Abstract Conversation with middle preschool children

The work is designed for teachers and parents for the purpose of upbringing in children of 4-5 years of careful attitude towards nature.
Purpose: Education of environmental culture.
Tasks: to raise ecological culture in children, a sense of careful attitude towards nature; clarify fire safety rules; Develop knowledge of bad and good deeds.

Guys, today we will talk about good and bad deeds.
What do you think such good actions?
Answers children: help mom, help a friend, share toys, save the cat from an evil dog, etc.
Educator: That's right. What is bad actions?
Children's Answers: A Bad Act This is when fighting, greedy, swearing, etc.
Educator: Guys, Do you know that good and bad actions are different? Now I will tell you a little story, and you listen carefully to you, and then tell me what actions say in the story.
"Beautiful tree"
In one forest, a beautiful unusual tree grew (the teacher shows a picture with the image of a tree). Every spring it bloomed bright pink flowers.

And everyone was happy with the beauty of this tree: both birds, and insects, and beasts. Birds were wove on the branches of the nest tree, the insects were collected by nectar with his beautiful flowers, the beasts sought under the tree and rested in the shadow of his branches.

Next to the tree was a small glory, and somehow once, this clearing was chosen by holidaymakers. Soon the quiet life of the tree came to the end. Every weekend people arrived on cars. They were located in the meadow, broke the branches of the tree and burned fires to fry kebabs and other food. The tree did not understand why people do not like all animals. They referred to their appearance, until the worst thing happened. As early as early morning, holidaymakers arrived in the morning. It looked like a beautiful family. A tree, smiling, watched the games of young children - a boy and a girl, until he felt a sharp pain. The father of these children was standing with an ax and chopped a tree branch for a fire.
- Oh, as it hurts, - but people did not hear a moan of wood.
The family rest for a long time, and here they gathered to leave.
- Dad and where to go garbage? - asked the boy from his father.
"Throw it under the tree," the father replied. The boy silently poured garbage under the tree. Family sat in the car and left. The tree silently looked at the clearing with the garbage and anxiously on the left and not a swept fire. Suddenly, where we do not take, breeze appeared. He picked up the spark of the fire and scattered them on dry grass. There was a terrible fire. Animals flew by flight, and the tree shouted to them in the next: - Wait, but what am I? But no one heard a cry of help. The merciless fire came to the tree and began to burn his bark.
- For what? He asked the tree by the fire, but he did not listen to him. The fire ruined many trees, many animals, until the firefighters came and did not extinguish him. Now all the birds and all the animals said: - What a ugly tree, no, we will not have a nest on it.

The tree understood that he dies. And now the old man came. He dug out a lot of pits on the clearing and put the seedlings of young trees in them. Now the tree was not so insulting for his clearing.
Guys, did you like my story?
What is this story about?
What bad acts made holidaymakers?
What should people have to do before leaving?
What ways help prevent the emergence of a fire?
Who in the story committed good actions? What kind?
What feelings did you experience at the beginning of the story?
What feelings did you experience at the end of the story?
How can people save nature?