The man is weak and curious. Just as Pandora's box opened and misfortunes and illnesses rained down on the human race, people are trying to look beyond the forbidden line and find out the hidden future.

Hence the belief in healers and magicians. It’s amazing, but many methods really work, which is why methods of communicating with otherworldly forces are passed on from person to person.

The Orthodox Church is categorically against table turnings, predictions and, considering communication with satanic forces to be a great sin and completely denying the influence of bright angels.

Prediction using such a cheap and simple tool as a pendulum has been known since ancient times. The ability to detect vibrations or radiation is called radiesthesia. This phenomenon is attributed to human paranormal abilities. The pendulum serves as a tool for receiving answers from the subconscious. The first image of a man holding a vine dates back to the eighth century BC.

Fortune telling was a serious hobby in Babylon, Mesopotamia, the state of Urartu, the Roman Empire and Greece. Cicero and Tacitus spoke about the possibility of predicting fate.

During the reign of the Roman Emperor Valens, two magicians decided to use a pendulum to find out the name of the future successor to the throne. Having placed a bowl of water and arranged the twenty-four letters of the Latin alphabet in a circle, the magicians, using a pendulum, one by one recognized the letters from which the desired name began to be formed. Having received the first letters - TEOD, the predictors hastened to complete the word.

Either the conceit of the magicians failed, or haste, but, having learned about his successor, the emperor executed Theodore, and at the same time the two ill-fated magicians. And subsequently Theodosius sat on the throne.

Another incredible incident happened with the Ring of the Nibelungs. The German epic describes carts full of gold that King Hagen drowned in the Rhine. The ring helped find the treasure.

The great minds of mankind tried to look into the future: the sage Solomon, Aristotle, Newton, Lomonosov, Goethe, Catherine the Second, Martin Luther. They told fortunes in palaces and shacks.

With the help of a pendulum, they looked for answers to questions about life and death, the location of treasures and sources of water.

By decree of Empress Catherine II, the vine was included in the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk, as a great symbol of radiesthesia.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Germany seriously considered the issue of using the pendulum in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. We wanted to introduce work skills training with him in medical institutes, but it turned out that only a quarter of the students perceive vibrations and waves from magical objects.

Most people are incapable of dowsing. Develop your sensitivity. As in any business, interaction with a pendulum requires experience and skills.

Operating principle

Living and inanimate objects emit radiation that has the same frequency range as the human astral body. Radiation affects the subconscious. Signals from it are transmitted to hand movements and help the fortuneteller answer certain questions. If you work correctly with the subconscious, then fortune telling on a pendulum will come true.

In what areas of knowledge is the use of a pendulum used?

  1. Search for water sources and mineral deposits.
  2. Search for sunken ships and schools of fish.
  3. Search for missing people and objects.

Psychic Uri Geller, speaking on Soviet television, repaired a faulty watch using the influence of his biofield. Later, with a frame in his hands, he flew over the impenetrable jungles of Brazil in search of oil deposits, thanks to which he earned a million dollars, as he found large reserves of oil.

IN everyday life The pendulum is asked questions about the compatibility of products, about the treatment of diseases, about the use of this or that medicine, and with its help they find geopathogenic zones in the apartment.

Popular healers and magicians

Bulgarian healer Decho Kanaliev uses a pendulum made from a piece of raw lime suspended on an elastic band. . Using cardboard, on which numbers from 0 to 10,000 are drawn, Decho identifies the patient’s disease and herbs for healing. He assigned a number to each disease. The healer makes diagnoses strangers even from a distance and can find out how the treatment is progressing.

Another psychic, A.P. Babich, receives patients in Kharkov. His pendulum consists of a piece of January suspended on a thread. Before starting to work with the patient, Babich asks the magical instrument about compatibility with the person and, having received a positive answer, begins treatment by swinging a pendulum over the patient's head.

How to make a pendulum for fortune telling with your own hands

Do you want to know the truth about your future? Then let's get started. We make a pendulum with our own hands at home.

Any materials are suitable for this:

  1. metals;
  2. crystals;
  3. tree;
  4. glass;
  5. amber.

Use the keys to rings, nuts, paper clips. The main thing is that the pendulum is sensitive to your biofield and the object swings smoothly, without deviating only in one direction.

Hang the pendulum on a thread fifteen or twenty centimeters long. The heavier the item, the longer the thread will be required. You should not use synthetic or woolen thread; natural cotton yarn is best.

The weight of the pendulum should not be too light or heavy, otherwise it will be difficult to read the information. The shape can also be any, but pointed objects are suitable for working with maps and tables.

Do not give your instrument into the hands of another person, otherwise you will lose contact with the pendulum or disrupt the settings for your biofield.

You can make several pendulums for use in different areas. Through experience you will determine when and which one is better to use.

Homemade pendulums are no worse than purchased ones, but a purchased fortune teller’s assistant, purchased with pleasure, will be more beautiful than a nut hanging on a thread. When buying, hold the item in your hands, if it responds to you with warmth, take it, otherwise you will not be able to tune in to fortune telling.

How to work with a pendulum correctly

  1. It is very simple to prepare the pendulum for use. Wash it warm water To wash away the influence of someone else's biofield, wear it in your breast pocket, strengthen the connection between the biofield and the object.
  2. It is not recommended to work with a pendulum after eating, as a person needs strength to digest. Exciting drinks such as tea or coffee are prohibited. After them, a person cannot concentrate.
  3. Choosing the time of day for fortune telling is also important. The periods from 18:00 to 19:00 and from 22:00 to 23:00 are not recommended.

On a piece of paper, draw out several areas for which you determine positive, negative, and ambiguous answers.

How to ask questions correctly when fortune telling? It is very important to tune in internally to silence and calm down. Sit comfortably at the table, place your hand on your elbow, and place the other palm up. While concentrating, you need to clearly formulate your questions so as not to receive ambiguous answers. You can change the wording to... It is not recommended to work with a pendulum for a long time, since human forces are not dimensionless, you will lose contact with your biofield and the answers will be distorted.

You need to decide which representative of the subtle world you will communicate with to receive information. This question is very serious. Be careful not to be caught by evil entities who are having fun sucking the energy out of the fortune teller. And remember that your payment for discovering the secrets of the future will be your life energy. Therefore, do not waste it in vain, but formulate your questions correctly without offending your interlocutor. Otherwise, you will have to deal with jokers who can have a very negative influence on a person and greatly frighten him with their answers.

Candles have long been used for fortune telling. Their main purpose is to expel hostile entities. Therefore, when starting to work with the pendulum, clean the room, light candles or incense sticks.

Now let’s try to tune in to a pure interlocutor. It is very useful to read some prayer. Our Father, for example. This will also help you when working with the brownie..

Be grateful for any help; your interlocutors will sincerely try to help you.

If you are looking for something lost outside the house, then the brownie, no matter how hard he tries, will not help you find it. Although he will throw something very similar. It's not his fault that you sowed the item somewhere else.

How to ask questions correctly when fortune telling

The pendulum can answer simple questions: yes, no, maybe. That's why it's so important to formulate your question. If all conditions are met, the fortune-telling will definitely come true.

Sometimes the object starts to swing different sides, confusing predictions. This means that the wrong time for fortune telling has been chosen; you should repeat the session later, when your subconscious mind is ready to receive vibrations.

Much has been written, but little or no clear consistent methodology has been written. First of all, you need to choose an assistant. Buy the pendulum to which your soul lies (the one that looks at you). It can be made of any material: metal, crystal, wood or stone. You can make a pendulum yourself: put some weight on a string (an earring, a pebble, a bolt, etc.). When you come home, clean it from the negativity that stuck in the workshop, in the store, or on the street when you were walking home.

Cleansing takes place in different ways, depending on what is convenient for you. There is a simple way: you need to take the pendulum and put it in a plate or any other vessel with salt (do not use if the pendulum is metal). There should be enough salt to cover it all. And let the pendulum lie in it for a day. Remove from the salt (salt into the toilet), wash off the remaining salt on the pendulum with running water. Wipe with a dry, clean cloth. And start using it. If the pendulum is metal, then rinse with running water three times in a row. Say for the first time: “I wash away all the negativity,” for the second, “I fill it with positivity,” for the third, “I activate the work of the pendulum.” After the cleansing ritual, wipe with a dry, clean cloth.

Next, you need to consciously determine whether you are ready for work. There are certain taboos to working with: do not work for material gain; not out of curiosity; not for the sake of boasting or demonstrating superiority; do not look into the future; do not treat the results as indisputable; Do not work when you are in a bad mood or when you are sick. You also need to turn off the flow of thoughts in your head; it is better to start working in solitude. State your question clearly without double meaning. Having thought it through carefully, the work begins.

You need to take the thread of the pendulum in your hand, in a working position, in two, three, or by winding it around your fist. Extend your hand forward and stop the pendulum from rotating. When he stops, ask him (out loud or silently): “If the question and the answer are “Yes,” then how?” He will show some movement, remember it. “If the question and the answer are “No,” then how?” - again a new movement.

Then ask: “Can you work with him now?” And it shows the movement "Yes" or "No". If “Yes”, then work by asking simple questions with the answer “Yes”\”No”. If he forbids you to work, then ask after what time you can work with the pendulum, and list the time intervals in turn (5, 10, 20, 30, etc. minutes). The main reasons for prohibiting work are: external or magical interference; unclear question; too strong a desire to know the result; complete disinclination to work; overwork; absent-mindedness; lack of composure; lack of trust in; Akashic time (negative time – time of death).

As a result, with increasing experience, you can ask any questions you are interested in. The main thing is to periodically clean the pendulum and monitor its cleanliness, because dirt/negativity from your hands will transfer to the pendulum.

And the list of works with a pendulum is very long: position groundwater, determine the size of your biofield, healthy or clogged chakras, pathogenic zones, charge the water, get answers to your questions, etc. Working with a pendulum is easy and pleasant; you don’t need any special talent as a wizard, the main thing is to believe in it and everything will work out.

Many people tend to ask the pendulum questions that it is not able to answer due to completely natural limitations. For example, a pendulum cannot answer your question: “Should I spend my summer vacation in New Orleans or San Francisco?” In this case, you should split the question into two parts and ask about each city in turn.

You could also rephrase your question as follows: “Will I enjoy my vacation if I spend it in New Orleans?” Then ask the same about San Francisco.

It is possible that in both cases you will receive a positive answer. Then you should ask a more specific question: "Will my vacation be more fulfilling if I spend it in New Orleans rather than San Francisco?" No matter what answer you get, it's a good idea to follow up by asking the same question about another city to see what happens.

When holding the pendulum, concentrate on the question. Repeat it to yourself over and over again. If an extraneous thought comes into your head, throw it away and concentrate on the question again. This is necessary because the pendulum can answer a random thought, and not the originally posed question.

The pendulum can bring you considerable benefits when it comes to your work and career. Eat good way save time by asking the pendulum questions that include expressions such as “instead”, “better” or “preferably”, for example; “Should I go back to college and finish my education, or should I continue working and be content with my current salary?” If the pendulum gives a positive answer, you will know what to do. If the answer is no, you can ask another question: "Should I continue working at my corporation instead of going back to college?"

In general, it is better to ask a whole series of simple questions than to formulate one complex one that includes all aspects of the problem that interests you. The time difference will be quite insignificant, but the answer in the first case will be much clearer.

Sometimes the pendulum will convey to you with its movement: “I don’t want to answer.” If this happens, look at the form in which you asked him your question and see if you could phrase it differently. It is possible that by dividing your initial question into two or three simpler ones, you will eventually achieve the desired answer.

Possible uses of the pendulum

The possibilities of the pendulum are almost limitless. I sometimes like to ask him questions about the earliest days of my childhood. And the pendulum is able to tell me a lot of things that I have long forgotten. By doing this, I found out what my first words were, at what age I took my first steps, and many other things that were interesting to me. If your parents are still alive, you can easily check the accuracy of this information. And over time, when you become convinced of the reliability of the information received, your faith in the capabilities of the pendulum will certainly increase. You can also ask the pendulum other questions that concern you personally: “Am I afraid of being too frank?” or “Am I worthy of the respect of others?” Of course, you need to evaluate each of the answers you receive to such questions. As you already know, your desires can influence the movements of the pendulum. Accordingly, we cannot exclude the possibility that you will not receive a truthful answer, but the one you hope to hear. It is no less interesting to ask the pendulum about your loved ones. Not long ago, my distant relatives decided to spend their vacation in our city. Before they came to visit me, I asked the pendulum a variety of questions,

remembering to ask what they like and what they don’t. As a result, my relatives were quite impressed by the fact that when I served them tea at the table, I already knew in advance which of them liked black tea and which preferred to drink it with milk.

A few months ago, a friend of mine was recovering from a long illness. We both went on a short trip, giving his family a chance to get some rest. Before the trip, I used my pendulum to find out what movies he liked to watch and what tourist activities might attract his attention.

If my wife and I are planning to go to the cinema, but we don’t know which movie is worth watching, I also turn to the pendulum for advice. I hang him above the poster in the daily newspaper or ask him questions about each movie.

All these experiments are very simple and unpretentious, but they help make your life more rich and interesting. And the more often you use the pendulum, the more possibilities for its use you will discover.

Questions about the future

Nothing can stop you from asking the pendulum about your future. But if you start asking it questions about yourself, the pendulum will most likely tell you what you want to hear. This answer can be either correct or incorrect.

Let's say you want to know what the weather will be next Thursday. Ask the pendulum if it will be a sunny day. Once you know this, ask about temperature, wind, etc.

As soon as you learn how to work with a pendulum, your friends will want to find out with your help the outcome of certain events. They will not ignore various competitions and gambling. Based on my own experience, I can say that the pendulum does not like these kinds of questions and prefers not to answer them (or else it will give you incorrect information).

I know a man who used a pendulum to determine the winner of a horse race. At first everything went well, and he made larger and larger bets. But then the pendulum began to give him incorrect information, and he lost the money he initially earned. Finally he realized what was happening and stopped playing at the races. And in the end he found himself in the same financial situation as before the race.

Richard Webster, Pendulum for Beginners

One of the most commonly used tools for fortune telling, divination and reconnaissance is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something that anyone can learn, master, and experiment with.

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It is not made of a magnetic substance, but is often a crystal. You can also use objects such as a favorite keychain, ball, metal ball or even a key. The pendulum is a very simple tool that allows the user to tune into intuitive possibilities. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves differently in response to questions.

The pendulum can be used in various ways. In its simplest form, it can be used to answer questions or help make decisions. Pendulums can also be used for:

  • For healing purposes and identifying allergies.
  • Cleansing and dispelling negativity in the room.
  • To help find lost objects or pets.

How does a pendulum work?

The pendulum works by tapping into intuition and the sixth sense and acts as a receiver and transmitter from higher leadership, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, it answers questions - and approaches yes or no questions. Some people describe the pendulum as bringing together the rational and intuitive sides (the left and right sides of the brain). When these two elements come together, decisions can be made using all sources, not just one.

Where do the answers come from?

Many people wonder where the answers come from and debate whether it really works or is it just a pendulum that reacts to the movement of the user's hand. Despite the fact that a pendulum can, of course, be made to move with your own movements, this is not always the case, and after practice you can see why. As with any form of divination, using a pendulum requires a degree of faith, belief, and a decidedly open mind, as answers come from intuition and from higher spiritual guides.

What kind of pendulum is needed for fortune telling?

There are many pendulums available for exploration, but you don't have to buy a fancy, expensive pendulum to get good results. In fact, the type of pendulum you choose depends in part on what fits. Many people prefer to use a crystal pendulum.
For example, clear quartz is a popular choice as the crystal is associated with clarity and connecting with more high goal. Amethyst, which has a strong connection to the spiritual, is also often popular as a pendulum with the calming properties of rose quartz crystal.
Ultimately, whatever crystal is your favorite or the one that feels the most attraction can be used on a pendulum as long as it is rounded or points to one end. In fact, it is even possible to have more than one pendulum, for different occasions. When you work for the first time, you can practice using a homemade or hand-held pendulum.
For example, you can use a rounded glass ball, a metal ball, or even a key suspended from the end of a simple cord.

How to prepare to work with a pendulum?

When you feel like working with a pendulum, you can move on to a better, professional pendulum. Before you start using the pendulum, you need to:
Before using the pendulum, it is advisable to first clean it and energize it. The easiest way to clean a pendulum is to place it on a windowsill under straight sunlight during the day so that it catches the sun's rays.
To charge it with energy, hold the pendulum in your hands, covering it with your hands. Then spend a short time (5 to 15 minutes is good) sitting quietly, with your eyes closed, focusing the energy on your pendulum. If you wish, you can say a prayer or ask your spirit guides or guardian angels for their support and guidance when using the pendulum. Once the pendulum is cleaned and charged, it is recommended that you store it in a safe place. Many people like to wrap their pendulums in silk or take them out in a small velvet storage bag.

How to get started using a pendulum?

The chain or cord of the pendulum should be held between the thumb and forefinger, where ever the hand feels most comfortable. Some pendulums have a small metal loop or ring at the top of the chain that makes them easy to hold. Ideally, the pendulum chain should not be too long, especially when first starting to work with the pendulum, so if it seems too long or there is an extra string or chord, you can easily wrap it around your index finger.
When ready to begin, sit with the pendulum held between the thumb and forefinger of one hand and run the other hand along the entire length of the pendulum chain or cord, causing your hand to rest on the lower end of the pendulum. Inverted palm. The pendulum should now be completely stationary and you can move your hand away from the bottom of the pendulum. When you move it, the pendulum will probably start moving. This is completely normal.

How to calibrate a pendulum?

Try to be as relaxed as possible (the calmer you feel, the better the energy will flow) and sit watching the pendulum as it moves. This may stop after a while, and you can start looking for the definition of the “yes” and “no” of the pendulum. Ask the pendulum out loud or in your mind, “Please show the answer is YES.” Take the time to look up the answer - it may not be a big deal at first, but that's okay as it takes time to find out the answer.
Try the same thing again, asking the pendulum to show NO answer. Don't worry if you can't tell the difference between "yes" and "no" - this is completely normal at first, and you should understand that the more you practice, the better you will get.

For example, some pendulums will make wide circular movements in response to “yes” and “back” or “forward” in response to “no”. It is useful to repeat this exercise several times until you are happy with the “yes” and “no” answers of the pendulum. Sometimes these can change over time, if someone uses or tests the pendulum, they may need to do it again to recharge it with energy.

What type of questions are best to ask a pendulum?

The pendulum is better at answering questions that have “yes” or “no” answers. When you start and practice, ask simple questions, for example, “Is it Tuesday?”, “Name best friend Vanya? Or “I live in the UK?” This will help you better understand how the pendulum reacts and help you gain more confidence in using it.
, you can ask questions about decisions you make in your personal life, such as whether to buy a certain type of car. You can try fun exercises such as finding a castle, ruin or water on the map. Keep the pendulum above various parts cards and see the answers. As you become more experienced, this method can also be used to detect lost people or animals.

What if the pendulum doesn't work?

There are some cases when the pendulum may not work, or you get incorrect answers to questions. This can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Perhaps the “yes” and “no” movements of the pendulum were misinterpreted.
  2. If tested, agitated, emotional, or feeling out of sorts, the pendulum may not be working properly.
  3. If you are not relaxed enough or feel unwell.
  4. You may be too close to electrical or high-frequency equipment, which could affect the pendulum.
  5. The questions were formulated incorrectly - they should be simple and specific.
  6. Not concentrating enough - sometimes you have to wait a while to get an answer.
  7. You may have to try using a different pendulum as it may not be compatible with the energy.

The main thing to remember is to relax, keep trying and have an open mind. The more you train, the better your skills and then with the help of a pendulum you can get good results.

https://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/to-ekkremes-150x150.jpg 2017-04-11T15:34:49+07:00 PsyPage Reflection Fortune telling, Pendulum, pendulum for fortune telling, Image of the world, Real world, EsotericsOne of the most commonly used tools for fortune telling, prediction and intelligence is the pendulum. The art of using the pendulum is something that anyone can learn and master and experiment with. What is a pendulum? A pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that hangs from a single chain or cord. It's not made of magnetic material, but...PsyPage PsyPage [email protected] Author website

I am sharing with you lessons from the pendulum school, where I myself once studied. The technique itself is not complicated and seems simple. But, nevertheless, using it, I quickly taught the pendulum to work for itself and give the correct answers. You can teach a frame to work in the same way.

A pendulum is a so-called radiaesthetic effect, known to mankind since ancient times. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "sensation of waves, vibrations."

Energy radiation emanating from living and non-living objects can be qualitatively determined using indicators such as a pendulum and a frame. We are talking about information-energy radiations that have the same frequency range as the human astral body and its subconscious (from an energy point of view, the subconscious is part of the astral body, they have a common bioenergy field, which is integral part general human biofield).

These radiations are perceived by the sixth astral sense organ and are transmitted not to consciousness, but to the subconscious (since it is the subconscious that is able to perceive information transmitted in the same frequency range in which it operates).

The subconscious automatically (in addition to consciousness), having processed the information, produces certain answers to certain attitudes or questions of consciousness through the movements of the hands in which the pendulum or frame is located.

Application of a pendulum in life

There won’t be enough fingers on your hands if you start counting the “professions” of the pendulum. And now their number is only increasing. So, if earlier they searched for water with a pendulum or a vine (frame) in their hands - at all times, and successfully, now they are still searching for sunken ships and places where fish accumulate.

They are looking for people in the rubble of mines, during earthquakes and in snow avalanches. They search and find! And fossil deposits are still being discovered in this strange way.
A person who has learned to work well with a pendulum will answer any of these questions correctly and quickly.

Shape and material for pendulums

When choosing a pendulum, you need to follow your intuition and choose the one that will listen to you better. You can make yourself a pendulum and hang it on a thread. The best shape for a pendulum: cone-shaped or teardrop-shaped.

Optimal pendulum weight : 10 - 18 grams;
Optimal thread length : 10 - 18 cm (depending on the size of the elbow and the weight of the pendulum).

It is better to take a double thread from a non-synthetic fabric, make several knots on it to reduce axial rotation. The weight should not be too light, but not too heavy either. In general, small light pendulums begin to work easier and faster. Larger and heavier ones begin to work with difficulty and rotate more slowly.

They can be made from various materials:
Wood - machine or handmade.
Clay - man-made polymer clay and natural clay.
Glass – cut, blown, molded, etc.
Stone - black obsidian, rose quartz, orange calcite, clear quartz, sodalite, amethyst, citrine, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, amber.

I do not recommend buying a pendulum made of metal. Since metal can distort information. The less metal, the more accurate the information. Better made from natural material. The rope on which the pendulum will hang is best made from cotton thread or pure wool. I have almost the same, only amethyst)))

So, let's go. We take a piece of paper where there are circles with arrows with the words YES - NO.

So, take the pendulum by the thread with two fingers (15-25 cm from the pendulum) and bring it to the piece of paper, try holding it, adjust the length of the thread and say simple words.

“I ask you, my higher self, you, my spirit, you, my guardian angel, to help me adjust the pendulum correctly and correctly.”

Task 1

Bring *YES* to the circle and tell the pendulum that it is *YES* and ask it to start spinning clockwise, if it is silent, help it, that is, explain that it is YES.

Then bring it to the circle *NO* and do the same. Then simply go to the YES arrows and from them to the NO arrows. After this, bring it up, just as you brought the pendulum, but without prompting, and watch over it. If someone doesn’t succeed on the first day, then they don’t move on to task 2, etc.

Attention! Before working with the pendulum, you must stop it with your hand, because it will spin due to the fact that the thread is twisted, wait until it stops spinning and start working.

At what distance should the pendulum be held from the sheet? Keep 5-10 cm from the leaf

The psychic must get used to the pendulum indicator and accustom himself to unconditionally believe in it. At the slightest doubt, the indicator will react instantly: it will begin to give incorrect answers. REMEMBER that it is not the PENDULUM THAT MAKES an ERROR - BUT YOU YOURSELF MAKE IT. The reason should be sought within yourself.

Task 2

You can write the alphabet yourself on paper so that it is convenient for the pendulum to answer, or just take (if anyone has it) the children's alphabet (as in the photo). Bring the pendulum to a letter and ask it what letter it is. For example: “Is this the letter A?” Remove it from this letter. Bring it to it again and ask him again: “Is this the letter A?” Then remove the pendulum from the letter A and bring it to any other. And ask him: “Is this the letter A?” Let him answer you with a YES or NO answer.

Then, for the correct answer, bring it up to the letter A again, so that it gives you a firm answer to the letter A. In short, practice with the alphabet or numbers.

For the frame (if you are teaching it, it is better to hang the letters on the wall)

Task 3

Take something edible and inedible, place it at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Ask the pendulum a question - indicate where it is edible with the answer YES and where it is not edible with the answer NO. Take products that are good for our body, because if the product contains preservatives in the form of all sorts of E, the pendulum can show that the product is NOT edible.

Task 4

Write down the words (for example) that I wrote for you below, bringing them up to the word, ask whether it’s edible or not, and see how the pendulum answers.


Task 5

Asking a question: “Who wrote the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish?”

Karl Marx

And so approach from the simplest questions to more complex ones. In this way, you train the pendulum to answer you the right questions. To train, you can ask him anything for the answer YES or NO and he must answer you. For example: " My name is Sveta?" And he must answer you correctly.

Task 6

Take any deck of cards and select any 5 cards. Write them down.

Then shuffle the selected 5 cards, face down, and place them on the table in any order. Start looking for cards - all 5 in turn. That is, for example, you playing cards: Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, 6 of spades, 7 of diamonds, 9 of clubs. There will be 5 entries in total.

Ask: “Where is the ace of diamonds?” and holding over each of the cards, clarify: “Is this the Ace of Diamonds?” And the task is to understand whether the pendulum tells you yes or no. Where he says yes, turn the card over. After turning over the card, all 5 cards should be shuffled again and look for the next card. And so 5 times.

Wash the new pendulum under running water for a couple of minutes (it will probably take away previously accumulated information). Then hold it in your hands and carry it in your breast pocket so that it absorbs your vibration. Now the pendulum is ready to work with you. Do not give it to anyone and carry it with you often.

You need to use the pendulum that works best for you. You can create a small collection of pendulums, each of which will be used for specific purposes.

Never let anyone touch your pendulum, it is only for you. It will be full of your energy. You should not allow another person to use it or even touch it, and then it will work more powerfully and better.

When buying a pendulum, it must be CLEANED of all energy traces and attachments so that it knows only you and is attached only to you. This can be done with the help of a simple ritual. The cleaning procedure is simple and takes from one to three days, but in the most severe cases - if you need to clean a working pendulum of negativity - up to 9 days.

Take a container, box or cup. Also take coarse salt (for pickling). Pour half of the salt into a box or cup, put the pendulum there along with a storage bag and a chain, wrapped in fabric, which will then be your canvas for working with the pendulum (the color is at your discretion, the main thing is plain). Read the following spell over salt 9 or 12 times, focusing as much as possible on the process:

Solony salt,
Earth element,
You have been purifying everyone for centuries,
You take away negativity from everywhere,
You absorb into your crystals -
Also, take away all the negativity from these items (list),
Take it into your crystals,
Cleanse my pendulum (and list the rest) from filth and lies,
And then take all the negativity with you into the earth with cheese!
So be it!

Then add the rest of the salt. The more dignified and respectful you treat your pendulum, the clearer and more accurate your predictions will be.

And one more thing - regarding cleaning: when you take the pendulum out of the salt, I recommend doing it outside the house - on the street somewhere or on the balcony, so that the negative salt does not crumble at home and there is no unnecessary contact with it. Leave the salt and the bags in which they carried it right there on the street - the salt can be right on the ground, and take the bags to the trash.

Consecration of the pendulum

Below I give an example of a simple blessing ritual. Don't be afraid to deviate from it or rework it to fit your lifestyle as closely as possible. Know that there is no right or wrong way to bless the manic system, and whatever blessing you choose will definitely work.


One purple or white candle
Incense (you can also use an aroma stick)

  • Start by lighting a candle and burning incense, draw a straight pentagram in a circle directly on the altar (with chalk), and then place a pendulum in the center of the pentagram.
  • Close your eyes and visualize how the energy of all 4 elements flows into the pentagram and accumulates in it and this process goes on constantly - the energy becomes denser and constantly flows into the space of the pentagram. Then take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.
  • After four or five inhalations and exhalations, open your eyes and pass the pendulum through the incense smoke, saying something like: "I consecrate you with the power of the air." Take a deep breath of its purity and beauty.
  • Taking care not to burn your hand or the pendulum, quickly pass the pendulum through the candle flame. Tell: " I consecrate you with the power of fire, so that you can fulfill my desire."
  • Lightly sprinkle the pendulum with a few drops of water, saying: “I consecrate you with the power of water, Drink it to the bottom, making your way.”
  • Then drop a few grains of salt onto the pendulum, saying: “I consecrate you with the power of the Earth, on which the Seeds of Power can grow.”
  • And finally, raise the pendulum up at arm's length and say: “Power of the Pendulum, Give me your ability to see the truth; let it penetrate my soul - my mind. Through this pendulum, let the truth be revealed. So be it!”
  • Place the pendulum back in the center of the pentagram.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, try to evoke visual images of connecting with the pendulum. You will find that you feel him with ease, comprehending the inner meaning of his answers, feeling the vibrations.

Visualize how the accumulated energy in the pentagram flows into your pendulum, charging it - you need to give direction for this energy, that is, why you need it (connection with the general energy-information field of the universe, with some specific forces, strengthening your visionary abilities, establishing and strengthening a communication channel with you, etc.). At the same time, the energy of the elements continues to concentrate in the pentagram and flow into the pendulum. And leave the pendulum in the pentagram until the candle and incense stick burn out. Then put the pendulum in a bag and/or wrap it in cloth - something in which it will be stored in the future. The bag or fabric itself must also be cleaned along with the deck during cleaning and consecrated during this ritual.

Only the text for the pendulum's container (cloth or bags or both) is different:

Fill yourself with strength to accommodate this pendulum,
And guard my pendulum inside you,
And may the pendulum rest in peace,
While it is stored inside you!
So be it!

So, you set up your pendulum, it lied and answered correctly, now it’s time to learn how to work it correctly, I’m writing down all the points that you need to follow.

1. Before each work, you need to check the correct rotation of the pendulum according to the picture.

2. Ask a question before work: “Can I ask you questions today, here and now?” You must receive a YES or NO answer from the pendulum, if YES then you work, if NO then you remove it and no longer work today. If you get the answer YES, then ask the next question - how many questions can I ask? You start from 10 to go down or from 1 to 10 to the top, never exceed more than 10 questions a day.

a) After you have asked the questions, put the pendulum in your bag, after 10-30 minutes, take it out and repeat all your questions and observe the correctness of the answer, only after that do you give the answer to the person, or accept these answers for yourself.

3. You should always work without strangers, if someone asks you directly while sitting next to you, then you should ask the pendulum, can you ask questions to the person? If he answered YES, let him ask a question.

4. After working with the pendulum, be sure to thank him for his help.

5. Put it in its place.

6. No one should take your pendulum.

7. If your pendulum is lying during the control test, change your hand.

8. This applies only to women, in women's days do not work with the pendulum.

9. Do not work with the pendulum while intoxicated, even if you have drunk a little, you still won’t work.

10. The pendulum should work in silence, but there are emergency cases where it is noisy, and you need to get an answer, then ask the pendulum to apologize for the noise and ask it to work in the noise. Look at the answer - YES or NO

When starting to work with the pendulum, you need to achieve inner emptiness, when the internal word mixer quiets down (ideally, turns off), and you, concentrating on the question, issue a request “up”. For the answer to come, there needs to be an “empty” place where it can come. The pendulum, of course, will show you the answer, but you must be sure that at the moment of “letting go” of the question you were thinking about exactly what you wanted to ask. In short... turn off the internal dialogue

It often happens that a person tunes in to one thing, and then at the most crucial moment a crazy thought flashes - “oh, the kettle has turned off...” - and the setting turns out to be off. As a result, an incorrect answer was received. And who is to blame here?

If you want to tune in to the desired “interlocutor” from the Higher worlds

The next step is to select the “invisible interlocutor” you need and call him “in touch”. Which communication channel you use is up to you.

Depending on the type of information you need, try to choose a possible “respondent” and mentally call him. You can call out loud, but the situation must be suitable, otherwise completely earthly problems will arise.

You need to contact the entity you need and keep it in your field of vision the entire time of contact. You cannot disconnect from mental contact with her for a long time, no matter how unexpected the information you receive may be. If you forget about your “interlocutor” for more than 30 seconds, he may go “out of touch” - he may simply be crowded out by others who want to talk with you.

Moreover, they will do this unnoticed, without announcing the replacement of the interlocutor. And he will have nothing to confirm his rights to “communicate” with you - you have forgotten about him. If you do not detect a substitution, then you will continue to talk with someone completely different from the one you planned with. And you will get completely different information than you could. And who will be to blame for this besides you? Nobody.

Check your interlocutor.

Therefore, the next step is to make sure that exactly the entity that you called has come into contact with you. How to do this? This is not difficult if you have a two-way stable connection. That is, if you use a pendulum, a frame, or are in direct mental contact with an “invisible interlocutor.”

If they answer you one way or another, then go ahead! Ask who exactly contacted you. If you ask a direct question, no one can lie to you, there are such rules for the interaction of people and creatures Subtle world established by the Creator. Avoid answering, pretend to be someone or dissemble, as much as you like. Lying directly is not allowed.

So, if your interlocutor begins to avoid direct answers or comes up with loud names for himself like the Universal Mind or the Messenger of the Intergalactic Council, then politely say goodbye to him and again call on the entity that you need.

If she answers that she is “in touch” with you, interrogate her with passion. Make her swear that it's her. Threaten that if she breaks her oath, she will roast in the Underworld forever. Usually, such a prospect tempts few people, and uninvited interlocutors quickly leave the connection.

And the one you really called will give positive answers to such questions and calmly swear to what you ask. And don't be shy! Perhaps pure spirits are not very pleased to answer your verification questions. But it’s better for them to experience discomfort for a minute (they still belong to the service staff of our hotel) than for you to be deceived and become a victim of sinful spirits.

Sample dialogue when working with a pendulum

A mental dialogue when receiving information using a pendulum and tuning in to the Guardian Angel can look something like this:

— I call my Guardian Angel from the Divine Plane.

Is this a Guardian Angel? Yes (corresponding movement of the pendulum).

Are you a pure spirit from the Divine plane? Yes.

Are you a sinful spirit? No.

Are you a demon? No.

Are you the soul of man? No.

Are you some other entity of the Subtle World? No.

Do you swear that you are a pure spirit? Yes.

Do you know that if you break your oath, you will go to the Underworld? Yes.

May I receive information on the following question...”

This dialogue contains in italics questions that you can ask your Guardian Angel every time you call him or have interrupted contact with him for more than 30 seconds.

If you receive different answers, say goodbye to this entity and again mentally (or out loud) call your Guardian Angel.

Farewell to an uninvited interlocutor must be decisive and final. You can mentally tell your uninvited guest something like:

“I ask you to leave the connection and never go to my channel again. I invite you to get in touch...”

This verification procedure can be done with high degree reliability to tune in to exactly who you need. If possible, check who exactly contacted you. Otherwise, a situation may arise when you are proud of your direct contact with God the Father and thereby greatly amuse the “jokers” from the demonic plane.
