Life situations are such that sometimes a person cannot do without tears. Triumph, resentment, disappointment torment the soul and do not allow you to calm down. So what should you do if you want to cry? Sometimes the wave can afford it. Nerves will return to normal, the person will calm down, and the mood will even improve. Of course, if there are a lot of people around, then you shouldn’t cry too much in public, but it’s okay to wipe away a few tears. This is normal excitement, no one will mind. But you shouldn’t manipulate your tears. This will often have no effect or even cause negative attitudes from others. Not everyone likes it when people try to manipulate them through tearfulness.

So why do people cry?

  • Sensitive thin nervous system;
  • Too emotional (actors, artists, people of art);
  • There are nerve diseases;
  • They relieve tension in this way.

Of course, these points are conditional, and they are all interconnected, but some people really cry a lot. Men are more often shy, trying to hold back the flow of tears, but they end up with problems and illnesses, because tears relieve stress better than clenched teeth. It’s okay if sometimes tears well up in your eyes, it’s not a shame, it’s the body getting rid of the accumulated nervous load.

How to cope with depression?

Sometimes if you are sad and want to cry, you just need to try to distract yourself. Tears are a reaction to pain, resentment, stress, so you can give yourself physical activity, go to a workout, or engage in hard work that will displace your worries. If you constantly replay the offense in your head, it will be harder. In this regard, it is easier for optimists, more difficult for pessimists. They are more vulnerable and are not always self-confident.

How to relieve a fit of tears?

If you really want to cry, you better cry. This way the body will quickly return to normal and calm down. Suppressed feelings are more dangerous. They cause heart disease and other nervous problems. Anyone who constantly restrains the desire to cry often has a harder time experiencing all the emotional upheavals that befall him. Therefore, if you are angry, breathe deeply, drink water or cry. Of course, it is better to do this not in front of everyone. But even strong man has the right to tears of joy or sadness, there is no need to be afraid of it.

Tears for no reason

If you want to cry for no reason, it means your body is simply tired. There may be a difficult situation at home or at work. In this case, take a vacation and change your surroundings. If it doesn’t help, consult a doctor; perhaps some kind of nervous disease is manifesting itself. If you constantly hold back your emotions, your health may fail and result in a runny nose, hay fever, asthma or other illnesses. Change your life, smile more often. Look for positive moments that will make you happy no matter what.

When we cry at the end of the movie "Hachiko" or over a cutting board with onions, it seems quite logical. But sometimes tears fall by themselves, for no particular reason. What to do if you can’t restrain your emotions and are gradually turning into a crybaby, says psychologist Anna Khnykina.

Natalya Kozhina, Are there tears without a reason or is there always a reason?

Anna Khnykina: In physiological reactions, and tears are one of them, nothing happens for nothing. A person has a type of mental defense called rationalization, this is when we explain everything to ourselves. He protects us from worries and pain. The body does not have such a mechanism, it does not explain anything and lives a separate life from our rationalization, does not obey it. And, since any physiological reaction has its own internal stimulus, tears do not just appear. There is always a reason that provokes them, but sometimes we don’t read it.

- Why don’t we read it?

“This is where our unconscious comes into play and puts up a kind of block. Tears, in most cases, are a reaction to self-pity, and since it hurts, the brain stands guard and protects us from this, it tries to convince us that everything is normal.

— How to understand what exactly provokes tears?

- There is one very good question, which you need to ask yourself more often: how do I feel now? Oddly enough, finding the answer to this is quite difficult. Often, getting to the root of why you're crying requires peeling back several layers of your own defenses: avoidance, rationalization, denial, etc. In most cases, shame also prevents getting to the bottom of things.

— Is a person ashamed to admit to himself that he has a problem?

- Yes. A problem that causes self-pity, and then tears, can be shrouded in mystery, fear, prohibition, etc. Only if you are honest with yourself and are not afraid of yourself can you get to the bottom of it.

Actually, what we are talking about relates to a problem called “keeping face.” Many of us try not to show our real feelings, we suppress emotions, we hide our true selves.

- Sometimes you need to suppress emotions, isn’t it?

- Of course, but we shouldn’t get so carried away by this that we hide ourselves from ourselves. When we go to work and “wear a uniform” there, that’s one thing. Masks are also sometimes needed in order not to let the team down and to complete some task. The main thing is not to overdo it. You should not lose your sense of reality and be yourself. You have to be able to step out of your role in time.

“There are people who are so successful at suppressing emotions that they never cry. This is fine?

- There is nothing to be proud of here. Overall this is an inappropriate response. Yes, you can hold back at a certain moment when you want to impress or not scare children with your tears, but you shouldn’t do this all the time. We are all living people. Isn’t anyone ashamed when blood flows from a cut? Why should you be ashamed of tears?

Even if at some point you restrained yourself, in a healthy situation the person will then cry or be sad when the moment is right for this. I assure you that every “strangled” tear collects in a big lump. And if this lasts for years, it then results in hysteria with seizures. The longer you restrain yourself and do not give vent to emotions and tears, the stronger this attack will be.

“The opposite situation happens, when people cry constantly. Is there any standard by which you can understand that you cry too often?

- This is the same as if there was a norm for laughter: how many times a day is it normal to laugh? Nobody will answer this question. There is no such norm.

A mature person is one who, being in contact with reality, reacts adequately to it. As we grow older, we learn to manage our feelings, we understand where we need to restrain ourselves and where we can give free rein to our emotions, i.e. We behave appropriately to the situation. Of course, crying about everything in public is not exactly a mature story. This is normal at three years old. You know when a mother says to her son: “You can eat candy only after lunch.” And he sobs in response and cannot accept this situation. This is not a normal reaction for an adult. Tears non-stop can be considered an adequate reaction only when we are talking about deep mental trauma, for example, if a person has lost something. Normally, we can cry every time it is an appropriate response to the situation.

— You were pushed into the subway, and you cried. Is this an appropriate reaction?

“Most of us are unlikely to cry over such a situation.” But for some, what is happening may be the so-called “last straw.” We do not know what is hidden inside each of us, what happened in life in this moment. Yes, for someone, a seemingly insignificant irritant can cause a storm inside, but if we find the origins of this storm, then everything will fall into place.

Let me note once again that the problem itself arises for a person at the moment when he does not want to cry, but the tears flow themselves. In this regard, young children usually say: “I don’t want to, but they do it themselves.” If there is nothing like that in your life, then everything is fine.

- What can still provoke tears - only self-pity? What about stress, dissatisfaction with life, etc.?

- Look, strong self-pity arises as a result of fear of an existential threat. A person is afraid that he will not be there or that he will not be accepted for who he is. This fear itself can arise from shame. Shame is a reaction to the message “you are not needed, you are not suitable.” As a result, whether we are talking about stress or dissatisfaction with life, their roots lie in the fact that you chronically cannot cope with something, worry about your helplessness or inadequacy. And this is the shame that I spoke about.

Another important point: sometimes tearfulness is provoked by hormonal imbalances, which increase the feeling of helplessness. In this situation, of course, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

— Is it possible to cope with the desire to cry constantly on your own?

- Naturally, if you find real reasons your tears and try to solve the problems that concern you. But, in a situation where you understand that you are not able to carry out such honest analysis and you need help, you need to ask the same psychologist.

From time to time, every person wants to cry, regardless of gender and age. It has long been scientifically proven that crying helps relieve excess tension in the nervous system and promotes emotional release. But what if you want to cry all the time or very often? Is such a desire a symptom of some serious disorder?

Why do you often want to cry?

If you want to cry often, for the most insignificant reasons, or even without them, this is not the norm. This desire is caused by certain physiological changes in the body or psychological reasons.

One of the most common reasons why you want to cry all the time is changes in hormonal levels. This trouble often befalls women. Hormonal levels change with the onset of pregnancy, after childbirth, and after completion of breastfeeding. Often the hormonal balance is disturbed after an abortion, in the event of a miscarriage or a missed abortion. During menopause, hormonal levels change greatly, and this causes a woman to feel many unpleasant symptoms. Hormonal imbalance also occurs in men as a consequence of a number of diseases, alcohol and cigarette abuse, and also against the background of chronic stress.

Both women and men in the case of hormonal changes are characterized by similar symptoms: excess weight gain, decreased sex drive, feeling of constant fatigue, even after a full night's sleep. “I want to cry all the time,” people complain at a psychologist’s appointment. Both men and women suffering from hormonal imbalance note frequent mood swings, women complain about the appearance of tearfulness. Moreover, you want to cry in the most inappropriate places and for no apparent reason. Men also feel the urge to cry, they just complain about it much less often.

Chronic fatigue, recently experienced severe emotional stress can also cause tearfulness. If long time It is not possible to get enough sleep and relax at least a little, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, the nervous system is exhausted, and immunity is reduced. A chronically sleep-deprived person becomes irritable, whiny, has a feeling of apathy, is absent-minded and forgetful. If sleep deprivation lasts long enough, it can lead to serious illnesses, including stroke and diabetes.

Presence of intrapersonal conflict often also becomes the reason for the desire to cry frequently, and can also lead to reactions such as sudden changes in mood, causeless aggression, prolonged (sometimes up to several weeks) increase in body temperature, exacerbation of chronic diseases or the development of psychosomatic diseases. Intrapersonal conflicts arise when diametrically opposed desires, needs, values, goals and ideals collide within a person’s personality. For example, such a conflict is often typical for female managers - after all, on the one hand, they are required to be completely dedicated at work, and on the other hand, they want to be good wives and mothers.

What should I do if I want to cry?

If tearfulness is associated with postpartum depression, they usually advise you to just wait. When breastfeeding improves and hormonal levels stabilize, everything will return to normal. If you experience tearfulness and other troubles associated with menopause, you should consult a doctor - he will select medications that will help you get through this difficult time for a woman with the least discomfort.

In any case, if you suspect a hormonal imbalance, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, the result of hormonal imbalance can be not only obesity, chronic fatigue and tearfulness, but later serious diseases begin to develop against this background. The doctor will give a referral for a blood test for hormones and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will select special hormonal therapy.

If a constant desire to cry, irritation and absent-mindedness are associated with chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, then you need to take a time out and get some rest, because all of the above symptoms are a signal from the body: “Master, give me rest, I’m not getting enough sleep, a little more and we’ll get sick.” !” There is nothing more valuable than a good night's sleep. If your workload is so heavy that you have to sacrifice sleep, you need to urgently take measures to redistribute your time. If you start being a hero, your body will take revenge. You won't be able to win anyway - after all, in the case of chronic lack of sleep, a person begins to work more slowly, and attention is scattered, and the likelihood of errors in work increases. If a young mother does not get enough sleep, she definitely needs help. If there is no one to help, then sleep at least when the child sleeps.

As for intrapersonal conflicts, recognizing their presence in oneself is sometimes very difficult. This may require the help of a specialist. If hormonal imbalance and chronic fatigue are excluded, and irritability, a feeling of dissatisfaction and a constant desire to cry do not leave you, you should consult a psychologist, because unresolved intrapersonal conflicts lead, in the end, to very real and not at all harmless diseases.

You should not hesitate to visit a psychologist even if after severe stress Associated with events such as the loss of loved ones or divorce, tearfulness, anxiety, and a feeling of hopelessness occur, and this condition persists for several months.

What if it's depression?

Such a dangerous disease as depression can also be accompanied by a frequent desire to cry, a feeling of apathy, weakness, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Characteristic symptoms of depression are also the following: the patient is not happy with anything, nothing can give him pleasure, he is constantly tormented by anxiety, accompanied by melancholy, a feeling of depression and thoughts of suicide. A sick person sees absolutely everything in a black light: the world, yourself and your future.

You need to know that depression is not weakness, not the inability to pull oneself together - it is precisely a disease, and it requires special treatment. In the absence of such treatment, patients in the vast majority of cases die by committing suicide.

Depression is chemical in nature. Due to strong or very long-term stress there is a deficiency in the body chemical substances– neuromoderators that ensure the normal state of brain tissue and the functioning of the brain. A deficiency of neuromoderators, in particular serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, leads to the above symptoms. To treat depression, medications are needed - antidepressants, which replenish the deficiency of substances vital for brain activity and restore mental health.

In mild cases, herbal preparations are sufficient; in more severe cases, serious complex therapy will be required; sometimes, in order to maintain a normal level of neuromoderators, a person needs to constantly take antidepressants, just like a diabetic patient needs insulin.

It is very difficult to identify depression in yourself, but if you notice its symptoms in loved ones, do not hesitate, be sure to find a way to consult a good psychotherapist and begin treatment.

Causes and psychology of female crying.

Women express their emotions more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of psychology, and a kind of reboot. A man is more severe, keeps all emotions to himself, thereby provoking the occurrence of psychosomatic illnesses. In this article we will tell you why women cry without causes.

Why does a woman want to cry for no reason?

Many have noticed, especially the gentle half of humanity, that they are prone to tears and violent expression of emotions. And this is not surprising.

Why does a woman want to cry for no reason:

  • Sometimes tearfulness stimulates the release of the hormone prolactin. This is a female hormone that is mainly produced during breastfeeding. It stimulates the production of breast milk, but normally in a healthy woman it can be present in small quantities in the body.
  • This is not a violation, but a variant of the norm. Until the age of 10, both boys and girls also have this hormone in their bodies. This is why children cry much more often than adults.
  • During puberty, the amount of this hormone in the blood of men practically decreases to zero, and in women it decreases, but does not completely disappear. This is why the fair half of humanity can cry for no reason. However, hormonal characteristics do not always explain the desire to cry.

Why you want to cry for no reason: woman’s psychology

There are many reasons that can trigger tears.

Why you want to cry for no reason - woman’s psychology:

  • Stress. Thus the woman gets emotional release, she doesn’t keep everything to herself, but throws out the negativity. Unlike a man, a woman will not scream, vent her anger and dissatisfaction on those around her and loved ones, but will silently cry somewhere in bed or in a corner. Scientists note that tears have a cleansing effect and allow you to relax, normalize hormonal levels, and reduce nervous tension. Accordingly, for women, tears are a way to throw off all the negativity.
  • Tears may talk about a woman's fatigue, her nervous overstrain. This often occurs in married women who have a lot of responsibilities. Representatives of the fair sex at the moment not only have to work and carry out instructions from management, but also keep order in the house, cook food, teach homework with children, and also wash clothes. Very often, a woman simply does not have the strength to perform these duties due to physical fatigue. In this case, tears are a way to relieve nervous tension.
  • - this is not always useful, sometimes it becomes the starting point for troubles and problems. It is especially harmful to cry while feeling sorry for yourself, convincing that everyone is to blame. Such sacrifice does not benefit anyone, and often becomes the starting point of depression or neuroses. In this case, you need to try to cheer yourself up, find an interesting activity that helps take your mind off negative thoughts, as well as normalize the emotional state.
  • Tearing for no reason may be due to hormones. This often occurs during pregnancy, during menopause, and before menstruation. After all, women during the period of premenstrual syndrome are often very emotional, actively react to any insults, and are prone to hysterics.

In most cases, women themselves are much more emotional than men, but this does not mean that they are weak. Excessive emotionality allows them to love, be vulnerable, sentimental, and give all their love to loved ones, children, and also their husband. The main purpose of a man is to earn money and support his family. To do this, he must have cold calculation, and not high emotionality or sentimentality.

  • Women, in order to love their children, husband, constantly give of themselves, and make a huge number of sacrifices, must somehow relieve emotional stress. They do this with tears.
  • Scientists have proven that during Crying releases a huge amount of stress hormone, which comes out along with tears. This great way relax and calm down. Researchers have proven that the fastest way to get rid of stress is through catharsis - crying, which is carried out with screams and anguish. Psychologists recommend that people prone to depression go somewhere far away into the forest, scream there, cry and throw out all their negativity.
  • This is an excellent way to relax, helping to get rid of stress and illness. If a woman suppresses her emotions and tears for a long period of time, holding back at the same time, then problems with internal organs can often be discovered.
  • Usually these are ailments of the female reproductive system, such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids or cysts. In psychosomatics, such ailments arise precisely due to the suppression of emotions.

Why do you suddenly want to cry for no reason?

Why does a woman cry for no reason? Very often, women understand that tears are an excellent way of manipulation. You can achieve a lot with tears. Some women take advantage of this, thereby causing pity in the man and a desire to end the lady’s suffering.

Why do you suddenly want to cry for no reason?

  • This way the woman gets what she needs. However, this method of obtaining desired items, purchases or gifts also has a negative side. The fact is that this method of manipulation should never be used often. Very quickly a man will understand that the woman is manipulating in this way, so he will stop paying attention to the tears. Sometimes this can cause a lack of mutual understanding in the family.
  • Tears that flow from resentment, frustration, and regret, manifestations of self-pity, are destructive. They destroy and lead to serious psychological problems and prolonged depression. Under no circumstances should you cry; it is necessary to cope with manifestations of aggression. There is a proverb that says if you can't change the world, change yourself.
  • It is necessary to become less susceptible to others, and not to take various incidents to heart. Women themselves are very emotional, and tend to let every word pass through them, clinging to the negative like Velcro or tape. That is why in most cases the cause of various ailments is psychosomatics and problems with the perception of the world.

Why do pregnant women want to cry for no reason?

This usually happens in the first trimester.

Why do pregnant women want to cry for no reason?

  • During this period, the amount of progesterone and prolactin increases. It is these hormones that become the culprits of mood swings.
  • This is a variant of the norm, because a lot of problems have fallen on fragile women’s shoulders. Now the body needs to take care not only of itself, but also of the baby’s body.
  • As for cleansing tears, there is nothing wrong with them. Most often, women may cry from fatigue. After all, most of the time they are at work. Usually this is housework, earning money, caring for children and husband.

Watery eyes: causes

Often the cause of tears is not proper nutrition. The fact is that fast carbohydrates sharply increase the level of glucose in the blood, and it also drops very quickly. Accordingly, as soon as a woman has eaten something sweet, a confectionery product or a cake, her glucose level increases sharply, and she feels happy. However, the glucose level drops very quickly, drowsiness, tearfulness sets in, and mood deteriorates.

Only The right way To get rid of this addiction is to eat slow carbohydrates. These are cereals, porridges, and breads made from durum wheat. Thus, the glucose level will increase gradually and be maintained at a constant level. Thus, there will be no drop in glucose levels, and accordingly, moods are also excluded.

Watery eyes, causes:

  • Women are often prone to tears during the off-season. It is not for nothing that many poets consider autumn to be the season of artists and writers. This happens for the simple reason that it is in the fall that the body may experience a lack of vitamins and microelements. To improve your mood, you need to choose the right diet, or introduce additional vitamin preparations in tablets.
  • There are conditions in which there are no serious emotional problems, in general the woman feels well, there are reasons for joy, but tears still flow from the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to look for pathologies.
  • Conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the membrane of the eye, resulting in redness, lacrimation, and photophobia.
  • Thyroid diseases. Hypothyroidism also causes excessive tearing for no reason.
  • Excessively sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes. In this case, special drops are indicated that will improve the condition of the eyes and prevent tearing.
  • Heart ailments. Scientists have proven that some heart diseases can cause lacrimation.

What to do if you want to cry for no reason?

First of all, you need to find something to do. It is best if it is something active, such as fitness or dancing. Sign up for a swim at the nearest sports club, this allows you to relax and make a new circle of acquaintances. Communication is the path to new life and saturation.

What to do if you want to cry for no reason:

  • After all, a woman who is fulfilled is always able to give a lot not only to her family, but to everyone around her. In general, women who go in for sports, have their own hobbies, are more harmonious, have a friendly character, and are on friendly terms with others.
  • If these are tears of fatigue, you should under no circumstances restrain yourself. It is best to cry, thereby relieving stress and improving your condition. If these are destructive tears that are aimed at self-pity, then under no circumstances should they be allowed to manifest themselves. With such tears, the best option is to go in for sports and find a hobby. It is best if it is active and associated with physical exercise.
  • Psychologists advise in any incomprehensible situations, when there is stress, a person wants to feel sorry for himself, to burden himself homework, do squats, do abs, or just go for a run in the park. There is nothing wrong with this, even if you have never run before. Put on your sneakers and go to the nearest forest or stadium. Physical fatigue helps spread pleasant warmth throughout the body, improving physical and emotional well-being. This way, there will be no more desire to cry on this day.

Mood - I want to cry, what should I do?

If you really want to cry while talking to a man, he has offended you, you need to restrain yourself.

Mood - I want to cry, what to do:

  • Men don’t like hysterics; they are ready to endure tears once or twice, but the rest of the time they will avoid communicating with you. If you don't want your family relationships failed, you need to be restrained.
  • If you don’t like something in a relationship, the surest and best option is to tell your partner about it, and in a calm tone. If a man’s words offend you or are unpleasant, say so in a calm, firm voice.
  • If a man does not stop humiliating you, calmly turn around and leave. Under no circumstances should you feel sorry for yourself or cry. It’s worth going to friends and acquaintances, doing something that lifts your spirits, going for a walk with your children.

People cry for various reasons - from grief and pain, from fear and humiliation, from hopelessness and resentment, from joy and happiness, etc. Cry- this is a surge of emotions, most often accompanied by tears, lamentations, sobbing and sobbing. Mostly women and children cry, less often men. Moreover, for young children this is the main way to “tell” their parents what they want (for example, to eat). Cry less often strong people who have good control over themselves and their emotions, and have nerves of iron. But not all people are like that.

So what should you do if you want to cry and there’s a lump of sobbing in your throat and tears welling up in your eyes? If you have such a situation, try to first restore your breathing. Don't let it get faster, start breathing deeper and slower. You need to calm down, drink water, pull yourself together.

Try not to get emotional. Some unkind people may deliberately provoke you by humiliating or insulting you in order to enjoy your tears. Be strong, don’t listen to them, be firm and as restrained as possible. Then such people, seeing that their attacks did not reach the goal, will feel some discomfort and vulnerability, and will eventually leave you behind. Life is full of surprises, both good and unpleasant. Therefore, you must always be prepared for anything. I highly recommend trying the following method.

Every morning get up in front of the mirror and repeat, looking into your eyes, how strong you are, how smart you are, that you are better than everyone else, that you are not afraid of anything, you don’t care about anything, you will overcome any obstacle in life. You will withstand any suffering, no one can break your will, no one will force you to bow to whoever he is. Having instilled confidence and desire in yourself, you will be stronger, and tears and sobs will not be able to overcome you, you will look at yourself from the other side and draw certain conclusions.

Of course, not everything in life is so bad; there are also good moments. There is such a thing as tears of joy. These tears are harder to hold back, so don't try too hard. After all, it is easier to look at a person crying and rejoicing than at someone sobbing and heartbroken. So he's doing well.

For example, a mother who waited for her son to leave the army or parents who learned that their child had successfully undergone a complex operation. If you have a difficult situation in your life, consult a psychologist. They will tell you or give you advice. Or read psychology, in books or on the Internet, it doesn’t matter.

In conclusion, I would like to add, think about yourself, ask yourself what kind of person you are - strong or weak. The main thing is not to lose presence and self-confidence in difficult situations. After all, as the old Russian proverb says, “Tears cannot help your grief.” Think carefully.

Zamsha – I want to cry (HD)