In April 2018, all-Russian tests of the VPR on the surrounding world were once again carried out in 4 grades.

To prepare for the VPR 2019, last year’s options, which appeared on the Internet after testing in schools, are suitable.

Options for the 2018 VPR on the surrounding world, grade 4 + answers

Variant structure test work

The version of the test work on the subject “The World around us” consists of two parts, which differ in content and number of tasks.

Part 1 contains 6 tasks:

  • 2 tasks involving highlighting certain elements in the given images;
  • 3 tasks with a short answer (in the form of a set of numbers, a word or a combination of words) and 1 task with a detailed answer.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks with detailed answers.

You are given 45 minutes to complete the test work on the subject “The World Around You”.

Performance evaluation system individual tasks and testing work in general.

Correctly completed work is scored 32 points.
The correct answer to each of tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is worth 1 point.

A complete correct answer to each of tasks 2, 3.1 is scored 2 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra one written
number or one required number is not written), 1 point is given; If
two or more mistakes were made – 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 3.3 is worth 3 points. If in
There was one mistake in the answer (including writing an extra number or not
one required number is written), 2 points are awarded; if two errors are made - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3–10 are assessed according to the criteria. Full
the correct answer to each of tasks 1, 5, 6.3 is scored 2 points,
tasks 7–9 - 3 points, task 10 - 6 points.

To carry out work on academic subject“The world around us” is given 45 minutes. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks. Write your answers to the assignments in the answer field in the text of the work. When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, or other reference material. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Description of control measuring materials for testing in 2020 on the subject “THE ENVIRONMENT”.
The purpose of the VPR in the subject “The World around us” is to assess the quality of general educational preparation of 4th grade students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. VPRs make it possible to diagnose the achievement of subject and meta-subject results, including the level of formation of universal educational activities(UUD) and mastery of interdisciplinary concepts. The results of the VPR in combination with the data available in educational organization information reflecting students’ individual educational trajectories can be used to assess personal learning outcomes.
The results of the VPR can be used by educational organizations to improve the methods of teaching the subject “The World around us” in primary schools, municipal and regional authorities executive branch, carrying out public administration in the field of education, to analyze the current state of municipal and regional education systems and formulate programs for their development.

Download and read VPR, The world around us, 4th grade, Description, 2020

You are given 45 minutes to complete work on the subject “The World Around You”. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks.
Write your answers to the assignments in the answer field in the text of the work.
When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks or other reference material.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.
The sample contains several examples of tasks 3 and 8.
In real versions of the test work, only one task will be offered for each of these positions.

Download and read VPR, The world around us, 4th grade, Sample, 2020

This manual has been compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for primary general education. The presented works will help students prepare for the All-Russian test on the world around them. At the end of the manual there are recommendations for assessing assignments, as well as answers.

Download and read VPR, The world around us, 4th grade, Training work, Bunenko N.A., 2019

This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for primary school. The book contains 10 versions of standard test tasks of the All-Russian test for the 2nd grade course. The purpose of the manual is to develop students’ practical skills in the subject “The World Around us” in preparation for the All-Russian test. Answers to tasks of all options are materials for the teacher, and therefore are given in the middle of the manual and can be easily removed, which increases the objectivity of assessing student knowledge. The collection is intended for 2nd grade elementary school students, teachers and methodologists who use standard test tasks to prepare for the All-Russian test work.

Download and read VPR, The world around us, 2nd grade, Typical test tasks, Krylova O.N., 2018

You are given 45 minutes to complete work on the subject “The World Around You”. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks. Write your answers to the assignments in the answer field in the text of the work. When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks or other reference material. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Download and read VPR, The world around us, 4th grade, 2019

The purpose of the VPR in the subject “The World around us” is to assess the level of general educational preparation of 4th grade students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. VLPs make it possible to diagnose the achievement of subject and meta-subject results, including the level of formation of universal learning activities (UAL) and mastery of interdisciplinary concepts. The results of the VPR, together with the information available in the educational organization, reflecting the individual educational trajectories of students, can be used to assess personal learning outcomes.

FI _____________________________ Preparation for VPR on the surrounding world. Test for 4th grade 1. Write in numbers what relates to living nature -1, to inanimate nature -2, made by human hands -3. Mountains, markers, textbook, chamomile, stone, roach, moss, owl, fence, socks, river, Moon, dill, sand, ore, mosquito, linden, well, snowflakes. Herbs shrubs trees Rose, chamomile, alder, dandelion, plum, nettle, maple, currant 2. Divide into groups: 3. Complete the groups of plants with examples (3 plant names each): Coniferous ___________________________________________________ Deciduous________________________________________________ _ 4. Write the name of each group of plants (think , on what basis these plants are distributed). Rowan, water lily, juniper - _____________________________. Black currant, parsley, apple ____________________________. 5. Write the name of the group to which this animal belongs. Dragonfly - _________________, camel - ______________________, toad - __________________, bullfinch - ___________________, eagle - ___________________, dolphin - ______________________, cobra - ___________________, lemming - ________________________, chickens - ___________________, lizard - _______________________, FI _____________________________ Preparation for the VPR on the surrounding world. Test for 4th grade 1. Write in numbers what relates to living nature -1, to inanimate nature -2, made by human hands -3. Mountains, markers, textbook, chamomile, stone, roach, moss, owl, fence, socks, river, Moon, dill, sand, ore, mosquito, linden, well, snowflakes. 2. Divide into groups: Herbs shrubs trees Rose, chamomile, alder, dandelion, plum, nettle, maple, currant 3. Complete the groups of plants with examples (3 plant names each): Coniferous ___________________________________________________ Deciduous_________________________________________________ 4. Write the name of each group of plants (think, on what basis are these plants distributed? Rowan, water lily, juniper - _____________________________. Black currant, parsley, apple ____________________________. 5. Write the name of the group to which this animal belongs. Dragonfly - _________________, camel - ______________________, toad - __________________, bullfinch - ___________________, eagle - ___________________, dolphin - ______________________, cobra - ___________________, lemming - ________________________, chickens - ___________________, lizard - _______________________, scorpion - ________________, turtle - _______________________. 6. Name the sense organs: Touch - ____________, vision - _____________, hearing - __________ _________, smell - ________________, taste - _________________. scorpio - ________________, turtle - _______________________. 6. Name the sense organs: Touch - ____________, vision - _____________, hearing - __________ _________, smell - ________________, taste - _________________. 7. List the human organs (at least three). 8. Write in the correct order all the planets of the Solar Nervous system - ____________________________________________, Digestive system - _____________________________________, Excretory system - _______________________________________ , Circulatory system - ________________________________________, Respiratory system - ________________________________________, Musculoskeletal - _________________________________________. system (start in the direction of distance from the Sun). ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ . ______________________________________________________________ . ____________________________________________________________ . ____________________________________________________________ . ____________________________________________________________ . ___________________________________. _______________ ____________________________________________________________ . 9. List all the continents of our planet. 10. The change of day and night on planet Earth depends on 11. The change of seasons on planet Earth depends on 12. List the oceans of planet Earth. 13. Name the Earth's satellite. 14. Write what bodies of water there are (at least 5): 7. List the human organs (at least three). Nervous system - _____________________________________________________, Digestive system - _____________________________________, Excretory system - _____________________________________, Circulatory system - _____________________________________, Respiratory system - _____________________________________, Musculoskeletal system - _____________________________________. 8.Write all the planets of the Solar System in the correct order (start in the direction of distance from the Sun). ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ . 9. List all the continents of our planet. ______________________________________________________________ . 10. The change of day and night on planet Earth depends on ____________________________________________________________. 11. The change of seasons on planet Earth depends on ____________________________________________________________. 12. List the oceans of planet Earth. ____________________________________________________________ . 13. Name the Earth's satellite. ___________________________________. 14. Write what types of reservoirs exist (at least 5): _______________ ____________________________________________________________. 15. Write which month of the year is April _____, September _____. Write the summer months: _______________________________. 16. Label the side of the horizon indicated by the arrow on the compass. (The sides of the horizon are located in a certain order relative to each other, therefore, knowing just one, you can determine any other.) 15. Write which month of the year April _____, September _____. Write the summer months: _______________________________. 16. Label the side of the horizon indicated by the arrow on the compass. (The sides of the horizon are located in a certain order relative to each other, therefore, knowing just one, you can determine any other.) B B S S S 17. Write 3 states of water in nature: 18. Write the names of road signs. __________________________. 17. Write 3 states of water in nature: 18. Write the names of road signs. __________________________. ____________ _____________ ______________ ________________ ____________ _____________ ______________ ________________

The VLOOKUP for the surrounding world consists of two parts. The first part includes 6 tasks, and the second - 4, that is, there are 10 tasks in total. The first two tasks consist of highlighting the necessary parts of the image, the next three involve writing a short answer, and the last five involve writing a detailed answer. Tasks 3, 6, 7 relate to increased level complexity, and the rest - to basic.

Rating system

In total, you can get 31 points for VPR in the surrounding world. Points are converted into grades according to the following scheme:

Examples of tasks with scoring and explanations

Task 1

This task presents a drawing - for example, this one:

It is marked with an object made of wood. The student needs to think and mark two more objects in the same way, one of which is made, for example, of metal, and the other of paper.

If two items are correctly indicated, each of which is made of different materials, 2 points are given. If an item from only one material is correctly indicated - 1. If there are no correct answers, the student does not receive points for this task.

Task 2

In the second task, the student may be presented with a table, for example, with a weather forecast for three days. It is accompanied by 4 statements, from which you need to choose the correct ones - something like “on Friday the air temperature during the day will not exceed 28 degrees” and “it will be sunny throughout all three days.” If all correct statements are selected, the fourth grader receives 2 points. If one mistake is made (or one correct statement is not written) - 1. In other cases, 0 points are given.

Task 3

There are several parts to this task. You can get a total of 6 points for this task.

In the first part presents a map of the world, on which, on any two natural areas(for example, taiga and desert) or continents (for example, Eurasia and Africa) there are two marks - A and B. you need to write the names of the continents. If there are no errors - 2 points are given, if one error is made - 1, and if more than one - 0.

In the second part photographs of three animals are presented with numbers, without captions - for example:

The condition states that photos of a leopard, a bear, a llama and a wolf are presented. In the answer form you need to write which number represents which animal. If everything is written without errors, 1 point is awarded. If not – 0 points.

In the third part you need to answer the question: which animals live in the natural environment on continent A, and which animals live on continent B (or in natural zones A and B). If there are no errors, you can get 3 points. If there is one error - 2 points, two - 1 point, and three or more - 0.

Task 4

In the fourth task you need to make a match: find the correct ending to the beginning of the phrase. Phrases associated with in a healthy way life and maintaining health in general: playing sports, caring for the oral cavity, the need to dress for the weather, etc. There are two beginnings of phrases, and three continuations, so it is important not to get confused, and simply putting numbers at random will not work.

The answer is entered into a table of the form:

If there are no errors in the answer, the student receives 1 point, if there are - 0.

Task 5

This task is quite difficult. The condition gives an example of indicating organs on the human body - for example, as in the figure below:

By analogy, the student needs to independently mark the parts of the body and organ indicated in the task - for example, the stomach, hand and lower leg. If this is done correctly, 2 points are given. If only two body parts or only one body part and an organ are correctly indicated - 1 point. In other cases, the fourth grader receives 0 points.

Task 6

The sixth task of the VPR on the surrounding world consists of three parts. In total you can get 4 points for it. It gives a description of the experiment or observation being carried out – e.g.

Artyom observed the germination of pea seeds. To find out whether light affects the rate of germination, he took two glasses, put several identical pea seeds in each of them and filled them with water so that the seeds were completely submerged. Artyom placed both glasses on the table under a fluorescent lamp, but shielded one of them from the lamp with a cardboard box with holes cut out. Then Artyom watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

In the first part The student needs to answer the question whether the temperature and illumination in two glasses are the same or different. They may also ask about the material of the glasses. If the answer contains no errors, it is scored 1 point; if it contains at least one, it is scored 0 points.

In the second part one question is asked related to the task - for example, what measurements need to be taken to determine how light affects the growth of seeds, or, if the task is not about seeds, but, say, about heating water - what determines the speed of this process. The correct answer to this part of the task also earns the student 1 point.

In the third part the fourth grader should describe another experiment - for example, if Artem would like to find out how the presence of soil affects the growth of seeds. We need to tell you what to do in this case. You can get 2 points for this if the answer reflects all aspects of the experiment. If any aspect is missing, give 1 point. In other cases, the student receives no points for the assignment.

Task 7

This task tests the child’s ability to understand information reflected in various symbols, as well as knowledge of where they can be found. Three signs are given, for example:

First part the task includes the question of where these signs can be found, or, if this is indicated in the condition, what unites these signs (but in this case, all three signs will be from the same series, for example, road signs). For a correct answer, 1 point is given.

Second part The task requires writing three rules - for each sign you need to write which rule it reflects. If three rules are written correctly, they give 2 points, if only two are written correctly, 1 point, and if only one, 0 points.

Task 8

In the eighth task, the student is offered three photographs of materials used for work, or photos of people during work - for example:

  • identify the profession the photo is associated with
  • write what people in this profession do
  • say what benefits the work of people in this profession brings to society

If all this is done correctly and correctly, you can get 3 points (one for each correct answer).

Task 9

This VPR task on the surrounding world in 4th grade checks how the student understands his connection with the people around him and with his country. It contains a statement to which one or two questions are asked, or two questions are simply asked: the answer should be about 5 sentences. A statement task could look like this:

On May 9, a solemn procession takes place in all cities of Russia “ Immortal Regiment" Who is this procession dedicated to? Why is it important for the people of Russia? Example of a task with questions: How do you think real friends differ from just good acquaintances? Why is it important to have real friends?

If relevant, good answers to questions are given, 2 points can be awarded. If there are errors in the answer, or the student simply wrote general arguments on this topic, but did not directly answer the question - 1 point. In other cases they give 0 points.

Task 10

The tenth task tests fourth-graders' knowledge about the region where they live. It consists of three parts; In total, you can score a maximum of 6 points for the task.

First part involves writing the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (city, region, region or republic) where the student lives.

In the second part need to write main city region, or if the student lives in the city federal significance- the area where he lives.

If both the name of the subject and the main city are spelled correctly, 2 points are awarded, and if only one of them is spelled correctly, 1 point is awarded.

In the third part Several questions are asked related to place of residence - for example:

What goods is your region known for producing? What natural monuments or historical and cultural monuments are located in your region? Tell us about one of these monuments. Or: What is your region best known for? What animals can be found in the nature of your region (name at least three animals)? Describe one of these animals. What does this animal eat?

They may also ask what and why is depicted on the coat of arms of the region, which even some adults do not know, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

For correct answers to the first two questions, two points are given (that is, a maximum of one point for one question). The correct answer to the third question can earn 2 points: for example, if one of the animals is described and it is written what it eats, 2 points are given, and if only one thing is given, 1 point. That is, for just the third part of the 10th task you can get as many as 6 points.