in the senior group

Purpose: remember the famous Russian folk and literary fairy tales, organize communicative activities.

Tasks: continue to improve the ability to build your answer in accordance with speech standards, listen to the opinions of your peers, not interrupting, argumenting your opinion; enrich the vocabulary of children;develop attention, memory, thinking, speech; Develop creativity.

Materials and equipment: petals with tasks, "Flower-seven-dealer", illustrations to fairy tales, pictures: fox and jug, princess frogs, Sivki-Bourges, Havroshchki, ring, flannelogeph, house, trees, pictures of girls, old man, cats, goat, bag with cereals or doll brunt, drum, Audio recording E. Blobcina "Tales walk in the light", projector, laptop, flower with white paper petals, paints, tassels, cups with water, napkins.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk fairy tales: "Fox and jug", "Tsarevna-Frog", "Squa-Burk", "Havroshchka" and literary fairy tales: "Flower-seven-family" V. Kataeva, "Silver Kopytz" P. Bazhova, "Breeding" N. TVESova, "Magic drum" by J. Rodari.

Structure occupation

Educator: Children, I invite you to our fabulous carpet in a circle. Let's say good words to each other:

All children gathered in the circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Together by arms take

And smile to each other.

We can't live without a fairy tale

The fairy tale came to visit us.

His fabulous heroes

We were led to us.

Do you like fairy tales?

What kind? (Answers of children.) And I also love fairy tales too. Sit on chairs.

Educator: guys, listen to the Magic Words:

Fly, fly, petal,

West east,

North, south,

Come back by making a circle.

Just touch you land -

To be in my opinion.

They guessed from what fairy tale these words. (Flowery-sevenflower).

And who had this flower? (In the girl's girlfriend).

What did the petals do? (Performed wishes).

Today I brought my seven-family flowers, but he, unfortunately, does not fulfill wishes. Fairy tales hid on the flower petals. Want to know what is there for fairy tales? (Yes).

So, let's start - we tear the first petal. Here is the task.

The name is encrypted in two ries. Here is the first riddle:



Tail Fluffy - Beauty,

And her name is her ... (Fox)

(Eased image of foxes, praise children).

But you and the second mystery:

Nelyushko narrow,

Round sides.

We need for milk.

And even on a hot day always

It has cold water. (Jug)

(Eased the image of the jug).

(If the mystery causes difficulties in children, you can suggest a hint: it's dishes, it was made of clay to the old days and the milk or kvass were kept there, from this dish, a crane fox smoked in the fairy tale "Fox and Zhuravl".)

Educator: Before us and the answer. You guessed, what is this fairy tale called? ("Lisa and Jug")

Picture "Fox and crane" on the screen.

Educator: This fairy tale came up with the Russian people and you are waiting for the wonderful questions. "Listen carefully". I will talk phrases from a fairy tale, if you will answer the choir "yes, yes, yes" and clap, if there is a mistake, then tell the choir "no, no, no" and stupid.

In the old years, one king had three sons. "Yes Yes"

Fallen an arrow with a younger son in the garden. "no no"

She sewed, Vasilisa-reminded, king boots-booms. "no no"

I waved Vasilisa left sleeve - suddenly there was a lake. "Yes Yes"

I was burned by Ivan-Tsarevich on fire, the dress Vasilisa Wollyus "No, no"

Says the Bear: "Do not beat me, Ivan-Tsarevich! I get to you. " "Yes Yes"

I broke the Ivan-Tsarevich Sword, here and death has come to blaspheme. "no no"

Educator: Well done guys, a fairy tale know good - they answered all questions correctly. What is the name of the fairy tale? (Princess Frog)

Picture "Tsarevna Frog" on the screen.

    Game "Perretteen".

Educator : Listen to the excerpt from the fairy tale. "Other Morning, Ivan came out again in a purely field, called the horse. This time the horse jumped high, Ivan the Ivan ring with the hands of the princes. " (Savka Burka)

I suggest playing the game "Perresty". I will stand in a circle to lay my palms, and I am unnoticed to someone from you to put the ring, the one who fell by the ring, it does not give himself anything, trying to behave so that we will not guess that he has a ring, he will come out only when we call him: "Where are you a ring, finish?"

Children stand in a circle and pull the arms forward, pressing the palm to each other. The tutor hides in his hands the fingers and under the song hits with its palms of the palms of children, imperceptibly dropping into someone's finish.

Radish perestrenek

Through the field and bridges.

To whom the ring will get

That now dance will go.

Children ask: "Where are you a ring, finish? You feed your voice! " A child who is in her palms hidden a ring, says: "I'm here!", It turns out in the middle of the circle and dancing. Children clap.

Picture "Squa Burk" on the screen.

    The next petal with the task.

Educator: The fairy tale about the girl who was not easy to live in the family. She has nailed, worked, did not hear the words of good, they offended her, but no one regretted it. Here is her words: "They beat me, boil, bread does not give, they don't wear cry." But she had a cow who helped in a difficult life and in work. And behind the girl watched a single-eyed, two-chapka, triguity. They guessed what kind of fairy tale? (Havroshchka)

Pictures of girls, cows, machemi daughters showing text.

Picture "Havroshchka" on the screen.

    Next petal. Didactic game "Heroes of fairy tales".

Educator: on the flannelhemph house, tree. On the table pictures of different characters. It is necessary to guess what kind of tale, find the heroes of the fairy tale and settle them in the house.

Children begin a task, with difficulty you can make a riddle.

Riddles about the heroes of the fairy tales:

Someone is sitting at the window in the hut,

And a small goat stands on the edge.

Hit the hoof - a stone fly,

And they brilliate them under the moon.

With a goat near the cat Mourinka,

And looks at them from the window ... (Darenka)

The goat is particularly:

Right leg about pebbles beat

In which place is drunk - the stone will appear expensive.

Darenka looks and surprised.

From afar, do not see it, you will not understand,

And close to him, no matter how try, you will not come. (Silver hoofs)

Picture "Silver Xibs" on the screen.

    Next petal. "Magic bag" or a brunt doll.

In the bag there is buckwheat cereals. Children take turns feeling the bag and try to guess what is there. If it is difficult, then you can lower your hand in the bag.

Educator : Gay a fairy tale? (Breeding)

Picture "Breeding" on the screen.

    Next petal. "Magic Item."

Educator: This fairy tale about the soldier and he has a magic object, as well as a fairy tale three end. The first end: the soldier became rich-stayed like a millionaire. The second end: the soldier restored justice or punished villains. The third end: within this subject it turned out to be empty - completely empty, but for some reason soldiers delighted this.

If children find it difficult to answer - show the drum. (Magic drum)

The picture "Magic drum" on the screen.

Educator: That ended my petals with fairy tales!

Well done guys, fairy tales you know. For this, I want to give you a flowery-semi-degree! But look, the flower petals are completely white. How to be?

We have paints, let's try to paint the petals. Remind me what color was every petal? (K, o, g, s, g, s, f.)

(Children perform work.)

Song of E. Blycina "Tales walk through the light."

(You can take 4 colors. Red, yellow, blue and white. We lack orange, green, blue, purple paints. How can we paint our flower? (Children's responses) - to get missing colors we will mix paint. If you mix Red and yellow - get, orange; blue and red-purple; blue and yellow- green. And the blue we get mixing the white paint with blue.)

Educator: Well done, now all your kind desires will come true, in this you will help you semi-dealer. What did you like today in class? What seemed difficult?