Gennadii_M March 17, 2016 at 2:52 pm

Testing. Fundamental theory

  • IT systems testing
  • Tutorial

I recently had an interview at Middle QA for a project that clearly exceeds my capabilities. I spent a lot of time on something I didn’t know at all and little time repeating a simple theory, but in vain.

Below are the basics to review before interview for Trainee and Junior: Definition of Testing, quality, verification/validation, goals, stages, test plan, test plan points, test design, test design techniques, traceability matrix, test case, checklist, defect, error/deffect/failure, bug report, severity vs priority, testing levels, types / types, integration testing approaches, testing principles, static and dynamic testing, exploratory / ad-hoc testing, requirements, bug life cycle, software development stages, decision table, qa/qc/test engineer, connection diagram.

All comments, corrections and additions are very welcome.

Software testing- checking the correspondence between the actual and expected behavior of the program, carried out on a finite set of tests selected in a certain way. In more in a broad sense, testing is one of the quality control techniques that includes the activities of work planning (Test Management), test design (Test Design), testing execution (Test Execution) and analysis of the results (Test Analysis).

Software Quality is a set of characteristics of software related to its ability to satisfy stated and anticipated needs.

Verification is the process of evaluating a system or its components to determine whether the results of the current development stage satisfy the conditions formed at the beginning of this stage. Those. whether our goals, deadlines, and project development tasks defined at the beginning of the current phase are being met.
Validation- this is a determination of whether the software being developed meets the user's expectations and needs, and system requirements.
You can also find another interpretation:
The process of assessing a product's compliance with explicit requirements (specifications) is verification, while at the same time assessing the product's compliance with user expectations and requirements is validation. You can also often find the following definition of these concepts:
Validation - ‘is this the right specification?’.
Verification - ‘is the system correct to specification?’.

Test Goals
Increase the likelihood that the application intended for testing will work correctly under all circumstances.
Increase the likelihood that the application being tested will meet all of the described requirements.
Providing up-to-date information about the current state of the product.

Testing stages:
1. Product analysis
2. Working with requirements
3. Development of a testing strategy
and planning quality control procedures
4. Creation of test documentation
5. Prototype testing
6. Basic testing
7. Stabilization
8. Operation

Test Plan- this is a document that describes the entire scope of testing work, starting from a description of the object, strategy, schedule, criteria for starting and ending testing, to the equipment required in the process, special knowledge, as well as risk assessment with options for their resolution.
Answers the questions:
What should be tested?
What will you test?
How will you test?
When will you test?
Criteria for starting testing.
Test completion criteria.

Main points of the test plan
The IEEE 829 standard lists the points that a test plan should (may) consist of:
a) Test plan identifier;
b) Introduction;
c) Test items;
d) Features to be tested;
e) Features not to be tested;
f) Approach;
g) Item pass/fail criteria;
h) Suspension criteria and resumption requirements;
i) Test deliverables;
j) Testing tasks;
k) Environmental needs;
l) Responsibilities;
m) Staffing and training needs;
n) Schedule;
o) Risks and contingencies;

Test design– this is the stage of the software testing process at which test scenarios (test cases) are designed and created in accordance with previously defined quality criteria and testing goals.
Roles responsible for test design:
Test analyst - determines “WHAT to test?”
Test designer - determines “HOW to test?”

Test design techniques

Equivalence Partitioning (EP). As an example, if you have a range of valid values ​​from 1 to 10, you must choose one correct value inside the interval, say 5, and one incorrect value outside the interval, 0.

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA). If we take the example above, we will select the minimum and maximum limits (1 and 10) as values ​​for positive testing, and values ​​greater and less than the limits (0 and 11). Boundary value analysis can be applied to fields, records, files, or any kind of constrained entity.

Cause/Effect - CE. This is, as a rule, entering combinations of conditions (reasons) to obtain a response from the system (Effect). For example, you are testing the ability to add a customer using a specific display. To do this, you will need to enter several fields such as “Name”, “Address”, “Phone Number” and then click the “Add” button - this is “Reason”. After clicking the “Add” button, the system adds the client to the database and shows his number on the screen - this is “Investigation”.

Error Guessing (EG). This is when the tester uses his knowledge of the system and ability to interpret the specification to “predict” under what input conditions the system might throw an error. For example, the specification says "the user must enter a code." The tester will think: “What if I don’t enter the code?”, “What if I enter the wrong code? ", and so on. This is the prediction of error.

Exhaustive Testing (ET)- this is an extreme case. Within this technique, you should check all possible combinations of input values, and in principle, this should find all problems. In practice, the use of this method is not possible due to the huge number of input values.

Pairwise Testing is a technique for generating test data sets. The essence can be formulated, for example, like this: the formation of data sets in which each tested value of each of the tested parameters is combined at least once with each tested value of all other tested parameters.

Let's say some value (tax) for a person is calculated based on his gender, age and presence of children - we get three input parameters, for each of which we select values ​​in some way for tests. For example: gender - male or female; age - up to 25, from 25 to 60, over 60; presence of children - yes or no. To check the correctness of the calculations, you can, of course, go through all combinations of values ​​of all parameters:

floor age children
1 man up to 25 have no children
2 woman up to 25 have no children
3 man 25-60 have no children
4 woman 25-60 have no children
5 man over 60 have no children
6 woman over 60 have no children
7 man up to 25 Do you have children
8 woman up to 25 Do you have children
9 man 25-60 Do you have children
10 woman 25-60 Do you have children
11 man over 60 Do you have children
12 woman over 60 Do you have children

Or you might decide that we don't want combinations of all parameter values ​​with all, but just want to make sure that we check all unique pairs of parameter values. That is, for example, in terms of gender and age parameters, we want to make sure that we accurately check a man under 25, a man between 25 and 60, a man after 60, as well as a woman under 25, a woman between 25 and 60, and so on. woman after 60. And exactly the same for all other pairs of parameters. And this way we can get much smaller sets of values ​​(they have all pairs of values, although some twice):

floor age children
1 man up to 25 have no children
2 woman up to 25 Do you have children
3 man 25-60 Do you have children
4 woman 25-60 have no children
5 man over 60 have no children
6 woman over 60 Do you have children

This approach is roughly the essence of the pairwise testing technique - we do not test all combinations of all values, but we test all pairs of values.

Traceability matrix - Requirements compliance matrix is a two-dimensional table containing the correspondence between the functional requirements of the product and prepared test cases. The table column headings contain requirements, and the row headings contain test scenarios. At the intersection there is a mark indicating that the requirement of the current column is covered by the test case of the current row.
The requirements compliance matrix is ​​used by QA engineers to validate product test coverage. MCT is an integral part of the test plan.

Test Case is an artifact that describes a set of steps, specific conditions and parameters necessary to check the implementation of the function under test or its part.
Action Expected Result Test Result
Open page “login” Login page is opened Passed

Each test case must have 3 parts:
PreConditions A list of actions that bring the system to a condition suitable for basic testing. Or a list of conditions, the fulfillment of which indicates that the system is in a state suitable for conducting the main test.
Test Case Description A list of actions that transfer the system from one state to another to obtain a result on the basis of which it can be concluded that the implementation satisfies the requirements
PostConditions List of actions that transfer the system to the initial state (state before the test - initial state)
Types of Test Scripts:
Test cases are divided according to the expected result into positive and negative:
A positive test case uses only correct data and verifies that the application correctly executed the called function.
Negative test the case operates with both correct and incorrect data (at least 1 incorrect parameter) and aims to check for exceptional situations (validators are triggered), and also check that the function called by the application is not executed when the validator is triggered.

Check list is a document that describes what should be tested. At the same time, the checklist can be of completely different levels of detail. How detailed the checklist will be depends on reporting requirements, the level of product knowledge of employees and the complexity of the product.
As a rule, a checklist contains only actions (steps), without the expected result. The checklist is less formalized than the test script. It is appropriate to use it when test scripts are redundant. Checklists are also associated with flexible approaches to testing.

Defect (aka bug) is a discrepancy between the actual result of program execution and the expected result. Defects are discovered during the software testing stage, when the tester compares the results of the program (component or design) with the expected result described in the requirements specification.

Error- user error, that is, he tries to use the program in a different way.
Example - enters letters into fields where you need to enter numbers (age, quantity of goods, etc.).
A high-quality program provides for such situations and displays an error message with a red cross.
Bug (defect)- an error by the programmer (or designer or anyone else who takes part in the development), that is, when something in the program does not go as planned and the program gets out of control. For example, when user input is not controlled in any way, as a result, incorrect data causes crashes or other “joys” in the operation of the program. Or the program is built internally in such a way that it initially does not correspond to what is expected of it.
Failure- a failure (and not necessarily a hardware one) in the operation of a component, an entire program or system. That is, there are defects that lead to failures (A defect caused the failure) and there are those that do not. UI defects for example. But a hardware failure that has nothing to do with software is also a failure.

Bug Report is a document describing the situation or sequence of actions that led to the incorrect operation of the test object, indicating the reasons and the expected result.
A cap
Short description (Summary) A short description of the problem, clearly indicating the cause and type of error situation.
Project Name of the project being tested
Application Component (Component) The name of the part or function of the product being tested
Version number The version on which the error was found
Severity The most common five-level system for grading the severity of a defect is:
S1 Blocker
S2 Critical
S3 Major
S4 Minor
S5 Trivial
Priority The priority of the defect:
P1 High
P2 Medium
P3 Low
Status The status of the bug. Depends on the procedure used and the bug workflow and life cycle

Author (Author) Bug report creator
Assigned To The name of the person assigned to the problem.
OS / Service Pack, etc. / Browser + version /… Information about the environment in which the bug was found: operating system, service pack, for WEB testing - browser name and version, etc.

Steps to Reproduce Steps by which you can easily reproduce the situation that led to the error.
Actual Result The result obtained after going through the steps to reproduce
Expected Result Expected correct result
Attachment A log file, screenshot or any other document that can help clarify the cause of the error or indicate a way to solve the problem

Severity vs Priority
Severity is an attribute that characterizes the impact of a defect on the performance of an application.
Priority is an attribute that indicates the priority of performing a task or eliminating a defect. We can say that this is a work planning manager's tool. The higher the priority, the faster the defect needs to be fixed.
Severity is exposed by the tester
Priority – manager, team lead or customer

Gradation of Defect Severity (Severity)

S1 Blocker
A blocking error that renders the application inoperative, making further work with the system under test or its key functions impossible. Solving the problem is necessary for the further functioning of the system.

S2 Critical
A critical error, a malfunctioning key business logic, a hole in the security system, a problem that led to a temporary crash of the server or rendered some part of the system inoperative, without the ability to solve the problem using other entry points. Solving the problem is necessary for further work with key functions of the system under test.

S3 Major
Significant error, part of the main business logic does not work correctly. The error is not critical or it is possible to work with the function under test using other input points.

S4 Minor
A minor error that does not violate the business logic of the part of the application being tested, an obvious user interface problem.

S5 Trivial
A trivial error that does not affect the business logic of the application, a poorly reproducible problem that is hardly noticeable through the user interface, a problem with third-party libraries or services, a problem that does not have any impact on the overall quality of the product.

Gradation of Defect Priority (Priority)
P1 High
The error must be corrected as quickly as possible, because... its presence is critical for the project.
P2 Medium
The error must be corrected; its presence is not critical, but requires a mandatory solution.
P3 Low
The error must be corrected; its presence is not critical and does not require an urgent solution.

Testing Levels

1. Unit Testing
Component (unit) testing checks functionality and looks for defects in parts of the application that are accessible and can be tested separately (program modules, objects, classes, functions, etc.).

2. Integration Testing
The interaction between system components is checked after component testing.

3. System Testing
The main objective of system testing is to verify both functional and non-functional requirements in the system as a whole. This identifies defects such as incorrect use of system resources, unintended combinations of user-level data, incompatibility with the environment, unintended use cases, missing or incorrect functionality, inconvenience of use, etc.

4. Operational testing (Release Testing).
Even if a system meets all requirements, it is important to ensure that it meets the needs of the user and fulfills its role in its operating environment as defined in the system's business model. It should be taken into account that the business model may contain errors. This is why it is so important to conduct operational testing as the final validation step. In addition, testing in the operating environment allows us to identify non-functional problems, such as: conflicts with other systems related to the business area or in software and electronic environments; insufficient system performance in the operating environment, etc. Obviously, finding such things at the implementation stage is a critical and expensive problem. Therefore, it is so important to carry out not only verification, but also validation, from the very early stages software development.

5. Acceptance Testing
A formal testing process that verifies that a system meets requirements and is conducted to:
determining whether the system meets acceptance criteria;
making a decision by the customer or other authorized person whether the application is accepted or not.

Types/types of testing

Functional types of testing

Functional testing
GUI Testing
Security and Access Control Testing
Interoperability Testing

Non-functional types of testing

All types of performance testing:
o load testing (Performance and Load Testing)
o Stress Testing
o Stability / Reliability Testing
o Volume Testing
Installation testing
Usability Testing
Failover and Recovery Testing
Configuration Testing

Change-Related Types of Testing

Smoke Testing
Regression Testing
Build Verification Test
Sanity Testing

Functional testing considers pre-specified behavior and is based on an analysis of the specifications of the functionality of the component or the system as a whole.

GUI Testing- functional check of the interface for compliance with the requirements - size, font, color, consistent behavior.

Security testing is a testing strategy used to check the security of the system, as well as to analyze the risks associated with providing a holistic approach to protecting the application, attacks by hackers, viruses, unauthorized access to confidential data.

Interoperability Testing is functional testing that tests the ability of an application to interact with one or more components or systems and includes compatibility testing and integration testing

Stress Testing- this is automated testing that simulates the work of a certain number of business users on some common (shared by them) resource.

Stress Testing allows you to check how efficient the application and the system as a whole are under stress and also evaluate the system’s ability to regenerate, i.e. to return to normal after the cessation of stress. Stress in this context can be an increase in the intensity of operations to very high values ​​or an emergency change in the server configuration. Also, one of the tasks of stress testing may be to assess performance degradation, so the goals of stress testing may overlap with the goals of performance testing.

Volume Testing. The purpose of volume testing is to obtain an assessment of performance as the volume of data in the application database increases

Stability / Reliability Testing. The task of stability (reliability) testing is to check the functionality of the application during long-term (many hours) testing with an average load level.

Testing the installation aimed at verifying successful installation and configuration, as well as updating or uninstalling software.

Usability testing is a testing method aimed at establishing the degree of usability, learnability, understandability and attractiveness for users of the product being developed in the context of given conditions. This also includes:
User eXperience (UX) is the feeling experienced by the user while using a digital product, while User interface is a tool that allows user-web resource interaction.

Failover and Recovery Testing tests the product under test in terms of its ability to withstand and successfully recover from possible failures resulting from software errors, hardware failures, or communications problems (for example, network failure). The purpose of this type of testing is to test recovery systems (or systems duplicating the main functionality), which, in the event of failures, will ensure the safety and integrity of the data of the product being tested.

Configuration Testing- a special type of testing aimed at checking the operation of the software under different system configurations (declared platforms, supported drivers, different computer configurations, etc.)

Smoke testing is considered as a short cycle of tests performed to confirm that after building the code (new or fixed), the installed application starts and performs basic functions.

Regression testing- this is a type of testing aimed at checking changes made in an application or environment(fixing a defect, merging code, migrating to another operating system, database, web server or application server), to confirm the fact that pre-existing functionality works as before. Regression tests can be both functional and non-functional tests.

Retesting- testing, during which test scripts that identified errors during the last run are executed to confirm the success of correcting these errors.
What is the difference between regression testing and re-testing?
Re-testing - bug fixes are checked
Regression testing - checks that bug fixes, as well as any changes in the application code, do not affect other software modules and do not cause new bugs.

Assembly testing or Build Verification Test- testing aimed at determining compliance of the released version with quality criteria to begin testing. In terms of its objectives, it is analogous to Smoke Testing aimed at acceptance new version for further testing or operation. It can penetrate deeper, depending on the quality requirements of the released version.

Sanitary testing- this is narrowly focused testing sufficient to prove that a specific function works according to the requirements stated in the specification. It is a subset of regression testing. Used to determine the performance of a certain part of the application after changes made to it or the environment. Usually done manually.

Integration testing approaches:
Bottom Up Integration
All low-level modules, procedures or functions are collected together and then tested. After which the next level of modules is assembled for integration testing. This approach is considered useful if all or almost all modules of the level being developed are ready. This approach also helps determine the level of application readiness based on testing results.
Top Down Integration
First, all high-level modules are tested, and gradually low-level ones are added one by one. All lower-level modules are simulated as stubs with similar functionality, then when ready, they are replaced with real active components. This way we test from top to bottom.
Big Bang(“Big Bang” Integration)
All or almost all of the developed modules are assembled together as a complete system or its main part, and then integration testing is carried out. This approach is very good for saving time. However, if the test cases and their results are not recorded correctly, then the integration process itself will be greatly complicated, which will become an obstacle for the testing team in achieving the main goal of integration testing.

Testing principles

Principle 1– Testing shows presence of defects
Testing can show that defects are present, but cannot prove that they are not present. Testing reduces the likelihood of defects in the software, but even if no defects are found, this does not prove its correctness.

Principle 2– Exhaustive testing is impossible
Complete testing using all combinations of inputs and preconditions is physically infeasible except in trivial cases. Instead of exhaustive testing, risk analysis and prioritization should be used to better focus testing efforts.

Principle 3– Early testing
To find defects as early as possible, testing activities should be started as early as possible in the software or system development life cycle, and should be focused on specific goals.

Principle 4– Defects clustering
Testing efforts should be concentrated in proportion to the expected, and later the actual, module defect density. As a rule, most of the defects discovered during testing or that caused the majority of system failures are contained in a small number of modules.

Principle 5– Pesticide paradox
If the same tests are run over and over again, eventually this set of test cases will no longer find new defects. To overcome this “pesticide paradox”, test cases must be regularly reviewed and adjusted, new tests must be comprehensive to cover all software components,
or system, and find as many defects as possible.

Principle 6– Testing is concept depending
Testing is done differently depending on the context. For example, security-critical software is tested differently than an e-commerce site.
Principle 7– Absence-of-errors fallacy
Finding and fixing defects will not help if the created system does not suit the user and does not meet his expectations and needs.

Static and dynamic testing
Static testing differs from dynamic testing in that it is performed without running the product code. Testing is carried out by analyzing the program code (code review) or compiled code. The analysis can be done either manually or using special tools. The purpose of the analysis is to early identify errors and potential problems in the product. Static testing also includes testing specifications and other documentation.

Exploratory/ad-hoc testing
The simplest definition of exploratory testing is designing and running tests at the same time. Which is the opposite of the scenario approach (with its predefined testing procedures, whether manual or automated). Exploratory tests, unlike scenario tests, are not predetermined and are not executed exactly as planned.

The difference between ad hoc and exploratory testing is that theoretically, ad hoc testing can be carried out by anyone, while exploratory testing requires skill and knowledge of certain techniques. Please note that certain techniques are not just testing techniques.

Requirements is a specification (description) of what should be implemented.
Requirements describe what needs to be implemented without going into detail. technical side solutions. What, not how.

Requirements Requirements:
Completeness of the set of requirements
Consistency of a set of requirements
Verifiability (testability)

Bug life cycle

Software development stages- these are the stages that software development teams go through before the program becomes available to a wide range of users. Software development begins with the initial development stage (pre-alpha stage) and continues with stages in which the product is refined and modernized. The final stage of this process is the release of the final version of the software to the market (“generally available release”).

The software product goes through the following stages:
analysis of project requirements;
product testing;
implementation and support.

Each stage of software development is assigned a specific serial number. Also, each stage has its own name, which characterizes the readiness of the product at this stage.

Software development life cycle:
Release candidate
Post release

Decision table– an excellent tool for organizing complex business requirements that must be implemented in a product. Decision tables present a set of conditions, the simultaneous fulfillment of which should lead to a certain action.

Extra - introversion, neuroticism and psychoticism in the personality structure.

1) Extraversion - introversion. Characterizing a typical extrovert, the author notes his sociability and outward orientation of the individual, a wide circle of acquaintances, and the need for contacts. A typical extrovert acts on the spur of the moment, is impulsive, and has a quick temper. He is carefree, optimistic, good-natured, cheerful. Prefers movement and action, tends to be aggressive. Feelings and emotions are not strictly controlled, and he is prone to risky actions. You can't always rely on him.

A typical introvert is a quiet, shy person who is prone to introspection. Reserved and distant from everyone except close friends. Plans and thinks about his actions in advance, does not trust sudden impulses, takes decisions seriously, loves order in everything. He controls his feelings and is not easily angered. He is pessimistic and highly values ​​moral standards.

2) Neuroticism - emotional stability. Characterizes emotional stability or instability (emotional stability or instability). Neuroticism, according to some data, is associated with indicators of nervous system lability.

Emotional stability is a trait that expresses the preservation of organized behavior and situational focus in normal and stressful situations. An emotionally stable person is characterized by maturity, excellent adaptation, lack of great tension, anxiety, as well as a tendency to leadership and sociability.

Neuroticism is expressed in extreme nervousness, instability, poor adaptation, a tendency to quickly change moods (lability), feelings of guilt and anxiety, preoccupation, depressive reactions, absent-mindedness, instability in stressful situations. Neuroticism corresponds to emotionality and impulsiveness; unevenness in contacts with people, variability of interests, self-doubt, pronounced sensitivity, impressionability, tendency to irritability. A neurotic personality is characterized by inappropriately strong reactions in relation to the stimuli that cause them. Individuals with high scores on the neuroticism scale may develop neurosis in unfavorable stressful situations.

3) Psychotism. This scale indicates a tendency towards antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inappropriate emotional reactions, high

conflict, lack of contact, self-centeredness, selfishness, indifference.

According to Eysenck, high scores on extraversion and neuroticism correspond to a psychiatric diagnosis of hysteria, and high scores on introversion and neuroticism correspond to a state of anxiety or reactive depression.

Neuroticism and psychoticism, in the case of the severity of these indicators, are understood as a “predisposition” to the corresponding types of pathology.

The concept of tests. Opportunities and limitations.

Tests are standardized psychodiagnostic methods that allow one to obtain comparable quantitative and qualitative indicators of the degree of development of the properties being studied.

Intelligence tests. Designed for research and level measurement intellectual development person. They are the most common psychodiagnostic techniques.

Intelligence as an object of measurement does not mean any manifestations of individuality, but primarily those that relate to cognitive processes and functions (to thinking, memory, attention, perception). In form, intelligence tests can be group and individual, oral and written, form-based, subject-based and computer-based.

Aptitude tests. This is a type of methodology designed to assess an individual’s capabilities in mastering the knowledge, skills, abilities necessary for one or more activities.

It is customary to distinguish common and special abilities. General abilities provide mastery of many types of activities. General abilities are identified with intelligence, and therefore they are often called general intellectual (mental) abilities.

Unlike general ones, special abilities are considered in relation to individual types of activity. In accordance with this division, tests of general and special abilities are developed.

Ability tests are varied in form (individual and group, oral and written, form, subject, instrumental, etc.).

Achievement tests, or, as they can be called differently, tests of objective control of success (school, professional, sports) are intended to assess the degree of advancement of abilities, knowledge, skills, abilities after a person has completed training, professional and other training. Thus, achievement tests primarily measure the impact that a relatively standard set of influences has on an individual's development. They are widely used for the assessment of school, educational, and professional achievements. This explains their large number and diversity.

School achievement tests are mainly group and form based, but can also be presented in a computer version.

Professional achievement tests usually have three different shapes: instrumental (execution or action tests), written and oral.

Personality tests. These are psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at assessing the emotional and volitional components of mental activity - motivation, interests, emotions, relationships (including interpersonal ones), as well as the individual’s behavior abilities in certain situations. Thus, personality tests diagnose non-intellectual manifestations.


1. This short tests- the reader spends very little time and mental effort on their implementation. Immediately he receives a simple answer - an assessment of himself on one, usually the scale of a popular test.

2. These are “acute” tests - personal and interpersonal subject relationships that are especially attractive to the reader are discussed. How not to remember here “Test for a real man” or “Test for a real woman" They are very consistent with the age-psychological needs of adolescents or young people.

3. These tests are designed in such a way that they do not require lengthy comments and do not require specialist explanations. They are intended for “correspondence” use. Any scientific test in psychology is intended for a specialist who, as a rule, shares the information obtained through the test with the client in a very measured and confidential manner. There is no problem of dosing information, and indeed no problem of confidentiality. True, there is confidentiality itself: after all, such a popular test is filled out by a person alone with the text in the magazine.

4. Popular tests, generally speaking, prepare potential clients from readers by dissecting their consciousness and differentiating their self-esteem.

5. Popular tests are produced quickly. It is quite simple to create such a test, which is quite suitable for publication in relevant journals. The most difficult thing in such tests is to give scales for assessing answers and principles for summing up the scores received.

6. The interpretation of such tests is usually very reader-friendly. Even the assignment to a less favorable option in such tests is accompanied by reservations so as not to injure the reader’s pride.

7. Popular tests usually exist “in sets”, i.e. “fall out” on the user in handfuls, immediately dismembering (affecting) entire spaces of the client’s consciousness. Moreover, the reader himself chooses the tasks. The tests are not imposed, not prescribed to him, but chosen by him.

8. The reader quite clearly understands the level of “demand” for such diagnostic techniques. He understands that this is more entertainment than a serious assessment of his family life.


1. Popular tests often have very vague or even specifically complex subject areas.

2. Such tests never need to be validated or simply compared with other tests. What they measure is believed to be intuitively obvious to the reader.

3. Accordingly, such methods are never tested for reliability: the fact that today the client answered the test in one way, and tomorrow in a different way, is not a drawback of the test.

4. Since the subject of testing in such methods is never hidden (not disguised), the researcher can often obtain the effect of “social desirability”, demonstrativeness.

5. Since such techniques are never tested for their psychometric merits (whether they sufficiently disaggregate the sample) and, moreover, never have standards (normative, standard data for the technique), those who performed them will never know how similar or different their results according to the technique are to the results other users. Unless, of course, two or three readers are completing the test at the same time!

6. In some cases, generally speaking, such methods, in the absence of contact with a consulting psychologist, can lead to iatrogenics. At the very least, such techniques are not tested for iatrogenicity.

7. Finally, such methods are almost never (with rare exceptions) equipped with instructions on the boundaries of age applicability and gender relevance. These are most often sexless and ageless techniques. (Unfortunately, the same can be said about a significant part of scientific tests in the field of family psychology.)

We’ll tell you what SHL tests are and show with examples how they help in HR’s work. Here are examples of all types of SHL tests with answers.

From this article you will learn

Psychometric tests:

What are SHL tests

Psychometric SHL tests are a recruiting tool that allows you to weed out unsuitable candidates before the interview. SHL tests do not test applicants' knowledge, but rather assess their intellectual abilities. According to statistics, after passing the SHL tests, 70-80% of applicants reach an interview.

3 types of SHL tests

1. Verbal SHL tests

The verbal test is a text fragment on a certain topic, usually related to the future activities of the applicant. The text may contain complex designs, terms and special expressions.

2-3 statements are given to the text. You need to rate them on the following scale: “True”, “False” and “Little information”.

2. Mathematical (numerical) SHL tests

Such tests involve solving mathematical problems of varying levels of complexity. They do not specify integrals, derivatives and systems of equations, but, nevertheless, the problem requires analysis large quantity data under limited time conditions.

3. Logical SHL tests

They are also called abstract reasoning tests, induction tests, or diagram tests. Logical test tasks are given in the form of statements, a set of abstract figures, number sequences or diagrams. The candidate must find a pattern and answer the question or choose the correct option.

What are SHL tests for?

SHL tests test how quickly a candidate can think, analyze information, concentrate, and whether he can think logically.

What can be checked using SHL tests

Using SHL tests you can assess the level of development of abilities different types: abilities for abstract thinking, processing numerical and verbal information, understanding the principles of mechanics and a number of others.

  1. Verbal SHL tests

They allow you to determine how quickly the candidate perceives the text, understands logical connections and evaluates the proposed statements. There is a "catch" in these tests - the answer is " Not enough information" is often confused with the answer " False" Only a truly competent specialist can evaluate the difference.

  1. Numerical SHL tests

With their help, they test the candidate’s ability to “see” numbers - quickly solve fractions, search for the unknown, or determine percentages. Numerical tests measure a candidate's ability to understand graphical and tabular information.

  1. Logical SHL tests

They allow HR to determine the candidate’s ability to perceive unfamiliar information and make the right decision. Applicants who successfully pass the logic test usually have good analytical and abstract thinking and have an increased interest in learning.

  1. Use versatile tests in one set, this will allow you to determine Various types human thinking.
  2. Pay attention to whether the applicant notices subtle inscriptions in the task, use them to turn the entire course of the solution around.
  3. Assess the candidate’s ability to perceive a large amount of information, deliberately overload the text with data that is important to remember.
  4. Analyze how quickly fatigue accumulates and stupor sets in in a candidate’s work; to do this, increase the number of tasks.
  5. Can the test taker competently filter out unnecessary data that interferes with the search for a solution? Determine this parameter using a lot of extra data in the original problem statement.
  6. Use problems with complex logical connections when the correct answer requires building a long logical chain.
  7. Determine to what extent the candidate speaks specific vocabulary, design tests so that without knowledge of the terminology, many tasks will be incomprehensible.

Examples of SHL tests

Example of verbal SHL test

Initial condition:

IN summer period When full-time employees go on vacation, some organizations take on temporary work for students. At the same time of year, the workload in many companies increases, and the need for additional personnel arises. Temporary employment attracts students with the opportunity to acquire practical skills and get a job in this company after training. The company is also interested in the influx of new labor. She tries to interest students and motivate them to continue collaborating. Students are not entitled to sick leave or paid leave, but their work is paid in full.

Statement 1: Students hired for temporary work receive vacation pay in the form of additional payments to their salary.

Correct answer: False.

Statement 2: The work of staff members on leave may be performed by students.

Correct answer: Right.

Statement 3: The grievance and disciplinary process applies to students in the same way as to staff members.

Correct answer: Not enough information.

Example of a numerical SHL test

Task: “Working together, Tom, Harry and Dick will paint a 100-meter fence in 9 hours. Alone, Tom will paint the fence in 18 hours, and Harry - in 36. How long will it take Dick to paint the fence if Tom and Harry take a day off.”

Correct answer- 36 hours.

Logical SHL Test Example

The candidate is offered a sequence of drawings, one of them is missing. You need to choose the one you missed from the options below:

Correct answer: second drawing

There are a variety of combinations, and it can be difficult to find an addiction, especially in a short time. Often such tasks are solved intuitively by high-class specialists, which allows you to quickly identify the candidate you need.

How to analyze SHL test results

When analyzing the results of SHL tests, it is important to rely on the quality of the answers, rather than the quantity of answer data. For example, the first applicant filled out the answer columns for all 50 questions, but only 25 of them were correct. And the second candidate answered only 25 questions out of 50 and gave the correct answer to all of them. The result of the second candidate will be preferable and more valuable, since it eliminates the possibility of accidentally guessing the correct answer by simply checking a box in the test.

A question left unanswered in any test block should be regarded as incorrect. Analyze tests of future employees in terms of strengths and weaknesses. To do this, an HR specialist needs to clearly know what qualities a candidate for a particular position should have.

Verbal tests provide an opportunity to assess the speed of assimilation of textual information and the ability to think logically. When passing verbal test In addition to the correct answer, it is worth assessing the mastery of fast reading techniques and giving the candidate an additional plus for it.

When conducting abstract logical tests, it is necessary to analyze the ability of applicants to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information, usually presented in the form of abstract symbols.

It’s easy to find out what exactly is called a numerical information test, the network is full of all kinds of explanations and examples, and in short, these are the tasks for which you should use math skills. There is no need to worry about your abilities: the tasks are simple and correspond approximately to the level high school.

In the tasks you need to find:

  • interest;
  • shares;
  • relationship,


  • data analysis;
  • graphic interpretation.

Examples include graphs, tables, or histograms, and these conditions pose a challenge for some examinees. There is no purely textual information, as in ours school textbooks: “The train left somewhere, another train was meeting it, when will they meet?” The numerical aptitude test consists of graphical data and you need to prepare only from similar examples.

The point of testing using verbal and numerical tests is to understand how well challenger copes with logical math problems in conditions of time shortage. It is clear that every literate person will solve a simple example with percentages, give him 10-15 minutes, but when the counter counts down 60 seconds, or maybe less, the process of finding a solution is difficult.

Employers use numerical tests with answers to evaluate applicants, testing their skills in processing large amounts of numerical information under stressful conditions. With the help of tasks it becomes possible measure performance potential, understand whether the candidate is ready to solve complex issues and quickly analyze data already in the workplace.

Pass the Numeric Test Without Proficiency mathematical discipline it won’t work, but the level of knowledge does not have to be high; on the contrary, theoretical knowledge of higher mathematics will be of little help in solving problems. Examples developed by companies SHL or Talent Q, require other skills, including high reading speed and highlighting the main information. Most of the tasks are easier to solve in your head, occasionally using a calculator, and you won’t be able to guess the answers - the developers took care of this.

Of course, “techies”, graduates technical universities It’s easier to prepare and solve problems, but “humanitarians” are also capable of acquiring solving skills, they just have to practice.

It’s convenient to take numerical tests online; you can organize a suitable atmosphere, remove noise sources from the office or sit down with a laptop in your favorite cafe, but all these points will not guarantee successful completion. Only hundreds of solved problems and the use of mathematical expressions of this type will give experience that will become a skill over time.

There is no point in choosing an answer offhand; you need to solve the problem, after which it will be easy to mark the correct option. Typically, developers of numerical tasks give answers in small increments, that is, they are similar, differ by one or one hundredth, which does not allow one to count on luck.

The main advice is to practice, the more you work with numerical practice tests, the faster, more accurately and more confidently you will answer questions. Simple numerical tests are distributed free of charge on the Internet, they are easy to find, view, and solve, but such examples are suitable for informational purposes only. There will be problems with answers, but the level of these problems is low, and it will not be possible to gain sufficient solving skills with their help.

To count on high score, you should answer several hundred problems, and it is better to solve them under the most difficult conditions, for example, limiting the time not to a minute, but to 40-45 seconds. Numerical tests vary in complexity from company to company, and it is helpful to have some time to spare.