Some call them aliens, others - gods. But whatever you call them, sooner or later they will appear before us, and then we will know the truth. Where do aliens live now?? When will they return to Earth? There is not yet as much information on this matter as we would like. However, it keeps coming.

Where is their home really?

So, where do aliens live? In fact, scientists have an answer to this question. It is assumed that their habitat may be exoplanets, namely Gliese. The presented planetary system includes about 100 stars. It is located close to the solar system and is known for the fact that three of its planetary objects are theoretically habitable. Gliese opened in 2005.

The distance from Earth to planet Gliese 581 is 20 light years. The object is similar to our planet in some characteristics. The object was discovered in 2007 thanks to a powerful telescope. By measuring the speed of stars, it was possible to find out the mass of the object and data on its movement. As a result, it turned out that the mass of Gliese is only 5 times that of the Earth. There is no information about the radius of the found object yet. But there is an assumption that it should be several times greater than that of our planet. If the main component of Gliese is ice, then its size is smaller than 2 of our planets.

Gliese's atmosphere has properties that are not normal for the Earth's atmosphere. It is believed that it contains carbon dioxide and methane, which creates a greenhouse effect on the planet. As for the temperature, it is not yet clear how much it is. It is assumed that its value lies in the range from 3 to 40 degrees.

Gliese is located at a distance of 11 million kilometers from the Sun; for comparison, the Earth is 150 million km away from it. Gliese's orbital time per year is 13 days.

The discovered exoplanet is of great interest to scientists. It is located in the “life zone”, accordingly, water can be located on it. However, there are no facts confirming this yet.

More? It is assumed that life is also possible on the planet Gliese 581 (d). A year passes on it in 37 days, but this does not prevent the existence of aliens on it. It is believed that in the near future missions will be sent to the planets or they will be carefully studied with an even more powerful telescope. Maybe after this the secrets of the planets will be revealed. In the meantime, the aliens gave us only two strange flashes of light. Perhaps this is how they give us signals?

The endless debate about whether aliens exist or not still has no solution. Meanwhile, many people are convinced that aliens live among us, like ordinary citizens of society. Here's some evidence of the shocking revelation that aliens are living among us, cleverly masquerading as humans.
UFO researcher Herbert Hopkins visited strange man one evening in September 1976. The man was completely bald, even without eyebrows or eyelashes.

The evening visitor identified himself as a member of the New Jersey UFO Researchers Organization. However, the man did not ask to exchange information about aliens. On the contrary, the “bald man in black” insisted on destroying all documents related to the UFO sighting investigation, which the doctor was actively doing at that time.

At the end of the conversation, the strange man noticed that he was functioning thanks to low energy, the reserves of which were running out. The visitor's tone sounded like a mechanical robot, containing absolutely no emotional coloring. According to Hopkins, it was a real alien masquerading as a human.

Men in Black again.

Two witnesses who observed an unidentified flying object on November 14, 2009 claim to have seen a triangular-shaped UFO outside the hotel. As soon as people started reporting mysterious object like them immediately.

Visitors dressed all in black visited the hotel with only one question: where can they find guests who witnessed a UFO sighting? These people were completely bald, that is, even eyebrows and eyelashes were completely absent. According to the hotel management, they did not blink during the entire conversation.

Officials about aliens.

According to former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, about 80 various types aliens live among people. Among non-citizens of the Earth, three types are the most common.

The first type are tall white aliens who work closely with the US Air Force at Area 51, Nevada. The second type is short gray aliens, thin build. The third species is represented by a group of Scandinavian-type aliens who look like an ordinary resident of a European country.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during one of his interviews did not deny, without excluding the possibility that aliens live among people. The truth should see more light if Dmitry Anatolyevich decides to write memoirs.

Say what you like, but most of all alien secrets surround Area 51. According to conspiracy theories, aliens and people work here side by side, testing various weapons and technological equipment. It is from here that extremely secret projects involving aliens have spread.

Other people's secrets "Base Nightmare Hall 6".

According to the statements of the deceased Phil Schneider (an engineer involved in secret projects) near New Mexico, there is an underground base with seven levels.

Each floor of the underground structure serves as a workplace for various types of alien creatures conducting experiments in Earth's conditions. The lower level is completely controlled by aliens.

One day, the military tried to enter the premises, but this caused frantic persistence of the alien citizens. According to Schneider, who was killed by police in his home, there was even an armed conflict.

Ancient evidence of the existence of aliens.

A huge number of perennial rock paintings have been discovered on Earth where figures of aliens, clearly dressed in spacesuits, are depicted next to people. Apparently, ancient people attracted the attention of aliens. Essentially, this proves that alien beings visited and contacted ancient people.

Look at the hieroglyphic panel of the Temple of Seti I in Egypt. Here we see futuristic vehicles: helicopter, plane, spaceship.

Agree, this unique objects for that time, serving as evidence that aliens lived next to people ancient era for some time.

The presence of aliens on Earth.

Of course, there cannot be much evidence of the existence of aliens until they publicly declare themselves. Let us also note a strange feature of Aliens: since ancient times, aliens have lived among us, always present important events. However, since the deep past, they have been increasingly removed from interference in the affairs of the planet and contacts with modern society.

During World War II, pilots from warring countries reported the appearance of luminous flying objects over the theater of operations. The frightening ones were recorded by ground observation posts.

According to pilots, the “flying saucers” were distinguished by extremely high speed and almost impossible maneuverability in the air. Of course, the mysterious observers never intervened in the conflict in one way or another.

Researchers, scientists, like many people are sure that the Earth is not the only place in the Universe that gives intelligent life. At the same time, it is difficult for us to believe that aliens not only live somewhere out there in space, but live as observers next to us.

NASA recently added 1,284 objects to its list of confirmed extrasolar planets. Now there are more than 3,000 such exoplanets, and these are only the ones that people have been able to discover. Scientists believe that almost every star in the Milky Way has, on average, at least one planet orbiting it. There are more than 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone. With such a scale, it is difficult to believe that we are the only inhabitants of the Universe. Here's a look at some of the most promising places where we might find life beyond our system.

Scientists judge whether a planet is likely to be habitable based on factors such as size, rocky soil and distance from its parent star. The rockier a planet is and the closer it is to the habitable zone - where planets can have liquid water on the surface - the greater the chance that it could be habitable.

Here are eight of the brightest candidates for planets with organic life.


Based on the factors listed above, this planet should be habitable even more likely than Earth. The size of this exoplanet, discovered in 2015, is comparable to the size of Earth. The distance from our planet is about 1100 light years (1 light year – 9,460,730,472,581 km). It orbits in the star's habitable zone, which is slightly cooler than our Sun. If Kepler-442b is rocky enough, the planet could be about twice as massive as Earth.


This planet was discovered in 2014. It is about 10% larger than the Earth and has a fairly rocky topography. The planet is in the habitable zone of its star, which is cooler and redder than the Sun. Distance from Earth - 500 light years.

Gliese 667 CC

The planet orbits a cool, dim red dwarf star about 24 light-years from Earth. The planet was discovered in 2011; it is quite rocky and is located in the habitable zone of its star. According to preliminary estimates, the mass of the planet is almost four times that of Earth, but scientists have still not been able to determine it accurately.

Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri is a system of three stars just 4 light years from Earth. The system is now well known thanks to British physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian businessman Yuri Milner, who will create microsatellites and send them there. The project was called Breakthrough Starshot. Scientists believe that a planet very similar to Earth may be discovered in this system and located in the habitable zone of one of its three stars.


This ultra-cool dwarf, 40 light-years from Earth, made headlines when scientists said there could be three planets the size of ours in its orbit. Even though these planets are outside the star's habitable zone, two of them are tidally locked. Tidal locking is a condition when a celestial body, under the influence of gravity, always faces one side towards the other. celestial body. In this case, the two planets are constantly facing their star: this means that pockets of water can form where life could arise.


This exoplanet was discovered in 2011, and Of all the planets discovered, shewas recognized as most similar to Earth. It is located 600 light-years from Earth and comfortably within the habitable zone of its star. Kepler-22b is twice the size of Earth and has an average surface temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit, about 22 degrees Celsius.

So, where have aliens been seen?

Roswell (New Mexico, USA)

Roswell became famous thanks to the UFO crash in June 1947. According to the official version, a balloon crash occurred in the city. According to the unofficial version, it was an alien ship controlled by an alien. Moreover, the appearance of an unidentified flying object was called the first direct contact with aliens in the 20th century. Today, Roswell has a UFO museum, and every year in early July the city hosts a festival dedicated to extraterrestrial beings.

The incident has been filmed many times. For example, in the animated series Futurama, an entire episode is dedicated to the events in Roswell.

Bonnybridge (Scotland)

Aliens have been regularly visiting the Scottish village of Bonnybridge for more than 20 years. About three hundred cases of UFO sightings are recorded there every year! According to ufologists, Bonnybridge is located in the middle of the so-called Falkirk triangle, connecting Stirling, Fife and, and in the village itself there is a window to another dimension. The residents liked the newcomers' visits so much that they decided to build them a hotel.

Mexico City (Mexico)

In 1991, hundreds of thousands of people stood in the streets waiting solar eclipse, the last one in the twentieth century. When the Moon covered the Sun, about seventeen thousand observers saw a strange metallic object in the sky. He stood still for half an hour and then disappeared. The UFO was recorded by 17 video cameras. In 2005, aliens visited again. Only now there were a hundred UFOs hovering in the sky.

It is easy to notice that most often UFOs are seen over the territories of North and South America.

"Area 51" (Nevada, USA)

The military base Area 51 has long become famous throughout the world thanks to visits from aliens. One of its former employees, Bob Lazar, even reported that inside the base, underground, there was a secret laboratory studying aliens. Residents of Nevada, who do not have a pass to Area 51, closely monitor it from the side and claim that from time to time they see strange bright flying objects in the sky that move at very high speed and suddenly disappear.

“Area 51” has appeared many times not only in films, but also in computer games. One of the most atmospheric locations was in the old but very cool Deus Ex.

Wycliffe Well (Australia)

Aliens are favorite guests in Wycliffe Well. They have been appearing in this small town since World War II. Wickliffe has even been dubbed the UFO capital of Australia. According to local residents, aliens fly over the city almost every night. And although skeptics believe that the unidentified objects are just Australian military personnel performing night maneuvers, this does not bother tourists. They rush to Wycliffe in droves to meet extraterrestrial beings.

Hooper (Colorado, USA)

Hooper also has a special attitude towards aliens. There is a whole observation post installed there, consisting of observation deck, an alien visitation center and theme park with a rock garden and green plastic aliens. Entry costs $2. The atmosphere in Hooper is cosmic: after all, this is the place that aliens value most.

San Clemente (Chile)

Walking along a 30 km long “alien path” in the Andes, you can spot a UFO. Aliens chose this place back in 1995 and since then have appeared in the San Clemente area more than a hundred times. Perhaps it's all about the plateaus: they create excellent conditions for landing extraterrestrial vehicles.

Aliens are attracted to the wild, half-deserted and long-distance regions of the planet. However, they are also suitable for military aviation and test sites.

Warminster (UK)

UFOs have been discussed in Warminster since the middle of the last century, when local residents saw luminous balls in the sky. Experts gave a traditional explanation: near the city there is military base, its objects were mistaken by people for a UFO. However, ufologists are sure of the opposite: in their opinion, the base is just a bait for aliens. In addition, aliens are attracted to local Stone Age monuments.

Stephenville (Texas, USA)

In 2008, many Stephenville residents observed unidentified flying objects that became known as the "Stephenville Light." According to skeptics, the air force was mistaken for a UFO. However, city residents do not believe this explanation. Moreover, since then they have repeatedly witnessed the appearance of alien guests. Aliens also like to appear in other Texas cities: San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Fort Worth.

Phoenix (Arizona, USA)

On March 13, 1997, a phenomenon called the Phoenix Light came to widespread public attention. Thousands of people within a radius of 480 km watched the lights in the sky. Many of them claimed to have seen a whole alien ship in the shape of the letter V. Experts even stated that the length of the object is 3.2 km and the width is 2.8 km. The appearance of an unknown ship has caused a number of disputes, but there is still no single version of what happened.


Are there aliens? If they exist, then where? Why don't they contact us directly? These and other questions of a similar nature have been exciting the human mind for decades and even hundreds of years.

In fact, when it became roughly clear what was happening in the solar system, and theories appeared about what was happening in other corners of the Universe, scientists were amazed: there were no planets inhabited by intelligent beings like our Earth. More precisely, they were not discovered, although they are trying hard to do so. Since it is not clear how aliens can live at all, they are most often compared to humanity.

That is, they assume that these creatures also live on a planet similar to Earth, in, so to speak, a half-oxygen-water world, where it is the liquid that plays main role. The problem is that even if this is so, it is not possible to simply go in search of such planets - all that people have managed to do so far is to land on the Moon in the last century. Even an expedition to Mars is being worked out very carefully and it is not yet known exactly when it will come to fruition - its deadlines are constantly being pushed back.

Such flights are still too much fun, and the available jet engines greatly limit everything. In particular, movement, as for distances outer space, slow. People will not fly outside the solar system in a year; they will fly to Uranus for at least 11 years. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to implement, in fact, checking planets for the presence of intelligent civilizations there. In the Solar System, on nearby planets, this is done by special automatic ships, sending pictures and taking rock samples, if necessary.

For example, it was precisely determined that once upon a time, millions of years ago, there was life on Mars. Unfortunately, due to massive asteroid attacks, a significant chunk of the planet was knocked off, so it lost most of its atmosphere as a result of reduced gravity and was unable to retain liquid, except for glaciers at the poles. Otherwise, everything is based largely on images obtained from very powerful telescopes and rovers.

From time to time, certain exoplanets are discovered - theoretically similar to our Earth, at least in terms of the distance from the star they are located, but in reality there is no confirmation of the hypotheses as to whether there could be life there. Nevertheless, research continues.

American ufologists, in particular, assessed whether aliens live in our Galaxy - the Milky Way, and if they do, how many of them there are. Experts have come to the conclusion that they may indeed exist, but they are extremely few, less than 1 percent. This was based on combining into one two statements of different scientists - Frank Drake and Enrico Fermi. The first one developed a formula that was supposed to calculate how many aliens would want to communicate with us. It turned out that it was very, very much.

Physicist Fermi, in fact, in response to this, asked his question, now known as the “Fermi paradox”: if there really are a lot of aliens, then why haven’t contacts been established with them yet? Jorge Soriano and his team from Harvard, Boston, decided to answer this by exploring the possible evolution of aliens. It’s simple - firstly, not every inhabited planet is a sign of the presence of intelligent life on it, and, secondly, if such a thing happens, then it is subject to many galactic cataclysms. On Earth, the climate changed due to the fall of asteroids, for example, therefore, any other celestial body can expect the same.

Thus, two new parameters were added to Drake’s formula - the conditional number of highly developed races and their life expectancy on a particular planet. So it turns out that there are actually very few aliens in the Milky Way. Our Galaxy is huge, and aliens can live there anywhere, in any corner of it. Moreover, solar system is located almost on the very Periphery of the Milky Way. If there is such an extraterrestrial civilization somewhere that is also looking for contacts with other civilizations, then perhaps it is closer to the center of the Galaxy and, due to the enormous distances, simply did not reach us?

Considering the huge number of UFO sightings, it is logical to assume that there are some aliens and they are not very far away, since they allow themselves to fly in and catch the eye of earthlings. However, since they do not make direct contact, they either communicate in such a way that people cannot understand them, or they do not want to do this, considering us not to correspond to their intelligence. Accordingly, earthlings have a greater chance that one day a race will fly in from afar, which is as developed as ours, and then there will be real contact. When exactly this will happen, experts have not yet undertaken to predict. It is only obvious that it is not as fast as we would like.

Some scientists even suggest that in order for aliens to contact us, it is necessary to create a Dyson Sphere - such a huge shell around the Sun at a distance approximately from the star to the Earth. Actually, for construction it will be necessary to actually “rework” at least Venus and Mercury, if not other planets, and there is no one hundred percent probability that the shell will hold up. It will be extremely difficult to prevent anything from falling on it. Nevertheless, such calculations are still being carried out, although it is not clear when this idea will be brought to life.