) - Cuban teacher and choreographer of Russian origin.

Nikolai Petrovich Yavorsky was born in Odessa in 1891. Studied at the Odessa Real School of St. Paul, took lessons from 1909 classical dance from the soloist of the Odessa Theater Kazimirov. He continued his education in, and during his studies in St. Petersburg, he did not give up ballet classes.

We owe a lot to Yavorsky, even taking into account the now obvious fact that his weak technical level of training made him not the most the best teacher. However, he became a true champion of the development of ballet in Cuba thanks to his inherent discipline, perseverance and enthusiasm. As a dancer he, of course, had quite disabilities and, although I cannot say this for sure, I am almost sure that emigration forced him to turn to art. At heart, he always remained a military man. His behavior and manners revealed that he was an officer accustomed to giving orders, and this authoritarianism turned out to be highest degree useful for teaching ballet."

Among the students at N.P. Yavorsky’s school was young Alicia Martinez del Hoyo, who later became known as Alicia Alonso. She first appeared on stage on December 29, 1931 at the reporting concert of the ballet school of the Society of Musical Arts at the Auditorium Theater. The following year, with school students in mind, Yavorsky staged P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty,” and on October 26, 1932, Alicia made her debut in the role of Princess Florina.

Thanks to his acquaintance with the leaders of the Russian Ballet of Monte Carlo, which toured Havana in March 1936, Yavorsky was able to provide his best students a trip to France and transfer to this famous and highly professional troupe.

N.P. Yavorsky taught at the ballet school of the Havana Society of Musical Art until the spring of 1939. From 1939–1941 he taught at his own private ballet studio in Havana's prestigious Vedado district. At the beginning of 1941, he was invited to head the ballet studio of the Society of Musical Arts in the city of Santiago de Cuba, where he moved.

In the last years of his life N.P. Yavorsky headed ballet school branch of the Society of Musical Art of the Province of Oriente. He died on October 9, 1947 in the city of Santiago de Cuba. He was buried in the municipal cemetery of Santa Ifigenia.

Nikolai Yavorsky cannot be considered one of the stars of world ballet of the first magnitude, but it is necessary to recognize his extraordinary pedagogical merits as the first teacher of a whole galaxy of outstanding Cuban artists. Unfortunately, Nikolai Yavorsky's efforts to create national school of the Cuban ballet, giving him every right to take his rightful place among its founders, were consigned to undeserved oblivion on the “Island of Liberty”. It is possible that his own professional quality choreographers did not fully correspond to the scale of this task, but the very fact of the Russian choreographer’s work with Afro-Cuban folklore material quite eloquently testifies to his deep interest and sincere affection for the culture of the distant tropical country that gave him refuge. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Cuban national ballet school created by his students, which today enjoys recognition and glory throughout the world, became a true monument to the tireless labors and truly selfless work of N.P. Yavorsky for the benefit of disseminating the art of classical dance.
Russians in Latin America Nechaev Sergey Yurievich


Chapter Ten


In 1931, the Havana Society of Musical Arts (Sociedad Pro-Arte Musicale - SPAM) established paid reading and recitation courses, games on the guitar, as well as our own ballet school. In the entire history of Cuba, this school became the first educational institution, professionally and purposefully engaged in teaching classical dance. The Russian emigrant Nikolai Petrovich Yavorsky, who happened to be in Havana at that time, was invited to lead the school.

This man was born in Odessa on February 23, 1891. In his youth, he took classical dance lessons from the soloist of the Odessa Theater Kazimirov. During the First World War, N.P. Yavorsky was an artillery officer, then during the Civil War he fought against the Red Army as part of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (VSYUR). In 1920, he emigrated to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, where he began dancing on the stage of the Belgrade National Theater. Then he took part in the Russian Private Opera in Paris. And finally, in 1931 he ended up in Cuba, in Havana.

Alicia Alonso

From the first day of organizing the ballet school, N.P. Yavorsky actively got to work. The first lessons from a famous foreign teacher, who performed on the most famous stages in Europe, were etched in the memory of his Cuban students for a long time. Many of them later became the main figures of the Cuban national ballet, and among them the outstanding Cuban ballerina Alicia Ernestina Martinez (Alonso), born in December 1921, stood out.

Ultimately, N.P. Yavorsky, thanks to the inherent former officer discipline, perseverance and enthusiasm, he became a true champion of the development of ballet in Cuba.

Already on December 29, 1931, the first public speaking pupils of N.P. Yavorsky. On January 9, 1932, their second performance with a similar program took place in the same theater. The young Cuban dancers again did not let their Russian teacher down and consolidated last year's success. The first season of the SPAM ballet school ended on June 1, 1932, and then the capital's newspapers published a message about enrollment for the next year. The first Cuban ballerinas now had to prepare for new productions and improve their skills under the tireless guidance of their favorite teacher.

The key performance of the next season was the production full version ballet by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Sleeping Beauty”. The premiere took place on October 26, 1932. N.P. Yavorsky adapted the complex choreography of Marius Petipa to the still very modest technical capabilities of his charges. Princess Aurora was danced by the undisputed favorite of N.P. Yavorsky, Delfina Perez Gurri. Alicia Martinez, who was barely eleven years old, performed in the solo part of the Blue Bird. According to eyewitnesses, she coped well with this difficult male part. Even then she realized that ballet was her whole life. The costumes and scenery of the Cuban artist Rogelio Dalmau, who from that day on designed almost all SPAM ballet performances, added grace and charm to the production. Photo reports about the premiere did not leave the pages of fashionable illustrated magazines “Social” and “Karteles” for a long time.

The next few years of activity of the SPAM ballet school were marked by development creative potential former and new students and students. By November 5, 1933, N.P. Yavorsky prepared a new concert program, again presented to the audience of the Auditorium Theater. Literally before our eyes, Alicia Martinez, who was improving her dance technique, performed in choreographic sketches to the music of various composers. That evening, some of the students of N.P. Yavorsky of the last intake also distinguished themselves: sisters Olga and Elena Thomson, Josefina de Cardenas, Carola Panerai. The following year, “The Blue Danube,” “Polka Coquette,” and “Polovtsian Dances” were staged. These performances became evidence of the powerful creative growth of a whole galaxy of young Cuban artists.

Poster for the Russian Ballet of Monte Carlo

Around the same time, taking advantage of a brief stop in Havana by one of the former directors of the Russian Private Opera in Paris, Vasily Grigorievich Voskresensky, who in those years directed the troupe of the Russian Ballet of Monte Carlo (Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo), N.P. Yavorsky managed to agree on the inclusion of his most capable students in the Russian troupe. There, in his opinion, they could finally take the position of professional dancers, acquire great experience performances abroad and seriously improve your technical level. Delfina Perez Gurri was the first to go to Europe, according to the agreement signed in Havana, at the end of March 1935. Around the same time, Martha Andrews also left Havana, who was to perform in New York in the ensemble of the great Spanish dancer Vicente Escudero.

Assessing the work of N. P. Yavorsky at the SPAM ballet school, we can say that he pedagogical activity reached its climax by the spring of 1937. On May 10, his students presented P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake” on the stage of the Auditorium Theater. For the first time in her artistic career, Alicia Martinez performed the role of Odette-Odile.

N. P. Yavorsky’s last major work for the Havana Society of Musical Art was the production of the humoresque ballet “The Seasons,” created to the music of Fritz Kreisler, Leo Delibes, P. I. Tchaikovsky and some other composers. It took place in March 1938.

Having completed the next course of study in the spring of 1939, N.P. Yavorsky parted forever with the Havana Society of Musical Art. If you look in retrospect, over the years of his work at SPAM, about one and a half thousand students passed through the school, many of whom, not without success, began their careers as professional ballet dancers.

Freed from the tutelage of SPAM, N.P. Yavorsky deployed active work to create their own ballet school, the main task of which was to create professional ballet troupes consisting of Cuban artists. Nikolai Petrovich's ballet studio was inaugurated on June 27, 1939, and by the fall of 1940 it could boast of certain successes. On November 12, her students performed in a ballet program dedicated to the opening of a car exhibition at the fashionable Hotel Nacional in Havana. Graduates of N.P. Yavorsky showed a choreographic fantasy on Afro-Cuban themes “Babalao” performed by Margarita Lecuona, as well as a ballet composition “Luxury Cars” to the music of various composers. On December 27 of the same year, on the rented stage of the Auditorium Theater, students of N. P. Yavorsky’s school, together with the Havana Choral Society of Maria Muñoz de Quevedo, showed a large program composed of ballet numbers alternating with choir performances.

N.P. Yavorsky ran his own private ballet studio in Havana until 1941. Then he left her in the care of Martha Andrews and went to Santiago de Cuba, where he was offered to head the ballet school.

In the last months of his life, N.P. Yavorsky directed a ballet school in the small town of Manzanillo. There he died on October 9, 1947.

It is believed that Nikolai Petrovich Yavorsky cannot be considered one of the stars of world ballet of the first magnitude, but all experts recognize his extraordinary pedagogical merits as the first teacher of a whole galaxy of outstanding Cuban artists. In fact, it was he who became the founder of the ballet school in Cuba, and this was done under extremely unfavorable conditions. In order to understand which ones, it should be recalled that in the 30s and 40s of the last century, Cuba, a small country in the Caribbean, was under the rule of the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista (he would be overthrown by the Cuban Revolution only in January 1959). Everything in the country was subordinated to US interests. National culture, like everything national, was not encouraged or supported by the government.

During these years, the creation of a national ballet was not a priority. Moreover, Cuba has never had its own ballet traditions. There were no famous Cuban ballerinas. There was no school of choreographers. There was no suitable stage. The broad masses were not familiar with this type of art at all. Naturally, it was extremely difficult to work in such conditions.

The most famous students of N.P. Yavorsky were the outstanding dancer Alicia Martinez (by her husband Alicia Alonso) and choreographer Alberto Julio Raineri Alonso (brother of Alicia Martinez's husband). It was they who in 1948 organized the national troupe “Ballet of Alicia Alonso” (since 1959 - National Ballet of Cuba). By the way, it was Alberto Julio Raineri Alonso in April 1967, at the request of Maya Plisetskaya, who staged the ballet Carmen Suite for her at the Bolshoi Theater to the music of Rodion Shchedrin, which became one of major events in the development of Russian ballet in the mid-20th century. In August of the same year, he staged another version of the ballet in Havana for Alicia Alonso (her partner was Maya Plisetskaya's brother Azary Plisetsky).

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There are quite a few of its graduates in Omsk, and everyone is well-known: the head of the non-profit educational institution “Poisk” Ruslan Simanchev, businessman Gennady Fridman, sociologist and publicist Viktor Korb... In Novosibirsk, the SUNTs training system has already been adopted, having begun to create special classes in secondary schools back in 2010. Why don’t Omsk schools adopt this experience? What and who is missing? This is what I wanted to understand when talking with the director of the SUSC, professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Nikolai Yavorsky:

For more than 50 years, we have developed and passed on more than 50 textbooks as a legacy, methodological manuals written by our staff. It's time to give back. Savchenko’s problem book has been translated into several languages, and not on our initiative. Dymshits' biology textbook is available in every school in the country. New project we implement - Open FMS, remote training course, which everyone can use. If he can handle it. And at SUSC the selection is strict. We gather guys all over Siberia, Far East, less - to Kazakhstan, there are from the European part of the country. There are only 4 similar schools-divisions of universities in Russia - at SSU, St. Petersburg State University, UrSU and NSU.

- Nikolai Ivanovich, how do you select teachers who sincerely want to teach children?

We do not have teachers, in the sense of having received professional Teacher Education. The teaching staff of the FMS are people professionally engaged in research, employees of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Combine. I am also a scientist, I have my own physics laboratory at the university. Among the teachers - 40 percent of our graduates. There are young people, there are patriarchs - a fusion of generations. Not every scientist can work with our guys. It’s always difficult with those who always need something, who ask uncomfortable questions. But ours ask a lot of these questions, and they also think faster than adults. They should respect you. If they don’t respect you, they’ll do whatever they want, they’re smart. Our children are very sharp-tongued, their nicknames are accurate, and many teachers are proud of them.

- What does a teacher need to do to be respected?

Be an individual. Giving away a piece of your soul. Our teachers do not come for money - for communication with children. You won't get this anywhere else. Who understands - this is drive. Many guys come back to us as teachers. Why? For example, there is a day of self-government. I leave this chair, a student sits in it and runs the school. Children replace teachers, give lectures, conduct seminars, of course, before this they prepare a lot with the help of teachers who trust them with this task. We tried it at the Physics School, developed it at the university, students come to work with the guys in our Summer school. You have to go a long way before becoming our teacher. We must look at the person with different sides. Among the teachers there are 25 doctors, 90 candidates of science. We have 125 positions, and 260 teachers. Not a sinecure. Of course, it’s easier for us to get rid of unnecessary ones - we just don’t sign a contract for the next year. But you have to try. Young people definitely. They don’t always succeed, but they have developed a special system of work. Subordinate to the lecturer are “seminarists,” that is, those who conduct seminars. Each class is divided into two groups of 12-13 people, the lecturer guides the “seminarists” - he suggests what tasks to give, how to interest them, what methodological techniques use, everyone has their own. Moreover, since all the lecturers are individuals, then all the courses are original, despite the fact that the program is the same, and the children are also interested in it. Our humanities specialists are also highly qualified. Head of the humanities department - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mindolin, associate professor, candidate historical sciences- last first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU of the Novosibirsk region. This means that he conveys the story first-hand. It’s impossible to work with us formally - there will immediately be problems with the guys, there will be a backlash. And our guys are good, kind, wonderful! It is very important to be open. They are motivated to learn, that is, they are ready to perceive. We do not know how to teach those who do not want to learn.

- And there are such people, although it’s so difficult to get to you?

There are ambitions of parents. They train children, they reach a certain level. And then - boarding school, real life, when you are responsible for yourself. Of course, we help - we have educators, psychological and medical services. But children are with each other 24 hours a day. Children's environment is tough, they will immediately tell you who you are. The child is used to being the first in his school; there is a special atmosphere around him. And there are 500 talented people here! Fights are prohibited - we will expel you immediately for any hints of hazing. Everything is different, everything is on your own, you’re not the first, getting two marks for what you were praised for at school! Cultural shock. Everyone experiences this themselves.

We can do a lot of things here besides studying. In addition to the basic classes, there are 140 courses that are all interesting! Several of them must be chosen - this is included in the curriculum. Self-government - class commander, cultural organizer, physical educator, morning exercises, daily room cleaning... Very close communication between children from different social strata. We set up a positive attitude, our mutual assistance is very developed, because the workload is heavy. This is how a new environment, a new society is born. We have many clubs and sections - great mental stress requires great physical effort. The Department of Physical Education has 7 teachers - masters of sports. But the workload can be heavy when the work is not interesting. And if you're interested, time flies! There is a lot of creativity - songs, dances. We never invite any artists - our graduates organize everything themselves, the guys write the words and music. Here they discover new talents in themselves, because they open up more and more, perceive new things. This is very important, a completely different system of relationships.

- Is it difficult to lead a team that consists of such individuals?

All talents, most often, and parents too. But adults, like children, are open. Children are open to receive, teachers are open to give. If they came for someone else, they have nothing to do here. The command tool should be used only in extreme cases. Any action aimed at forcing people without creation is closed, which is strictly contraindicated for researchers. We need to look for other tools. In fact, fulfilling an order is in any case an internal agreement for some reason. If it is not there, it is impossible to manage, because there is only one leader, but there are many subordinates. People must recognize authority. If not, everything is useless.

- Your guys are not only smart, they want to live and work for the good of society...

The modern problem is precisely that children are not prepared for life, they live in rather hothouse conditions when their elders make decisions for them, therefore, when faced with life’s problems, they often fail to cope. And in a boarding school, whether you like it or not, a person goes through this school from the 9th grade. This seriously affects their future. Among our graduates successful people- majority. Every fourth is a candidate of science, and not only natural sciences. This is more than at our university. But our graduates form the backbone of not only NSU. More than 500 doctors of science, about 10 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, military men, politicians, businessmen involved in complex business. Mikhail Ivanovich Epov, academician, geophysicist, deputy chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - our graduate Sergei Valerievich Golovin, director of the Institute of Hydrodynamics, Pavel Logachev, director of the Institute nuclear physics. The directions are different. Do you remember the KVN team, where Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats played? It thundered across the country, half of them were our graduates. They also play KVN and brain-ring at the FMS; they come to the university already established. We acquired skills and developed them at university.

- Can your experience be transferred to secondary schools?

We do it. Several years ago, we proposed to the governor of the Novosibirsk region to create special classes in schools. One of the first it was created in the First Gymnasium of Novosibirsk. They began to teach physics, mathematics, biology, and chemistry according to our programs. The first became in in every sense first - such a class, like a locomotive, pulls out the entire school. We looked at other schools and also wanted to. There are problems, of course. It is necessary to divide the classes into two, which means doubling the number of teachers, in the first half of the day - lessons, then - clubs, sections, special courses, which means we need to increase funding. Personnel potential schools are not always ready. But there are wonderful, talented teachers who also need to be brought together, just like children, so that they can become “infected” and “infect” others. We provide advanced training courses for those who want to work with children like ours.

- Why do scientists even need to bother with children?

There is such a word - service, and you can only serve from the essence. Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentyev, one of our founding fathers, fought for the creation of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics at a time when genetics was prohibited. Argued with Khrushchev. One day he was asked why he took risks, and not only his career. He replied: " Guys, this had to be done!" That's all. This must be done!

​Physics and mathematics schools and, in particular, the Novosibirsk Physics and Mathematics School, despite high returns, exist in Russia as unloved children... However, the NSU physics and mathematics school has long become one of our undisputed brands. Today it is officially called the “Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of the University” (SSC NSU), although everyone still simply calls it FMS.

Director of the Scientific Research Center of NSU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Yavorsky in a conversation with a Novaya Siberia correspondent, he commented on Gref’s remark about physics and mathematics schools: “Perhaps someone did not expect such a position from him, but for me it is not surprising. He spoke out for a reason, this is the position of the economic bloc in the Russian government.”

Nikolai Yavorsky recalled that this is not the first attack on physics and mathematics schools. In 2012, Rosobrnadzor already tried to virtually destroy the FMS, banning NSU professors from teaching there. The matter was resolved in the courts. As a result, SUNTs won, but the opponents found new way pressure. Nikolai Yavorsky says: “Since 2016, our funding has been sharply reduced without even warning us about it. Then NSU helped us, structural unit which we are, closed this gap. Since 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science has prohibited the university from doing this.”

It is interesting that here we are talking only about the financing of the educational process - no one stutters about boarding schools for talented children from other regions for a long time - it is paid for by parents.

Why is it that modern government technocrats have such a strong opposition to specialist schools? There may be many versions, but Nikolai Yavorsky defines this trend as follows: “In the head of the “economic bloc” there are only sales and profits: if something does not bring measurable income, then it is worth nothing. They think you are successful when you have money. But money is only an equivalent of values, and not the values ​​themselves.

There are values ​​that are not for sale, and we create them during the educational process: honesty, decency, conscience, responsibility.” It is interesting that at SUSC-FMSH it is mathematics and natural sciences that are seen as the basis of such values. “Mathematics “sets up” thinking, and natural sciences lay the foundations for interaction with reality,” Nikolai Yavorsky justifies this approach. “With the help of mathematics and natural sciences

German Gref, justifying his position, states that in highly specialized mathematics schools children are crammed with one subject, and schoolchildren must be developed evenly “through 360 degrees.”

That is, such an obvious reference to Kozma Prutkov with his “A specialist is like gumboil: his completeness is one-sided.” What does Nikolai Yavorsky answer to this? “Flux is an abscess that is harmful to the body, but deep knowledge has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism. It gives rise to those human qualities that are important in social life and production activities.” The myth about the isolation of physics and mathematics school graduates from real life the director of the Scientific Research Center of NSU exposes with elementary facts. Firstly, until the 9th grade, children study in regular schools , and only three last year at FMS. Secondly, there is no one-sidedness at this stage either. Of course, the specialized departments of the specialized school are physics, mathematics and computer science, and chemistry. But there are departments here, humanities foreign languages , Russian literature, natural sciences and even (oh, the horror of a nerd!) - the department of physical and special training. But the main thing is not even that a talented student receives comprehensive and full education

. The main thing is the socialization of special children, the fullest development of their potential.

The result can be assessed in numbers. Over the 55 years of existence of the SUSC-FMS, out of 15 thousand graduates, every fourth one defended at least a Ph.D. thesis - no other university, even foreign, has such an indicator. The result can be assessed in the names: academician Mikhail Epov, financier Igor Kim, lawyer Alexander Balyan. Two SUSC graduates are now responsible for the development of nuclear programs in the USA and Great Britain. Without the work of academician Vasily Parkhomchuk, it is still unknown when the Higgs boson would have been discovered. Director of the SB RAS, Academician Pavel Logachev, also a graduate of the physics and mathematics school, conducts seminars for schoolchildren at the SUSC. And it is precisely such teachers who make it possible to reveal the potential of students - they are not just teachers, but scientists who themselves know well and can convey to children what it is research

. Such direct communication cannot be replaced by the Internet or even a book that already has ready-made answers. This is closer to the principles of spiritual mentoring, when direct knowledge is transferred from Teacher to Student. As for the socialization of young “smart guys,” Nikolai Yavorsky explains its importance. When you are the first intellectual in the village (and often in the literal sense, because people also come to FMS from rural schools), you may have a feeling of superiority. This is fraught with great disappointment. And if you find yourself among people like yourself, and even in a boarding school environment, this is the best school for socialization. Not everyone, of course, survives, but even those who are expelled do not get lost and achieve above average success - specialized schools provide such an impetus.

Another argument of opponents of physics and mathematics schools, formulated by German Gref, sounds like this: “When we try to say that we will now develop the specialties “mathematician” and “programmer”, we will fall into exactly the same trap as we had some time ago with lawyers and economists."

But here, Nikolai Yavorsky believes, German Oskarovich himself falls into the trap. “In the case of lawyers and economists, we were talking about millions of restless graduates. When we talk about mathematicians, these are several hundred guys who certainly won’t get lost,” says Nikolai Ivanovich. The approaches and experience of FMS-SUNC have long been used abroad - in particular, by our ambitious south-eastern neighbors. "IN South Korea

At first they opened a school in the image and likeness of the Physics and Music School. Now it has become a department of the university,” says Nikolai Yavorsky. “A similar school has appeared in Singapore. There are huge campuses, teachers do not have financial problems, and their students are “stars,” although ours have higher potential.

We recently opened a school in the city of Karamay - in the Xinjiang Uyghur region of China. There, training is conducted in Russian. They have a need to gain knowledge.”

  • In general, those who need it appreciate the FMS system. And we? What do we have - do we not store? Or shall we save it?

    Alexey SALNIKOV Nikolai Yavorsky: you can only teach someone who wants to​Director of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Novosibirsk

  • state university

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  • Russian Academy

    ​In Siberia there is a school where children love to learn, and teachers love to teach: “Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of NSU” or SUNTs, in common parlance - FMS. There are many of its graduates in Omsk, and everyone is well-known: the head of the non-profit educational institution “Poisk” Ruslan Simanchev, businessman Gennady Fridman, sociologist and publicist Viktor Korb.

  • The energy of youth as the driving force of science

    Just as Russian power grows with Siberia, the power of the Siberian Branch grows with young scientists. They come to science in different ways, but then all these paths merge into one road leading to the future.

  • Engineers of the future are hampered by infrastructure problems

    ​Employers often note the insufficient level of training of young personnel - only about 15 percent of them are ready to start full-time work immediately after graduation. Only 50-60 percent of those who receive higher education, remain in science - this is a significant part of graduates of the faculties of physical, geological and geophysical, and natural sciences.

  • Nikolai Yavorsky - founder of the ballet school in Havana

    He was the first teacher of a whole galaxy of outstanding Cuban artists

    In 1931, the Havana Society of Musical Arts (Sociedad Pro-Arte Musicale, SPAM) established paid courses in reading and recitation, playing the guitar, as well as its own ballet school, at its Auditorium theater. In the entire history of Cuba, the SPAM school became the first educational institution to professionally and purposefully engage in teaching classical dance. The Russian emigrant Nikolai Yavorsky, who happened to be in Havana, was invited to lead the school.

    Nikolai Petrovich Yavorsky was born in Odessa on February 23, 1891. In his youth, he took classical dance lessons from the soloist of the Odessa Theater Kazimirov. During the First World War, Yavorsky was an artillery officer, then in civilian life he fought against the Red Army as part of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia. Having emigrated from the country, the future choreographer first lived in Belgrade, where he danced on the stage of the Belgrade National Theater. Then there was participation in the Russian Private Opera in Paris. And finally, Havana.

    From the first day of organizing the school, Nikolai Yavorsky actively set to work. The first lessons from the honored foreign teacher, who performed on famous stages in Europe and America, were etched in the memory of his Cuban students for a long time. Many of them later became one of the first figures of the Cuban national ballet, among them the outstanding Cuban ballerina Alicia Martinez (Alonso). He became a true champion of the development of ballet in Cuba thanks to his inherent discipline, perseverance and enthusiasm. On December 29, 1931, the first public performance of students of Nikolai Yavorsky was held in the Auditorium with great success. On January 9, 1932, in the same theater, Yavorsky’s students performed again with the same program. The young Cuban artists again did not let their Russian teacher down and consolidated last year's success. The first season of the SPAM ballet school ended on June 1, 1932, when the capital's newspapers published a message about the enrollment of students for the next year. And the first Cuban ballerinas had to prepare for new productions and improve their skills under the tireless guidance of their favorite teacher.

    The key performance of the next season of the Society of Musical Art was the production of the full version of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty". The premiere took place on October 26, 1932. Yavorsky adapted the complex choreography of M. Petipa to the still modest technical capabilities of his charges. The princess was danced by the teacher's absolute favorite, Delfina Perez. Alicia Martinez, barely 11 years old, performed in the Bluebird solo. According to eyewitnesses, she coped with this difficult male part very well. The costumes and scenery of the Cuban artist Rogelio Dalmau, who from that day on designed almost all SPAM ballet performances, added elegance and charm to the production. For a long time, photo reports about the premiere did not leave the pages of fashionable illustrated magazines “Social” and “Karteles”.

    The next few years of the SPAM ballet school were marked by the development of the creative potential of previous and new students. By November 5, 1933, Yavorsky prepared a new concert program, again presented to the audience of the Auditorium Theater. Alicia Martinez, who improved her technique before our eyes, performed in choreographic sketches to the music of various composers. That evening, some of the students of Yavorsky's last cohort also distinguished themselves: sisters Olga and Elena Thomson, Josefina de Cardenas, Carola Panerai. The following year, “The Blue Danube,” “Polka Coquette,” and “Polovtsian Dances” were staged. The performances became evidence of the further creative growth of a whole galaxy of young artists.

    Around the same time, taking advantage of a brief stop in Havana by one of the former directors of the Russian Private Opera in Paris, Vasily Grigorievich Voskresensky, who in those years directed the Bale Russe de Monte Carlo troupe, Nikolai Yavorsky managed to agree on the inclusion of his most capable students into the Russian troupe. There they could finally establish themselves as professional dancers, gain experience performing abroad and seriously improve the technical level of their training. Delfina Perez Gurri was the first to go to Europe, according to the contract signed in Havana, at the end of March 1935. Around the same time, Martha Andrews also left Havana, who was to perform in New York in the ensemble of the famous Spanish “bailaor” Vicente Escudero.

    Assessing Yavorsky's work at the SPAM ballet school in retrospect, we can say that his teaching activity reached its culmination in the spring of 1937. On May 10, his students presented “Swan Lake” by P.I. on the stage of the Auditorium Theater. Tchaikovsky. For the first time in her artistic career, Alicia Martinez performed the role of Odette-Odile. Yavorsky's last major work for the Havana Society of Musical Art was the production of the humoresque ballet "The Four Seasons", composed to the music of Kreisler, Delibes, Tchaikovsky and some other composers, staged by his students on March 1, 1938. Having completed the next course of study in the spring of 1939, Yavorsky parted forever with the Havana Society of Musical Art. Over the years of working at SPAM, about one and a half thousand students passed through his school, many of whom even then, not without success, began their careers as professional dancers.

    Freed from the tutelage of SPAM, Yavorsky began active efforts to create his own ballet school, the main task of which was to create professional ballet troupes consisting of Cuban artists. The ballet studio of Nikolai Yavorsky was inaugurated on June 27, 1939. By the fall of 1940, it could boast of certain successes. On November 12, her students performed in a ballet program dedicated to the opening of a car exhibition at the fashionable National Hotel in Havana. Yavorsky's graduates showed a choreographic fantasy on Afro-Cuban themes "Babalao" performed by Margarita Lecuona, as well as a ballet composition "Luxury Cars" to the music of various composers. On December 27 of the same year, on the rented stage of the Auditorium Theater, students of the Yavorsky school, together with the Havana Choral Society of Maria Muñoz de Quevedo, staged a large program composed of ballet numbers interspersed with choir performances.

    In 1941, Jaworsky left his Havana studio in the care of Martha Andrews and went to Santiago de Cuba, where he was offered to head a ballet school. In the last months of his life, he ran a ballet school in the small town of Manzanillo. There he died on October 9, 1947.

    Nikolai Yavorsky cannot be considered one of the stars of world ballet of the first magnitude, but it is necessary to recognize his extraordinary pedagogical merits as the first teacher of a whole galaxy of outstanding Cuban artists.