students are able to conduct cash transactions, draw up primary documentation, expense reports and much more.

An educator or teacher is also a popular choice among school graduates who are wondering what profession a girl should choose after 9th grade. IN teacher training colleges you can find a large selection of specialties related to teaching: educator, teacher primary classes, middle and high school teacher. This option is suitable for those who have not yet decided which profession to choose in the humanities.

Thus, educators are trained in the specifics of working with children preschool age, primary school teachers are trained to work with young schoolchildren, and the specialty “secondary education” implies the choice of a specific focus (for example, a music or physical education teacher).

Architect is not a profession for girls. At least, this is exactly the stereotype that has developed in society. However, women can design buildings just as well and master all professional skills. And it is quite possible to obtain this knowledge in college. Colleges of architecture and design are common - this is where you can master this profession.

An architect is a specialist who creates a project for organizing space. The profession of an architect is directly related to the construction business, however, if a builder directly erects a building, then the architect invents and designs it.

There are several different specializations of this profession. For example, main architector manages the entire construction process, a landscape architect designs parks and other green areas, and a restoration architect restores various buildings and architectural monuments. If you don't know which one an interesting profession choose is a great option. In college, students of this specialty study building rules and regulations, GOSTs, study the basics of developing structural solutions and architectural drawings and develop artistic skills. In addition, students study such sciences as cartography, geodesy, ecology and computer-aided design systems. After college, you have the opportunity to go to university to gain deeper knowledge in your specialty.

A choreographer is an ideal option for those who love dancing and want to connect their professional career with this activity. Most often, colleges offer two directions in this specialty - a ballet dancer or a choreography teacher. You can also often choose a direction: modern choreography, sports and ballroom, classical and folk.

To enter, you must pass creative competition- show a dance number for 1-3 minutes (different colleges have different requirements). Please note that at the time of admission you must already have a dance background, since complete beginners are not accepted there.

Video on the topic

Graduation year is not only the road to a great future, but, unfortunately, also a lot of stress. School exams, last call and - the most difficult thing - choice future profession. Google is teeming with requests for “what profession to choose in 2019,” and future students never cease to rack their brains.

When choosing a specialty, you should always take into account personal preferences and skills. However, at 14-15 years old it is still difficult to understand what you really want, so to make the task easier, you can take career guidance tests - this way you will at least understand in which field of activity you can become successful.

It is also advisable to take into account the relevance of a particular area. This is a good guide for those who have not yet decided which profession to choose. And it’s even better to combine these two factors and choose something that is both needed in the labor market and enjoyable for you.

IN modern world Education is very important, technical schools and colleges provide us with this opportunity after the 9th grade.

A huge selection of educational institutions allows you to get quality education, as well as a specialty in which you can subsequently work.

The choice of colleges, both on a budgetary basis and on a paid basis, is large. Therefore, every 9th grade graduate can choose exactly what he likes best. Let's look at educational institutions in Moscow separately.

Where to apply

College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - college57.mskobr.ru

There are only 7 colleges in this area in Russia, this is due to the specifics of training. The most popular institution is “TPSK im. Hero of the Russian Federation V. M. Maksimchuk", located at: lane. Svetly, 2A.

College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - spo-kp.mskobr.ru

There is a representative office in almost every city in the country. In the capital there is the opportunity to enroll in three educational institutions.

The most popular is the Police College, located on the street. Fabricius, 26.


Popularity of receiving legal education in our country is growing every year. Educational institutions provide the opportunity to enroll after the 9th grade.

  • Social and Legal Faculty of Voronezh State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) - Bolshoi Karetny Lane, 10a. Website - rpa-mu.ru;
  • Humanitarian College of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Miusskaya Square, 6, bldg. 3, website - sgf.rgsu.net.

Medical – mu9.ru

At the address: Moscow, Shmitovsky pr., 26, located Medical College № 5.

Russian Railways - mkgt.ru

"Moscow College of Railway Transport" has two educational buildings at the following addresses:

  • Moscow, 129626, Kuchin lane, 14;
  • st. Lyublinskaya, 88.

Veterinary – intercollege.su

"Intercollege" is waiting for its applicants at the address: Volgogradsky Prospect, 138, bldg. 3.

Architectural – kas-7.mskobr.ru

GBOU SPO College No. 7 of Architecture and Construction Structural Unit No. 2, Moscow, st. Vucheticha, 3/1.

Theater – jazzcoll.ru

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Music School of Pop and Jazz Art” - st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 27/6с1. There is a lot on the site useful information for applicants and students.


Two capital colleges are waiting for applicants:

  • Moscow Secondary Specialized School of Olympic Reserve No. 2, Malaya Filevskaya St., 34, bldg. 2A, website - ru;
  • GBPOU Sports and Pedagogical College of Moskomsport, Kirovogradskaya st., 21, bldg. 1, p. 2, website - sportscollege.rf.

College of Foreign Languages ​​– igumo.ru

“College” awaits all polyglots and language lovers foreign languages» — Moscow, metro station Pervomaiskaya, st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 53.

Psychology – college16.ru

The specialty “Psychology” is prepared at the “College for the Training of Social Workers of the Department of Labor and social protection population of the city of Moscow", address: st. B. Novodmitrovskaya, house 63.

Journalism – biscol.ru

The profession of journalism is associated with obtaining higher education. But in Moscow there is an educational institution where they train specialists in the field of “Journalism” on a paid basis. This is a private vocational education institution “Economic Business College”, located at st. Aviamotornaya, p. 39.

Military - msvu.mil.ru

"Moscow Suvorov military school» — Yeniseiskaya, 41. About the organization educational process, passing exams and entry requirements, the website has comprehensive information.

Programming - fa.ru/org/spo/kip/Pages/Home.aspx

The capital's "College of Informatics and Programming" is waiting for girls and boys who want to connect their profession with calculations, programs and computers. Address: Krondstadt Boulevard, 37B. You can read about the requirements and procedure for accepting documents on the college website.

Design - mhpi.edu.ru

“Moscow College of Design” is waiting for talented, creative and ambitious young people at the address: Izmailovsky Avenue, 121.

Pedagogical – mgpu.ru

Those wishing to obtain a teaching profession are invited to Moscow State Pedagogical University, which has a college in Medvedkovo, st. Grekova, 3, bldg. 1.

Customs Affairs

Graduates of 9th grade can master the profession of a customs officer in the following institutions:

  • "Capital Business College", Tverskaya st., 27, building 1, ru;
  • "Russian Customs Academy" in Lyubertsy - rta.customs.ru.


Girls and boys who love to cook and who want to master the technology of preparing various dishes, baking, and the basics of running a restaurant business can attend culinary schools:

  • Food College No. 33 Moscow, st. 6th Radialnaya, 10 - mskobr.ru;
  • Moscow College "Tsaritsyno" (administration, hotel business and information technologies), Shipilovsky proezd, building 37, building 1 - mskobr.ru;
  • Moscow educational complex WEST, Moscow, st. Bobruiskaya, 23, website mskobr.ru.

Metropolitan — gk52.mskobr.ru

“College of Railway and Urban Transport” is located at: Kalanchevskaya 26, building 3.

Economic - kems.su

"College of Economic and International Relations", st. Mosfilmovskaya, 35.


You can learn the art of photography in Moscow colleges:

  • “College of Photography” from the “International College of Arts and Communications” - ru, st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 53;
  • “Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after I. Fedorov”, Yaroslavskoe highway, building 5, building 2, website mskobr.ru.

There is an opportunity to receive secondary specialized education in technical schools that operate at MADI, at Baumanka. A huge number of institutions for those who have completed 9th grade are located in the Eastern Administrative District.

Questions and answers

No, distance learning Not available after 9th grade.

For success in life, it is important to choose your professional path. And this fate-determining problem first arises for young people after receiving their basic education. general education. Many decide to go to secondary specialized educational institutions. And here it is important to understand which professions are relevant after 9th grade, and what you should pay attention to when choosing a specialty.

Is it worth leaving school after 9th grade?

The problem of completing school after 9th grade depends on many factors. In many small settlements there are only schools where basic general education is given, that is, children study only up to the 9th grade. It is better to immediately go to college, technical school or college to get a real working specialty.

Another reason to graduate from school after 9th grade is low academic performance, the reluctance of the boy or girl himself to continue studying at school. If young people want to go on an independent voyage, it is worth directing their energy to obtaining a useful specialty that will allow a person to begin an independent life earlier.

What are the advantages of getting a profession after finishing 9th grade:

  1. Adaptation to adult life In young age.
  2. Introduction to work and integration into adult society.
  3. The opportunity to gradually obtain a complex and high-tech profession.
  4. Instilling in the child greater independence. This advantage is especially important for guys.
  5. Facilitating the opportunity to enter a university.

How to make a choice

Before you enroll, you need to make a balanced and thoughtful choice. Each person has an individual, unique set of interests, characteristics and qualities. For schoolchildren, many of these qualities are at the stage of formation. In such conditions, it is extremely important when choosing a profession to take into account your characteristics, interests and predispositions. Parents should also pay attention to these points when giving advice to their child.

There are clear criteria on the basis of which you should make a choice of profession after 9th grade:

  1. Wage level.
  2. Kudos.
  3. Perspective.
  4. Interest.

Money plays a big role in life. Schoolchildren, when deciding on their future, must clearly understand this. Therefore, when choosing a business in life, you need to take into account the financial factor and select a profitable and profitable job. To do this, it is worth analyzing specialized research articles that are published in the media. Based on the processing of numerous parameters, they provide ratings that present the best and highest paid activities.

Specialists in the following fields are highly valued:

  1. Information technology, programming, web design. A qualified and competent programmer who has mastered key languages ​​earns from 100–150 thousand rubles. The larger the list of skills, the higher the reward.
  2. SEO and SMM specialists involved in the promotion of goods and services. The salaries of such employees with a wealth of practical skills start from 50–80 thousand rubles and above.
  3. Nutrition. The industry is actively developing, so skilled chefs and confectioners are quite in demand. Owners of restaurants and food chains are willing to pay real professionals several hundred thousand rubles a month.
  4. Lawyers. They say that we have many lawyers. Yes, there are many people with law degrees, but there are not enough real specialists. A qualified lawyer is a very highly paid profession.
  5. Engineers and designers in industry. Production facilities and factories require modernization and increased productivity, and this requires specialized engineers.

It is worth reviewing analytical materials that provide ratings of scarce professions necessary for the development of the country. In 2018, the professions that are relevant after grade 9 included the following specialties:

  • construction;
  • engineering;
  • qualified mechanics and craftsmen;
  • doctors;
  • drivers;
  • teachers.

The most important factor in choice is prospects. It shows professions that can be chosen from the 9th grade. The criterion helps determine which specialties are better, how they will be in demand and relevant within a certain territory in the coming years.

The government of the country has set the task of building a digital economy. Information services, automation systems and communication technologies. This work will require large quantities engineers and programmers.

In the field of sales of goods and services, advertising on the Internet plays a key role. Websites will be created, improved and made more complex, new solutions will be introduced into social media. This situation requires a large number of specialists in online promotion and advertising (SMM, SEO, targeting, context). The role of programmers, web designers, analysts, application developers, etc. will increase.

Medicine and education should soon become promising. The country has big problems in these areas, and sooner or later they will require solutions. Upbringing, education and health are areas that are important to the state.

The third factor is prestige. The profession must be valued in society, and its representatives must be respected and understood for their high importance. Today, prestigious and well-paid professions are represented in the military sphere and other law enforcement agencies. They provide special status, significant benefits and normal wages. Professions in the information technology and design. Qualified lawyers and economists always hold a high level of assessment in society.

The last parameter that must be taken into account is personal interest in any activity. Predispositions to certain activities are laid down in childhood. The person who correctly understands his passions and finds an interesting activity will be successful and happy.

What are these lists for those who are thinking about choosing a profession after finishing 9th grade? The answer is simple, choosing professional sphere activities after receiving incomplete secondary education, you need to think comprehensively, weighing the available factors.

When deciding on a list of professions after 9th grade, you need to correlate all four parameters. When choosing technical specialties, you need to understand that these are working professions, i.e. there is always a demand for them. Humanities majors, with the right approach, allow you to build a successful career in the long term.

How parents can help when choosing

Parents must be involved in choosing a profession after their child graduates from 9th grade. We cannot shy away from discussing this issue.

What parents should consider:

  1. Interests and passions of the child.
  2. Accessibility and proximity of educational institutions from home.
  3. Prospects, prestige and popularity of the profession after 9th grade.
  4. Financial opportunities.

The main thing that parents can give is support and their experience. A well-structured conversation with a child about choosing a professional craft, using memories from life experience, explaining the real picture of adult life, the characteristics of working in a particular profession, will allow you to make a truly useful choice.

What female and male professions are most in demand?

All specialties must be distinguished according to the degree of accessibility, i.e. in which educational institutions they can be mastered. The question is important when choosing a profession that is relevant after 9th grade.

Professional skills of varying degrees can be obtained at a university, institute, college, technical school or college.

There is no need for university after 9th grade. This means that you need to choose from other types of educational institutions. Technical school and college can provide not only useful profession, but also become an intermediate stage for entering the university. Cooperation between specialized educational institutions allows, after receiving a secondary specialized education, to immediately enroll in the second or third year.

Professions after 9th grade list for men and girls:

  1. Technical specialties. Prestigious and always in demand professions. Possessing such skills forms an excellent foundation for further growth.
  2. Economic specialties.
  3. All professions related to sales.
  4. Design. Professionals who know how to create external design are in great demand today. Such specialists are needed in the field of web development, landscape, clothing, home, everyday life, flowers.
  5. Medical specialties - nurses, paramedics, pharmacists.
  6. Legal.
  7. Pedagogical.
  8. Agrarian.
  9. Accountant.
  10. Sphere of beauty.

When choosing a specialty, you should understand that there are universal, female and male professions. What professions to choose for boys after finishing 9th grade:

  • electric train driver assistant;
  • industrial alpinism;
  • professions related to cars - auto mechanic, auto electrician, auto mechanic;
  • driver, truck driver;
  • dental technician, medical brother;
  • blacksmith;
  • forester;
  • crane operator;
  • locksmith;
  • welder;
  • turner;
  • milling machine operator

Professions after 9th grade for girls:

  1. Nurse.
  2. Manicure/pedicure specialist, hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist.
  3. Cook, pastry chef.
  4. Pharmacist, cosmetologist.
  5. Master of restaurant service.
  6. Designer.
  7. Cutter, seamstress.
  8. Clerk, cashier, accountant.
  9. Nanny, teacher, teacher, librarian.

The list of professions that are available after 9th grade for girls and boys is huge. When choosing a specialty, it is important to really understand what it is and whether it suits your personality. To do this, each area of ​​interest should be discussed with parents and other adults.

In fact, you can become anyone - medical worker, secretary, mechanic, programmer, manager, lawyer and so on. You can receive high salaries and occupy leadership positions. Secondary specialized education does not close prospects for building a career. It is only important to understand what you really want and choose the best educational institution from possible options. Still don’t know where to study and who to study after 9th grade? This material is for you.

You graduated from 9th grade and passed the OGE. What's next?

Choose a secondary specialized educational institution and get an education. Either join the army, go to work, build your life differently. In any case, the choice is yours. But the best solution is to get an education that will become the foundation for a successful career in the future. A lot of opportunities and prospects open up before you - it’s worth taking advantage of them.

There is an opinion that 9th grade graduates are doomed to hard, low-paid work. This is wrong. It is not necessary to complete 11th grade or even receive a higher education to make a career and occupy the highest leadership positions.

Why? Firstly, many blue-collar professions are more in demand than professions acquired at universities. If we take the situation in all regions of Russia, high-grade welders on average earn more than lawyers who graduated from universities and academies. Take the time to open any popular job site and compare salaries. You will be surprised at the difference - it is often not in favor of those with higher education.

Your task is to choose the best educational institution possible. There are secondary specialized educational institutions in almost every regional center of all regions of Russia. But the saying “where you were born is where you come in handy” should not work in your case. Choose from the maximum number of options, don’t be afraid to leave home. Things are better with dormitories in secondary specialized educational institutions than in universities. It’s easier to enroll and study is within the capabilities of every graduate who has passed the exams. So go for it.

Where to go to study after 9th grade? Technical school, school, college

Each educational institution listed is classified as secondary specialized. Accordingly, the type of education received there is average. Moreover, in some educational institutions it is necessary to study for 2-3 years, in others – from 3-4 years. Training can be structured according to the school or university system. There are also several unspoken differences, in particular, which determine advantages when further enrolling in a university.

Key features of colleges

These educational institutions provide training at basic and advanced levels. On average, students study for 3-4 years. Most often, colleges are structural divisions Universities and are assigned to a specific higher education institution. After receiving secondary specialized education, graduates can undergo accelerated training in higher education programs. Moreover, they often have unspoken advantages when entering the “parent” university.

Training in colleges is organized according to the system of higher educational institutions. Students attend lectures and seminars (theory), and take practical courses. They take sessions once a semester. To obtain secondary specialized education, it is enough to study for 3 years. To undergo in-depth training, you must study for another 1 year.

The difference will be not only in the level of training, but also in the specialty indicated in the diploma.

Example: 3 years of study is the specialty “technician”, 4 years – “senior technician”. It is also easier to enter a university after completing in-depth training.

Key features of technical schools

These are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement educational programs basic level. Training is usually based on school system– most technical school students never encounter sessions, pairs and seminars, workshops and other indicators of the university educational program.

The task of the technical school is to prepare specialists with a narrow profile, mainly in working specialties. These are mechanics, welders, drivers, cooks, hairdressers and many others. However, it is possible to get a profession related exclusively to mental work - for example, to become a lawyer, accountant, or even a programmer.

Key features of schools

By organization teaching activities they are similar to colleges. Graduates receive specialized secondary or primary vocational education. Accordingly, they can work immediately after completing their studies or continue to study further.

But it is also worth noting that in Russia every year there are fewer and fewer vocational schools. The reason for this is the desire of educational institutions of this type to transform into PU - vocational schools that implement higher education programs. If a school becomes the object of your attention, then check whether it is in the process of reorganization.

How to choose a profession? TOP 50 most popular

If you pay attention to the number of specialties offered by secondary specialized educational institutions, you will be surprised at the variety of choices. However, the choice narrows when the number of colleges suitable for admission is limited to 2-3. Most of them train specialists in 10-15 of the most in-demand specialties. The rest lead educational activities in a specific profile - for example, food and trade, law, finance, mechanical engineering, and so on.

We have compiled for you the TOP 50 professions that were most popular among graduates of past years. This is not an exhaustive list, but perhaps this is where you will find a specialty to your liking.

Working specialties

Specialties in the field of mental work




CNC operator

document specialist

health worker


machine operator


milling operator



police officer






Dental Technician









car mechanic





Additionally, it is worth noting the numerous creative professions - designer, makeup artist, stylist, cultural expert, actor, musician, and so on. Medium special educational institutions provide training in more than 250 specialties. Naturally, not every secondary school can afford to simultaneously implement more than a hundred educational programs. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention not only to educational institutions in your locality, but also for options from other cities and regions of Russia.

Choose a profession that you like, but at the same time focus on the future. For example, you have always dreamed of becoming a designer. The likelihood that you will become a famous couturier after graduating from a provincial technical school is extremely low. But being a good interior designer and even a good web designer is quite high. It is clear that everything will depend on you. Just like in college, students need to devote a lot of time to self-study in order to succeed in building a career.

What to consider when choosing a profession:

  • Popularity of the profession with employers.
  • Level wages.
  • The quality of education in selected educational institutions.
  • Your interests and abilities.
  • How much time you are willing to devote to self-preparation.

Another important selection criterion is the items you have chosen for passing the OGE. The vast majority of secondary specialized educational institutions admit students based on their results. However, in some cases it is possible to take internal exams - this possibility must be clarified in advance with the admissions committee.

Is it realistic to get a higher education?

Completely, but not immediately. Depending on the type of educational institution you choose, you can receive secondary specialized or primary vocational education.

Then you will be able to enroll in a university, in particular, accelerated education programs (if it matches your profile of study). Practice shows that the easiest way to enroll in a university is after graduating from the college attached to it.

But even if you reconsider your interests and decide to get a higher education in a completely different field, you can do it. But in most cases, to do this you will have to pass the Unified State Exam or internal university exams and start studying from the beginning. Accelerated educational program involves 3-3.5 years of study, full - from 4 or more.

What prospects open up for 9th grade graduates?

The widespread belief that all doors to the world of dizzying careers and high positions are closed to graduates of the 9th grade is a myth. Everything will depend on the graduate, who will soon become a student, on the correctness of his choice, skills and aspirations. You can have a great career in any industry if you take the initiative and prove your professional excellence.

Think about it: almost every family has relatives or acquaintances who can serve as shining examples. They received a working specialty, began to work and achieved professional success. After this, they became leaders, opened their own enterprises, were respected in society, and had professional weight. Therefore, everything will depend only on you, on your desire to study, work and achieve success.

According to experts, one of the most promising areas of study for 9th grade graduates is the information technology segment.

By obtaining a basic specialty as a programmer or system administrator, you can start your journey in one of the hundreds of web specialties that are not yet taught in universities, or the university training program does not correspond to the rapidly changing realities. Think about it: it is quite possible that you will want to get a specialty that is simply not available in universities and academies.

Instead of a conclusion: the benefits of admission

Graduates of 9th grade who enter secondary specialized educational institutions receive some advantages in comparison with university applicants. It is worth mentioning that in Russia there is a shortage of many working specialties. Therefore, the state focuses on the need to train missing personnel and generously funds this industry. The result is more budget places, the opportunity to provide comprehensive financial support to students during their studies, payment of scholarships and provision of places in dormitories.

What advantages does this give to 9th grade graduates entering secondary educational institutions:

  • It's easier to go on a budget.
  • It’s easier to study - no one is trying to expel you.
  • It's easier to get a hostel.
  • Large selection of specialties.
  • Real job prospects.

As for the level of wages, you won’t be disappointed here either. Based on the average wages for young specialists in Russia, we can say that graduates of secondary specialized and higher vocational educational institutions receive approximately the same salaries at the start of their careers in similar specialties.

Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to study after 9th grade, make your choice based on personal preferences and data on average salaries in the industry. This will help you make the most correct, correct and informed choice.

Evgenia Kuziner

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.