Cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can prepare a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

By the way! You can or download our chef resume sample.

What does a cook do?

The cook prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his taste, that is, approach the process creatively.

Specifics of the profession

The work of a cook consists of several stages:

  • obtaining initial products;
  • maintaining cooking technology and recipes;
  • ensuring the cooking process: preparing the necessary equipment, preparing semi-finished products;
  • proper operation of kitchen equipment;
  • ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • sales of products.

In Russia there is chef profession classification, which differs from European and American:

  • Chef - the highest level in the profession. He draws up requests for the necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying customer demand, she forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, and compiles a daily menu. Monitors food preparation technology and employee compliance with sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise.
  • Pastry chef specializes in the production of confectionery products, which requires exquisite taste, imagination and ingenuity.
  • Cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and composes them technological maps. Prepares necessary documentation and instructs cooks.
  • Cook calculates raw materials and the yield of finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, grinding, molding, stuffing, filling products, regulates the temperature regime, determines the readiness of dishes and products using control and measuring instruments, as well as appearance, smell, color, taste, produces artistic decoration of dishes and confectionery products, divides them into portions.

Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums. They are eaten the faster the more beautiful they are

V. Pokhlebkin

Pros and cons


The profession of a cook is in demand and creative; there is a place for imagination and ingenuity in it. Good chefs have high wages.


The work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Not every person can stand standing at a hot stove full-time. At the same time, there is a constant strain of attention when you have to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no opportunity to relax or get distracted.

Gluttony is the worst of sins, but the most pleasant.

Chef's place of work

The profession of a cook is in demand in any industry: in schools, hospitals, kindergartens, canteens in factories and factories, modern offices, luxury restaurants, in the army and navy. In good hotels, the profession of a cook is considered key in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, create menus, and ensure that restaurant products are fresh and immediately processed.

The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people they hire home cooks.

You can learn the profession of a cook through paid chef courses. Also, to master the profession of a cook, it is enough to receive a specialized secondary education, but for a more in-depth mastery of the profession and broadening one’s horizons, it is necessary higher education. Preparation program for the profession of a cook: 01/43/09 - Cook, pastry chef. To obtain the profession of a cook-technologist in the specialty “Product Technology” catering“, it is necessary to study at a secondary specialized educational institution for the qualification “Technologist”. There are advanced training courses for experienced chefs. The unofficial club of the world's best chefs "G9", organized in 2010, consists of 9 people.

Chef Abilities

  • olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
  • good taste and color perception, taste memory;
  • good eye;
  • refined taste, imagination, penchant for creativity;
  • ability to recognize small deviations in parameters technological processes from specified values ​​based on visual signs;
  • the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;
  • Fine developed sense timing;
  • dynamic thinking;
  • knowledge of measures, ability to quickly and accurately determine by eye the required amount of liquid, bulk products, spices
  • ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
  • knowledge of fast food preparation technologies, how to rationally allocate time
  • good coordination of movements of both hands, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands;
  • ability to perform small precise movements;
  • efficiency;
  • physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
  • energy;
  • ability to improvise;
  • responsibility;
  • prudence;
  • punctuality, pedantry;
  • ability to switch from one activity to another;
  • striving for professional excellence.

A good cook has a lot of character, imagination and feeling

EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile"


The chef's work takes place in the kitchen, in conditions of high temperature and humidity. Professional activities Cooking begins in school. Many culinary schools and colleges provide students with full-time internships throughout their studies. For subsequent successful job search, a novice chef should create a portfolio with photographs of the dishes he has prepared. This modern approach to a job search that is perceived positively by a potential employer. In the profession of a cook, career growth is possible from an assistant cook to a chef in a prestigious establishment.

Salary as of March 23, 2020

Russia 24000—70000 ₽

Moscow 35000—90000 ₽

Chef salary depends on the region of residence, the specifics of the institution, the size of the enterprise and the range of responsibilities that the cook performs.

There are dozens of culinary colleges and technical schools in every region of the country. However, you won’t find a specialized higher education institution during the day, unless you take into account universities that train students in the related field of “Food Production Technologies.” If your goal is to enter a culinary institute that issues bachelor’s and master’s degrees with the qualification “chef,” you should prepare for a long trip (at best to another city) and stock up on a considerable amount of money: education abroad is an expensive pleasure. In Russia, a conditional analogue could be studying at a food institute and the position of a technologist or quality engineer after graduation.

Expectation and reality

The catering industry and the restaurant business are now at the stage of unprecedented growth not only in Russia, but also abroad, so the profession of a cook is widely in demand. Unfortunately, having only one crust in hand, it is almost impossible to immediately get a high-paying job.

The peculiarity of the specialty is that even good theoretical education must be fueled by practice and experience working in prestigious restaurant establishments, which most domestic universities cannot provide. This is precisely one of the main reasons for the low demand for Russian chefs abroad. Therefore, if your dreams include a position as a chef in a European Michelin-starred restaurant, then it is better to take a closer look at such well-known foreign culinary schools (essentially, universities that graduate bachelors) such as:

  • French Le Cordon Bleu with branches in 20 countries (Russian cooking show host Alexey Zimin graduated from it);
  • Italian ALMA;
  • Swiss BHMS, Culinary Arts Academy CAA or ICI,
  • Kendall American College and San Diego Culinary Institute;
  • Spanish University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts.

All of them have an impeccable reputation in international circles, largely due to the fact that their serious theoretical training program includes many months of internships in prestigious restaurants. As a result, students master not only cooking skills, but also gain managerial experience in managing a catering establishment, and become fluent in culinary design, winemaking and other important aspects of their profession.

Annual training there will amount to several tens of thousands of euros. Despite the fact that part of the expenses can be returned (students undergo internships that are well paid), most Russian school graduates can only dream about them.

Fortunately, domestic institutes of the food industry are already making their first very successful attempts to train culinary professionals. So far, the only example is the Institute of Gastronomy (IG), created at the Siberian Federal University in 2019. Its peculiarity lies in the joint activities of teachers of the educational institution with practitioners of the restaurant business. Thanks to this, the entire training process has the most “activity-oriented” approach (the study of culinary art directly at enterprises in the HoReCa sector - the hospitality industry - takes up 50% of the total program).

The mission of the Higher School of Gastronomy (IG) of Siberian Federal University is to educate first-class chefs, which makes it head and shoulders above ordinary culinary institutes that produce technologists food products. The higher education received is confirmed not only by a Russian international diploma, but also by the international Institut Paul Bocuse.

The rest of the culinary schools in Russia, although they bear the respectable names of institutes and academies, belong to the system additional education, in them you can complete short-term (very useful and valuable) courses, upon completion of which they will issue a certificate or certificate, but not a university diploma.

List of universities

Food and culinary institutes are represented not only in the capital regions, they are scattered across different regions of Russia - from Kuban to Siberia and Far East. Basically, education can be obtained at faculties and departments of multidisciplinary universities, although there are also universities with a narrow focus.

Name of educational institution Quantity budget places Tuition fee, rub.
FEFU - Far Eastern Federal University 20 200 000
SevGU - Sevastopol state university 50 108 000
SPbPU - St. Petersburg Poly technical university Peter the Great 23 180 000
MSUTU - Moscow State University of Technology. Razumovsky 55/17/14* 193 000
TIU - Tyumen industrial university 24 45 212
NCFU - Institute of Service, Tourism and Design of the North Caucasus Federal University 25 111 800
Siberian Federal University - Siberian Federal University (started enrollment in the Institute of Gastronomy in January 2019) 25 154 306
NGIEU - Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University (Institute food technologies and design) 3 91 000
SSAU - Stavropol State University agricultural university 18 121 800
NSTU - Novosibirsk State Technical University 29 126 400
SWSU - Southwestern State University 20 106 524
Kuban State Technical University - Kuban State Technical University university of technology 90/30/30* 120 340
SamSTU - Samara State Technical University 7 57 360
MSTU im. N. I. Nosova - Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G. I. Nosova 20 120 200
KNRTU - Kazan Research Technical University 20/11/21* 60 300
SUSU - South Ural State University 22 134 430
KemSU - Kemerovo State University 105/56/65* 118 000
MGUPP - Moscow State University of Food Production 165/50/40* 215 000/215 000/225 000*
VolSAU - Volgograd State Agrarian University 33 116 7

Faculties, directions, specialties

There are few narrowly specialized institutes of the food industry in Russia, but many universities offer a relatively wide range of training areas, more or less related to the art of cooking. It can be mastered in one of the structural divisions of universities, which go by different names:

  • Faculty of Food Production (for example, at SSTU);
  • Institute of Natural Science and Standardization (as in Nosov Moscow State Technical University);
  • Institute of Sports, Tourism and Design, Higher Medical and Biological School (SUSU);
  • Technological Institute of the Food Industry (usually within universities, for example, Nizhny Novgorod Engineering and Economics - NSIEU);
  • Institute innovative technologies and biofood industry (MGUPP);
  • Institute of Biotechnology and High-Tech Food Production (also MSUPP) and in others structural divisions multidisciplinary universities.

Directions and profiles of study can also be called differently:

  • product technology and catering organization;
  • food products made from plant materials;
  • food products of animal origin;
  • modern technologies for organizing and producing public catering products;
  • technology and organization of restaurant business;
  • baking and confectionery production;
  • technology of bread, confectionery and pasta.

Upon completion of the selected program, the following qualifications are assigned:

  • specialist in the field of food products made from plant materials (or animal origin);
  • chef;
  • Bread, confectionery and pasta technologist.

Due to the lack of professionals in this field and the lack of a sufficient number of specialized culinary universities, graduates of related fields, as a rule, are not differentiated in employment. For example, if there is a vacancy for a technologist at a bakery, a specialist in the field of plant-based food products can easily get a job there.

To increase your chances of finding a job in the hospitality industry, in parallel with your studies in bachelor's or master's programs, you can complete professional courses in particularly in-demand specialties. For example, the Moscow University of Food Production offers several promising and interesting 36-72-hour modular programs in special nutrition, the art of sommelier, and cavistics. By the way, the university provides its students with discounts on additional vocational education courses.

Culinary and food universities provide training in various formats: full-time, part-time, part-time, and even distance learning. After its completion (after 4 or 5 years), a bachelor's degree is awarded. If you wish, you can continue to learn the secrets of cooking and food production on an industrial scale for another 2 years and receive a master's degree.

Admission rules

The first thing you should do after choosing a food institute is to find out which USE results are needed for admission. Only two subjects remain unchanged, compulsory for all school graduates (Russian and mathematics). The variable part of the “applicant intake” is chemistry or physics, and different educational institutions have their own priorities. If there is no fundamental difference in which university to enroll in, it is better to play it safe and take both of these subjects.

The rules for admission to a culinary school have an important feature. Due to the fact that the student will come into contact with food, special requirements are established for his health. Main goal- eliminate the possibility of infection large number people. Therefore, universities put forward a mandatory condition - passing a medical examination. Within its framework:

  • a fluorographic examination is carried out;
  • An ECG is done;
  • Blood and urine tests are taken.

Plus, opinions from a number of doctors are required (otolaryngologist, narcologist, psychiatrist, dermatovenerologist, therapist). Otherwise, the admission process and the package of documents submitted are the same as for admission to any other specialty.

Passing scores

The more modest the university’s admission benchmarks, the more difficult it is to get into it. Last year, Russian food industry institutes were able to conquer applicants who crossed different thresholds. The range of its values ​​is given in the summary table and diagram.

University name Passing score
SPbPU Peter the Great 260
NSTU 228
KSTU 186/183/215*
SSAU 180
SWSU 177
SSTU 177
NCFU 173
Siberian Federal University 171
MSUPP 170/159/166*
TIU 160
MSTU im. G. I. Nosova 159
SevSU 154
FEFU 151
SUSU 151
VolSAU 144
KemSU 128/104/102*

*Data for the areas “Food products from plant raw materials” 03/19/02/“Food products of animal origin” 03/19/03/“Product technology and catering” 03/19/04.

Students with 100 points almost never consider the field of cooking for themselves, mistakenly considering it to be the domain of the SVE level. In this regard, the passing scores for 3 subjects last year exceeded 200 in only two universities (Peter the Great and Novosibirsk Technical). Thus, it is possible to enter the budget even with very modest Unified State Exam results.

Where do graduates work?

Young specialists with diplomas from food industry institutes do not have any particular problems finding employment in their profession. The whole question is where exactly yesterday’s student will work, because you need to convince the employer of your own skills, and for this you need practical experience work, so many students begin to work in their specialty before completing their studies.

Possible employment opportunities include:

  • confectionery factories;
  • breweries and distilleries;
  • bakeries;
  • enterprises engaged in the production of fruits and vegetables, dairy, fish or canned meat and other food industry companies.

Those who manage to establish themselves as first-class cooks get jobs in restaurants. If you have the financial opportunity, you can open your own food business or become a restaurant critic. Along with this, there are a lot of other job prospects:

  • biotechnologist;
  • winemaker (also wine technologist);
  • procurer of products and raw materials;
  • food industry engineer;
  • confectioner;
  • bakery production technologist;
  • laboratory microbiologist;
  • production manager;
  • manager of a restaurant (or other catering establishment);
  • cook;
  • restaurateur;
  • merchandiser;
  • consumer goods quality expert.

So food institutes Russia create a good foundation for the subsequent career development of graduates. Unfortunately, most of the information received within the institutes is aimed at familiarizing oneself with technologies and standards, and not at teaching the art of cooking. Namely, this aspect is most valuable in the most prestigious domestic and foreign restaurants. It is comforting to know that university management is aware of the problem and is improving educational process in the right direction.

The process of cooking is like a dance: it is a mix of passion, talent, hard work and skill. The latter sometimes has to be learned.

Today, in every district of Moscow you can find culinary schools that teach everyone how to properly use a cast-iron frying pan, cook juicy steaks and more.

KitchenMag shares a selection of the best culinary schools in Moscow, where you can “pump up” your culinary skills and learn how to cook real gastronomic masterpieces.

Chefshows by Novikov

The culinary school Chefshows by Novikov, which was opened by the famous chef Arkady Novikov, offers several areas of training. The school will be able to improve the level of culinary skills for both beginners and amateurs, as well as professionals. For food lovers, Arkady Novikov’s restaurants even have a special course - “Hits of Novikov’s Restaurants”.

Chefshows by Novikov regularly organizes master classes and educational restaurant meetings in which everyone can take part.

Culinary studio of Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya's culinary studio is a place where like-minded people meet, united by a passion for food and communication.

Food lovers can find a course that best suits their interests. Most master classes are organized according to geography: Spain, France, Vietnam, Mediterranean. There are classes dedicated to preparing specific dishes: for example, khachapuri or borscht with pampushki. The studio also hosts culinary master classes for children.

Culinary studio CulinaryOn

CulinaryOn is the largest culinary school in Europe. It is located in the very center of the capital and offers its students a light and relaxed atmosphere in which gastronomic talents can easily be revealed.

Master classes are devoted to cooking dishes of different national and regional cuisines: France, Piedmont, Caucasus, Spain, Asia. There are also master classes focused on preparing food for a special occasion: for example, a romantic dinner or Saturday brunch.

Culinary studio "Bread and Food"

Culinary studio "Bread and Food" is a school for everyone. Its main mission is to eliminate the need for a personal chef and teach everyone to cook the most delicious and delicious dishes on their own.

In the culinary studio, students will receive theoretical knowledge that they can immediately apply in practice. Professional chefs will tell and show you how to prepare national dishes different countries, make confectionery masterpieces and bake fragrant bread.

The chefs of the best restaurants in the world are almost as famous as rock stars. They build a menu and a team, the public comes to them, they get the respect of their colleagues and good salaries. The blog figured out how to get into the world league from scratch.

In the West, such a person is called executive chef, head chef or simply chef. The closest thing to this concept is our executive director, but in the restaurant business. He is responsible for all the work of the kitchen and the popularity of the establishment as a whole. It’s not for nothing that famous chefs are brought from abroad, and the public flocks to them.

The position requires high-level cooking skills and professionalism in management and administration. Let's figure out how a beginner in cooking can gain skills, connections and experience.

Budget start

If you seriously decide to become a chef, you should get a secondary education. Young people who enter after the ninth grade study for three years and during this time receive the third, sometimes fourth rank of cook. The highest category is fifth. First vocational education in Russia and most post-Soviet countries you can still get it for free. Colleges and technical schools accept students up to 30 years of age.

With their crust, you can go to work in a restaurant as an apprentice and start with peeling vegetables, preparing food and working in the back room.


The fourth category and higher are obtained only with work experience. The time of transition from third to fourth usually depends on the decision of the authorities. When they trust you to prepare cold appetizers, then the level will rise.

To rise to the fifth step, you still need to learn. Either graduate from technical school, or take advanced training courses. The fifth category gives the right to work in a hot shop and look closely at new professional horizons.

The next step is to head one of the areas of a large restaurant production or become an assistant chef. All these people are called with beautiful French words. You can specialize in meat; a meat cook is called a rotisseur. On fish (poissonnier), soups (potage), vegetables and side dishes (entremetier or legumier). You can become a saucesier - the head of sauces in a restaurant kitchen. Or stay true to cold appetizers, but at a new level: come up with a menu, be responsible for quality and manage assistants. The salad specialist is called gardmange. Baking and confectionery is usually the responsibility of people with a pastry chef background.

Sous chefs work under the head chef. This path is for those who are more interested in developing production management skills and leadership qualities rather than improving in cooking.

As in any profession, the number of specializations is impressive. To reach the level of a managerial professional, you need a specialty as a chef-technologist and practice in high level. Preferably internationally.

Grill cook or griller: prepares food over an open fire

Where to study in Russia

There are culinary colleges and technical schools in all regions. Look for places where learning is hands-on. The correct educational process for a chef is when, from the second year, theory and practice in a real kitchen become equal. Such educational institutions can be recognized by the high competition for admission.

For example, the capital’s college of hotel and restaurant workers “Tsaritsyno” has a good reputation among culinary educational institutions. There is also a competition of 3-4 people per place.

The next step in a traditional career is pursuing higher education. It is possible in absentia, in parallel with work. The Plekhanov Institute, the Commercial Academy in Moscow and universities in the regions will help you obtain the specialty “technological engineer”. And then - development through culinary schools and internships with the best masters you can reach.

A less traditional career model: do without school at all. This is also possible. The first step is to get a training job in a restaurant without any qualifications or experience and go all the way up the rank ladder and choose your specialization.

This is an option for those who do not want to spend money and time on studying. Many restaurateurs give preference not to professionals, but to housewives who cook deliciously, even though they have never heard of a recipe book. Of course, for a career it’s good to constantly “mix” in the profession and accumulate certificates from courses, short-term schools and master classes.

In Paris, the culinary capital of the world, aspiring chefs are hired by prestigious restaurants and work there for free to learn. This practice is widespread throughout the world and opens up wide career opportunities for everyone, including our certified compatriots.

Entering the world stage

Having worked your way up to the level of a good specialized specialist capable of leading a small team, you can stop.

To gain international experience and create a name for yourself in the restaurant business, you need to join a team with the best in the business. If you don’t have connections and don’t catch opportunities, culinary schools will help out. Students the right schools get their chance: the best teachers and internships in the same high-status institutions and in the most famous teams.

In Russia and the CIS this business is in its infancy. We have schools for professionals, but they do not provide a comprehensive approach to training and are designed for short-term professional development. What about management, leadership, personnel management?

International culinary schools

Classical culinary school is studied in Europe. These are France, Italy, Spain, and there are schools with a good reputation in London. The cuisines of these countries are a base to which you can add the study of any cuisine in the world.

Important point: to study abroad you need to know at least English language. And even better - the language of the country of study. Therefore, you need to decide on the geography of your specialization in advance. To learn or improve a language to a conversational level.

To figure out where to point your feet, think:

  • Which countries' cuisine inspires you the most?
  • Which cities do you associate with great cuisine?
  • Are you interested in achieving professionalism in any specific area, for example, becoming a Vietnamese cuisine guru and learning about Asian fusion?

Globalization is doing its job. Chefs from different cultures exchange experiences, recipes and ideas. Your weight as a chef will increase if you understand several culinary traditions at once.

International culinary academies provide more than a chef's diploma. They provide access to regional cuisine, top restaurants, work with celebrity chefs and practical knowledge of international cooking.


Thus, American training programs develop a network of international partnerships and send their students to gain experience through work-study programs, where they combine work and study. They give their students the opportunity to travel and study cuisine in places around the world, and then also receive a diploma of higher culinary education (Culinary Arts Degree). And this is the main advantage of studying in the States.

Among the highest culinary schools in the United States they note: French Culinary Institute in New York and California Culinary Academy in San Francisco.


Thoughts of France, England and Italy are associated with a rich culinary heritage and noble traditions. European students learn to cook like three hundred years ago, they know the classic recipes of “haute cuisine”, which are poorly susceptible modern trends and innovations.

The gold standard for chef training is the French culinary tradition. In Paris, he is supported by the most famous international culinary academy of the blue ribbon, Le Cordon Bleu.

Blue ribbon

When we talk about European culinary traditions, first of all we talk about Le Cordon Bleu schools. This is one of the most important culinary schools in the world, originally from France. The principles of classical French cooking are taught and promoted here.

Today, Le Cordon Bleu schools are open in 35 countries. 18 schools in the USA, several in Asia, New Zealand and three in Europe. All together they graduate 20 thousand people a year. Although not all students become professionals, some study simply to be able to cook well.

Important: branches in Paris, London and Ottawa are managed by the school itself. Establishments in other cities are opened as franchises, that is, they simply buy the brand and operate it themselves.

Types of culinary schools in Europe:

Commercial Hospitality and Restaurant Management Schools

They train professionals with international diplomas and qualifications that will be appreciated in restaurants around the world. The training programs develop students' skills in preparing and presenting food, introducing them to à la carte gastronomy, confectionery, and kitchen management. They study from one semester to two or three years, practice a lot, and train with famous chefs.

What is important for future chefs is that in Europe they pay a lot of attention to the development of communication and management skills, leadership qualities, ability to work in a team. As part of your studies, you can take a course in management and business management. This experience will take you to new career heights.

For example: BHMS Hotel Business School in Switzerland.

Commercial culinary arts schools that provide graduate degrees

They also give international diplomas cooks, sous-chefs, pastry chefs, sommeliers and open the doors to popular restaurants in their countries. They teach international standards of cooking and provide specialization in local cuisine. There are no programs for restaurant managers.

For example: Academy of Chefs in Terni, Italy; Swiss Institute of Culinary Arts; Manchester City University.

Small private cooking schools

They accept amateurs who want to train as cooks and professional chefs. The popularity is based on teaching the intricacies of local cooking. To become a master of Catalan cuisine, of course, you need to go to Barcelona. And in Bolonia they teach the same Mediterranean classics, but in the Italian version. And so on.

Here are examples of such schools: Cook and Taste in Barcelona, ​​International Cooking School in Bologna, Cooking ala Turka in Istanbul.


Canadian cities are multicultural by definition. The local cuisine is based on the traditions of the northern Indians and a mixture of gastronomic habits of Canadian residents who arrived from all over the world. French fusion and English gastronomy traditions shape Canada's colonial heritage. For example, they are very fond of Yorkshire pudding and dried venison according to ancient recipes from Indian tribes. The geography of the country with harsh climatic conditions has added meat to the Canadian diet wild bird and love for smoked meats. Professionals at the Canadian culinary school know very well how to cook venison, fern or poutine - French fries with pieces of cheese and sauce.

, agrarian). The latter also include culinary specialists. Especially for them, we have prepared a ranking of universities in the food industry in Russia.

If you don’t want to connect your life with cooking, but are interested in lists best universities for other popular specialties, subscribe to our telegram channel. His subscribers are always up to date latest news from the world of student life.

Food industry universities in Moscow

Moscow State University of Food Production

In culinary universities in Russia you can study to become a cook, food technologist, restaurateur, biotechnologist

Higher culinary education in Russia: list of universities

There are food universities not only in Moscow. We present a list of culinary universities in St. Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation.

St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

SPbGUSE - the leading culinary university in St. Petersburg, invites applicants to the following areas:

  1. Technology of production and organization of public catering.
  2. Technology and organization special types nutrition.
  3. Technology of organizing restaurant business.

And for those who want to gain culinary skills, but do not need a state diploma, the university has graduate School culinary skills. It contains a lot of practical training that a chef needs, and after completing it, students receive a special certificate.

Penza State Technical University

The university takes the issue of graduate employment seriously: it has a special “Excursion to the Employer” program, which helps students understand where they want to work after graduation.

Kemerovo State University

The Technological Institute of the Food Industry operates at KSU, the leading university in the region. The university graduates food industry engineers and food production technologists in all the most popular areas.

The educational institution is distinguished by a wide range of practice bases: the university has concluded agreements with leading enterprises food industry and gastronomic companies. This also makes it easier for graduates to find further employment.

Far Eastern Federal University

FEFU is one of the few universities in the food industry that offers a rare training program in food biotechnology. Also presented here is “catering technology”.

FEFU attracts applicants with double degree programs with universities in the USA and Australia.

Ural State Economic University

Despite its economic profile, USUE is also included in the ranking of universities in the food industry. The university has the same food and biotechnological areas as FEFU.

A special feature of the university is special accelerated programs for by correspondence training, which allows you to get a diploma faster than in other food universities in Russia.

Studying at food universities is often difficult: the programs include many disciplines related to chemistry and other complex sciences. Student service will help out. Its specialists do an excellent job with any educational work, and you can always count on prompt and qualified assistance.