Time has flown by, and now your child is already a first grader. Parents will have to spend a lot of effort and be patient in order to help their children master school knowledge together with teachers. There are situations when, from the first days of school, schoolchildren have difficulties with writing.

At the same time, a person has good intelligence, develops correctly, and successfully masters other sciences, including mathematics. Parents often panic about this. But there is a way out of this situation, you just need to clearly understand what this phenomenon is, whether it is a disease, how to recognize it in time, what are its causes, what measures should be taken to help children learn the rules of the Russian language.

A complete picture of how to teach a child to write correctly without corrections can be obtained by reading this publication.

The phenomenon when a person is unable to learn to write without errors is called “dysgraphia.” Children with these special needs make mistakes all the time. Quite often, people confuse dysgraphia with another phenomenon called “agraphia.” It means a complete lack of ability to write. There is one more term that you should know about in order to correctly recognize the presence of a particular disorder in children. This is dyslexia - the inability of children to pronounce words when reading.

Psychologists say that these phenomena are associated with children’s underdeveloped attention and visual memory, as well as with a special perception of the space around them. At the same time, the guys are not able to remember different letters and recognize them correctly.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that schoolchildren do not remember the rules of the language, and therefore cannot apply them when writing texts. All these manifestations and disorders relate to mental disorders. But doctors do not consider children to be retarded in mental development, by all indicators they are healthy people.

Manifestations of dysgraphia

It turns out that dysgraphia and accompanying deviations appear quite often in schoolchildren. If we consider the number of children in one school, then about 6% of them suffer from dysgraphia. It appears more often in boys than in the fair sex. Where does this disorder come from?

Some families have a mother or father who school years The same signs of writing text with errors were observed. This deviation is inherited. And parents need to know and take into account the existing fact. They should be prepared in advance for the fact that their children may have a difficult situation with competent writing. Only in this case will they be able to notice everything in time and help them.

Dysgraphia manifests itself from the very beginning of school, when a person cannot master the rules of correct writing. Children with disabilities do not take dictation well. They make a lot of mistakes and don't use capital letters, there are also problems with punctuation marks.

A person diagnosed with dysgraphia often has poor, incomprehensible handwriting.

Most children are aware of their inherent disorder. It is difficult for them to write dictations and essays; they do not like to do it. They try to write the work using the shortest sentences. For this reason, the essays turn out to be dry, not voluminous and not fully revealing the topic.

If you do not notice problems with writing in children in time, then at an older age, Russian language lessons will become a burden for them. Often schoolchildren simply do not attend classes, embarrassed by their problem. This is also reflected in participation in public life schools. They move away from everyone, having no desire to come to any events. Next, people with similar disorders try to find work that is not at all related to writing any text.

Not all babies are immediately able to pronounce all sounds well. read the material at the link.

How to find out if a child has dysgraphia

If parents notice their children’s problems with writing or reading in time and provide timely help, this will have a beneficial effect on the rest of their lives. little man. It is quite simple to see deviations and recognize dysgraphia; you just need to carefully observe the child and participate in his life.

Signs of dysgraphia:

1. When the first year of school ends, many children already know all the letters and can write and read with ease. Guys with an existing problem always confuse letters that are similar in spelling. For example, the letters “E” and “Z”, “P” and “b”, “Sh” and “Sh”. For these kids, the pairs of letters are the same; they don’t see how they differ. Writing a text turns into torture for them; they write slowly. If you demand them to write faster, then bad handwriting may begin to form.

2. Perhaps the guys have a hearing impairment. Therefore, he cannot write or read correctly. It is very difficult to write the correct letter by sound when the sounds are poorly distinguished due to hearing impairment. Sometimes it happens that children read well, but write with errors.

3.Children with dysgraphia spell the words they hear incorrectly. For example, "house" and "volume". The word is replaced, so the whole meaning of the sentence may be lost.

4. You may notice that schoolchildren who write words incorrectly draw very well. This is due to the fact that they have a well-developed area of ​​the brain called the “ancient” one. In ancient times, instead of words, people expressed themselves using drawings on rocks.

Causes of dysgraphia: are there culprits?

Experts talk about an increase in the number of children suffering from such disorders. But it was not possible to establish one reason. The main ones can be identified:

1. Heredity.

2. Undeveloped brain.

3. Traumatic brain injuries.

4. Complicated pregnancy and childbirth.

5. Various diseases with complications.

6. Use of incorrect speech by parents.

7. Use of several languages ​​in the family.

8. The child has few objects that can be examined.

9. Teaching children too early using various modern methods.

10. Lack of communication.

11. Children are often not prepared for school from a psychological point of view.

If you show excessive persistence in your studies, it will not lead to anything good. Better look for information about gaming techniques, it receives a lot of attention in our material.

Methods of helping children with dysgraphia

Several methods have been developed to combat this phenomenon. You need to know that it is impossible to prevent dysgraphia in advance; there are no preventive measures. It can only be recognized when it has already manifested itself. But steps need to be taken early.

One of effective ways is to cross out certain letters in texts. The process allows you to concentrate, develop visual memory, and pronounce letters out loud.

For quick memorization letters, parents can offer to look at pictures of letters. It is also often necessary to let children rewrite texts.

If you notice problems with writing texts in children, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can provide the necessary techniques for training. In addition, massage, swimming, physiotherapy and medications that improve memory are often prescribed.

The skill of correct writing must necessarily be preceded by the skill of confident and clear pronunciation of words. read our next article.

Video instruction on the topic

Hi all! Today we will devote time to children and how we can help them with their studies. Do you think everything depends on their abilities and perseverance? Much! But not all. To achieve success, our students will also need hard work and our help. We can give them both. And let's start by talking about the topic, how to teach a child to write dictations without mistakes in a short time.

In fact, the task can be divided into several sub-items in order to achieve the goal faster and more efficiently.

So, what we have to work on together with the crumbs:

  • Literacy;
  • In parallel with writing the text, remember the rules;
  • Listen carefully to the teacher;
  • Be able to remember;
  • Focus on the main thing.

If we work on each point, we will help the baby cope with anxiety. And this is another opportunity to help your child write a dictation. no errors.

Improving your language knowledge

This goal can be achieved if we expand vocabulary supply of toddlers. How to do this:


There is no more powerful tool in our hands! Anytime free time talk to the little one. You go to school, from school, eat, do household chores. From the conversation, both teenagers and a very tiny child who only goes to 1st class, will gain not only the ability to communicate,


You can do this alone or in a company. Why are books the main source of replenishing the vocabulary? There are 3 main reasons:

  • Various publication topics broaden your horizons and allow you to master the lexical level in many directions.
  • The reader draws from books vocabulary different people and their ability to convey thoughts.
  • It is known that visual memory masters about 70-80% of all information. The baby not only sees the word, but remembers how it is written!

All this, without a doubt, will allow you to learn to write competently.


If you are telling a story, try to replace several words that are familiar to you with ones that are close in meaning. Ask your little one to do the same. A child who just went to school can do this. 2nd grade? Yes! And precisely from the youngest school age you can “run” this game. She is funny in herself, and therefore she will quickly take root and like the baby.

What's the use of this? Sometimes, out of habit, we say the same words, even though we know them ten times more. And with play we force our speech to be brighter, richer and more varied. As a result, for the little one there are many words that he will write in class dictation, will not be new and unknown.

Making up your own stories.

One of the best ways to find out what kind of knowledge a baby has is to invite him to dream up and retell everything he came up with.

Targeted vocabulary replenishment.

It would be a good idea to set a goal for your child to learn a new word every day. Read it in the dictionary, look up its origin and write it down several times.

Learning a foreign language.

Double benefit. Languages ​​have long been intertwined with each other, which means that we give the baby the opportunity not only to develop memory, but also to expand their vocabulary.

Knowledge of the rules

You know, bye the best way, how Fine memorize the rule, I haven’t seen it. The principle itself seems small. And it’s not so difficult to “write it down” with a few repetitions, and then use examples to figure out how it works in a given case. But during tests, everything that will help you write without errors will easily come to mind.

If you have your own ideas, share them!

Training attentiveness

Usually the teacher reads the text quite clearly. If you listen carefully, you can improve the level of the text. What can help you develop such mindfulness? Frequent training. If you want your little one to quickly learn how to write dictations perfectly, regularly conduct “tests” at home. It is not difficult to write a short text every day, but such exercises will definitely bring positive results.

Why and how to remember

The principle of dictation is to remember the teacher’s words and transfer them to a notebook. Therefore, it is worth showing the baby how important it is to listen to what the teacher says. Get into it and write it down immediately. Therefore, you will definitely need to run your eyes to double-check yourself. For older children who went to 4- 5th grade It's easy to learn. You can practice them at home.

Focus on the lesson

Children are distracted by so many things that this becomes the main reason for low grades in dictation. How can one not react to a pen that suddenly began to write poorly, to a neighbor on the desk who is pushing the baby and asking again what the teacher just said? All technical things can be solved with a supply of pens, notebooks, etc. All this just needs to be taken out before class and put on the desk. And quickly writing the text will solve other issues. There will always be a small gap of time for self-control and helping a friend. Fluent writing is the result of training that you can give your little one.

All that remains is to wish the children success and patience to all parents! I remind you that you can subscribe to the site’s news, and then you will know what articles are being published and about what. Make the most of everything you learn here, tell us about your experiences in the comments and share everything with your friends!

I say goodbye and see you again!

How to teach a child to write correctly? This question is asked sooner or later by the parents of any schoolchild. The problem of literacy has been and remains one of the most pressing in school education, and is associated not only with knowledge of spelling and punctuation rules, but also with the peculiarity of the functioning of the child’s visual and auditory perception mechanisms.

Often parents are faced with an interesting paradox: they demonstrate a good knowledge of spelling rules and grammatical norms, but after writing a dictation, they manage to make many mistakes in it. Another child, who does not bother to memorize the rules, writes correctly, without making any special effort. What's the secret here?

“Innate” literacy: myth or reality?

Quite often you can hear the following point of view: literacy is an innate quality, like an ear for music or the ability to draw; a pathologically illiterate person is not capable of writing correctly, even after learning all the rules.

Is this really true? The fact is that children who write without errors are, as a rule, endowed with excellent visual memory. And if such a child also reads a lot, then the ability to write correctly, without bothering himself with knowing the rules, is practically guaranteed. The child simply “photographs” the desired spelling of the word in his memory, and correctly transfers it to paper during the dictation.

Yes, this is true, parents will agree, but what then should those children do whose visual memory is not so well developed? The answer is very simple - to develop it, especially since exercises for developing visual memory are not so complicated and can be carried out by parents during homework to prepare lessons.

How to teach a child to write correctly using the mechanisms of visual perception?

Training visual memory

Rewriting is the easiest way to train visual memory. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, there are several important points that will help make this type of work most effective:

  • In order to make copying enjoyable and not boring for the child, it is better to select excerpts from your favorite books for the activity. The text should please the child and arouse his interest.
  • Cover the line next to the line you are rewriting with a transparent ruler. Then it will be easier for the child to quickly find with his eyes the place in the text that he is rewriting.
  • Determine the scope of the text that the student must rewrite in one step: looked - remembered - rewrote. On initial stage it can be one word, in the future the number of words increases, and as a result of long training the child will be able to rewrite entire sentences at once. It will look like this: read the whole sentence, remember it, rewrite it. This is the result we should strive for.
  • In the process of rewriting, we connect visual memory: when reading the text, the child must clearly pronounce all the words, preserving their sound pronunciation as much as possible, that is, read as the word is written, and not as it is heard. For example, words with iotated vowels “e”, “e”, “yu”, “ya” must be pronounced while maintaining the “Y” sound.
  • Make sure that when rewriting, the child does not peek at the original until the previous piece of text is completely written down.

"Spy" technology

In order to diversify rewriting activities, you can invite children to be spies for a little while and conduct the lesson as follows. In this case, it will be better if the piece of text that is being copied is not in front of them on the table, but in another place or room.

The “spies” approach the book, memorize the passage and go on their way workplace, sit down and reproduce from memory required text. As a result of numerous trips between the original and the place where the children write, the mechanisms of “mental” photography are excellently trained. A simpler option for completing this task is to leave the book a little away from the place where the copying is taking place, but at the same time, the area of ​​the text “photographed” by the student must be covered with a sheet of opaque paper.

Young archaeologist

This is also an interesting activity option that can be used to diversify rewriting tasks. Print an excerpt from the book you need in a text editor, then process it by deliberately “spoiling” it: omitting unstressed vowels, or case endings, double “n”, and other places in words with spellings. Missing places can be indicated with asterisks or ellipses.

Then invite the young archaeologist to restore the damaged text by inserting the correct letters. This task can be varied: for example, skip not only letters in words, but entire words: verbs, adjectives, etc. Then the task will become truly interesting and will require not only knowledge of spelling, but also grammar rules.

Work on mistakes

What does the usual work on mistakes made in a dictation recently written by a schoolchild involve? The student rewrites the words in a column, writes opposite the correct version of the word, highlighting the desired spelling. This type of work is allocated no more than 10–15 minutes in class.

It is not surprising that the very next day those words that were written incorrectly are forgotten, and in the next dictation the errors are repeated again.

Making a register of errors

Analyze the dictation written at school at home with your child. Let him write down the misspelled word on a separate sheet of paper and be the teacher: taking a pen with red ink, highlight the error. Then he will write the correct version of the word next to it, indicating the desired spelling. Place sheets with errors in a separate folder, repeating them from time to time in your homework.

Invite your child to come up with his own sentences that will use the words where he made mistakes. Words that often cause him difficulty can be copied onto a separate sheet of paper and attached above his desk, highlighting his mistakes in red.

Learning spellings, how to do it correctly?

Often, children “memorize” the rules without having a clear idea of ​​what exactly they are about. As a result, having started studying participles and gerunds in high school, the child cannot apply the spelling correctly simply because elementary school he was unable to well grasp the definitions and properties of such parts of speech as verbs and adjectives.

But it is precisely these parts of speech that are involved in the formation of participles, gerunds and verbal adjectives, the correct spelling of which is not given to all students.

Teacher's advice:

Parents must ensure that by the beginning of high school the child knows well all the parts of speech studied in elementary school: nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals, pronouns and prepositions.

It is necessary that the student understands what properties they have and how they differ, and quickly and correctly finds and defines them in the text. Then the orthograms studied in high school, for the spelling of such parts of speech as participles, gerunds and adverbs where mistakes are most often made, will not be a piece of “dead” information for him, but will be successfully used in practice.

Oh those commas...

The rules of syntax cause no less difficulties than the rules of spelling, especially since the laws of punctuation in the Russian language are quite complex and not always unambiguous. Knowledge of the rules of isolation (highlighting parts of a sentence in the text with commas) is not always the key to correct placement of punctuation marks. However, the requirements for the level of punctuation literacy of students are quite high - two missing commas already give the teacher a reason not to give an excellent grade.

Teacher's advice:

It is necessary to explain to the child that there is a direct connection between the pause that is made when reading the text and the placement of a comma or other punctuation mark. In other words, when reading a text, it is correct to highlight punctuation marks with intonation. Understanding this will be facilitated by the child’s expressive reading of passages of text aloud, taking into account all punctuation marks.

You can practice dictations “the other way around” - let the child dictate, using intonation as much as possible, where he sees punctuation marks, and one of the adults writes under his dictation. An adult can intentionally make several mistakes. Invite your child to work as a teacher - to find and correct mistakes made by adults during dictation. This lesson will not only consolidate knowledge of spelling and punctuation, but will also increase the self-esteem of the young “teacher,” which is important in the process of any learning.

Literacy as an indicator of education

Recently, one can increasingly hear this point of view from parents of schoolchildren: serious study of spelling is no longer in demand as before, because there are a lot of spelling check programs. And intensive study of the rules only “clogs your head,” while a future programmer or web designer doesn’t really need to be able to write correctly.

The concepts of indicators of education have now really changed, but if we operate with classical ideas, then it is correct - it was, is and remains the most striking sign characterizing an educated person.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

A webinar from a specialist on the question of whether your child is ready to learn to read and write:

Dictation- one of the most common types of work in the Russian language and, at the same time, always a serious test even for adults. The selection of text for a school dictation corresponds to the material covered and, in theory, should be within the student’s capabilities. But why do even those children who demonstrated a good knowledge of the rules and did a good job with their homework make mistakes?

The point is an omission in one of the important areas.

Directions of work in preparing for the dictation

1. Psychological aspect. When answering the question of how to learn to write dictations well, you should remember the situation of stress and the ability to overcome it. Ideally, the reaction to stress is the final or test dictation there must be a mobilization of all knowledge and forces to accomplish this task. In fact, the fear of getting a bad grade, unsuccessful previous experience, lack of self-confidence can lead to the child becoming “excited” and doing worse than he could in a calm environment.
Therefore, students need to be prepared for the dictation in advance: either warned about the date of work, or introduce dictations into daily lesson activities.

2. The ability to see difficult places. The key skill of competent writing, and, in particular, the ability to write correctly from dictation is spelling vigilance. A wide variety of exercises are used to form it. For example, tasks with missing letters, a commented letter, analysis of all spellings of the text.

3. Attentive attitude word. Attention tasks will also help teach your child how to write a dictation correctly. This is, first of all, thoughtful copying from the board or textbook into a notebook. Another option is to work with dictionaries: spelling, explanatory, etymological.

4. Motor skill. We must not forget that text dictation shows the results of a huge multi-stage work, the result of which is the formation of writing skills. You can’t just learn the rules and immediately start applying them. If a motor skill has not yet been formed, the child will continue to make mistakes. This must be taken into account and not scold a student who is “stuck” at the previous stages of developing competent writing.

How to teach a child to write a dictation at home

Dear mothers, the first thing you must admit and understand is that you are not experts. If you are not a speech therapist or a teacher of the Russian language, do not try to teach your child yourself. Without understanding the essence of the processes that occur during the formation of a skill, you can harm the child. If your child has problems speaking Russian at school, first of all go to a speech therapist, rule out dysgraphia and dyslexia, and then decide what to do next. Do not try to teach dysgraphia using regular textbooks; you yourself, most likely, will not even be able to correctly determine the type of dysgraphia.

If a child cannot write dictations at school, but no pathologies have been identified, you are dealing with ordinary neglect. A regular tutor will help here. Hire the recommended teacher and read no further.

Since you have read this paragraph, it means you have decided to do without a tutor. Well, our job is to warn. But at least take our advice.

Let's start with the basics of didactics. Text dictation is a test, not a training event. It will not be possible to teach how to write dictations by endlessly tormenting a child with them. You must go through the following steps:

  • the child learns how to spell a word correctly and why,
  • the child pronounces each word syllable by syllable,
  • the child copies words or phrases containing these words,
  • the child inserts the missing letters in 20 - 50 words,
  • the child writes individual words from dictation,
  • the child writes word combinations under dictation, including selected words, and comments on each word,
  • the child writes word combinations from dictation, including selected words,
  • the child writes a text dictation, including selected words, and comments on each word,
  • The child writes a text dictation, including selected words, for evaluation.

At every stage, mistakes are inevitable. Analyze these errors and return to previous stages of work. Proceed to the next stage when the errors in the previous one disappear. This means that you will get to the text dictation after weeks and even months. And it will really be control.

And even in this case, mistakes will be repeated. It’s right not to scold a child (let them show it at school, but you are a good parent), but rewrite the same text several times until you can write it cleanly. Between repeated dictations, learn problem words: work with a dictionary, write them on cards that you can flip through in your hands, write them in large letters and hang them on the wall.

Words for such work can be selected in different ways. Start with the words that school textbook are boxed or written at the end of the textbook. Many dictations have already been compiled with the words recommended for memorization in each class. Buy any collection.

You can do the opposite: take texts that are interesting to your child, write out complex words from them and start working. The result will be a dictation based on the child’s favorite book.

Take a look at the Texts section. There are a lot of dictations consisting of vocabulary words. In addition, there are voice-over recordings of these dictations in mp3.

The answer to the question about how to learn to write a dictation correctly, can be significantly expanded. And this entire site is proof of that. If you or your child at least regularly performs the exercises in the Training section, the problem with dictations will no longer be so acute.

Tags: dictations, literacy improvement
Elena Mazur
Certificate of publication No. 464564 dated February 29, 2016

You can learn to write correctly and correctly in a couple of months. Read about the methods in the article.

There is an opinion that in our age modern technologies, the main thing is to be able to type quickly. After all, both work and life outside of it are connected with computers and smartphones.

  • We communicate on the Internet and try to quickly type search queries on the Internet or type messages.
  • But experts, on the contrary, are confident that you need to learn calligraphic handwriting. After all, competent and beautiful writing can be used to judge not only accuracy and perseverance.
  • Especially in children, this indicates good development of fine motor skills of the hands, thanks to which one can judge excellent intellectual development.
  • This article publishes methods that help teach children and secondary school students to write correctly. high school and advice for adults.

How to quickly teach a child to write dictations correctly: secret No. 1

Parents are pleased to hear when their baby begins to coo and pronounce the first words. Mom and dad also rejoice after a while when the baby’s speech becomes understandable and the answers to questions are meaningful.

  • When the child grows a little more, the parents give their child to kindergarten, where they begin to teach him how to write.
  • Almost all parents demand that the letters be written out correctly, despite the fact that the child is only 5 or 6 years old. This is a big mistake!
  • For a child to learn to write correctly, time must pass and come.
  • Scientists have found that the formation of the level of correct spelling is completed by the 4th grade.
  • But you need to start studying writing intensively already in 1st grade. So, how to teach Russian grammar to a first-grader?

Secret No. 1: Development of fine motor skills.

  • Hand and finger training- this is important in the process of learning to write competently and beautifully. This is especially true for first graders.
  • Modeling helps to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Benefit for learning how to model from plasticine or clay mass can be found in any bookstore.

The first stage in helping to develop calligraphic handwriting is the proper organization of the children's workspace. It is important to teach your child to sit correctly at the table. Please note the following:

  • Back should be straight, with emphasis on the chair.
  • Elbows should lie on the surface of the table, especially the elbow of the hand that is working while writing.
  • Breast should be slightly moved away from the table. There should be a distance of one fist from the edge of the table to the chest of the baby sitting on the chair.
  • Head should be slightly tilted.
  • Legs You need to place it on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle.
  • Notebook should lie at an angle of 45° between the top corner and the edge of the table. In this case, the lower corner of the notebook is directed towards the center of the chest.

Be sure to prepare everything you need for learning: a pen with three edges for easy grip, a special copybook and a notebook with an oblique line.

How to quickly teach a child to write dictations correctly: secret No. 2

To learn how to write in calligraphic handwriting without errors or blots, you need to put in a lot of effort. Parents and school teaching staff must find an approach to the child. The following secret will help teach Russian grammar to a second and third grader. This method is also suitable for secondary school students.

Secret No. 2: Regularly writing dictations

  • This may seem unnecessary at first, but two texts per week written under dictation - these are excellent results after 2-3 months.
  • Be sure to check for errors, and do the analysis with your child. Thanks to this, he will better remember the structure of word forms in which inaccuracies are allowed. Difficult words during dictation, repeat 2-3 times. It is even permissible to give hints if the child finds it difficult to write this or that word.
  • While troubleshooting, repeat the rules that will help you remember the spelling of complex word forms. It is important to point out inaccuracies to your child. You can invite him to write down the misspelled word, spelling it correctly, and write this word for several lines. Thanks to this technique, the baby will think about where he made a mistake and remember the spelling of this word.

The graphic image of words, which is remembered by a person forever, is of great importance. Therefore, it is important to develop in a child the ability to memorize a word and not make mistakes in it.

How to quickly teach a child to write dictations correctly: secret No. 3

Everyone knows that writing and reading are closely related. If a person reads a lot, he will write correctly. Therefore, the next secret is related specifically to reading, but some nuances should be taken into account.

Secret #3: Reading out loud systematically

  • Independent reading develops memory and attention. But you need to read aloud, as young children better perceive the information that they speak.
  • Choose books that are interesting to your baby. But remember what is right literary language represented only by some classic writers: Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, Turgenev.
  • First let the child read as he writes- syllable by syllable, pronouncing each letter. Then you can move on to reading as we speak.
  • Reading by role- it’s interesting, entertaining and will help you remember individual words better.

How to quickly teach a child to write dictations correctly: secret No. 4

Little children love to play. Even big girls and boys better remember some knowledge gained in the game. Therefore, we continue to reveal the secrets of successfully learning to write correctly.

Secret #4: Learning as a game

  • You can make cards with words for kids, in which the child most often makes mistakes.
  • Hang them above the table or play a game, in which you first need to write a word, and then a card with it will appear. You can offer to pull out a card and explain the spelling of a particular word.
  • It is better to offer older children to be a teacher for a while. Let your child imagine himself at school, but in the role of a teacher who explains to his students new topic by spelling. The child must also take a dictation, and mom or dad must write it, preferably correctly.

Thanks to this technique, the child will learn to write correctly, but this will take some time. Don't demand everything at once. The child should not develop an aversion to the learning process. It is important to instill a love of books and learning; only a positive attitude from teachers, parents and the child himself will help.

How to quickly teach a child to write dictations correctly: secret No. 5

The child must see the parents' interest in his good results. If a child observes that mom and dad don’t care how he studies and what he does at school, then most likely such a child will not achieve high results. The game, which will be described below, will help teach Russian grammar to fourth and fifth graders.

Secret #5: Mutual verification

  • Sit with your child at different tables and dictate short texts to each other.
  • Parents need to make a few mistakes on purpose.
  • Then exchange written dictations with your child., and check them for errors.
  • If the child does not see the inaccuracies on his own, then you need to tell him how many words have incorrectly written letters.

This game helps develop memory and attention. The child will better remember the spelling of words and will use commas and other punctuation marks correctly.

How to teach a primary school child to write correctly: recommendations and advice from an experienced teacher

If you have a question about how to teach Russian grammar to a primary school student, then the advice of experienced teachers will help you. Here are recommendations with which a child can achieve good results after 2-3 months of hard work:

Motivate your children

  • Teenagers and primary school children do not yet understand why they need to study well and write correctly.
  • Parents and teachers must convey to children that the correct spelling of words in the Russian language is the basis of life by which a child’s growing up is judged.
  • Let your child come to your work and see how important it is to be able to write correctly in business papers, when drawing up contracts and various legal papers.

If your child has dysgraphia

  • Contact a speech therapist. Often, parents cannot distinguish whether their child is absent-minded or has serious impairments in the reproduction of speech on paper—dysgraphia.
  • If a child changes syllables, comes up with his own endings in words, does not write capital letters, goes beyond the margins, does not pay attention to the line, then you should contact a speech therapist and psychologist.
  • Experts will give recommendations and help cope with this childhood illness.

Buy a special collection of texts

  • For each class there are words necessary for memorization.
  • Ask your teacher for a list of these words and ask him to recommend a collection of dictations.

Dictations shouldn't be a daily activity.

  • It is enough 2 times a week for the first 2 months, and then 1 time every 7-10 days.
  • Dictation should be a control test activity, and not a child’s daily torment.

Remember: Children do not learn the same way. Some people begin to write correctly immediately, while others need several months or even years to learn good literacy, and this is normal.

How to teach a middle school child to write correctly: recommendations from an experienced teacher

If a child has already graduated from primary school and has a problem with literacy, then it is worth starting to study with him right now. The later you postpone additional classes, the more difficult it will be for your child to learn to write correctly. Here are some recommendations from an experienced teacher on how to teach Russian grammar to a sixth and seventh grader:

  • The teacher or parents must dictate the texts several times, in which gross errors are made. Complex words - pay attention to them separately. If mistakes are made, then you need to sort them out with a detailed analysis.
  • At this age, children are also interested in learning through play.. For example, you can offer to create a crossword puzzle.
  • Prepare before the dictation: repeat the rules, words from the dictionary, complete tasks the same as they will be in class.
  • During the dictation, listen carefully to the teacher and pay attention to punctuation marks. There is no need to look at someone else’s notebook, as you can write off other people’s mistakes. You should not write in advance, even if it seems that you remember the text.
  • Innate literacy is a term we are used to. But in fact, this term refers to a good visual memory for spelling words.

Those who like to read a lot usually have good literacy, as they see examples of the correct spelling of words. When reading, give preference to classical literature.

How to teach high school students and adults to write correctly: recommendations from an experienced teacher

High school students must be able to write correctly, since it is important to pass exams well in order to enter a university, and the Russian language is a mandatory exam after the 9th and 11th grades. How to teach Russian grammar to a ninth and tenth grader? Here are some tips:

  • Hand memory. It has long been proven that our hands have memory, that is, we can do with our hands what our brain seems to have forgotten. Also with words, the hand will write out the word itself. But for this you need to practice a lot - write, write and write again.
  • Buy spelling dictionary . If you have doubts about the correct spelling of a word, you can always look up its spelling.
  • Write a dictionary of hard-to-remember words. It will help to have a notebook on hand, which you can look into at any time and see the correct spelling of a difficult word.
  • Exercise regularly. High school students can write dictations at least every day, unlike kids. You need to understand for yourself that literacy is not an innate human trait, but the result of hard training. It is important to write a lot and not lose interest in such activities, then the words will be easy to remember.

Many people believe that in the eleventh grade it is too late to start learning literacy if it has not been mastered before then. But experienced teachers assure that it's never too late to learn, and if you try, you can improve your literacy in one year and pass the exam well.

Now you know how to teach Russian grammar to a primary school student, eighth grader or adult. The main thing is to do it with interest, tuning in to a positive wave and an excellent final result.

Video: Dictation. How to write a dictation for 5? Why is writing dictations difficult?